• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 981 Views, 114 Comments

The Wonderbolt Academy's New Volunteers - Jay Watson

Silverstream and Gallus visit Wonderbolt Academy for the first time and get to participate in the Academy tryouts.

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Ch.14 Wonderbolt Trials Pt.10 (raw&unedited)

“Boy, am I starving!” Cloudy Sky was first of the BFFs to get on the chow line, beating his friends, “I thought I wasn’t going to make it.” He rubbed his tummy again, the grumble getting louder. Firebolt and some of his friends joined him on the chow line while the rest went to grab a table for them and hold their seats.

“Me too. Today was some workout for us all.” Firebolt was thinking of how good this was going to be; a hot meal and then showing the layer of grime from off her body. Getting to hang out with Gale and some of her other friends was going to be great and she could not wait to introduce Silverstream to them. She’d not seen some of them for almost two years as they had been accepted into the academy before her.

Brightstar was right behind Firebolt. “I just want to relax for a while and not think about anything. Hey,” she turned around to Silverstream to get her attention away from talking to Firestrike behind her.

“What is it?” Silverstream now faced her, wondering what Brightstar was going to ask.

“I don’t know if you noticed, Silverstream, but there were a couple of cadets during our time out on the field who were watching you today. I watched them pointing you out when you were flying with Stormbringer; they seemed to be watching you pretty intensely.”

“Me? Why?” Silverstream seemed genuinely surprised.

“Oh, c’mon, Silver.” Remember what I told you the other day? This place runs a whole lot on ego and competition for bragging rights. You set a new record right at the start. Pardon my expression but, that’s a pretty big ‘feather to have in your cap’, so to speak. You got every pony’s attention here.” Firebolt was sure of it. Nothing could have made a bigger splash, except by getting every pony’s attention immediately by breaking a Wonderbolt record.

The door to the cafeteria swung open at last, one of the kitchen staff standing by the door to keep it open. “Good evening, every pony. Supper is served.” He proudly announced to them as the recruits and cadets filed in, each picking up a tray from off the pile just to the right of the serving line. Three cooks behind the counter stood ready to serve them, posed with spoon ready next to each steam tray.

As Cloudy Sky came to stand in front of the first server, Silverstream suddenly noticed how both Firebolt and Brightstar seem to be frowning, as if repulsed by something. They watched their friend being served.

“Potatoes, recruit?” The cook scooped up a spoonful, ready.

“You bet!” Cloudy Sky eagerly held out his tray, grinning.

Thud! The spoonful of powered mashed potatoes hit his tray like a rock, lumpy and dry looking. Cloudy Sky looked disappointingly down at the mound, moving down to the next station.

“Green beans or succotash?” The second server opened two more steam trays as Cloudy Sky stood in front of the station. He opted for the safe choice.

“Green beans, please.” Cloudy Sky watched as the large spoonful of bleached, soggy and overcooked greens plopped onto his tray, looking rather unappetizing, the once crisp and flavorful vegetables now swam in a green hazy swill, most of the nutrients boiled out. Further disappointed, Cloudy Sky continued on down the counter, hoping something was going to be better looking to eat.

Silverstream was served right along with Firebolt and Brightstar but she didn’t understand why her friends seemed to not like what they had on their trays.

“What’s wrong? Isn’t this good to eat?” She gave Brightstar a small nudge, getting her friend’s attention away from the tray.

“We’ll know in just a few seconds. There’s a particular smell in the air Firebolt and I recall all too well and we hope it’s not being served.” Brightstar tried not think about it, wishing it was not so. The hippogriff grew more confused by the way her friend cryptically spoke, as if foretelling something terrible about to happen.

They were standing right next to Cloudy Sky with the eyes of every recruit and cadet on line was now on the last steam tray, all having taken what they could and awaited the final reveal. The third cook was about to pull the cover off the last steam tray, ready to surprise them.

“And for the entrée today…”

Firebolt could smell it already, her eyes looking up to the heavens, hoping against hope it wasn’t what she feared. Brightstar saw how much Firebolt dreaded what was coming next.

“Here it comes…” Firebolt moaned.

“Steady.” Brightstar placed a forehoof on Firebolt’s withers, wanting her friend to feel supported. The cook removed the lid from the tray and a great cloud of steam billowed up, momentarily blocking everyone’s view.

“We have creamed, minced vegetables on whole wheat toast.” He stated rather proudly, sure it was going to go over well. Instead, he was beset by a throng of groaning and whining recruits and cadets, upset at the offering. The hippogriff was not ready for Firebolt’s reaction to hearing what the entrée was.

“I didn’t hear you say that, because it’s not possible! It’s cruel and indecent for that dreck to still be served at the academy! The ancient treaty of the Three Pony Tribes expressly prohibits the killing of our taste buds!” Firebolt started to rant.

“Firebolt, take it easy.” Brightstar had to reel in her friend’s disgust, she not being the only one here who didn’t like what was offered for tonight.

“Sorry about that, every pony.” The head cook tried to quell the noise coming from the hungry student body. “The menu changes for tomorrows meet and greet left no time for us to make anything fancy.” He scooped out and placed the first slices of the meal onto Cloudy Sky’s tray, trying to smile in the face of such revolt.

Silverstream watched as both Firebolt and Brightstar took a serving as well, neither of her pony friends smiling when looking down at their trays. She took her portion from the cook as well, not suspecting if she was to like or hate what she was looking at. “But what is this?”

“It’s called ‘crap on a cracker’, Silverstream! Every pony in the academy and in service hates this for supper!” Firebolt had this meal only a few times and hated each time she had to choke down the concoction. The two mares were already looking down to the end of the counter for the sliced fruit and tossed salad in order to make the meal somewhat more bearable.

Exiting the serving line, Cloudy Sky and his friends wound their way out of the cafeteria and into the mess hall, spotting their friends sitting together and holding their seats. Gallus took notice in the difference in the expressions of his friends; how Firebolt and Brightstar seemed glum while Silverstream was her perky self and Cloudy Sky looked worried about something. Some of his friends were looking down at their trays of food, staring.

“What’s that?” He got up from his seat to follow after Solar Flare and some other recruits to the chow line.

“It’s creamed, minced vegetables on wheat toast.” Cloudy Sky looked up from his food, trying to smile at what he had been served and wondering how he was going to eat this mélange. But then, his stomach answered that question for him, growling loudly. Hunger outweighed appearance of his food and he would get it down. At least he had a pile of strawberries for desert, making the meal not a total loss.

“It looks like-”

“Crap!” Firebolt loudly cut off Gallus’ verbal observation. Plopping down in her seat next to Silverstream and Cloudy Sky and across from Brightstar, she was still looking down at her meal, quite sullen.

“Well, I wasn’t going to go quite that far but that’s a pretty good description of it.” Gallus chuckled a little and watched his friends try eating the meal. Silverstream didn’t seem to mind it at all.

“It’s not bad, really.” She found it very different than anything she’d eaten before, but it was rather bland. She added a few shakes from the salt and pepper shakers helping improving the taste but not by much.

Gallus caught up with Cloudjumper and Solar Flare on the chow line, talking to Gale Force in front of them. As he stepped into the cafeteria and picked up a tray for his food, the loud complaints and griping was still in the air.

“Are they trying to kill us?” A male voice carried over the grumbling of the recruits and cadets. “This is, like, the third time this month!”

“I don’t need to do the Canterlot two-step after another bout of this again! Gads, I’m just recovered from the last time.” Another male voice complained.

“It can’t be that bad, can it?” Gallus reached for a second dinner roll as he got to the first serving station and took his serving of mashed potatoes, then the succotash and then his portion of the creamed vegetable mixture that now oozed into a muddy puddle in one compartment of his meal tray. Like his pony friends, he helped himself to an extra portion of fresh fruit and green salad at the end of the serving line, all of them silently hoping it would add up enough to fill their stomachs.

Gale gave a resigned sigh as they head back to the table. “You just get a little tired of it after a while. The school likes to splurge for the fancy meet and greet events and whatnot while we get the ‘old standby’ meal.”

Together again, the BFFs sat and tried to consume their evening’s meal without choking on it. After only a few mouthfuls, Gallus already hated it. It was so bland; he could taste what was left of the now-soggy vegetables mixing in the runny cream sauce. The over-toasted sliced wheat bread crumbled into nothing at his first chomping down, doing little to sop up the runniness of his meal.

Gale, pausing in her conversation with Firebolt, came to Gallus’ rescue. “Here,” she got his attention, “you’re going to need these.”

Zip! Zip! Zip!

She expertly slid the condiment bottles down the tabletop, missing every dinner tray along the way. The trio of bottles came to stop almost right in front of where he sat. He gave all three of them a shake over his meal and took a small taste of the concoction, finding it more palatable now. He sopped up some of it with a bread roll while looking over one of the labels of what he’d just added, trying to parse out the pronunciation.

Parr… meee… sea… ann cheese?”

Cloudjumper almost choked on his food when hearing Gallus butcher the word, alternating between laughing and coughing from it.

“It’s pronounced parmesan cheese.” Gale could not help but laugh, amused by the mispronunciation. Some of his pony friends were grinning and trying not to laugh as well. It was just the right kind of laugh and distraction the BFFs needed after the day they had.

For Silverstream, it was another chance to talk with Gale about the academy and what it was like living here. Gallus got to share more with his friends about Griffonstone and about the griffons that lived there. Having spent more time with his friends and growing closer, he could let his guard down and tell them more about his homeland. Cloudy Sky got a small appreciative pat on the back from Gallus for knowing and retelling his friends about Blue Moon Festival and a small snippet or two of obscure Griffonstone history that Gallus never suspected any pony would have any knowledge of.

Still, the conversations among the friends returned to the trials and what they were anticipating for tomorrow. Gale and Cloudjumper explained to the recruits what one of the exercises and drilling regiments were for and why it was so important.

“You mean, it’s not just about training for show flying?” Silverstream had first assumed that all there was to being here at the academy but even during the classroom time she’d spent in she already knew the answer.

“I’ll give you an example.” Cloudjumper began, “do you have any idea why the instructors strapped all those weights to your bodies and had you fly the course like they did?”

“Sure. It was a test of strength. It was who could go the furthest.” Gallus thought it an easy enough question to answer.

“Well, yes, in a way it was. That exercise is actually called ‘the downed flyer scenario’.” Gale could tell by the looks she was getting from both volunteers that they didn’t know what she was talking about. “Use your imaginations for a minute or two. Let’s say Princess Celestia sent you and Silverstream on some super important but very dangerous mission as Wonderbolts. But during the mission one of you got injured so badly you couldn’t fly on. But it’s vital both of you get to your destination. What do you do?”

“Um-m-m-m….” Silverstream found herself momentarily dumbfounded by the proposed situation. She had never imagined finding herself in such a circumstance and having to make such life and death decisions.

“I… I guess we’d carry our partner on until we got to where we needed to go, right?” Gallus figured the right answer would be the toughest one. Both cadets nodded.

“That’s correct. One of the tenants of the Wonderbolts is ‘no flyer left behind’, ever. We never leave a fellow flyer behind enemy lines.” Cloudjumper emphasized its importance and getting Gallus’ attention to his point.

“But, you’re training to become Wonderbolt Reservists. I mean, you’re going to be performing shows and flight demonstrations all across the country. It’s not like the princesses are going to call the Wonderbolts into action if there is danger.” Silverstream did not see the connection of the training to get into the academy and the explanation Gale gave.

“Since Lord Tirek’s reappearance and defeat by Princess Twilight as well the Storm King’s failed invasion attempt of Equestria, our head stallion of the academy as well as the Board of Trustees have made it a priority to reintroduce classes and training to get us ready for active duty. Most of the armed forces that serve Canterlot were caught flat-hoofed and the new protocols implemented here and at other academies are to prevent that.”

“We want to serve our country, Gallus. It’s a small price to pay for the opportunities we get for being the ‘best of the best’ at what we do. Even after we graduate, there’s no guarantee we will be selected to join the Wonderbolt team. But with what we learn in school, we can get good careers with the Weather Bureau and become weather scientists, environmental specialists, or any other profession we’ve studied. It’s not the end but just another phase.” Cloudjumper filled in some of the answers they must have about the academy by the volunteer’s expressions in reaction.

Could or would any griffon do that? Could I do that? Gallus wondered about the idea of fighting and dying for his homeland, or Equestria for that matter, to protect it from danger. These ponies were willing to do that; service to their country for the opportunity of a better life afterwards in return.

Gallus recalled all of what he’d learned about flying so far; what he’d seen in the academy’s classroom building and all he’d experienced since being here. The friendships, the camaraderie with the BFFs and making new cadet friends while attending this event made an impression on him. A thought entered his mind that he never, ever could conceived of having, not in his wildest moment of imagination.

Maybe I could get in after all; if I complete the trials and ask Professor Dash about it. Maybe she could speak to Commander Spitfire for me. Part of him wanted to dismiss it as silly childish fantasizing and that it was dumb to think about it. But a part of him could not squelch the idea of just asking about it. What harm could it be? Gallus had started to wonder more recently about what he would do once he was done with the School of Friendship. He couldn’t stay there forever. Did he really want to go back to Griffonstone?

The conversations turned towards lighter topics with Gale reminding them of the air-hockey tournament tonight. She, Cloudjumper and some other cadets had been planning this and were looking forward to some friendly competition from the recruits, especially Nightflight. One or two of Gale’s classmates were looking for a rematch after the shellacking he’d given them the previous night.

“Meh, I’m not worried.” Nightflight was as confident as ever, seemingly relaxed and looking forward to the challenge. His eyes kept falling on the lovely palomino mare sitting at the table opposite them he had been paired with this afternoon, shyly smiling back at him. Solar Flare waved a foreleg in front of Nightflight’s eyes, seeing his friend clearly thunderstruck for her and oblivious to his attempts to get his attention.

“You know, you could’ve just invited her to sit with us.” He gave him a little shake, interrupting Nightflight’s thoughts and suddenly bringing him back to the table’s conversation.

“Wha? Oh, you were saying something, Solar?”

Firebolt jumped in, seeing him so distracted by the mare. “Not his style. He likes a challenge.”

“To quote the slogan: getting there is half the fun.’” Nightflight returned a confident smile back at the girl seated across the way, clearly having more than just air-hockey on his mind.

“The student rec room won’t be open for another hour so if you want, you can hang out with us in the Quad and meet some other cadets.” Both Cloudjumper and Gale were curious what some of their classmates would say when meeting a hippogriff and a griffon here on campus. Both cadets had been keeping watch on the recruit scoreboard, reading how these two were consistently scoring and placing in the top third of the recruit class, generating a buzz among the student body by it.

“I want to take a quick shower before going. I don’t want to stink like a used gym sock around some cadets during the tournament.” Cloudy Sky had more than just the air-hockey game and making a good impression to some of the cadets on his mind too. He was hoping to find Harmony Blues in attendance, believing he’d make a good impression on her when they’d been teamed up this afternoon. Now he could ‘bump’ into her and get the chance to ask if she would be his lead pony partner for the remainder of the trials. He didn’t want to be partnered with Wind Raider or any of his crew.

“Me too; if I’m going to kick some pony tail playing air-hockey, I want to do it in style.” Nightflight would make himself look dashing and debonair for Amber Haze. They’d worked well together and had built up a rapport. He invited her along to watch tonight him take on all comers.

“I’d like not to offend the crowd before they see me play.” Solar Flare joked with them, unsure how he’d fare tonight against the others. Like a few of his friends here, he’d never played the game before. It sounded simple enough to play by Nightflight’s explanation, but was incredibly fast paced.

“You guys go clean yourselves up and meet us out in the Quad when you’re ready.” Cloudjumper had some plans for the two volunteers. “C’mon you two,” he made a sideways nod of his head to indicate Silverstream and Gallus, “let Gale and me introduce some of our friends to you.”

The BFF’s split up with the two volunteers along with Brightstar and Razzle Dazzle going with Gale and Cloudjumper outside towards the center of the campus while Cloudy Sky, Nightflight, Solar Flare and Firebolt returned to the barracks for a shower before rejoining their friends.

Silverstream marveled at the buildings as she walked along with Gale Force and Brightstar. The tall, white marble columns and long but shallow staircase, flanked at the bottom by two statues of pegisus ponies in flight, leading up to classroom building was a most awe inspiring vision, rivaling any structure in Mount Aris for its grandeur.

Silverstream clicked off some more pictures while following, trying to preserve as much of this on film as possible and eager to show her friends at the School of Friendship when she got back, sure to impress them with where she had been.

Here we go,” Gale led them to a spot of green grass, under a shady oak tree where they could sit. A number of other cadets were sitting about in the open green space, some talking quietly among friends while others were reading or working on homework while a few others played some games to pass the time. Silverstream looked around the student body that were out here, most not taking an interest in she or Gallus at the moment but one of them came over to where they were sitting to join in.

“It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Stardust; Stardust Glitter.” An ice-blue mare with a silvery-white mane and tail was the first to break the ice, smiling warmly and eager to meet these ‘mysterious’ creatures that had come to academy for this year’s trials.

“Uh, wait, did you say your name was…” He thought he was imagining it; it sounded like she said ‘Starlight Glimmer’, the student counselor of the School of Friendship. “…Starlight Glimmer?”

The mare shook her head a little, correcting him. “No, it’s Stardust Glitter. Why?” She seemed a bit perplexed by his confusion but he waved it away with a stupid grin and a small chuckle.

“Nevermind. It’s nothing.”

Silverstream understood exactly why Gallus had asked, finding the similarity of names catching her ears as well. Gale made the introduction of the recruits to her.

“I heard some of the guys in class saying you set a new record on the Dizzatron the other day. Is it really true?” Stardust thought every pony was exaggerating just to hype this year’s trials.

“Um, yes, I guess I kinda did.” Silverstream acted rather innocent about it, not wanting to brag or make a big deal of it. She was humbled by the attention she’d garnered from both the mares and stallions of this school. The cadets all seemed to be rather friendly, if a little nervous being around her and Gallus.

“I’m sorry,” she tried not to look too embarrassed as she stumbled to ask some basic questions about Silverstream and her homeland, “I’ve… never met a griffon or hippogriff before. I never knew how great a flyer you both are.” Stardust shyly admitted.

“Don’t worry, Stardust, Silverstream and I won’t hold it against you.” Gallus got a small laugh from the cadets and his friends for his quick wit and soft ribbing of Stardust’s lack of ‘social contact’ outside her species. His easygoing attitude made the other pony students feel at ease. Two stallions came over to talk, seeing Cloudjumper and Gale sitting with the recruits.

“Hey, Cloudjumper, you’re hangin’ around ‘griffs now? What’s up with that?” One of the stallions called out to their classmate as he approached. Cloudjumper already saw the grim look on Gallus’ face when being called that. He quickly corrected his classmate.

“Hey, dude, that’s not cool to call these volunteers that.” The two stallions seemed a bit surprised to hear Cloudjumper sound off like that. The cadets stopped in front of the gathered group, wondering about these two volunteers who had somehow gotten into the trials. Stardust, too, looked uncomfortable from the way her fellow classmate just spoke to Silverstream and Gallus.

“Okay, okay, no need to get all bent out of shape over it.” One of them casually dismissed the slight with a wave of his wing, thinking it no big deal. Cloudjumper made formal introductions, hoping it would help smooth over any momentary bad vibes.

“This is Star Striker, he’s in my Flight Dynamics class and the other is Lunar Eclipse, he’s head of Student Council and activities director.”

“It’s very nice to make your acquaintance Star Striker; Lunar Eclipse.” Silverstream spoke in her most polite voice, hoping it would help make the first meeting go smoother, not wanting to make a fuss about their vernacular.

“Likewise, I’m sure.” Lunar Eclipse was cordial, not ruffling any feathers by saying something obnoxious like Star Striker had. Cloudjumper invited them to sit with them and get to know the two volunteers. They do, and both Silverstream and Gallus get more familiar with these new acquaintances.

Gallus noticed that, unlike the others he’d met so far, these cadets each wore a green bandana around their neck with a small gold pin in the shape of a blazing sun coming over the horizon, clipping the knot at the center. Quite naturally, Gallus assumed it must be because they belonged to some club or organization on campus.

The recruits learned that both stallions were, respectively, third and fourth year students here and had rooms on the same floor of the student dormitory. They and Cloudjumper were responsible for a good amount of pranking that went on in the dorm on the unsuspecting newbies and first-year students.

Listening to some of their pranking escapades and learning more about school life here from all four cadets made a deeper impression on Gallus. The school had made the elements of honestly and loyalty into a foundational pillar of principles for a way of life. The camaraderie and ‘horsing around’ the cadets shared between them stirred something inside the griffon.

This wasn’t like the friendships he had with Smolder, Sandbar, Yona or Ocellus back at the School of Friendship. This was a different kind of friendship that these cadets shared. The fact that each one could very well have the other’s life in their hooves one day in the future on the field of combat is what it made it so unique for Gallus to appreciate and respect. Each of them was going to have to trust and rely on the other to save their lives if necessary. He found it to be such a stark contrast to everything he knew and understood about his fellow griffons back in Griffonstone. They would never act so selfless like that; it was every griffon for themselves.

“Nice talking with you. We’ll catch up with you folks later.” Star Striker nudged Lunar Eclipse, getting him to look over across the Quad, to where some of the girls from their Weather Analysis class were sitting and looking their way, smiling. He didn’t need a second hint. The two cadets made a beeline for the girls. Spotting one of her girlfriends exiting the student dormitory and looking about for some pony, Stardust Glitter waved to her, getting the mare’s attention.

“Aurora, over here!”

The cadet mare trotted over to where the group sat, spotting her classmate sitting among some recruits and the two ‘rumored’ volunteers. She was eager to meet them after hearing of Silverstream’s incredible achievement.

“Hey, every pony! How’s it goin’?” She was bright and chipper, aglow with a natural friendliness that was hard to miss. She was only momentarily surprised to see Silverstream and Gallus sitting with Gale Force, doing a brief double take when seeing them up close unexpectedly.

“Well well! Look who’s hangin’ out in the Quad like they’re students here?” Her voice had a just a tint of friendly sarcasm to it, not expecting to see either of them so casually hanging out with some cadets. She noted how little attention the other cadets paid the two volunteers, as if most thought it were no big deal they were here.

“Siverstream, Gallus, I’d like to introduce my lab partner for Cloud Composition class and head of the academy’s Booster Club; Aroura Light.” Aroura eagerly extended a wing in greeting and both Silverstream and Gallus return the gesture.

“I’m glad to see both of you here. I’ve wondered for the longest time when either a griffon or hippogriff was going to show up for the trials.” It was much like Firebolt had told Silverstream; she’d gotten the attention of the student body and made a serious impression. Silverstream didn’t set out to be a record breaker for the trials but the instance did produce the result she’d desired since arriving here. She had the opportunity to increase her circle of friends. Even more importantly, it was in a place outside the School of Friendship and outside her homeland of Mount Aris. They treated her like any other recruit attending the trials and being a hippogriff didn’t seem to make a difference.

Only a minute or two after the introduction, Cloudy Sky and the rest of the BFF’s arrived to rejoin the group, cleaned up and ready to have a good time. Firebolt caught wind of the cologne Cloudy Sky was wearing, noting the lively step in his trot. She smiled to herself, thinking of how he was going to ‘run into’ Harmony Blues by chance. She thought it sweet he had a case of ‘colt’s heart’ for an older girl. Together, the collection of recruits and cadets made their way across the campus to the second classroom building, to where the student rec room was located on the ground floor.

They chatted about this or that, walking up to the entrance, only to be stopped by a large male cadet who was minding the door.

“Hold up,” he thrust out a forelimb to prevent any of them from entering, looking down his muzzle at the clutch of recruits, “just who are these jokers?” Cloudjumper slid up to the head of the line, next to Gale, and put on the charm.

“It’s cool, bro, they’re friends of mine.” Cloudjumper made sure to look over to the two volunteers to give them a slick smile before returning his attention to the door monitor. “Recruits are allowed in with escorts; Gale and I will vouch for them.” For only a second or two, Silverstream thought they weren’t going to be allowed in because they weren’t ponies, believing their kind was not welcome. But the stallion stepped aside and let them pass, watching the ten of them file in and kept an eye on both Silverstream and Gallus as they walked in. He caught Gale’s foreleg as she was about to enter.

“We don’t want any trouble from those two, hear me?” He warned. Gale Force only rolled her eyes a little at him as she pulled her foreleg free and entered.

“Take it easy, Lightning Flash, they’re not going to cause a problem. Geez, you let this job go too much to your head.”

Both Silverstream and Gallus were delighted to see the place buzzing with activity from the gathered cadets and recruits. Some of their fellow recruits recognized them from this afternoon’s practice and waved to them. Cloudy Sky quickly scanned the room. As he had suspected, off in one sitting area was the girl he wanted to see.

Harmony Blues was sitting with another mare recruit and two mare cadets from the academy, sharing in a funny moment as he watched them all laugh from one of the cadet’s comments.

“I’ll see you guys in a bit.” Cloudy Sky made a beeline for Harmony Blues and her group, ready for action. Nightflight was grinning at the sight of Cloudy Sky’s determination and plucky nature to follow after a mare that had caught his eye. The two of them had talked about girls and dating stuff while getting ready back in the barracks. Nightflight offered some advice and a quick splash of cologne that was sure to help his friend out. Cloudy Sky wanted all the help he could get; he wanted to get Harmony Blues’ attention. Now Cloudy Sky had his chance and he was going for it.

Amber Haze sauntered over to the group, locking eyes with Nightflight as she approached, pretty oblivious to his friends around him who she was here to see. Nightflight made the formal introduction but it was unnecessary by this point. The BFF’s had all seen the two of them during today’s workout carrying on like a first time love-struck filly and colt. She pulled gently at his foreleg, wanting him to join her alone at a corner table and away from every pony else.

“Let’s find somewhere to sit.” Gale led the way to a cluster of comfortable couches, away from the nosier bar area to where they could relax and chat together.

“Hey, where’d they go?” Firebolt turned her body around, surveilling the busy room to see their group had now lost a couple more members as Solar Flare and Gallus followed Cloudjumper with two stallion cadets to a table while making introductions all the while.

Gale sat down on the comfy sofa with Stardust next to her. “Let the guys have some alone time, Firebolt,” she waved for Razzle Dazzle, Brightstar and Silverstream to sit down on the sofa across from her. “I’m sure Aroura would like to hear how your partner set a new record on the Dizzatron, beating the record set by Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, that! I was just lucky.” Silverstream was modest in her bearing, wishing to blend in more, not stand out.

Aroura Light gasped a little, delighted. “So it’s true! There’s been a whole bunch of rumors going around the school about a hippogriff and a griffon attempting for real to get in to the academy! That was an amazing flight you did from what I hear. How does it feel to hold a record already? Pretty awesome, I’ll bet.” She now looked over at Firebolt. “And she’s your lead pony? Who would’ve guessed, right?” Stardust Glitter knew Firebolt from some of the flight competitions they’d participated in together. She’d seen Firebolt win and place in the top three many times. If Firebolt was regulated to wing pony, then Silverstream must be an amazing flyer, she reasoned.

“I’m the luckiest pony in the group to have her as my lead. Together, we are going to pass every trial and totally blow away the instructors with what we’ve got planned.” Firebolt looked up at Silverstream, seated to her left, smiling happily. “It’ll be historic moment; for us both and the academy for sure. The first pony and hippogriff pair to be accepted.”

“She’s an amazing flyer! She’s sure to make the grade to get in; I’m sure all of us are going to!” Razzle Dazzle was sure and confident that they would all pass the trials. They were a team working together. What could go wrong?

“Don’t get your hopes up too high there, missy,” Aurora had to bring Razzle Dazzle back down to the ground, “Not every pony gets in, even ones that go the distance of the trials and aren’t eliminated by the instructors. It’s still a competition to be accepted.”

“Silverstream has the skills to make the grade; I know the instructors see it too.” Brightstar was right there to champion her friend and classroom lecture partner, seeing how these cadet mares were so interested in her performance during the trials.

“I’ll bet your folks back home at Mount Aris are thrilled that you’re trying out for the academy, right? Got any brothers or sisters cheering you on back at home?” Stardust knew how exciting the trials could be for both families and recruits. When she was selected, her family threw her a party to celebrate. It was a tremendously thrilling thing to be selected to try out.

Silverstream tugged a little at her mane-like crest, feeling a bit nervous at having to make another confession. “Well, actually,” she stopped fidgeting momentarily, “my parents don’t know… I’m here. Gallus and I were asked to participate by Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash.” That was something none of them were expecting to hear.

“Wait, what?” Gale Force did a double take, surprised by Silverstream again.

“Your mom and dad don’t know you’re trying out for the academy?” Stardust Glitter turned to her friends, trying to make sense of this.

“So, you’re not really trying out for the academy?” Aurora Light thought she had her story straight, but apparently not so.

“You don’t want to get in to the academy with us, Silverstream?” Razzle Dazzle could have sworn she heard Silverstream and Gallus talking about wanting to get in, just like the rest of them.

“Wait, let me try to explain,” Silverstream went about telling the three cadet mares how she and Gallus got into this situation and why they were taking part in the trials. The cadet mares were stunned; all this effort just so she and her griffon friend could hand in a report back at the School of Friendship! Gale Force and Stardust Glitter had to ask more.

“But, don’t you want to be accepted in to the academy? I mean,” Gale took a quick look over at her classmates before continuing, “all kidding aside, most of the student body has been keeping tabs on you and your friend’s scoring. You two aren’t slouches. We see you’re keeping right up with the trial’s program.”

“What do your classmates say about she and a griffon trying out? Do they like the idea of them being here on campus?” Brightstar had seen some of the looks given to both Silverstream and Gallus by a small number of cadets when gathered in the mess hall at meal times. Other than Wind Raider’s troublesome small cluster in the recruit group, it was confined to variety of looks from the cadets; from indifferent or curious to mute hostility. But still, she was glad to learn how a segment of the cadet students were taking an interest in Silverstream and Gallus’ progress.

“Well,” Stardust didn’t want to rain on the bright moment but felt honesty was necessary, “there’s some grumblings from a few cadets; mostly from those who served in the Resistance against the Storm King’s invasion.” She now looked right at Silverstream. “They still kinda blame your kind for what happened. They think all hippogriffs are cowards; griffons for that matter too.”

It wasn’t so much as an awkward silence that suddenly fell between them, but more of a sad silence, holding them in a moment of self-reflection about the topic in general. No pony enjoyed talking about the Three Days War, or the various theories of how it could have been avoided. Silverstream understood perfectly what the ponies around her must be thinking about. Firebolt was the first to break the silence.

“It’s long in the past, Silver. You weren’t responsible for decisions made centuries ago and I don’t believe any pony here holds it against you. Right, girls?” She had been the first to stand with Silverstream against Wind Raider’s bullying. She looked among her fellow flyers seated around her, seeing them think about what to say.

“I guess not. That was over three hundred years ago. I mean, I don’t think any pony could have imagined what would or could happen in the future.” Gale tried to be logical about it, believing it not possible to have foreseen future events and forecast if or when the Storm King’s return might have been. Her fellow cadets seemed to accept the conclusion, unable to come up with any logical one of their own.

“You have a point. It’s not like Silverstream or her family is personally responsible for what happened. That was a really long time ago. Silverstream’s just a citizen of her country, like we ponies are of Equestria, and not part of the ruling family or anything like that. They were the one’s responsible for what happened after all.” Stardust Glitter had no idea how wrong she was at that moment and Silverstream didn’t try to correct her.

Silverstream tried to smile and not let the comment dig at her too much, though she and the other BFFs knew the truth. To her credit, Silverstream kept her cool at being the center of attention of these new acquaintances, fielding their inquisitive natured questions. Getting to tell them more about her homeland and Hippogriff life there was a much more pleasant distraction, moving the conversation away from politics and any desire to rehash the past.

Meanwhile, Gallus made a good first impression with his hosts by retelling a quick tale or two of daring flight from his times back home in Griffonstone. Cloudjumper’s fellow cadets liked the griffon’s laidback confidence with his storytelling. In turn, the cadets clue him in to something about life here at the academy, broadening Gallus’ understanding of the academy and its function.

“…and that’s more or less what we study here for the first two semesters or so. It’s a lot of class time and study of flight and some practice, but it gets more interesting the second year.”

Star Striker showed the griffon his class schedule that had been taped to the inside of the loose-leaf binder the pony cadet had in his pack. Some of the courses listed on Star Striker’s schedule reminded Gallus of the names on the classroom doors he’d seen the other day in the main classroom building.

Gallus felt an elbow gently bumping his left foreleg and get his attention away from the binder to look up. Solar Flare made a quick sideways nod.

“Hey, look who showed up.” The sandy stallion eyed the new attendants warily, hoping there wouldn’t be any problems.

“Great!” Gallus grumbled while rolling his eyes, his spirit dampened some by the appearance of Wind Raider and Stormbringer. They did not spot him or Solar Flare as both ponies quickly moved off to one side of the room to meet up with some of the recruits. The three cadets followed to where Gallus and Solar Flare were looking, pick out the two recruits Gallus had watched come in to the rec room. They recognized one of them.

“What’s up with you guys?” Lunar Eclipse sensed some kind of issues between the two guests he was with and the two recruits standing on the other side of the room.

“He doesn’t take kindly to hippogriffs and griffons being here.” Solar Flare made it as polite sounding as he could.

“Which one? The smoky-white pony with the cropped mane or the blue fella with the goofy looking long bangs?” Star Striker was not sure whom they were speaking of.

“I’m talking about the one with the cropped mane and bent expression on his face.” Gallus’ description was pretty accurate, but only for a second or two as Wind Raider and his compadre were all smiles as they were greeted warmly by some cadets who came over from the bar, inviting them to have a drink.

“You mean Wind Raider?” Lunar Eclipse surprised both recruits by naming the pony in question.

“He’s a top contender for the academy; a legacy. I and a few other guys from flight dynamics class got out early and went to watch him and some of you recruits from under the bleachers.” Star Striker continued to surprise the recruits with his knowledge of who was who among the recruits.

“You were watching us?” Solar Flare wondered if they had seen the terrible showcase he and Gallus had done on their first try.

“We’re not supposed to; the teachers and instructors think it puts undue pressure on you newbies if we’re out there watching all the time. They think we’re spying on you.” Lunar Eclipse had seen some other classmates get busted for committing the infraction but most just got off with little more than a verbal warning.


“What happened to you two today?” Misty Dawn saw the good size band-aid on Wind Raider’s muzzle, just below his left eye and Stormbringer’s left wing was cradled in a nurse’s sling and two ice packs.

“We got paired up with the two freak-beaks and were nearly taken out. That clueless hippogriff ended up crashing me into a tree and I bruised my wing. I’ll be okay for tomorrow with a few ice packs on it tonight.” Stormbringer glowered at the hippogriff from across the room, seeing sit with the cadets who were admiring the half-breed like they were.

“That griffon almost took out my eye while crossing my flightpath and took a swipe right for me; the dirty bone-cruncher! He could have blinded me or torn my eye right from the socket! The Wonderbolt instructors let him off scot-free, for cryin’out loud!” Wind Raider’s eyes burned with hate for Gallus for what he did, glaring at the griffon volunteer from where he sat.

“That’s terrible! How could the school administrators allow this to happen?” Misty Dawn gasped, shocked by the news, wondering if these strangers to the academy were here to cause trouble. As a proud third-year cadet, she was concerned for the integrity and outstanding stature of her school among those in Equestria. Hearing of these two creature’s troubling interactions with two pony recruits was upsetting and an affront. The griffon and hippogriff should not be allowed to be here if they acted so reprehensible.

“They’re allowed to be here? How? Who recruited them to begin with? This is way out of line for the academy.” Platinum Star had thought it nothing but scuttlebutt around the school when hearing of a hippogriff and a griffon here at the trials. For him, seeing is believing. Platinum Star would not fall for stupid rumormongering that often ended up being nothing when looked into. But he’d seen these two fly this afternoon, sneaking out a back exit of the classroom building close to field where the trials were being held to watch the new recruits. He had watched both Silverstream and Gallus fly, finding what he thought to be rumors to actually be true for once.

Two other recruits who were housed in the barracks with Wind Raider and Stormbringer walked passed their table, heading for the juice bar.

“Hey,” the two recruits paused at Wind Raider getting their attention, “you guys don’t actually believe those two half-breeds should be allowed in to the academy, do you? Their kind doesn’t belong here.”

Blue Streak looked over at the three cadets and Solar Flare talking with Gallus, all of them seemingly getting along quite well and having a good time together. He had been partnered with Solar Flare this afternoon for the second flight and had briefly met both Silverstream and Gallus.

“Quite honestly, I couldn’t say. They seem nice enough; I really don’t see an issue with it.”

Whirlwind had the opportunity to be partnered with Brightstar for his second flight and, as well, had spoken a few friendly words to Gallus in greeting. From across the room he saw Silverstream sitting with her recruit friends along with some mares from the academy, all chatting together just fine and having a good time.

“Eh, they’re alright being here.” He reached up to scratch the back of his head with a forehoof, not really looking at Wind Raider right then when answering, as if to avoid eye contact. “Silverstream did set a new record on the Dizzatron, after all, and that’s not a small feat to accomplish.”

“What?!” You guys can’t be serious.” Wind Raider couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’re okay with have the likes of them here? At our academy?”

Both Blue Streak and Whirlwind gave him strangled looks, as if unsure if they herd him correctly about what he was saying. “You know,” Blue Streak thought of a way to make clear his feelings about Wind Raider’s attitude. “This is still a competition to be accepted in to the academy, Wind Raider. No pony is guaranteed entrance, and that includes both non-pony flyers and legacy ponies as well. Maybe you should spend less time thinking about keeping other flyers out of the academy and more about whether or not you’re going to get in.”

The two recruits moved on towards the juice bar, leaving Wind Raider and his friends behind.

“I can’t believe they actually approve of having them here.” Stormbringer was not expecting the two outsiders to have made such an impression on the other recruits, let alone on some of the cadets.

A yellow stallion cadet came walking around to all the various clumps of ponies lounging in the rec room, carrying a clipboard and getting some of the flyers to sign up for the night’s air-hockey tournament.

“C’mon, every pony, sign right up for our exciting tournament! Tonight, we’re having teams to compete against each other. Grand prize is a gift card for the Rift Café in downtown Cloudsdale for each winning team member.” He got more to signup, making sure to get Firebolt and the rest of the BFF’s to play. A number of other recruits signed up, along with a small number of cadets, eager for a distraction from the day’s schoolwork and flight trials.

“Alright, who’s going to be on what team?” The cadet in charge corralled the contenders into a corner of the room, getting them sorted and names together on one team.

Most of them didn’t care, but Firebolt made sure to keep Nightflight off the same team as Amber Haze. The two had spent the whole time at a small table in a quiet corner making googly eyes at one another. Every pony in the room gave them space, not wanting to be the awkward one in the room who stared at them. Along with Nightflight, she and Silverstream chose Razzle Dazzle as their fourth, wanting to show their newest member to the BFF’s a good time together as friends.

“Good luck.” Cloudy Sky didn’t want to be on a different team than Harmony Blues, watching her join Amber Haze, Rainsong and Windflower for an ‘all mare’ team. He hadn’t yet asked her to be his partner for tomorrow’s flight trial. They’d made a good showing, even if his routine was the most basic of any in their group and way below her skill level of flight. He was sure with her as his lead pony that as long as they did his four selected moves perfectly, he could pass.

Gale Force and Stardust joined Star Striker and Lunar Eclipse as the cadet team for tonight’s tournament. Star Striker desired revenge on Nightflight for his three losses to the recruit the previous night. For the cadet, this was personal. Being routed by a recruit in front of his classmates was pretty bad. He’d been on the receiving end of some razzing from them all day and was looking forward to this rematch.

Solar Flare and Gallus quickly recruited Brightstar to their team, hearing at lunchtime today of how she’d surprised the other cadets with her air-hockey prowess from the previous night. Cloudy Sky joined them, wanting to be on the team with three of his friends.

“Who else should we get?” Stormbringer scanned the room, seeing most of the ponies signed up choosing their teams. Sunglow spotted one recruit still looking for a team.

“How about Crimson Sky over there? He’s not teamed up yet.” She pointed to the red pegisus pony talking with Whirlwind and Sunstrike by the bar.

“Leave that to me.” Wind Raider was sure he could get either one to join them for the tournament. He walked over to his fellow recruits, a pleasant enough smile on his face. “Hey you guys,” he got their attention, “anyone of you want to join us? We need a fourth for our team and I’m sure you’d want to be on our team, right? The best recruit team.”

Wind Raider tried to turn on the charm, playing up to any pony’s desire to been seen as great and impressive while here at the trials. But Sunstrike and Whirlwind had already had a taste of Wind Raider’s attitude towards the two students from Princess Twilight’s school. They really didn’t want anything to do with him.

“Eh, maybe later this week, Wind Raider. We just want to relax after today’s workout. Sorry.” Whirlwind was as polite as he could bear to be with his fellow flyer, not wanting to get involved with whatever petty plan of showing off Wind Raider had in mind. Sunstrike felt the same way.

“Yeah, we’re just kinda tired and want to take it easy, Wind Raider. You know how it is.” He tried to put on a smile, trying to deflect any ill will Wind Raider might display for having turned down his offer. Wind Raider scowled ever so slightly, picking up on their vibes of not wanting to be around him for some reason. But his spirits picked up when hearing Crimson Sky’s response.

“I’ll join you. I’d like the chance to take on either one of those two volunteers in a game; see if they can handle the spotlight and pressure.” Crimson Sky watched as several more recruits and cadets entered the rec room, looking about to see if the games had started. Wind Raider was pleased to have his team set now.

“Great! C’mon, let’s get some practice time in before we start.” Wind Raider led his team over to where several other recruits were already playing. Nightflight was helping out by giving instructions for those who wanted to try taking him on. After three other recruits tried and got beat, Gallus stepped up to the table.

“It’s pretty basic, Gallus. All you have to do is keep your eyes on the puck and try to get it passed me and into the goal.” Nightflight took it easily at first, not wanting to turn off his griffon friend from the game by beating up on him too much. Gallus got into the swing of it pretty quickly, deftly moving the paddle around and mimicking some of his friend’s techniques for controlling the game’s pace.

Ka-ching! Went the little bell on the goal as Gallus managed to get the plastic puck passed Nightflight’s paddle and score a goal. The griffon was all smiles at having done that.

“Not bad… not bad…” Nightflight conceded, watching Gallus enjoy this game and get a few pats on the back from their friends. Nightflight decided to have some fun with him.

“Best watch out, Gallus. I’m not going to go easy on you this time.” Nightflight made sure the griffon was paying attention for this was going to be quick.

“I’m ready!” Gallus grasped the paddle firmly in his right talons, eyes narrowing with his focus on Nightflight’s paddle.

Clack! Clack! Clickity-clack! Clack! Clack! The puck went back and forth across the playing field with blinding speed, both players not taking their eyes off the red blur that was the game puck.

“Go, Gallus, go!” Razzle Dazzle cheered for him, clapping her front hooves together, seeing him keep pace with Nightflight. It went on for a good twenty seconds, neither one able to score.

“Hey, he’s good at this!” Solar Flare was pleasantly surprised by this turn. His flight partner had some natural skill playing air-hockey. He thought his team might have a real chance to win tonight.

Clack! Clack Clackety clack! Clack! The plastic puck still zoomed back and forth as the many pairs of eyes watched on with intense interest.

Ca-chung! Ding! The bell rang again as Nightflight scored a goal against his friend, making it two goals to one goal and the griffon’s defeat.

“That’s game!” Nightflight watched as Gallus gracefully bowed out, passing the paddle off to Silverstream. “Good game, Gallus. You’re a natural.” He was gracious in his winning, looking forward to squaring off with Gallus again.

All of his friends gave him congratulations, seeing him do as well as he had. Silverstream was next, a little unsure she if she was going to be any good at this game.

“Just try, Silverstream. I’ll take it easy like I did with Gallus. I just want you to get familiar with the action.” Nightflight saw her nervousness at being the center of attention, so many eyes on her now.

Everyone was standing so much closer now, looking right at her, their whole attention focused on her actions. All that time spent with her aunt, the queen, in the court of Seaquestria was once again put to good use as Silverstream could put on that calm & regal air about her, successfully cloaking any nervousness with a confident exterior to show the world.

Cautiously at first, she tried to counter the passes of Nightflight, starting off easy. After only a minute or so of trying, she felt her confidence growing, countering the increasingly quick shots of her opponent. Her eyes were glued to the puck, watching and anticipating where she thought it would go.

Cling! She didn’t see it whiz past her paddle, the puck’s blazing speed totally passing by her in a blink of an eye. Startled, she looked up, Nightflight was grinning back at her.

“You picked this up just as quickly as Gallus. Keep going.” He waited for her to pick up the puck and try again.

Solar Flare and the others watched her try again, this time it was only a few seconds before the next scoring.

Cling! The bell on Nightflight’s goal went off, Silverstream managing to get one past him and surprising herself in the process. Several other recruits and cadets ‘oohed’ at the ability of the hippogriff to score against the ‘unbeatable’ recruit. She blushed a little from the attention.

It didn’t last long as Nightflight delivered back to back goals against her, despite her best efforts to keep up. Nightflight passed the paddle off to another player, warmed up enough and ready for the tournament.

He stepped around the table to congratulate Silverstream. “You’re going to do fine. We’re on the same team so I can give pointers if you need.” She was thankful to be on the same team. More recruits joined in trying the game for fun while the others signed in for the tournament grouped together with their teammates, getting the running orders set. Both Gallus and Silverstream grew more comfortable among the recruits and cadets, joining in with the fun and feeling like just another one of them. Silverstream clicked off some pictures, then passed the camera around to have more pictures taken when Cloudy Sky and Harmony Blues joined them for a short spell. It was great fun for them all, creating memories to last a lifetime.

While talking to some of the cadets who’d watched him take on Nightflight, Gallus caught out of the corner of one eye Cloudjumper talking with another two or three cadets, quickly jotting down something in a small spiral-bound notepad he carried after showing them the clipboard of teams that were participating. Curious, he excused himself and went over to investigate, picking up on a bit of conversation Cloudjumper was in the middle of.

“…and that’s ten on the cadet team by two points in the final round. Gotcha.” Cloudjumper was too busy to spot Gallus walking up to him, his focus totally on the notepad in front of him and writing down what he needed to. The pencil clenched in his teeth moved furiously quick to get it all written down, then flipped it out of his mouth and expertly caught it in between two right wingtip feathers in a flash.

“Hey, good luck tonight.” The sea-green cadet stallion wearing glasses offered happily to Gallus as he walked passed, finished with Cloudjumper.

“Hey, Cloudjumper.” Gallus got his attention away from whatever he was busy writing down. The cadet seems startled to find Gallus in front of him unexpectedly.

“Oh, hey, Gallus. What’s up?” He smiled innocently as he deftly slipped the notepad into a shirt pocket, all while looking right at Gallus and keeping his acquaintance’s attention focused.

“I was just wondering if you were in charge of the tournament; you have the sign-in clipboard.” Gallus glanced down to see the item in question tucked under Cloudjumper’s left wing.

“Oh, uh, yeah… yeah something like that, you could say.” Cloudjumper’s voice cracked ever so slightly, a touch of nervousness creeping in. Another cadet came over to see Cloudjumper.

“Hey, you got me down for fifteen on Wind Raider’s team, right? I’ll cover the spread you gave for his team winning.”

Cloudjumper’s weak smile just added more guilt to his exposure. “Yeah, uh… I got you covered for that. I’ll check in with you later.” Cloudjumper felt the griffon’s eyes devour him, mentally taking him apart as he was scrutinized. There was an awkward silence between the recruit and third-year cadet, making both of them a little uncomfortable.

“Are… are you… taking bets on the tournament?” The words came slowly from Gallus’ mouth, not sure what was up with Cloudjumper or how to even broach this situation. Cloudjumper decided to fess up, figuring he could schmooze his way with an ‘outsider’ like Gallus. What danger was there?

“Hey, be cool Gallus, be cool. A recruit needs a little hustle on-the-side nowadays. Besides, how do you think Aurora Light and the rest of the booster club comes up with the gold bits to afford the air-hockey table? School bake sales, or something? I mean, this doesn’t bother you, does it?” Cloudjumper tried to reverse the awkward moment around, as if to test Gallus’s willingness to keep quiet about what he’d seen.

Gallus understood where Cloudjumper was coming from, he could relate; every griffon from Griffonstone loved hording gold bits and he knew very well what it was like to be without money.

“No no, nothing like that. I was just… you know, curious. I mean, griffons like having a big pile of gold bits too; nothing wrong with that.” He wanted Cloudjumper not to worry. He wasn’t going to snitch; he wasn’t that kind of friend. He tried something different.

“So,” Gallus’ eyes suddenly took on a mischievous glint, narrowing them as looked right in Cloudjumper’s eyes, “what odds did you give me for trouncing everyone else tonight? You did give me at least two points, right? I’d be insulted if you didn’t, you know!”

It had the right effect, Cloudjumper visibly relaxed when hearing Gallus was not uptight about this, clearing up any misunderstanding and going with the flow of events.

“Don’t worry about that, my friend. Just concentrate on playing your best and let ol’ Cloudjumper take care of the rest.”

The other cadet in charge of running the tournament came over to retrieve the clipboard in order to get started. He seemed to be stepping in the middle of some conversation his partner and the new volunteer flyer were having.

“Hey, everything cool over here?” He looked back and forth between Gallus and Cloudjumper, checking to see if there was a problem. Gallus spoke up first.

“Yeah, we’re cool over here.” He made sure to convey the right feeling; he wasn’t going to say anything. Cloudjumper was as relaxed as could be.

“It’s all good.” Cloudjumper passed the clipboard back to his partner, sure now the evening’s plans were not going to go awry. The yellow cadet stallion looked again at both Cloudjumper and Gallus, making sure there wasn’t some misunderstanding hanging in the air.

“Okay then, let’s get this show started.” The cadet corralled Gallus and Cloudjumper back to the area where the teams stood by the table.

“Alright, every pony, let’s get the tournament started. Get with your teams and let’s pair off.” The cadet in charge waved his clipboard over his head, trying to get everyone’s attention and coral them over to the air-hockey table. The four teams of recruits and the one team of cadets each gathered around a small table, separating them from the crowd of observers, each group quickly coming up with funny or quirky names for their ad-hoc teams.

“First teams up are the Sky Queens and Strike Force.” The stallion in charge called out to the groups, causing eight of them to move towards the table.

“Hey, that’s Harmony Blues’ team and Wind Raider’s.” Cloudy Sky pointed out to his friends who watched as the two teams each moving to a different end of the hockey table.

“Both teams have your running orders set? There’s no changes allowed after the first puck drops on the table. Is that clear?” Everyone nodded, ready to play. “Let’s get started; first players up.”

Silverstream and her friends watched as Wind Raider almost single-handedly defeated the Sky Queens, quickly scoring goals against the team of Amber Haze, Rainsong, Windflower and Morning Glow in rapid succession. The pace was fast and furious. Some of the recruits cheered on one player or another, but for the most part the room was quiet and only applauding when a goal was scored.

“Hey, c’mon Wind Raider, give another pony a chance to play, will ya?” Stormbringer mocked, as he and the others waited for their turns. Finally the moment came.

Ca-chunk. Ding! The bell on Wind Raider’s goal went off as Harmony Blues managed to save her team from a shutout, finally getting a goal. Wind Raider seemed amused by it. Several others in the gathering let an auditable moan and or sigh of relief, not wanting to see such lopsided playing between teams. Stormbringer was up next for his team.

“You serve.” Harmony Blues’ naturally melodic voice was a low growl of frustration. Her team was not making a good showing.

“Hope you fly better than you play this game, Harmony.” Sunglow piped in, getting Harmony Blues to glance over at the pink mare for only a split second. It was all Stormbringer needed.

Thawack! Ca-clink! Ding! The bell on Harmony Blues’ goal rang out, ending her game. Harmony gasped slightly from the sudden change of fortune, the end coming so fast she was momentarily stunned. Sunglow cackled with glee at Harmony Blues’ team was defeated by her team, irritating Harmony Blues as she looked over at the pink mare that seemed quite proud of herself.

“Winner; team Strike Force!” The ringleader jotted down the scores and what team on his records. “Next two teams up are the High Flyers and the Silver & Scarab Experience.”

Rainsong led Harmony Blues away from the table, the team leader was still scowling from how quickly she and her team were defeated and pissed off at Sunglow for distracting her like that.

“C’mon, we’ll win the next match.” Rainsong tried to sound upbeat, in spite of the sting of loss when replaying how fast Wind Raider had scored in her mind. The four mares switched places with Silverstream and her team with Harmony Blues leading them on to the juice bar for a drink and a chance to cool off while watching the others play.

The tournament continued to play out. Nightflight provided some excitement with a three-in-a-row scoring, staging a major comeback for his team. Only to get bested in the end by Gallus who banked the winning shot off the sideboard and past Nightflight. The small crowd got into the action and cheered as Gallus saved his team from defeat. Firebolt, Silverstream and their teammates were gracious in defeat, congratulating him on the good game.

Both Firebolt and Harmony Blues’ teams faced each other, seeing who would face the cadet team first. Firebolt was expecting Nightflight to play as hard as he had against the other teams. But when he had to face Amber Haze as his opponent, the two of them couldn’t have cared less about air hockey at that moment. Each of them was barely shuffling the puck back and forth across the table. This lasted all of one minute or so before the complaints started.

“Oh, come on, Nightflight! Just play, already!” Firebolt quickly got fed up with the two of them as others began to grumble aloud.

“Hey, fun flyers, get a room would ya?!” Someone shouted from the crowd, watching the two players making googley eyes at each other instead of playing to win.

“Will you just put your puck in her goal already?” A stallion from the crowd complained loudly, causing a brief ripple of snickering and restrained laughter at the sexual connotation the statement implied if thought about in a certain way. Both Amber Haze and Nightflight were snickering at the comment too.

“Finish this, for sweet Celestia’s sake!” Another pony shouted out, fed up after over three minutes of this nonsense. Nightflight finally made a lazy bank a shot past Amber Haze, ending the match. Many of the flyers gathered gave a loud grunt with the match finally ending.

The ring leader of the tournament announced the next match. “Next match up; Strike Force versus High Flyers.” The two teams moved to opposite ends of the hockey table with Wind Raider and Solar Flare set to square off first. Gallus missed Cloudjumper sideling up to him, catching him momentarily off guard.

“Hey, that was a great first game! You’ve gotten every pony’s interest and we’re excited to see how you guys do against these next guys.” Cloudjumper’s closeness startled the griffon, almost whispering in his ear and speaking softly so as to not alert any pony else nearby hear what he had to say.

“Oh, what? Right. I guess we had luck on our side. Wind Raider and his team are tough.” Gallus quickly gathered his thoughts, trying not to appear rattled by the cadet’s sudden close appearance.

“Keep it up. It’s making a difference, trust me. We can’t wait to see you face off against that friend of yours; Silverstreak.”

“You mean Silverstream, right?” Gallus corrected. Cloudjumper had met Silverstream a few times already and he forgot her name?

Cloudjumper made a rolling hoof gesture in the air and rolled his eyes a little, side-stepping his forgetfulness. “Yeah… yeah… whatever her name is. It looks like that match will most likely happen after the two teams play after your match.” He gave Gallus a brief pat on the back and a somewhat patronizing smile, pleased with the show’s progress. “We’re all looking forward to it. Let’s make it a good one.”

“C’mon Gallus, we’re up.” Solar Flare called to him from the crowd, getting the griffon’s attention away from the cadet that was now heading into the crowd. He kept looking back over his shoulder as he rejoined his team, watching Cloudjumper move through the throng of pony bodies, pausing to talk to one and then move on to another. He got his mind back to the task at hand, looking now at his teammates.

“We’re doing the same running order?” Gallus glanced at their faces.

“Check!” Solar Flare was psyched for this match. Of all his friends, he’d been making sure to keep the peace between Gallus and Wind Raider. Now here was a chance to give back some.

“Let’s take’em down!” Brightstar got into the moment, urging them on to dish out a little vengeance and humiliation.

“Right! No mercy!” Gallus joined in with the mood, desiring a chance to smite Wind Raider, even if it was just a game of air hockey.

“May the best team win!” Leave it to Cloudy Sky to never put another pony down or not want every pony to feel supported.

“First players up!” The call went out and both Solar Flare and Wind Raider stepped up to the table, each taking up the hockey paddle with one hoof. They glared at one another, the simmering tension just below the surface of the calm and passive expressions.

“You serve.” Solar Flare was handed the puck. Wind Raider stood ready.

Solar Flare did his best, trying to score against Wind Raider and strike the first blow. The audience was hushed as they watched the puck go zinging back and forth on the table.

Clack! Clack Clickity-clack! Clack! The puck was a red blur to watch as eyes darted left and right to keep pace with the action. The action lasted almost two solid minutes, neither player successful at scoring until…


“Yes!” Wind Raider roared, finally besting Solar Flare. The sandy-yellow stallion scowled and accepted the loss, wincing slightly from his defeat. He stepped away from the table, relinquishing the paddle to Gallus.

“Step right up, freak-beak! I’m going to enjoy taking you down!” Wind Raider saw how terse the griffon’s expression got with the taunting. Gallus stole a quick look over at his teammates, seeing the silent looks of encouragement. He was not going to get whooped.

“You serve.” Wind Raider was given the puck and the black maned pony wasted no time. Gallus was on the defense, just trying to keep his eyes on the puck and keep the paddle close to the goal. Wind Raider changed tactics, pausing between each attempt by dribbling the puck against the side rail of the table as he contemplated his next strike.

Click… click… click… Wind Raider kept his opponent guessing and the crowd on the tips of their hooves for the next shot, seeing Gallus’ intense look of concentration. The griffon’s eyes were locked on the puck, slowly moving his paddle back and forth in front of his goal to protect it.

“C’mon, Gallus!” Brightstar ever-so-softly encouraged through her clenched teeth, urging him to hold on for the right moment.

“Get’em Wind Raider!” Stormbringer shook a forehoof in the air, wanting to see the moment of the kill.

The whole room was nearly silent with the sound of Wind Raider dribbling the puck as the only sound carrying over the whole room. Wind Raider had only paused his attack for a few seconds to assess his opponent’s apparent skill at defense.

“Hey, Gallus, what’s that?” A female voice suddenly asked, breaking his concentration for a second.

“What? Where?” He took his eyes off the puck, suddenly looking up to where he thought the voice had come from. It was Sunglow, Wind Raider’s teammate, smirking as she got him to look at her and not the table. Wind Raider made a move.

Click-clack! The puck rebounded off the left side rail, heading on target. Somehow, from the corner of his eye, Gallus spotted the red blur of the puck moving on the table, bouncing off the rail. Moving like greased lighting, with the paddle in his left forelimb talons, Gallus shot the puck back at Wind Raider, rebounding the puck off the side rail like Wind Raider had pitched it.

Click-clack! Ding!

“What the-?!” Wind Raider jumped back a little, absolutely stunned at what just happened. For that fact, neither could Gallus.

“No-o-o!” Sunglow cried out, her little trick of distracting players backfiring on her this time and caused her team’s leader to be defeated.

The griffon had no idea how he scored that goal, the moment was over in the blink of an eye. He must have ricocheted the shot right back so fast that Wind Raider simply wasn’t not ready.

A wave of applause and cheers ripped through the audience and awaiting teams, all surprised and excited for the match as Gallus defeated Wind Raider.

“How the…?” Stormbringer couldn’t believe it, his jaw almost hitting the floor with shock. It happened so quick, he wasn’t sure if it actually happened.

“Way to go, Gallus!” Solar Flare was laughing and thumping his forehooves on the floor, loving the look of bent anger on Wind Raider’s face.

“Great shot! I’m glad you took him out. Now we can take down the rest of his team too.” Brightstar knew from the previous night’s experience of playing that Wind Raider was going to be tough to beat, having lost to him in a one-on-one match.

“Oh crap! He’s going to be so mad the next time he’s up to play.” Cloudy Sky could only guess how irate Wind Raider must be right then from getting bested by Gallus like he did.

Firebolt and Silverstream clapped their hooves and talons in celebration. They, too, liked seeing Gallus get one-up on Wind Raider for some of the harassing he had to put up with over the past few days.

“Wait, what happened? Gallus beat Wind Raider in the match?” Razzle Dazzle was expertly balancing several drinks on each of her wings, deftly twisting and shimmying through the gathering of pony bodies to bring her and her friends some refreshments.

“Too bad; you missed it! It was the shot to end all shots!” Firebolt was gleeful at the sight of Wind Raider grumbling and simmering in anger like he was, looking like the chump. She relieved Razzle Dazzle of the fizzy cherry drinks by first placing them on the nearby table and then handing them out to their friends.

“Oh-h-h-h… fiddlesticks!” Razzle Dazzle swore aloud, having missed the moment by getting stuck on line at the juice bar.

Stormbringer was up next, swearing he was going to take down Gallus. But in his anger and growing desperation to score against Gallus, it opened him up for a sneaky bank shot that slipped behind his paddle and into the goal.

“Ar-r-r-r-gh!” The cyan blue stallion stomped his hooves his frustration, losing to the griffon in half the time of Wind Raider’s match. Another cheer erupted from the watching recruits and cadets, all of them getting into the action. Cloudy Sky and Firebolt gave Gallus a quick high-low congratulatory wing slap.

Gallus’ blood was up; he was in the zone and could feel the wind of luck at his back. His teammates gave some of the same ribbing back to Wind Raider’s group, the tension rising between the two teams.

Sunglow was last up and lasted longer than Stormbringer had but she, too, acted desperate to score a goal and kept the puck flailing across the table without much thought of attack. Gallus waited, playing defense tightly and letting Sunglow have at him with her wild attempts of scoring. She sent the puck off the table several times during the match, smacking the puck with abandon in hopes of getting it past her opponent. When he got possession of the puck, he slowed the game pace, studying how she played. He saw how to exploit her loose defense; she would allow her paddle position to drift forward too much from her goal during her aggressive playing, leaving her vulnerable.

Click! Click! Click! Gallus slowly dribbled the puck against the side of the playing field, looking right at Sunglow and keeping her guessing. With lightning fast speed, Gallus smacked the puck to the opposite side, banking the shot past her when she overreached on the table, trying to intercept the shot.

Ca-click! Ding! It was three in a row and Gallus couldn’t believe his luck. He’d taken down those three annoying ponies and put his team two points ahead.

“Hope you fly better than you play this game, Sunglow.” Cloudy Sky actually got to zing her, using the same line she’d used with Harmony Blues. It was his way of getting back at her for the mean way she’d talked to him out on the field the other day.

“Who said that?! You miserable little-” Sunglow scanned the crowd repeatedly, glowering while unable to spot who it was among those chattering nearby. She stomped her way off to be next to Wind Raider and Stormbringer, grumbling. Firebolt and Silverstream were gleeful at seeing the three bigmouths finally silenced for a while, bested by Gallus.

With his friends urging him on, he took on Crimson Sky but the patient and crafty pony slid the puck past Gallus and scored a goal, bringing the game to within one point. Defeated but not disappointed, he rejoined his friends to quietly watch Brightstar take on Crimson Sky. She was more than adequate at taking on her opponent, the match lasting less than a minute to get the puck past Crimson Sky’s defense and win the hard fought game. There were cheers once more for the victors, the crowd invested in the matches and delighted by the outcomes.

Cloudjumper, again, congratulated Gallus for the good game and keeping every pony there captivated by the action. There was one more game to go, that between Harmony Blues’ Sky Queens team and Firebolt’s Silver & Scarab Experience team. It was another spirited game that came down to the last two players of each team, Razzle Dazzle and Windflower, to face off. Both mares played like the amateurs they were as each of them missed numerous times the chance to score. The two mares seemed more interested in having fun and making a new friend then necessarily winning a game so when Windflower scored, Razzle Dazzle was the first to congratulate Windflower for winning, displaying exceptional sportsponyship.

There was a break in the action before the cadet team took on the four recruit teams. Stardust Glitter and Aurora Light came over to talk with Silverstream and Firebolt while Star Striker came over to talk with Gallus and Solar Flare, a big smile on his face.

“That was a great game, you two. You had us all on edge right up to the last goal.” Star Striker gave kudos to the recruits, enjoying his time here and watching. Gallus, and most of the recruit group for that matter, had won over a number of the cadets attending with a great night’s entertainment for them all.

“Hey, Solar, maybe you and one of your friends could shang out and chillax up in my room after tomorrow’s trials? I’d give me a chance to introduce my flight team to you.” Cloudjumper was eager to have friend away from his recruit clique and hang out for a while to catch up. It’d been two years since he’d a chance to talk with his friend again, entering the academy while Solar Flare was still attending secondary school and participating in local flight competitions.

It was against the rules for recruits to be inside the cadet dormitory, but students like Cloudjumper knew how to get guest ponies in and out without security seeing them. Solar Flare suspected Cloudjumper would try to do it again. He’d risked getting in trouble by taking Gallus and Cloudy Sky through the school the other afternoon.

Solar Flare thought of bringing Gallus with him, believing some of his friends from back home who were now enrolled in the academy would be cool with it. Maybe Gallus could get a letter of recommendation from them and have it submitted to Commander Spitfire before the end of the trials.

Like Brightstar and Firebolt, he believed Gallus should try to get accepted. Completing the trials should prove it to everyone. He could always request a transfer; Solar Flare didn’t believe the Princess of Friendship would object to it. If his friend had a potential future with the Wonderbolts, or at the very least have the opportunity to get in to this school, then surely she would see this as a good thing and allow him to go.

Silverstream clicked off more pictures on the camera she’d brought along tonight, quickly changing the film roll again and passing it around to them all so as to be photographed with her friends with even a few cadets getting in some of the pictures. The cadet mares were starting to warm up to Silverstream, overcoming their inhibitions of unfamiliarity with hippogriffs and able to talk with her more. Silverstream thought it was wonderful to break through at last, finding these ponies to be nervous but curious about her and politely ask a question about this or that about where she was from or what her family was like or what Mount Aris was like.

Firebolt gave her hippogriff friend a little poke with an elbow in the ribs at one point, getting Silverstream’s attention momentarily away from who she was talking to, looking at the hippogriff with a satisfied if not smug smile of silently saying ‘I told you so about this place’ with a little raise of her eyebrows.

Silverstream got the message. Her friend had been right. But the break from playing wasn’t long and they soon resumed the matches.

Gale Force and her cadet team strode confidently up to the table, standing behind her at one end and awaiting the first team. She had watched recruit teams play and mentally sorted out which players would give her team problems and which they wouldn’t have to be concerned with. Only Nightflight on Firebolt’s team might prove to be troublesome to beat. He’d trounced most of his opponents and Gale did not want to look bad in front of her friends by getting beaten by mere recruits.

“Alright newbies,” Gale announced, “you’ve had fun time, now it’s time for us to show you who really knows how to play this game.”

“Don’t get up on your victory pedestal just yet, missy. We’ll see just who’s the better player soon enough.” Nightflight was right there to bring her down, getting a quick hoofbump from Firebolt for not letting Gale mouth off trying to intimidate Firebolt’s team members. Amber Haze watched from close by, excited to see how many in a row Nightflight could defeat in a row and amusing the reactions of his vanquished opponents.

All the other recruit teams gathered at opposing end of the table and awaited their turn against Gale’s team of cadets. The Gale’s academy team made quick work of Harmony Blues’ team, shutting them out scoreless with Lunar Eclipse doing the honors. The cadets did not exalt in vanquishing the Sky Queens team, instead offering consolatory words in good sportsponyship.

Silverstream couldn’t help but feel under pressure as the first one up to play for her team to face off against Gale Force. Silverstream could tell by Gale’s expression that she wasn’t going to go easy on her. The cadet mare had her game face on and he focus was on her now.

The hippogriff gave her best try, managing to save herself from defeat with some deft deflecting of the shots taken by Gale, reacting in the nick of time to save her team. But Gale still managed put the puck past Silverstream in less than two minutes.

“Good shot.” The hippogriff was gracious in defeat but it stung none the less and she clenched her beak tight as silently walked away from the table to wait with her team.

“Thanks.” Gale was on a roll; two for two in her knocking off opponents. She wanted to face Nightflight; eager for the rematch. After the solid thumping he’d given her a couple of her friends the other night, they were looking forward to the chance.

“Sorry about that.” Silverstream sighed, having not performed as well as she hoped, and already putting them behind in points. Firebolt was next, undeterred by the pressure to face one of her old friends. She headed up to the table, ready.

“Forget it. Wish me luck; I’ll give her everything I got.” Firebolt would do her best to not have her team be shut out like Harmony Blues’ team had.

Firebolt stood ready, hoof on the paddle glaring back at Gale, now frenemies on the game table. The two mares stared hard at one another, each ready to take the other down.

“You serve.” Gale’s words were tainted with just a touch of condescension, ever so slightly goading Firebolt. She knew her friend well; knew what got her ‘going’ when in competition.

Firebolt calmly took up the puck and placed in front of her paddle, focusing on her opponent, focusing that ‘inner burn’ as she liked to call it, on her objective.

Clack! Clack! Clicky-Clack! The puck flew back and forth across the table with the action lasting at least a solid minute that was fast and furious, only to then creep along as each side paused their attacks, slowly dribbling the puck against the side of the rail, strategizing. They calculated each shot they took, trying to slip the puck past the defender’s paddle. The room fell quiet as they watched, only to be broken by an intermittent shout of encouragement for one of the players. The game was stretching to an unbelievable four minutes without a goal. Every pair of eyes in the room was watching.

Ca-click! Click! Ding!

“Damn it!” Gale swore out loud, moving too slowly to deflect that last shot from Firebolt.

“Oh, yeah! Wahoo!” Firebolt got the lucky shot she needed, banking the puck off the right rail and just past Gale’s paddle. The crowd responded with loud hoof-stomps and cheers and whistles, the match being spirited and intense.

“Oh, darn! I don’t get another chance to show her up in front of her friends.” Nightflight pretended to be disappointed, making light of his missed opportunity.

“Oh, cram it, newbie!” Gale whipped her head around, recognizing who said it. She had heard the low breathed comment only meant to be heard by his ‘lovey dovey’ mare admirer whom he stood next to. She rejoined Lunar Eclipse and the rest of her team to watch, annoyed at being shown up.

Stardust Glitter was up next for the cadets, no doubt the weak member of the team as Firebolt put her on the defense very quickly. Stardust could not keep up with the pace Firebolt pushed at. Ironically, the end came for Firebolt when the puck deflected off her paddle and went backwards into her goal by mistake. Despite Firebolt’s objections, it was counted against them and she had to relinquish the padded to Nightflight.

“Smooth move there, Firebolt.” Gale smirked at her old friend, losing to Stardust in the most amateurish way.

But, in turn, Nightflight took down Stardust fairly quickly, faking her out with where he was going to send the puck only to shoot it directly at the goal, rocketing past her like a missile.

“Oh, I’m no good at this game!” Stardust kicked at the floor as she walked away, feeling terrible for folding under pressure like that. Getting good test grades and performing with her flight group was easy. But standing alone in the spotlight in one-on-one settings with every pony watching? Now that was hard for her.

Star Striker strode up to the table, taking Stardust Glitter’s place and was ready to take on this scourge of air hockey. It was tied two goals each and it was up to Nightflight to carry them to victory. But Star Striker played ‘tight’ with his defense by keeping his paddle close to the goal, frustrating Nightflight and drawing out the match to over three minutes. It only took one mistake for Star Striker to pounce, seeing the opening in Nightflight’s defense and getting the puck into the goal.

“Oh, ho! The unbeatable pony just got beat!” Gale was first to take a jab at Nightflight from among the cadets but he let it roll right off him.

“Well, at least I didn’t lose three games in a row in solo competition last night, unlike some pony I know.” He casually reminded Gale of her defeats the previous night. It made him grin when remembering the angry scowls Gale wore when he shut her out scoreless two out of the three games they played.

That just left Razzle Dazzle to try and stop the cadet team. It wasn’t even an effort on Star Striker’s part to get the win. She was clearly not concerned with the game and was more fascinated by the way both the puck and her paddle seamed to magically ‘float’ on the table’s surface. He toyed with her for a few seconds of play, then sent the puck home and won for his team.

Firebolt was not pleased to lose, even if it was to a friend in a game. She wanted her group to be impressive but came off looking mediocre at best. It was then between the High Flyers and the cadets for the third game. Cloudy Sky was first up for his team and had to face Lunar Eclipse from the cadet team. Try as he did, Cloudy Sky lasted all of maybe twenty seconds before Lunar Eclipse slipped the puck past him and defeated Cloudy Sky. An inglorious first showing that he hoped would not be repeated.

Solar Flare was next for the cadet to take on but the recruit could keep pace with the action but mistakenly let his paddle position move too far forward on the table and it allowed Lunar Eclipse to bank the puck off the rail and score, much to Solar Flare’s annoyance of forgetting what to do.

Now it was Gallus to face the flaxen-blonde Stallion with a zero-to-two score working against him. The match lasted a good two minutes with neither one being too aggressive. Gallus had to be patient for his moment after the puck went off the table and out of play after deflecting the shots from Lunar Eclipse.

He held his own against Lunar Eclipse as the cadet started to get annoyed and more aggressive at not being able score against Gallus. The match was stretching out longer than he anticipated. Gallus played very tight and waited for his chance to score. Cleverly drawing Lunar Eclipse forward with short side-rebounding shots, he sped the puck by Lunar Eclipse and into his goal. A brief cheer erupted from the group watching on from the great action on the table. The stallion reluctantly stepped away, relinquishing the paddle to his classmate.

“Don’t underestimate him; he’s quick.” Lunar Eclipse warned. It was now Gale Force’s turn and she was sure she could to take him down.

She wasted no time, quickly going on the offence as it was her turn to serve.

Clack! Clack Clickety-Clack! Clack! She kept up her assault, keeping Gallus on the defense. The puck zinged back and forth across the tabletop.

“You think you can take me down, griffon? You haven’t got a chance! Why don’t you just put the paddle down and spare yourself the embarrassment!” She tried to psyche him out some, seeing if he could handle a bit of trash talk. It didn’t work.

“Spare me your overblown ego!” The griffon quoted, recalling something Councilor Starlight Glimmer had once said during a friendship lesson she was explaining. He kept up with the action, his eyes never taken off the puck. Once more, the game went several minutes long, neither one being too aggressive or defensive.

Gale launched the puck right at him, causing Gallus to instinctively react with a swipe at the puck, sending it slapping of the left rail of the table with blinding speed. Then…

Click-clack! Ding!

“What?!” To Gale’s shock, he’d scored, her face showing the disbelief. Gallus felt elated by the streak of luck he was on tonight, his teammates crowded around him, giving wing-slaps and hoof-bumps at his fantastic work of catching them up. If he wanted to make an impression on the cadets, he was, maybe just not quite the greatest one to make by defeating three of them.

Cloudjumper slithered his way around the room, speaking softly to some of his friends, writing down yet more in his pocket notepad, quite pleased with the action in the room. He had an idea of how having both Gallus and Silverstream playing tonight would pick up interest, but this was working better then he could have ever hoped.

It was now left to Stardust Glitter to be the teams anchor and bring home a victory if she could. This team of recruits was giving the cadets a hard time and she didn’t want a repeat of the previous night when facing Nightflight during singles playing. The recruits only needed one more goal, the cadets needed two.

Stardust tried to take her time and be more calculating with her aiming but it just made her defensive in reaction to Gallus’ quick shots rather than keeping up with him. Gallus, feeling confident, let his paddle position drift slightly forward, anticipating Stardust’s return. His mistimed the puck coming at him with the strike from his paddle and inadvertently knocked the puck back and into his own goal.

Some of the cadets jeered Gallus for the mistake, causing the score to be tired again.

“It doesn’t count! It was an accident!” Firebolt tried to argue to the cadet in charge but to no avail.

“Sorry, but a goal is a goal. It was an error; yes. But the score still stands.” The rebuke came from pony with the signup clipboard and rulebook, holding his ground, in spite of Firebolt’s fuming right then.

“Give it up, Firebolt.” Brightstar pulled at her friend’s foreleg, getting the pony with the flame-like mane to settle down. Firebolt was getting a little too into the competition for the evening. This was supposed to be fun. It was now Brightstar’s turn at the table, relieving Gallus of the paddle.

Once more the room came to cheers and applause as the yellow mare had made a come-from-behind victory possible.

All of Brightstar’s friends were cheering for her, wanting her to make the miracle showing and the upset comeback. It was now three-to-two in their favor and Star Striker had the dubious honor of saving face of getting beat by the recruit team. It was the single longest game they’d watched as both players tried again and again to score. A very lucky shot from Star Striker got past Brightstar and once again tied the score up.

Gallus watched as Cloudy Sky nervously walked up to the game table, the game now riding on his success of scoring. Even with him and Solar Flare urging him on and telling him not to be intimidated, Cloudy Sky didn’t last long against Star Striker. Much as he’d done with Razzle Dazzle, Star Striker let Cloudy Sky try to score but in less than six shots; he’d scored the winning goal and saved the cadet team from embarrassment.

Cloudy Sky was disappointed, letting his team down like that. Solar Flare and Gallus made sure to make Cloudy Sky feel alright; that it was just a game and didn’t reflect on him as a poor teammate or a bad flyer.

All the participants stayed on to watch Wind Raider’s team take on the cadets, also bringing the drama of a close scoring game that came down to Gale Force taking down Sunglow for the victory. The pink mare with the fluffy blonde mane and tail only grumbled under her breath at being defeated but consoled herself in the knowledge that at least she didn’t lose to one of the freak-beaks.

Cloudjumper, still tallying up something on that little notepad of his and slipping it into his uniform’s pocket and out of sight, came over to join Solar Flare and his clique.
“Hey, my main flyer, Gallus! You were something special tonight. That was some win streak you were on.” He was gregarious with his approach to the griffon, clearly pleased about how the night’s event played out. Gallus and Solar Flare turned to face him, pleased to have made some new acquaintances among the cadets.

“This was just the thing we needed. I just wish we could have this kind of excitement around her more often.” Cloudjumper gave Gallus a quick wink and nod, indicating what the two of them had spoken about before the tournament started. Solar Flare missed his friend’s indication, believing Cloudjumper was merely talking about building up the friendly competition between them all.

Gallus got the message. The uptick in game interest made Cloudjumper’s interest rise with it. He could only guess how many gold bits must have been wagered and won or lost for each of the matches. Not that he was against it. Far from it. Gaming like this was common between griffons and not discouraged in Griffonstone. It was just another way of getting as many gold bits possible for a griffon’s gold horde.

Silverstream, Firebolt and the mares with them were all smiles about having the fun time together and any feelings about winning or losing during the games was quickly forgotten about in the spirit of friendship, effused by the two non-pony flyers in attendance.

“You know what? I’m gonna buy you a drink, just ‘cause I think you’ve got some coolness.” Cloudjumper pointed to the juice bar with a forehoof, eager to thank the griffon for the gameplay this evening. Cloudy Sky, Nightflight and the other BFFs came over to join him.

For Gallus and Silverstream, this was a small victory of sorts. Making inroads with these cadets and recruits; using those friendship lessons they studied at their school to good effect. Gallus looked back over his shoulder at Wind Raider and his cohorts, glaring at him and his friends with simmering hate.

“Dumb ponies.” Wind Raider groused, seeing how some of the cadets and fellow recruits were enamored by the two freak-beaks, accepting them like other recruits.

“Easily impressed by a hybrid.” Stormbringer dismissed them all as easily duped by something new and different; a curiosity of freak interest and nothing more, he convinced himself.

“Ever since the Storm King’s defeat, it’s been the ‘in’ thing for ponies!” Sunglow hated being outshined, especially by that hippogriff. She was the top mare here at the trials and seeing Silverstream do as well as she’d done so far just got under Sunglow’s feathers to no end. It was bad to get bested by another pony who was a record setter at the trials, but it was even worse it to have done by some unknown hippogriff that seemingly strode in from out of nowhere and set a new academy record. She’d managed to get another mare flyer knocked out from the trials already. Now it seemed she’d have to double her efforts.

Gallus and his friends were led up to the juice bar by Cloudjumper and Gale Force, chatting a bit more with Silverstream about Mount Aris and what it looked like.

“It’s on me; what’ll you have?” Cloudjumper pointed up to the small menu of fizzy fruit drinks on the wall in front of them, just to the left of a giant mirror that ran the length of the bar. Above it, were the portraits of six academy cadets, side by side, each dressed in their Wonderbolt Academy cadet flight uniforms. The bartender had his back to them, preparing anther mixture for one of the cadets. It got Gallus’ attention as to why they were up there.

“Hey, check out the collection of hooves on the wall! What are they up there for? Setting a record number of failures on the Dizzatron or somethin’?” Gallus unsuspectingly insulted the silent images on the wall before him. Silverstream piled on, amusing herself.

“Or maybe it’s for setting a record number of losses at air hockey, right?” The two non-pony flyers amused themselves, oblivious to the bartender who was now turned around to face them both and incensed by their flippant comments.

Two large and heavy pony hooves came thundering down on the hard oak antique bar right in front of Gallus and his friends, startling them and halting their laughter, not to mention getting every one’s attention immediately. Gallus and Silverstream suddenly recognize who it was standing behind the bar.

The blood drained away from Gallus’ face, horrified to see who it was standing there.

“Oh, no! Gallus, we just-” Silverstream pointed with her talons to a commemorative plaque, dedicated to a squad of pony flyers that perished in the three day battle with the Storm King’s forces. Each portrait was adorned with a small brass plaque, a pony name engraved in each. The last photo in the line was that of a pony named Sky Chaser; Wind Raider’s big brother.

It was Sargent Bullhorn behind the bar, keeping the community of students in line by acting as their chaperone during non-school time activities. His eyes bore deep into the griffon and hippogriff’s souls, causing them to seemingly shrink before him while he inexplicably seemed to grow to tower over them both.

“Ye gots tae’ die!” The drill Sargent roared, indicating with the point of a wingtip to the first picture on the wall; that of his son being squad leader of ‘The Flying Sixty-Ninth’ flight squad. Behind the lead pony’s framed memorial photograph hung two miniature crossed flags; one was the recognizable flag of Equestria and one of that of the Emerald Isle; where Sargent Bullhorn’s family hailed from.

Ka-thud! Smash! Smash! The shattering of glass mugs on the floor broke the tense moment that was all around them, starling everyone in the room and getting their attention away from Silverstream and Gallus and where the shattering sound came from.

“You bastard half-breeds! Let me at ‘em! Let me at ‘em! I’ll tear ‘em apart! I’ll rip those ugly-ass beaks clean off their heads! I’ll stomp their bones into dust!” So enraged was Wind Raider that both Stormbringer and one other cadet pony had to tackle and wrestle him to the floor, preventing the husky pony from lunging for the two non-pony flyers in a desperate attempt to subdue him. The thrashing about had knocked the table and chairs clear of them as they rolled around.

“C’mon, dude! Don’t do anything stupid! They’re just a couple of shit-for-brains half-breeds, anyway! Don’t throw it all away now! We’re too close!” Stormbringer did all he could to hold Wind Raider down and not injure his wing more. The cadet assisting was doing most of the restraining on Wind Raider, pinning the wings being the legacy pony’s flanks.

“Wait, what did those two say?” A female voice questioned aloud, wondering if she’d heard correctly.

“Uh, did they just say what I think they just said?” Gale was standing right next to Firebolt, turning now to look at her friend with a raised eyebrow. They were both in perfect earshot of the two recruits in front of her.

“I beg your pardon, what was that comment?” Another male voice from close by sharply spoke up, indignant at the uncouth remarks about the deceased.

The two volunteer’s friends didn’t know what to say or do at that moment as every pair of pony eyes in the room seemed to be focused on them with none looking pleased by what Gallus and Silverstream had said, even in jest.

“Geez!” Cloudjumper slapped a forehoof to his head, astounded.

How could these two be so oblivious to where they were before opening their collective beaks and saying something so dumb!

“Nice way to kill the positive vibes, dude.” The sea-green cadet shook his head a little, unable to help the two volunteers from whatever the other recruits or cadets might think of them now. He glanced around the room, sensing the shifting perceptions of his classmates about the two volunteers in real time. He knew what to do.

“Pal, you’re on your own.” With his parting words, Cloudjumper slunk away from Gallus and the BFFs, not wanting to be a part of this scene and exited the building out into the night.

“I’m fine! I’m fine! Let me up already!” Wind Raider shouted, suddenly relaxing his body and giving in to the two guys holding him down. Cautiously, they let up on their restraint, keeping their forelegs on him, incase Wind Raider still decided to lunge at the griffon. He didn’t. The grayish-white pony got to his hooves, regaining some of his composure.

Furious at the insult and not wanting to be anywhere near the BFFs, Wind Raider stormed out, the impact of his hooves on the wood floor could be felt across the room. “I need some air!”

“Wind Raider, wait up!” Sunglow followed after, worried about what her friend might do in his state. Crimson Sky only rolled his eyes and shook his head at Silverstream and Gallus in disbelief, astounded by was said by them as he left to follow after Sunglow.

Stormbringer looked at the two volunteers with such disgust and contempt for their disrespect of the dead. He wanted to unload on them; tell them off like he felt they deserved. But instead, he just blurted out what the first thing he thought of.

“You’re a couple of dumbasses, you know that?!”

He, too, went after Wind Raider, fed up being around such ignorant creatures like the two volunteers. The cold silence of the room was terribly uncomfortable for the BFFs.

Several other cadets were eyeing Gallus and Silverstream with similar feelings in their hearts. Perhaps they had mistaken the character of these two non-pony flyers or come to too quick of a conclusion before talking more with them. Two of the cadets who’d been participating in the games, Star Striker and Lunar Eclipse, step forward to confront the two volunteers about the comments they’d made.

“What do they teach you at that school Princess Twilight runs, eh? How to insult a host?” Star Striker felt much the same as Wind Raider right then, only he had the discipline of the academy’s training to not get emotional when discussing topics like the attack on Canterlot and the ensuing running three days of hand-to-hoof street battles.

“Didn’t they educate you anything about what happened during that time? Don’t you have any idea what Equestria went through?” Lunar Eclipse was stunned, seeing how these two wore expressions of pure ignorance, either willful or just plain stupidity about the recent history of the pony nation.

“Our future leader of Equestria has these as students of the school she runs? What kind of leadership is that?” A mare from close by openly asked the whole collection of ponies in the room as she stepped forward. It was Aroura Light, looking at the hippogriff and griffon distastefully as she came to stand next to Star Striker. Never before had Silverstream and Gallus felt so on the spot.

This wasn’t something that was going to be solved with magic or with the understanding of a friendship problem from one of Princess Twilight’s lectures. These were ponies who’d gone through something neither one of them could imagine was like.

Being part of the ruling family of Seaquestria did give Silverstream access to the details of what transpired in the fight between the allied ponies and hippogriffs against the Storm King, but she never pursued the topic with her parents or her aunt. She did not wish to bother her innocent mind with such unsettling things like war and suffering. Her privilege to be apart from it shielded her from the truth.

“Great couple of friends you got yourself there, Firebolt.” Gale gave her old friend a flat smile, not appreciating their kind of ‘humor’, such that it was.

“Pull up a chair.” Star Striker indicated with a forehoof to two empty chairs at the nearby table where his knapsack lay open and a book was peeking out from under its open flap.

“Actually, we were just about to leave-” Gallus wanted to deescalate the situation by getting out of there as fast as he could. His friends around him quickly pick up on his intention and moved together as a group. But the fourth-year cadet was not having any of it.

“I said, pull up a chair!” Star Striker’s serious tone left no question that this wasn’t a request and caused the BFFs to stop them in their tracks. Silverstream, Gallus and the rest of their friends knew that this was something they’d better do. Cloistered around two of the closest tables, the BFFs all sat together, wondering what was coming.

Brightstar sat close to both Silverstream and Gallus, making sure to be there to protect them should things get out of control.
Many of the other recruits and cadets left the rec room, the lively mood had suddenly turned grim and uncomfortable. In spite of the horrible gaff, Sargent Bullhorn still brought over the juice drinks for them, paid for by one of the cadets before they had left. He was shooting swords from his eyes at both the griffon and the hippogriff with only their ignorance to Equestria’s recent history saving them from his wrath. For now. Gallus stole a glance to see the intense look in the drill sergeant’s eyes, a feeling of dread gripping him. Gallus quickly looked away, shuddering. The drill instructor retuned to stand behind the bar, listening to what was about to be told by some of the survivors.

“Here’s something you two are probably never going to hear, much less, ever know about.” Star Striker reached for the book in his pack, the brown leather-bound with gold embossing was held reverently by the cadet. “I and some of those who served in the resistance force collaborated to write this book,” he turned to show the collection of newbies who sat silently and listened, “a chronicle and history of many first-pony accounts of we went through for those three days. I think you two,” he now looked right at both Silverstream and Gallus who shrank back some from the intense look he gave them, “ought to hear some of what those bastard Stormguards did to us and how we fought them like real soldiers of Equestria.”

Though their pony friends knew what had happened, having lived through it as well to a much lesser degree than some here, they too listened to the first-hoof account of the events unfolding that day as all three storytellers were in the thick of the action, as well as Wind Raider and Stormbringer.

It was a harrowing retelling as the trio of cadets did not spare their captive audience any censoring of the graphic details preserved for the ages. One minute, these cadets were on break from school and planning on attending the celebration at Canterlot, all of them looking forward to Songbird Serenade’s concert. Then, seconds later, alarm sirens blared out all across Canterlot and the call for the population to take cover.

Silverstream listened quietly to the stories of desperate fighting, rebellious capture, horrific torture, outright slaughter and rampant devastation to the capital city of Equestria as well as a number of outlying cities and towns in a well-choreographed sequential attack.

Gallus couldn’t believe at how these three could retell of the violence and destruction they witnessed so easily; how they could explain through scholarly examination and research how the enemy of all Equestria had formulated his plans of battle and how well it was executed. But most importantly to the trio was the telling of a part of Equestria’s history that was being glossed over or even omitted in the newspaper reports and in the rewriting of history books for youngsters to learn from. Most upsetting to hear were the accounts from soldiers in the field and the ‘citizen soldier ‘of Equestria who’d fought and what they had seen and experienced. Star Striker began the first recounting to the newbies:

“…we are nine in ditch; nothing will get us out of here. But we have eaten the last of our rations must relieve ourselves. The first of us, our lieutenant, finally succumbs to the urgings and climbs out from hiding; she’s been lying there for two hours in the street, ten feet away, with her uniform down around her fetlocks. The blood from her bashed-in skull runs down the cobblestones after the Stormguards found her and she resisted them. They killed her, laughing and gurgling in their guttural language as they did.”

Star Striker passed the book to Lunar Eclipse, who picked up on the following page of another eye witness to the fighting. “The scene before me was indescribable. The dead and dying were everywhere, the cries of pain, anguish and despair screamed catastrophe. I stood there as if in a dream, too horrified to think.”

It got the reaction he thought it would, seeing Gallus shudder slightly at the images of what the scene must have looked like. Lunar Eclipse continued.

“As I look about the wreckage of the plaza, I discover a severed hind leg lying on the ground, almost ridiculous in its horror.”

The recruits all gulp down the lump in their throats, hearing the grizzly details of one soldier’s account of the first hours of battle. Neither Silverstream nor Gallus had any idea of the severity or lethalness of force in which the troops under Tempest Shadow dispatched to all who resisted.

Lunar Eclipse recounted more from the passages in the book to his captured audience. “In his book ‘The Equestria of Yesterday’, the famed pony writer Wild Sky captured the prevailing pessimism of the first day’s encounter with the Stormguard forces. He writes: ‘The peaceful steps of Canterlot castle are awash in pony blood.’”

Lunar Eclipse then passed the book to Aurora Light, who read several pages from the book about what those at the rear of the fighting were facing; those whom took care of the wounded in makeshift triages or a field hospital. She recounted one of the medic’s experiences in particular to them.

“…they cry for air and complain of burning in the chest and stomach. We have seen it all; ghastly wounds from avalanches of steel, bodies trampled to death from panic-filled hooves, but they are nothing to the fog that darkens the sun in the sky for hours, which seemed like centuries.”

She addressed the newbies directly. “For as long as any creature can recall, the cruel and destructive use of asphyxiating gasses of any kind of were outlawed by every leader of every nation in our world years ago. But the Storm King didn’t care; he used every poisonous concoction possible to try and kill us off in-masse.”

All of the BFFs listened to what was told, never imagining just how bad it was for those on the front lines, those who faced down the threat and suffered in due course for such resistance. It gave all of them something to think about; begin part of an elite group that could very well be facing such dangers again. Aurora Light passed the book back to Star Striker, who was not yet ready to let these two volunteers off the hook so easily for speaking like they did. He continued with another account.

“Our patrol has captured one of the Stormguards; its arms are bound behind its back and brought before General Flash Magnus for examination. It is the first time I see them up close. There is a mixture of hate and curiosity that fills my heart as the weight of my spear weighs heavily on my withers; I long to pierce the belly of this vile creature with it!”

He read on for a few pages more, telling the newbies of what the soldiers of Equestria had experienced; both during and after with its repercussion on the mind and body. War, Lunar Eclipse explained, changes a pony. He read a passage from a private that had served in the Canterlot Armed Forces, surviving the three day’s blitz of attacks and how adjusting to the horror forever altered their view of life and death.

“…I saw the body of a soldier that was killed earlier today and a horrible sight it was. Such sights do not affect me as they once did. I cannot describe the change nor do I know when it took place, yet I know there is a change. For I look on the carcass of a dead pony now with pretty much the same feeling as I would if were a dead fish or dead worm.”

This was very hard to hear for Silverstream. She felt the tears begin to collect in her eyes and Brightstar put a foreleg around her friend’s shoulders, holding and supporting Silverstream. All of the BFFs huddled in closer, feeling the need to be close to a friend when listening to these heartbreaking experiences.

Aurora Light took the book again, reading another soldier’s experience after being in battle and witnessing the aftermath. “…this morning a lieutenant from Company A was executed and buried for abandoning his post and fleeing in battle from the enemy. Everything went on as if nothing had happened, for death is so common that little sentiment is wasted.” Aurora looked up from the book to look right into Silverstream’s eyes, driving home the meaning of the last sentience.

“It isn’t like death at home.”

She retold more from the book of the conflict between the armed Resistance force and the Storm King’s army and what awaited those who were captured as prisoners of war. Both Star Striker and Lunar Eclipse point to the green bandanas around their necks and around the necks. Each bandana bore a small gold medal, indicating they had been part of that Résistance force and had survived capture.

“It was on Tempest Shadow’s orders when those bastards did this to us!” Star Striker hissed. Gallus and his friends grimaced when the two cadets pulled down the bandanas to reveal the band of circular scar tissue around their necks.

Aurara Light explained on. “The Stormguards fastened electric shock collars to their necks and repeatedly shocked them, trying to break them. Unable to make them reveal their hideout or numbers of freedom fighters, Tempest Shadow ordered the Stormguards to shackle the prisoners and work them mercilessly; whipping and bludgeoning some prisoners to death in the process.”

It was an awful story, the tears now spilled down the sides of Silverstream’s beak. Brightstar was there for her as was Firebolt, leaning out to hold her friend too. She and the rest of the BFFs could only guess what Silverstream must be thinking right then; feeling somehow responsible for what happened to these recruits not so long ago.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Gallus held his stomach, looking at his red strawberry fruit drink and imagining it was a glass filled with blood. It turned his stomach, killing his thirst instantly and he pushed it away.

The BFFs learned how Wind Raider had been given the position of a flight leader; in charge of eight ponies, some of whom were actual cadets of the acaqdemy. Wind Raider’s brother had been accepted to the academy a year and a half before; giving the ‘little’ brother some gravitas as the best choice to lead their group of resistance fighters.

Of the eight of them that were his to lead, only he and Stormbringer were never captured. Star Striker, Lunar Eclipse and another cadet in the room, the one that had been helping hold down Wind Raider when he lost it in rage, had been captured and survived the conflict. Three of their group, two mares and another stallion, had been whipped and tortured to death when they refused to tell where Wind Raider had them all safely held up in a secure hideout. They paid for their loyalty with their lives. The other cadets in the room wearing the green bandanas had belonged to other resistance fighting factions who had survived the dungeon torturing sessions as well.

“I was there, listening to my friends being tortured like that! You should consider yourself damn lucky to never have heard what I heard!” One of cadets, a light blue stallion, directed his comments right at Silverstream and Gallus.

“When you insult a flyer you’d better be sure to look ‘em in the eyes when doing so!” Star Striker made sure to get his point across, holding Gallus fast with his gaze. The griffon felt like such a fool for having spoken like he had. Silverstream felt much the same for it was her kind that had brought this tragedy upon Equestria and hearing of the suffering they had endured only brought home to her heart the horrors of war.

“What? You thought the whole world is about every pony holding hooves together, singing ‘Kumba Ya, my Princess’ as magical rainbows suddenly appear out of nowhere and the world instantly becomes a bastion of everlasting friendship?! You two are sadly mistaken, my fellow feathered friends!” Another cadet who had stayed to listen ranted somewhat at the two non-pony flyers.

“After all we ponies went through, I’d like to know just one damn thing; where were the damn griffons from Griffonstone when Equestria needed help?! Where was a supposed ‘ally’ of the pony nation when the call to arms came? Nowhere, that’s where!” Lunar Eclipse angrily shouted at them.

“With allies like griffons, I pray by the great Fausticorn’s grace that we never have to face another return of Queen Chrysalis or Lord Tirek or, Celestia spare us, a return of something like Grogar!” Another mare cadet weighed into the two volunteers, making sure they heard her too. The looks of embarrassment and shame each of the non-pony flyers wore showed that they did all of them.


“They spit on my brother’s grave! Those filthy half-breeds spit on my brother’s grave after the sacrifice he made to protect their miserable meaningless little lives!” Wind Raider sputtered in outrage, snorting his breath with his temper barely restrained, stomping about in circle within the clearing of the Wonderbolt monument was erected. His three bunkmates were with him, simmering in similar hostility.

“Stinkin’ griffon! They’re nothing but thieves, beggars and scavengers! And that hippogriff,” Sunglow kept up her tirade, “she’s such a phony; sucking up to the other recruits and cadets like that! Who does she think she is? And to think my little cousin actually attends the same dopy School of Friendship with her! What does Cozy see in being around these filthy creatures?”

“I want them both out of here so much!” Wind Raider could not believe this was being allowed by the academy’s leadership. This was one of Equestria’s most hallowed places. Why would letting in a race of cowards and a race of lazy good-for-nothings even be considered?

“There’s nothing we can do about it, Wind Raider. But who cares, right? It’s not like they’re going to get in. They’re here as some guests of one of the Wonderbolt team members so it’s not like they’re going to get accepted, right? All we have to do is get to the end and then we’ll never see them again. Simple.” Crimson Sky had a point. These two outsiders were guests and not really recruits trying out for a spot in the academy. But his comments did lead Stormbringer to the obvious next point.

“You’re missing the point, Crimson. Even if they’re not trying to get in, that’ll mean other half-breeds like them will come and try to get in to the academy for real; and that’ll mean less spots open for our kind to get in.”

“That’s not going to happen!” Sunglow scoffed, finding it impossible to imagine those dirty creatures actually being allowed to attend the academy.

“Not if I have anything to do with it!” Wind Raider stopped in his angry pacing about to look over at his companions. There was a look of grim determination in his eyes and it caught Sunglow’s attention.

“What did you have in mind? A boycott or something?” She guessed blindly to what he was coming up with. Crimson Sky quickly scoffed her idea.

Keh! Yeah right! Like that’s going to change the situation.”

“Shut up!” Sunglow sneered back at him. “At least contribute something to this conversation or just don’t talk.” The trio’s attention returned to their squad leader.

“No, but I’ve got an idea on how to get the message across that their kind aren’t welcome here and shouldn’t come to try out for the academy!” He gave a hard stomp of a foreleg hoof, emphasizing his determination.

“You’re not going to try killing them, are you?” Sunglow knew he was pissed off, but wondered if his war experience had darkened his mind to the point of entertaining the thought.

“No. But if this tryout session is going to follow the standard routine order, regardless if those freak-beaks are here, we’ll be required to have to run ‘The Gauntlet’ as the last trial before the final exam flight. That’s where we’ll get rid of them, during ‘The Gauntlet’. I can make sure they don’t finish!” The idea began to form in his mind, recalling the many parts of the final trial and what could be utilized as a way to oust them from the school grounds once and for all.

“How?” Sunglow didn’t see where he was going with this. Wind Raider huddled them in closer to keep any pony else from hearing.

“He’s my idea of how we can get rid of those two. Listen…”


The BFFs made their way back to the barracks, pausing at the bulletin board by the entrance. Gallus was carrying the book Lunar Eclipse had left behind as a ‘gift’ for them, telling him and Silverstream they ought to ‘educate’ themselves on history before opening their mouths like that.

‘Attention all recruits: as of zero-six-hundred hours tomorrow, there will be meet & greet for visiting families for the second recruit group. First recruit group housed in barracks B are to be ready for general inspection before being escorted by an instructor to the mess hall at zero-six-thirty hours. All recruits are to be dressed in clean uniforms before greeting guests who are visiting the academy grounds and show exemplary conduct becoming of potential Wonderbolt Academy cadets.’

“Well, at least we won’t have to fight for seating at a table with all the recruits and cadets eating at the same time.” Firebolt tried to find the bright side of anything right then for the mood among the BFFs was somber.

“After hearing what we did, I don’t want to even think about food.” Cloudy Sky’s imagination had made what the older cadets had recounted all too vivid in his mind, making his stomach sour at the idea of eating. While it was a nice bit of news, when they walked in to the squad room, the tension in the air was thick with some of their fellow recruits eyeing them suspiciously from afar.

The talk was very low and scattered among the other recruits as Solar Flare and Firebolt led their group silently over to their bunks to get ready for lights out. Walking to and from the latrines was unnerving for Gallus, feeling all those questioning eyes looking at him, judging him. Of his group of friends, he was the quickest at getting ready for bed, showering as fast as he could and getting back to his bunk.

When Wind Raider, Sunglow and the others returned to the barracks they turned their heads away from the BFFs direction and retired to their bunks, refusing to even acknowledge their presence. Their calm and cool demeanor left most wondering about the sudden change. They’d seen how Wind Raider ‘lost it’ and had to leave the rec room. Now, it was like it never even happened.

Razzle Dazzle’s bunk was right below Rainsong’s at the other end of the room and right next to Harmony Blues’ bunk. Though friendly with all the other recruits, she did feel the desire to stay with her new friends at the other end of the room who were understandably keeping their distance. Without a second thought, she went straight to her bunk and gathered up her few items from within the footlocker at the foot of her bunk and was about to head away.

“Razzle, no!” Rainsong softly scolded as she reached out to hook Razzle Dazzle’s foreleg with her own, wanting her not to act rashly.

Razzle Dazzle’s fellow recruits watched in silence, unsure of what to think of making such a decision after what they’d all learned about Wind Raider, Stormbringer and some of their cadets they had met. It was awkward to say the least.

“They said they were sorry for the insult; they didn’t mean it. They just didn’t know.” She addressed the looks she was getting from a few others nearby.

“Ignorance is not an excuse for disrespect.” A male pony spoke up, everyone in the barracks recognizing it as Wind Raider who said it. He slowly turned to look at Razzle Dazzle while sitting on his bunk, her coat standing on end from the deathly serious look in his eyes that held her motionless.

“Do you understand?” He was so calm and emotionless in his speech that Razzle Dazzle could only dumbly nod ‘yes’ in response, her hooves seemly glued to the spot where she stood from the gaze. She blinked her eyes a few times to snap out of the trance-like state she was in, returning to moving her possessions to the footlocker at the foot of the empty bunk below Gallus’.

The tension in the room still hung heavy in the air with the recruits preparing for bed. The guys let the ladies go ahead of them, still chivalrous at heart for their fellow female flyers.

Silverstream was heartbroken as several mares looked away from her as she passed by on her way to the showers. She read no anger or hostility from their expressions, only uncertainty and indifference at her presence, as if wondering if it was such a great idea of a hippogriff being here with them. Only Snowblossom was looking at Silverstream from her perch on her top bunk, right above Sunstrike’s. The hippogriff looked up for a second or so, able to read perfectly the words silently being transmitted by the pearly-white mare through her lavender eyes.

You shouldn’t have said that.

Silverstream looked even glummer, silently returning a look tyo Snowblossom that screamed remorse.

I know! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say that!

When in the latrine and washing up for bed, one of the girls already at a sink, moved down serval spots, not wanting to be near her while sharing the same space. The mare left the sink area without a word to her, as if Silverstream were invisible and not worth acknowledging. Sighing heavily, Silverstream washed up for bed, hearing the running water from the showers just on the other side of the low wall behind her. Splashing some water on her face and beak to rinse off the soap she was using, she looked up at the mirror in front of the sink she stood at to see Sunglow standing behind her, glowering. Silverstream stiffened; unsure of what was going to happen next and not bothering to dry herself with a towel just yet. Sunglow walked right up to confront her, her voice soft and lethal as she gently poked Silverstream in her chest with a forehoof.

“You’d best watch your ass from now on, missy, or you’re gonna wind up with a couple of broken wings if you don’t! Your kind isn’t welcome here so why don’t you do yourself a favor and make like a tree and get out of here!” Sunglow’s eyes burned with a fiery intensity of hate, her dislike for Silverstream on full display.

Even though Silverstream knew Sunglow meant ‘make like a tree and leave’, she didn’t want to provoke a fight by correcting her. Silverstream stood there, unmoving and afraid to say anything that might make this moment worse.

“Oh… okay.” It was all Silverstream could squeak out at that moment. Salvation came in the form of Brightstar entering the latrine to get red for bed, interrupting the conflict. The yellow mare with aqua-blue mane and tail instantly knew something was afoot between the hippogriff and Sunglow by the look on Silverstream’s face. She walked over to confront the two of them.

“Is there some kind of problem here?” She looked back and forth between the hippogriff and fellow pegisus, obviously interrupting some kind of conversation.

“No, just giving our little beaky friend here some good advice she should take to heart. That’s all.” Sunglow’s slightly mocking tone grated on Brightstar’s nerves, aware she was being lied to. Sunglow left the room, leaving Silverstream rattled and Brightstar suspicious of what happened. She turned to face Silverstream.

“What did she say to you, Silver? Did she threaten you? If she did, we need to tell-”

“N… no, she didn’t.” Silverstream avoided eye contact with Brightstar, wishing for the ugly moment to just be over and get into bed. Brightstar, suspecting there was more to the altercation between Sunglow and Silverstream, let it go for now. She would keep closer watch over Silverstream and Gallus. After this evening’s social blunder by the volunteers, she suspected there would be more hostility directed towards them.

Firebolt and the BFFs faced similar looks and soft mutterings as they walked past to and from the latrine. When the call to quarters came over the public address system, most of the recruits jumped into their bunks and a number of the overhead lights were turned off. The two remaining overhead lights, the ones over the BFF’s bunks remained on. The spoke very quietly for a few minutes more, trying to find a way through this rather uncomfortable situation with their fellow recruits.

The call of Taps rang out and the last overhead lights were suddenly turned off on the friends, causing them to quickly jump into their bunks and get under the blankets. Silverstream and Gallus lay silently in their bunks, wondering what the next days were going to be like for them. Everything they’d built up using what they’d learned at the School of Friendship felt in jeopardy. Insulting their hosts like they had was not tactful. It was going to take some serious reconciliation to win back some good will from the other recruits.

The squad room was deathly silent as the last strained notes hung in the air from the bugle call sounding outside. The stillness was only broken by a soft cough or two and the sound of a pony bodies moving in their bunks for a more comfortable position before a single male voice spoke.

“Have a good night’s sleep, ‘griffs!” Every flyer in the room knew it was Wind Raider who spoke, aiming his remark at the two non-pony volunteers.

Neither one answered back, not wanting to make a problem worse by speaking up. Needless to say, the night past exceedingly slowly for the hippogriff and the griffon, guessing what would come in the morning and what could be done to undo whatever damage they might have done. This would take all the friendship lesson learning they had to make this right again.

Author's Note:

I hope every pony enjoyed this chapter; it was a huge effort to do this chapter at putting both Gallus and Silverstream in a social situation where they could slip up and cause a rift between their fellow recruits and the BFFs to emerge. I especially wanted both Gallus and Silverstream to hear and learn about what the pony nation experienced and how that the war with the Storm King and his Stormguards was neither glamorous nor exciting. I believed using actual accounts from American veterans would be the best way to convey the horrors and trauma of what some of the academy cadets, and the Wonderbolts too, must have gone through. I wanted a heavy dose of realism in the recounting by the cadets to the BFFs and thought this was the best way. Nothing makes for better FanFiction then actual history, reused/repurposed for a story like this. Why make it up when such circumstances actually happened to soldiers in the theater of conflict. There's still more to come so please like & follow along by placing this story in you library. Thanks.