• Published 3rd Jul 2019
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Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

  • ...

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Chapter 7: Wisdom of the Elders

“Oh, Luke,” the sexy redhead moaned. “You’re so big.”

“That I am,” I replied as her hands slid across my back.

I closed my eyes, to bury my muzzle into her neck as I squeezed her tight ass.

Which, for some reason felt... scaly?

I opened my eyes, fighting off sleep, to find out why, only to see cyan scales.

“Ah!” Ember screamed in my ear and threw me off the bed.

I landed with a painful thud.

“Dafuq? What happened?”

Ember yelled. “I thought I said no funny business.”

I looked up to see Ember glaring down at me, face bright red. “Wait, were we on my side of the bed?”

Ember looked around, the realization sinking in. “Yeah, well... first of all, it’s my bed, so every side is my side. And second, you were grabbing my butt!”

I felt my own face heat up. “I didn’t mean to. I was... having a dream.”

“I can see that,” she replied, her gaze flicking down to my groin.

I quickly shifted to hide indecency. “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to, I swear.”

Her eyes softened slightly, but the blush remained, if not quite as bad. “Fine, it was an accident. But your sleeping somewhere else from now on.”

I let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, well, obviously. I’m going to that town you mentioned before today, right?”

“Oh... yeah... right.” I didn’t need my spirit senses to tell that she was feeling down all the sudden. And it didn’t take a genius to figure out why.

“Of course, there’s really no rush,” I said. “I mean, that town will be there next week, right? Maybe I can hang out here, with you for a bit?”

Ember looked up at me with stars in her eyes. “Really?!”

And then quickly forced her ‘tough girl’ mask back on. “I mean, yeah, sure. That might be cool.”

I smiled. “Yeah, besides, I want to help you figure out what this ‘legacy’ is.”

“Oh, right,” Ember said.

“First things first, though,” I said. “Shouldn’t you introduce me to your father? I’m not sure how it is with dragons, but among my kind, a father might get a little... protective if he finds some strange male in his daughter’s home.”

Ember waved it off. “Nah, dad’s just as likely to squish you if I introduce you to him as if he found you in my cave when I’m not here.”

“Oh, well that makes me feel safe and secure,” I said, injecting as much sarcasm into my mind-voice as I could. “Whatever, I’m going to go find me some food. You want anything?”

“Nah, I’m good,” Ember said.

“Alright, be back in a bit.”

And with that, I leaped down the mountain and ran back into the woods.

The whole time, I couldn't get the feel of Ember's ass out of my mind.

Ember waited until Luke was out of sight before she started to climb further up the volcano.

There were no paths, much to her frustration, but her claws were good for clinging to the volcanic stone of the mountain. As such, it wasn’t too difficult to make it to another cave entrance near the top.

She took a deep breath and stepped inside.

“Hello?” she called. “It’s me, Ember. Are you here, Star?”

“Ah,” a powerful, yet motherly voice echoed out. “I was starting to worry, young one.”

Another dragon stepped out. She was, in a word, ancient. Her pale white scales seemed dry and cracked in places, and her horns were worn to mere nubs. Her eyes, however, still held that spark of life.

“I was worried something...” The dragon’s smile vanished when she got a good look at Ember, seeing the scars across her body and tattered wing. “Something did happen.”

Ember’s eyes went to the floor. “Yeah, I was attacked by this big thing that looked like a cat, but with scales.”

“A dingonek?!” Star exclaimed, surprise evident in her tone. “However did you survive? Those beasts are relentless, powerful, and fireproof. Forgive me, but I can’t imagine you defeating one.”

Ember grumbled a little at that. She wanted to say that she only got beat because it snuck up on her, but she learned long ago that if Star said something it was likely true.

“I didn’t,” Ember admitted. “I was saved.”

Hearing that, the ancient dragon not only calmed down, but found herself quite intrigued. “By who?”

“That’s where things get a little weird,” And so, Ember told the elder dragon about everything that transpired in and beneath the forest, skimming over most of the boring stuff.

“... but, I guess they didn’t like the sun, because they didn’t chase us far after we got outside. After that, it was an easy trip back here.”

Star lounged on the floor, eyes closed as she absorbed what Ember told her.

“So, I figured if any dragon knows anything about this ‘legacy’ and that dragon in those ruins, it would be you,” Ember explained.

Star, however, started laughing, much to Ember’s surprise and irritation.

“I fail to see what’s so funny?” Ember growled.

Star wiped a tear from her eye and answered, “Congratulations, girl, you’ve found the one story older than me.”

“But, nothing’s older than you!” Ember said before she realized it and clamped her claws over her mouth.

Star just laughed harder. “That’s only mostly true, little Ember. This is one of the few that are. It was a story my mother used to tell me about the great dragon kingdom, Wyr, and the dragon sorcerers that ruled.”

“The diamond throne,” Ember muttered. “That wasn’t just some crazy dragon I met, was it?”

Star smiled. “No, I don’t believe so. I believe you met the last dragon empress, Empress Aurora.”

“Empress? But, she was so small, barely taller than me.” Ember’s brow furrowed in confusion. “There’s no way she could have been an empress. She was tiny. Some other dragon would have took it from her.”

Star replied, “Did you ever wonder why the Bloodstone Scepter is so small, when it’s held by the biggest and strongest?”

Ember had to admit, she had found it strange. It was actually rather comical seeing her father holding something so important that looked like a toothpick in his claws.

“That is because it was forged by the dragon sorcerers of old to be used not by the biggest, but the most magically powerful. As dragons age, we grow. However, the way we grow depends on the path we take. Those who follow the path of the body, grow in body. Those who follow the path of the sorcerer, grow in magic

“If you wish to follow the sorcerer’s path, you will not grow much larger than you are now, if at all, yet even a dragon as mighty as your father would be nothing but an irritating fly next to your power.”

Ember let that soak in for a while. “We were really that powerful?”

Star chuckled. “Who do you think moved the sun and moon before ponies came into their own magic?”

“So... I can learn magic? Like the ponies?” Ember asked.

“Not quite like the ponies, no,” Star said. “What you can do with it are the same, but how it is used is quite different.

“Where ponies use spells using formulae and books, dragon magic is pure will. However, you will have to understand how something works if you wish to affect it. That is something I can teach, if you wish.”

Ember sat and thought for a bit, before she asked, “Mind if I sleep on it?”

“Take all the time you need.” Star assured. “Besides, I want to talk about this Luke.”

“Wh-what about him?” Ember asked, dreading that she knew the answer already.

Star gave Ember an evil grin. “Well, you have a male staying in your cave, a moon from the Gathering.”

Ember growled, even as she blushed. “Why did I know your mind was going to go there? I swear, you’re such a perv! He’s not even a dragon!”

“First I’m not a perv, I’m old and living vicariously through you,” Star corrected, “and second, who cares what he is. He’s strong and cares for you. Plus with how much magic he seems to have, you might even be able to have an egg together, regardless.”

Ember brushed a claw down her face. “I Swear, first Luke grabs my butt, now this. This day couldn't-”

“Oh, he did, did he?” Star asked with a huge grin.

I was humming a jaunty tune, happy that I had found a nice size boar so soon into my trip. Add onto that the mint I spotted during the chase and I was looking forward to-

My ears perked up and birds scattered as a roar echoed down through the forest.

That almost sounded like Ember, I thought to myself. Nah, even she’s not that loud.

Star blinked from behind a wall of earthen spears. “Perhaps I should refrain from so much teasing until you get a better handle on your magic.”

Ember, meanwhile was looking on in horror. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to!”

“It’s find, child,” Star assured as she broke the spikes and tossed them over her shoulder. “I may be old, but I’m still spry enough to dodge a few sharp rocks.”

“But... what if you don’t next time?” Ember asked in a near panic. “What if I do something worse?”

“Calm yourself, Ember,” Star said. “Everything will be fine.”

Ember took a deep breath. “You’re right. Everything will be fine, because I’m not sleeping on this. I need to learn how to control this before I hurt someone I don’t want to.”

“That’s a shame,” Star said. “When Garble inevitably tries to get you in his cave come time for the Gathering, you could do unspeakable things to him and still have the excuse that you can't control it.”

Ember stopped and thought about that for a moment. “That is a good point, and certainly tempting, but you and Luke tend to annoy me, too, and I’d rather not hurt you.”

“Are you absolutely certain you wish to learn?” Star asked, her voice becoming very serious.

“Yes,” Ember replied. “But, I have to wonder, how do you know how to teach me? You don’t have magic, do you?”

“No, child,” Star answered. “At least not like you. I do have a form of magic, but it is turned within. It’s how I’ve lived longer even that a dragon’s natural lifespan by many centuries. My mother was the last of the dragon sorcerers, and it is thanks to her that I know how it works.

“We’ll start now, with a lesson on how to keep from using your magic accidently,” Star said. “After that, I would like to meet this Luke.”

I walked up towards Ember’s cave with my boar slung over my shoulder.

“I thought I heard you talking to someone,” I broadcast my voice to both Ember and her other guest.

“Ah, you must be Luke,” the other dragon greeted.

She was much bigger than Ember, but not as big as I imagines a full grown dragon to be. At least, I figured she was full grown. She did look rather old, though again, just a guess.

“I am,” I greeted. “And to whom do I have the pleasure?”

The older dragon gave Ember a mischievous grin, “My, he’s a polite one. You can call me Star. I’m something of a... what’s the term? Godmother to little Ember here.”

“Ah,” I gave a little bow. “I’m glad to make your acquaintance.”

“Really, Luke?” Ember gave me a flat stare. “Where was all that polite junk when we were traveling together?”

“We’re friends, we don’t have to be polite to each other,” I stated.

Star just laughed. “Oh, my. You two really are just adorable together.”

Ember facepalmed. “Darn it, Star, can you lay off it, already?”

“Oh, fine. You’re just so cute when your angry,” Star said to Ember before turning to me. “Isn’t she cute when she’s angry.”

I grinned. “Absolutely adorable.”

“I will hurt you,” Eber said, plainly.

Star chuckled and said to me, “I would like to thank you for saving her life and healing her. There aren’t many that can face a dingonek and survive. You must be very powerful.”

“Well, I just used my head and managed to knock it into a ravine.”, I explained. “I’m not even sure it’s dead.”

“Well, regardless, you saved her. However, something Ember told me has me curious. Tell me, what was the gift that you were granted?” Star asked.

I had to stop and think for a few seconds to know what she meant. “Ah, she already told you about our little adventure. I’m not sure what it was. She said something of a ‘Steel Soul’, but I don’t know what that means.”

Star gave a little snort of amusement. “Yes, my mother always said the Empress loved being dramatic. That’s just a title, and I doubt it has much, if any, relation to your gift.”

Well, that was one clue as to what she did to me gone.

“Ember said you suddenly gained an ability that you claim you were already able to do but did not know how.”

“Yes, I did,” I focused on my power and drew it out into a staff of energy. “It’s called ‘bone rush’.”

The elder dragon hummed in thought as she examined the glowing staff. “And here Ember said you used psychic abilities.”

I blinked in surprise. “But... I do... don’t I?”

Star laughed. “You really are a stranger to your own body, aren’t you? No, this is not psychic power. This is Aura.”

“Aura?” I had to admit, the name did sound familiar. Did they call it that in that movie Leo was watching? And when I thought about it, I think Smash called that psi-ball thing something like Aura Ball or Aura Sphere.

“Yes, Aura,” Star confirmed. “It is the power of the soul. I can understand your mistake. Many of the traits of Aura can be similar to psychic abilities. For example, your ability to speak without speaking. Normally, when one thinks of telepathy, they think of a psychic linking their mind to another. With Aura, however, you link your soul.”

I stood there, stunned by this. It made sense, to be honest. I always used it the same as I would qi. Qi is from the spirit, not the mind. I felt rather stupid for not realizing it before.

“How do you know all this?” I asked.

She just looked at me with a knowing smile as a voice echoed in my head, “Did you think you’re the only one?”

Author's Note:

Edit: Woo! Chapter got featured!

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