• Published 18th Oct 2019
  • 2,015 Views, 67 Comments

Harry Potter & the Ponies of Atlantis - ColtKit Productions

Long ago, magical life fled to a domed continent on the ocean floor. Ponies are Shifters (can change between their Equine, Anthro, or Human form). With the arrival of Harry Potter in their land, they learn humans are evolving into magic.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Wake Up

The following Morning, in the Draconequus Estate, of the Chaos Tree:

Harry groaned as he rolled out of bed. He fluttered his bat and raven wings and forced himself to rise out of bed with them. Yawning. Wow his mind was fuzzy this morning. He didn't usually have this hard a time waking up. After lightly smacking his face a few times with his mismatched paw and claw, Harry shook his head. Yawning again, Harry buzzed his wings out the door of his room, still feeling very sluggish.

In his daze he nearly collided with another of the Draconequus orphans. The orphanage was a rather large, and well funded, floor in the tower of the Housing Deck. The other clan's had a similar setup. Kage Sunset made sure all the orphans were well cared for, until they were old enough for their clan to assign them a house of their own. Harry had lived here his whole life and- NO!!!

Harry shot up... but he didn't know why. He felt wrong, as if the body he had always had was wrong in of itself. The Estate itself seemed far to bizarre and unfamiliar, yet he had never known anything else.

Shaking his head... the feeling passed. He landed on the floor, giving an apology to his fellow orphan, before flying out the nearest window.

### •

Meanwhile, in the Time Pony Estate of the Desert Tree:

Doctor Whooves sighed with relief as he found his children. He had been panicking as he ran around the Crystal Castle all night long. Then all of a sudden he was standing in a luxurious mansion, with his children walking into the hallway from their own custom designed rooms.

The 5 foals looked around, wondering how they got here and where Flash went.

The Doctor ran to his children, gathering them all in a hug, "You're all grounded until your 42." He laughed with utter relief.

### •

Back in the Chaos Tree:

The other orphans were floating along, talking and joking after giving a customary "Morning". It took Harry a moment to remember, as he followed the flock, there was a play park infront of the school. One where all the younger kids of Chaos Country gathered.

Maybe he would run into Naruto-

Harry blinked... who's Naruto?... Suddenly a blonde Uzumaki came to mind... but that doesn't make any sense. Harry never hung out with any of the fox clan. Clans rarely interacted at all... so who was Naruto?

Once they reached the play park, The orphans gave a eager shriek of "DISCORD!!!" before swarming someone. Harry blinked at the exclamation, as he slowly landed, looking around.

There were Abominations everywhere. Draconequus children eagerly attempting to get some play in before school. A swarm of little Abominations, from all over the village, where gathered around a-

Harry screamed in terror at the sight, moments before registering this is just what grownups look like. They were just longer then kids. What was so scary about that. Sure your average adult Draconequus was only a little taller then a pony, when on all fours.

Although with a much more skinny middle, that went on for at least 7 feet (usually with said middle sticking up so they're front and end were closer together)... but Discord... Discord was a good 15 foot long and taller then Celestia herself, even on all fours.

It must just be the fact that he was standing on his hind legs that scared Harry... but that couldn't be it either. Discord usually walked upright, and he wasn't scary at all... Especially not to kids-

Harry blinked, realizing he had been calling the children goats. Seriously, what did goats even have to do with anything? Draconequus children were called Abominations, not kids. Shaking his head yet again, Harry tried to focus.

All the abominations were looking at him funny. At Harry, they were used to Discord.

The sole grownup present, their god, looked over at him with a strange expression. Then he smiled as he floated over to Harry. The abomination blushed that he made a foal of himself in front of Discord. Then couldn't help but wonder who Discord was.

Shaking his head again, Harry reminded himself that Discord was the head of their clan, ever since he came back from his stone prison... but that can't be right...

"Interesting..." Discord smiled as he floated in front of the child, "By the spasm of your eyes you're actually fighting against it."

"Against..." Harry eyes snapped open. Sunset! She did this!!!... but what did she do? He couldn't remember. Something was... something was... something was wrong... Sunset did it... but why would their Kage ever do anything bad to any of the clans?

She was supposed to protect them all. That was the entire point of all the various races gathering together. The mere thought of Sunset acting outside the interest of the village was laughable.

Discord was smiling widely, "Very... very... interesting... None of these other sheep have been able to resist a grandmaster artifact."

Artifact?... ARTIFACT!!! She used some kind of magic whatcha muhoozle!!! She- She...

Harry quickly shook his head, the thoughts were hurting his brain.

Harry looked at the god of chaos, feeling nothing but trust for him.

"I... don't... feel... right..." Harry was shuddering.

"No," Discord smiled. "Not even the most powerful of your bloodline show even a hint of resistance..."

"Resistance?" Harry groaned, his head was hurting even more. The boy slowly sank to the floor, holding his head.

"What's wrong with Harry?" One of the branch family members asked. An older girl Harry had known since... never... Harry suddenly didn't recognize her. That's not right. He had known the girl his whole life. She helped him with his homework. She... but her name... what was her name...

For some reason his mind was fighting against the name, telling him he shouldn't know it. He started crying as he felt the pain in his head worsen...

Looking up at Discord, Harry begged, "Heeeeelp-" in a pained groan.

Discord frowned, "Of course." there was somekind of debate in his eyes... before he touched the top of the boy's head.

Suddenly everything made sense again. With a smile, Harry looking up at the head of his clan. "Thanks Discord!" Harry cheered. "I had a killer migraine there for a second."

Discord smiled, but there was something sad in that smile, "You're still recovering from that nasty parasite you had." He snapped his fingers, to further play with the delusion all the Draconequus had.

All the Abominations suddenly giggled out an "Ewwwwwwww." well one insisted, "Potter's got worms!"

Discord frowned at the children, "None of that! I won't tolerate bullying in my realm."

The children looked down, shame faced for having disappointed Discord.

"Off to school my little abominations." Discord ordered, his eyes lingering on Harry a moment before vanishing in white light.

"You sure you're okay?" The older girl, who had asked what was wrong, walked over to him.

Harry flashed her a reassuring grin, "I'm good, Tonks. Don't worry. That magical parasite really did a number on my pathways. I get pretty bad headaches every now and then, even though it's gone. The Doctors say it's normal until my pathways readjust."

Nymphadora Tonks tilted her head, "Doctor?" having never heard the word.

Harry blinked, suddenly not knowing what that word meant or why he said it. "Sorry, I meant the healers. Brains still a bit scrambled."

"You sure you're up to going back to school?"

"I already missed a week thanks to that nasty parasite." Harry scowled, "At least I'm out of the hospital."

"Still," The older abomination eyed him with concern.

"The healers really think I'm well enough. Just have the odd migraine and a tad scatterbrained." Harry smiled. "I'm looking forward to seeing my friends. I bet Gaara has been-" Harry stopped as an image of a Raccoon Dog came to mind. Shaking his head, "I mean Neville. Neville and Ron. They must be really worried."

Tonks' concern wasn't lessening.

### •

Back in the Desert Tree:

"Whooves?" Rassillion eyed as he felt a familiar soul walking through his family compound.

A brown Stallion was shepherding a flock of foals, out of the Manor. "She really did bring every Time Pony here." Rassillion smiled. Meeting his son at the gates.

Whooves did his best not to scowl, "Hello father."

Rassillion smiled. Truthfully Whooves was one of thousands of children. Rassillion's middle child, at least for this newest generation, and as typical the most rebellious he has ever had. The colt even ran off to live with the more mundane ponies some 800 years ago. Rassillion was sure it was just a phase. The colt was bound to get tired of the lesser ponies dying around him, eventually.

Regardless, Rassillion smiled at seeing one of his children, before his face turned to one of concern, "You've regenerated quite a few times." the old, even by Time Pony standards, Stallion frowned at his son.

Whooves was too young to have regenerated once! Let alone 10 times! Like his magic indicated. Most of the colt's faces wouldn't even have lived long enough to enter their first heat!

Whooves sighed in exacerbation at his father's concern. The Doc was always rather reckless, and remained the adventuring type, but he had foals to look after now.

Rassillion took note of the foals, his smile returning. He could lecture his son later about his recklessness. No sense giving the colt a tongue lashing in front of his own foals. "Are these my grandfoals?"

"Hmmm?" Whooves blinked, then looked down at his children, a little confused by the sudden change of topic, "Oh... Oh yes, These are them. The Pegasi are Scootaloo and Rumble, the Earth Ponies are Pipsqueak and Button Mash, and my sole Unicorn filly is Dinky." he gestured at each of the children. When Whooves got to Dinky, he whispered conspiratorially, "She's the bossiest."

"DAD!!!" Dinky whined.

Whooves raised an innocent eyebrow, "Yes, my favorite Unicorn?"

Dinky huffed, childishly. During this exchange Rassillion frowned disapprovingly at his son's teasing nature with his foals.

Rassillion had been a far more stern parent by comparison, and didn't really approve of such informal behavior. However, whatever his complaints there, what made him forget his decorum was the sight of the foals flanks.

Time Ponies were supposed to have hour glass cutie marks, but these children still had completely blank flanks. They looked old enough for their cutie marks to manifest (those years between 8 and 12 being when it typically appeared for regular ponies). What was Whooves thinking!? "I hope you're taking them to the children's ward, to get their third chromosome chain activated."

Whooves sighed, "Don't start." he practically begged.

Rassillion glared, all the Stallion's decorum forgotten in favor of the foals' safety. "Don't tell me you would be so irresponsible you would risk your children's health!"

Whooves rolled his eyes, "If they want to become Time Ponies, when they are older, I'll be sure to-"

"What if their Cutie marks manifest before then!!!" Rassillion barked.

"Most of them want traditional Pony Cutie Marks, anyway," Whooves huffed.

"This isn't a game!" Rassillion snapped, "These are your children! Would you really watch them DIE!!!"

Whooves scoffed and started steering his foals around the Stallion. Rassillion wasn't having that! He bit Whooves' ear as if he was a wayward foal and forced him to listen to him.

"You don't understand what you're doing!" Rassillion released his teeth. "I was the first Time Pony ever born!"

"Here we go." Whooves muttered, rubbing his ear.

"Before we even knew there was a third Chromosome chain, much less how to unlock it. I HAD TO WATCH MOST OF MY CHILDREN DIE!!!"

Whooves ears pinned. Whatever he had been expecting, it hadn't been that.

"Only through pure dumb luck did some of them activate their third chain. I didn't even know why some of their powers manifested well others developed more traditional cutie mark magics."

Rassillion glared, "It was thousands of years before I learned what caused it. Thousands of years of watching my foals grow old and DIE... I'm telling you right now. You won't be able to handle that! However much you might want them to have a normal life, please consider what you will be putting yourself through!"

Whooves hung his head. Before looking back at his father, "I am truly sorry you went through that... but what you should know is not a day goes by I don't regret you activating my own chain. Maybe you should have considered how it would effect me instead of yourself."

Rassillion jerked back as if struck.

"My foals," Whooves insisted, "Will at the very least have a choice."

Said foals, who were confused as all Tartarus during this exchange, were encouraged to start walking again by their father.

Rassillion didn't try to stop him this time. He was too shocked by his realization. His son wasn't just being rebellious... the colt... actually hated him... his colt...

Rassillion managed to say one final thing to the colt, "At least see your sister before you go. Romana will have both of our heads if she learns you were here but didn't bothered to see her."

Whooves eyed his father a moment. The idea of staying and helping this new village flourish was very appealing to him... yet he knew he couldn't stay. He had to get back to his wives. Romana would likely try to convince him to stay to, and with whatever odd compulsion he was feeling right now... he might very well listen to her. No, he had to leave... sorry little sister.

### •

Back with Discord:

Discord frowned as he appeared in a flash in the council chambers.

The leaders of several prominent wizarding families, now turned Draconequus, smiled at him. With such love in their eyes... it looked just as intense as the foals, but handled with greater maturity.

"Discord." Lucius smiled at him.

A well respected man in the wizarding world, and just as influential for the Draconequus. Although he technically had no more power then the other council members, they tended to listen to his opinions the most.

The council was made of the heads of all the "Pure Blood" wizarding families. Now they were the leaders of the most politically powerful Draconequus bloodlines, refered to as the "Main Houses". The nobles of the Draconequus.

"Lesser" bloodlines, such as those that were once non magical humans or closely related to such, were now considered "Branch Families". However, in the Draconequus Clan, they were still treated well, and respected in their own right.

"What brings you here?" Councilor Arthur Weasley smiled at the god of chaos.

The Council was what really ran the day to day operations of the clan. Although technically this was their first ever meeting, they didn't know that.

As far as they knew, Discord was more a figure head. Yes he had all the political power of a President, but rarely did he use it. He barely ever came to these council meetings, given their dull nature. He just let the council do their own thing while he floated around the Estate playing pranks.

As far as they knew they had been running things for a millennium, and were rather relieved that Discord hadn't tried to assert his authority over them since his return. The Potters had been the acting chairman in Discord's absence, and Harry Potter was supposed to inherit the throne himself after he turned 16. However, they still weren't sure what would come of that, now that Discord was back.

Discord looked around at all their smiling faces, then vanished from sight.

"Well," Frank Longbottom laughed, "That wasn't ominous at all."

### •

Discord appeared in the Guards' Locker. Looking around, as all the former Aurors, Order of Phoenix members, and Death Eaters... were smiling happily as they were pulling out there Shinobi gear, from their lockers.

Sirius smiled at Discord. "You going to help us train today?

Bellatrix Lestrange smiled eagerly, and a tad masochistically, "The obstacles you set up are always brilliant."

Discord frowned at them, before disappearing.

The cousins slumped in disappointment.

Sirius looked over at his cousin, "Better get to training. Hopefully Discord will change his mind and join us later."

### •

Discord wanted to sob as he sat in his quarters, an entire tower, just for him.

These creatures... they loved him... all of them really loved him... they loved everything about him... but it was artificial... Everything about them was artificial... yet was it so wrong? They had all been given better lives by Sunset. They were happy in their new lives... did it really matter if their memories weren't real? What even was "real"? They all remembered things happening the same way, and were truly happy in their new lives...

Discord had a hard enough time understanding mortal ethics. True, Fluttershy had been teaching him but they hadn't exactly gotten into brain teasers like this yet. What was the right thing to do... they were all so happy. Even their previous villains now lived as heroes.

Those that had been disabled, or even comatose, were now perfectly healthy and living luxurious lives. Sunset even promised him, he could keep his Draconequus out of the fighting when it came time for that.

Even the "Slave quarters", didn't have actual slaves, but House Elves. A race Sunset learned of, from the wizards brains. She not only brought the families here, but created dozens more, for each estate.

She had established laws for their fair treatment, protected them from abuse, and allowed them to wear clothes. Making it so they wore dog collars, with tags and all. That the only way to free them was to remove the collar.

They still bound themselves to the family lines... and lived in cupboards, but inside the Cupboard was a luxurious 4 bedroom condo. The Elves were very happy, living in comfort...

It helped that House Elves were magical creatures, that had a more symbiotic relationship with wizards then what true slavery really entailed.

House Elves loved working for a master, and felt it was an insult to accept money for the act. Especially considering they fed off the excess magic a wizard gave off. They felt they were already getting something out of the bond...

Draconequus were even more magically powerful. No where near Discord's level, but still gifted by powerful magics all the same. As were the other Yokai clans.

Their hands were their focus, channeling their magics through finger movements and hand signs... Sunset had taught them the theories of how their knew powers worked... now they just needed to practice using their new gifts... then... then she would attack Equestria...

For all their talk of friendship the ponies still shunned him... still feared him... still hated him... he was just a freak to them... Fluttershy was the only one that actually cared about him... and he could always just bring her here.

Maybe turn her into a Draconequus and erase her memories as well... Fluttershy said mind control was an Illusion... but was this really so bad. They were all so happy... so happy... with him... he had a family now...

Discord cried as he sat by himself, no idea what he should do... even if he did come to the conclusion that he needed to stop Sunset... his family would turn against him... they would hate him... he couldn't handle that. Not when he finally had what he always wanted... not after losing them all once already.

### •

Meanwhile, within "Yggdrasil":

Flash blushed, he was still in his humanoid form, but that wasn't the problem. No the cause of his embarrassment was the clothes he was now wearing.

He was dressed in a chain loincloth, gold rings on his arms, with see through white cloths dangling from the rings... He looked like he was... well he looked like a typical Stallion in the Crystal Empire. They pretty much walked around half naked all the time.

The question, of how he dressed like this, was as easy a guess as how he got here... Sunset...

Flash sighed, looking at his clothes. He could worry about this later. He shifted into his pony form, now completely naked, but it didn't bother him anymore, due to his fur.

He looked around, his blush only deepened. There was a large plush bed, see through drapes everywhere, and a small pool with so many rose peddles it was hard to see the water... this looked like where Cadence made her guards... entertain her... Flash was blushing as he imagined what Sunset had in mind in a room like this... the clothes certainly weren't helping.

Cadence, on account of Flash being a virgin, hadn't made him do more then... well she played with his parts and... and made him please her husband while she watched... but Flash hadn't done the... the big thing... nor have it done to him...

Cadence was letting him get comfortable with her before she deflowered him... although she had made it clear that it was her that would do that, and he wasn't allowed to do that with anypony else until she took him... given how upset Sunset was that she couldn't be Flash's first... it wasn't that hard a stretch to imagine what this was about...

Flash walked over to the door and wasn't all that surprised to find it locked... and the windows had bars...

Still he walked over to the nearest one and poked his head through. There was just enough space between, for him to do so with little effort.

Looks like he was still in the forest... in some kind of... big... big... tree?... This tree was the size of the Crystal Castle. With hundreds of similar windows to the one Flash was looking through, which seemed to be grown naturally in the wood.

Beyond this tree were the 42 Harmony trees, growing around it in a wide circle... although they were the only trees in a large clearing of the forest.

However, these Harmony Trees appeared a bit different then the main one. They were still made of Crystal, instead of wood, but they were growing and shedding cherry blossom pedals, so fast that in a night, the pedals blanketed the ground.

Whatever Sunset had been trying to build... this looked like the end result....

### •

There was a click at the doors and Flash quickly pulled his head back in, just in time to see Sunset step into the room... still in that terrifying demon form. Her magic was still bursting out of her back like mock wings... like an Alicorn of fire. The drapes were pushed away from her. As if her very aura was creating a light breeze.

Flash gulped as he could feel the dry heat of that breeze from where he was.

Sunset smiled at him... in a far from nice smile. She waved her hand and suddenly Flash screamed as his pony body shifted against his will. His muscles and bones twisted, but thankfully not in unnatural ways. He was in his humanoid form again.

Flash was panting, even sweating from how much that hurt. As Sunset put a curved finger to her chin... looking the boy up and down as if appraising him... she was acting worse then the Crystal Mares, with how she was ogling him.

"Do you like your new clothes?" Sunset smiled as she walked over to him... it was getting hotter and hotter the closer she got.

Flash was blushing again, but still breathing hard. "Can I have my pants back?" the boy practically begged.

Sunset raised a mocking eyebrow as she got right next to him. She draped her arms over his shoulders and simply said, "No."

Flash hissed as her very skin burned him. He could hear the sizzling...

"I think it's important the Queen's consort stick to his uniform." She tried to tease.

"S-Sunny..." Flash trembled, trying to keep the pain out of his voice. Trying to remember his training as a guard to hold himself with dignity. "You're... hurting... me..."

The moment he managed to get the sentence out something shifted in Sunset's eyes. She practically lept off him. Grasping her head, Flash could see she was fighting against something... then... she lost...

As quickly as the shift happened, whatever doubt she was feeling faded away. She lowered her hands back to her sides and stood tall... she just stared at Flash a moment, before turning and leaving the room.

Flash breathed a sigh of relief, sinking too the floor... he sat there for several minutes, trying to recover... his mind kept coming back to the fight in her eyes... his Sunset... was still in there...

### •

Later, With Harry:

Harry chewed on his pencil as he listened to his teacher ramble on about Discord's past... the boy had heard this story hundreds of times... yet for some reason, he listened like it was the first.

Their teacher, Severus Snape, smiled at the class. Technically he was the potions master, but Harry was lucky that he got the Draconequus for homeroom.

Uncle Sev had been close friends with his mother and told the child many stories about her.

"Today is our annual festival, honoring the Head of our Clan. This year is particularly important as it is the first since the return of our Lord. It is only right we go over what we know about Discord's early life. Who can tell me how Discord was created?"

That know it all, Hermione Granger, had her bat claw instantly shooting in the air.

Sensei chuckled as the little girl was bouncing in her chair. The teacher called, "Yes, Miss Granger?"

Granger started reciting, "He was born as a result of the seed for the tree of Harmony being planted by Starswirl and the other 6 Pillars.

"To keep balance, the Everfree Forest slowly began sprouting around the tree as it grew. The bigger and more powerful the tree got, the larger the forest became. Various creatures began appearing inside, including the Yokai.

"Such a drastic shift in order magic, like the tree of Harmony, made Chaos magic flourish in the area. That way the universe could keep the Cosmic Scales balanced."

Snape Sensei smiled, "The textbook couldn't have said it better." he praised. Then looked at the class, "However, instead of just leaving this be, Starswirl decided to use Discord and the Yokai to defeat the Alicorn Dynasty, that had been ruling the ponies with an iron hoof.

"The ponies were living in an era of poverty and cruelty, under their rule. Our tribes helped free them, working closely with the 6 Pillars and the Two Sisters (a pair of Alicorns that wanted to stop the cycle of oppression).

"Decades after the war, one of Starswirl's last acts, before he disappeared, was to leave his heir in charge of protecting the Everfree Forest, and all it's inhabitants. Sunset Shimmer is the latest we have had from that line, and as such is our current Kage.

"Discord was the biggest manifestation, to keep the balance for the creation of the Tree of Harmony, which later beared the Elements of Harmony. Discord is an entity of pure chaos, given life and conciousness, and godly power over chaos magic. During the Alicorn Dynasty, he created ourselves, the Draconequus. He made us from his own flesh. The 42 original Draconequus that would become the 42 main houses of our clan."

Didn't... didn't they die? Harry blinked, wondering why he ever thought such a ridiculous thing. Or how he even could have known that... his head was starting to hurt again.

"After Starswirl disappeared, Discord decided to have a bit of fun with the Ponies of Equestria... admittedly he may have been a bit too overzealous in his pranks, but he was only a teenager going through a rebellious phase.

"The ponies should have been more understanding. Instead they turned him into stone, which he was only recently revived from." Uncle Sev smiled at the children. Clearly glad Discord came back in his lifetime. "Of course, after Discords rebellious phase the ponies came to think of all dark or chaotic creatures as dangerous. They turned against the Draconequus and Yokai races alike." and.. the Crystal Ponies... they killed them...

"So our tribes went into hiding behind the Everfree."

NO!!! They died! The Crystal Ponies committed genocide against them all! Them and the Shadow Ponies!!! They were obsessed with cleansing the world of all things dark or chaotic.

It's what led to Sombra leading one final attack against them. In an effort to save the few survivors. After he was defeated, the cosmic balance of Harmony destroyed the Crystal Empire. Only to recently return it from the ether... with the vengeful spirit of Sombra, brought back to life as a shadow god. Again, to keep the balance.

"Our countries are actually a large helping of order magic."

Yeah, to keep the balance from the revival of so many species born of chaos magic. It was Sunset's way of making sure nothing unexpected happened... but she miscalculated on account of Harry.

Harry and his little prophecy and luck rune, allowed for some wiggle room. Harmony itself was centering on the boy. He was fighting against the brainwashing, and so the spirit of Harmony was whispering secrets in his ear, to help him break through. Unlike Discord, she could not yet take physical form, but she could still affect things.

Harry heard her only because of the strong Order Magics which these countries where made out of.

Harry clutched his head, he felt like he would pass out from the pain.


Harry blinked, suddenly forgetting everything he was thinking. He looked at Ron and flashed a smile, "Just another migraine. I'll be good."

Ron nodded, still looking concerned. "That leech really did a number on you."

Leech... leech... leech... leech... LEECH!!!

There really was a magical leech attached to him, he realized. That one minor detail, bleeding in from his real life, helped him break through the mind control spell.

Honestly, it was just his luck that Discord would accidentally program the one thing that would wake the boy up.

The spells against Harry's mind suddenly snapped apart and he shot up from his desk.

Their Sensei frowned at him.

Harry blushed, thinking quickly, while figuring they would never believe him. Harry was always mistrustful of adults. He needed to find his friends.

Harry asked to see the nurse, on account of "his migraine" and the teacher raised an eyebrow, unfamiliar with the word. So Harry backtracked and said "healer". The teacher let him go, commenting the child did indeed look pale...

Then Harry made his way to the portal, to escape the Harmony Tree. He needed to get out of here... and find his friends.