• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,950 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 28 Saving A King.

Twilight stood there with tears in her eyes as she couldn't believe what she had just seen. Her husband, her Pirate King of the Sea of Thieves, just abandoned the ship after that Pirate called himself "Captain Jack Sparrow" just minutes after he just promised that he would try to hold back his fanboying over once-thought-fictional-Pirates-that-now-he-gets-to-meet-in-real-life. Twilight thought that William reading about Guybrush Threepwood and going crazy like Pinkie drinking coffee was bad enough, but to have him jump overboard willingly after Jack Sparrow was a big insult like a middle-feather to their relationship and their wedding vows.

"Twilight?" Applejack asked her, "Are you alright?"

"No. No, I'm not, Applejack," Twilight answered her, "I just saw my husband jump after that Pirate named "Captain" Jack Sparrow. And I'm pissed off that he did that,"

"Don't worry, Twilight, dear," Rarity said, "We will find him as soon as we get back on our ship, that is,"

"I will send you back to your ship, and you will leave this place," The Clyde the Ferryman said as the doors beneath him open.

"NO!" Twilight yelled as she marched up to Clyde and got into his face, "I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL WE FIND MY HUSBAND!"

For once in his undead life, Clyde had a bit of fear on his face but said calmly, "I will look for him as I do my duty here in the Sea of the Damned, but I cannot leave my post. And I fear that the waters of the damned will change him,"

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked with a hint of worry.

"These waters are not like the waves from the living world," Clyde told them, "They don't have any effect on souls from this place, but since you came here from the living world by unnatural ways... I fear that your Pirate King would not be the same again. If exposed too long in this place while living and breathing like in the Sea of Thieves... we may become cursed in a matter of weeks,"

"And that's when we were forced to leave the Ferry of the Damned," Twilight said to the two ponies that she didn't want to face without their son. Celestia and Ramsey Singh. "And that was before we found the crew of the Black Pearl," Twilight, Celestia and Ramsey were in the cabin of the Santiano, and Celestia and Ramsey were angrier than broken at the news of their son lost to the waves of that cursed place. After Twilight left the Sea of the Damned, Twilight and the rest of the Outcasts went back to the Castaway. "When we got back to the Castaway, she told us that to find Will and Jack Sparrow. We need to find a special compass aboard the Black Pearl and find her crew. We went to the Sunken Kingdom to find that ship and her crew, of which we did, and we defeated the Siren Queen who made a pact with Davy Jones and wanted to destroy everything that was living above the water,"

"Why didn't you come us as soon as you came back from the Sea of the Damned?" Celestia said, demanding an answer for the loss of her son to the depths of the Damned.

"We were going to do that, but we the portal that led us to that cursed place, to begin with, closed itself, and our magic is not strong enough to make another one," Twilight said, with some fear in her voice

"I-I-I-I-I see," Celestia said, her voice sad and barely audible, "I always feared that losing my son again would make me transform into Daybreaker, but I guess that he is somewhere that is nearby. I guess,"

"WE have to find him before someone or something will claim him like Flameheart or a long-forgotten foe from another time," Ramsey said, his voice nearly breaking from the pressure of losing his son for the second time. "WE will join you to find this 'Castaway' and get some answers,"

Twilight got up and headed for the door leading to the main deck of the ship, "I know that you are worried about Will, But he's a strong colt, and I'm leaving it there,"


"So you're the Castaway that my son went to," Celestia said to the Castaway, who had a look of nostalgia.

"And you must be the Pirate King's Mother," The Castaway said to Celestia, "An honour to meet you,"

"You can lead us to find our son?" Celestia said.

"I can, and I will then listen close," The Castaway said. "To do what you do... To plunge into the icy depths and face the hatred that dwells below the waves... That is not easy. But in the dark, you found the heart of the Black Pearl... …her loyal crew. Mister Gibbs, you are no longer my only guest,"

Out of the Castaway's came the one and only Gibbs. Not the one from N.C.I.S. "Ah, we meet again! This fine woman's been tellin' me about this Sea of Thieves we've found ourselves upon and about the Pirate King of these parts. Seems we won't be wantin' for adventures here. Unless, of course, the goings-on in the Sea of the Damned... And you must be the Pirate King that I've heard a lot about," Gibbs looked at Ramsey and bowed his head to the Alicorn Pirate.

"I'm not the Pirate King," Ramsey told Gibbs, "That honour goes to my son, who is missing, in the Sea of the Damned,"

"I see," Gibbs said sadly but then cheered himself up. "I'm sure we will-"

"DON'T JINX IT" The whole Outpost yelled out loud.

Poor Gibbs was startled. "Sorry,"

"Aye, I have been telling Mister Gibbs that the Sea of the Damned is a place shaped by the lives of those who live there. The Cursed Captain, him not know it... …but the town where him spent eternity is drawn from his own lost past..." The Castaway said.

"And that's what got us thinking..." Gibbs said, "If we can follow the footprints to find the boots that made em... …we can use a man's life to find the man. Now I've sailed with Jack Sparrow more longer'n most! So I've more than a few tales of his past misdeeds tucked away in the old mazard,"

"Our lives are like threads in a tapestry, they loop, and they tangle," The Castaway said, "The stories Mister Gibbs tell helped me tease out the golden thread of Jack's path... ...as it wind through the Sea of the Damned. Now it fall to you to follow it,"

"But, er, as to Jack's precise location... …we're still at a bit of a loss. You'll need this back for the best chance of findin' him," Gibbs said as he pulled out Jack compass.

"What about finding and saving my son," Celestia said as she grabbed the compass in her magic.

"Jack's compass is special; it point's to the thing that you want most in life," The Castaway told Celestia, "But the whole crew knows this, your Equestrian magic doesn't work at all in the Sea of the Damned,"

"You'll see when we get down there," Applejack said.

"Even creatures that don't use magic can't fly there as well," Gilda said with a frown on her face.

"If what you want most truly be to save the Sea of Thieves from Davy Jones, then the compass will point the way. All I can do is drawn back the veil..."

(The Castaway casts a spell, opening a Tunnel of the Damned)

Celestia looks at the portal in shock, "What kind of magic is this," Celestia thought to herself.

"Uh, before you go..." Gibbs said, snapping Celestia out of her shocked face, "There's plenty about Jack's life that's strange, or peculiar, or downright inconceivable! So I've scrawled down all that I can in these here notes. You'd best take them for the journey. I'd tag along, but if I tried to leave without making reparations to the lass, Larinna, who gave us food and lodging... …not even the Sea of the Damned will hide me. Best of luck to ye... we're all counting on you to bring Jack home. And your son,"

As the Santiano once again sails into the Sea of the Damned, Celestia and Ramsey try to use their magic and wings, but to no results. "Makes me feel like an Earth Pony again," Ramsey muttered to himself.

"LAND AHOY," One of the Lookouts called out. The island in question is a large fantasy city, with tall buildings made of marble and stone and guarded by pony guards of all three pony races.

"CANTERLOT!?" The Equestrian natives yelled in surprise at the sight of the capital city of Equestria.

"How is this possible?" Pinkie asked herself.

"The Sea of the Damned is a place of memories," Ramsey said, "For every Pirate that enters the Sea of Thieves, more islands like this one are formed by the memories from Pirates,"

"We haven't been here in a year or two," Twilight said.

"Let's see if Will is in there," Celestia said as she went flying but forgot about the Sea of the Damned's Equus magic nulling.

"Ready the longboats," Ramsey ordered.

Our heroes docked at the piers used for Airships but now were used for the longboats filled with Pirates. The human members of the Santiano were looking at the city in wonder as they walked through the streets.

"Wow," One of the human Outcasts said in wonder.

"This is one of your cities, your highness?" Another asked Twilight.

"Yes, it is," Twilight said, "Before the G.M.U came in and made it their own," Twilight shuddered a little at the memory of her home city being turned from a symbol of harmony to a palace for the greedy and the corrupt, that is still fresh in her mind.

"Wait," one of the Griffins said, "Do you hear that?"

(Baby pony crying noises)

"There goes the young prince," One of the passing ghost guard ponies said with sympathy in his voice, "Crying like there's no tomorrow,"

The words 'young prince' got Celestia attention, "Will?" Celestia whispered to herself. Then she bolted to the castle with tears in her eyes.

"Tia!?" Ramsey called out to his wife and ran after her. Then the whole crew followed Ramsey to the castle.

Since change to a forgotten part of Canterlot Castle.

"Will?" Celestia called out her son, "Where are you, Will!?" Celestia turned a corner at a fast pace. The rest of the crew is falling behind.

"Celestia?!" Ramsey called out to his wife, "Slow down, please!"

Celestia, Ramsey and then the rest of the crew stopped at a door that at least three dozen guard ponies heavily guard.

"I've never thought I would see this again," Ramsey said as Celestia walked toward the door as the guards bowed their heads as if they saw her and if she was re-enacting a memory from her mind.

"I had this place under guard of the last few days," Celestia told the crew, "Ever since I've come back to Equestria with Will in me, I was scared beyond scared that my son would be taken away from me," Celestia open the door to a nursery.

It was filled with the typical toy that a baby colt would like. But the only difference was most, if not all of the toys, were pirate-themed. Flags, the toy chest, the bedding, and the music box made by one of Celestia's Pirate friends, Shan the Tinkerer. There were a lot of plushes of pirates from Equestria's history from the early days of sailing to the 'golden age of piracy that was happening at that moment; there were even plushies of both Celestia and Ramsey in their Pirate outfits.

"This place was a haven of my little pony," Celestia said as she walked over to the crib, where the noise was coming from. "Everyone in Equestria knew him as the Prince of the Sun. But to me, he was My Little Pirate,"

Becalmed by

Our ship, she dreams of wind in her sails,
Of wind in her sails unfurled.
And Shining as we cross the sea,
We cross the sea for home.

As Celestia was singing, another version of her appeared as the song continued. This was the Princess version of Celestia and not the Pirate version of her nowadays. She was holding a baby pony in her forelegs; the baby had a white coat and a black mane and tail with amethyst eyes, just like William.

Then we'll all raise our voices,
A song in our hearts.
And set our eyes on distant shores
With wind in her sails again.

There'll be cheering and calling.
No more squabbling and brawling
When we have the wind in our sails.

When we have our feet on the ground.
We'll sow our good fortune around.
There'll be feasting and pleasure.

No more rationing and measure.
When we have the wind in our sails.

Baby Will stopped crying after the song and went back to sleep. "Sweet dreams, My Little Pirate," Ghost Celestia said and left the room, but the crying didn't stop.

"I thought for sure that Will was asleep during that night," Celestia said.

"It's not coming from the crib," Ramsey said, "It's coming from that pile of Plushes," Ramsey pointed to the plush pile.

The plush pile shifted a little, "Will?" Celestia said with a motherly voice, "Is that you under there?"

"I guess you took your time," Will said bluntly.

Celestia was taken aback by his bluntness, "Will," She said with worry in her voice, "What happened?"

"After I jumped after Jack Sparrow. I was lost to the Waters of the Damned," Will said to his mother, "I spent the next hour swimming to find Jack, but I came to this island and saw the memories that came with this place,"

Will poked his head out a little, his eyepatch on his left eye gone and his eyes were closed. "This island is a mix of your memories, and my mum," Will said, "And I SAW how I left Equestria and what happened after FLAMEHEART banished me to the human world in the 21st century. He boasted that he was sent by SUNSET SHIMMER and that he was under contract to send me as far away from my home. And too he was going to TORTURE me why you may wonder. WHY NOT. Blood for the blood god and all that,"

"Will," Ramsey said as he walked up to his son slowly, "Did something happen to you while you were in the Sea of the Damned?"

"Yes," Will said as he opened his eyes, "To quote Briggsy, 'I never asked to be cursed'," Will's eyes were not the regular amethyst coloured eyes; his left eye was now healed, but was now something different. Both of his eyes were a ghostly green.

(Like this)

To be continued...

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