• Published 7th Aug 2019
  • 4,585 Views, 48 Comments

Scripting Equestria - Wild Wire

I somehow landed myself in Equestria, with the power of applying Garry's Mod LUA to reality.

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[EQ] Ponyville RP [FastDL]

I could just barely make out that it was a pony I was looking at from here, but I continued at my strolling speed. I didn't want to go too fast because that could possibly startle them. If I startled them too much it could paint me in a very bad light, and I wanted nothing to do with that, not one bit. Speaking of bits, I'm eventually going to have to make some money. Hooray for me.

"Hello?" I called out to the pony once I was within hearing range. I was still pretty far, so whatever I say would probably be lost on them. The pony in question looked in my direction as I continued to almost speed walk to them, I was now close enough to tell that it was Carrot Top I had found. Anyways, even from some distance away I could tell she was already shaking a bit. I just hope she doesn't run off before I can talk to her. I stopped a little distance before her, and I spoke.

Or I would have, if she didn't do the exact thing I didn't want her to do. With nothing but a cartoon dust cloud left to signify that she booked it, I sighed. Walking farther into town while more ponies freaked out, some of them closing their windows or hiding in alleyways, I eventually found my way into an empty park. After a few minutes, I found a bench and sat down. This is what I was expecting, and I couldn't really do anything about it without making myself look more monsterous. If I ran out of town, the ponies would be scared of the mystery of me, and if I wanted to explain to anypony that I'm not bad, I would probably have to chase them down to do it, and that would definitely be a good image.

The best course of action I could think of is to sit and wait. If I'm patient enough, eventually one of them will be curious enough to come up to me. It might take a while, but I can wait.

Why did I come here again? What was my goal? I just sort of decided that I needed to get to Ponyville, didn't I? Wait, no, I wanted to find out what season I'm in, that's what it was. Well, I know I'm before season four now, so I guess that's good enough, Right? Oh, of course it's not, I'm me. I always want to know things and I don't like leaving anything to mystery. Maybe sometimes I'll leave things to the imagination, but never pure mystery. Too much mystery is just frustrating.

I didn't notice it at first, but at one point I began to hum out of boredom. I didn't know what song it was, but it seemed fitting for my current mood. And now it's stuck in my head.

Just fantastic.

"H-Hello?" A nearby pony approached, having seen me on the bench. I think this meant my plan of patience was already working. I stopped my humming thought about the best way to go about this.

"Hello." I answered, as calmly as I could, facing the pony in question. This pony looked familiar, but I couldn't think of what episode she was in, nor what her name was. She looked like Amethyst Star, but with a slightly neater tail and was more blue than purple. Her cutiemark was two dolphins circling each other like a yin yang.

"Who a-are you?" She asked me. It was obvious that she was less scared of me than the others, but I can't entirely blame them all for being scared. Most of them didn't even know what a zebra was until Zecora came around, and now they see an alien that's two times taller than all of them.

"My name is Mathew Heart, what's your name?" I asked in kind, trying to be polite.

"Sea Sworl- I mean Swirl! Sea Swirl! Sorry, I'm very intimidated right now." She quickly spit out, smiling nervously.

"Well, I don't entirely blame you, Sea Swole, I'm a tall guy." I chuckle, lightening the conversation. All I gained for my efforts with that was a nervous chuckle back.

"So, what brings you to Ponyville?" She asked, visibly becoming more comfortable with my presence. It took me a moment to think of what to say. I couldn't exactly tell her I wanted to know what year it was. Even if she didn't think I was crazy, she would probably start asking a bunch of questions about the future.

"It was just the closest place I could find. If you couldn't tell, I'm not from around here."

"No kidding." She raised an eyebrow. It was at this point I realized I was successfully having a normal conversation with someone. Said someone might be a cartoon pony, but still, I probably would have said something either stupid or mean by now. Deciding not to think on it to much, I reply to her with my guilt card.

"Yep, I'm far from home, and I don't think I could get back there if I wanted to." I felt bad using the guilt card, but I also felt it was necessary. "I'm pretty much homeless now." I finished, closing my eyes and shrugging softly with a smile.

"You're homeless?" I nodded to her question. "That's so sad!" She exclaimed, clearly taking pity on me. Better to be pitied than feared, I guess. I'll take what I can get, which probably isn't a lot.

"Yeah, it is." I simply said. After that was an uncomfortable silence, me just sitting on the bench with a pony staring at me with sad eyes. If sadness could be weaponized, then this sadness would overpower the ban hammer. This wasn't your average everyday sadness, this was advanced sadness. Eventually though, she sat down beside me on the bench.

"I'm sure things will get better."

The silence was a little more comfortable after that.