• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,943 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 31 Dark Brethren Part 1

As we sailed back into the Sea of Thieves, I saw that Jack was not back to his living form. And that got me worried.

"Hmm. I would appear to still be dead," Jack said, "A bit disconcerting, that... But not so much as the thought of there being someone out there who knows far too much about me,"

"You mean the Castaway?" I asked him, "She does seem to know a lot about you. And her voice does sound familiar to me,"

"Me too, My Son," Mum said, coming up on my left, "Something about that mare has me feeling like I've met her before. But from where? I have no idea,"

"Either way," Jack said, "I shall disembark and see if I can't track this mysterious chronicler of my many misdeeds... Not to mention find my Treasure. It won't be too long, I intuit, 'til we meet again," Jack then disappeared.

"Set a course for the nearest Outpost," I said to my helmsmen, "Davy Jones won't be resting now that Jack Sparrow is back in the Sea of Thieves," I giggled at what I said, "That sounds so weird, but it's true,"

We sailed to Golden Sands Outpost to find the Castaway at her camp, drawing in the sand.

"So, you travelled to the Sea of the Damned, walked its shores and found two who was lost in them own past... Not many can walk beyond the veil that way. The things they see steal away their minds forever... 'til they even forget that them dead... But Davy Jones will not forget how you stood in him way. Nor will him forgive the Siren Queen for failing him. He-" She stops for a second, "Wait-- We are not alone... You know you cannot hide from me, Jack Sparrow!"

Jack appeared next to the Castaway with his hand on his ear. "Uh I wasn't hiding! I was... eavesdropping. Vastly different pastimes,"

I sighed and giggled a little, "At least your not wearing a white hood," I muttered to myself.

"There him stand... Another pirate who's twice come back from the land of the dead. Who escape the raid on Isla Tesoro and even found the Foundation of Youth..."

"Oi! Have you been gossiping about me with these... These strange, book-obsessed group of mythological creature individuals?" Jack sounded like he's pride was insulted, "Whatever they've told you, it's not true. Unless it's flattering, in which case it's all true but they've left out the best bits,"

The Castaway continued, "The man who stole the only trinket that can reach Davy Jones... A pendant, twin to the one Jones himself possesses,"

Jack pulled out a crab-looking pendant with a face on it, and showed it to the Castaway. With my knowledge of the POTC movies, my eyebrows go high up and my jaw gets loose. Little did I know, Mum had the same look on her face.

"How can you know all this? That pendant-" Jack said but was cut off.

"Belongs to me," The Castaway said.

"You can't be..." Jack said in shock.

"No way!" I said softly.

"Aye," Calypso said to Jack, "This time it was the sea that brought you back to me, Jack," She removed her seaweed hood and the magic hiding her human form from POTC 2 and 3 was revealed to us.

"Tia Dalma! Uh, Calypso!" Jack exclaimed.

"Calypso/Auntie?!" Me and Mum said at the same time, causing us to look at each other in shock. "You know her?!" We said again.

"Calypso was from Jack Sparrow's world. How do you know her?" I asked my Mum.

"She's my Aunt," Mum answered me to my total surprise, "But I haven't see her in centuries,"

"Wait..." I said slowly. "If Calypso is my Aunt, then that means..." My face slowly morphed into horror as something about this came to mind and my hindlegs gave out. "I NEARLY HAD DAVY JONES AS AN UNCLE?!?"

My crew, my friends and the entire Outpost of Golden Sands stopped in their tracks and yelled, "What?!?"

Jack look at me with confusion, "You never told me you had a sea goddess for an Aunt and that old Squid Beard was 'nearly' your Uncle,"

"I didn't know, honest!" I said, "How was I suppose to know that your world's goddess was one of my Aunts?"

"You were only a baby pony back when I first met you, William Hunter Singh," Calypso said while cupping my chin with her human hand, "I gave you a blessing as a gift to you. You knew Jack's world from your time in that prison by Captain Flameheart. All worlds that you have seen is real and alive," Calypso made some images of other fictional pirates from other worlds. "One where one pirate love of a governor can drive him to do terrible things to the Caribbean. Another, in a island where no one grows up, a pirate has a lasting desire to kill a boy who has cut off him hand. Another, where a one legged man spent him life to find a island filled with treasure. And in another, a war between two secret factions have fought throughout the world has made it's way into the Caribbean has made a infamous pirate who never wanted to fight this history spaying war,"

"I know those worlds," I said to Aunt Calypso, "But I never would've thought that I had a Aunt in one of those worlds,"

"When Davy Jones trapped me in me human form," Aunt Calypso told me and my Mum, "I wasn't able to see you or save you during your years as a human, trapped like a dog in a cage. Like me, you longed for the freedom that the sea brings to all who sail them wild waters. And now I have meet you, I and I will help you with saving the Sea of Thieves, your Kingdom of Freedom,"

"Um... cuse me, Shouldn't you... be floating on a cloud, or bubbles, or whatever it is sea goddesses do?" Jack asked Calypso, "And while I'm asking the questions, am I alive or am I not? I look like a ghost, I can turn invisible, yet I can still touch my belongings,"

"The Sea of Thieves is a haunting place. It bestows many gifts, even upon the dead. That is why I followed the Black Pearl here. To protect these sacred waters from Davy Jones and that which follow him. That is all the answers I have. Now you must listen... Davy Jones know that the pirates of this world threaten him plans. So, him summon his own dark version of the Brethren Court, made of those cruel and corrupted souls who long to rule the Sea of Thieves. If him succeed, him power will be greater than ever before,"

"This is why I love running into old friends. They always have such cheery news," Jack said sarcastically.

"I wonder if Uncle Jones is tinkin' about havin' Potata'ead for lunch as well," I said in a equally sarcastically Irish accent.

Jack blinked, "Who's Potatohead?"

My crew laughs at Jack's cluelessness, "It's a nickname that William calls Flameheart," Mum told Jack, "And it really makes him made,"

Jack made an "Oh" expression, "But if Jones is inviting his friends for tea, that means we know where to find him, and, by the by, my Treasure,"

Calypso smiled, "You speak the truth. And since you still hold the key to his fortress, with my sketches you can find you way inside. Think of what you want most, Jack Sparrow. It will show you the way,"

Jack pondered for a bit, "Right. Well, given these are unfamiliar waters, and I lack a ship of which to sail upon them, critical decisions must now be made," Jack cough a bit, "You will always remember this is the day your crew was joined... by Captain Jack Sparrow!" I laugh at Jack's theatre acts, while my friends were shocked, my family were confused and crew were not so happy about this. "Now I know that's is a great honour to bestow upon a humble vessel such as yours, but don't you worry - I promise you won't be an imposition," Jack turns to Calypso, "Tia Dalma, about that Treasure. If it was entrusted to Davy Jones, that can only mean--"

"Hush!" Calypso said to Jack, "There are some truths not ready to be told. Their time will come when the deed is done. Now make sail, witty Jack, and be swift!"

Calypso put back on her Castaway outfit, "Oh, well then... See you all aboard!" Jack said before he moved to the Santiano.

"Oui!" Twi yelled at Jack, "You can't just become Captain of my husband's ship!"

"Wait up, Twi!" I said after her as the rest of the crew hurried after Jack, Twi and me.

"It seems we have a long journey ahead of us, so I took the liberty of helping myself to some provisions," Jack said at the Santiano's helm, "Now, Jones' fortress is practically off the edge of the map, but not to worry, my compass knows the way..." Jack looked at my crew and realised that every eye on the Santiano, apart from me, on him in a glaring look. But Jack did seem a little scared of the dragons, griffins, changelings, yaks, zebras, ponies and even the humans on the crew gave Jack an bit of fear, "Well, shall we?"

Everyone got to work sailing to the Coral Fortress at the north side of the Sea of Thieves. Meanwhile, myself, Mum, Dad and Jack were at the map table down in the Santiano's lowest floor. Jack was looking not at Jones' Fortress, but rather, the rest of the Sea of Thieves. "Mermaid's Hideaway... I met a mermaid once. Nice girl, bit naïve, yet still fierce. Interesting combination,"

"Was that when you were serving under the black flag of Blackbeard?" I asked Jack.

"I rather not talk about that time, to be honest," Jack replied then looked at the map again. "The Reaper's Hideout... Not much of a hideout if you put it on the map, eh,"

"A reminder of where Flameheart's forces are waiting to strike," Dad said to Jack., "Even when we destroyed that place months after the War for Freedom, it came back bigger and with more Reapers than ever,"

"But still. A bit weird to have one on the map," Jack said to Dad, "The Shore of Gold - I like the sound of that. let's go there next!" Then Jack saw that it had a port town on it, "Libertalia. The City of Freedom, now that's an great name for a pirate haven!"

I blushed at Jack's words, "My son and his crew of friends built it from nothing and it stands as a symbol of what pirates can achieve!" Mum praised me, making me blush even more.

"Now, I really want to go after we are done with Jones!" Jack agreed with Mum, "Devil's Ridge, The Devil's Roar, The Devil's Thirst... Once again proving that pirates are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things,"

"I... Well..." Dad said, "We have to come up with something, right dearie?" Dad turned to Mum, Pleading with her.

"Well, you said that pony city names are just puns galore," Mum said, "So we couldn't name those island's after old pony legends,"

"Fair enough," Jack said, "But, then there's this," Jack pointed to one of the forts in the world, "How can it be the 'Lost Gold Fort' if everyone knows where it is?"

"I blame the Skeletons for that one," Dad said.

We soon sailed all the way to the Coral Fortress at the north side of the map, and my gods, it was scary to see it. My crew said it looked like one of the underwater structures from the Sunken Kingdom where they found Jack's ship, the Black Pearl and it's crew.

We soon found the entrance to the Fortress, but it was blocked by a large stone door with Calypso's pendant carved into it. "This humble trinket once belong to Tia Dalma, a twin to the one Jones possesses and the key to his most valuable... Valuables. My crew found it on the deck of the Pearl after Tia was... 'released' shall we say,"

"You mean, after the queen was freed from her mortal bones?" I asked Jack.

"What matters is, this got me inside another of Jones' strongholds once before. Let's just hope he hasn't changed his tune," Jack said.

But before Jack can play the pendant, I stopped him. "Wait!" I said to Jack before asking, "I want to try something,"

"Try what?" Jack asked me.

"I want to see if singing it's lyrics is enough to open it," I answered him.

Jack looked at me and said "That music has words?"

"Trust me, Jack," I said, then I moved myself in front of the door, and began to sing: (You know this one)

"Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
Will you ever return to me
Hear my voice sing with the tide
My love will never die

Over waves and deep in the blue
I will give up my heart for you
Ten long years I'll wait to go by
My love will never die,"

The stone door then open as my crew and I were surprised at the song that I sung, asking me how I knew it. Then Twi and the rest of the Mane Six came up to me, "That's the song that Nightmare Moon and Rathbone sang when they attacked Ponyville," Applejack said then asked me, "How do you know it, William?"

"It was a fan made song from the Pirates of the Caribbean fanbase using that music that pendant," I told them.

"Didn't know that Squidbeard had fans... What are fans?" Jack asked cluelessly.

I shake my head and chuckled for a bit, "Another time, matey," I said in my best irish voice, "We got an monster outta hentai to deal with,"


Author's Note:

Happy Sea of Thieves Community Day Laddies!

(as of writing this)

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