• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 978 Views, 114 Comments

The Wonderbolt Academy's New Volunteers - Jay Watson

Silverstream and Gallus visit Wonderbolt Academy for the first time and get to participate in the Academy tryouts.

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Ch.8 pt.a) Getting to Know You

The nearly two dozen recruits filed slowly in through the nearby doorway of the building, heading down a hallway towards the mess hall, nearly silent in their weariness except for the shuffling of hooves (and paws and talons) on the floor. There was no bright chit-chat or excited words as there had been during this morning’s meal. The only thing on their collective minds was getting something in their stomachs and resting up from the pounding they’d taken so far.

“I can’t believe how hungry I am. I thought I’d stuffed myself at breakfast.” Nightflight rubbed his belly, the growl even audible to his friends.

“Me too. I wasn’t expecting the workout we got.” Cloudy Sky couldn’t wait to fill up on lunch.

Thoughts of food were momentarily forgotten as the group entered the mess hall and found, to their surprise, the student body of Wonderbolt cadets already dining at the tables. One of the academy cadets spotted them lingering by the doorway and dropped his empty food tray and utensils, the flatware and tin plate making a horrible metallic clattering against the floor. He succeeded in getting everypony’s attention in the room.

“Hey, check it out! The newbies are here!” Dozens of pairs of eyes were suddenly focused on where the cadet was pointing; right at Solar Flare and the rest of his friends. The room spontaneously erupted in shouting jeers and insults at the recruits, giving them a verbal hazing.

The clutch of friends entered the mess hall slowly as some of the other recruits filed in from behind, none of them really sure what was going on. Two academy stallions seated close by eyed Firebolt and Solar Flare as they led the group forward, ready to give them an earful.

“Fresh newbies served today! Ha! Ha! We’re rounding them up!” The reddish-brown pony laughed and mocked the recruits, seeing Nightflight and Cloudy Sky hovering behind Solar Flare, Firebolt and Brightstar, trying to avoid being singled out. The cadets all began stomping their hooves loudly on the parquet flooring and the tabletops.

“C’mon, newbie! C’mon! C’mon in an’ meet some real Academy cadets!” A pale-yellow stallion taunted, shouting right at Cloudy Sky, unnerving and confusing the smallest member of the group.

“Ignore them. Every class does this to the recruits who want to get accepted into the academy. It’s sort of a tradition of this school; a rite of passage for the new kids.” Solar Flare saw the confused looks of his fellow recruits, blindsided by this seemingly hostile reception. He hated bullies or those who’d act as such but knew the difference; this was part and parcel of the trials. There was more to endure then just the physical aspects.

Firebolt wasn’t having any of it. She was familiar with academy ‘traditions’ but especially hated this one. Brazenly she stepped around her friends to walk right up to the cadets sitting at the nearest table, getting right in their faces. The taunting hoofbeats were reduced to a low background rumble as she gave it right back to them, shouting.

“Look, you slimy buckets of stall muck, why don’t you shut those flapping pie-holes of yours and show some respect? Unless you want to take it outside and prove you got the orchids to spout off like some morons about how great you think you are!”

The room exploded with a roar of whoops and taunts again as the hoof-stomps shook the mess hall’s walls, the assembled cadets appreciating Firebolt trying to tell them off.

“Save up that fire in your belly, newbie! You’re going to need it to get through the trials!” another stallion piped up, enjoying the spectacle of Firebolt so irritated by their antagonizing. Worse still was when the cadets finally spotted the griffon and hippogriff among the recruits. The hoof-stomps stopped and the shouts and catcalls suddenly became an uncomfortably subdued buzz. Gallus could practically feel the unwelcome glares and looks of disgust.

“’Let’s just find a place to sit.” Solar Flare led them to a corner table at the far side of the room, away from most of the academy cadets. All the while as they walked through the mess hall, Silverstream and Gallus overheard some of the cadets muttering mumbled insults and innuendo about her and Gallus’ kind. The words cut deeply into Silverstream but only served to infuriate Gallus.

“I heard the smarter ones can actually use utensils,” some mare commented out loud as Silverstream and her friends walked by.

A stallion’s voice replied “I heard only top-of-the-line models can even talk.” Silverstream forcibly steadied her breathing and kept her head high.

“Raider! Over here, dude!” A stallion loudly called out and waved in their direction from across the mess hall, getting the attention of the newbies. Suddenly, all of them found their bodies being pushed aside by someone walking up from behind.

“Out of the way, losers!” the husky voice ordered, obviously willing to barrel through any flyer in his way.
“What the hay-?” Firebolt and Solar Flare were shoved forward into a cadet passing by, and nearly knocked his tray out of his wing’s grip.

“Hey, watch it, newbie!” the cadet barked out, glaring at them.

Firebolt backed away, smiling weakly. “Sorry about that; my bad.” They watched as Wind Raider and Stormbringer headed off to sit with a small cluster of cadets at a nearby table, clearly already friendly with some of the current classponies by the warm greetings they received.

The group wove their way over to some vacant seats at one end of a table, staking out some territory for themselves in this veritable sea of unknown faces and conversations swirling all around them. Since starting these trials, until this moment, they as a group had never been alone in a setting without knowing somepony else there.

“That line’s pretty long.” The hippogriff pointed to the cadets and recruits waiting on the chow line along the wall on the opposite side of the dining room. “How much time do we have?”

“We have ninety minutes.” Solar Flare pointed to the clock hanging just above the exit to the kitchen. “We have until thirteen hundred-thirty hours to get back to the bulletin board and see what our next trial will be.”

“Wow, this place is packed. I didn’t know there were this many students at the academy.” Cloudy Sky kept looking around as well, wanting to see and remember all he could of this experience. He knew he was getting to be a part of something exceptional.

“There’s got to be at least fifty or sixty cadets in here, by the looks of it.” Silverstream hadn’t expected to see so many pegasus ponies in attendance.

“It’s probably most of the student body.” Brightstar watched the rest of the recruits find seats wherever they could, splintering off in every direction. Gallus suddenly felt much safer and glad he and his group had managed to get seats together, finding familiarity when it was scarce around them.

He watched Firebolt scan the room a few times. “Looking for something?”

“Somepony I was hoping to find.” Firebolt couldn’t pick out the face she sought from the throng of cadets. She wasn’t sure if the pony she was looking for was even in here right now.

“You guys want to get on line first? We can wait here to hold the seats for us.” Even though Cloudy Sky was still a bit unnerved by the razzing he and his friends had received, he was willing to wait until they got back. He wanted to stick together.

“I can wait a few minutes more for lunch.” Nightflight would stay as well, making sure they had a place to sit. He looked around at all the cadets in the mess hall, feeling a little isolated by so many unfamiliar faces and some of the displeased looks being directed their way.

“Me too.” Brightstar didn’t mind waiting.

Accompanied by Solar Flare and Firebolt, Gallus and Silverstream made their way to the end of the chow line.
“Solar Flare! Over here!” another stallion called out from close by. Solar Flare turned and saw it was Cloudjumper, a friend from his younger days of flight competitions, waving at him from across the room. The turquoise stallion hurried over to the group and gave Solar Flare a friendly hi-low wing slap.

“Hey, you’re here, finally! How’s it going at the trials?”

“Can’t complain. I did pretty well on the endurance training portion.” Solar Flare surprised his friends with the serious downplaying of his performance this morning.

“Good job; I’m pullin’ for you to make it. My squad still doesn’t feel complete without my best spotter in it.” Cloudjumper gave Solar Flare a friendly punch to his shoulder and toothy smile, remembering the good times they had when they were younger. Only then did he look behind his friend to spot two creatures he’d never expected to see here at the academy.

“Hey, who’re the griffs?” Cloudjumper jerked his head toward Solar Flare’s companions. Solar Flare had to gently correct his friend.

“Uh, these ‘griffs’,” Solar Flare stepped aside to make introductions, “are my friends from Ponyville. This is Gallus from Griffonstone and Silverstream from the kingdom of Mount Aris. They both attend Princess Twilight’s School of Friendship.”
Cloudjumper looked embarrassed for having addressed the griffon and hippogriff so disrespectfully. “Oh, hey, I’m sorry about the ‘griff’ comment.”

“I suppose it’s okay. I mean, back home we secretly call you guys ‘hooves.’” He rolled his eyes with the ridiculous lie, meant to show the older pony how dumb he sounded. Cloudjumper took the jab in stride, figuring he deserved the ribbing.

“I’m just glad to meet an actual cadet of the academy. It must be so exciting to be here.” Silverstream was finally getting used to the friendly wing-shaking that these pegasus ponies all greeted one another with.

“You folks get a bite to eat yet? The cooks here know how to feed a flyer well.” Cloudjumper saw them looking ahead at the chow line’s length. He could sense Silverstream and Gallus’ hesitation after the verbal onslaught the other cadets had doled out to them. “I’ll go with you guys. That should keep them from razzing you about being newbies.”

Silverstream thought it gracious of Cloudjumper to offer to protect fellow flyers from harassment. He didn’t even know her or Gallus yet he was willing to help without being asked.

“Thanks. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting the other cadets to have shouted at us like that.” Gallus glanced around from where they stood, catching several cadets repeatedly sneaking peeks at them from nearby tables. It made him uncomfortable.

The chow line moved along quickly enough and the five of them talked and got to know each other better. Silverstream and Gallus were glad to have met him; he was acting as a buffer between them and some of the more hostile cadets.
“Mind if I join your group?” Cloudjumper held the swinging door open for Silverstream as they exited the kitchen area with trays full of hot food, giving Silverstream a little bow of his head.

“What a true gentlecolt. Thank you, kind sir.” Silverstream used her most polite and ‘regal’ sounding voice, making Cloudjumper grin.

“My pleasure, my lady.” He played along, not suspecting that she really was from a royal family. Gallus bit his tongue and did everything he possibly could to not smile or laugh, knowing what he did about who Silverstream was.

“Hey, Firebolt! Over here!” A female voice called to the group that was standing by the kitchen exit. Firebolt looked about the room a few times, finally spotting the mare who’d called to her from across the mess hall, the pony she’d hoped to find today.

“He-e-e-y-y!” Firebolt called back, quickly abandoning her friends and cutting across the room to get to the bright orange pegasus mare who was waving to her with a free wing. Firebolt almost dropped her meal when embracing the cadet.
“Gale Force! By the Two Princesses, it’s great to see you again! How are you?” Firebolt hadn’t seen Gale in almost two years, since her acceptance to the academy, and was half-expecting her friend to be off somewhere studying or out on a training mission. Cloudjumper led the group over to where Gale and Firebolt were talking. They were carrying on like little fillies, chattering away about this or that, trying to catch up on everything they’d missed out on.

Ahem!” The two mares were jolted out of their private conversation by Gallus. Firebolt had forgotten all about her friends, but sensed them now standing right behind her. Sure enough, she turned aside to find them there, smirking at her and waiting for a proper introduction.

“So, are you going to make the introduction or let us stand here like idiots?” The sharp tongue of the griffon cut into Firebolt, pointing out her gaffe in his friendly smart-alecky tone of his.

“My mistake, guys.” She half-mumbled an embarrassed apology. “This is Gale Force. Her family lived right down the street from mine back in Cloudsdale. When I was younger, I used to watch her practice on the activities field after school. She actually taught me my first flying stunts.”

“Nice to meet all of you.” Gale noticed the two non-pony flyers standing with Firebolt’s friends.

“What the-? Firebolt, what’s up with this? You’re hanging out with griffs now?”

“Uh,” Firebolt rolled her eyes a little at Gale’s rather off-putting comment. Gallus’ expression made it clear he was affronted by her attitude. “These ‘griffs’ as you call them, are my good friends. This is Gallus from Griffonstone and Silverstream from the kingdom of Mount Aris. They both attend the School of Friendship in Ponyville.” Once again, the cachet of being a student of Princess Twilight’s school paid off as Gale suddenly looked terribly embarrassed for her comment.

“Oh, I’m... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything-” Gale began to apologize.

“Nah, I half-expect most dumb nags who go to this school wouldn’t even know how to talk with a griffon anyway.” The sharp tongued griffon gave it right back to Gale, just enough to let her know of his displeasure at her attitude. She got his message loud and clear.

“Don’t let it bother you.” Silverstream brushed it off. Her privileged upbringing had taught her to be less uptight about such small mistakes, but Gale felt simply terrible for having run off at the mouth so rudely.

“You want to sit with us? We were just about to eat.” Silverstream wanted to make friends with these cadets, finding that having one around kept the insults down and the stares to a minimum.

“Thank you, I would.” Gale turned to head to face Firebolt. “Maybe we can finally catch up on what’s been going on with you and your family.”

Firebolt and Solar Flare led the group back to their table where Nightflight, Cloudy Sky and Brightstar waited for them. Firebolt made the quick introductions to them as the trio headed for the chow line, now that the rest of their group was back.
Cloudjumper had Gallus’ attention by regaling the griffon with a story of him and Solar Flare participating in the flight competitions when they were younger. By the time Cloudy Sky, Brightstar and Nightflight were back with their lunches, Cloudjumper was at the climax of the story, telling of the close race they had against one another and how he had edged Solar Flare out to get the gold medal.

This gave Gale the chance to speak more intimately with Firebolt and get to know the newbie hippogriff.
“I’m glad to see you made it finally to the tryouts. How’s it going? You holding up okay under the pressure?” Seeing a mare from her foalhood neighborhood here was great. She could remember the more innocent times of fun and flight with her younger admirer who watched her practice.

“Tough, believe me. I thought I was ready but, wow, it’s harder to do for real than just in practice.” Firebolt was honest in her assessment but Gale gave her a certain knowing look.

“Oh, like you have anything to worry about getting into the academy, right? You’re a shoo-in for sure.” Gale winked at Firebolt with a sly look. But the implication was lost on the hippogriff, still too excited at getting to hang out with real academy cadets.

“I know, right? Firebolt’s a fantastic flyer. You should’ve seen her go. She’s going to get in for sure.” The cheerleader in Silverstream came rushing out, always ready to support her friends. Firebolt gave Gale a weak smile and chuckle, as if embarrassed by Silverstream’s words.

“Um, that’s not really what I meant.” Gale cocked an eyebrow, wondering to herself about the friendship between Firebolt and the hippogriff.

“Really? Then, like, how do you mean?” Silverstream had no idea what Gale could have been referring to. Firebolt shot Gale a pleading look with her eyes, begging Gale not to say anything else. But Gale looked first at Firebolt and then at Silverstream, homing in on realization.

“So,” Gale turned back to Firebolt, “you didn’t tell her? Or any of your friends?”

“Tell us what?” Silverstream blinked a few times, confused, having someone talking over, under and around her and feeling left out of some critical aspect of the conversation. Firebolt looked at Gale even more pleadingly, silently imploring her to change the subject. But Gale had a most mischievous look to her now.

“I don’t know if she told you this yet but-” Gale was interrupted as Firebolt tried to cover Gale’s mouth with a forehoof.

“C’mon, Gale! That’s my business!” Firebolt dreaded anypony else finding out the truth. This only made Silverstream even more curious to know.

What’s your business?” Silverstream got Firebolt’s attention away from Gale. “We’re friends now, right? You can tell me, I won’t tell any of your secrets.” This was important to Silverstream. She wanted to forge new friendships outside the School of Friendship and was eager to gain Firebolt’s trust. Gale blurted the secret out anyway.

“She didn’t tell you that Commander Spitfire is actually a cousin of hers. Firebolt’s dad is Commander Spitfire’s mom’s youngest brother.” There. It was out in the open. Silverstream gasped in surprise.

“No way! For real? That’s so cool!” Silverstream gushed, now understanding so much more of why her friend was so determined to succeed, and even where her recruit uniform had come from.

“Oh, thanks a lot, Gale! Nice to know I can trust you with secrets like that!” Firebolt huffed, very annoyed and embarrassed by her friend’s actions. But Gale thought it amusing.

“Don’t get your mane out of shape, it’s no big deal.” Gale didn’t see what the problem was. So what if Firebolt’s cousin could get her in without this entire tryout stuff to go through? Firebolt had it made.

“Wow, I had no idea your family was so much a part of the Wonderbolts’ history. It must be so exciting.” Silverstream thought her new friend was one very lucky flyer.

“Exciting? No. Stressful? Yes.” Firebolt didn’t know how else to explain it but the words had no weight to Silverstream.

Gale explained. “Just think about it, Silverstream. She’s got a lot to live up to in order to get accepted into the academy. Her namesake runs this school and is in charge of the Wonderbolts. That’s a lot of weight on a pony’s back.”

The depth of what Firebolt must be thinking about all the time suddenly hit Silverstream; those comments her friend had made but didn’t make sense at the time. Now they did and Silverstream’s heart went out to her pony friend when understanding just what Firebolt must be dealing with inside.

“Oh, I… I had no idea…”

“Uh-uh,” Firebolt shook her head a little, wanting Silverstream to stop apologizing, “there’s no need to. I don’t go around bragging about it. I want to get in on my flying skills not on my family ties.”

The guys seated next to the trio of girls laughed out loud over whatever they were discussing, enjoying the meal as well as the story being told.

“Right, Gale? Professor Hawkeye was so mad I thought he was going to chase us all the way back to Cloudsdale!” Cloudjumper had the group roaring with an episode of school-time shenanigans they had been a part of here at the academy. Gale had to think for a moment about what Cloudjumper was talking about.

“You mean that time we glued the door to the science lab shut so we couldn’t take the test he planned, right? It was a riot.”
“Don’t you ever get tired of pulling pranks like that? It’s so juvenile.” Firebolt gently tut-tutted. Gale brushed off her concern.

“Hey, life isn’t all flight science, formation diagrams and time spent on the Dizzatron. A pony has to have some fun too.”
“I was wondering,” Cloudjumper got both Gallus and Silverstream’s attention, “which Wonderbolt was your recruiter?”

“Actually, we’re not recruits. Gallus and I volunteered to try out.” Silverstream replied. That got Gale’s attention real quick.

“You’re kidding?”

“Nope.” Gallus shook his head. “Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash asked us to take part in this year’s trials. It was her idea to have some sort of cultural exchange between our three species by having us participating in the tryouts. She’s one of our teachers at Princess Twilight’s school.”

“That’s so cool that a famous Wonderbolt invited you here. I got lucky; I won a local flight competition in Nimbusville for a slot to try out this year,” Cloudy Sky confessed, guessing the rest of his friends had some grand reason or meaning for being here. Each of the friends shared in the round-robin explanation of why they came for the Wonderbolt trials.

“Some in my family have served in Cloudsdale’s Defense Forces or Canterlot’s Royal Guard. Serving in the military goes back several generations for my family.” Nightflight got to share some of his family’s history.

“No pony in my family had served before but I wanted to be the first. I think there’s a certain pride in service to the two princesses, not to mention that I want to protect my homeland.” Solar Flare added his reasons.

“My mom is an officer in the C.D.F. and I’ve been a military brat my whole life. I can’t think of any other way of living except in service to Equestria. It’s an honor as well as a privilege to serve and protect.” Brightstar puffed out her chest a little with pride in her family’s service.

For Silverstream, hearing how patriotic Brightstar, Nightflight and Solar Flare were and how passionately they spoke about wanting to serve and protect their homeland gave her pause to reflect on what Wind Raider had said earlier.
Whereas her pegasus friends wanted to stand up and fight off danger, like the Storm King, the hippogriffs had turned themselves into seaponies and hid away in Seaquestria, their underwater kingdom.

For untold moons after and through many generations, the leadership of Seaquestria re-deliberated their decision of fleeing Mount Aris to possibly save their society versus standing up to that weather-controlling demon. There had been much heated discussion amongst the body leadership of advisors and councilors and, in the end, a path was chosen that was thought to be the lesser of two evils. It was only at the most perilous moment of Princess Twilight’s battle with the Storm King what Queen Novo and her armed forces finally joined with the ponies of Equestria and fought back. Silverstream felt a little self-conscious about trying out for this elite group of defenders of Equestria when her kind had fled their homes instead of standing up to protect them.

“Since were almost done eating and there’s still a little time before you have to go back, anypony here want to take a quick look around the school grounds?” Cloudjumper offered the two guests from the School of Friendship an opportunity to look around, having enjoyed Gallus’ dry wit and sarcastic humor while talking with him and the other recruits.

“Really? You would do that for us?” Cloudy Sky jumped at the chance to tour the school, wanting to see where he very well could be attending classes next semester, if he was lucky.

“You think that’s a good idea? What if one of the teachers spots you with them? You could get in trouble.” Firebolt was well aware that, as recruits, they were supposed to stay only in designated areas of the academy’s grounds. Wandering around the hallways, even with a cadet, might be grounds for ejection from the trials.

“Oh, live a little, Firebolt. C’mon, what’s the worst thing that could happen? What, listening to crusty old Dean Witherhoof lecture us about ‘the rules’ while sitting in his office? Like that’s so-o-o terrible.” Gale playfully mocked Firebolt’s serious nature. “It’s just some harmless, victimless fun.”

“I’d like to take a look around, as long as we don’t get in trouble!” Gallus was right there with Cloudjumper, not afraid of getting into a little mischief.

“I like the cut of your jib, Gallus.” Cloudjumper gave the griffon the same sly look he’d given Solar Flare earlier.
“Uh-oh, Gallus. When Cloud’s got that look to him, you know something is going to happen.” Solar Flare warned, aware of his friend’s penchant for trouble.

“I’ll go with them, just to be sure they don’t do anything dumb. Like burn the school down.” Gale’s attempt at levity only made Firebolt worry.

“Make sure you don’t get Gallus in any trouble, alright?” Firebolt wanted to make sure Gale heard her loud and clear.
“Hey, don’t worry. It’s me, remember?” Gale tried to downplay Firebolt’s concern.

“That’s what worries me.” Firebolt wouldn’t let Gale’s nonchalant attitude ruin her friend’s chance at getting in to the academy. Gale shot back a rather flat smile and a snort, as if annoyed by Firebolt’s concern.

“Can I join you? I’d like to look around too.” Cloudy Sky would not pass up the chance to see more.

“We’ll probably just stay here and meet up with you at the bulletin board when you’re done.” Solar Flare preferred to play it safe with his new friends, letting Cloudjumper and Gale Force act as tour guides.

“We’ll catch up to you guys in a little while.” Gallus and Gale were already on their feet and heading for the exit, dropping off their trays on top of the garbage cans. Cloudjumper was soon after them.

“See you guys in a bit!” Brightstar waved to them as they exited and headed for the main hall of the school.

“I was thinking of checking on that poor mare that was taken to the infirmary earlier. I hope she’s okay.” Silverstream had wondered about the pale white pegasus that Solar Flare had helped earlier.

“I can take you to the infirmary to see her if you want. It’s just in the next building over.” Solar Flare thought it rather kind of Silverstream to be concerned for a fellow flyer she had never even spoken to.

“We will catch up with you guys when you get back.” Brightstar was staying behind, as was Nightflight who was too busy eyeing the desserts.

“I’m gonna check if they have any chocolate pudding. I got a serious hankering for some.” He smacked his lips.

The trio of friends departed from the lunch table and headed out the mess hall doors for the infirmary in the next building over, talking quietly about the trials and wondering what was in store for them from the C.O.
In less than ten minutes, they were standing at the front desk. A Wonderbolt reservist sitting behind the desk looked up at them.

“May I help you?” the mare asked her visitors pleasantly.

“Yes, um, there was a recruit brought in today with an injury from the trials, I wanted to know if she was still here.” Silverstream tried looking over the nurse’s head and into the area but couldn’t see anything.

“Yes, the young mare with the wing injury. You are her friends, I take it?”

“Actually we’re fellow competitors at the trials but we just wanted to see how she was doing. She was in an awful state when she was taken from the activities field.” Solar Flare could see that several beds in the emergency ward were empty but one bed space at the end of the row had curtains drawn around it.

“Oh, I think I remember you.” She pointed a wingtip at Solar Flare. “You were the nice stallion that brought her here, correct?”

Solar Flare nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

“You can go see her; she’s right down there in the last bed on the left.” The nurse pointed to the drawn curtains behind her.

“Thank you very much.” Firebolt led them into the ward, quietly heading for the bed with the curtains drawn around it.

“Hello? Moonlight? Are you awake?” Silverstream softly called to the mare behind the curtains.

“Yes? Who’s there?”

The three of them slipped in through the split in the curtains, finding Moonlight laying on the bed with her right wing covered with several ice packs, her eyes shut. Moonlight slowly opened her eyes to see her guests, a bit surprised at finding that mysterious hippogriff and two ponies at her bedside.

“Oh, it’s you.” She was not expecting to see Solar Flare here again and with the hippogriff and another mare too. She smiled at them, wincing a little from the stabbing pain in her right wing. They tried to return the same but could not help but wince in sympathy.

“I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t come over and say hi to you or your friends this morning; I was a little preoccupied with the trials and stuff.” Moonlight confessed to Silverstream, feeling a little bad for having kept her distance. Silverstream could feel the sincerity in Moonlight’s words.

“I understand completely; this is a pretty intense scene.” She gave a quick grin and nervous laugh to which Moonlight also gave a nervous chuckle and smile in response.

“Umm, hi, I’m Moonlight.” Moonlight tried starting over with an introduction.

“Hi, I’m Silverstream.”

“I’ve never met a hippogriff before, but I’d read all about the fight with the Storm King and Queen Novo’s return to help Princess Twilight. That must have been some epic battle to witness. What was it like? Were you scared? I was terrified when the counterattack came. The noise was terrible, we could hear it all the way in Sire’s Hollow.” Reading about the battle in newspapers was one thing, hearing from an eyewitness would be something incredible.

“Oh, uh actually, I… wasn’t there for the fight with the Storm King. Only the Queen and our Royal Guardgriffs went to fight. Civilians were ordered to protect Mount Aris instead. But I was still plenty scared of what the outcome could have been, believe me.” She didn’t mean to disappoint Moonlight, but those had been the orders of the queen.

Again, the two girls gave a nervous laugh, both clearly feeling the awkwardness of the moment. Fortunately, Solar Flare jumped into the conversation.

“How bad is it? Are you going to be okay?” Moonlight gingerly moved the three icepacks off her wing joint, revealing the sizeable swollen lump on her shoulder that made all three of Moonlight’s visitors recoil a little in shock.

“Oh, wow! That looks super painful.” Firebolt had never seen anything like it before.

“Oh, dear!” Silverstream gasped.

“Is it bad, like, real bad?” Solar Flare bit his lower lip.

“I tore part of my pectoral muscle from my shoulder; they’re transporting me to Canterlot General Hospital for surgery. The doctors here told me it’s a pretty serious injury and I need immediate attention or I might lose the use of my wing.” The three friends could hear the fear in the inflection of her words, scared she might not be able to fly ever again.

Solar Flare didn’t want her to worry. “Canterlot General is the best hospital to go in all Equestria. The doctors there are amazing; trust me. A friend of mine had a mid-air collision with another flyer and fell four stories to the ground. Whack! Broke his left wing in two places and tore the ligaments as well.” He smacked his forehooves together, emphasizing the drama of impact.

“Ew-w-w-w!” Firebolt hated listening to gross stuff like flight injuries and such. Her too vivid imagination made her shudder with the thought of suffering them herself.

Solar Flare saw how Firebolt scrunched up her face in repulsion. “But the doctors and surgeons there are top shelf and patched him up as good as new, so I know you’re in good hooves there.” Moonlight’s tense expression relaxed, hearing somepony telling her she was going to be okay.

“You’ll be up and about in no time.” Firebolt was sure she would be. Their moment together was soon broken up as two orderlies stepped through the curtain.

“Pardon us, folks, but we have to get the patient loaded up for the ride to Canterlot.” One of them wheeled in a gurney while the other pulled back on the curtains to allow easier access.

The three of them stepped back and watched as Moonlight was gingerly moved off the bed and slid sideways onto the gurney while one of the on-duty nurses was quickly getting her wing strapped and secured in a sling that held the cold compress in place for the trip.

Silverstream followed the orderlies all the way out the exit to where some other patients were also being loaded onto the medivac. Firebolt and Solar Flare had followed as well, hanging back some so as to give the nurses and handlers room to work. Silverstream stayed by Moonlight’s side, right up to the point where the orderlies wheeled her into the ambulance to fly her to Canterlot. The hippogriff stepped back and away from the ambulance doors.

“I guess this is goodbye.” Silverstream waved a little to Moonlight with a sad smile as the pegasus pony was loaded in and the wheels of the gurney locked into the floor so as to keep still during the flight.

“Maybe just, see you later, instead? When I’m better?” Moonlight held out hope she’d get to see this hippogriff again, unhappy at having to say hello and goodbye in five minutes to three fellow flyers like this.

“I… I’d like that.”

Bang! Silverstream watched the one of the orderlies slam shut the doors of the ambulance, giving the back door two sharp raps with his forehoof.

“Good to go!” he shouted and the small dirigible took off, its stubby winglets flapping, bearing it upon the air up and away from the landing pad. Silverstream and her friends watched it fly away while each pondered if they might be the next injury to happen.

“We should just head back to the bulletin board and wait for the next posting.” The stallion knew there was nothing else any of them could do for Moonlight except keep her in their thoughts and prayers for her speedy recovery. Silverstream lingered behind to watch the zeppelin fly away as Firebolt and Solar Flare were turning to leave.

“C’mon, Silverstream, nothing else to see here.” Solar Flare trotted back and pulled gently at her foreleg, urging her to stop looking at the disappearing zeppelin in the sky and to focus on the task ahead.

“Right.” She had to get her head back on straight, the next part of the trials were at hand. “Let’s get moving.”

Together, they cut across the secondary field at the far end of the academy grounds and took the slightly longer way back to the main field where the trials were being held. For Silverstream, it was a chance to see, from a distance, the academy’s main office building, classroom building and student dormitory. There was so much history in the structures that she’d read about. She wondered what it must be like to attend classes here.

“What’s that over there?” Silverstream paused to point out something off to one side in a grassy field, seeing three or four pegasi standing in front of some sort of outcropping of rock.

“Oh, that’s the memorial that was erected last summer.” Firebolt’s answer didn’t really explain anything to Silverstream.
“A memorial? For what?” She looked at both her pony friends, who were clearly unsure how best to respond.

“It’s… it’s for the Wonderbolts who fought in the counterattack against the Storm King and the Storm Guards.” Silverstream’s reaction to his answer was exactly what he and Firebolt thought it would be.

“You mean a memorial for the ponies that’d died in the fight, don’t you?” Her words cut to the truth as her expression grew more pained.

“Yes, it is,” Firebolt quietly answered.

“There’s one like it in Canterlot for the C.R.G. forces as well. Both were dedicated by the Two Princesses and Queen Novo. I heard both ceremonies were lovely and quite fitting for all those who attended.” Solar Flare filled in the last bit of information.

Silverstream felt that same guilt return to stab at her heart, seeing in her mind’s eye the flood of blood and tears paid by the ponies of Equestria in order to defeat the Storm King. She’d apologized for the tragedy earlier to one and all that had first seen her and had been greeted with open wings of understanding from fellow recruits. But now she was having doubts about being here for the trials.

“I want to see it. Right now.” Silverstream turned towards the field and headed for the monument, determined to pay her respects to those who had perished in the fight. Her queen had done so as had other dignitaries from Mount Aris who came to its revealing.

But she herself had been home with the other hippogriffs, as a sign of respect to the ponies in mourning, not to crowd or intrude upon the ceremony. As no formal diplomatic channels had been established at the time, it would have been gauche if Queen Novo had allowed anygriff other than those of the highest political station to attend such a solemn service.

Silverstream would finally see it with her own eyes. It was high time for her to show some maturity as a member of her royal family. She might not be a direct bloodline descendent to take the throne of Seaquestria like her cousin Princess Skystar, but damn her to Tartarus if she didn’t step up and at least act like a princess of Seaquestria.

Firebolt and Solar Flare were following right behind, unsure how she would react to it. Each of them was aware that the memorial could evoke a powerful emotional reaction with each visitor when viewing it for the first time. But Silverstream paused as she approached, realizing which ponies were currently standing in front of the monument.

“Maybe this isn’t such a good time.” She spoke very softly as Solar Flare and Firebolt walked up along each side of her and observed who it was standing there at the memorial.

It was Wind Raider, along with three cadets, looking up at the smooth white granite markers. Each half of the monument was shaped like a pegasus wing spread out wide. Engraved in its highly polished surfaces and filled in with prismatic diamond dust were the names of the mares and stallions who’d given their lives in defense of Cloudsdale and greater Equestria. Wind Raider didn’t notice that Silverstream and her friends were so close, so engrossed as he waas in looking at the monument in silent remembrance.

Silverstream watched how Wind Raider’s head fell forwards in silent agony as he reached out to touch a name on the smooth surface with a forehoof, as if to reach out and touch the deceased. His friends stepped closer and each put a wing of support around his shoulders, sharing in his mourning.

Then, she heard the most pitiable and heartbreaking sound she’d ever heard in her young life. Wind Raider was crying, his body trembling with sorrow. His friends were there, consoling him, like a band of brothers.

“It’s alright, Wind Raider. Sky Chaser’s looking down on us right now; he knows we’re here for you.” One cadet gave him a soft pat on the back with a wing, leaning in close to embrace him with one foreleg. Now the tears spilled out of Wind Raider’s eyes unceasingly, collecting in tiny puddles on the marble base of the monument.

“Hang tough, Wind Raider. We remember him too,” another confided, embracing Wind Raider as well. They were military ponies and they knew what that bond meant to them. Quite spontaneously, the third cadet broke out into the chorus of an old military song sung by veterans who’d served. The other two cadets picked up the tune quickly and joined in.

“…and we’re going soon to meet them on the tarmac of the Soul,
As the shadows around us give warning.
And I want to see my brothers when the Heavens call the Roll,
All are ready for inspection in the morning.”

Then, there was silence, broken up only by the gentle chirp of a nearby bird and Wind Raider’s soft sobbing. Firebolt saw how upset Silverstream had become.

“C’mon, let’s go. We’ve seen enough,” Firebolt whispered as she turned away from the sight, tugging at Silverstream’s foreleg to follow. But Silverstream felt paralyzed with sadness at that moment. She had mourned for her country’s lost heroes as well, but none of those had been for family or even relations thereof. But for some reason, this moment she was witnessing seemed to hit her so much harder, like she’d been kicked in the stomach.

Solar Flare, too, tried to get Silverstream to leave. “We’d best focus on the next trials. There’s still a lot more to go and we had better get back to the bulletin board and wait for our drill instructors.” It took a few more tugs at Silverstream’s foreleg to get her to move. This was not what a flyer needed to have on their mind during the trials. She had to be focused or she wouldn’t make it to the end.


Cloudjumper led the way to the main classroom building, towering and imposing with its white marble columns and long, polished staircase leading up to the entrance. A large bronze plaque now tinted with weathered green patina, engraved in ancient Equestrian that dedicated the founding of the academy along with the names of the school’s founders, hung by the entryway for all to see. Cloudy Sky was a bit overwhelmed by the grandeur and agelessness of this place but Gallus was playing it cool.

“So, what do you think of it, guys? Impressed, I’d wager.” Gale didn’t miss the stars in Cloudy Sky’s eyes as he stood there, wide-eyed and openmouthed. She reached over to shut it for him, grinning at his expression.

“I can’t believe I’m actually standing here.” Cloudy Sky had never thought he’d see the day where he would get to stand in front of these hallowed doors to the academy. Ever since he was a colt, he had wanted to go here and be a part of Equestria’s greatest military academy and flight school for pegasus ponies. He felt he was so close to achieving his foalhood dream of going here! All he had to do was make it to the end of the trials and he would be in.

“Meh, it’s not bad,” shrugged Gallus. “Not as cool looking as the School of Friendship, but I guess it’s got its charm.” Cloudy Sky couldn’t believe what his ears just heard.

“Are you kidding, Gallus? This is the Wonderbolt Academy! Home to so many legendary flyers of Equestria and beyond! You can’t stand there and say you aren’t impressed with this place. It’s been here, like, forever!” Cloudy Sky thought it the greatest place to be.

“If this much impresses you, then I guess you need to see the inside.” Cloudjumper pushed the doors open and poked his head through, checking to see if the coast was clear. It was.

“Welcome to Wonderbolt Academy!” Cloudjumper opened the doors wider, making a grand sweeping gesture with a wing to wave the small party inside. Gale quickly shut the door behind them, shushing her fellow cadet for his overt showponyship.

They didn’t have much time; lunch was almost over and soon the bell would ring for them to return to class. Cloudy Sky tingled with delight at getting this sneak peek of the interior. Gallus glanced around. It certainly was different then the School of Friendship.

“This is the main classroom building; upstairs are the lecture halls and the two libraries, while down here on the lower level are the weather and environmental science laboratories, along with the aeronautics & mechanical design classrooms and shops. We spend most of the day in this building. During free periods we can go out and get some fly time or play some buck-ball on the field. It’s up to us.” The recruits listened attentively to Gale’s explanation.

“We can show ‘em the flight labs and the lecture halls on this side of the building then double back though the gym and out the building’s west exit near the main field so they won’t be late for the trials.” Cloudjumper tapped his chin a bit with a forehoof as he plotted the most efficient path through the school and back to the main activity field.

“Sounds good to me.” Gallus found himself enjoying this, stepping away from being an academy recruit for a spell. The possibility of getting in trouble only made it more enticing.

“I think we should get moving. It might not be a good thing if one of your teachers spots us.” Cloudy Sky glanced about; voices were coming from two classrooms nearby as they stood near the entryway.

“Smart pony. Let’s go.” Gale led them around the bottom floor of the school, making sure no professor or instructor was about in any hallway before proceeding on. She and Cloudjumper acted as both tour guide and warden of their safety. Passing by a few of the lecture halls along the way, Cloudy Sky got to hear snippets of the subjects being taught in each. Everything from advanced mathematics to the science of weather, political science to even classes about painting and sculpture. Truly someplace he wanted to be a part of.

Gallus listened to the small highlights his guides spoke of and pointed out to him as he took in more of the history and longevity of this institution. Each wall was adorned with portraits of famous graduates and scenes of history from the Wonderbolts as well. He even surprised himself by successfully recognizing some of the portraits on the walls by name, recalling what Professor Dash had taught him. This was a storied place where legends were made. His hosts were clearly surprised by the fact that a griffon actually knew Wonderbolt history. The foursome rounded a corner, heading down the student activities hallway towards the gymnasium as the mare cadet continued.

“The program is eight weeks to go from recruit to cadet here, the trials are just a preliminary. Once you’re accepted, you’ll have to go under evaluation again so as to figure out what major you’re qualified to study for and how long it’ll take to complete your curriculum.”

Gale was having a good time showing the recruits around and informing them about what it was like being here. Gallus and Cloudy Sky asked questions about this aspect or that aspect of cadet life and what it was like living on campus.
They stopped at one trophy case display, seeing several large gold plated chalices and plaques listing championship teams and records set by both cadets and reservists alike.

“I’m not one hundred percent sure but I think one of the recruits in your group had a family member listed on one of the winning trick flight teams from a few moons back. I think his name was Sky Chaser.” Cloudjumper pointed to a small nameplate fastened to one of the ceremonial placards that listed multiple teams over the years who’d won championships and led each team to victory.

Cloudy Sky and Gallus drank in all they saw, amazed and impressed. Along the back wall of the display case were the numerous pictures of teams and their coaches, standing proud and tall. Around their necks hung medals of victory as fans and students alike cheered in the background.

Gallus wondered to himself what it might be like to be part of such a scene of camaraderie and loyalty. Among his kind, those two things did not exist. Yet with the lessons he’d learned at the School, he found himself longing for such contact; a feeling of belonging among peers who were bound together by something unique; being a great flyer among other great flyers.

Cloudy Sky was on cloud nine, imagining himself on one of those winning teams, winning a gold medal and making his mom and dad proud. To be the first in his family to attend a top rate secondary school would be the ultimate achievement. Sportspony hero or not, he could fulfill his parents’ hopes for their only son; the opportunity for a better life. The moment was suddenly interrupted by the sound of hoofsteps on the marble floor from an approaching teacher. The sound instantly got all of their attentions.

“Uh-oh,” Cloudjumper knew he had to make both Gallus and Cloudy Sky disappear fast.

“Crud!” Gallus muttered under his breath, the idea of getting caught no longer so thrilling. He and Cloudjumper quickly looked around, trying to find some place they could duck into. Gale ran over to one auxiliary activity room on the opposite side of the hallway and checked the door, it was unlocked. A stroke of luck for them.

“Quick, get in here and don’t make a sound.” Gale waved her guests over and both of them zipped right over to the open doorway, slinking inside and out of sight.

“Thanks!” Cloudy Sky whispered to Gale as he dashed into the small room. Gallus was right behind. The griffon shut the door behind him and hoped they weren’t going to get busted.

“Excuse me,” a female voice whined in annoyance, “but we booked this room for use during lunch.” Cloudy Sky turned around to find not one but three cadet mares, sitting at a table and doing what, he guessed by the quick glance at the books, was homework or research of some kind. He had to think fast.

“My apologies, ladies, we didn’t mean to intrude-”

“Hey, wait a second. You’re not cadets!” The pink mare suddenly pointed out, having recognized the outfits the two interlopers wore.

“Uh, heh-heh, it’s like this, ladies,” Cloudy Sky gave a nervous laugh and guilty smile as he rubbed the back of his head with a forehoof, feeling uncomfortably warmer in his outfit all of a sudden. Gallus turned around; about to say something in the hopes they would be cool about not reporting this to anyone else.

“I know this might seem a little weird and all, but-” Gallus stopped as the three mares suddenly and collectively gasped at the sight of him.

“There’s one of them? Here?” The lavender mare almost leapt out of her seat in order to get closer to Gallus. The other two mares followed suit, crowding past and ignoring Cloudy Sky.

“This is so cool!” The silvery-white coated mare practically shoved Cloudy Sky out of the way, her eyes focused on his griffon friend.

“I wonder where he came from. And he’s got a recruit uniform on! That’s so cute!” One of the mares squealed in delight as they surrounded Gallus, by their expressions, thrilled at being so close to a real griffon.

“Actually, he and I are recruits for the tri-”

“I’ve read everything the griffon Graymoor Talon has written about griffon societies over the last century. He has the true feeling and understanding of the problems with griffons today. What’s your opinion on his works?” The pink mare seemed very eager to hear Gallus’ answer.

“Uh, I have no idea who-” He was cut off by the next mare’s comment.

“I’ve attended some Friendship for Aid to Hardship Countries rallies and functions with some friends last year. We all agree; the time for all equine species to share in leadership of the world with lesser species is now! More power to the non-ponies!” the lavender pony cheered.

“Well, that’s nice but we just-” Again, Gallus was cut off. Cloudy Sky watched the scene unfurling in front of him, invisible to the three girls as they seemed to fawn over Gallus. The mares just went on and on, regardless of whether Gallus cared to know or listen.

“I’m taking an advanced cultural studies class as an elective for my major this semester; I had no idea your species was so civilized.”

“I did volunteer work for the Aid for Griffonstone Youth Foundation; all the young griffons there helping were so much cooler than the ponies in charge.”

“Did you know that property values actually go up when a family of griffons moves into a pony’s neighborhood?”

“Don’t you hate it when ponies call you half-breed or hybrid and not a griffon? I think all griffons are gorgeous.”

“I met a female griffon once when I was just a filly who told me that ‘pegasi were the closest to griffons’. We’re all pegasi, you know.”

The three mares had missed Gallus’ growing sour expression as they’d blathered on with the most clueless, mind-numbing drivel ever uttered. Cloudy Sky couldn’t believe some of the things these girls had just said. Granted, it had taken him a bit to figure out what to talk with a griffon about, but these girls were saying just about any and everything possible to annoy Gallus. Even he knew better than this.

Gallus waited until they were done before taking a single drawn-out breath. The three mares looked at one another excitedly, as though awaiting wisdom from an oracle.

“If you gave as much of a crap about griffons as you say you do,” he began, his biting tone causing their gleeful expressions to fall, “you’d know that literally everything you’ve just said was nothing but the biggest pile of steaming hot stall muck!”

They stared in shock as he shouldered his way past them and back towards the door.

“C’mon, Cloudy, let’s see if it’s clear now.” He waved for Cloudy Sky to follow and the bemused stallion trailed him past the three mares, all wearing baffled expressions at Gallus’ remark.

The griffon crept up on the door, listening. He could hear some voices coming from the other side. Cloudy Sky sidled up, listening as well.

“And, Ms. Force, please have your lab work submitted with your report together like your partners have. This is the third time I’ve had to remind you.” An elder mare’s voice tut-tutted Gale.

“Yes ma’am. I won’t let it happen again.” Gale sounded nervous.

“I’ll see both of you in class this afternoon.” The sound of hoofsteps heading away could be heard by the two stowaways.

“Yes ma’am.” Two voices replied as the sound of hoofsteps got further away. Gale opened the door as soon as her teacher had rounded the corner and was out of sight.

“Stupid old nag!” Gale grumbled, annoyed at being chided for her sometimes neglectful nature. Cloudjumper looked relieved, feeling he’d dodged a lightning strike.

Phew! That was close.” Cloudy Sky was the first to step forward, looking both ways before exiting the room. Gallus crept forward, watching for any other teacher approaching. It was all clear.

“Let’s not waste any more time and get back to the field.” Cloudy Sky, despite wanting to see more, thought they’d seen enough for now.

“Agreed.” Cloudjumper seconded the motion and both Gallus and Gale nodded. Gale went on ahead down the hall, checking to be sure there was nopony else around. She waved them on, keeping an eye on the two doors to the main office on one side of the adjacent hallway and the exit doors at the opposite. Out those exit door is where they had to go.

“C’mon! Move! Move! Move!” Cloudjumper hissed softly, directing the two recruits to keep moving and to watch Gale for instructions. Gallus and Cloudy Sky did as they were ordered. Gale silently motioned them to turn left and head down the hallway, all while she kept her eyes glued on those office doors.

Cloudjumper followed after, making sure to give them cover from sight by anypony else. “Through that door!” he ordered. Cloudy Sky didn’t even break his momentum, getting his front hooves up onto the door release bar and pushing the door open all at once, exiting with Gallus and Cloudjumper right behind.

Relieved, the two recruits paused and turned to see Cloudjumper standing with a hind hoof keeping the door from closing.
“You two know how to get back to the main field from here?”

Cloudy Sky glanced around, catching sight of the flagpole that was close to the bulletin board where they were supposed to be. “Over there, I think.” He pointed.

“I’d like to walk you back over but I just saw the clock and we’ve got only a few minutes before Gale and I have to-”


“Crud, the bell! Listen, I’ve got to get to class. It was nice meeting you both. Check you two later!” Cloudjumper kicked the door back open and hustled inside, letting it close behind him. It was a rather abrupt parting but at least no one had gotten caught.

“We’re going to be late!” Cloudy Sky took off into the air, heading back to where he thought they were supposed to be.

“Wait up!” Gallus took off after him. From up high they picked out their friends from the group of recruits collecting near the bulletin board, waiting for the next posting. Gallus spotted Silverstream, easily picking her out of the collection of pony bodies, in spite of them all being dressed alike. He glided in with Cloudy Sky following down to where everyone else stood around, waiting. When Cloudy Sky stepped around Gallus, he was met by a rather upset looking hippogriff.

“Silverstream, are you okay?” Cloudy Sky didn’t miss the expression on his hippogriff friend’s face.

“We just got back from seeing the memorial that was dedicated last summer here on the campus grounds.” Firebolt had watched the two of them come flying in from their excursion, smiles on their faces from whatever they had been up to. Now she had to bring them down a little.

“What memorial?” Gallus tried to read the faces of his friends, seeing the rather long expressions.

“The one dedicated to the Wonderbolts who fought in the battle against the Storm King.” Solar Flare was concerned for Silverstream, her mind was obviously elsewhere now and not where it needed to be.

“I remember reading about that in the Nimbusville Gazette newspaper; it was that special visit by Queen Novo and her officials with both princesses here and in Canterlot for the unveiling. Only families of those being honored were allowed to attend it, nopony else. Not even the press was allowed to see.” Cloudy Sky had forgotten all about that. He had been so wrapped up in the trials that it reminded him that he had promised himself he would go see it for himself.

“I haven’t been to it yet. I was planning to go sometime today when I had the chance.” Nightflight, too, would make the short jaunt over to the other side of the grounds before the day was done and see it.

“I think Silverstream was a little… overwhelmed.” Firebolt made sure to sidestep what she and her friends had witnessed. No need to add more than necessary to get the point across.

“Maybe all of us should go and see it together, after suppertime today I mean.” Gallus hadn’t heard of such an event happening while attending the School of Friendship. He’d heard from Silverstream and the teachers of the School what had happened during the battle but had no idea there’d been a ceremony honoring those who had fallen in the fight.
“I think that is a very nice idea, Gallus. We should pay our respects; it’s the proper thing to do.” Brightstar wanted to see this as well. Being a military brat, it was important to her to honor those who had sacrificed everything to protect Equestria. Her friends all nodded solemnly.

Out from a doorway in the nearby building came one of the Wonderbolt team members, carrying a clipboard and scanning the sheets held on it. The recruits made way for him to get to the bulletin board, wondering what was going to be posted.

“Good afternoon, recruits,” High Winds greeted them, seeing the eagerness in their eyes for what was to come next.
“Good afternoon, sir!” the group simultaneously answered back.

“Here is the posting of trials for this afternoon until chow time this evening. Please make sure you read carefully whether you are on the list to be cut or on the list to continue with the trials. Good luck!” High Winds pinned the four pieces of paper to the board. Most of the recruits couldn’t wait to read the cut list, quickly gathering in close to see who hadn’t made it so far.

But the collection of green recruits were surprised and relieved to see that the cut list was blank; everyone had received a passing score. No one was getting cut, at least not yet.

“Everypony on this list,” High Winds pointed to the first sheet, “is to head down to the other end of the field to meet up with Wonderbolts Misty Fly and Silver Zoom for p.t. and drill practice. Everypony on this list,” he pointed to the second sheet of paper with a wing tip, “is to head over to meet up with Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash and Soarin for endurance training at this end of the field. Let’s get moving, everypony!” The throng of bodies began to break up and head off to their respective places. Firebolt was worried for Silverstream; she still had the worst hang-dog look on her face. Fortunately, this was just marching practice and exercising so it wasn’t going to take too much concentration.

“Hey, Firebolt, what’s ‘p.t.’ mean?” Cloudy Sky hadn’t heard of that before.

“It stands for Physical Training.” She tried not to smile at his discomfort, hearing Cloudy Sky groan in anticipation of what was ahead for them.

“You mean like calisthenics and that sort of thing, right? I totally pigged out at lunch and now I’m probably going to cramp up.” Nightflight had devoured everything in sight for lunch, knowing they weren’t going to get another break until suppertime.

“Don’t worry, guys,” Brightstar gave the stallions each a little pat on the back, “you’ll burn off lunch quick enough. Cramps are the least of your concern. Just make sure you both know your right hooves from your left.”

The seven of them were about to head off to their next trial when they spotted Rainbow Dash trotting over. She was all smiles at first, but then the smile dimmed and turned into a look of deep concern. She went right for Silverstream.

“Hey, is everything okay here?” She looked around at the other ponies standing with them, wondering why her student was looking so unhappy.

“I don’t think any of us were really ready for the greeting we got from the cadets when we entered the mess hall for lunch, ma’am. It was a bit…” Firebolt glanced around quickly at her friends' faces, gauging their reactions, “unexpected, and maybe a touch hostile.”

Instantly, Rainbow Dash knew what was up. “Did the cadets single either of you out? Tell me; I’ll let Commander Spitfire know and-”

“No! Please don’t! I don’t want to cause any problems,” Silverstream pleaded.

“We were just, uh, not really familiar with all the rituals and stuff between the cadets. That’s all. We were just surprised by it.” Gallus tried to make it seem like nothing big, but Rainbow Dash wasn’t so sure.

“Do either of you want to step away? You don’t have to keep going if the other recruits or cadets are making it uncomfortable. I should’ve foreseen something like what you went through in the mess hall.” Rainbow Dash cursed herself for forgetting some of the workings of cadet lifestyle here on campus.

“No way! I’m in this to the end or until I get eliminated.” Gallus made his stance clear with the three stallions standing next to him, all grinning at the sound of his words. Gallus had grit to him and that impressed the guys; he wasn’t a quitter. Rainbow Dash tuned to look at Silverstream.

“How about you, Silverstream? Still want to go on? There’s no shame in stepping away.” Rainbow Dash would keep her students safe, even if it meant having less than the desired number of recruits for the trials. Their safety was paramount.
There was doubt in Silverstream’s eyes, Rainbow Dash could see it clear as day. Whatever had rattled her, it’d thrown her confidence. Dash went to the rescue, waving all of them in closer to listen privately and waiting a few seconds for some of the other recruits to head off before speaking.

“Listen, I want you to know that the Wonderbolt team is really impressed and pulling for you and Gallus. Commander Spitfire, too, wants to see you make it to the end. Trust me.” She kept her voice low. All of Silverstream’s friends were excited for her; she had her teacher’s team cheering for her and Gallus. This was no small feat. The words seemed to reach the hippogriff and her frown lessened some. Firebolt was first to speak up.

“All of us believe in you, Silverstream, and we’ve got your back. Count on it.” Firebolt gave a quick wink and a nod to her friend, getting Silverstream to smile a little. The others piled on.

“Totally! Best friend flyers stick together, right?” Cloudy Sky stuck out a forehoof into the center of the group, wanting everyone else to join him. Firebolt caught right on. She stuck out her forehoof too, joining Cloudy Sky and smiling along with him.

“Definitely. Best friend flyers forever.”

Gallus joined in next. “I’m down with this; best friend flyers rule!” He stuck a taloned foreleg in with his pony friends, eager to be a part of this group. Brightstar followed suit.

“More like, best friend flyers rock!” Her forehoof joined in the pile. Nightflight was right there with them. He, too, placed a forehoof in with his friends.

“Best friend flyers rock because we rule the academy trials!” Nightflight was all in with a grin. He had their trust and he trusted them. Solar Flare was last to say something.

“This whole event wouldn’t be the same without you, Silverstream. I think you’re a real winner; one of the best flyers I’ve ever met. After what I’ve seen you do, I’d hate to see you quit now.” He put a forehoof in the collection, smiling at her. “Best friend flyers forever.”

“You know how I feel.” Firebolt didn’t have to say anything, Silverstream and she had grown close, sharing more about themselves over the brief amount of time together, building up the camaraderie, the trust and loyalty. She placed a forehoof into the cluster, smiling at Silverstream.

The hippogriff looked at the faces of her friends around her, feeling the love and support from them and making the gloom in her mind recede. They wouldn’t let her give up on herself. She finally placed a taloned foreleg in along with her friends, her smile returning at completing the circle.

“Best friend flyers forever.” She could feel the warmth in her heart return.

Rainbow Dash was feeling pretty satisfied with herself, witnessing the birth of a new circle of friendship for Silverstream and Gallus.

“Alright! Go team!” She quietly cheered for them, trying not to be too obvious. They all gave a soft laugh.

“You’d best get going down to the other end of the field. Your drill instructors are not patient ponies when it comes to the trials.” Reinvigorated from the meal and with renewed enthusiasm, they trotted off to where the two Wonderbolt instructors waited. Rainbow Dash was so proud of both Silverstream and Gallus for sticking with the program and not giving up. Whoever was spying on the trials for Central Command was going to see a hippogriff and a griffon fighting it out to the end of the trials. Her volunteers had toughness and she couldn’t help but feel good about their prospects.

Author's Note:

For this first part of the chapter, I wanted to start building up the tension of having a griffon and a hipogriff at an 'all pony' school; the idea of 'others' being there and how some of the pony cadets would react. I didn't want to make the student body all of one or all of the other; somewhere in the middle for the most part. I needed at least 1 or 2 cadets to be somewhat friendly; giving an 'in' for Silverstream and Gallus to gain more exposure to school life in coming chapters.