• Published 3rd Jul 2019
  • 17,919 Views, 1,922 Comments

Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 24: Dragons and Nobles

Author's Note:

There is a mature version of this chapter. You can find it under my story list, if you're interested.

The attendant cleared his throat and announced, "Presenting her majesty, Princess Ember, Prince Consort Luke, and royal apprentice, Smolder of the Dragon Lands."

All eyes turned toward us. A mix of emotions from curiosity and excitement, to fear and disgust wafted from the crowd. It was actually rather surprising how much positive emotions I felt. I thought it would be overwhelmingly negative, but it was a pretty even spread.

As we made our way down the stairs, Celestia met us. “Ember, Luke, Smolder, I’m so happy you could join us.”

“I thought this was for us,” Ember said.

Celestia leaned in and said quietly, “Yes, but it’s best to put on a little show. Most of the nobles are at least somewhat reasonable, but the unreasonable ones are the most vocal. Just play along and try to be as polite and ‘regal’ as possible.”

“I’ll try,” Ember said.

"I’ll help her in case she needs it," I assured.

“Princess Celestia,” Ember said, loudly enough that those nearby could hear. “Thank you for inviting us. I look forward to furthering relations between ponies and dragons.”

“Nicely done,” Celestia whispered before speaking a bit louder. “As do I. Come, let me introduce you to a few important ponies.”

As we made our way through the crowd, I took note of those with strong negative emotions toward us. There were a few that I decided we would be better off avoiding, and some I thought we might be able to sway.

“Good morning, gentlecolts,” Celestia said as we approached a small group of ponies. “Princess Ember, may I introduce Lord Fancy Pants, Lord Bullion, and Lady Diamond Cut. My little ponies, this is Princess Ember, her mate, Luke, and her apprentice, Smolder. Luke’s only means of speech is via a form of telepathy. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Really? Fascinating,” Fancy Pants said. He was oozing with curiosity and hopefulness.

“He won’t be scanning my thoughts, will he?” Diamond Cut asked. She had a mix of reserved hopefulness and mistrust, as if she wanted to like us but was wary of doing so.

“Oh no,” Celestia assured. “It’s not a direct link, but him sending his thoughts out to be received by those he speaks to.”

“As long as there’s no mind reading, I’m fine with it,” Bullion stated.

"Thank you for your understanding," I said. I decided to keep my empathy to myself. I felt it may not have been well received despite being something I couldn’t help.

“I trust I can leave them in your care?” Celestia requested. “I have others I must attend to, I’m afraid.”

“Of course, your majesty,” Fancy Pants said. “I’ve actually been looking forward to finally meeting the dragon princess. Is it true you can use magic?”

With a smile, she used her little mage hand to pluck a pastry from a tray being carried by a palace servant.

“Well, that changes quite a bit of how your people are seen, I would say,” Fancy Pants said with a chuckle. “Incredible.”

“Yes,” Lord Bullion said, his emotions going from mostly indifferent to mildly curious. “If you’ll forgive me, I had always thought dragons were too brutish to learn such things.”

“Most of us are,” Ember admitted. “When I’m Empress, though, that’ll be the first thing I’m going to change.”

Even Lady Diamond Cut’s emotions toward us seemed to become slightly more positive from that.

“I have to wonder, who are you wearing,” Lady Diamond asked.

“Uh... some deer Luke took down in the forest near my home,” Ember said. “They weren’t intelligent, though.”

The mare looked a little green in the face at that. “N-no, I mean who designed it. Normally I would be appalled by someone coming here dressed for war, but I must admit this fits you marvelously. It’s regal, but still hints at the ferocious power of the dragon race.”

“It was made by Rarity, in Ponyville,” Smolder said. “She made mine and Luke’s, too. Well, I actually helped with Ember’s.”

“Ah, I think I remember Miss Rarity,” Lord Bullion said. “I believe she was Blueblood’s victim at the last Gala.”

“Ah, yes, I remember, the poor mare didn’t know what she was getting herself into,” Diamond said with a hint of pity, though there was a touch of amusement in there as well. “Though now I’m curious if she designed her own dress.”

"Her’s and her friends," I said.

“Well, I do believe I know who I’m commissioning for my next gala dress,” Diamond said.

“Princess Ember,” came another voice. I turned to see... Anton LaVey in pony form.

“Oh yeah, Chancellor... actually, I never got your name,” Ember said.

“Neighsay, your highness,” her said. “I would like to formally apologize. I hold no hatred for dragons, only caution. You yourself admitted that dragons have earned their reputation. I simply wanted to ensure that this wasn’t a scam.”

“Yeah, well, somepony had to play Grogar’s Advocate,” Ember said. “You ponies are way too trusting.”

“That is something you and I can both agree on,” Neighsay said. “Perhaps another time we can discuss your plans for the future. I have some concerns I would like to clear up, if that’s okay with you.”

“Sure,” Ember said. “I might not take the advice, but I’d be a fool if I didn’t at least hear it first.”

“Well said,” Neighsay said. “I look forward to speaking with you.”

As he left, I said to the others, "Does he mean to dress like the villain of a children’s story."

Lady Diamond couldn’t hold back a snicker. “I’m glad I’m not the only one.”

“Far from it, my dear,” Fancy Pants said. “I think he does it on purpose, to intimidate others.”

“Wait, that’s what ponies considered intimidating?” Smolder asked.

“Do remember that few ponies ever see true dangers,” Lord Bullion said. “Some of the smaller towns, like Hoofington or Ponyville would be unlikely to be intimidated by the likes of him.”

“Well, concidering we met one that sent a giant dragon crying home to mama in Ponyville, he’d be stupid to even try,” Smolder said, snickering.

We continued to mingle for quite some time. Fancy Pants introduced us to quite a few of the more reasonable nobles. A couple were a bit more standoffish, but Fancy insisted they were merely cautious and once we showed them that dragons weren’t all bad they would come around.

“I wasn’t aware we were hosting diamond dogs as well,” said a rather pompous voice.

I turned to see a pony that I actually recognised. Prince Blueblood himself. I had a feeling this was going to be... interesting.

"There must be a misunderstanding. I’m not a diamond dog," I said.

“Who... Who said that?” Blueblood said.

"Forgive me, this is the only means I have of speaking," I explained, giving a short bow. "I assure you, I can not read your mind, only broadcast my own thoughts."

He looked me up and down with a curious eye. “Yes... well... If you aren’t a diamond dog, what are you?”

"I am a lucario, from a land far outside Equestria’s borders," I explained.

“I see... Well, I suppose if we’re hosting creatures as barbaric as dragons, you couldn’t be worse,” he said with a guffaw.

"I am also the prince-consort of the dragon lands. Princess Ember is my mate," I said, letting a bit of venom into my voice.

Blueblood’s eyes shot open, “Ah... well... I only mean by reputation. I’m sure the princess is a cut above others of her kind.”

"You may be surprised," I said.

“W-where did you say you were from?” Blueblood asked. “Getting a better look at you, I feel foolish for ever mistaking you for a diamond dog. In fact, I can’t say I’ve ever seen any creature like you.”

"Much farther than any pony has ever traveled," I said.

“You may be surprised,” he replied.

I gave the prince a calculating look. He still had the look of a pompous ass, but I could feel uncertainty and even disgust at himself coming from him.

"So, your highness, may I ask how you are a prince?" I asked. "I was under the impression that the princesses are without heirs and no other royalty exists."

He cleared his throat. “Yes, well, I am a descendant of Princess Platinum.”

"Wasn’t she one of the deposed rulers of old?" I asked.

“Deposed? Harmony no!” he insisted. “What ever gave you that idea?”

"Forgive me, as I said, I’m from very far away," I said. "I had heard that she nearly led the world to disaster and an eternal winter."

He nodded sadly. “Yes, she and the others made a grave mistake, and nearly doomed pony-kind, but they saw the error of their ways and worked to build a new nation alongside Chancellor Puddinghead, and Commander Hurricane. After the sisters defeated Discord, it was decided that the old rulers would step down to allow Aunt Celestia and Luna to rule. In exchange, Celestia and Luna agreed to adopt their entire family lines as nieces and nephews. Sadly, both the chancellor's and commander's lines ended."

"You don't like this, do you?" I asked.

"W-what? Whatever do you mean?" he stammered.

"This whole, 'playing the noble' thing," I specified.

"I am noble," he insisted.

"But you don't like playing the role," I replied. "I'm an empath. I can sense your emotions, and yours have been confusing me. You act as if you're just another pompous oaf, but you're full of nervousness and self loathing. Talking to you about your ancestors, though, that vanished. You love your heritage, but hate the obligations that come with it."

"I do not hate the obligations that come with it," he insisted before letting out a sigh. "I'm just unsure how to approach it. I don't know how to deal with high society, I'm a sailor. The last party I attended I treated a lovely mare so horridly. I thought that was how I was supposed to act, but Aunty made sure I understood how wrong I was."

"Then why act that way? Who says you have to be a part of this."

"The title of 'prince'," Blueblood said.

"Okay, I'll give you that. Being a prince means you'll always be a part of it, but it doesn't have to define you." I nodded toward Ember. "Look at her. She's willingly putting herself into this, and she's over there telling a bunch of nobles a story about kicking the crap out of another dragon for irritating her. Look at her audience. They love it."

"Lady Scarlett doesn't," Blueblood said, indicating a red unicorn mare.

"Oh, she does. She's just keeping up appearances," I gave him a smirk. "Empath."

He sighed. "I'm afraid it isn't that simple for me. Ember is a dragon, so it's expected for her to be a bit more brutish, or at least to require brutish tactics when dealing with her subjects and so it's accepted when she speaks of being such. I am expected to be the fine, young prince, a prime example of old blood unicorn nobility."

I sighed. "Well, if nothing else, you should get out more. Is there anywhere you can be yourself?"

He smiled. "There is. Thank you for your concern, truly. Sadly, I must cut our time short. I must speak with Lord Landgrab before he does something that will leave his children destitute with a father in chains."

"Perhaps we can meet under better circumstances," I said. "Maybe you can show me where you can be yourself."

He smiled back and gave a little bow. "I would like that. Farewell, Prince Luke."

I returned the bow. "And you, Prince Blueblood. "

We made our way back up to our suites after a long night, Ember and I hung back to talk among ourselves.

"Are you sure you’re going to be okay, sleeping by yourself?" I asked.

“I’ll be fine,” she said. “I slept by myself every night before we met.”

"I know. I just don’t like the idea of making you sleep alone," I replied.

She chuckled. “You’ll just have to make it up to me when we do sleep together again.”

"Even if that’s not for another week?"

“Even if it’s not for another week.”

We eventually made it to our rooms, Smolder going right into hers while we lingered.

“I’ll be fine,” Ember said. “Go give Smolder the night of her life.”

I gave Ember a quick kiss and said, "Next time we do it, I’ll make sure you can’t even walk the next morning."

“You better.” And with that, Ember went into our room, closing the door behind her.

As for me, I opened Smolder’s door and stepped inside.

Smolder hadn’t noticed me yet, she was busy looking at her other dresses while running a claw across the one she was wearing. It was funny how into fashion she had become in such a short time. Still, it was something I really hoped she would embrace.

With her distracted, I decided to surprise her. I came up behind her and put my arms around her, eliciting a yelp.

“L-Luke?” she ventured. "What are you-"

I cut her off with a kiss. It wasn’t long, but it got my intentions across.

“So, you finally over that weird hang up about sex?” she asked with a smirk.

"I’m more open to the concept," I replied.

Smolder’s smile was replaced by a slightly disappointed look. “So I take it this means you and Ember aren’t having an egg this season?”

I sighed. "I don’t know, yet. A part of me wants to, but another part feels it might be too early. With everything going on, I’m just not sure it’s the right time."

“If it makes any difference, I think you’d make a great father, even if you are super busy,” Smolder assured.

"I just need a day or two to think about it, make sure it’s what I really want," I said. "But, in the meantime, I can finally give you the banging you deserve."

She gave me a sultry smile, “‘Bout time,” and pulled me back into a kiss.

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