• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 1,073 Views, 7 Comments

A Pegasus Promise - Waterwindearthfire

In a tragedy's aftermath, Fluttershy will take on her to honor a promise she made to a dear friend.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - The Journey Begins

But then the mind much sufferance doth o'erskip
When grief hath mates and bearing fellowship.
- William Shakespeare, unicorn -

“Fluttershy, my dear, are you feeling alright?” Rarity asked, alarmed by the words of the mud-covered pegasus. “You simply can't perform a sonic rainboom! It's impossible!”


Rarity had just finished closing the cap on one of her bottles of fragrant oils. An aroma of vanilla escaped upwards from the hot bath she had prepared for Fluttershy, as the feeble light of the candles coaxed the room into a relaxing setting.

She allowed herself a long, slow, warm sniff. A simple taste of what awaited her blessed guest.


Rarity flinched, jumped and turned around in fright.

Fluttershy had burst into the room, shaking, dripping and dirty, a puddle of water growing at her feet, her precious black dress stained with mud.

Horrified, Rarity had to steel herself just so as not to faint in front of her protégée's horrendous appearance.

Luxury having become a necessity, Rarity ordered the pegasus to enter the bathtub to remove all the dirt that stained her coat and mane. Then she immediately retrieved the dress and put it in the wash, as quickly as possible, while Fluttershy, frozen to the bones, carried out Rarity's order, her lips blued by the cold rain.

Once assured that the dress had been saved, Rarity returned to Fluttershy’s side, gracefully waving an elegant fan to enjoy a gentle cool breeze through the bathtub steam. Behind the two ponies, a mop was magically working to remove the puddles of mud smearing the floor.

It was under Rarity’s benevolent gaze that a feverish Fluttershy, well immersed in hot water, explained the promise she had made to her friend thirty minutes ago on top of the rainy hill.

Rarity had silently listened, although everything in her posture evoked her concern and abnegation about the project Fluttershy had in mind. And, once Fluttershy’s story was over, Rarity had placed her fan on a nearby table and put her hoof on Fluttershy's forehead to take her temperature.

As Rarity thought, the pegasus had a burning fever. This did not surprise her, Fluttershy was still very fragile and the torrent pouring out of the sky on that evening must have finished breaking what remained of her immune resistance.

Fluttershy was in a state of delirium, which was the cause of her excitement and confused thoughts.

So Rarity walked across the room towards her pharmacy and came back near Fluttershy shaking a small bottle. She made Fluttershy swallow two tablets and then applied a fresh cloth to her forehead. Rarity hoped that the water’s vapor, the wet cloth and the medication would help reduce Fluttershy’s fever.

Then Rarity expressed her concerns about Fluttershy's health and her project.


Rarity had spent the last half hour trying to reason, without success, with Fluttershy who was convinced of the validity of her promise.

“My dear Fluttershy,” she said, lovingly washing Fluttershy’s mane. “Although I find your intentions praiseworthy, I still think that it’s impossible for you to perform a sonic rainboom. It was Rainbow's specialty after all. Furthermore, your wing has not recovered yet...”

“I will succeed Rarity... I made a promise to Rainbow... and I must keep it,” Fluttershy replied, more and more drowsy as the effect of the bath’s heat started to add to her fever.

“Fluttershy dear, when you say "promise", you can't possibly mean a... a...”

“A feather promise... Yes, that's what I meant.”

“Oh Fluttershy, I really don't...”

She stopped to think, silent, uncertain.

The unicorn was facing a dilemma. An inner struggle between two important choices.

On one hoof, Fluttershy looked as if she had found comfort in her promise, something necessary for her morale and emotional balance. And Rarity could not wish for something better as she was just recently looking for ways to rekindle the spark of life in her protégée’s heart. The fervor with which Fluttershy had explained her intentions left no doubt, her heart was full of hope.

On the other hoof, this whole sonic rainboom project seemed quite dangerous and Rarity was not keen on exposing Fluttershy to new dangerous and possibly destructive situations. She was concerned about the consequences and risks that might befall Fluttershy if she decided to follow that path.

Rarity had to choose which side she would support.

I have to think this through...


When Fluttershy was washed of all the mud that covered her, Rarity led her back into the bedroom, still haunted by her doubts.

Fluttershy fell asleep as soon as she put her head on the pillow. Her delicate coat had been washed of all the mud, and her fever had subsided.

Even after making sure of that, Rarity couldn’t sleep. She stayed next to Fluttershy, laying on the other side of that comfortable bed thinking until very late.

I don’t like this one bit, Fluttershy should focus on getting better. This is no time to put herself at risk. Don’t you see Fluttershy? Don’t you see all the obstacles on the path you chose?

And that promise! Dear Celestia, that promise! You can’t do a sonic rainboom Fluttershy! We don’t even know if you’ll be able to fly again!

Rarity sighed.

I can try to take some of the burden Rainbow’s death put on you, darling, but I’m not sure I can take the burden you put on yourself.

And I don’t want to see you fail. I don’t want you to put too much effort into something so futile just to get hurt in the end.

No, I can’t let this happen. I need to stop you from doing this. Tomorrow, once you wake up, we’re going to talk about your promise.

Surely there’s a way to take it back, yes?

Sleeping peacefully in bed, Fluttershy leaned tenderly against Rarity. Her cheeks were still red, but she looked slightly less feverish as she was dreaming of her future exploits. Her regular and serene breath caressed Rarity’s coat.

Rarity, charmed, moved a strand of hair that hung over Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy was dreaming of wonderful things, Rarity was happy to see, for a fleeting smile lit up her protégée's face for a few seconds.

And that was it.

That smile right there.

Oh… Fluttershy... Why did you smile? Why now when I finally decided to stop you?

Are you really set on making this happen Fluttershy? And me? Am I to extinguish, to crush that hope you have? Am I to send you back into despair?

Did you tell me all about your promise because you were looking for my support? My approval?

Rarity pouted.

You had to smile… You know I can’t win against that. I don’t want to be the one that steals your hopes and dreams. I can’t be… I won’t be! I want to see you succeed. I want you to fly! But I’m just not sure if this is the way to do it…

I have to find a way…

There must be another way...

Rarity glanced one last time at Fluttershy. She looked so peaceful, so serene. She was so...

Okay! Okay! You win! I will allow you to try doing a sonic rainboom. But I will set the rules!

Rarity finally made her choice.

She was going to help Fluttershy with her project, to the best of her ability.

“My beautiful Fluttershy,” Rarity whispered to avoid waking up the pegasus. “Be careful, you still seem so very fragile...”


The next day, Fluttershy’s fever had mostly receded. She still remembered her promise as well as Rarity’s uncertainty about it.

She needed to talk to her. She had to try to convince her somehow. She had to…

She sighed.

No... this isn’t about her... not really. It’s about me… I need her support. I need someone on my side… I… I need someone to believe in me.

Fluttershy naturally walked towards the workshop. And there she was, sewing a dress with a little frown of concentration on her face.

“Rarity?” asked Fluttershy over the sound of the sewing machine.

“Yes, dear?”

“I would like to…”

Fluttershy stopped when she saw Rarity. She almost didn’t see the bags under Rarity’s eyes that she tried to conceal with make-up. Almost.

Rarity was tired from a restless sleep and yet, she was still hard at work this early in the morning. Fluttershy was amazed by Rarity’s dedication.

“I’m sorry Rarity, is this a bad time? I can come back if you…”

“No, no. I’m fine darling. I could use a break. What can I do for you?”

“I… I would like to talk to you about... my promise.”

“Ah… I see... I also had to talk to you about it. I… I thought about it mostly all night. I still don’t like the idea of you trying to do a sonic rainboom...”

Fluttershy opened her mouth. Rarity stopped her before she could protest.

But... I’ll let you do what you think is right. I would rather have you full of optimism rather than sadness. If your promise helps you heal and find a new purpose in life, I won’t try to stop you. As long as, and this is very important Fluttershy, as long as you promise you will not put yourself in any sort of danger. Am I clear?”

“Yes! Yes! Rarity, I promise I won’t do anything that can hurt me! Oh thank you, Rarity!”

Fluttershy carefully embraced Rarity.

“I needed you to be okay with this Rarity, I… I really needed that. Thank you so much”

“Remember our promise Fluttershy, do that and I will forever support you”

Fluttershy started giggling.

“I like the sound of that.”

Then Fluttershy went upstairs, toward the bedroom’s window. She had another friend to ask for support.

She looked at the sun shining in the sky, already way above the trees.

“Hum...Hi... Rainbow, please give me the strength to succeed in making a sonic rainboom in your honor. I beg you... if you are okay with this... of course.”

Enjoying the caress of the sunshine, Fluttershy closed her eyes. She hoped that her friend had heard her prayer.

At that moment, Rarity melodiously called Fluttershy’s name from the first floor.

Fluttershy opened her eyes wide and, with one last begging look towards the sun, she left the room to join Rarity.


The next day began Fluttershy’s journey.

A major task awaited her.

From that morning on, she had twelve months to heal her wing, rehabilitate herself to fly and learn how to make a sonic rainbow. An almost impossible project. But she had to succeed, her promise had become the most important thing.

A new conviction in her project had taken hold in her since Rarity told her she would support her. For the first time since Rainbow’s death, Fluttershy had a purpose, a mission and nothing in the world would prevent her from keeping her word.

I even tore off one of my feathers when I made that promise. I can't go back now, Fluttershy recalled.


The first month, for she couldn't risk flying because of her broken bones, Fluttershy spent her free time doing various activities.

She regularly took long walks in the cool spring breeze, sometimes accompanied by Rarity, when she had no projects to work on. Her escapades often led her under Rainbow's cloud house, abandoned and sadly floating in the sky.

Fluttershy still had trouble coping with her friend's sudden disappearance.

She always expected to find Rainbow on a scattered cloud sleeping peacefully or hidden in a grove ready to frighten her as she so loved to do. Eventually, the harsh reality would hit Fluttershy with a sharp abruptness. The blue pegasus would not return, she was dead, buried under loose soil on top of an anonymous hill.

And all because of me... often said Fluttershy to herself, consumed with remorse.


This day had begun like many others.

Fluttershy was at her cottage.

She sighed as she looked at the fragile dried plants on her table, the very one that Rainbow and she went to fetch in Everfree. They had cost her far too much.

Applejack had retrieved the basket the night of the tragedy and brought it to her cottage while she was stuck in Ponyville’s hospital. Once she got out, it took another week before she could brace herself to even touch them. She felt nauseous just looking at them.

But eventually, she had to do it for the sake of her critters.

Manipulating the plant wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. They didn’t cause her any harm other than making her remember her loss. She could work with that. She just had to take a few pauses to cry or to deal with some sudden anger.

After one week, she had collected the magic juice of each bright plant.

She had placed the herbs on her dining table and left them to dry, so she could later use them like tea leaves. Once dry, she would simply need to infuse them in a steaming cup of chamomile and honey.

She could make a delicious medicinal drink that could cure many ailments.

And today, they were finally ready to be cut and put into jars.

But Fluttershy’s heart was just not into it.

In another sudden outburst of anger toward the Timberwolves she thought of shredding the precious plants, to throw them into a fire and watch them burn. But this would have overruled their efforts, of Rainbow and herself, to harvest them. And that would have been an insult to her best friend's sacrifice.

Her element of kindness, fortunately, preserved her from the torment of resentment and fury. She took three deep breaths. This helped her not to engage further on the path of resentment. Being resentful and bitter was unnatural for her. And, despite her pain, she knew she was unable to live on from hatred and revenge.

She picked up everything she needed. A knife and lots of jars, and began her task.


One hour later, Fluttershy was done.

She had enough leaves to go through all the winter. Maybe even more, if luck was on her side.

This left Fluttershy with a lot of free time for the rest of the day. She went to check on her animal and found that Applejack, once again, had done an exceptional job in caring for her animals.

Fluttershy knew she could count on Applejack to do the heavy work that she currently wasn’t able to manage because of her injuries. She was always happy to lend a hoof to help Fluttershy do her chores.

Together, busy working hard on the various tasks, that ranged from repairing the henhouse to treating an animal's disease, they both managed, temporarily, to forget their respective sadness.

Thanks to Applejack and Rarity, Fluttershy started to open up to the world again, at her slow pace.

She had begun to reconnect with some of the people around her, still as timidly as before, however.

Lost in thoughts about her personal progress since the beginning of the month, Fluttershy did not immediately feel the repeated patting on her leg.

The thumps became more insistent and Fluttershy finally looked down at the little ball of white fur overflowing with energy at her feet.

“Angel!” Fluttershy sweetly called out as she held the rabbit in her arms. “I’m very happy to see you too. I missed you since my last visit.”

Regretfully, she had to hastily put back the rabbit on the ground due to a slight pain in her side, reminding her of her recent wounds.

Around Fluttershy, all the animals of the cottage gathered, eager for caresses and little attention from their mistress who did not hesitate to cuddle them with a timid smile, tinged with sadness but sincere.

Angel, with loud noise and big movements, pointed towards Fluttershy’s twisted and scarred wing, trying to make her understand his message. Fluttershy immediately understood his question and answered it.

“Yes, Angel, my wing feels a little better. It still hurts but thanks to Red Heart's exercises the pain is more... bearable and I can move it now. Soon, I will be able to fly once again... and fulfill my promise to Rainbow.”

Of course, she didn't know when and if she could fly again, but she refused to give up hope. Only Rarity, her intimate confidant, was aware of her doubts and fears. For all her other friends and animals she displayed a confident mask, a fragile mask that often broke in the unicorn's arms at night when the pegasus woke up after a horrible nightmare.

Fluttershy recalled the feeling of joy that momentarily warmed her heart when Pinkie told her she was fully on board with her project. Without any surprise, she had joyfully expressed her agreement, already talking about the ceremony she would create that day for Fluttershy.

What did surprise her were the confetti and the party hat she pulled out of her mane. A "Pinkie Pie, party planner for the celebration of Fluttershy’s sonic rainboom" party hat.

How did she know about Fluttershy’s promise, it was anypony’s guess.

Then there was Applejack and Twilight. Fluttershy had quickly become disillusioned when the time came to announce the same news to her two friends who had greeted her announcement with greater resistance.

Applejack, true to her element of honesty, strongly opposed Fluttershy’s idea. She considered, like Rarity, that the project was too risky to be attempted. The tone of her voice showed her concern about Fluttershy's fate, the only remaining pegasus of their small group.

Twilight, for her part, had given the pegasus a series of statistics mentioning the improbability of carrying out her promise to the end, even reminding her of the words she had said to her a month earlier at Ponyville’s hospital.

Faced with their negative reaction, Fluttershy felt something build up in her chest. An emotion she was not expecting.

Anger? No.

Motivation? That’s new...

She was welcoming the challenge. Her friends were doubting her? She would show them! Fluttershy’s heartbeat went up, she felt her confidence rising, she felt strong.

She started speaking and vehemently defended her promise with a courage she was not known for.

In the end, they didn’t argue, not really. Twilight and Applejack simply forfeited and agreed to give Fluttershy a chance to prove them wrong.

Now, all that is left to do is to succeed, Fluttershy thought.


Every evening since the beginning of the month, Fluttershy had to reassure her animals that she would return soon. They missed Fluttershy as much as she was missing them.

She visited them almost every day but as she no longer lived among them, they all felt her absence. And she would no longer live with them until she had recovered from her grief. She had promised it to Rarity and she intended to keep her promise, despite the difficulty of keeping her word.

After a few caresses and a last friendly greeting to all her animals, especially Angel, Fluttershy set off towards Carousel Boutique.

These last few days, Fluttershy had been helping Rarity a lot with the daily tasks in order to thank her for the treasures of generosity that she displayed to make her stay in her shop more welcoming.

Fluttershy helped Rarity with dinner, washing and cleaning, or any simple tasks that would not hurt her wing. And since Rarity was often busy creating various orders for some prestigious Canterlot ponies, all the help Fluttershy could give her was welcome and very much appreciated.


As she entered Carousel Boutique, Fluttershy naturally directed her steps towards the workshop, as quietly as possible.

As she suspected, Rarity was leaning over her work table, busy completing an important order, hat and stage dress for one of her clients.

The whole ensemble was pretty and would make its owner very happy, Fluttershy had no doubt about it, but she clearly preferred hers.

Back on the ponyquin in the shop, Fluttershy's black dress was as beautiful as ever. She reigned as the masterpiece of the room, a true jewel of design. It was Fluttershy and Rarity's favorite dress and they never got tired of the flaming glitter of precious crystals on the train.

Fluttershy spoke as gently as she could, almost with regret for disturbing the unicorn's concentration.

“Hum... Rarity,”

“Hmm?” Rarity replied distractedly, before looking up from her textile patron. “What is it dear?”

“I... I'm going to start dinner's preparation. But...after the dishes... could... could we go...I mean... If it's okay with you... I would really like to...” stammered Fluttershy.

“Of course dear. We’ll go see her.”

Fluttershy nodded happily. She began to withdraw towards the kitchen and then stopped on the doorstep to turn back towards Rarity who was looking at her, an interrogating look clearly visible on her features.

“Thank you Rarity,”

A slight smile came to paint Rarity’s face.

You're very welcome, my dear Fluttershy.

“Oh, Fluttershy! Before you go away, tell me how was your day?”

“It was... fine. I’m finally done drying the plants, I have plenty of them so I cut them and put them in jars. I have plenty enough for my animal and even more. So if you get sick this winter, I’ll brew you something.”

“I’m glad to hear that darling, I just hope we will not have to resort to this. And what about your animals? I think I recall you saying something about the chicken coop.”

“Oh yes! The chicken coop needed new fences but it seems Applejack already took care of this. I’ll have to thank her for that. It must have been so heavy all by herself.”

“We should pay a visit to Applejack soon. You could thank her and I could get us a basket of apples. We could cook an apple pie.”

“That’s a very nice idea, Rarity. Maybe we can go later this week?”

Fluttershy smiled.

It was part of Rarity’s routine. She was always asking about her day whenever she didn’t get to spend time with her. It was Rarity’s way to connect, to bond with her. And it was nice for Fluttershy to confide in her.

Rarity was the one Fluttershy always went to whenever a problem arose. She has been there for her since the day of the tragedy, taking care of her, soothing her. Rarity had made herself a special place in Fluttershy’s life.

That’s comforting to see Rarity’s interest in me, I kind of like it, Fluttershy thought, feeling a nice warmth spread in her body. I hope we’ll keep bonding like that.


They went to visit Rainbow’s grave after dinner, an almost daily custom between the two of them.

Rarity understood all too well Fluttershy's need to visit their friend's grave. She gladly accompanied Fluttershy whenever her work allowed her a short break.

“I have to say, dear, I am pleased with your recovery, The scars and bruises on your flank are healing quite well”

“Yes… They’re almost gone... but it’s still painful. Not too much but it will stay sore... Nurse Redheart says it’s gonna be like that for a while.”

“I was afraid of that as well, but I can assure you that you’re already in better shape than a month ago. Getting you out of the hospital was the best solution.”

“I feel the same way. And I have to thank you for this. You did so much for me, to make me feel comfortable. Carousel Boutique really is the best place to help me recover, so thank you Rarity.”

Rarity smiled.

“You say that now, but it’s only because I managed to keep Sweetie Belle away for a time. Wait until she gets back then you’ll see the dark side of Carousel Boutique,” teased Rarity, making Fluttershy smile in turn.

“I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”

As night preyed upon them, They arrived in sight of Rainbow's tomb. A chilling breeze blew a few leaves around them, a cold shiver ran through Fluttershy's limbs.

“And... here we are dear. I’ll let you go first. Take all the time you need, I’ll be right here”

“...Thanks... Rarity”

Fluttershy made her way to the top of the hill.

Rainbow’s carved bust was waiting for her. Looking at her with fierce, brave eyes of cold stone, so different from the lively magenta of Rainbow’s eyes.

“Hi Rainbow… It’s me.”


Rarity always waited until Fluttershy came down sadly, heartbroken, sometimes crying.

This time was no different. After an hour or so, Fluttershy came back, sobbing. She took some time to console Fluttershy, grabbing her in a tender embrace until Fluttershy felt better.

Then she climbed up the hill to say a little prayer at Rainbow's grave.

They went back to Carousel Boutique with a lighter heart.

This routine, which they had started a month earlier, was a great source of comfort for Fluttershy. It was making her feel a little better every day. She was still very sad, but the wound in her heart was finally starting to heal.


“Yes! Right – mmmh – right there Rarity! It feels so – W...Wow! – please don’t stop.”

“I... I feel it too Fluttershy. Sweet Celestia, you are so stiff.”

Rarity’s cheeks were beet red. Good thing Fluttershy could not see her face right now.

She felt Fluttershy’s soft body melt under her hooves. Was her wing massage that good? Another moan from Fluttershy gave her the answer.

I never heard Fluttershy moan like that. it’s so... A... Anyway! I should really thank Aloe and Lotus for the tips. It really helps.

Rarity smiled.

She was doing it! She was helping Fluttershy getting better, in her own way. And as such, Fluttershy’s moans were her rewards. Nice, sincere, hot...

Rarity took a deep breath to steady herself. What am I thinking? Take a grip girl!

She needed a distraction.

“How’s the pain Fluttershy?”

“It’s almost gone. Thank you Rarity.”

“My pleasure, dear. But I can’t help to think that four flying sessions a week might be too much. It only has been three months since your accident. Don’t you think you are rushing this? Maybe you could switch to two sessions a week? That way, your wing might be less sore.”

“I trust Redheart’s judgment, Rarity. She thinks I can handle that much. I... I believe it too. I can deal with the pain. It’s already less painful than my first session. And... you always take good care of me after.”

Oh, you little minx! Aaaaand I’m back with the burning cheeks. It’s really getting hot in here...

Rarity magically opened one of her bedroom windows. Gratefully accepting the wind’s caress on her face.

She took a deep breath.

“So Fluttershy, have you succeeded? Did you fly?”

Fluttershy shook her head.

“No... I did hop and mayyybe glide a little but I didn’t fly... yet.”

Optimism is a good sign.

Rarity smiled.

“Well Fluttershy, whatever happens, I believe in you.”


With four training sessions a week under Redheart's constant supervision, Fluttershy regained enough strength and vigor to perform her first miracle, early in the third month following Rainbow’s funeral.

On a beautiful late spring afternoon, Fluttershy, in the middle of one of her rehabilitation sessions, managed to stay in flight for a dozen seconds before touching down. The pain in her wing was sharp but it was her own surprise that put an end to her movement.

In astonishment, she looked at her wing, not daring to believe what had just happened. Then her attention was distracted by an ecstatic cry of joy.

Rarity, who had taken advantage of a break between her many orders to come and cheer on Fluttershy, was the first to throw herself into her friend's arms, crying.

“Fluttershy, my dear Fluttershy! You have succeeded! You can fly again! It's a miracle! Oh Fluttershy, I am so proud of you!”

Redhearth looked at Fluttershy's wing from all its angles, nodding with satisfaction and allowing herself a wink and a smile towards the pegasus.

“Miss Fluttershy, I think it's safe to assume that you have just beaten all our forecasts. Congratulations, you will definitely be able to fly again, and sooner than we thought.”

Tears of joy ran down Fluttershy’s face. She smiled at the two ponies in front of her. A smile worthy of the one she had before the incident. A wonderful smile promising better days.

Rarity burst into tears when she saw Fluttershy's happy face. The miracle she had been waiting for such a long time had arrived, the spark of happiness in Fluttershy's heart had reignited.

“Fluttershy! We must celebrate this success! I’ll tell the girls, I’m sure they can spare a moment of their time and gather for a toast to your recovery! And… and...Oh!”

Rarity suddenly stopped mid-sentence to gaze at Fluttershy.

”I’m so sorry Fluttershy! Where are my manners? I should have asked… Are you free tonight?”

Fluttershy giggled

“Yes. Yes Rarity, I am free. I just need to drop by my cottage but I’ll go straight home once I’m done.”

Rarity gasped in shock.

“ Fluttershy! What did you just say?… Home? You… You just… It’s the first time I hear you call the shop home!”

“I… I guess I did? I’m sorry Rarity, don’t be mad. It’s just that with all that happened… Carousel Boutique does feel a little bit...like home.”

Rarity was beaming

“Mad? How can I be mad Fluttershy, I’m so happy that you feel this way. I don’t want you to feel any other way about it. Carousel Boutique is your home as long as you desire it to be.”

It was Rarity’s turn to giggle.

“Then It. Is. On! I’ll wait for you at home. You, me and the girl will have the best of nights!”


News of Fluttershy's recovery quickly spread around Ponyville and, at the end of the day, once Fluttershy finally made it to Carousel Boutique, Applejack, Pinkie and Twilight came to congratulate her.

Fluttershy gladly hugged them all.

Applejack removed her hat

“Fluttershy, Ah’m sorry. It seems Ah was wrong when Ah told ya you shouldn’t try to do a sonic rainboom. Ah feel like you wouldn’t have done what ya did today if ya had listened to me. So... yeah. Ah’m truly sorry.”

“I know you were concerned for my well-being Applejack, so there’s no need to apologize. I already promise to Rarity that I will be cautious when I’ll train for my sonic rainboom,” Fluttershy said.

“You… you have my support from now on sugarcube.”

“Thanks, Applejack. It means a lot to me,” replied Fluttershy.

“Stop moping around girls!“ exclaimed Pinkie. “We’re here to PAAAARTY!”

“I concur, darling,“ Rarity intervened. “And I think we should all have a toast in honor of our dearest Fluttershy. Oh, Twilight! Here’s your glass.”

“Thanks Rarity.”

They all took a sip of the wine that Rarity a bought for the occasion.

Fluttershy spent a pleasant evening with her friends. They toasted at the successful efforts of the pegasus and her lucky star. Somewhere in the brightly lit vault of thousands of stars, Rainbow’s one watched over Fluttershy, illuminating her path.

The party ended up late into the night.

Before going back home. Applejack turned to Fluttershy.

“Mighty work out there ah dare t'say, sugarcube!” Applejack exclaimed with a wink. “Ah'm darn proud of ya, that's fer sure. And ah've got an idea to celebrate your hard efforts. Y'are gonna know a little more about this in the next few months. It takes a lot of work but it's worth the trouble. Honest truth, ya can believe me.”

And she left, leaving Fluttershy with no clue about Applejack’s idea.

A little bit bothered by that, Fluttershy helped Rarity clean up before going to bed.


During that night, Fluttershy woke up with a scream. Still confused from her nightmare, she struggled against the blankets that clutched her like the paws of the Timberwolf she had dreamed of.

She uttered a second scream when two hooves gently grabbed her. Then a comforting voice was heard.

“Hush Fluttershy! It’s okay, it’s me, Rarity! You’re safe! You’re safe.”

“Ra... Rarity? Oh thank goodness,” began to cry Fluttershy.

Under the effect of Rarity's voice and the caresses in her hair, Fluttershy gradually calmed down after a few minutes.

“Fluttershy, I will light some of the candles, do not be afraid, I’ll be right there. Close your eyes, darling.”

Fluttershy obeyed and through her closed eyelids, the darkness dissipated as Rarity lit the candles in the room. She cautiously opened her eyes and watched the unicorn finish her task as she wiped away the tears that had run down her cheeks.

Her nightmare had made her sweat cold and even the warm breeze blowing gently through the window did not warm her up. Fluttershy pulled up the blanket to cover her body as much as possible.

Rarity joined her shortly afterward and pulled her towards her so that Fluttershy’s head was comfortably laying against her flank.

Soon, Rarity's heartbeat calmed Fluttershy, still wrapped in the blanket.

“It’s been a while since your last nightmare Fluttershy,” Rarity began while rubbing the pegasus back with one hoof. “Was it the same nightmare?”

Fluttershy dried her eyes with her hoof one last time before answering.

“Yes, it was the same nightmare... except for the ending...”

“Oh? What happened at the end?”

Fluttershy hesitated for a few seconds before continuing in a weeping voice.

“You... you died Rarity. Not Rainbow... you!”

“Hush darling, in the end it was nothing but a nightmare. As you can see, I’m safe, we are safe,” said Rarity, leaning her head on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “And I intend for us to keep it that way.”

Rarity waited patiently for Fluttershy to recover from her distressing nightmare, but as the minutes went on, she still felt the tremors of the pegasus body. She raised her head, a question on her lips.

“Fluttershy, what’s troubling you?”

Fluttershy didn't answer right away. She turned to face Rarity, her head still on the unicorn's flank. Rarity caught a glimpse of the pegasus gaze filled with sorrow but also great guilt.

“Rarity,” whispered Fluttershy. “I’m scared that I’m beginning to forget about Rainbow. I dream less and less about her and, tonight, it was the first time she was not in my nightmare. Not even a glimpse. Do... Do you think I’m starting to forget her?”

With her hoof, Rarity spread a strand of hair off Fluttershy's face to get a good look at her.

“You are not forgetting her, Fluttershy. Maybe your nightmares from the past are starting to mix up with some stressful situation from your present, hence why you ended up seeing me, but you are not forgetting her. Neither of us will ever forget Rainbow. She was too precious of a friend for that to happen. She will live in our hearts if we remember her story. And I know you will never forget her story and I promise I will never forget either.”

Fluttershy stretched out her hooves to pick up Rarity's, which she squeezed affectionately.

“Thank you, Rarity. I’m glad to hear that, and I’m glad you’re here... with me... safe.”

“I’ll always be there for you my dear Fluttershy. But I can’t help but wonder, did something happen today that could have re-awaken your nightmare?”

“Maybe. Earlier at my cottage, I was doing an inventory of the medicines I stored there. Then I started thinking about the next time I would need to go to Everfree forest to gather ingredients. I felt a little bit anxious ever since. I know I can’t just not go there ever again but at the same time, it scares me.”

“We could try and buy some of your items at the market. Can we?”

“Yes, almost everything I need can be found at the market, but it comes at a price. That’s why I don’t always go there. And sometimes, it’s best to gather what I need in the forest. Some of the items on my list need to be as fresh as possible.”

“Fluttershy, I’m sure we’ll find something in the end that will work for you. But I’m pretty sure it won’t be tonight. You think you’ll be able to go back to sleep?”

“I... I think so,”

“I’ll sing you to sleep then,” said Rarity with a warm smile.

And she started humming the charming lullaby she used to sing to Fluttershy so many nights ago at the hospital. And she continued humming long after Fluttershy had closed her eyes and her breath had become more regular, more serene.

Rarity stopped singing only to magically extinguish the candles and curl up beside Fluttershy as if to protect her in the world of dreams.


The next morning, Fluttershy was pleasantly awakened by a bright ray of sunshine that showered her with a gentle warmth.

She closed her eyes for a minute and stretched out quietly, lazily, enjoying this little moment of relaxation.

Rarity was not at her side.

A pleasant smell coming from the ground floor told her that Rarity was probably cooking. She loved watching Rarity cook. She decided to enjoy the show, right after putting the bed covers back on.

Because of the perfect control of her magic, everything Rarity did was filled with grace. Once again, as Fluttershy could see when she discreetly entered the kitchen, Rarity was stunning.

The unicorn was singing a pleasant melody while all around her, a ballet of eggs, milk and flour waltzed to plunge into bowls or the frying pan where a whip was hard at work.

Behind Rarity, a spatula was putting cooked pancakes on plates that flew towards the dining table. And further down the sink, the dirty dishes were cleaning themselves, scraping through the water and drying themselves with the dishcloth.

Fluttershy was charmed by the show. She couldn't help but appreciate Rarity's dexterity.

“Ah! Fluttershy, you’re here,” finally noticed Rarity. “I was not sure if you would be eating with me this morning. Are you feeling better?”

“I am, thanks to you.”

Rarity gave a little smile and Fluttershy felt the joy that her response had brought to Rarity. On an invitation from the unicorn, Fluttershy sat down at the table.

“Are you gonna work on an order today?” asked Fluttershy.

“I will, but later. I want to discuss something with you. Are you free after breakfast?”

“Hum... I don’t really have anything planned except a visit to my cottage, why?”

“Would you like to come with me to the market?” innocently asked Rarity. “To buy some seeds. I would like for us to try our hooves at gardening.”

Fluttershy couldn't believe her ears.

Rarity, the pony that despised dust and manual labor, wanting to try to do some gardening and getting her hooves dirty?

“Are you sure about that Rarity? Why would you want to try to tend a garden?”

Rarity had a little laugh.

“Well... Although we both know that I’m not the best at this kind of labor, I was thinking it would be nice to try to grow some of the plants or fruit that you usually gather in everfree forest in a secure garden by the house. What do you think? Would you like to try this... with me?”

“Oh,” said Fluttershy before realization struck in. “OH! YES! Of... Of course Rarity! Of course I’d like to do this with you! How could I not? That’s a fantastic idea!”

“I’m glad you think that. And we can always ask for Applejack’s help. I’m pretty sure she knows a thing or two about growing plants and tending a garden. But Fluttershy?”


“Let’s just grow plants and fruits that will not try to kill us, shall we?”

“Of course,” said Fluttershy with a laugh that Rarity soon joined in.


I think I’m getting the hoof of this gardening thing... maybe?

Rarity had just gotten out of the bath, washed off all the mud and little herbs that disgraced her body. She had been working in the garden that morning, weeding the weeds that had begun to appear through the shoots of plants, fruits and vegetables in the garden.

It had been a month since Rarity and Fluttershy started their garden. And without some wise advice from Applejack, they probably would have never managed to get their first crop to survive.

But now, even though they started their gardening project a little late, they would still have enough crop for when mid-fall would come.

It hasn't been easy for Rarity, but she had put a lot of effort into it, and she couldn't deny that she took some pride when the first shoots started to germinate. This had almost managed to eclipse her regrets about the small gashes on her hooves.


But since Fluttershy spent a lot of time with her in the garden, their work became much more fun.

Today, however, Fluttershy wasn’t there. And for that reason, Rarity’s heart ached at that thought.

I hope she’s having more fun than I do.

She sighed.

I miss her.


Fluttershy was taking a well-deserved break under the shade of a tree.

Fluttershy had continued to work on her endurance according to her rhythm so that by the end of the fourth month, in early summer, she was now able to fly on short distances, much to the delight of the nurses who were now taking turns attending Fluttershy sessions. They couldn’t help but admire Fluttershy’s constant progression.

They were full of praise for Fluttershy's exceptional efforts, praise that always ended up making the shy pegasus cheeks blush.

But even when she hid behind her mane to hide her embarrassment from the nurses' cheers, Fluttershy could not hide her smile. She was delighted with her flight progress and she wholeheartedly hoped that Rainbow, wherever she was, had been able to witness her continuous improvement.

She also needed to tell Rarity about her day.

Maybe I could tell her while tending the garden. Or should I wait until dinner?

Fluttershy started giggling.

Funny how it is me who is now looking to tell her about my day. I should ask how her was, for a change.