• Published 18th Oct 2019
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Harry Potter & the Ponies of Atlantis - ColtKit Productions

Long ago, magical life fled to a domed continent on the ocean floor. Ponies are Shifters (can change between their Equine, Anthro, or Human form). With the arrival of Harry Potter in their land, they learn humans are evolving into magic.

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Chapter 4: Sunset's Motivation

Except for that blip in World War 2, Britain had a strong relationship with the Japanese, going back hundreds of years. Konoha was actually one of the first towns, to be settled by Japanese immigrants. Though, since then, many Europeans moved in. This resulted in much interbreeding, which was quite the scandal at the time. It's why so many of the locals had a Japanese eye shape, and texture to their hair, but had more Caucasian coloring to said hair, and skin.

Most of the Japanese genes were deeply buried in their biology, having been bred out after 200 years of marrying Europeans, but they maintained a strong blend of the two's cultures. Especially in their architecture. With most of the older buildings, from the first immigrants, still standing. Then newer buildings were built with a flavor of both cultures, evolving together.

Sunset did love this town. The "School for delinquents" was a reflection of the goodness of this place. It was well funded, with various programs to help the kids. Rather then a place to shove them off until they aged out... it focused more on true rehabilitation, rather then punishment.

Mind you, while these kids were troubled, more often then not having a background of abuse, they weren't exactly murderers or rapists. At worse they got in too many fights, and vandalized one too many things... though that Gaara kid did set his uncle on fire... but he was sent here because the courts saw him more as a victim that snapped, then a lost cause...

Sunset... felt at home here. The school Counselor had assigned her to anger Management... and was working with her... Sunset even felt comfortable enough to tell the woman about Celestia. Obviously she left the higher details out... like Celestia being a demi god and ruler of an underground continent... but the core was the same...

How Celestia had taken in Sunset, a lowly orphan, purely due to the girl's sheer potential. Then drove her relentlessly, constantly working her to the breaking point. That Sunset was to carry on the title of "a great noble family". As Celestia was "barren" and had no way to conceive a true heir....

That when Sunset proved too much of a handful, Celestia abandoned her, and got a new girl to groom... after all the panic attacks, the constant state of pressure the girl was under... she was just thrown aside... Celestia never loved her, she said she did, but the girl was just a means to an end...

Sunset even told the human how she ran away... and was arrested for shoplifting, and sent here because she refused to tell anyone who her guardian was. Which was true. Sunset would never have been so willing to set up shop so near the portal... but it turned out to be the perfect place...

Although, Sunset had claimed, to the Counselor, that "Celestia" was an alias... Regardless of the fact the girl couldn't tell the Counselor everything, the therapy sessions were actually helping. She spent over a year just glaring at the Counselor... but eventually felt comfortable enough with her to talk to the woman about serious things... instead of the conversations they had about random things, to kill time until the session was over... strangely, those meaningless talks helped Sunset feel more comfortable. The woman hadn't even attempted to talk to Sunset about her background... not until the girl was comfortable sharing it.

This school specialized in helping troubled kids, after all... and they had gotten really good at it.

Konoha even had a "Lord Mayor", a very honorable title in Britain, awarded to only a handful of cities. He even extended his duties, to include being the Headmaster of the Reform school. Making a point to talk with the kids... even helping them pay for university, and getting jobs... though that was made easier by the fact most of the kids came to love this town as much as Sunset...

"Things really went downhill for me." Sunset told the counselor, early the next morning.

The disguised Unicorn, had forgotten she had a counseling appointment, but Flash had managed to remind her. The colt promised to take the kids shopping... Equestrian Colts were a lot better at that then human Stallions... a lot "better"... Sunset was worried the boy would spend all the money they had saved up.

Regardless, there was no helping it, and she needed to focus on today's session... seeing the foals... learning of their background... had triggered some unpleasant memories.

"When Celestia discovered my dad was black." The Counselor didn't even blink, merely continued to wear her compassionate smile.

It wasn't, exactly, true... but the spirit of it was. Sunset's father had been a "subpony", A Kirin, actually. It wasn't like any of the human races were "Sub" breeds, unlike with the ponies. Humans just had different skin colors, where Subponies had vast genetic differences from the creatures they magically mutated from...

However both were treated like second class citizens... both were oppressed and kept in poverty...

"I managed to track him down, using Celestia's resources... and learned he had been part of an interracial couple, but his wife, my mom, had died in childbirth... he had difficulty, a single black man... raising a white girl... he got accused of kidnapping me, more then once... so, hoping I would have a better life... he left me on the steps of an orphanage...

"Celestia only learned about him, soon after I did... of course she had, I had used her resources to find him... she forbid me from seeing him again....paid him a good bit in hush money. Celestia claimed that, if the nobility found out about my heritage....they would never accept me... they had a hard enough time grasping I wasn't Celestia's by blood...

"Of course, I tried to see him again... but he told me not to come back when I tried. That I had a good life, and I shouldn't risk my station by acknowledging him... Celestia only took me out of that orphanage, because of the potential I showed at school... she was all kinds of disappointed I was a half breed..."

Celestia had even bound the girl's third chromosome chain, to make sure Sunset couldn't accidentally activate it, and become a Kirin, herself...

Most Subponies had a third chain, it's where all their magical genes came from. Although half breeds tended to have the chain dormant, unless activated by a specific type of magical surge. Which was different per species. For Kirin, it was triggered by extreme anger... Celestia often blamed Sunset's temper on the filly's Kirin blood... the wanker didn't understand, that if you are constantly pushing a child, to the point of frequent panic attacks... well, it's a miracle Sunset was as well adjusted as she was...

Sunset had learned of the plight of Subponies, through meeting her biological father... Equestria wasn't the utopia ponies thought it was... not for every creature... bigotry and prejudice ran wild, just like anywhere else... and Sunset had made it her mission to save the oppressed... she would help them...

Celestia kept shifting the blame to the Senate. At least the humans had anti discrimination laws... but the Senate wouldn't hear of it. True, hate crimes were near non existent from such prey animals. However that didn't mean the Subponies were treated fairly.

They were more likely to be imprisoned, for even petty crimes. Employers could openly refuse to hire someone, on the grounds they were a subpony... Subponies were even forbidden from serving on the Senate.

Technically they weren't allowed to be elected into any office, even mayor, but there was no way to enforce that law. Not without causing riots in the subpony colonies (where few mundane ponies even lived)... most Subponies were forced into ghettos, within large cities... where they were denied even the right to vote. Or colonies, which were cut off from most modern conveniences.

It was not an exaggeration, to say subponies were being oppressed. Many choosing to live in primitive villages, rather then suffer under the hooves of pony government.

But now.... Sunset could finally make a real difference. Where Celestia refused, choosing the nobility's way of clinging to the status quo.... But with the Element of magic at Sunset's disposal, she could force the change... she just needed to figure out how to use it, without driving herself insane... it hadn't chosen her, it was going to fight her, but she could find other ways to exploit it. It was the ultimate power source. More energy radiated from this little gem, then a thousand suns. If... when, she found a way to tap into it... she could change the face of Equestria.

Celestia once wanted her to rule? Well now the filly was ready... and she would take the crown from Celestia by force... she would save... all the subponies...

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter is so short. Having a rough time writing what happens after this, and figured I made you lot wait for a chapter long enough.

Hope you like the addition of Sunset's reasons for doing all this.