• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 5,369 Views, 225 Comments

The Hero: Cozy Glow...? - SoloBrony

Cozy Glow defends truth, justice, and the equestrian way, despite everyone trying to arrest her. It's mostly because she has brain damage.

  • ...

Odd bedfellows

The glowing red giant cackled and slammed a cloven hoof down, shaking all of Ponyville. Some of the burning buildings collapsed, but I held firm.

"You won't win, monster! Good always triumphs in the end!"

The red giant laughed – a deep, powerful sound – and leaned down.

"Good? Is that what you think you are?"

"Duhhhh, I'm a super hero!"

I blasted him in the face for getting so close, and he reeled back and grunted in frustration. I saw a massive energy blast charging between his curved horns, and formed an equally-giant cup to catch it in. I glanced and saw a blue alicorn to my side.

"Oh, hey, Luna. Little busy!"

I caught the giant's energy blast and turned it to a ball of lightning.

"Now you taste The Dashing Savior's Dragon Ball!"

I hurled it back at the giant, but he just swatted it aside like it was harmless. I stomped the ground in frustration.

"No fair! No fair at all!"

The giant yelled and swatted me with the back of his hand, and I went flying through a burning building, which had the effect of burning me, slamming me, and totally ruining my costume and hairdo. By the time I stopped skidding on the other side of Ponyville, all of the hair had been shorn from one of my legs.

And it hurt. Windigoes and seaponies, it hurt. Worst of all were my face and my hooves, though, which ached for some reason I couldn't remember. I staggered to my trembling hooves as the giant casually strolled up to me. His booming voice rang out another laugh.

"Only a little foal like you would think the world is fair. Nothing is fair, Quillon. The strong tread on the weak. And you... you are weak."

He lifted a hoof to slam down on me, demonstrating his point, but his words set me off.


I blasted his hoof back with everything I had, but this only managed to make him withdraw his foot and rock on his back legs. He chuckled dismissively.

"Yes, little one. It's a truth you once knew. You may have forgotten, but it is reality nonetheless. And..."

He leaned in, and I tried blasting him again, but I could only conjure sparks from my horn. I watched, terrified, as his red, ape-like face drew far too close for comfort.

"... No one could ever love you. Not for who you are. Ponies only want to be around those who show them what they want to see. It's just like I told you before. This super hero act of yours will only win them over as long as you keep it over; when you can't any longer, no one will be there for you. No one will ever love Quillon."


He smirked. "You can't even deny it. This is why love and friendship are weaknesses."


I glanced over at the source of the new voice, and saw Princess Luna had caught up with us. Her horn glowed, and the giant, Ponyville, all of it faded away. All that was left was me and her. I glanced at my disguise, only to find to my dismay that my costume had been torn to shreds; my coat had reverted to its off-white color, so she could see Quillon clearly.

Dangit! I keep blowing this whole secret identity thing!

Luna eyed me over quizzically. "Pray tell... who precisely are you, little one?"

I balked slightly. "Huh? Didn't you see me before, at Silver Shoals? I'm the Dashing Savior!"

She shook her head. "That's not what I meant. Tirek called you 'Quillon', is that right?"

I sighed. No point denying it. "Yeah, that's right."

"Quillon, you have odd nightmares. Why would a foal be dreaming of Tirek?"

"Nightmares...? Wait, all of this was—of course! It's just a dream! Phew! I thought I'd blown my cover with you!"

Luna cocked her head. "Your... cover?"

"Well yeah! I can't have everypony knowing I'm actually a super hero, duhh! Secret identity!"

Luna blinked a few times, screwing her face up in confusion. "I don't understand your meaning, but if you mean to say that you believe I am merely a part of your dream, I will have to disappoint you."

It was my turn to look confused. "What do you mean?"

"I am the Princess of the Night, and though I am otherwise retired, I still safeguard the dreams of ponies across Equestria. I have the power to come to you in your dreams, to protect you from nightmares."

"Oh. Well... that's... not ideal, but you can keep a secret, right?"

Luna smirked and shrugged. "I suppose? I don't understand why you would wish to hide your heroism, though, little one."

"Well, it's because there's actually some really nasty ponies after me..."

At this, Luna's demeanor became stern and serious. "What? Which ponies, why?"

"I don't know!"

It came out of me all at once, and I cursed my lack of self-control. Maybe being asleep made it harder to parse what I said?

Gotta watch myself...

I was hyperventilating and I realized I was on the verge of tears.

"I don't know what they want with me! They attacked me and I only barely escaped, and I've been hiding out ever since! I've tried to pick my life up where I think it left off otherwise, but I'm always looking over my shoulder! I have no idea what I'm doing here or where my family is, or, or..."

I actually threw up. As much as I hated myself for losing control before, now I was REALLY furious at myself. I even felt angry at Luna for bringing all of that out of me. There was a voice in the back of my head screaming to get ahold of myself; that I was letting Luna work me over instead of staying in control.

But I just didn't care. I'd almost been killed several times in the past few days, and as much as I tried to put it out my mind, there were ponies out there coming for me, and they were stronger than I was. I needed more power, or I wouldn't stand a chance. And it seemed like the whole world was falling apart, too!

Luna put a hoof on my withers, a look of sincere concern on her face. Just that simple look... there was something in there that told me she knew a little of what I was feeling. And that was comforting. She was about to speak when there was a rumble all around us, and I noticed for the first time we were standing in a starry void.

"It seems you are awakening, Quillon. Seek me out! We must speak more!"

With that, the dream ended, and I snapped awake, breathing hard and still aching from my battle.

Seek her out...?

I considered it. I really did.

No. She knows too much about me, and I don't know which side she's on. One of the other princesses tried to attack me, so who knows how deep this goes? Can I even trust Celestia? Will... Luna get dragged into the fight if I go near her? That would mean the heroic thing to do is keep her away, right?

I sat up in bed and turned it over in my mind, like a cube puzzle.

Is that why Rainbow Dash got hurt? Because I've been hanging around her?

Is Zecora next?

I glanced around the hut. Zecora wasn't anywhere to be seen, even though she should have been; the sun was setting, and that meant she should have been staying indoors to avoid the dangers of the forest.

Had she already been hurt? Did somepony take her?!

My head throbbed as it whirled with concerns and thoughts, but I managed to stagger out of bed and out of the door.

I wasn't sure what I should do or why I should be doing it, but I knew I couldn't just sit still.

Author's Note:

This entire plotline is a giant game of who-knows-what.