• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 1,073 Views, 7 Comments

A Pegasus Promise - Waterwindearthfire

In a tragedy's aftermath, Fluttershy will take on her to honor a promise she made to a dear friend.

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Chapter 9 - The Dream World

A promise made is a debt unpaid.
- Robert W. Service, pegasus -

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes.

She was comfortably lying under a foreign sky lit up by hundreds of bright stars and a full, perfect white moon that illuminated the entire landscape. An aurora of the purest blue ran across the entire sky while gently undulating.

The grass on which she lay, the air, the scenery, everything felt strangely familiar to her. As if she had been there before, long ago.

She got up carefully.

She was in a huge clearing, surrounded by blue, white and black flowers that spread a sweet scent in the air. And…

Before her stood a large, majestic stone archway topped with a beautiful carving of an alicorn with her wings wide open. Fluttershy admired the sculpture bathed in moonlight. The alicorn looked like she was watching over the dark sky and its many stars.

Fluttershy knew only one princess with such a serious gaze.

Curious, the pegasus approached the arch to admire the bas-reliefs of stone, silver and jewels carved on the structure’s pillars.

Two of them represented the rather famous battles of Princess Luna. One against Discord and the other against King Sombra. Two other bas-reliefs illustrated Luna's daily task of raising and lowering the moon. The rest seemed to focus on the princess building a world unknown to Fluttershy.

It’s a secret world created by Princess Luna only...

She looked away from Luna’s sculpture to touch one of the pillars. The rock was warm under her hoof, just like the air of this pleasant night. Everything was rather comfortable.

In response to Fluttershy’s hoof, the arch suddenly lit up, making her jump. What she witnessed after, she could only describe as strange and hypnotic.

Light of the purest clarity appeared in the center of the arch, stretching horizontally in a thin line to both sides of the arch and then opening vertically towards the base and the top of the structure, flooding the clearing with brilliant light.

The arch had become the gateway to another world, almost within her reach.

Fluttershy looked at the amazing landscape on the other side through the liquid curtain of light. This mysterious world opened up into a large clearing atop a cliff.

Fluttershy saw the same kind of blue, white and black flowers spreading on the other side of the door. They could be counted by hundreds and Fluttershy suspected that they ran on all the surface of the cliff up to the big valley, a hundred meters below.

Trees of dark blue crystals stretched as far as Fluttershy could see. And on the top of a mountain on the horizon, Fluttershy could see a huge kingdom a thousand times bigger than Canterlot. A lot of small windows were lit. Candlelight, probably judging by the flickering of it.

This castle is so amazing! I wonder who lives there?

It was also nighttime on that side, yet the landscape was clearly visible.

In the sky, filled with hundreds of millions of stars, far more than in the sky over Ponyville, three full moons shone into the night. Two were white and the last one had a bluish tint. They bathed the valley in a strange, subdued light.

The mysterious land, bathed in a supernatural halo, seemed peaceful, asleep, as if in a dream.

But far away, in the middle of the valley, Fluttershy could see a dark figure flying at great speed towards the curtain of light. Mysterious little stars shot out from the shadow's mane and body. They floated in the air only for a few seconds, then flew up into the sky to join the other stars in the galaxy.

Princess Luna emerged from the curtain of light, spreading small floating liquid particles of light all around her. These strange lanterns illuminated her as she landed on the ground with a majestic elegance worthy of the princess she was.

In a heartbeat, she came to meet Fluttershy.

Fluttershy paid her respect to Princess Luna, her head bowed to the ground. The sweet scent of the flowers was heady, it made her head spin.

“Good night Kind One, stand proud and be welcome in this world.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna for your... hospitality? If... if you don't mind, can I ask you... where are we? I feel like I know this place… yet I’m pretty sure I never came here before.”

Luna smiled enticingly.

“We are in the invisible world. Since you are the dreamer, it has adopted the same appearance from your last visit, one year ago. And that kingdom, behind the arch, is the eternal realm of dreams, my domain. It's a secret dimension which somepony can only access when death overcomes life.”

Fluttershy was struck by horrors. She gasped for air.

“I… I can't be... Princess Luna! Am I dying?”

Princess Luna let out a little crystalline and melodious laugh that helped Fluttershy calm down a little.

“Not at all Kind One. Do not be afraid for your life is not threatened. I invited you here only to offer you a special present, on the behalf of my sister and me. The Generous One told us everything about you. I was impressed to hear your tale. It speaks of hardship, perseverance and hope, qualities that I hold dear to my heart. It gave me strength to face some of my own fear...”

I wonder what kind of thing princess Luna would fear, she looks so strong...

“… For this gift you gave me, I shall grant you one as well! I think you will be very pleased.”

Oh no… Please don’t change me into an alicorn. That would be way too much pressure.

Princess Luna spread her wings in a graceful movement that sent flying away from the particles of liquid light still suspended around them. She flew towards the arch and stopped in the middle of the door.

Her eyes became as luminous as the curtain of liquid light as she began to sing a sad and sweet melody whose notes resounded, in the night. A vibrant and poignant call for a soul from the world beyond.

Once her mournful melody was complete, Princess Luna flew back towards Fluttershy.

The soul she had called had answered, a link now connected her to the princess and she was coming to them, Luna could feel it.

As soon as she landed in the flower-covered grass, a dark figure broke through the curtain of light to meet them, shaking off the liquid particles of light that were flowing down her mane.


Fluttershy had seen the figure approaching on the other side of the curtain of light.

Since she couldn’t identify it, she waited in the safety of Luna's shadow.

Then she saw the entity exiting the light curtain, spreading floating luminous particles that began to float around, illuminating her face and body.

Fluttershy gasped in shock then covered her mouth with her hooves, now that she could clearly see the figure.

Her hair had grown a lot, giving her a more feminine look, but the blue pegasus with the long rainbow mane standing in front of Fluttershy was recognizable among thousands.

“Sup Shy! Long time no see, huh? You look pale, you’ve seen a ghost or what?”

Rainbow was just as Fluttershy remembered, smiling, confident and just as cocky.

She had spoken so candidly to Fluttershy, as if they had only left each other the day before, as if the terrible accident, a year ago, had never happened.

Fluttershy didn't answer Rainbow's mocking question. She jumped into her best friend's arms and hugged her tightly. Rainbow returned the hug.

To Fluttershy's surprise, their embrace was warm, real. Alive, and overflowing with love.

“Oh Rainbow! It's really you! Oh my goodness! I... I can't believe it! How is that even possible? You were dead!”

“Spoiler alert, I still am, but it seems that princess Luna called me to let us talk. You and me”

Fluttershy and Rainbow lay there for a long time, silently enjoying the magical moment. The friendship between them was beyond words and when they ended their embrace, Fluttershy admired her friend again.

Rainbow was more beautiful than ever. Mysteriously, her body was no longer covered with the horrible scars, the bloody signature the Timberwolf had left on Rainbow's body. She also seemed to have grown a bit taller since the last time.

Fluttershy absentmindedly played with one of the long locks of the blue pegasus' beautiful mane.

“Such a change Rainbow, your mane… it’s beautiful, But I thought you prefer them... shorter,” she said with a shy smile.

Rainbow shrugged and moved a few strands of her face with her hoof.

Oh! That’s new! I never saw Rainbow do that before!

“I tried something new. and I got used to it. They add an interesting effect to my sonic rainboom. You should see that!”

Rainbow shook her head

“But seriously Shy, from the two of us, it’s you who has changed the most during this year. I can't believe that you did a sonic rainboom! It was the most awesome thing I've ever seen! Mine is very cool, of course, but yours was insane! I mean birds! Thousands of them, how cool is that? I was so proud of you Shy!”

Rainbow’s comment made Fluttershy blush from head to hooves. She was very happy and relieved to hear that her sonic rainboom had pleased Rainbow that much.

“Rainbow, you can’t even understand how much your words mean to me. I’m so happy, I’m about to cry! But... hum... How did... well... how did you see my sonic rainboom from here?”

Rainbow looked at princess Luna who had kept quiet since the beginning of their discussion.

“Princess Luna showed me. I... can't really explain it but... let's just say that princess Luna has some powerful spells. Powerful... and a little scary, to be honest.”

Upon hearing these words, Luna gave a small amused smile and quietly walked towards the arch.

Before crossing the curtain, she stopped for a moment to look at the two pegasus in the middle of the flower field.

“Loyal One, I will wait for you on the other side. Come to me when your discussion is over. I will wait. Just be sure to come back before the rising sun. As for you Kind One, to return to your world, simply lay down on the ground, through these flowers, and sleep. You will wake up, back among your friends. For now, I wish you a good night.”

Fluttershy and Rainbow bowed at the princess of the night.

Luna tilted her chest, stood up and flew through the curtain of liquid light towards her distant kingdom bathed in the rays of the three full moons.

Rainbow watched absentmindedly as the princess's figure flew further and further into her kingdom. She was brought back to reality by the slight sensation of Fluttershy gently gripping her hoof. So gently in fact, that she almost didn't feel it.

Fluttershy was looking so sad.

“What is it Shy?”

“Rainbow? Do you really have to go back to Princess Luna? I thought of having you back once again... I thought that you would return to our world... with me...”

Fluttershy tried hard to hold back her sobs, to no avail. Soon her face was flooded with tears. Rainbow held her close as she sobbed into her shoulder and mane.

“I can't go back to your world again Shy. There's nothing left of my body anymore, except for the bones maybe. But don't cry Shy, I’m living a peaceful life here and one day, we will all be reunited together. You, me, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and Twilight. Now is just not your time, it seems.”

“But it’s so unfair! It’s… it’s my fault Rainbow, it’s because of me that… that you are trapped here! We should have left sooner… If I haven’t asked to stay a little bit longer… you… you might have...”

“You don’t know what would have happened, Shy,” Rainbow interrupted. “Everfree is full of danger. Anything could have happened… I didn’t die because of you, I died because I chose to stay and fight a timberwolf.”

“You had to fight… because I was… unconscious… I… I failed to...”

So that’s what this is all about...

Rainbow could tell Fluttershy harbored such guilt towards herself that even if she would have ultimately come to peace with the tragedy’s event, she wouldn’t have come to peace with her own actions.

I’ll be damned if I let that happen.

“Shy, look at me...”

Fluttershy raised her head. She locked her teary cyan eyes into rainbow’s magenta gaze.

“I am not blaming you for my death, Shy, so please... stop blaming yourself.”

Fluttershy kept looking at Rainbow, in silence, for a very long time. She lowered her head, her forehead resting on Rainbow’s chest then she started crying anew. Almost with gratitude.

She needed to hear this.


After a while Fluttershy's sobs became more spaced out, less numerous. Fluttershy put her arms around Rainbow, seeking comfort in their embrace.

Rainbow could feel Fluttershy's heartbeat. A strange sensation she hadn't felt in a year. Fluttershy's heart was beating hard as her sobs quietly subsided.

Rainbow decided to change her friend’s mind.

“Now Shy, I beg you, stop crying and tell me instead what happened to you during this whole year. I'm dying, sort of, to know what the girls and you have been doing all this time.”

Rainbow sat down in the grass to look at the stars, inviting Fluttershy to do the same.

After a moment of hesitation, Fluttershy approached and sat next to her, flank to flank, to look at the sky and its twinkling stars. Rainbow used her wing to rub Fluttershy's back.

Comforted by this sweet gesture, Fluttershy took refuge a little more against Rainbow’s flank and began to chat about the sorrows and the joys of her friends and herself. She told Rainbow about her life since the accident, her difficulties but also her successes.

A whole year worth of stories.


Talking with Rainbow consoled her.

“In the end, I... I did my best, like all the other girls,” says Fluttershy, modestly. “Surely, you saw their tributes too?”

Rainbow shook her head

“No, I only saw yours, Shy”

“Oh my... They were all so fabulous. The girls did so well. Let me tell you everything...”

And she told her everything. Twilight's magnificent eulogy, Pinkie’s beautiful burial ceremony, Applejack's amazing “shy rainbow cider”…

“Awww come on! She couldn’t think of zap apple cider before I died? That is so uncool! She better brew some for me when she’ll get here!”

Fluttershy had a little laugh.

“I’ll be sure to let her know, Rainbow.”

“Please do, I’ll be forever in your debt for that. And... what about Rarity?”

“Oh! There’s a lot to tell about Rarity!”

“I have all night, Shy.”


“… she also helped me create a lot of details for my sonic rainboom like the costume and the make up. She actually used some diamond powder to create the illusion of air tearing around my hoof. She did so much for me during this year. I still think I might not have succeeded without her. She's so kind!” Fluttershy concluded with a thought for the one who now shared a part of her heart.

“Wow! You’re right Shy, that was a lot!” teased her Rainbow “But damn, she sure really seems to care for you. No complaints about the element of generosity here, she deserves it, hooves down! We're lucky to have her around. Looking out for you, that was nice of her.”

Fluttershy had just noticed how long she’s been talking about Rarity. Her cheeks took on a wine red color.

She was nervously pulling the blades of grass, trying unsuccessfully to think of anything else than the unicorn that was probably holding her close, far away in their bed in Ponyville. Her thoughts were drifting dangerously towards Rarity and Rainbow quickly realized her friend's behavior.

“Shy, is everything alright?”

Fluttershy shivered

“Hum… Well... Yes, I'm fine but... hum... It's rather embarrassing to say... without Rarity... I... I mean she's the one who told the girls... Oh! This is so hard! This year has been really stressful and sad, you see, and I... I spent a lot of time with Rarity. We... well... we became very close. And now... now we...”

Rainbow winked at her.

“I think I get it, Shy. You think that becoming closer to her would change our friendship. Don't worry, we're still the best of friends. Rarity might be your new best friend, but, in the end, I'll still be your oldest friend.”

“What? No! No Rainbow, I... I never even thought of that, of course you're still my best and oldest friend. I'm so sorry if I said something to make you think otherwise. I am such a bad, bad mare. I'm sorry Rainbow I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I never meant to...”

“Shy, I'll say it one more time, you apologize way too much. So what is it then, about Rarity and you?”

“Well you see... we are...”

Her words became unintelligible as she hid behind her mane to squeak the rest of her sentence.

Rainbow even had to lean closer trying to hear Fluttershy’s inaudible whispers.

“Shy, I didn't understand a word you said. Can you repeat, please? Louder maybe?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath and raised her head to face Rainbow. Her cheeks were burning, redder than ever, but she had a firm, determined look in her eyes.

“Ra... Rarity and I are a couple now... since today... actually. I'm her marefriend and... she’s mine.”

“Oh!” said Rainbow. Then realization struck in. “OH!”

She quickly regained her composure.

“WOW! Congratulations Shy! I'm pretty sure Rarity and you will be a beautiful couple. I'm just a little sad to not be able to congratulate Rarity too.”

Fluttershy happily sighed. All their friends had approved of their relationship. This took a weight off her heart. She smiled at her friend.

“Don't worry Rainbow, I'll tell her.”

“Yeah and tell her that I want her to treat you well, otherwise I’m going to haunt her flank!” teased Rainbow. Then she sighed. “I'm a little envious though, after all I was the first to check you out.”

Fluttershy's cheeks turned red in reaction to Rainbow's confidence.

“WAIT, WHAT?... you were... checking me out? Sin… Since when?” managed to stutter Fluttershy with burning cheeks.

Rainbow preceded her answer with a playful wink.

“Oh, I've been checking you out from time to time. But in the end, I knew we were too different, Shy. We’re both pegasus but other than that, we were too far apart to be happy as a couple. I then gave up the idea of asking you out.”

“This... is rather sudden, Rainbow. I... I don't know what to say. I'm flattered you thought of me that way... and maybe, if things were different, it may have worked out. But now, my heart belongs to Rarity. I'm so sorry Rainbow.”

“You don't need to be, Shy. I decided to not confess to you. And, I consider myself really happy to just be your friend. Your best friend!” Rainbow said with a smile, emphasizing the last two words.

“Yes you are,” Fluttershy said, laying her head on her friend's shoulder, smiling in turn.

“But wow! I still can’t believe that Rarity decided to tend a garden! A garden! How crazy is that! Heh! I guess it shows just how much she’s ready to go to support you. Urgh! I so want to see this! Our little drama queen, fighting plants with a rake. That sounds hilarious!”

“Now, now, don’t laugh Rainbow, she’s doing a great job. But you? What did you do during this whole year? Tell me about your life here.”

“Oh! You would not believe all the things I did!”


They talked a lot, catching up on the time they had not been able to spend together, separated by Rainbow's untimely death.

Finally, after a long time, Rainbow stood up, stretching, and then extended her hoof to Fluttershy to help her up as well. The night was less dark, dawn would come in a few hours.

“Shy, it’s time for you and me to go back to where we belong. Before I leave, just know that I am extremely proud of you. You were, and still are my best friend, eternity won't change that, loyalty's speaking, heh! I will wait for you and, when your time comes, we’ll do a sonic rainboom, together.”

“Is that a promise?”

“You bet it is!”

True to their ancient tradition, Rainbow plucked one of her blue feathers and put it in Fluttershy's mane, sealing her promise.

Fluttershy responded with a sad smile.

“You know Rainbow… I am happy to see that you are in good health and that this place seems so calm and peaceful, really I am... but I can't help being sad also... Seeing you has been such a pleasure... but it was way too short. Tell me Rainbow, do you think I’ll ever be able to see you another time before my death?”

Tears welled up in Fluttershy's eyes. Rainbow gave her an encouraging smile.

“Shy, I think we should just be grateful for the opportunity we had to chat one more time. It’s not the end, not really. We’ll see each other again one day and if it’s any consolation, I’m going to be the first to show you around when you’ll join me. Better? ”

Fluttershy hugged her friend with all her might.

“It does help a little bit...”

She then took a long inspiration and let go of Rainbow

“I will miss you Rainbow.”

“Me too, Shy.”

“I hope you know this but… I will always remember you... always.”

“Is that a promise?” teased Rainbow with tears in the corner of her eyes.

Fluttershy plucked one of her yellow feathers and placed it in Rainbow's mane.

“You bet it is!”

Her cheeks were covered in tears, but her voice was cheerful.

They laughed, smiling at each other while wiping their tears away.

With a final goodbye, Fluttershy watched Rainbow cross the curtain of light and open her wings to fly away to the distant castle.

Like a waterfall that stops flowing, the liquid light gradually diminished until it disappeared, plunging the clearing into pale darkness. However, the moon and the stars still allowed Fluttershy to see the giant stone arch that stood silently before her.

Fluttershy smiled.

Sad, yet somewhat grateful for this night, she lay down in the middle of the flower field under the rays of the fading moon.

The flowers around the pegasus released a sweet anesthetic scent that began to fog Fluttershy's brain. She was getting sleepy and couldn't think straight.

A distant memory emerged in her mind as the words of a misty alicorn echoed in her mind.

Remember though that you have nothing to fear from death, it is only the beginning of the eternal dream.

“I was happy to see you Rainbow. It really was a sweet, sweet dream,” Fluttershy murmured.

She fell asleep under the stars.


While her soul reintegrated her body, curled up against Rarity in their bed, the memories of this dream accompanied her, engraved in her memory.

A ray of the moon shone silently through the window, basking the lovers in its soft light, watching over their dreams.

Fluttershy was sleeping peacefully, in the arms of her beloved. And in her pink mane, a blue feather materialized.

Comments ( 2 )

I wasn't sure about this story at first, but I enjoyed it! I skipped ahead a bit to see what the rest of the story would be like and liked what I saw enough to stick with it. I love the art you included, too.

Thank you so much for giving my story a chance! I am so glad you decide to read it through the end.

I must admit I did struggle a lot writing it, because english is not my first language.

And the art is made by the fantastic Foxinshadow. (Just be careful because he's a nsfw artist)

Thanks again

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