• Published 3rd Jul 2019
  • 17,965 Views, 1,922 Comments

Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

  • ...

Chapter 56: Hail to the Queen

Author's Note:

So, this is going to be the last chapter for a bit. Since I'm so far ahead in the timeline, I want to give Symphonicdysonince a chance to catch up. For the time being, I'll be focusing on Chaotic Harmony, so if you still want to read some of my work and haven't already, go check it out.

Also, I'm broke. Gimme money. https://www.patreon.com/Shirotora

“You seriously couldn’t wait an hour after getting home to bang the new girl, could you?” Ember asked as she walked in the room.

“In my defense, it was all Smolder’s idea,” I stated.

“Hey, don’t throw me under the boulder, here,” Smolder said. “You loved it.”

“You did like it, didn’t you?” Occelus asked, still wearing Smolder’s form, a little uncertain.

I chuckled. “I did. You were great.”

Occelus sighed in relief. “I’m glad. The last time I has sex was with some minotaur in an alley in Manehattan. And that was a month and two or three moons ago. I was worried I was out of practice.”

“Is that where you got that minotaur form you were using to help load the train?” Smolder asked.

“That’s right,” Occelus said.

“Okay, can you turn back to normal?” Ember asked. “It’s confusing trying to keep track of which one of you is which.”

I looked at my son in Ember’s arms, “You know which one’s Auntie Smolder, don’t you?”

Ju-Long jumped out of her arms and right into Smolder’s.

“Yeah, you know who’s who, huh,” Smolder said, hugging him close as he snuggled into her chest.

<”That’s my boy,”> I said, aloud, scritching his ear-fin.

“So, he probably has that aura sense thing you have. You think he’ll be able to understand you, too?” Ember asked.

“Maybe. We’ll find out one day,” I said. “I’m still worried he’ll only be able to speak in pokespeak.” I shook my head and sighed. “Well, we won’t know until he starts talking, so there’s no point getting worked up over it just yet.”

“So, did it work?” Smolder asked Occelus, changing the subject to something less stressful. “Can you turn into a lucario?”

Occelus closed her eyes, as if focusing on something. “I... should be able to. Yeah, let’s try this.”

Occelus was engulfed in green flame as her Smolder form was replaced with that of a rather beautiful black, blue, and cream jackal pokemon.

“Hey! It worked!” Smolder cheered.

Occelus smiled as she looked herself over, before looking up at us and saying, <“Snorkel him duck!”>

Smolder and Ember looked at me as Ember asked, “What did she say?”

Occelus looked at them in confusion and said, <“Plus from racked will?”>

I looked at them and said, “I have no idea.”

Smolder looked upset at me. “What do you mean? She’s talking that pokespeak thing you do.”

“Yeah, but it’s complete gibberish... let me try something,” I said before speaking out loud. <“Do you understand me?”>

She looked at me in confusion before digging a claw into her ear and motioning for me to try again.

<“Do you understand me, now?”> I asked again.

In another flash of green, she was back to her normal self. “That was... an interesting experience.”

“What happened?” Ember asked.

“I don’t know,” Occelus replied. “I was speaking normally... or at least I was to myself. Then when Luke spoke... It was like he was speaking an entirely different language. I didn’t recognize a single word he said.”

“Really? Because you were speaking real words, they just all seemed random,” I said. “This... could be important. I’ll have to write a letter to Lyra and Vinyl, to let them know about this. It might help with their work on the translator.”

Occelus beamed as she said, “I gotta say, even with the communication issues, that form is incredible. My empathy is so much stronger and more precise. I could feel emotions from rocks!”

I chuckled at that. “That wasn’t emotions you were feeling, it was aura. Aura changes based on one’s emotions, but it isn’t actual emotion.”

“What exactly is aura?” Occelus asked. “I’ve heard you mention it, but I always thought it was just emotional energy. It's so much more, though, isn't it?”

I smiled. “Aura is what gives a Lucario his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.”

Occelus listened, enraptured by my wise words.

Ember just snickered.

“Does that mean we actually feed on aura, not emotion?” Occelus asked. “That actually makes sense. Your aura is much more tangible than something as esoteric as emotion. Further, does that mean we can learn how to use aura abilities like you do?”

“That’s a good question,” I said, pondering how much changelings could do. “Well, let’s find out, shall we. Take a lucario form. We’ll see if I can teach you aura-speak. Once you understand how it works in a lucario form, you can try to replicate it in your base form.”

Occelus took on the form of a lucario, again. I had to take a moment to admire her form. I had never actually seen a female lucario, and I found myself attracted to things that I never thought I would, like the narrowness of her snout, or the way her spikes shine.

“Do we need to give you some time?” Ember said with a smirk.

I cleared my throat. “S-sorry. Anyway...”

“Can... he... e?” Occelus struggled to say.

“Almost. Try again,” I encouraged.

Occelus stared at me, focusing intently. “Can you hear me, now?”

I let out a cheer. “You got it!”

“This isn’t ea... to do,” she said, slipping just a bit.

“It took me a bit before it became second nature for me, too, and I already had experience in using aura. You’ll get it,” I assured her. Granted, it wasn’t exactly aura I had experience with, but the fundamentals of chi were practically the same.

“Then I’ll ...ep this form unt... I can do it by in...inct,” Occelus struggled to say.

“It might be a good idea to change your coat color so others don’t mistake you for me,” I recommended.

“...od idea.” Fire washed over her, leaving the previously blue part of her fur a light pink. “No.” She tried a light teal. “Bet..., but still no.” Finally, she tried gold-blonde. “I like ....”

“Yeah, I do, too,” I said. “Now, go on about your day, only speaking with aura until you’re no longer cutting out.”

“Yes, sir,” Occelus said, far too formal for my taste. “I have s... things to take care .... I’ll talk to you ...er.”

“Actually, if you have important stuff to do, you shouldn’t use that form. Practice when you’re having casual conversations, not important ones.”

In a flash of green, she was back in her normal form. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Thanks!”

Ju-Long giggled as I blew raspberries on his tummy, arms and legs kicking wildly. “Who’s a silly baby?” I did it again, getting an even louder giggle. “You are, aren’t you?”

“Watch out he doesn’t grab your head thingies,” Ember said from the bed, where she watched us.

I looked at her and said, “I think I can handle anything he throws at-” I let out a yelp as one of my head things was yanked.

“Told you,” Ember said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, okay. Give daddy back his dreadlock,” I pleaded, only for the cheeky little guy to decide to give it a taste.

“Baby dragons often like to chew on their parents' horns,” Ember explained as she got up and walked toward us. “He probably thinks that’s what those are.” She leaned down and picked up our son, holding him at her shoulder like a human would to burp a baby, and he immediately latched onto her horn.

“But why, though?” I asked.

Ember shrugged. “Heck if I know. It’s just a thing baby dragons do. If they want to so bad, it’s probably for a reason, though.”

“True enough, I suppose,” I said. “You know, you’re a good mother.”

Ember rolled her eyes. “Uh, yeah, I’m awesome at everything.”

“I kinda want another,” I said.

Ember chuckled. “Not this month. Let’s make sure we can handle this one, first.”

“You know, Smolder’s considering asking if I can give her one, sometime,” I said.

“I know. We already talked about it,” Ember said. “I told her I’m fine with it, as long as you are.”

“I’m not sure,” I said. “Sex is one thing, fathering her child is something else. It feels wrong to have a kid with someone that isn’t my mate.”

“Well, you won’t have to worry about that for a while,” Ember said. “She won’t ask for a while. Probably not for a year, maybe even two.”

I reached over and gently took my now sleeping son from Ember. “I definitely want another.”

Ember watched us, obviously in thought about something. “I kinda wish I could give you a baby lucario. Maybe your friend in Ponyville can? I... would allow that, if she’s willing.”

I sighed as I got up and headed to the crib. “As nice as that would be, it would be an eevee. With pokemon, the offspring is always the same species as the mother. I’m pretty sure that’s why Ju-long is a dragon.”

I stroked his head as I laid him down and tucked him in.

“What about Occelus? She can turn into a lucario. Maybe it’s possible to for her?” Ember said.

I chuckled as I climbed back into bed, peppering her face and neck with kisses. “I doubt it’ll work, but I wouldn’t mind trying. She’s pretty sexy like that.”

Ember chuckled, “Of course you would. You’re my little horn dog.”

I leaned in to put my arms around her and laid her back, kissing her deeply as I said, “And you're my sexy dragon.”

After many long weeks of preparations and building, it was finally time to make it official. Representatives from all over were set to arrive soon to witness Occelus officially take the throne as queen of the New Dragonian Changelings and swear fealty to Ember and I.

Ember, Occelus and I, along with Ju-Long in my arms, watched as Blueblood’s private yacht pulled into the airship dock alongside Castle Drakenhiem.

A little further down the mountain, another Equestrian airship docked at the civilian dock. A part of me wished I could be there so I could see the reporters react to the changelings working down there.

“Welcome to New Dragonia,” Ember greeted our guests.

“Oh, my. This really is impressive,” Celestia said as she looked up at the imposing castle. “The entire place is completely unrecognizable. You really are elevating your people, Empress Ember. I am impressed.”

“Thanks, Princess,” Ember said. “It’s still a work in progress, but we’re getting there.”

Celestia turned to Occelus with a warm smile. “And here is the soon-to-be queen. Nervous?”

“There is no word for how terrified I am,” Occelus replied, doing a damn fine job hiding that fact, though I could feel it when I was close enough.

“Mayhaps we should ask Pinkie Pie for a word?” Luna offered. “She has quite the talent for such things. Luke, Abes sends his apologies that he could not come. He is, unfortunately, indisposed.”

“That's understandable,” I replied. “I’m honestly surprised that both of you were able to come.”

"Neither of us wanted to miss the opportunity to see this castle Ember spoke of," Celestia said. "Besides, it is our hope that by showing our support for the changelings here, not only will our ponies be more willing to accept them, but those changelings still loyal to Chrysalis, or even Chrysalis, herself, might consider pursuing harmony, as well."

"Huh, I didn't even think of that," Ember said. She turned to Occelus and asked. "You think your old queen would do that?"

"Oh, absolutely not. Not ever. She's way too spiteful and proud," Occelus said, without hesitation. "So long as she's out there, she'll be plotting against everyone she feels is responsible for her failure in Canterlot. I would guess the main focuses of her vengeance will be myself, Twilight Sparkle, and the eevee pack. Possibly Shining Armor and Cadence, too, but she'll likely consider them to be too much of a hassle to get to and focus her fury on the rest of us."

Celestia hid her sudden spike of fear as well as she always did. "I see. I shall have a message sent to warn Twilight immediately."

"Oh, there's no need to rush," Occelus said. "She'll wait until things calm down and everyone has had a chance to forget about her."

"So, she isn't as foolish as her poorly considered attack made her seem," Luna observed. "Strange then that she did not see the folly of her assault."

"Enough about such topics," Celestia said. "This is a joyous occasion. Have any other leaders arrived yet?"

"Gulliver, and Zandu," Ember said. "They're getting the tour, now, from one of my assistants."

“We aren't expecting many others, if any, so why don't I give you your own tour?” I offered.

"Are we expecting anyone from the East?" Celestia asked.

I shook my head. “No. Someone's been stirring up trouble and most of the leaders there have been busy dealing with that.”

Celestia felt worried. "Perhaps I should send a letter to my old friend. That can wait. We can't wait to see inside this… interesting castle."

"By 'interesting' she means it looks like the kind of place Grogar would have called home," Luna said with a chuckle.

There was a much bigger crowd than I anticipated. Of course, I expected the few hundred changelings that were sitting at the front, even if it did look like there were fifty more than there was yesterday.

I also expected the dozen or so griffins, zebras, horses, and even the pair of Abyssinians.

The same could be said for the hundred or so dragons. Not just local dragons, but representatives of the eastern and southern kingdoms as well.

Where I was surprised was the number of ponies that were in attendance. Not only that, but the fact that there were surprisingly few that were outright hostile toward the changelings. There was fear and suspicion, sure, but it was outweighed by hopefulness, relief, and excitement.

There were a couple dozen protesting the acceptance of the changelings into New Dragonia, but they were mostly ignored. For some reason some ponies believed Celestia could order us to exile the changelings. Not that she would even if she did have that authority.

“Occelus,” Ember began, her voice being carried by magic to all present. “Ever since you led your fellow Changelings against your queen in defense of Canterlot and the ponies that call it home, your people have looked to you for leadership and guidance.

“Not only have you already proven to your people that you are a worthy leader, you have shown us, as well. You have taken charge and have guided your people as they rebuild here.

"Because of all of this, not only have your people recognized you as their ruler, but so have we." Ember turned to the gathered leaders. "Who here acknowledges Occelus?"

Celestia spoke up first, "Equestria acknowledges."

Gulliver was next. "Griffonia acknowledges."

Zandu was next. "Zebrica knows little of you and yours, though we trust our allies. As such, Zebrica acknowledges."

Next was the delegate from Saddle Arabia. "Saddle Arabia hesitantly acknowledges. Do not make us regret this."

Finally, the Abyssinians. "Abyssinia acknowledges."

Ember continued. "It's agreed. Occelus, kneel before the leaders of the world." Occelus did as she was told. "Occelus, do you swear to serve your people? Do you swear to watch after them and love them as if they were your own children? Will you protect them and fight for them until your last breath?"

Occelus didn't even hesitate to say, "I do swear."

"Then rise, and take your place at our side, as Occelus, Queen of the Changelings."

And rise she did. Quite literally. While glowing.

The crowd oo'd and ah'd and gasped and murmured and made every other amazed sound you can think of. We rulers, though, had been briefed.

When a new queen rises, she takes a new form, one that reflects who she is and her ideals, then those loyal to her take a form resembling that. For Chrysalis, it was something from a pony's nightmares, signifying her predatory nature and how she saw ponies as nothing but food to be exploited. For Occelus, however, we could only wait to see.

As the light faded, we could finally see the new and improved Occelus. The first, and most notable change was the fact that she didn't have a pony-like form at all, but something more… dragon-like.

While she was still quadrupedal, Occelus said they always were, she no longer had hooves, but claws. Her body was covered in teal scales instead of black chitin and lacked the holes. Also, her muzzle was slightly longer and narrower, and she had a row of horns on her head that formed a crown and another pair curved straight forward from her temples. However, her tail and wings resembled those of a dragonfly.

As her transformation ended, the changelings in the crowd also began to glow. One by one, they took a form similar to Occelus, though smaller, with various muted colors and with only a single or pair of horns in various styles.

The astonishment from the spectators was palpable, even for those that couldn't literally feel it.

"Well, I gotta say, I approve of the new look, " Ember said, only loud enough for us to hear.

Gulliver rolled his eyes. "Of course you would. Still, it's better than the ugly bugs you were."

Celestia cleared her throat. "There's still one more step."

"Ah, right. Sorry," Ember said, getting back on track. "Queen Occelus. As a new queen, your people are weakened and divided, and are embarking on a new path. As such, I, Ember, Empress of New Dragonia, extend to you my protection. Swear to me, and you shall become my vassal. In return, you shall have the protection of New Dragonia and all her dragons. Any that would attack you, in turn attack me. Any that welcomes you as their friend, welcome me."

Occelus cleared her throat. "I, Queen Occelus, accept and swear allegiance to you, Empress Ember. Whatever need you have, call upon me."

"Then let us celebrate!" Ember declared. "Long live Queen Occelus!"

"Long live Queen Occelus!"

Comments ( 65 )

“What about Occelus? She can turn into a lucario. Maybe it’s possible to for her?” Ember said.

This is probably how breeding with a Ditto works, so who knows? It's worth a shot.

I love it, keep it up!

Wow, this is RADICALLY different! Great job! :yay:

Still better then the canon change

That how you introduce the change of the Changelings! Still i prefer the Classic ♡

Magnificent chapter :raritystarry: Luke that horn dog sure will bring strength to this world, one egg at a time...

That could create a great deal of political complications. It'd be one thing of Occelus was just Occelus. But she isn't. She is the recognized monarch of a sovereign nation.


This is probably how breeding with a Ditto works, so who knows? It's worth a shot.

This made me wonder how these stories would've turned out if even one of the Humans turned into a Ditto

I wanted to emphasize the immutable nature of Changelings. The canon transformations are still very possible, as a changeling's form is determined by their queen. Thorax's changelings would just be a different kingdom with different values, and thus a different form, the canon 'skittles vomit' form, as they would have a more pacifist hippy ideal.

Occelus' form comes from the fact that she has adopted Ember and Smolder's ideal of 'Peace through strength'. She ensure her people's safety by making sure any threats would be too scared of what they could do to them to attack.

Nice new form, I wholy approve of this turn of events!

Side note: I was starting to worry that this story was gonna become a dead one for a bit! So glad it isnt

I don't know. Canon Occelus was adorable as hell.

Long live the queen!

I smiled. “Aura is what gives a Lucario his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.”

:facehoof: :rainbowlaugh: couldn't help yourself could you

Actually, no, the new changeling nation is not a a sovereign nation. Occelius accepted vassalasation to New Dragonia and is thos a subject of empress Ember.

And it wouldnt be the first time I see an emperor/empress take a wife/huspend/consort of a vassel nation in ficktion (unseirtan of historicall presidens). I heartely recomend reding or listening to David Eddings dual trilogi "The Elenium" and "The Tamuli". the Tamuli being the one whit the emperor whit wifes from all subject nations.

Now I am going to listen to them as it been years seens I did soo.

"Long live Queen Occelus!"

Meanwhile, a certain changeling drone is hiding near the Crystal Empire, while another one is somewhere around Ponyville.

Ooo this was an awesome chapter. I love the metamorphosis of the changelings and the lore you worked in to how they work as a species. And of course the scenes with them as a family and with Ju-Long were just adorable :)

“What about Occelus? She can turn into a lucario. Maybe it’s possible to for her?” Ember said.


And there are probably still some loyalist remnants in addition to Thorax and Kevin, even if it's just the enemy leaders themselves like it was in canon.

Oh, absolutely. The changelings that have followed Occelus are, ultimately, a small part of Chrysalis' subjects. Ultimately, Occelus' changelings will be a much smaller kingdom than Thorax's (if everything else goes the same, anyway). However, Occelus' and Thorax's nations will be so different that most won't even think of them as the same species.


Queen Occelus. Nicely done. I like how the transformation works. It a good idea. And now Occelus is a queen in not only name but breed. The idea of Occelus giving birth to a lucario is an interesting one too. Looking forward to more.

Eh. I think I prefer this story over the eve one. Especially now with th baby.

G o o d s h i t .

In all seriousness, this is awesome. I like the theme for the changelings you went for, with a risen Queen and followers taking different forms based on the Queen herself. It kinda includes canon rather well, givinf reason why they turned into rainbow beetle ponies. XD

This brought the "I would like to see the baby" meme to mind. XD

So basically, different groupings of Changelings with different appearances are going to pop up, is what I'm taking from this.

Also, love the pun. Dragons, dragonflies, and the Changeling insect-likeness.

PFFT! OH my god, I can't believe it actually worked! I think you're honestly the first person to do that. But, I'm not just happy because of that, but that you saw a Ko-fi link and maybe thought, "Meh, I'll throw them a coffee." That honestly warms my heart.

Also, welcome to Fimfic! Glad to know I've made someone join out of spite! :pinkiehappy:

Just finished binging this story in one sitting. Amazing is the only word I can describe it with.

I had the same reaction, im looking forward to the next update

Decided to re-read this one from the start, the early interactions between Luke and Ember are a treat~.

Yeah, I enjoyed writing those early scenes. It was so much fun. Of course, I'm having fun with the current scenes, too. It's just a different kind of fun.

Nature is not just the wilderness. It's more like the nature of the world and existence. Nature is things like, attraction and the facts of life. It's things like emotional bonds. It's the intrinsic nature of life and death itself. It's the cycle of day and night. It's the nature of the universe itself, not simply the nature of the local park.

It means to bring down the mood.

Emotions are a part of it, yes.

The facts of life are basically the life cycle; birth, life, reproduction, and death.

Are you familiar with stories of the Fae? The Fae are beings people used to explain the world around them; aka nature. For example; How can someone who knows how to swim drown? A selkie must have got him. You socks keep disappearing? You must have Brownies in your house. Your normally calm, quiet baby is suddenly loud and fussy? They might be a changeling.

Fae explain the nature of the world and fairies are Fae.

Why Canterlot voice or more common caps lock it all? Can't fully agree on it, but it has its merit.

Came back to re-read this and realized it's been almost about 11 months since the last update, how's that going?

I'm waiting for Equestrian Eeveelution to finish its current arc. It's a pretty important arc and I don't want to step on Sym's toes.

That there is a valid reason, I guess when I've read through this one I'll jump over there and read...

It's slow going, because it deals with something very close and very difficult to the author, so try to be patient with him. He actually has another chapter getting ready to come out.

Occelus smiled as she looked herself over, before looking up at us and saying, <“Snorkel him duck!”>

Smolder and Ember looked at me as Ember asked, “What did she say?”

Occelus looked at them in confusion and said, <“Plus from racked will?”>

Kinda wish I had used "Tucan safari" now

"You're too rough for Tom!"

All hail the queen,
We'll play with her bean.
Let's keep it clean,
Never to be mean...
Watch the raptor,
For the next chapter?

Where was i doing with this all?
Simply hoping for a update i guess? :pinkiesad2:🙏

Do you have plans to continue this story?
I keep checking for updates since the story is pretty dang interesting.

Yes. I'm just waiting for Equestrian Eeveelution to catch up a bit. I don't want to spoil anything or step on Sym's toes. This is his universe, after all. I'm just writing in it.

You have my favorite Pokémon so yeah will read

Fate / destiny or free will.
We all want the free will, but count on fate and destiny to give us a happy ending in the end.

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