• Published 26th Jun 2019
  • 1,292 Views, 6 Comments

To Find Purpose - The REAL Mister Pkmn

Back in 2011, there was a young man who felt ostracized by the world. He felt that absolutely nobody cared, but he pushed on anyway. This is a tale of if he found his way to Equestria back then...

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VII- A Day's Work

I arose quite blearily just as the rooster crowed on Monday morning. I groaned slightly in discomfort as I grabbed my backpack from the shelf as well as the box of clothes. I grabbed my shoes and exited the barn. It was not easy getting used to waking at the crack of dawn, but it was not too much different from waking up for school on time, I supposed. At the thought of that, I sighed with a hint of irritation mixed with resignation. Today would be the first blemish on my otherwise perfect school attendance record. Nothing that I could do about it, really. It was out of my hands. I made it into the house just as Applejack made her way downstairs. She chuckled at the sight of me, or rather, my hair. “Got yerself quite the bed head this mornin’ eh, Nathan?”

At that comment, I huffed lightly. “Please excuse me. Gotta go get my morning shower.” She stepped aside so I could get upstairs. I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door once inside. I sighed as I got ready for my shower. I knew why she was being light toned. She was thinking that it would help me. I scoffed as I turned on the shower head. Why were they being so persistent about it? I understood that it was part of their hospitality, but I kinda wished that they would tone it down for a while. I finished my shower and dried off. I proceeded to choose one of the outfits from the box. I picked out the green t-shirt and black jeans- preparing for going to the frozen north as best I could. I put on my socks and shoes, then rolled up my pajamas as I stuck them back in my backpack. I would have to wash them soon, given how they were starting to have a slight stench to them. Speaking of, the other laundry was starting to pile up...

I decided to worry about that later. I went downstairs to get some breakfast- deciding to just grab a Fuji Apple from the pantry. I gave it a once over, not seeing any blemishes on it. I shrugged, and took a bite. It was just as I remembered them, possibly even better than the ones found in stores back home. I finished it off as Granny came in. She smiled. “Ah ‘preciate ya agreein’ ta help us wit’ our sales today, sonny. Applejack will be ready to show ya th’ ropes in a few.”

I shook my head dismissively. “It is not any trouble, really. This is just in appreciation of your hospitality thus far. It is the least I can do for you in return.” I then left the house, and dropped my backpack and the box back on the shelf in the barn. As I exited, I saw that Applejack was ready to go, indicated by the cart full of various kinds of apples behind her. “Alright then, lead the way. Let me see the spot you usually sell from.” I kept pace as Applejack let me to market. It was pretty early, so not many ponies were up and about just yet. Once she stopped, I took a look at the area around us. It wasn’t far from her farm, and it was in a spot that was going to be in the sun quite a bit. “How many sales do you usually have from this spot?”

Applejack shifted in place. “Well, it’s not lahk we don’ get any, we jus’... don’ get as much as ah’d like. Does keep us outa th’ red though, thanks t’ our regulars.”

I nodded with understanding. “I see. So you only sell raw apples at your cart, then? No apple juice or anything?” she shook her head, and I sighed. “Well, I will just have to work with what I have been given, then. We need to relocate to a place that gets more hoof traffic. Now, if you will follow me…” I led her to a spot closer to town square that got some decent shade. She stopped the cart as I surveyed the area again. I smirked. “This new spot should do quite nicely for our purposes. Open area close to town center, check. Spot near where the shade will remain decent for most of the day, check. Now, we just gotta work a little salesman magic…”

I noticed a pony coming near, one that I recognized from when I helped Rarity. I greeted her cordially. “Ah, hello again Miss Eyes! And how are you today?”

She was a little startled, but shook it off rather quickly. She chuckled nervously. “Uhm, I am on my way to work, but I forgot to eat breakfast…”

I wagged a finger at her. “Now, that is not very good for your constitution! A nice juicy apple should be enough to keep you tided over until lunch. What do you say?”

She shifted a bit from side to side, contemplating. She looked to Applejack. “How much for one red delicious?”

Applejack was stunned for a bit, but shook herself and smiled cordially. “That’ll be two bits, Derpy.”

She came up to the counter and placed two gold coins on the counter. Applejack put the two coins into a cash box as I placed one red delicious in a paper bag, and held it out to her. “You have a nice day now!”

She took the bag with her mouth as I let go, and she flew off to work. Applejack looked to me, slightly impressed. “Well, Ah don’ know how ya did that. Derpy usually jus’ flies raght past my stall. Today we might make some good sales after all…”

She straightened herself as another pony came on by. I sighed deeply as I saw who it was. “Ah, Miss Heartstrings. I noticed that you introduced yourself to me again at the party… I am not quite that bad with names, you know…”

Lyra tilted her head. “Did I? I do not remember doing that…” She shook her head. “Nevermind. I see that you are helping out Applejack today! What luck! I will have a golden delicious, please. Actually, make that two.”

I found the one in question and placed two of them in a paper bag as Applejack told her the price. “That’s gonna be six bits, Lyra.” Lyra levitated six gold coins onto the counter, and gently grabbed the bag with her magic- though the feeling of her magic on my hand sort of sent a small chill down my spine. Applejack placed the coins in the box as I let go of the bag.

I stared at my hand as Lyra left. The tingle from the magic abated quickly, thankfully. I then saw quite a few more ponies coming into the square. I grinned. “Seems that I was right to put it here. Time for the sales pitch.” I cleared my throat, and tapped the sign of the stall to garner attention. I smirked. “So, how many of you were in a hurry this morning and forgot breakfast?”

Quite a few hooves went into the air, and I beckoned slightly. “Well, come on up and get on of our juicy apples! They will tide you over ‘til your lunch hour if you savor them. We have got all sorts for your rumbling bellies! Red Delicious is one for two bits. Golden Delicious is one for three bits. Fuji is one for three bits. A Smith is one for four bits. And there are many others, too! So? Which will it be for ya?”

A mulberry “earth” mare with two-toned pink mane and tail was the first came up to the stall. “I’ll have a red delicious.” she placed two bits on the counter, as I placed the apple in a bag for her. After she took hers in her teeth, she trotted off.

Then, a gray pegasus stallion with a blue-silver mane and tail fluttered down to buy something. “I’ll have a Fuji apple.” After he forked over the bits, I gave him his order. He took it in his teeth and flew off somewhere.

The next in line was a pinkish purple unicorn mare with two toned purple mane and tail. She deliberated a bit before deciding what to buy. “Hmmm…. I think I’ll get a granny smith.” She placed the bits on the counter, and I placed her order in a paper bag and set it on the counter. She picked it up with her magic, and walked off elsewhere. After that, I sort of lost track as the ponies kept coming in droves, until all those that had raised their hooves had left- and I saw that Rarity looked on in mild awe. “My word! I have never seen your stall that busy, Applejack!” She turned to see me readying more paper bags. “Is this all your influence, then?”

I shook my head. “Not exactly. Dad had a head for business, he taught me all I know about it.” After that left my lips, I sighed. “I suppose I should not be too hard on him when I get home, then. Despite…” I shook my head. “That is not important. So, would you like an apple today?”

Rarity paused for a moment, and smiled. “Well, I do often support Applejack’s business, so today will be no different.” she placed four bits on the counter. “Two red delicious apples, please.” I grabbed the ones that she had requested, and placed them in a paper bag. I placed the bag on the counter, and she picked it up with her magic. She tilted her head a slight bit. “Why didn’t you hold it out for me?”

I explained as she drew the bag close to her. “Well, magic feels kind of weird against my skin. It is not exactly a feeling that I think I want to get used to, thank you very much.”

Rarity was not sure what to make of that, but seemed to have a plausible explanation. “Maybe it is because there is not any magic where you are from? That is probably why you react in such a way. Though, I do hope it causes you no ill effects…”

I shrugged indifferently. “I have not felt too different since getting here, so no concerns there. I am still myself. Though...” I paused, and shook my head as I decided not to tell them. “It is nothing major. Just something I have to talk with Ophi about.”

Rarity processed that, and sighed. “Well, I suppose I should not pry. Good day to you, Nathan.” she then walked off, presumably back to her place.

Applejack, on the other hand, had only gotten more curious. “Did somethin’ strange occur between you an’ yer friend?”

I sighed in exasperation. “Listen, it is nothing you should concern yourself with. It is our business, not yours.” she was about to object when another pony stopped by. I greeted them. “Hello there! Could I interest you in an apple?”

The pony in question was acting sort of… odd. The pony was concealed under a cloak of sorts, so I could hardly see what was under there. Though, was that a strand of silver hair? Hard to tell due to the shadows under that hood. The pony under the hood gasped, muttering something that I could barely make out- csomething about her not being welcome here. Without much ceremony, she levitated two bits onto the counter, and picked up a red delicious in her magic. She looked at me strangely, and tilted her head. She shook her head, and ran off in quite a hurry.

I blinked rapidly at that, and turned to Applejack with a puzzled expression on my face. “Who was that? Do you know?”

Applejack sighed deeply. “Ah’ve got a good idea as to who, but it’s not one Twi would like. Ah recognize that voice under the hood, but Ah’m not gonna fault ‘er fer tryin’ to get by. ‘S our fault she’s hit rock bottom in the first place… Ah kinda feel bad ‘bout it.”

Now that was a surprise. They had made somebody’s life worse? Now that sounded familiar. Anger built up, but I pushed it aside. “It is not exactly any of my business, but if you feel so bad about what you did, why not apologize? Or, did she do something to you and your friends that makes part of you feel that she deserves this?”

Applejack seemed lost at my ascertain. “Ah guess… Ah jus’ don’ know. Th’ rest o’ the girls might not agree. ‘Specially Twi, given what almost happened to th’ town when those two foals brought an Ursa Minor into town so they could show the town how powerful their new idol was… didn’ quite work out fer Trixie, just made her run off with quite a few mixed emotions, Ah reckon.”

I shook my head. “I see. Got herself in too deep, I take it. Probably talked a big game, but when she could not back it up…. It blew up in her face. Well, it does not really matter what you choose to do. No concern of mine, anyway. But, if something does not feel right…. Then maybe, you should make it right. You should not be afraid of what your friends will think. If they are true friends, they will understand. Some of them might even support your decision. If your bond is as strong as you think it is… you will be fine.”
Applejack looked at me with a strange look, before chuckling a little. “Heh, you sure seem to know yer stuff, Nathan. Kinda hard to believe that ya don’ have many friends.” She tilted her head. “Why is that, anyhow? Ya have never said, so…”

I glared at her, with a look so forceful that she visibly paled. “Listen. I do not like talking about it, alright? Let us just leave it at something unpleasant happened, and I never looked back on the shards.” I took a deep breath, and calmed myself. “Sorry for the out the outburst. It is a touchy subject. Never ask that question again. Tell your friends to never ask me about it, either.”

Applejack pulled herself together, and nodded. “Cross mah heart, hope t’ fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye. Ah won’ go askin’ ya agin, Ah promise.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What sort of nonsense was that?” I shook my head and held up an open palm as it looked like she was about to explain. “Whatever, it does not matter. As long as that question never comes up again, do whatever you wish to remind yourself not to ask it.” I turned my attention to another pony that stopped by the stall. She had a grey coat and a two toned yellow and orange mane. “Hello there. Would you like an apple today, miss?”

The mare blinked. “Oh! So the rumors are true… You are the… human? The one that fell from the sky? As for you question, let me think.... Is it possible that the zap apple jam is in season just yet?”

I turned to Applejack, confused. “What’s zap apple jam? Sounds… tangy.”

She looked back to me and spoke a simple phrase. “Ah’ll tell ya later.” A sad look was on Applejack’s muzzle as she turned back to the mare. “Not jus yet, Ah’m afraid. Ah know ya lahk the stuff Cloudkicker, but we can’t jus’ make it whenever. The zap apple harvest don’ come ‘til next month. Can ya wait ‘til then?”

A sour look of disappointment spread across Cloudkicker’s face. “Oh, that’s really sour news to hear. But a single month isn’t so long when waiting to taste Zap Apple Jam.” She shook her head. “I’ll be going on my way back to work, then. I will stop by again when you have it in.” She flew over the large forest- something I hadn’t quite noticed yet.

I turned to Applejack. “Say, what’s that forest anyway? It looks pretty different from the rest of your world…”

A sleight shiver went down Applejack’s spine. “That’s th’ Everfree. Freaky place. Weather does its own thing, and the animals are far more… feral. Nopony likes goin’ in there, but mah friends an’ Ah have been there before. A few times, actually. Never gets easier, though…”

I paused for a moment as I processed that. “Wait. That sounds almost like back home… well, except with magic and no humans. After all, we just let the weather do whatever it wants. Plus, any animal not owned by a human is pretty feral.” I chuckled slightly at Applejack’s look. “What did you expect from a world without magic? We are pretty used to stuff like that, so the concept of the Everfree does not scare me.”

Applejack collected herself a bit. “Ain’t there any place on your world that freaks people out?”

I blinked at that for a bit. I nodded slightly. “Well it used to be feared, anyway. It is a place that does have quite the air of mystery about it. This place that has a mighty number of rumors around it back home… it is known as the Bermuda Triangle. It is an area of the ocean that seems to be under constant barrage by storms. It is also said that any ship or vessel that goes in either never comes out, or if it does it is always wrecked. Heck, it is not the only place in the ocean that we don’t know too much about- though it is the most peculiar occurrence on Earth. Most people just presume that one day we’ll be able to get through it one day, and don’t really worry about it that much.”

Our conversation was cut short when Ophelia came up to the stall. Her attire never ceased to amaze. Today she was wearing a white t-shirt with rose petal patterns across it, and a long dark blue skirt. She had on her heels and a pair of white socks as well. She smiled lightly. “Well, now this is a surprise. And here I thought you were against connecting with the ponies.”

I shoved away the distracting thoughts as I rolled my eyes. “It is not like that. Answering questions about our world is really of no consequence. It is not like I am telling her my life story, you know.”

Ophelia shrugged, sighing a bit. “If you say so, Nate.” It was then that we looked up to notice a chariot fly towards the town square. She looked back to me with a slight smirk. “That’s our escort, I believe. Shall we go now?”

I nodded and made my way from behind the stall. “Yeah, we better get going.” I turned back towards Applejack. “I will be off now. I do not know if I will be back in time to help with any further sales, so…”

Applejack shooed me away with a hoof. “Don’ worry ‘bout it. Ya’ve helped quite a bit today. Jus go an see if another human’s there already would ya? They are probably freezin’ jus waitin’ there.”

I gave a thumbs-up, and then turned back towards Ophi. The two of us walked off to the town square. It was sort of surreal, walking with her like this. My heart was pounding, and I was almost tempted to reach out and hold her hand- but I shied away. I knew it was too early for that, and besides… even after I turned 16, she would likely still see me as just a friend. I pushed those thoughts away as we reached the chariot. Rarity was there, holding two coats in her magic. The one for Ophelia was lavender with white trim that came with some yellow gloves. The one for me was blue with green trim that came with orange gloves. I felt a bit weird when Rarity set the coat in my arms using her magic, but the feeling passed. I smirked. “Thanks. I will repay you, somehow. Mark my words on that.”

I put on the coat and gloves, and Ophelia did the same with hers. Rarity smirked. “Well, maybe you could send the human you find my way? Making clothes for humans is very intriguing…”

I thought about it as Ophi and myself climbed into the chariot. I turned to Rarity and shrugged. “Well, sure. It will have to wait until after they meet Celestia, though. After all, a deal is a deal.”

The chariot then proceeded to lift off into the sky. It still was kind of strange, much different than flying in an airplane. Once we were out of earshot of the ponies, I sighed. Ophelia snickered. “You really do not like owing somebody, do you? Stubborn man, you are.”

I huffed lightly. “Principles, Ophi. A man is nothing if he has no principles.” I shook my head and stared out the side of the chariot. I sighed. “I wonder. Who is it that you think we will find? If you had control over who we find there, who would it be? Personally, I think you know who I would like to find.”

I turned to see Ophi ponder over it for a while. She looked so cute when she thought deeply like that. I shook the thought away, grounding myself. She eventually did give an answer. “I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. If I had to choose, I would like to find one of my sisters or my brothers. I would not be too disappointed if it was an old friend, though. It would be nice to try and reconnect with some of them.”

I shook my head. Sometimes I did not get her. She was so positive and optimistic about things. Sure, I would not change that for anything, but… It seemed so naïve. I shrugged. I supposed I was not too different, given my hopes of finding Harold. He was the one old friend that I believed I could genuinely reconcile with. After all, I refused to believe that it was his fault that he left. There was hope left in me left, it seemed. I looked back out the side of the chariot. This world certainly was picturesque, I had to give it that. My mood soured. “Man, I wish that I had thought to bring my sketchpad. So much prime material! Oh well.”

Ophi tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see that she was holding out a small notepad and pencil. “Here. I found it in my backpack earlier. I do not really use it much, so you can have it.”

I blinked for a short while. I reached out, and grasped it. I smiled. “Thanks, Ophi. I will give you a free sketch later. Anything you like, okay?” I tilted my head as I saw a small tint of red on her face. “You alright?” Instead of speaking, she just pointed to the pad. I looked down and saw that my hand was grasping hers. My face went red as I let go of her hand. I stammered a bit. “S-sorry! I had no idea that I was-!”

She shook her head as I started to look away. “It’s alright, Nate. It just sort of happened without you thinking. These things happen. Just don’t stress yourself out over it, alright?”

I nodded, and looked out the side of the chariot as I held the notepad and pencil. I tried to draw what my eyes were looking at, but my hand wouldn’t listen. It started to draw what was on my mind instead- Ophelia. Every lock of hair was carefully replicated. The cheerful face she almost always bore. Her current outfit, in painstaking detail. Not a single detail was missed, as I replicated her upon the paper. I looked at it and sighed. It was perfect.

Author's Note:

Now, how will Nathan react when he sees Ferris again? You'll just have to wait and see.

EDIT 12/13/19: Changed out Zecora as the customer that asked for Zap Apple Jam. Trust me, this was easier than rewriting the portion where she shows up later.