• Published 18th Oct 2019
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Harry Potter & the Ponies of Atlantis - ColtKit Productions

Long ago, magical life fled to a domed continent on the ocean floor. Ponies are Shifters (can change between their Equine, Anthro, or Human form). With the arrival of Harry Potter in their land, they learn humans are evolving into magic.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Talk of Crystal Ponies

• 6 Months Later:

"Your Highness?" Shining Armor asked, as he stepped into Sunset's study. "are you okay? You've been kinda out of it lately?

Sunset sighed, "You needn't worry Shining. It's more personal matters." She didn't look up from the reports she was filling out.

Shining smiled, "you know, you could always have Shadow Clones fill out the paperwork." A spell she perfected, thanks to the Element of Magic.

"It helps me remember," Sunset insisted.

"Remember what?" Shining asked.

"My Sins," Sunset wanted to say, but kept it too herself. Scribbling down on the scrolls.

Shining sighed, "Anyway, I'm here to inform you, the Kages have started to arrive, for tomorrow's Gala.... along with their various nobles, and elected officials."

Sunset stopped writing. Looking up, she asked the Stallion. "Is the Crystal Princess with them?"

Shining blushed. "Yeah, along with several important nobles and ambassadors from the Winter Tree... along with a bucking town's worth of guards. My guard is showing them to their quarters, and I'll be leaving shortly, to convince the Night Tree to meet with Cadence, and allow her an Embassy in their capital."

Sunset studied the detached Stallion. "Aren't you happy to see your wife?" she asked.

Shining Armor shifted, "I am... but I don't know, something just compels me to stay here."

Sunset groaned. Leaving her table, her long dragon wings stretched out, before folding back in place.

Shining, in this reality, had been born in Yggdrasil, like his sister, Twilight Sparkle, and their parents before them. However, Twilight was born a regular pony, and didn't have her chromosomes activated. As she got her Cutie Mark first.

Then Twilight went to Celestia's school, as a transfer student... while Shining went to a college there. There, he met Cadence... one of many Alicorns.

Sunset might have taken all the ponies Celestia intended, in the original reality, but in this one, Celestia, to, got her dreams answered. That included a more benevolent, second, Alicorn Dynasty.

Cadence and Shining later got married, without the Changeling invasion, and later still went to the Crystal Empire. This time, when it returned, it appeared in the Winter Tree. Cadence became the Crystal Princess.

Soon after, Cadence got the Crystal Empire recognized by the Yukikage, the Snow Kage, herself. A majestic Ice Maiden, named "Koyuki Kazahana"...

Although outside the land of snow, others were hesitant to trust the Crystal Ponies again. Mostly due to Sombra's influence.

Cadence was trying to reintroduce the Crystal Ponies, to the rest of Atlantis... particularly trying to make Peace with the Nocturnal Tree.

Shining was in Yggdrasil, as the Ambassador for the Crystal Empire... and, more recently, as Captain of Sunset's royal guard.

Neither Cadence, Nor Shining, knew this reality was any different. Cadence believed Shining had followed the Ether ponies to improve relations with the other races. which the ruling class were reluctant to allow.

"Don't lie?" Flash smiled, Skipping into the room. "You practically hugged her to death when you saw her."

Shining sighed, "It's hard, only being able to see her through potion calls."

Flash gave a knowing smile, only for Shining to burst his bubble with, "Shouldn't the royal consort, be getting ready for the Gala? I hear it takes an entire day, to brush his fur."

Sunset got a lustful blush, as she imagined Flash wearing his uniform.

Flash just groaned in embarrassment. Then glared at Sunset. "Can't you PLEASE add some pants to that get up!" he more demanded then asked.

Sunset continued to blush, as she imagined the unaltered uniform... as only a virgin could... despite having memories of bearing quite a few children. She was 1200 after all.

"Would you be so willing to disregard our traditions?" Sunset teased.

Flash threw up his arms, and started to march out of the room... looking upset.

"You can throw on some white briefs, to wear under the loincloth." Sunset allowed.

Flash gave a sigh of relief, as well as a single nod, before leaving to get dressed. As his biggest complaint about the "Royal Consort Uniform" was every creature could see his... EVERYTHING!!! While in Pony form, those parts were internal, like a reptiles. As well as being covered by fur... such parts were well hidden.

A Consort's uniform hid none of that!!! so undergarments were much appreciated.

### •

• Later, that Night.

"I know Crystal Ponies," Sombra growled as the Night Council went over their monthly discussions. These usually lasted a week.

In a rare sight, all who could be present, were. All the Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, elected officials, and even the clan heads.

The Nightmare Kage, was sitting on her throne, staying largely neutral in this. Luna, in this reality, had never turned into Nightmare Moon, and so had never been banished. Instead, she went to the Nocturnal Tree, and was welcome to rule over their eternal night.

There she practiced dark magic, and found a way to give herself eternal youth. The ritual didn't actually extend her lifespan, it just made it so she would stay in her prime. Once she reached the age she was destined to die at, she would just drop dead. However, until then she would stay in her prime.

She had ruled for a thousand years, and would rule for a thousand more.

Sombra, King of the Shadow ponies, might be equal in power to Luna, but he actually agreed. She made a much better Kage... as it allowed him to focus on his fallen children, brought back to this new reality... His Shadow Ponies... returned to him.

The other rulers were debating the vote, before they were expected to make it, at the end of the week.

Shining's proposal was tricky. The entire Nocturnal Tree, was split. King Sombra, was having trouble, convincing the other rulers, of the folly of Shining's plan.

As with all decisions, the topic was debated, until there was a 70 percent majority vote, on either side.

Shining had been pushing this for weeks... and it looked like he was slowly convincing the council more and more.

However, every time Shining made a good argument, Sombra would openly reject it, and no progress would be made. The discussions seemed to be strictly between those two. With the rest just listening, trying to understand why both were so adamant.

Still, Sombra was a proper King over a respectable country, where as Shining was merely the acting ambassador, not even an officially appointed one. He merely spoke for the Crystal Ponies, because he just happened to be the only crystal citizen brought here. That he just happened to be an Ether pony gave him slightly more credibility.

Then he just happened to be the husband of the Crystal Princess. It was a lot of coincidences that gave this Stallion a voice.

"There is a reason Crystal Ponies have been excluded from Sunset's court." Sombra scoffed. Speaking with a great deal of disdain, at the very idea of allowing Shining to open an Embassy in the Night Tree.

"Yes," Shining Armor eyed him. "Because YOU asked her not to."

Sombra gritted his teeth, "The Crystal Ponies are cruel creatures, obsessed with purity and light magics. They despise anything 'grey' in their presence, and are outwardly violent to anything 'dark'. They make no distinction between that and Evil.

"The Yokai are born of chaos magic, as are most of the sub ponies. The Crystal ponies believe this is an affront to their purity. They exterminated us once already. I will not allow them to devour this new generation of chaos sapients."

"YOU!" Shining Armor nearly forgot himself. "You only have one vote. It is not up to you if the Crystal ponies set up an embassy."

Sombra tsked, "It is a matter of common sense that their should not even BE a vote." The rulers looked affronted.

Sombra attempted to recover. "Shining muddies the issue. He claims, because the genocide was a thousand years ago, that you should ignore their crimes. I must remind you that the Crystal Empire was displaced in time during those thousand years.

"The ponies that waged war against your predecessors are still very much alive and, for them, no more then a year has passed. They may have a new ruling government, to keep them in check, but they are still the same ponies who killed off hundreds of races, for no other reason then they were born different to themselves.

"I fought these ponies, in a war that I inevitably LOST. From that experience I can tell you it is not wise to open dialogue with them. They do not wish to conquer. They do not want your land. They want to purge EVERYTHING that is not baked through sunshine and rainbows. They are bigots of the worse kind.

"You just need to look at how they treat their own males to see their cruelty. The fact Shining Armor is still here, instead of back in the Empire with his dominatrix of a wife, should confirm that much to you.

"Even now, I guarantee you, his words are that of an obedient Stallion of the Crystal Empire, beaten into submission. He has no more desire to get us involved with the Crystal Ponies, then he desires to return to them."

The Nobles looked to Shining, their expressions calculating.

Shining stood tall, "I assure you, mighty King Sombra. My words are my own. I am not some beaten down Stallion, too scared to speak my mind. I am the general of Atlantis' armies. The only reason why I am here is to try to open peace talks between our creatures. Because I genuinely believe there is much we can learn from each other. We are better off as allies then enemies.

"But, to address Sombra's other points, I will call my associate. Professor Lyra Heartstrings." Shinning went to the side of the room, and walked past Lyra as she came to stand in front of the council.

Many of the lords looked surprised, as this was the first time Shining got an expert to talk to them as well. Sombra looked annoyed.

"Lords of Nocturne," Lyra opened. "Everything Sombra said is true. However, he neglects to inform you, that The Crystal Empire was not merely moved through time. It was trapped in the Ether, being punished for their horrible crimes."

Sombra scuffed but didn't contradict her.

"It was magic itself which imprisoned them. Using none other then Sombra to inflict their punishment. However, magic released them, because it believes they have paid for their crimes."

"THEY CAN NEVER PAY ENOUGH!!!" Sombra raged.

"It is the pony way to forgive those that wrong us, no matter their crimes. They are punished, and then reformed, through the will of the spirit of justice. If we did not attempt this, then Discord would not be here to look after his Draconequus .

"It's true, the Crystal Empire has committed many atrocities. They are much like the Nazis of the human world in their quest for purity. And, like the Nazis, that government was deposed. Like the Nazis, the Crystal ponies themselves were just as much victims of their cruel government as the German people. Victims of circumstance.

"Unlike the Nazis, these ponies were ALL punished and have repented for their crimes. They suffered in the Ether, tortured by a spirit of vengeance for the atrocities they committed. They have been punished enough, and would not attempt to do that again.

"They wish to make amends, and it is the pony way to give them a second chance. I realize most of you aren't ponies, but as Discord has said. We have the lowest rate of repeat offenders in the cosmos."

### •

The council reached an impasse about what to do regarding the Crystal Ponies. They simply could not agree with this "70 percent majority" rule, it was a wonder they could ever get anything done.

However, Shining did manage to get one minor victory. The council agreed to meet with the Crystal Princess. And conceded to opening trade with the Crystal Ponies. That would (hopefully) lead to a proper embassy. It was a baby step, but it was still a step forward.

"I suppose you will be leaving now?" Sombra grumbled as he walked beside Shining Armor.

Shining did his best not to glare, "While trade is a big step. My ultimate goal is still getting the Crystal Empire an Embassy."

Sombra smirked, "Of course. You have quite the ambitious goal. One might even say 'unattainable'. I wonder how long it will be before your wife calls you back to her, and appoints a more permanent ambassador."

Shining couldn't stop it. His ears pinned, and of course Sombra picked right up on that.

"You are a proper citizen here," Sombra reminded. "It isn't even a matter of requesting it. Your clan would protect you. As your village would defend you."

"You misunderstand." Shining insisted, forcing his ears back up... and maybe getting them to look a tad too perky as a result, "I do not fear my wife-"

"Of course not," Sombra interrupted. "Crystal Stallions never fear their wives, only the lash." Sombra sighed, with false sympathy.

"I. Am. Not. A Slave," Shining glared. "Cadence values my opinion. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. If I choose to stay here, then you get your war. The Crystal Ponies would never tolerate their Crown Prince defecting. I have no wish of allowing that. I have every intention of returning on my own."

"How selfless of you." Sombra looked sympathetic.

Shining scuffed, "We are done here." and begun walking away.

However, he couldn't block out Sombra's final comment. "I suppose that is why you accepted a position as a Captain for the Ether Ponies."

Shining managed to stop himself, from pausing in his steps. He just wanted to pull his weight while he was here... that was the only reason...

### •

• Several Hours Later, at the Gala:

After giving a speech, as part of the opening ceremony to the Gala, Sunset hid in the crowd of ponies... mostly so she wouldn't have to deal with awkward conversations, with Celestia. Princess Sun Butt, wouldn't dare break her image, by risking Sunset making a scene in public... as the 1200 year old filly had done, last time Celestia tried to speak to her.

Unfortunately, not even that was safe, as a far worse pony then Celestia, approached her... Shining Armor's Mom. Oh, Princess Cadence appeared to be with her... lovely.

"We need to talk, your grace." Twilight Velvet looked at her with disapproval. While Cadence shuffled uncomfortably, next to her.

"I'm not sleeping with your son, Misses Shining?" Sunset blurted out with a blush.

In pony society, you were supposed to address a friend's parent by their child's Family Theme. It was supposed to show respect, for both the parent and their child... while also implying the one saying it, acknowledge the other as an authority figure.

That might be improper, for a Head of clan to label herself as beneath a friend's parent. Especially when, both the friend and her parent, were a member of her own clan. But it just kinda slipped out... by the way Velvet's face relaxed, it was clear she appreciated it all the same.

Regardless, Velvet spotted her son and signalled him over. Shining's ears pinned, seeing his mother with his wife and Sunset... that couldn't be good. Families were important in Atlantis, so parents always retained some rights over their children, despite how old they got. Parents were expected to step in and correct their child, even as adults.

Shining had been getting his own lecture, from his dad, for not returning to Cadence sooner. That he was a big Stallion, and couldn't just run away. Especially since there wasn't even a problem with the marriage, but rather the location. That he chose to marry a Princess, and should understand that came with some restrictions...

Dad actually said, that if the restrictions were too much, then Shining should just divorce Cadence. However, at Shining's insistence that he loved her, his dad informed, that meant it was Shining's duty to make it work.

Shining gulped, when he saw his mother wave them over, after she found Sunset. Then the older Stallion, and father, got to work steering Flash and Shining towards the group of mares.

Flash was far more reluctant to get near Cadence. For some odd reason, only Sunset understood. In this reality, Flash had been offered as a gift... but in the original, Flash had basically become a deserter.

Once the Stallions joined the mares, Velvet informed, "We are in quite the pickle here. The Crystal ponies believe that YOU, Kami Sunset, stole two members of Cadence Harem. They have only kept it as rumor so far, but they are getting twitchy. The nobles don't want to bring it up yet, as they consider it a private matter, but if this goes on, it could very well result in riots.

"Especially amongst the Stallions," Night Light sighed. Shining's dad was always one for details. "They believe their Prince, their voice to the throne, was stolen. Appearing to run off with a mare is purely viewed as the mare's fault."

If she wasn't a noble, this would have resulted in decades imprisonment for her... and if this had been a thousand years ago, the Crystal ponies would have demanded a war between tribes. Thankfully the Crystal ponies are trying to be more accepting and forgiving. They still viewed this as a terrible crime, but they want to keep it as an inhouse matter.

"Luckily," Velvet smiled, "We have an idea." then looked at Cadence.

The Princess of love sighed, looking at Sunset, "You need to join my herd."

Sunset blushed, "I'm really not sleeping with your husband!!!" she yelped.

"I know," Cadence nodded. "I trust my Shining, but that doesn't change the public appearance.

"Shining originally stayed with you, to discuss opening trade and establishing an Embassy. but... it's been 6 months without the Crystal Prince in the Empire.

"Rumors have started, that you persuaded the Stallion to join your own Heram. This makes me look weak to my ponies, even if Shining did return with me today... the damage is done.

"However, if you became a legal Mistress to my Heram, it would seem, the reason Shining stayed with you so long, was because we were courting each other.

"The Crystal ponies will believe I was bribing you to enter a political marriage, by letting you... test my favorite husband, along with my earlier gift of the young virgin I recently acquired."

Both Stallions blushed right along with Sunset.

Velvet explained, "Really dear, if you want to keep your special somepony," looking at Flash, then back to Sunset. "this is the only way... without causing an international incident, between two governments that just barely started accepting each other."

Sunset looked at Flash, who was fidgeting. "What do you think?"

"I don't want you to get in trouble," Flash blushed. "Besides, mares are expected to share Stallions... it wouldn't be THAT weird to share you with other Stallions. Plus it would help relationships with the Crystal Ponies..."

Sunset sighed, "Sombra isn't going to be happy about this..."

### •

• After the Gala, At the Ether Pony Compound.

"My apologies if I overstepped." Sombra gave a brief bow to Sunset.

"I get you don't want our civilization interacting with Crystal ponies." Sunset sighed, as she begun walking through the garden, of her estate. Sombra quickly followed her. "But if you attempt to manipulate my ponies like that again, I will take it as an act of aggression towards my clan."

Sombra raised an eyebrow, "I can assure you. I have no such intention. I spoke purely from a place of concern."

"Shining Armor is my responsibility," Sunset assured him. "If he ever decides to stay with my clan, permanently, is between himself and me. You do more harm then good by stepping in like that."

Sombra looked at her a moment, "You allow other leaders, myself included, our independence when it comes to our ponies... I suppose it is only fair I give you the same courtesy."

"I don't allow anything." Sunset insisted. Then sighed, "Sombra... I couldn't attack the Crystal ponies for you. Not after everything that happened."

Sombra shrugged, "My shadow ponies are safe in my borders. The Yokai, and various subponies, are thriving. I am content with what I did get... but I would prefer it, if you stopped Shining from speaking in my council room, about this Embassy business.

"I will sit back, and allow trade with the Crystal Ponies, if only to keep my fellow leaders happy... but this talk of embassies... it worries me... I see nothing but a repeat of history.

"Before the Crystal ponies attacked, they presented themselves as friends. Then, when they learned of our locations, they attacked without mercy nor warning. It takes great cunning and ruthlessness to exterminate an entire race... and they massacred hundreds of them...

"I know your Shining thinks me cruel, but all I want is for the continued prosperity of the Yokai and Subponies. I know no good will come of dealing with the Crystal Empire."

"... I told you, in confidence, about Shining's internal debate about remaining in Yggdrasil... and you chose to use that as a way to attack and manipulate him."

Sombra's ears pinned, once again. "Forgive me, All Mother, I was acting purely in the interest of our creatures."

Sunset eyed him a moment, he was still bowing to her. With a sigh, she asked, "Please stop doing that."

Sombra quickly got up, ears still pinned.

"You proved to me I can't depend on you as a supportive-" She began to say.

"You can!" Sombra insisted. "It was a one time thing! I swear to Fausticorn, I won't betray your confidence again!"

Sunset sighed, "I don't know why you hold my opinion in such high regard."

It wasn't a question, but Sombra answered regardless, "You brought back a long dead civilization and gave birth to the gods... and you can't see why I think you holy? Magical Artifact or not, you are nothing less then a Prophet!"

Sunset groaned. Sombra remembered everything as well. And true to Discord's belief, knowledge of the former reality proved problematic, in his hooves.