• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 5,369 Views, 225 Comments

The Hero: Cozy Glow...? - SoloBrony

Cozy Glow defends truth, justice, and the equestrian way, despite everyone trying to arrest her. It's mostly because she has brain damage.

  • ...

Epilogue (ish)

The next two weeks passed by in relative peace. There were a few more incidents I went out to deal with, but I spent most of my time with Luna. Sometimes we'd talk; I found out she had once caused a lot of trouble of her own, and it took her a long time to let it all go and become a new pony. I mostly wanted to push my past out of my mind as much as possible, but when I felt like I needed to discuss it, it was good to have a pony who understood.

Most of the time, we'd just enjoy each others' company, either in silence or engaging in the activities at Silver Shoals. I was shocked at how active those senior ponies really were, and they seemed to like having a foal hanging around.

I gathered that Luna had told Twilight where I was, but nopony ever came asking after me. I had some time to try to sort things out for myself. Some of my memories came back, gradually and subtly – I would see something and simply remember what it was, or some incident from my past, or I'd just be thinking about things and run across some memory I didn't realize I had.

I hated it when that happened. No matter what the memory was about, it was always through the lens of a malicious, manipulative pony. Luna could always tell when one had come up because she saw me throw myself into my training whenever it happened. That's usually when we'd have one of our talks.

I kept the new coat color and mane style permanently. Aside from making me harder to recognize, it helped remind me that I was playing a different role than I was before – that I could be somepony new.

I was outside working on a particularly tricky spell when Twilight, Dash, and Zecora showed up. They apparently wanted to see how I was doing for themselves.

There was also a purple mare I didn't recognize, who was introduced as Starlight Glimmer; apparently, we had even nastier history than I did with the others, but she seemed the happiest of the lot to see me improving. She promised I'd be seeing a lot more of her in the future, and even gave me a few tips on my magic; I actually needed them, because my magic was getting less powerful over time. Apparently, I had absorbed magic from some artifact, and as it wore off I'd need to learn to harness my own power without it as a crutch.

I guess I should have known super heroics wouldn't come that easy.

Twilight asked me what I planned to do with my future. In particular, she wanted to know if I planned to go back to her school. I barely remembered the place, but what little I did remember was the worst of what came to my mind; I was definitely in my darkest mindset there. I told her I wanted to stay as far from my old life as possible, and that seemed to put everyone at ease.

On the other hand, I needed to study more than magic. I figured that would be when they'd ship me off somewhere, but to my surprise, Twilight just left a sack of books with Luna. Apparently, it's fine if I stay here, at least for now. Dash made me promise to visit sometimes, but aside from that, it didn't seem like there were a lot of demands on me.

I suspect Luna had something to do with all of that, but I don't really know for sure.

Twilight admitted that nopony was entirely sure what to do with me. A villainous foal was unique enough already; one with amnesia who was engaging in heroics was outside of even her rehabilitation expertise. But, as long as I was determined to do better and stayed near ponies who cared about me, she said, she thought things would turn out for the best.

I think she's right. How hard can turning good be? I did it by accident, after all.

Celestia spent some time with me after they'd left. She commented that I was the quietest foal she knew.

I told her that was because I used to use words as weapons. There's a sincerity in silence. She seemed to think that was funny, for some reason, but I didn't press her for an explanation. Sometimes she oversees my magic training; maybe she misses teaching.

I wish I could remember my family, if I've even got one. I wish I hadn't screwed things up so badly before. I wish I knew why the powers of Harmony stripped me of my memory. There's a lot of things I wish for.

But I think I'll be okay.

And anycreature who tries stirring up trouble in Equestria is going to have to get through me, no matter what the Princesses say about it being reckless!

Author's Note:

Some kids are just impossible to control.

Sequel here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/457418/a-cozy-hearths-warming

Comments ( 51 )

Wooo (\]T[/)

The Golden Fluffle Puff award, huh? I'm honored

That was adorable. Plain and simple. I especially enjoyed her having to curb or redirect the villainous leanings to be more heroic. Feels like it could have been better developed and embellished detail wise but this was great for such a fun goofy plot hook.

It would've been interesting to see her old manipulativeness being used for good before she found out who she was. Then again, with the whole superhero thing, there aren't a lot of situations in which that would come up, so I'm not too broken up about it. This was a fun read.

See the fight against the chimera again ;)

That was a roller coaster. Good job.

well, this was a very fast paced story, apart from that I really liked this story!

also, congrats for the featured!

There was also a purple mare I didn't recognize, who was introduced as Starlight Glimmer; apparently, we had even nastier history than I did with the others, but she seemed the happiest of the lot to see me improving.

D'awww. Glim-glam is best-glam.

And anycreature who tries stirring up trouble in Equestria is going to have to get through me, no matter what the Princesses say about it being reckless!

This was a good fic. Fast, short, and maybe more could be done, but damn, was what we got pretty solid, and it certainly never got boring or wasted a moment. I was not expecting to get kicked straight in the goddamn soul, but hey, you wrote it, so I only have myself to blame.

Good on you for writing this you crazy bastard.

I write silly oneshots the way Alucard from Hellsing Abridged goes for walks.


... You know? Fair.

This story was overall a joy to read. The comedy was good and the later drama with Cozy finding out who she is with the potential reasoning for her past actions also being great. Cozy herself was wonderfully well in-character, which is imperessive considering her amnesia. The pace was super quick, but enjoyable. This is definately a fic I'll be rereading probably multiple times in the future. Considering the sheer speed at which this story was being updated its pretty impressive how high quality it is.

I really enjoyed this story, you managed to create, in less than 24 hours, something that made me hitting refresh button every 10 minutes for more. I rate it Cozy/10, would Golly again. Looking forward to see new stories from you, either about Cozy or other poners.

I'm very glad you enjoyed it. It started off as a goofy premise I found laughable in itself, and I decided to ride it through to a logical conclusion. I wasn't sure if it would all come off.

As for the speed, I just kept forcing myself to start the next chapter as soon as the previous one was finished, taking it one step at a time. I didn't really write it fast deliberately beyond that.

Gee willikers, you oughta check out my Librarian Twilight series. :P

The chimera's rather gullible anyway. That felt more like normal trickery, not Cozy Glow-level trickery.

I have found myself in the peculiar situation of wanting a sequel to this, but not knowing what I want that sequel to be about.

You are an amazing writer.

I've given some thought to a sequel. If I write it, it would likely be named something along the lines of 'Studies and Superheroics', and focus on... well, that. There's actually a lot more I can write about regarding Cozy Glow after this story, like her interacting with the changelings (arguably an entire race of reformed villains, more or less) or trying to find out about her original family. I was hesitant to dig into that stuff in this story because it would involve filling in a lot more gaps left by the actual show, though. Lot of fanon.


I'll consider it, then! I've got a few unfinished projects, so I'm settling on what to tackle next.

I would like one too. It was a really nice and fun story, and like you said, there is still so much to write about with Cozy, both about her past and her future, and maybe even her struggle as she regains her memories. And, well, I just want to continue to follow the adventures of Cozy Glow/Quillon the superhero, because the idea is both weird and awesome :rainbowlaugh: (and also because I love stories were somepony becomes a superhero).

Oh my. Even more support for a sequel.

I'll have to give some thought to what the main angle of it will be if I decide to tackle that now. We'll see where it goes.

Take your time. :twilightsmile:

I refuse.

Enjoy the sequel!

Golly again!

Y'all wanted more development, right? Watch what you wish for!

Prologue: 😂
Epilogue: 😭

I enjoyed it. As Ny said it never got boring, it hit a variety of emotional notes in ways that harmonized with each other. In doing so it read like a really good super hero story. It also explored psychopathy and heroism in ways that were both interesting and really funny. And it was hilarious to see the Mane 6 cast as the villains (Twilight does it a little too well).

Moral of the story. Smack ‘em bad guys on the head. They might become good. The Ahnd.

I told her that was because I used to use words as weapons. There's a sincerity in silence.

That was quite a profound and philosophical statement. I like how Luna is the one watching Cozy Glow and can relate to her based on her own experience in dealing with moving on from a villainous past. I also like how Cozy is making a conscious effort to avoid her past life.

For a story that was apparently written over the span of a day or two, this did not feel like it was rushed at all. Also, even though I liked the direction they went with things in the S9 finale, this has become my head canon for how Cozy Glow could have finally learned about friendship and being a good pony. And you've somehow turned my personal favorite villain into one of my favorite heroes in MLP. Awesome story! 10/10

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I wrote it as a sort of Christmas gift to FIMFiction.net. As it went by I became more engrossed in a premise originally chosen for its humorous absurdity. I guess it just goes to show, it's really more about delivery and design than premise (more about, but not exclusively about, heh).

I think you're one of the first big Cozy fans to read the story and comment on it. My biggest concern with the premise originally was keeping her unique voice and behavior intact while having her turn into a super hero; I didn't want her to just be a totally different person all of a sudden. I think that consistent effort is really what made the whole thing work.


still haven't catch up on the series up to that point but i was probably wrong here. Now that i have some more perspective on my comments i realize it was wrong to paint her with that brush just because i could see her tormenting a small animal. That is narrow-minded in and of itself. Also it's wrong of me to judge her character after only seeing clips of her cause i honestly haven' sat down this show in a long time (which i an remedying as we speak). As i said before my knowledge of psychology is limited and i was wrong and a dumbass.

Don't call yourself a dumbass. You started this discussion off with a question, always clarified your lack of expertise and what you were stating as opinion rather than fact, and generally kept things in the form of an inquiry. The only way anyone can learn these things is by asking questions, so I don't see that you did anything wrong.

I'll unpack two things Gnosego said for you, because they're both useful for what you were asking about. The first is that he mentioned the dark triad; that's Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. They're essentially the combo package that usually motivates extreme antisocial behavior. The simple version is, to be evil, most people generally need to:

1: Not have empathy for others (Psychopathy), or their conscience would interfere with wrongdoing
2: Value themselves above others and focus on their own needs, usually to extreme degrees (Narcissism)
3: Use or harm others to get what they want (Machiavellianism)

Basically, narcissism usually serves as the motivation, machiavellianism is the means, and psychopathy describes the lack of restraint that makes it possible. Cozy Glow does embody these three traits to varying degrees in the show, though to answer your original query as to whether she's a psychopath, it's not entirely clear; her ability to manipulate others seems at least partially rooted in empathy for them, and some of her behavior wouldn't make sense if she had no capacity for empathy at all, but she's definitely not guided by it. These things aren't exactly binary; most people aren't 100% without remorse/empathy or 100% empathetic with no grey-area. I'd say she's more psychopathic than, say, Discord, but not as much as Sombra (whose only capacity for emotional connection with others seemed to be taking joy from their suffering).

Okay, the other thing he brought up was an 'appeal to nihilism', and he said it was a weak argument. He is correct, but perhaps you thought he was trying to disparage you personally; in fact he was attacking the form of your argument to help you understand a problem. Basically, by saying 'anyone can take whatever they want from fiction', rather than proving your point correct, you actually undermine the entire premise for the argument in the first place (thus destroying your own point about the character and making your initial question irrelevant). Appealing to nihilism is basically any time someone says something along the lines of, 'it's all subjective' or 'there is no absolute truth' to dismiss an argument, and as Gnosego points out, it's generally very weak (there are some instances where something truly is entirely subjective, but people usually recognize that inherently and don't argue about it in the first place).

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the story!


always thought nihilism was just being really negative.

Still Admit i should have watched the show us to that point so i lonel what i was talking about. You can't and shouldn't judge something from wikipedia descriptions and its a mindset i have that ive only recently grown out of.

Glad to hear it.

What can change the nature of a pony?

Reforming Cozy Glow is becoming one of my favorite subgenres on the site because of the challenge involved in making it believable. And this did an outstanding job on that front. A brilliant blend of drama and memes. Thank you for it.

You want believable? Check out The Mirror. Whoof.

Ya know I had a theory that maybe Cozy Glow had drained all the magic from Equestria to get sent to Tartarus and join Tirek so she could stop Grogar, having learned from the tree of harmony that he would return. That would have been a much better twist than Discord being Grogar, she could have redeemed Tirek and Chrysalis. I've added this to my reading list for later.

I suspect Luna had something to do with all of that, but I don't really know for sure.


a fadt paced, well written story. good job!

I only have one complaint: this last chapter happened too fast. This could have been drawn out a bit more, with a few more scenes showing how she adjusted to the change in knowing who she was and all the other nonsense. As it is, it seems that the moment this chapter begins we start rushing more than we were rushing previously (and this was already a fast-paced story)

That is my one complaint.

Everything else about this is absolutely gold. From Cozy's childish thoughts to her superhorine antics to the JOJO REFERENCES this was a brilliant, antic-filled character study and I loved virtually every minute of it.

Could the writing perhaps have been more detailed and less punchy? Probably. Not calling this a paragon of literature. But sometimes all you need is something a little meaningful that you'll enjoy in your life.

Now, onto the sequel-squeakwel


All right, this was pretty damned good. You've done more better with Cozy Glow than the show did. You made me like her. You did it while keeping her Cozy Glow. And by the end I hated that little waste of a cipher. So excellent job all-around!

After reading the story twice, I can safely feel comfortable saying that Quillon is really A Hero. And that she is in need of a fitting theme song... and we all know the theme perfect for her...


Delightfully enjoyable!

Read it. Loved it. Favorite it.

Glad you enjoyed it. Hope the sequels also strike your fancy.

I kept the new coat color and mane style permanently. Aside from making me harder to recognize, it helped remind me that I was playing a different role than I was before – that I could be somepony new.

I suspect that most psychologists working with ex-criminals would approve?

There was also a purple mare I didn't recognize, who was introduced as Starlight Glimmer; apparently, we had even nastier history than I did with the others, but she seemed the happiest of the lot to see me improving. She promised I'd be seeing a lot more of her in the future,

So are meetings for the reformed villains weekly, monthly, or do they just have a get-together once a year?

and even gave me a few tips on my magic; I actually needed them, because my magic was getting less powerful over time. Apparently, I had absorbed magic from some artifact, and as it wore off I'd need to learn to harness my own power without it as a crutch.

And here we set things up for future Adventures (as opposed to the Slice of Life aspects ) to be a team thing without her overshadowing everyone else... or at least make the audience feel like she is earning her power... Will she lose her wings and horn? Or is she just dropping to a lower ranking among the alicorns?

I think she's right. How hard can turning good be? I did it by accident, after all.

With that attitude her backsliding (if it happens) will be tiny, but perhaps frequent. Still in a setting with Dash and Rarity in it(more specifically: their flaws), this shouldn't be too problematic.

Comment posted by Draco Dei deleted Jun 5th, 2020

This was amazing, good stuff yo! :pinkiehappy:

Solid 8/10 great story only marred by having the epilogue be a smidge too fast.

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