• Published 7th Aug 2019
  • 4,585 Views, 48 Comments

Scripting Equestria - Wild Wire

I somehow landed myself in Equestria, with the power of applying Garry's Mod LUA to reality.

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Received all the LUA Files we needed!

With no warning at all, I was suddenly standing in the middle of a field, one that was way more green than anything I've seen in real life. Already I had suspicions. Turning my head in both directions to look around, I decide to make a mental list of what had just happened, just to catch myself up. I was in a void, I used LUA to find out where I was, and I brought myself back from the dead. Now, I have a body again, and I'm standing in a way too colorful field of grass with the sun shining across my skin.

I was only in that void for like, ten minutes, but now I'm overjoyed to just have my body back. I'm starting to think that if I had been in there too long, I would have gone mad. Aside from that, after looking around I found that I'm near some sort of gloomy forest, the clouds were all in small bundles, and generally everything looked like it came right out of a cartoon, which means despite reviving myself, I'm not on earth anymore. Maybe I could use LUA again to check where I'm at? I hope I still can. I open Notepad once again, the same way I did it before, and I write another code.

print( game.GetMap() )

Again, if it works like Garry's Mod, this should tell me where I'm at. I save the script and run it through the console.


Oh. Well that would explain the colors. Jeez, what am I even getting myself into? I have so many questions! First, where am I? Well, using logic, I'm guessing the gloomy forest is actually the Everfree, so I somewhat know where I am. I know I saw a map at one point on the internet, so I think if I go north, I should find Ponyville. Next, when am I? Well, all I know is that it's day time right now, so I don't have much to go off of quite just yet. I looked up and tried to tell the movement of the sun, but all I did is hurt my eyes. I don't know of any LUA commands that would give me the actual time, so It seems that I'll have to figure it out.

The sun was positioned over the forest, meaning that way could either be east or west, assuming the sun travels from east to west in this world. Watching the shadows of the trees for a little while, I determined the sun was rising, so that way was east, which means I am west of the forest. Remembering what I know of the map, I must be somewhere between the Everfree Forest and the White Tail Woods. If I look around, I should be able to find some train tracks, and if I go south, I might be able to find Ghastly Gorge.

All I have to do is walk around the forest clockwise, and I should find Ponyville with ease.

I've been walking for so darn long. I don't know how long it's been exactly, but I'm pretty sure it's been over an hour and a half. My legs haven't gotten tired at all, and I don't feel exhausted for walking so long, but I'm immensely bored. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten tired by now, as I wasn't exactly the most fit person. Maybe I had infinite stamina? I really only had one way to find out. Instead of walking, I began to run for as long as I could.

I've been running for ten minutes and I haven't gotten tired yet, so I just kept running instead of walking because it was faster and didn't seem to be affecting me. Actually, I just got an idea! I stop and open Notepad again, writing another command.

print( Entity( 1 ):GetRunSpeed() )


Okay, that's my maximum speed, now what if I just double that?

Entity( 1 ):SetRunSpeed( 800 )

No noticeable difference occurred, but I knew that the command is supposed to make me twice as fast only when I sprint. To give it a test, I begin to run again. I really was running twice as fast, but I felt like it still wasn't fast enough, so I stopped again and changed it from eight-hundred to one-thousand-two-hundred, three times as fast. I didn't want to go overboard with it and end up running into a wall at mach two, so I made a quick mental note to never go over three-thousand. Until I find a way to increase at least my reaction time, I'm not going over that limit.

Running at this speed was kind of a rush to be honest. Heh, rush. I could feel the wind around me as I sprinted as fast as I could. It was exhilarating. Not only that but since I was outside, and in a new world, it was also a breath of fresh air! Is this what I was missing on earth? I just, sat at a computer all the time, when I could have been outside, enjoying life?

Nah, earth was already mostly ruined when I left, and besides, if I didn't sit in front of a computer all day, I never would have learned the code that's allowing me to run this fast in the first place. I would say I did pretty okay. Up ahead, I could see the very edge of the town I was looking for within my vision. Now was probably a good time to stop running so fast. Slowing down and using another command to set my speed back to four-hundred, I approach the town.

There wasn't a giant crystal castle, so that put me before season four. Unless I was in a parallel universe, that's always a possibility. I began to think on that during my leisurely stroll. If someone woke up in a parallel universe, in that universes version of their bed, where not a lot was different, would they ever even notice that they're not home anymore? I suppose it really depends on how different the worlds are. It's definitely interesting to think about.

I was finally getting close enough to the town to see a pony strolling along.

Time to make some introductions.