• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 981 Views, 114 Comments

The Wonderbolt Academy's New Volunteers - Jay Watson

Silverstream and Gallus visit Wonderbolt Academy for the first time and get to participate in the Academy tryouts.

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CH.8 pt.c) A Great Generation

“That was some A-one prime chow they served us tonight. Better than a lot of mess hall food I’ve eaten in my time, I can tell you.” Brightstar had had enjoyed the meal and quiet company she had with her friends, getting to talk with Silverstream a little more about where she was from.

“Didn’t think the cadets here ate this good.” Cloudy Sky popped a last bit of cake in his mouth as he followed his friends outside, leaving the mess hall behind and heading along a flagstone path away from the building.

“I could get used to it. I think it’s better than some of my mother’s cooking.” Nightflight laughed to himself, remembering his mom’s kitchen mishaps. “So, where are we headed to now?”

“The memorial site is just over to the left of the main office building on a small field.” Solar Flare pointed it out to them, down a path a short distance and on the other side of a small rise.

“Let’s go.” Silverstream was first to get on her way, sure she could see it now without feeling like she was interrupting another flyer’s private moment. The walk was short enough; cresting the small rise in the landscape, the group was met by an enormous pair of outstretched pegasus wings carved from pure white marble, spread out as if to launch into the air.

In a small park-like spot were several stone benches where one could sit and look upon the monument. The friends stepped onto the memorial’s grounds to look upon the crafted memory of time frozen.

In the clearing as well were several cadets, looking up at the stone’s polished surfaces, to the engraved names of those remembered. The last sunrays of light streamed beams of red, orange and yellow from behind the memorial, bathing the white reflective stone with a halo of glowing heavenly radiance. Together they moved closer and saw the names immortalized for the ages. Firebolt and Solar Flare stood by Silverstream and Gallus, looking up at the names in silence.

Nightflight, Cloudy Sky, and Brightstar started at the end of the right wing to read the names and titles of each group that was lost. Nightflight recited several of the squadron’s names etched in the marble surface.

“The Thirty-First Flyer Group; the ‘Golden Pegasi’, the Seventy-First Flyer Group; the ‘Sky Runners’, the Twenty-Eighth Flyer Group; ‘Cloudsdale’s Guard of Honor’.” Cloudy Sky and his friends walked slowly along, taking in the magnitude of the monument. For some of the friends, those who were of military disposition, it was a mix of pride and sorrow to see and understand the sacrifice made. It moved them all.

Gallus silently read the names engraved into the stone’s surface; each one a story unto itself of bravery and sacrifice made. He wondered what it might have been like to stand alongside Princess Twilight and her friends and stand up to the Storm King. That feeling of standing tall and proud of who one was and not being afraid to give one’s all to protect and defend what one creature believes. Even to the point of giving one’s life for that belief.

“There’s over one hundred names engraved in the stone; so many selfless acts done to protect Equestria.” Firebolt gazed up at the monument, the pride of service to her homeland swelling her heart. Her family had served for many years and so would she. Her glory lay ahead in a future of fealty in service to her princesses, both current and ascending, and to her homeland.

“All gave some; some gave all.” Solar Flare read the engraving above the dedication, feeling the deep sense of duty and loyalty from those who had gone on before them. He had no death wish, but believed these flyers would live on forever in the lore and history of the Wonderbolt Academy. He wondered if his name would be so venerated in years to come as a legendary flyer of Ponyville.

Silverstream’s eyes swept over the length of the monument, trying to take in its magnitude and meaning. The names of so many ponies that had perished engraved in the stone; they had gone through just as much if not more as her own kind had.

In war there is enough pain, suffering and misery for all species who stand up against oppression. There had been deaths and mourning among a number of hippogriff families for their fallen heroes as well, with the counterattack on occupied Canterlot. She could feel for these heroes immortalized in white marble, they were not so different than those of her homeland. The enemy had been a mutual one.

Gallus moved a little closer to Silverstream, wondering what she must be thinking right then.

“This is quite something to see, wouldn’t you say?” An unfamiliar moment of silence between the two friends.

“Yes,” Silverstream spoke very quietly, “it is. Back home at Mount Aris, we have something like this in honor of our fallen warriors as well, though it is a good deal smaller than this one.”

She kept looking up at the names on the stone surface, wondering who they had been. These brave souls were the best of Equestria’s best and they had set a great precedent for all those who followed about those principles taught at the academy and how a real Wonderbolt shows their loyalty and courage when called to arms.

She stood up straight and tall, as if addressing a superior officer. Silverstream saluted the names of the service ponies who had helped free her country from the Storm King’s reign of fear.

“Thank you, good ponies, for your service to us all.” Her words, spoken loud and clear, were overheard by those cadets who were there too. Solar Flare watched their reactions to seeing a hippogriff showing a proper military salute to another species of flyer. Firebolt had been keeping an eye on them, just in case they were going to come over and start something.

But any look of displeasure at seeing Silverstream here was gone in a flash at her show of respect for their fallen comrades. Looks of bewilderment and hushed words shared between the cadets caught the griffon’s attention away from the monument. He chose to extend the moment by adding his own salute to hers.

The two cadets were astounded. A hippogriff and a griffon saluting a monument dedicated to pegasi? This was most perplexing to them. The griffon could see out of his peripheral vision the looks of confusion on the cadets’ faces. If he had wanted to send a message that he and others like him were aware of the sacrifice and honored those who had fallen, he had succeeded. Something like this just might change some minds about non-pony flyers being here for the trials.

He recalled the words spoken by Commander Spitfire when he first arrived here, seeing the light of what she’d said.

“…you can be more than just another flyer. You can become Wonderbolts!”

Cloudy Sky was touched by the fitting monument to those who had perished in the battle. He stood next to Brightstar, a question on his mind he wanted to ask his friend, just not sure how to ask tactfully.

“I… I don’t suppose you actually knew any of them, did you?”

“I knew a few of them. Their families were living at the same housing complex as mine on a few of the bases we were living on. I didn’t know them very well, since they were all older than me and I only saw them sometimes on weekends. I knew a few of their siblings better, they were in the same school as me that we went to on the base.”

“Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t mean-” Cloudy Sky began but Brightstar stopped him.

“You don’t have to apologize, Cloudy. It’s something everypony who serves in the military has to accept. The danger is part of the job. We know the risks involved but I appreciate your sentiment.” She reached out and gave him a friendly pat on his back with her wing.

Cloudy Sky felt honored to have met a mare like Brightstar. Her steadiness under pressure was admirable, as was her determination to succeed. He would make her and their friends proud of him by giving it all that he had for these trials. To do any less then that would be insulting to these heroes and heroines enshrined here, and to a future heroine like Brightstar.

For about an hour or so, the friends sat and contemplated the depth and meaning of the monument in quiet reflection, observing the other ponies that came and left who paid their respects as well.

“I thought I might find you here after mealtime.” A mare’s voice brought Firebolt out of her thoughts and into the present. She and Solar Flare turned around to see a familiar cadet walking up to meet them. Nightflight and the others walked over to say hello to Gale Force again.

“Hey guys, whatcha up to?” asked Gale.

“We were just curious to see the monument. None of us had the opportunity to see it until this evening.” That was a bald-faced lie and Firebolt knew it, but there was no need to make more of this then necessary. It was something between her, Silverstream and Solar Flare and neither of them called her out on it.

“And what do our volunteer flyers think of it? I am curious to know.” It wasn’t out of meanness or spite she asked, only that she was not expecting them to be here at the memorial.

“Very inspiring for me. There’s a lot for the academy to be proud of engraved on those stones.” Gallus’ words came from the heart. It came from respect and maybe even a bit of awe drawn from his stroll through the school this afternoon as well. Gale cracked a smile, pleased to hear him so influenced by this place.

“It’s quite lovely. Very peaceful.” It was all Silverstream could come up with. The normally chatty hippogriff didn’t know what to say that would convey any more feeling without it seeming like she was overdoing it. Gale didn’t miss the look in Silverstream’s eyes. There was an honesty and purity that said so much more than her few words. Gale could see Silverstream understood what the academy meant and what this memorial represented to the pegasus ponies here.

“I’m glad you find it so. I’ve come out here more than a few times to find some quiet time to think.” Solar Flare covered his mouth as he yawned.

“Excuse me. I was planning on turning in early tonight. This was a hard day for me and I’m sure tomorrow won’t be any easier.” The soft-spoken stallion rubbed his tired lavender eyes with the back of a foreleg, weary from the day’s grind.

“Any of you feel like visiting the rec room for a while? You can meet the other recruits and some of the cadets there if you’d like.” Gale tried enticing her new acquaintances.

“Wait,” Gallus wasn’t sure if he had heard her correctly, “a wreck room? What’s that? You cadets have a special room to go smash things up in?” His cluelessness made everyone laugh a little.

“No, not ‘wreck room’ like in smashing stuff. I mean a ‘recreation room’; our place to hang out and have some fun away from class. There’s a juice bar if you guys want something sweet to drink, and we just got a new air-hockey table. We were thinking of doing a tournament tonight. Anypo-” Gale caught herself, remembering how she’d misspoken before.

“Anycreature want to join in?”

“I’ll go! I love air-hockey and you never know what cute mare may show up to cheer on a winner.” Nightflight didn’t hesitate. He was always ready to rub hooves with new ponies and meet a new girl.

“Maybe for just a little while.” Cloudy Sky wanted to see more of cadet life here on campus. When he passed the trials, he wanted to feel more familiar with the surroundings.

“Better watch yourself, Nightflight,” Brightstar cracked her hooves in anticipation of a little friendly competition of another sort, shooting him a rather mischievous look, “you never know who’s going to show up to play.”

Gale was pleased with her efforts. “Cool! Three recruits joining in! This’ll make it interesting. How about you, Firebolt? Up for some fun?”

“No thanks. I’m pretty beat up too. I want to take a nice hot shower and be ready for tomorrow.” The fiery-maned pony politely declined, her full belly and weary limbs dictating her actions for the evening. Gale turned to the hippogriff and the griffon.

“Let me make it up to you both for acting like such a bonehead by introducing you to some of the cadets here. I know who’s cool to hang with and who to steer clear of.”

“Perhaps another night this week would be better. I am rather tired from the long day as well.” Silverstream demurred, using the same polite ‘royal’ lilt to her voice that she had used with Cloudjumper.

“Okay, but I’m going to call you on that, Silverstream. Count on it.” Gale warned with a wink, intending to get Silverstream to join in before the week was out.

“Give me at least one day’s rest up and I’ll take on all comers for a tournament.” Gallus was not one to back down from a challenge, even a friendly one like an air-hockey tournament. He wanted to join in, to be a part of this experience, but not when he felt so beaten up and spent from the day’s routine.

“That’s two recruits I’m holding to their word.” Gale turned to the three newbies next to her.

“C’mon. Let’s see if they’ve got the sign-in sheet figured out. Some of these featherbrains may fly okay but they sometimes can’t organize themselves out of a wet paper bag.”

“See you at reveille.” Solar Flare and his bunkmates waved as Gale led their friends off to the student lounge for some downtime.

“I call first dibs on the shower!” Firebolt yelped.

“Seconds!” Solar Flare was just as fast in calling dibs.

“Aww, shoot!” Gallus was annoyed at himself for not calling out quicker. He was so looking forward to that hot shower.
“You can go ahead of me, Gallus. I don’t mind waiting.” Silverstream offered.

“Eh, who cares?” said Gallus, mollified by her genericity. “I’ve been dirty all day, what’s a little while longer?”


Once back in the barracks the foursome shared, they peeled the smelly uniforms from their bodies, tossing them in the hamper by the door for the school service pony to pick up and launder.

“Oh-h-h-h!” Gallus groaned wearily as he flopped face first onto his bunk and pillow, unconcerned by how lumpy or thin it was. Just getting off his paws and talons was wonderful.

“You said it! This shower is going to feel awesome.” Firebolt pitched her soiled uniform from across the room with a toss from her wing, rebounding it off the wall and getting it in the hamper. “Score! Oh yeah, who’s the best?” she hooted, shutting the door to the bathroom behind her with a kick from a hind hoof.

Each of them got to indulge in a lengthy shower, with Gallus taking over an hour for his. Clean, relaxed and now each adorned in their pajamas, the foursome sat atop their bedding and chatted about today’s experiences. Gallus recounted his and Cloudy Sky’s sojourn into the classroom building with the two cadets they’d met at lunch. The tale made them all squirm in discomfort from those three mares’ ignorant comments.

“You know Firebolt and I don’t feel that way about you or Silverstream.” Solar Flare was embarrassed to know that fellow ponies could be so clueless and misinformed.

“Ignore them; they’re just idiots.” Firebolt snorted, annoyed that her friend had had to put up with such harassment, even worse, coming from cadets.

“I know. I just wish they could be more like you two. I just don’t get how it could be so weird like this; guys like Wind Raider and Stormbringer at one end and then you, Firebolt, Brightstar and the others at the opposite end.”

“You seemed to make a good impression with Cloudjumper and Gale Force easy enough. I’m sure in another day or so, everypony else will come around to you both. Word will get around campus about how a newbie hippogriff beat an academy record of a Wonderbolt.”

Silverstream had almost forgotten about that from this morning. The whole day’s workout had been intense and her mind had been distracted enough to push aside the recollection of her achievement.

“You think so?” Silverstream wanted to believe that. After hearing some of the things the cadets had said to her and Gallus, she wondered if they or any other non-pony flyer could be accepted here.

“This place runs on so much ego from the cadets. The moment some student does something that grabs the student body’s attention for five minutes, they suddenly become a hero and adored, until the next thing comes along. It wouldn’t surprise me if by lunch tomorrow some of the cadets start asking for your autograph.” Firebolt rolled her eyes a little with a small shake of her head.

A bugle call came across from the public address system outside, puzzling Gallus.

“Another call? This late?” Gallus looked to Silverstream and Firebolt for an answer.

“It’s the Call to Quarters; all cadets and recruits have to return to their dormitories or barracks for the night. Soon they’ll play Taps and that’ll be lights out.” Firebolt knew these calls like the back of her hoof. She, like Brightstar, had grown up in a military family.

“I’m ready for lights out now.” Gallus yawned once more, his eyelids heavy from the long day. He slipped under the bedding, giving a big sigh of relief to be lying down at last. Both Silverstream and Firebolt did likewise, ready for some well-earned rest.

“I’ll get the lights.” Solar Flare hopped off his cot and flipped the switch by the doorway, plunging the small living space into darkness. Once under his blankets, he felt his whole body relax at last.

“G’night you guys.” Solar Flare snuggled down into his pillow, finding just the right position to get comfortable in.

“G’night,” three voices answered back. So exhausted were they that none were awake when the call of Taps came over the public address system, signaling the end of a day here at the Wonderbolt Academy. Tomorrow, they would have to soldier on through the trials and prove themselves once more to their drill instructors and their peers.

Author's Note:

Hi everypony. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter; having both non-pony flyers visit the memorial was important to me; I wanted both Silverstream and Gallus to honor Rainbow Dash's peers and remember those who fought for Equestria's freedom. It's never really mentioned if the Storm King was successful in overtaking Griffonstone or if they were next on his target list. Word will get around the academy quick after this scene and the two non-pony flyers will meet more of their flying peers in a more social situation. Who know what shenanigans will ensure. Tune in for more.