• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 1,073 Views, 7 Comments

A Pegasus Promise - Waterwindearthfire

In a tragedy's aftermath, Fluttershy will take on her to honor a promise she made to a dear friend.

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Chapter 4 - The Promise

Deep in her breast lives the silent wound.
- Virgil, earth pony -

An eternal nightmare, without hope, with no way out...

Since that fateful day, Fluttershy hardly spoke.

Her coat and mane had lost their luster and she was becoming paler and paler. She had taken refuge in the back of her room, hiding in the darkest corner. That, along with other things, worried the medical staff.

At night, she dreamed of Rainbow but her sweet dreams quickly turned to nightmares and, when she woke up with a jolt, grief and guilt prevented her from falling asleep again.

It got so bad that Rarity was allowed to stay in the same room at night. The nurses knew she hated the idea of leaving Fluttershy alone during her convalescence and they hoped the closeness of a friend would improve her recovery. They probably thought of Rarity as her closest friend... after Rainbow.

Often, when Fluttershy woke up crying, it was Rarity who came to join her in her bed to comfort her until the morning, holding her against her heart while paying attention to her wounds, caressing her hair while giving her words of encouragement or singing soothing melodies.

Sometimes, under Rarity's gentle attention, Fluttershy would manage to sleep a few more hours before the nightmares came back to haunt her.

At dawn, Rarity would leave Fluttershy to the nurses. Her ignorance in the medical field made her useless during these difficult moments.

In addition, for the past three days, a special order had been waiting for her at her shop, a project for Fluttershy.

Working on this commission helped the fashionista to mourn Rainbow's sudden and brutal death. As a true professional, she worked with great passion and pride despite the tears she sometimes let flow freely on her cheeks when she knew she was alone, alone with her pain.

She had this idea after one of her daily visits to Fluttershy. Rarity could not help but see the pegasus slowly decaying in her hospital room. Deeply wounded to see Fluttershy in this condition, she went to the main office and had Nurse Redheart called for medical guidance right away.


“Good evening, Miss Rarity, How may I help you?”

“Nurse Redheart, Fluttershy's condition is worrying me. This simply won't do! Have you seen the paleness of her coat and the deplorable state of her hair? She's ill and it's getting worse every time! Poor thing, she needs help...”

“Miss Rarity, my staff is ready to do anything in their power to satisfy even the slightest of her needs during her convalescence... but... she refuses to eat. She's starving to death and her sleep deprivation makes it more difficult for her to heal. Miss Fluttershy seems to let herself slowly decaying... since the day her friend passed away.”

“Yes… I see… The poor dear, she adored Rainbow, more than anything, she was her best friend after all... I just wish there was something I could do to cheer her up...”

At that moment, a solitary ray of sunshine pierced the heavy black clouds in the sky and flood through the large window of the hospital's entrance hall, creating a giant rainbow all across the reception. Everypony basked in the warm glow for a few seconds, feeling comfortable and at peace.

The shimmering colors seemed to ease the suffering of the patients and eclipsing the fatigue of the nurses. For a brief second, everything was right.

The rainbow ignited a spark of hope in Rarity's heart.

But the black threatening clouds quickly swallowed the sunbeam plunging the hospital into the artificial lighting of its long corridors once again.

It was an extremely quick event but the magic of the moment had worked its charm and warmed Rarity’s heart.

Was that Rainbow’s doing?

Then Rarity had a flash. A simple yet ingenious idea, well suited for her talents. She was going to be able to revive Rainbow, in a way, just for Fluttershy’s sake.

“Sweet Celestia. I have a marvelous IDEEEEA! Oh! So sorry, Redheart. I didn't mean to scare you but a spark of inspiration struck me and I. Must. Follow. Through!”

And with that said, she galloped towards her friend in need.

Rarity had spent a little over an hour with her bedridden friend. She refused to leave until Fluttershy had eaten at least a tiny part of her meal, something she only did when Rarity was by her side, an achievement that neither the hospital staff nor Applejack, Pinkie or Twilight could ever do during their visit in Fluttershy’s room.

At the end of Fluttershy’s meager meal, Rarity had a little chat with the pegasus. Kind of a one-way discussion, since Fluttershy remained silent the whole time. They kept at it until the early afternoon, when Rarity, eager to start her new project, said goodbye to her friend.

“Fluttershy my dear, try to take some color, please... I will come back tonight. Oh! I can’t wait to show you your new... Ahem! No, it’s nothing. Nevermind my rambling. For now, just try to get better, ok? Better things will happen, Fluttershy. Sooner than later.”

Fluttershy didn't answer. She just watched the unicorn leave the room.

As soon as Rarity left, tears began to fall down her face, tainting her sheets as she cried in silence.


This routine lasted a whole week, during which Rarity slept in the hospital at night and went back to work on her secret project at her shop once the day was up. Not without having spent the morning with Fluttershy, of course.

It is unworthy of a lady to leave her friend alone in these hard times without having exchanged some words of encouragement, Rarity thought to herself, although Fluttershy was not the most eloquent.

On a few rare occasions, however, Rarity was rewarded for her efforts when the pegasus timidly intervened in the discussion. Fluttershy was certainly more withdrawn than ever, but she was not irrevocably silent either, much to Rarity's delight.


At the end of this long week, Fluttershy was discharged from hospital, two days earlier than expected. Since Fluttershy's condition was now stable, the nurses agreed at Rarity's request to let their patient pursue the recovery at her residence.

Redheart couldn’t help but notice that her patient seemed slightly happier and more cooperative when Rarity came to visit her. She hoped that this change of scenery would help the pegasus on her path to recovery.

And so, Fluttershy left the hospital under a heavy, icy rain. The sky was hidden over black clouds that had been pouring over all of Equestria since Rainbow's death.

Rarity wanted to play her part in Fluttershy’s recovery.

For now, Fluttershy was walking by her side, brooding.

Rarity had no doubt about the identity of the pony Fluttershy was bitterly thinking about. Rainbow's funeral was scheduled in two days. The date has been set according to Fluttershy's wish, who was dead set about being there.

Rarity hoped she would be able to brighten her up a little before the funeral.


Carousel Boutique, Rarity's residence, had not changed much since Fluttershy's last visit.

The large window curtains were still as silky and pretty as they were on the first day. Rarity's workshop was loaded with plans and textile patterns for the many orders she received every day. A stack of perfectly folded clothes and a basket of colored threads stood next to the sewing machine. The unicorn shop was as welcoming as ever.

Fluttershy, despite her depressed mood, noticed a new element.

One of Rarity's many ponyquins in the corner of the room was wearing a new dress that Fluttershy had never had the chance to see.

It was a very beautiful black silk dress, completely open at the back. The front of the dress was supported by two silky ribbons that wrapped around the ponykin’s neck. The tail of this wonderful set was soft and smooth.

Small, discreet crystals decorated the back set of the dress. Divided into five rows, a red row first, then a yellow one, followed by a green, a blue and finally a purple row, the whole thing created a magnificent rainbow of precious gems. And despite the lack of brightness due to the rain, each of the gemstones shone intensely as if a fire was constantly burning in each of them.

Modest light-blue lines separated each of the rows of precious stones and a silk ribbon of the same color served as a belt that was attached to the flank.

The result was incredible.

As on rare occasions during the last week, Fluttershy momentarily regained the use of her voice and for the first time since the Everfree Forest incident Rarity saw a flash of passion, igniting in the eyes of her friend.

“It is so... magnificent,” Fluttershy said in a broken voice, tears in her eyes, overwhelmed by the sparkling jewels that painfully reminded her of Rainbow's mane. “It's a... it’s such a beautiful dress.”

“I am really happy to hear that you love it, Fluttershy dear. Because it's yours. I made it for you in anticipation of Rainbow’s funeral, so that you may be her personal rainbow. You will be the most beautiful in the crowd that day, for her...”

Fluttershy remained silent for a long time, to the point that Rarity, uncertain about her lack of reaction, wondered if there was a possibility that she had not heard her words.

As the unicorn was about to speak again, Fluttershy, careful about her left wing and flank, threw herself at Rarity to squeeze her with affection, unable to speak because of her emotionally tied throat, her eyes shining with tears.

Rarity, reassured, felt all Fluttershy's love and gratitude in this silent embrace that she willingly, though very gently, gave her back. Fluttershy suddenly began to cry in her friend's neck, her tears wetting even more Rarity's body, already soaked by the rain.

Fluttershy wept at the joy of having such a caring friend and for the painful loss of another one, in such a brutal way. Rarity kept her close to her, holding her for a long time, allowing her to comfortably evacuate her pain.

Once Fluttershy's flood of tears had subsided, Rarity, wishing to change her mind, offered her protégée to try on her new dress, if she so wished.

“But first, dear, we should dry ourselves, don’t you think?”

Rarity’s tone was light and friendly with just the tiniest hint of distress that Fluttershy knew her for.

Something was making Rarity uneasy and, since she was looking everywhere but the floor, that’s where Fluttershy looked first.

The ever-growing puddle and the dirt under their hooves meant bad news for the carpet’s future.

Such a shame, Fluttershy also liked that carpet.


The two friends dried themselves with soft towels. Rarity helped Fluttershy to dry her left wing to avoid unnecessary injury. Then Fluttershy timidly agreed to put on the dress, much to Rarity's satisfaction.

As Rarity had expected, some minor alterations were required, but overall, the dress looked great on Fluttershy. Besides, the opening in the back of the garment would likely not injure her wing. Fluttershy would be the sunshine of this macabre funeral, Rarity was sure of it.

The unicorn admired Fluttershy again.

“Such a delightful sight!” Rarity shouted in amazement, then taking hold of her composure, she took up a softer tone. “Hum... Fluttershy dear, once I’ll be done with the small touches, you’re going to be even more charming. There isn't a lot of work to be made, fortunately, so I would suggest we take advantage of this to savor a good cup of tea, what do you say?”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, the bad temperature freezing her to the bottom of her bones.

Once tea was poured, Fluttershy took a sip.

Cinnamon. A nice blend.

The tea was radiating a soothing heat through her body. It got even better when Fluttershy warmed her hooves against the edges of the cup. For the first time in a week, she breathed a sigh of relief for she was no longer cold. The tea had done wonders.

After this brief yet calm moment, they returned to Rarity's workshop.

While she was working on the last details on Fluttershy's dress, Rarity kept an eye on her protégée, a little further in the room. Fluttershy had gone to take refuge on a pile of cushions near one of the shop's large windows. She watched the rain fall outside with a vague and afflicted look, lost in her thoughts, undoubtedly dark and tinged with despair.

Rarity, noticing her sad mood, wished for the sun’s return soon. Fluttershy needed its rays and warmth to help her fragile health. For a week now, the sky had been pouring tons of water continuously, as if it was also mourning the loss of Rainbow.

Which is technically the case, Rarity recalled. The weather pegasus team did schedule rain as an act of national grief in honor of our dear Rainbow. But still...

The bad weather was affecting everyone's spirits, especially Fluttershy's, who was constantly brooding.*


It took two hours of minor adjustments to Fluttershy's funeral dress to fully satisfy Rarity, the eternal perfectionist. But once it was done, Rarity judged her work, allowing herself a little smile.

A simple glance at Fluttershy confirmed that she had not moved from her previous location. Fluttershy was doing some light exercises to strengthen her wing, following nurse Redheart’s advice. Sometimes she would wince with pain when a movement a little too abrupt awakened the pain in her left wing or her flank.

Feeling as she was being watched, Fluttershy turned towards her friend and saw Rarity's tender gaze as she smiled affectionately.

“Fluttershy dear, I didn’t want to disturb you during your exercises,” said Rarity “I simply intend to let you know that your dress is finally done. Would you like to try on your dress one last time?”

Fluttershy shyly agreed.

She looked so frail in her silks, but Rarity could not help but see the inner strength of her friend instead. Fluttershy was struggling to carry on with her life despite the recent tragedy. For that reason, Rarity admired her.

Rarity delicately tied each ribbon of the dress. She had altered them so as not to injure or put pressure on any of Fluttershy’s wounds.

With her back fully exposed, Fluttershy had complete freedom of movement for her wings. But Rarity could only see Fluttershy’s graceful silhouette and the way her mane was falling freely all around her exposed shoulders.

The dress fit Fluttershy’s curves perfectly in a seductive way without being provocative.

When Rarity had a good look at the final result, she could no longer stop praising Fluttershy’s elegance, to the point that Fluttershy’s cheeks were burning with a bright redness.

Fluttershy moaned a timid thank you as she tried to hide behind her mane, embarrassed by such compliments.

Once the fitting was finished, Rarity carefully picked up the dress and put it back on the ponyquin, the place where it would stay until the day of the funeral. Happy about Fluttershy loving her new dress, Rarity turned her head towards her protégée who had again taken refuge in her nest of cushions near the window.

“Fluttershy dear, now it's time to get you back on your feet,” whispered Rarity. “Celestia help me if I ever fail you.”


After a light and simple meal, Rarity led Fluttershy upstairs to prepare a hot and relaxing bath for her.

While Fluttershy was bathing, Rarity prepared the bed they would share. She lit aromatic candles and then changed the sheets and pillows to replace them with others, perfumed with lavender.

Lavender hmmm? I should ask Fluttershy about her favorite flower. I could try that later, I’m sure it would cheer her up. And voilà, perfect. Everything’s ready here, I should get back to Fluttershy.

In the bathroom, Fluttershy was almost done washing herself, but because of her injury, Rarity had to help her clean her sensitive wing.

With pleasure, Rarity cleaned each of Fluttershy’s feathers, one by one, humming a sweet and soothing melody. Then Rarity started brushing Fluttershy’s mane, and her thoughts started wandering.

Taking care of the aesthetics of others was the pinnacle of the activities that Rarity adored to do. And Fluttershy, thanks to her long, silky, beautiful mane, always held a special place in Rarity’s heart. Even after her grueling stay at Ponyville’s hospital, Fluttershy still gave a weak aura of pure grace that Rarity could not help but admire.

Rarity suddenly came back to earth when she felt something pressing against her.

“I’m so sorry Fluttershy! I got lost in my little world, are you okay?”

“Mmmh, yes, I was listening to your song, I like it, it helps me get to sleep. I must have dozed off.”

“Oh? Am I that boring?”

Fluttershy gave her a look of pure fear mixed with guilt. She didn’t want Rarity to think she was boring.

Rarity quickly intervened.

“Fluttershy! I’m sorry! It was a jest! A bad attempt, I thought it would make you smile… Ohhh I’m so sorry. I know what you mean. And I’m glad I can help.”

Fluttershy eased up a little.

“Rarity, you already helped me a lot. You’re a good friend, I could never think that you are boring.”

“Thank you, dear, you are also a very good friend, Annnnnd, there! You’re all clean now. Let me join you, I also need to bathe.”

Rarity entered the bathtub next to Fluttershy. She telekinetically grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. She poured the wine and gave one glass to Fluttershy.

“Consider this a proper apology for the fright I gave you.”

Rarity’s first sip temporarily chased away all the black thoughts of the last week. She took the opportunity to converse with Fluttershy, who preferred, for her part, to silently sip her glass of wine, somewhat intimidated by her friend’s sudden proximity.


Once clean, half an hour and half a bottle of wine later, Fluttershy and Rarity moved into the other room, ready to go to bed.

“The bed is ready dear. Here’s your side. That way, you will be able to sleep on your right flank, I will sleep on the other side... where I can't hurt your wing. You’ll have to excuse me, dear, I don't think you’re quite ready to sleep all alone just yet” Rarity said with a sheepish look. “The good side of this situation is that I will be close if you need anything.”

Fluttershy stopped following Rarity when she realized that they were going to share the same bed. Having never done such a thing with a friend, not even Rainbow, Fluttershy had to admit being embarrassed. Rarity was a very good friend, certainly, and Fluttershy liked her, but the sudden proximity of the unicorn caught her off guard.

They both seemed to be closer than ever, and Celestia knew how much Fluttershy needed comfort. But after that bath and in front of the prospect of sleeping next to Rarity, she began to feel a little anxious. She noticed the candles everywhere.

Isn't it too intimate? she thought, with her cheeks now a dark red matching the wine left in the bottle.

She lay down, carefully, on her right flank, to avoid applying pressure to her wing and left flank. However, in this position, she was facing Rarity who occupied the other part of the bed.

Ohhh it’s definitely too intimate. Fluttershy thought, troubled.

Once under the sheets, Rarity magically blew out the scented candles, plunging the room into darkness to the great relief of Fluttershy and her burning cheeks.

Hidden in the darkness of the room, with her eyes closed not to see Rarity’s shape a few inches away, Fluttershy was finally able to breathe more calmly and let sleep come to her. She focused her thoughts on the soothing breath of the unicorn.

Fluttershy eventually fell asleep until she woke up crying, late at night, after one of her nightmares. She spent the rest of the night sobbing in Rarity's embrace, who gently pulled her in her hooves.


The next morning, one day before the funeral, the sun finally showed itself. With great joy, Rarity took Fluttershy, still exhausted from her restless night, to the shop's large windows.

Fluttershy, well nestled in the soft pile of cushions basking in the sunlight, was savoring a moment of relaxation away from the incessant strident noises of the hospital's machines. For the first time in a long period, she felt another thing than the omnipresent pain in her heart.

Soon, the serenity that reigned in the shop and the bright rays of sunshine that began to warm her up won over her sadness. Her eyes closed gently and she ultimately fell in a peaceful and refreshing sleep, the first since the incident. A world of soft, happy dreams welcomed Fluttershy, tenderly.

In that place, she didn’t feel the pain of her wing, nor the pain of not having been able to save Rainbow. Her bad dreams could not reach her there. For once, she had found peace.


About ten hours later, when Fluttershy regained a little bit of color, Rarity gently woke her up.

She was happy to see that Fluttershy had recovered a good amount of energy thanks to her nap.
Fluttershy looked much more rested and looked much better than in the last few days.

If she didn't look so sad all the time, she would be the same as the "Fluttershy" before the accident, Rarity thought with regret, promising herself to do everything in her power to see that smiling "Fluttershy" again one day, the one she was missing so much.

Hoping to help her retaking control over her life and to distract her from her pain, Rarity asked Fluttershy to come and join her in the kitchen to prepare the evening meal.

Slightly happier, after her nap, Fluttershy accepted the offer, mostly to please her hostess. Once their tasks were completed, they enjoyed a good hot meal in honor of her recovery.

Featuring a steaming soup of garden vegetables as a starter, a tomato salad with hot goat cheese and, for dessert, a very good apple pie, a gift from Applejack, the meal gave Fluttershy a good dose of energy, which she needed so much. The wine that Rarity had bought for the occasion was delicious and suited the salad perfectly.

She hadn't eaten so well in a long time. Fluttershy temporarily broke her silence streak to thank Rarity for this more than nourishing dinner.

“Thanks, Rarity... for everything, for the dress and also for these past two days. It did me a lot of good and... I... I am eternally grateful to you for it...” shyly began Fluttershy.

Rarity, feeling that Fluttershy wanted to tell her something important, chose to keep quiet, waiting for the second half.

Fluttershy rarely spoke the past few days and this was her first conversation’s initiative in a long time. As she had anticipated, Fluttershy started talking again.

“But... since I came here, you never have free time anymore. You must be exhausted and that is why... hum... I... I believe that I should go back to my cottage tomorrow... if... if you don't mind,” concluded Fluttershy, with a faint, unconvincing smile.

With a flip of her hoof, Rarity swept away Fluttershy's crazy proposal. She knew why Fluttershy was doing this and she wanted to set the record straight.

“Puhhl...ease! Fluttershy, my dear, it pleases me to keep you with me. I appreciate that you're concerned but I assure you that I am absolutely fine and I wish to take care of you. I desire to see you smile again, my dear Fluttershy, and I shall not stop trying until you have found the happiness stolen from you. I want that when you will leave this shop to return to your home it is because you will have found a reason to rejoice in life and not because you think of being a burden to me, which is absolutely not the case. ”

“But... but...I...”

“No "buts" my dear,” Rarity stopped her, by raising one hoof. “You stay with me. At least until the time when I shall judge that you are done with your mourning. Is that clear?”

Relieved and moved by Rarity's fervor, Fluttershy sketched a small smile, pale but honest, to indicate her agreement to stay a little longer at Carousel Boutique. Rarity, pleased by this shy smile, smiled back at Fluttershy

“It is a good start, but it will take more than this to convince me to let you leave,” Rarity replied, accompanying her remark with a wink.

Once their glasses of wine were empty. Rarity, under the watchful eye of Fluttershy, once again confined in silence, cleaned the table and washed the dishes. After half an hour, when everything was in order, Rarity looked at the clock. It was time to let Fluttershy know.

“Fluttershy dear, I have a surprise for you. I took the liberty to ask Aloe and Lotus to prepare us a small evening of relaxation at their spa, for us as well as Twilight, Pinkie and Applejack. Tomorrow is an important day and we quite need to be rested for what waits for us.”

Upon hearing Rarity’s mention about the day of the funeral, tears ran down Fluttershy's cheeks. Rarity hastened to wipe them tenderly with her hooves, smiling at Fluttershy, with tears in her eyes as well.

“A funeral is never easy Fluttershy, but we will all be together with you, helping you to bear the pain,” Rarity said as she lifted Fluttershy's watery face with her hooves and kissed her on the forehead. “Always near you, even Rainbow.”

When Fluttershy was soothed and ready to depart, they left together, braving the darkness of the evening, to meet with their friends at the spa. They had all accepted Rarity’s invitation for the evening, even Applejack who usually refused to indulge in this kind of luxury.


Lotus and Aloe, who had learned the unfortunate news about Rainbow's death, refused to charge Rarity, one of their good customers, for the evening. They fully understood the group's need for relaxation and wanted to do everything they could to bring some comfort in their lives. The services offered to the group were generally quite expensive but that night they would be free, a gift from Aloe and Lotus.

And despite the strong pain still in their hearts, the five friends had a nice time, even if they were unable to fully appreciate it.

Applejack, still aching from all the work she was doing at Sweet Apple Acres farm, particularly appreciated the virtues of the massage of the talented Aloe and could not help but growl a few moans of pleasure under the divine pressure of the pink pony's hooves.

“Oh yeah! Right there sugarcube,” Applejack said, feeling her muscles loosening. “This is darn good, Ah think ah should come here more often.”

Pinkie, who had mysteriously found back her spark of joy since the last time Fluttershy saw her, was now trying the seaweed bath as Rarity had suggested. She was enjoying strutting around in her tightly packed plant outfit.

After throwing herself into the mud pool, Pinkie, in a physically impossible way for anypony other than her, began to swim in the mud, like a dolphin. As easily as if it were pool water.

Personifying the element of laughter, she tried, consciously and by all possible means, to bring joy around her, despite the grief in her own heart. Her efforts were eventually rewarded by a few laughs from Applejack and Aloe who saluted her performance in the mud bath.

Lotus, on the other hand, was supervising the entire evening, providing refreshments to Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy who were thirsty after their passage in the dry wood sauna for which the establishment was famous. The three friends then went to relax in the large central basin.

Fluttershy carefully entered the pool, taking care to keep the scars of her wing out of the water.

While Twilight was discussing with Rarity about her progress for Rainbow’s farewell speech, Fluttershy closed her eyes and let herself be rocked by the gentle stream of water. The beneficial warmth of the pool temporarily drove Fluttershy's worries away, allowing her to distract herself from her sad thoughts.

The evening also saw its share of tears shed, especially Fluttershy's. Every time Rainbow's name was mentioned, the pegasus would silently shed tears, quickly comforted by the pony closest to her, likely Rarity.

Surrounded by her close friends, Fluttershy felt a little better, despite the feeling of emptiness caused by Rainbow's obvious absence. Fluttershy could not help but notice that the world seemed much less colorful without her friend.

It probably would never be again.


At the end of the night, when it was time to return to Rarity’s boutique, Fluttershy took time to timidly thank Applejack for taking care of the animals at her cottage during her convalescence. A task that Applejack did diligently during Fluttershy's stay at the hospital.

Then after having hugged each of her friends including Aloe and Lotus, who expressed their sympathies to her, she went into the night, accompanied by Rarity.

The warm water in the pool had reduced the permanent pain in her wing, which would suggest a good night's sleep. She thanked Rarity for thinking about that evening that had done her the most good.

Once back at Carousel Boutique, Fluttershy, tired and exhausted from her day, only had to close her eyes to fall asleep in the soft bed next to Rarity, without even having a thought about their shared proximity.

Her nightmares woke her up only once that night. She jumped quietly, her heart beating after dreaming of Rainbow, shredded by the jaw of a timberwolf. She hadn't screamed, Rarity hadn't woken up.

Carefully, Fluttershy approached Rarity, being cautious not to make any sudden movements that might wake the sleeping unicorn or hurt her flank and her wing. Then, delicately, Fluttershy hugged against Rarity, looking for comfort.

Fluttershy focused her breathing on the unicorn's soft, deep breaths, then eventually fell asleep against her.

In the middle of the night, by a happy coincidence, Rarity awoke in turn because of a radiating heat against her left flank.

When Rarity noticed Fluttershy, curled up against her, she smiled tenderly. She gave her back her embrace with love. Fluttershy was warm and soft, much more alive than at the beginning of this horrible week. Rarity's little attention and their little "soirée" at the spa had already begun to work wonders on Fluttershy's health.

Rarity concentrated her breaths on the calm and soothing ones of Fluttershy, then fell asleep against her.


“Fluttershy dear, may I ask you why you keep that feather?”

In the early morning, while preparing her dress and Fluttershy's, Rarity saw the pegasus sitting on her side of the bed, contemplating a cyan feather with wet eyes.

She could easily guess where that feather came from, but she was worried. An obsession could be harmful to Fluttershy's recovery, so Rarity slowly approached.

“I understand that it’s a memory of our dear Rainbow... but I can't help but notice that for you it seems to be a little more than that and, in all honesty, I'm a little concerned about what you see in that feather.”

Fluttershy didn't answer right away. She wiped the tears off her cheeks and then, after a resigned sigh, she placed the feather on the bedside table.

“It's... it's something we used to do... Rainbow and me... when we were younger,” Fluttershy explained, as Rarity sat by her side. “Whenever one of us made a promise to the other... and... and I mean a very important promise... the one that made the promise would give one of her feathers to the other... as a reminder of her word. It was also symbolic of our will to keep those promises.” She chuckled. “It’s a thing little pegasi do… at least, that’s what she said. I didn’t really have other friends at the time… She’s always been so brave…”

“Oh Fluttershy...”

“Rainbow... gave me this feather after promising to wait for me... on the other side...” Fluttershy couldn’t hold more tears from falling. “She died soon after. This feather... it's the only thing I can hold to remind me of her. She's waiting for me Rarity... and I miss her, I want to get her back.”

Rarity rubbed Fluttershy’s back, letting the crisis pass. Of course, there was nothing she could do to shoo away the pain or the sadness. She just didn’t mean as much as Rainbow to Fluttershy.

No, it was wrong to put it like that. That sounded too much like a competition, which was simply ridiculous.

But it was disheartening to see her friend like that. What could she do? Surely, there had to be a way to help her move forward. But what could ever help Fluttershy to endure Rainbow’s loss? There was nothing else she was thinking of if not…

...Rainbow herself.

She looked at the feather again and an idea came to her. For the second time, she felt like her friend was still giving her inspiration even from the afterlife.

She waited for the pegasus to calm down a little before telling her her idea with a soft voice.

“Fluttershy, I’ve just noticed but that feather would make a great hair accessory with your dress.”


Rainbow's funeral was celebrated on top of a sunny hill.

Yet, on the horizon, a storm was approaching. Heavy black clouds began to drift towards the crowd assembled in front of the coffin, blasting lightning and pouring cold rain in their path. Rainbow's departure had reminded everypony how hard it could be to tackle the weather without her.

Celestia and Luna, distinguished guests at the funeral, had made sure to establish a protective shield around the crowd to protect the guests from the cold rain that would soon fall on the hill.

Lightning-shaped black balloons floated around the coffin draped in dark rainbow-colored draperies. Black banners, strategically placed around the guests, displayed photos representing the most important stages in Rainbow's life.

A recollection book, already well filled, awaited the guests' comments at the entrance. Memories, thoughts and condolences were the main annotations.

Pinkie had worked hard to give the blue pegasus the ceremony she deserved. Everything in the setting honored Rainbow and despite the sadness of the event, Pinkie's talents made many smiles bloomed.

The guest list was most impressive and Pinkie had done an incredible job of organization to place all the guests. And she had perfectly succeeded in meeting all the demands regarding the guest’s comfort.

Princesses Celestia and Luna stood in the front row alongside Princess Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Spike and the small group of cutie mark crusaders.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were consoling poor Scootaloo as best they could. How the latter was going through that day, it was anypony’s guess.

The second place was occupied by the Wonderbolt troop, who came to pay tribute to their best recruit. At their side stood Lightning Dust who, despite the differences she had had with Rainbow, had wanted to say goodbye to her biggest rival.

Further away, in the third row was Daring Do, dressed up as always. Next to her were Zecora and all the staff at Ponyville Hospital, regretting more than ever that they had not been able to save Rainbow.

Bulk biceps, Derpy, Cloudchaser, Flitter, Thunderlane and several other pegasus were in fourth place. And Gilda, not wanting to get any closer to Rainbow's friends, was in the last row with other ponies that Rainbow had known during her too-short life.

When Twilight came to stand by the coffin, accompanied by her four friends, they each in turn placed a bouquet on the pegasus' coffin. Each of the bouquets had a different color and when combined, they formed a rainbow of the same color than Rainbow's mane.

As Twilight magically amplified her voice to deliver a farewell speech for Rainbow, all eyes were on Fluttershy.

She was magnificent in her black dress adorned with her wonderful powder blue accessories, including Rainbow's feather, which was dominant in her mane. The jewels at the back of the garment began to sparkle with a thousand lights when one of the few rays of sunlight, that still pierced the black clouds piled up above the hill, illuminated them. Their brilliance produced a rainbow halo that seemed to surround the pegasus as if Rainbow was hugging Fluttershy.

For a few seconds time seemed to have stopped. The audience held their breath as they saw this vision of incredible beauty. However, this ephemeral image soon disappeared with the sun, swallowed by the black clouds. Then the rain started pouring, it fell hard on the protective dome.

The yellow pegasus, for her part, only had eyes for the coffin in front of her. While Twilight recited the speech, she silently prayed for her courageous friend, thanking her for her bravery and loyalty. Fluttershy apologized for her unforgivable decision to stay a little longer in Everfree Forest and for not being able to found enough strength to fly away that day.

Fluttershy looked at the sculpture on top of the tombstone. It was a bust of Rainbow with wings wide open. Very detailed, Fluttershy could almost believe it was her friend. The sculpture had the same expression of pride as Rainbow. Fluttershy lost her gaze in the granite of the stone pegasus.

While the coffin had gone underground with, at Twilight's and her friends' request, copies of all the letters mentioning Rainbow that the five friends had written to Princess Celestia, Fluttershy's eyes filled with tears. As the earth gradually covered Rainbow's coffin, trapping this spirit of air in an underground prison, Fluttershy realized with horror that, from then on, Rainbow’s tombstone bust would be the only thing that would remind the whole world of Rainbow.


The ceremony lasted just over an hour, with everyone having a say about the fantastic pegasus that Rainbow had been.

It ended with the testimony of one of Rainbow’s coworker from the weather factory.

“I think we all know about Rainbow sense of humor.”

She pointed to the heavy rain bouncing on the magical dome and gave the crowd a wink.

“That’s a good example of our Rainbow going overboard. That girl could make the weather goes crazy bad in ten second flat. But wow! She didn’t kid around this time! She made damn sure we’ll never forget her. Mission accomplished I’d say. So... See ya Rainbow and take care!”

The guest smiled at that and with a lighter heart, they got up and walked away.

While some guests were recollecting near Rainbow's grave, a sumptuous rainbow-colored cake covered in black icing, courtesy of Pinkie Pie and the Cake family, was served to guests waiting down the hill.

At the end of the funeral, Celestia and Luna expressed their thanks and sympathies to Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy and then left for Canterlot to perform their royal duties. As they left, the protective dome magic ceased and the rain fell violently on the hill. The guests took turns leaving and in the end, only the five friends remained.

Each of them said goodbye to their friend whom they had loved so much.

Fluttershy, soaked as never before, was the last to grieve in front of the grave. Her other friends had left one after the other, sad, tears running down their cheeks. Rarity, was the last to go, waiting for Fluttershy at Carousel Boutique where she was running a hot bath for her.

Finally alone in the rain, Fluttershy let the tears she had been holding on, since the beginning of the ceremony, to flow and fell on the freshly covered grave. Her embarrassment had prevented her from saying goodbye to Rainbow in front of all the guests. Now she could do it in peace.

“Rainbow, I already miss you... You're not here anymore and I'm hurt... so hurt. The ceremony was very beautiful. Pinkie did all the work... You know how she is... so devoted. It's her tribute to you. Twilight, as for her, did a very moving elegy in your honor... and Rarity created this magnificent dress to represent you.”

At that moment the tears were flowing harder than ever on her cheeks. She sighed, then continued her speech.

“You see Rainbow... Each one of us wanted to pay you a tribute in their own way… But me, I don't know how to give you a proper tribute. How can I say that I’m your friend if I'm not able to represent what you are worth to me... I don't deserve you... still, I would like you to be here to give me some advice... I need you so much Rainbow!” Fluttershy ended in a broken voice.

Sad and distraught, she bowed her head sadly and then crashed into the mud, staining her black dress, praying for a miracle. Her wing had suffered from the fall but the pegasus silenced her pain. Her tears were for Rainbow, not for her injuries.

She would have given anything to see her friend again, alive. Her rainbow mane, her disarming personality and her mischievous smile. She was missing Rainbow and the pain of her abrupt departure was vivid in Fluttershy’s heart who so desperately wanted to be able to show her one last time the importance that their friendship had in her heart.

She wished for a miracle.

A bright flash of light illuminated the sky and thunder broke out somewhere in the distance. At that moment, inspiration arose in Fluttershy's mind, obsessive, such a simple idea but one that was truly a miracle.

She knew what to do to pay tribute to Rainbow.

It was an ambitious project, one that would require a lot of effort and enormous doses of courage and perseverance. Some qualities that perfectly represented her friend. And the final result would be spectacular, a perfect tribute to illustrate the impact Rainbow had had on Fluttershy’s life and the strength of the bond of friendship between them.

With a steel resolve, she lifted her head, her gaze set on Rainbow's bust. Proudly, she stood up from the muddy puddle at her feet and carried a mud-covered hoof to her heart to make a solemn promise to her friend.

“Rainbow, I know what I want to do,” Fluttershy announced in a determined voice, after silencing her crying. “I know how to give you a proper tribute.”

Following the old custom between Rainbow and her, Fluttershy, carrying Rainbow's blue feather in her mane, tore one of her feathers from her unharmed wing and buried it in Rainbow’s tombstone soil.

At the same time as she was making her promise to Rainbow, the most intense lightning bolt that Ponyville had ever seen illuminated the entire sky.

“Rainbow, in one year, I will do a sonic rainboom.”

Author's Note:


Now you know about Fluttershy's promise. This chapter was an important milestone of ''A Pegasus Promise''

I hope you'll stay around to see more.

Also there's an ''*'' somewhere in the text, meaning that there is a bonus chapter exploring other events that happened in the same timeline than chapter 4.

I would suggest that you take a look at this chapter once you're done with this one.

Take care guys.

The picture in this chapter is a courtesy from FoxInShadow: https://www.deviantart.com/foxinshadow/art/Ghosts-Of-The-Past-833889482

Careful, since there is NSFW things on his deviant art page.