• Published 7th Aug 2019
  • 4,585 Views, 48 Comments

Scripting Equestria - Wild Wire

I somehow landed myself in Equestria, with the power of applying Garry's Mod LUA to reality.

  • ...


After a few more minutes of silence, Sea Swirl let me know that she had somewhere to be.

"I'll make sure to put in good word of you, alright?" She said reassuringly. I just nodded and stayed sat on the bench, while she left to go do whatever she needed to do. While I was by my self now, I decided to test more of my coding abilities, since I had a lot of free time now. Opening up Notepad, begin my coding with something I've made before, a SWEP for Garry's Mod that I had yet to fully touch up. I had already gotten past the how-do-I-make-it-do-what-I-want phase, I just had to rewrite the code. It wasn't anything advanced, but I definitely had trouble getting it to work the way I wanted it to at first, it was one of my first SWEPs after all. Once I had figured out how though, it wasn't too hard to get the rest. I knew the basic SWEP structure, so I was able to get most of that down, but then came the fun part. What actually happens when you click.

function SWEP:PrimaryAttack()
. local ply = self:GetOwner()
. ply:SetPos(ply:GetPos() + ply:GetAimVector() * 10)
. timer.Create( "phasethrough", 0.015, 0, function()
. . ply:SetPos(ply:GetPos() + ply:GetAimVector() * 10)
. end)
. timer.Create( "checkifinworld", 0.25, 0, function()
. . if (ply:IsInWorld()) then
. . . timer.Remove("phasethrough")
. . end
. end)

I couldn't remember if this was how you do it correctly, but what it's supposed to do is find where I am and which way I'm looking. Once it does that, then it teleports me ten units in the direction I'm facing, which is really only about ten inches, and then, every forth of a second, it checks if I've gotten stuck in a wall. If I'm not stuck in a wall, then it wont to anything else, but if I am in a wall, it will continue to teleport me ten units in the direction I'm looking every zero-point-zero-one-five seconds until I'm no longer in a wall. To put it simply, I can slide through anything solid when I left-click.

I save the script as 'weapon_phase.lua', before opening another Notepad window and typing another simple command.

Entity( 1 ):Give( "weapon_phase" )

This command should give me the weapon I just scripted. Pretty simple. Saving that as well, I run the script and close all the tabs. Once again, I couldn't tell any difference after using a command, but this time it was because I set the weapon model and hold type to none instead of something like a pistol, making the weapon seem like a part of me. The weapon was less of a weapon now and more of an ability I had. I just have to figure out how to left-click in real life.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" A sudden voice yelled in my face, startling me from my thoughts. After my little jump, I looked around in both directions and realized that I had started pacing around town during my internal self exposition. I was next to Sugarcube Corner now. Turning back to the voice, I see Rainbow Dash herself giving me the stink eye. She was flying just to meet me at eye level, which was kind of a funny thought.

"What gives!? Why are you scaring everypony left and right!?" She yelled in my face again, looking very mad.

"Hey, don't blame me, I haven't even done anything!" I semi-yell back, actually getting a little upset.

"Yeah, not yet! You need to leave." She said, jabbing a hoof against my chest.

Now, let's real talk for a moment. I can take pranks, I can take criticism, I can take insults, and much, much more. What I can't take is anything physical. Even when it's unintentional, I still get a bit mad, but I keep it to myself. If someone purposely shoves me, or smacks me, or anything, I can sometimes blow up. I already knew this was going to be a test of my will. I had to refrain from getting physical myself, or everyone would think I'm bad. Still, I glared at Dash.

"Why should I have to leave?" I start, trying my best to keep a calm voice. "I haven't done anything wrong, and no one has given me a chance to do something right. If you want me to leave, you'll have to make me."



"Now, Applejack!"

A lasso had been thrown over me from behind and it tightened around my feet, tripping me forward and stopping me from moving them. Once I had fully fallen to the ground, I was very upset, and I felt like I had a right to be. I was just trying to be nice and they tie me up! I should fight back! I try to lift myself off the ground, but I couldn't stand fully with the lasso wrapped around me and a giant skittles bag sitting on my back. These ponies must have been heavier than they looked. That didn't stop me from struggling though. I could barely lift myself up at all, I was stuck face down.

"Good work distractin' em' Dash." Applejack said, holding out her hoof.

"Pshh, I did most of the work." Rainbow dash replied, hoof-bumping Applejack's hoof anyways. I almost couldn't believe it. I was in Equestria with super powers and the good guys tied me up!? Why!? I've done nothing! I just wanted to punch the ground and have it give way like cardboard.

Wait a moment.

The SWEP I gave myself, could I use it to get out of this? I didn't know how to left-click, but maybe I didn't need to. It's not like it's always bound to left-click, the button is changeable. The thing that's consistent is that it's an attack that activates it. If I'm right, then all I have to do is punch the ground! I tried my hardest to lift my arm, and Rainbow apparently saw this as a good opportunity to taunt me.

"Sorry pal, you're not going to be able to pull me off, I'm too awesome!"

"That's not what I'm going for." I say, dropping my fist onto the ground beside me.

Immediately, I began to sink into the ground. After a few seconds I change the direction of my travel by tilting my head forward instead of down, going in the direction of my vision. I couldn't tell where I was going very well, but I'm sure if I go back up after about a minute I should be golden-

Since I couldn't tell where I was headed, I ended up going in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, or more accurately, underneath it. Lifting myself off the ground I landed on after I exited the wall, heard giggling up ahead.

I could tell I was in for a doozy.

Author's Note:

I put an actual SWEP that I made myself into the story.

A little bit of background info, the first phase swep I made basically just made anything you left-click, or yourself if you right-click, intangible for five seconds, with a three second cool-down. The second phase swep I made actually works like the one described, but I only coded it to figure out how to make it look like I was phasing through stuff, for ANOTHER swep I'm currently working on that teleports you to your crosshair but only when you're caught between two objects, which is designed to be similar to the stand D4C from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

TL;DR, this is a JoJo reference.