• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,948 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 10 Entering the Sea of Thieves. (Edited)

The next week, we arrived at the border of the Sea of Thieves. Before we sail through the Shroud, I decided to do something.

Twilight blew a whistle to get everyone’s attention, “Roll call!” Twilight yelled as she handed me the list of crewmates.

Everyone I called out gave me an ‘Aye’, ‘Aye aye’ or a ‘Yes sir. “First Mate Twilight Sparkle, First Mate assistant Spike, First Fighter Rainbow dash, Pirate Cook Applejack, Beastmaster Fluttershy, Pirate Musician Pinkie Pie, Pirate Outfit Maker Rarity, Quartermaster Gilda, Second Fighter Trixie Lunamoon, Pirate Doctor Zecora.” And I can’t believe that I’m saying this, “And lastly Cabin Fillies Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

“HERE, CAPTAIN!” The CMC yelled together. Funny story about that, on how the CMC came aboard The Prince. It was only two hours into our voyage, and I found the CMC hiding in my Captain’s Cabin and, oh boy to say that their sisters and Rainbow was not happy and were beyond peeved was the understatement of the whole voyage. And seriously they were not happy.

But with some conviving, they were able to stay as Cabin Fillies. As long as they remain on the ship and try to earn their place on the crew. They will not be harmed, in any way.

"Alright, mates," I said to the crew, "This is the last chance you will see the wider world, as they call it in the Sea of Thieves, as we enter the Pirate's Paradise for the first time. There you will meet all kinds of Pirates. From those who want to be friends with us to those who will try to sink our ship and steal our treasure but know this, once you all become a Pirate Legend, you will be recognised as those who will lead the future of the Sea of Thieves. we will be tasked to help and guide rookie Pirates, to help defeat the foes that threaten our sea and help make improvements to the sea as well."

(Cue Maiden Voyage from the Sea of Thieves Soundtrack.)

"So, let's get going to the SEA OF THIEVES!" I yelled the last part, and the crew went crazy, in an organised kind of crazy. The anchor was raised, the sails were lowered, and the winds are at our backs, as we sailed through the Devils Shroud.

Just like what Mom said about the metals on The Prince, the whole of the ship is now the first Shroud-Proof ship in the whole world, and it was a Pirate ship, not a G.M.U ship.

As we sailed through the Shroud, we can see the ships of past attempts to enter the Sea of Thieves, from ships that are larger than ours, but also some vessels that were small like the sloop.

My crew can see the likes of Megalodons, Skeleton Ships and the Kraken from the edges of the Shroud and they were both scared and amazed as they saw the current threats in the Sea of Thieves.

“I see land!” Rainbow called from the crow’s nest, as I rushed to the front of the ship, pulled out my spyglass and looked to see what she said was true.

“I see it two, Rainbow. Sanctuary Outpost is in sight! We are in the Sea of Thieves!” I then announced to my crew to which they cheered at the news.

(Song End)

As we docked at the main pier of the docks, the one where the ships spawn at, we were greeted by the locals, and they were curious about how a ship the size of The Prince can get through the Shroud. Until they saw me as I glided down to the pier and to say that they were surprised is another understatement of the voyage. And remember that I am still an Alicorn and still have my Pirate Captain outfit on. “Now this is not what I would see in my life,” Humphrey the diamond dog said in shock.

“Now, now everyone,” I said to them calmly, “I know that you have a lot of questions, so, introductions are in order. My name is William Hunter, Captain of The Pirate Prince. And heir to the Sea of Thieves,”

“How are you the heir to the Sea of Thieves, my good captain?” A voice came from the other side of the crowd, and I knew whose voice that was. Everyone turned to see who it was, he was an average size pony with a bright yellow coat with a dark brown mane and tail, and he was wearing a Pirate Captain’s outfit but only more noble like clothing. And his Pirate bicorn, the side facing his face, was the symbol of a great Sea of Thieves Youtuber from the human world.

“Captain Falcore?” I said in disbelief.

"Yes, I see that you know of me," Falcore said to me as he approaches me, “And it is nice to finally meet the next Pirate Lord, maybe the next Pirate King of the Sea of Thieves,”

“I wouldn’t go that far, especially just as I arrived in the Sea of Thieves,” I said to Falcore, holding out a hoof to shake.

Falcore shakes my hoof, "I know, but you are an Alicorn, so, I can see that you will do great things for the Sea and beyond,"

“Now then, how about I give your crew a nice Sea of Thieves welcome?” Falcore then said as he turned and headed for the local tavern.

“Well, he seems nice, for a Pirate,” Twilight said to me.

“That there is Captain Falcore,” I told Twilight and the crew as we headed for the tavern, “He is a great and important Pirate to the Sea of Thieves. He researches the lore and history of the Sea of Thieves, and is a well-respected member of the community,”

“I see, who knew that Pirates respect each other,” Twilight wondered out loud.

“Only those who gained the respect of others can be respected,” I told her.

The tavern was packed. There were Pirates of all races from the world of ‘Friendship is Magic’, including ones from the comics as well. There was Ponies, Griffons, Dragons, Zebras, Minotaurs, Sea Ponies, Hippogriffs, Yaks, Changelings, Deerfolk, Kirins, Reindeer, and many more.

“There you are Falcore!” A voice came from the bar, to which I turned my head and saw a black griffon version of Hitbotc, the Cursed Captain as he is called in the community, alongside a Changeling that was dressed in all black clothing. “I was wondering where you run off to,”

“Just inviting my new friend to the Sea of Thieves,” Falcore said and introduced me to his friends, “This here is the newest Pirate in the seas, Captain William Hunter Singh,”

“So, you’re the Pirate that EveryPirate is talking about?” the changeling asked me, and I knew who he is now, Pace22, who I like to call, The Tucker, for reasons I am sure that all of us will understand.

“Yes, I am,” I answered Pace, “I take it you’re Pace and Hitbotc,”

Both Pace and Hitbotc stared at me with wide eyes, “You know of us?” Hitbotc said in a surprised voice, “But I thought NoPirate about the Sea of Thieves or who lives in it,”

“Yeah, unless you can read minds or something?” Pace said in the same tone.

“The truth is that I have seen your human counterparts from the human world that while I was living there,” I told them, “So I do know of you all, but not everything,”

“Like how we are Pirate Legends and members of the Pirate Lord’s Pirate Government?” A voice came from behind me, and it was a rather tall, white Hippogriff that had a new mark on his greatcoat like a badge that, again, reminded me of another Pirate that is well known in the Sea of Thieves community.

“Captain Jay of The Crow’s Nest?” I said to which he raised an eyebrow.

“You do know us?” Jay said to me in a calm voice, “Your father was right,”

“You know about Dad?” I ask Jay, “But I thought that only my Mom, Dad and a hoofful of Ponies know about it?”

“It is true, mate,” another voice came from the doorway of the tavern, I turned to a yak that had a brown coat and a straw tricorne on with a seagull feather coming out of his hat. “The Pirate Lord told us about you, your crew and your time In the human world. And the fact that you know our human counterparts from the human version of The Sea of Thieves,”

“Captain JesseTattoo?” I ask the yak.

"Yes, I am, and let me say that you are more like a Pirate Commander," JesseTattoo said with Pirate happiness, "Maybe a Pirate Commander-in-Chief,"

I glared at JesseTattoo, "You do realise that myself and my crew just arrived in the Sea of Thieves a few hours ago, don't you?" I told not just JesseTattoo but all of the legendary Captains who I remember from the human's version of the Sea of Thieves.

"True, but you are the Heir to the Sea of Thieves, so we have the greatest respect for you," yet another familiar voice comes in the tavern, and this time it is an orange dragon with a big, red beard, going down to the top of his chest. He was Beardageddon.

And behind him was Dad himself, standing tall like the royal Pirate that he is, and I couldn't be prouder to be called the Son.

“There he is, the Son of Piracy and Harmony,” Dad said, making me blush in embarrassment.

“Dad! Not in public,” I whined as everyone snickered, “Why are you here anyway, besides meeting me here?”

“Well, I want to see for myself how you would handle my new Pirate Government Members,” Dad told me, “And to see your first ship, of course. nothing is more important than a Pirate’s first ship, what did you name her?”

“I name her ‘The Pirate Prince’,” I told Dad, not hiding my pride, “And what about this Pirate Government that mentioned?”

“Well, that my Son,” Dad said, putting a hoof on my shoulder and saying, “It is a government that I decided to form to make the Sea of Thieves an official country and eventually a kingdom for you,”

“You may know them from the human world as content creators,” Dad continued, “But these guys are going to lead the Sea of Thieves into greatness!” he finishes as the tavern cheer at his words.

(Cue Ascension by Miracle of Sound and Karliene)

“Don’t worry my Son. I will help you in any way,” Dad told me as the ‘Pirate Six’ began to sing.

Pirate Six:
Wandering hearts, unlikely friends
Facing the fall together
Never to part until the end
Staring into forever

And the tavern went wild as a party to rival Pinkie’s parties starts. Everyone was playing kind of instrument and rocking the place as one at the time, each member of the Pirate Six sang their backstory.

(Falcore gets my attention as he sings first and acts like a noble before turning into the pirate that I knew) Captain Falcore:
Kin of the tyrant, a dynasty failed
Fog clouds my thoughts in a terrible tale
Drive it away with a swift ocean gale
And I'm finding the source of it all

(Jesse starts jumping around the tavern, cause the tavern to shake and makes me and my crew loose some footing and then hugs me in a way only Yaks can do, and by that I mean the backbreaking way which made my back feel a lot better now) Jessetattoo:
Cheers of the crowd and the strum of the string
Hearts fill with doting delight when I sing
But onto my throat something sinister clings
And I'm finding the source of it all

(Captain Jay sings sorrowfully about him being the 'last of his kind' and removes his Hippogriff-like mask to reveal half of his face is skeleton-like) Captain Jay of the Crow's Nest:
Face of forever, the last my kind
Speak through the masks that I've hidden behind
Histories hewn in the crypts of my mind
And I'm finding the source of it all

(Falcore sings next and reveals the wonders of the Sea of Thieves to me and my crew of Nakama) Captain Falcore:
Hammers and fire combine
Out of the bonds
Rising into the divine
Hold back the beyond

Pirate Six:
Echoes of life
Drink from the well to ascend
Gods have awoken
Echoes of life
Tearing the threads of the veil again

Everyone, throughout the outpost and the whole of the Sea of Thieves, can hear our voices and began to sing with us.

(HitboTC was now swinging his pistols around his talons while singing his piece of the song. Near the end, he points at me, giving me a little fright from it and then lifts his gun away from me) HitboTC:
Orders of godhood to wolves in the night
Wicked the sins that I've come to put right
A name on the bolt, a face in my sights
And I'm finding the source of it all

(Pace sings his piece as he holds a dagger in his green Changeling magic and looks at me with an emptiness in both his voice and his face, and then throws his dagger at me but only to be caught by the bloodred dragon at as next to me) Pace22:
Slave to the scar and the torturous tone
Shackled to violence, I've hunted my own
Vengeance will grant me the means to atone
And I'm finding the source of it all

(Beardageddon sings now and recalls his time of being the next heir of the Dragon Lands) Beardageddon:
Noble of nature and scarlet of scale
Destined to ever be held up and hailed
Fallen from grace with a tear in the veil
And I'm finding the source of it all

(Dad was now singing his piece) Ramsey Singh, the Pirate Lord:
Hammers and fire combine
Purging the curse
Rising into the divine
History moves in reverse

Pirate Six:
Echoes of life
Drink from the well to ascend
Gods are awoken
Echoes of life
Tearing the threads of the veil again

Echoes of life
Drink from the well to ascend
Gods are awoken
Echoes of life
Tearing the threads of the veil again

As the instruments continued to play in the background, me and my crew begin our adventures in the Sea of Thieves from digging up chests of treasure, hunting down Skeleton Captains, delivering animals for the Merchants, to fighting krakens and Megs to fighting other pirates at Skeleton Forts and Skeleton Fleets. All while having the best time of our pirate lives.

As the music calms of a minute, I soon began to sing, and then my whole crew sings as well.

William Hunter Singh and Twilight Sparkle:
Wandering hearts, unlikely friends,
Facing the fall together!
Never to part until the end,
Staring into forever!

William Hunter Singh and the Outcasts of the Abyss:
Wandering hearts, unlikely friends,
Facing the fall together!
Never to part until the end,
Staring into forever!

William, the Outcasts, Golden Sands Outpost, the Pirate Six and my Ramsey Singh:
Wandering hearts, unlikely friends,
Facing the fall together!
Never to part until the end,
Staring into forever!

William Hunter Singh:
Wandering hearts, unlikely friends,
Facing the fall together!
Never to part until the end,
Staring into forever!

Wandering hearts, unlikely friends,
Facing the fall together!
Never to part until the end,
Staring into forever!

(End song)

To be continued.

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