• Published 26th Jun 2019
  • 1,292 Views, 6 Comments

To Find Purpose - The REAL Mister Pkmn

Back in 2011, there was a young man who felt ostracized by the world. He felt that absolutely nobody cared, but he pushed on anyway. This is a tale of if he found his way to Equestria back then...

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XII- An Awkward Reunion

It wasn’t long before we reached the Mayor’s office in the Town Hall. He went behind his desk, and gestured to us with a slate gray hoof. “Please, take a seat you two.”

We did see some chairs, but when we sat in them, we found them a bit… uncomfortable. Regardless of that, I asked the question that was on our minds. “So, what do you know about the sky hole that was spotted near here?”

The mayor adjusted his cream suitcoat. “Not much, really. But before I let you in on where it is, I would like to request that you help us with something.”

Ophi spoke. “Alright, what problem did you want us to help you with?”

He sighed and his off-white green mane bobbed a bit. “We’ve been having an issue for the past two days. During the dark of night, ponies have lost quite a bit of food overnight. We’ve questioned the families, but they insist that none of them have issues with sleep-eating. I know that it shouldn’t concern you, but… We don’t want to involve the Princesses, so…”

I gave a sigh, and turned to Ophi. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

She nodded. “It’s possible that your problem and why we’re here are intertwined. The humans we’re here to find might be doing this, probably because their supplies ran dry. If you can show us to the area that the sky hole was spotted, we’ll take care of the rest.”

The mayor pondered for a while, before giving a nod. “You might have a point, I suppose. Alright then. The portal was spotted closest to the northern slums of Manehattan. It’s also the area that has reported these thefts, so it lines up when you think on it.” He turned, and grabbed a scroll. He turned back, and let me have it. “This map should help you find your way to the northern slums. If you do find these other humans… I would like to talk to them before you leave Manehattan.”

I gave a nod. “Sure. I’ll do that.” The two of us left Manehattan’s Town Hall, and I opened the map that the mayor had given me. I made sure it lined up with where we were, and I spoke aloud. “Alright, so from here… we take a right turn, then gun it forward. Simple enough.” I closed the map, and turned to face Ophi. “Ready?”

She took a breath and then nodded. “Yeah.” We took the next right, and then ran. I hadn’t run in a while, but I wasn’t at my top speed. I had to hold onto Ophi’s hand to ensure she kept up with me. It was a pretty good feeling, but I put that thought out of my mind as we made our way into the slums and slowed to a halt.

I turned to see Ophi, and I swore that I saw a dimming blush on her face this time. Regardless, like a mirage, it was gone before I knew it. Was I really that desperate to have her like me as more than a friend that I would imagine such things? I pushed the thoughts that came with that aside as I turned my attention back to the slums. “So. Where would a good place to hide be around these parts be?” I turned back to ask her. “Any ideas, Ophi?”

A bit startled, it took her a bit to get her wits about her. “Uh, let’s see…” She scanned the area for a little while, until she spotted something in the distance. She pointed it out. “A cave that looks to have a door in front of it! They have to be in there, Nate!”

I gave a shrug. It was the most likely place out here, I supposed. “Alright then. We go and check there, then. After all, hiding in the city probably wouldn’t be the best idea…” She followed as I went through the rest of the slums to get us closer. Once we reached it, we teamed up to push aside the makeshift door that had been placed in front of it. It was probably once a bear cave, if I had to guess. We took a bit of caution as we readied to enter the cave. After taking our time for a bit, I held up a hand to stop as I had heard something. I listened… and then we both caught wind of it.

First, a female voice spoke up. “Eric, this has to stop. We’ve taken so much from these ponies already. I say that we should just come clean, and apologize.”

There then came a response from a male voice. “We’ve been over this, Rena. This is essential for our survival! We can’t risk the dangers that might be out there!”

Then, I turned to see Ophi in tears. “Rena… She’s here!” She ran past me. “RENA! I’m coming for you!”

I ran after her, as Rena responded from afar. “Ophelia?”

I called out after Ophi. “Ophi, wait! Calm down, and think about this rationally!”

However, she wasn’t listening. I kept chasing her, which was a bit precarious to do in this cave. I finally caught up with her, just to see her hugging a girl with long black hair. “Rena… It’s been a long time.”

Rena was crying. “I’m so sorry that I left! I had no control over it, you see! I-!”

Ophi shook her head. “It’s alright, Rena. It’s alright.” She hugged her for a moment more, before pulling away, a bit of a cross look on her face. “Though, what’s this I hear about you stealing from the ponies?”

A man cleared his throat, clearly this “Eric”. He spoke. “That’s my fault. Had I just rationed better, we wouldn’t have had to do that.” He looked away. “If you want to punish somebody, punish me. It was my idea.”

Rena went over to him, and lightly slapped his face. “Don’t go saying that. It’s my fault too, you know.” She turned back to face us, and lowered her head. “After all, I was the one acctually going out there at night…”

As Ophi processed that, I nodded. “I can see why you would, though. Running out of supplies in this neck of the world… At least you had an option.” I sighed, and turned. I made a beckoning gesture. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”

Eric blinked. “So… you’re not turning us in?”

I shook my head and turned to face him. “I never said that I wouldn’t have you pay for what you did, just that I understood.” I jerked my head towards the exit. “Get your stuff, though. Once you’re done meeting the mayor… I need to have you meet somebody else, too.”

We waited for them to pack up, and the four of us left the cave together. On our way back to the mayor, Rena asked Ophi a question. “Say, why does he get to call you Ophi? You datin’ him or something?”

Ophi was shocked at that for a moment, but quickly shook it off. “I-it’s not like that, Rena. Nathan’s my best friend. Sure, I only met him recently, but… I feel that I can trust him. That’s why.”

I had some hope at first, but it died once Ophi reflected the question. I supposed that blush I saw just then was more about the nature of the question, rather than something else. Of course it would be, for why would it be anything else? I pushed those thoughts away, and gave my own response. “It’s about the same reason that I let her call me Nate when nobody else does. ‘Sides, I’m not sixteen yet. Too young for me to have a girlfriend.”

Eric scoffed. “No it’s not. I had a girlfriend for a little while, back when I was fourteen. Didn’t last, though…”

I chuckled. “Exactly my point.” I finished the conversation as we reached Town Hall again. I turned to face Eric and Rena. “Alright, the moment of truth. You ready?”

They looked between themselves for a bit before turning back towards me, nodding in unison. I opened the door, and we went inside. The Secretary gave us one look, and smiled. She gestured to the Mayor’s office. “The Mayor is available right now. He’s been waiting for your return.”

I gave a nod, and the four of us went inside the room. The mayor looked across us, and smiled. “Ah, so you are the two resident humans that fell near our city. Welcome.”

Eric approached first, head lowered. “I’m sorry for the trouble that we have caused your citizens, sir. We-”

The mayor shook his head. “That’s quite alright. Once I explain your circumstances, I’m sure those in the slums will understand.” He smiled. “Once you are back with us from where Nathan wants to take you, you two can help us with renovating the slums. After all, can’t throw you in prison for not having enough food. That would be cruel and unusual punishment.”

Rena beamed, and nodded. “Oh, thank you, sir! We’ll do the best we can with it.”

I looked at the Mayor, a bit perplexed. “Is that all? Did you need anything else?”

The Mayor shook his head. “No, we’re quite alright. Take them where you planned to, Nathan. Just remember to bring them back to help us.”

I gave a nod, and the four of us left. We went on our way to the Manehattan Train Station, and approached the ticket booth. The ticket seller yawned, not bothering to look up. “How many, and to where?”

Ophi spoke up. “Four to Canterlot, two of those round-trip.” She smiled. “How much?”

The ticket seller turned and looked at the prices for a few seconds before turning back around. “That will be 30 bits, miss.” Ophi set the bits on the counter, and the ticket seller turned to print those out. Once done, he turned back, and placed them in reach. “Enjoy your trip to Canterlot…”

Ophi looked a bit concerned for a bit before I grabbed the tickets. “Don’t worry, we will.” I got us over to the train. The conductor took the tickets, and punched a hole through the single-use tickets and stamped the round-tip ones. As he gave back the round-trip ones, he noticed two others in his pockets. He looked to myself and Ophi, and gave us those. He scratched his head. “Sorry about not getting those back to you on your previous trip. My head’s been in the clouds lately…”

I rolled my eyes, but Ophi responded sweetly. “That’s alright. No harm done.” We got aboard, and found seats. The train started to move, and Rena spoke up. “So, why Canterlot? What’s there?”

I sighed. “Princess Celestia. I said that I’d let her meet any humans that I happened to find. That’s why.”

A raised eyebrow came upon Eric’s face. “Princess? So there’s a Queen, then?”

Ophi shook her head. “Equestria’s a Principality. Twilight explained that to me. Their country is rather old, though. Over 1000, if what she told me was accurate.”

I shook my head. “On to other things.” I turned towards Rena. “How long have you known Ophi? I’m curious.”

Rena was startled at first, but soon recovered. “Oh, we’ve known one another for forever. Sure, I’ve been out of her life for a few years. Despite that, we congealed back together pretty well.” She looked towards Ophi. “So. How did you meet Nathan, Ophelia?”

She gave a chuckle. “Well, we haven’t known each other very long, like I said before. We first met in person the day that all of us fell to Equestria. We connected pretty well that day, and we’ve been by each other’s sides ever since.” She glanced over to Eric. “I gather that it is much the same with you and Eric, right?”

Rena was puzzled. “How did you guess?”

I gave a snide smirk. “Well, it is how it has worked out not only for us, but for the other pair of humans that we have met, so…” I noticed something attached to Eric’s backpack. “A fishing rod? Why didn’t you just use that to get more food?”

Eric shook his head. “The blasted thing’s completely busted. I’d fix the reel if I could, but… Well, we don’t exactly have the parts for it.” He raised his eyebrow. “How do you guys get by without meat, anyhow? It’s not exactly something that I think that they’d take kindly to…”

Ophi considered that for a moment before answering. “Well, we’ve managed so far. It is a bit frustrating, though. I do get it, though…”

I sighed. “Haven’t had the time to worry about it myself, honestly. I’ve half-considered just going into the forest and hunting, but I don’t have the right skills for that.” I gave a dry chuckle. “Maybe I should’ve taken Ethan up on his offer after all…”

Our conversation was cut short when the conductor made an announcement. “Next stop, Canterlot Station. Please ensure that you have all your belongings with you before you exit the train.” We made ourselves ready as the train slowed to a halt.

We got off the train, and it wasn’t long before one of the Royal Guard noticed our arrival. He approached, and addressed the Ophi and myself. “Back with more visitors, I see. I’ll guide you to the Castle, so if you would follow me…” He turned, and the four of us followed as he took us through the city.

I looked around at this place, for this was my first good look at it. The buildings were not quite as tall as the ones in Manehattan, but they had a certain air of nobility about them. There were countless shops and business vocations that we passed on our way to the Castle, but I knew that this was likely only the part they wished for us to see. It was a tactic I was familiar with, but I couldn’t do much about it. If it was a guided tour that they insisted to give us, that was fine. It wasn’t much longer that we found ourselves brought inside the Castle and guided to the throne room. Much to our luck, there was nobody else in there aside from Celestia and her guards.

After the doors shut, Celestia nodded. “Nathan. Ophelia. I see that you’ve found more humans in Manehattan.” She turned towards the pair, a look of regret forming on her face. “I am sorry that you have found yourselves ripped from your world. Rest assured, we are working on finding you a way back post-haste.”

Eric shook his head. “Hey, it’s not like it’s your fault that we wound up here, right? As long as you get us back, all’s well in my book.”

Rena shook off her initial surprise. “Eric! Don’t be so rude!” She cleared her throat. “Sorry about him. I believe that you wanted introductions?” She put a hand to the center of her chest. “I am Rena Kimble.” She jabbed a thumb in Eric’s direction. “That’s Eric Phillips. Again, I-”

Celestia shook her head, a smile spreading. “Rena, it’s quite alright. It’s quite refreshing to be talked to like a normal pony every once and a while.”

I cleared my throat. “Now, about getting us back home. What progress have you made? April’s almost over, you know. Do you have any good news for us?”

Celestia sighed as she shook her head. “Discord hasn’t been cooperative. He feels he shouldn’t interfere in sending you off. He also said that ‘it’ll be interesting to see how the full time here changes them.’” She gave a small smile, though. “Good news is though, that you should be able to get home by the 24th of May, unless we run into hurdles with analyzing the portal energy.”

The others seemed excited, but I huffed. “So at the worst, I won’t be back home in time for…” I shook my head, sarcasm coating my next words. “Great. Thanks for that.”

Celestia looked a bit glum. “We’re doing the best we can, Nathan. I have no control over when we can get you back. Please, try and be a bit more patient with us. We are doing everything within our power to help you.”

Ophi placed a hand upon my shoulder. “She’s right, Nate. We can’t go attacking her for things that are out of her hooves. At least we have a concrete date, now.”

I knew that she was right, so I sighed. “Sorry about that. I’m just really anxious about this, is all.” I turned towards Rena and Eric. “If that’s everything, we’ve got to get these two back to Manehattan. They agreed to help them with a project, for community service.”

Celestia thought for a moment before responding. “Ophelia can take them back. I have other things I wish to discuss with you in private, Nathan.”

Concern rose upon Ophelia’s face, and she challenged that response. “Anything you have to discuss with him, you can discuss with me.” She turned to look at me. “Isn’t that right, Nathan?”

I considered that for a split second before nodding. But before I responded, Celestia cut me off. “I’m afraid that it’s not his call. Please, go.”

I looked to Ophi with a guilty look. “Sorry. You heard her. I’ll let you know how it goes, alright?”

Ophi sighed and nodded, then took Eric and Rena out of the room. Once they were gone, Celestia cast a spell that encompassed the room as her guards left. “You might be wondering why I have asked to speak with you alone. I promise, you aren’t in trouble.”

I quirked an eyebrow. “Alright? So, what’s going on here?”

Celestia sighed. “I’ve been troubled lately. All of this is hard on my people, me especially. This… event… has changed everything for us.” She looked at me. “New doors are opening up before our very eyes. You humans could offer us so much knowledge.”

Both of my eyebrows shot up. “Wait, how do you know that? Have you… seen Earth, then?”

Celestia gave a nod. “Only briefly. The reason we are having such difficulty breaching the spell like that permanently is because of its shifting nature. But we did manage to stabilize it just long enough to see your home world. The amount of technology you have when compared to us…! It truly is breath-taking. Sure, we have some things in common, but…” She shook her head. “My point is, you could teach us! Push us forward! All it would take is for you to stay a little longer-”

I shook my head. “No. We can’t stay longer than we have to. Besides, it’s not like any of us that wound up here are tech savvy- at least, as far as I am aware. Sure, we might know the jist of how all of it works. But we can’t build any of it.” At her look of resignation, I made to leave. “So, if that’s everything… I’ll be on my way.”

Celestia nodded. “There’s nothing else for us to discuss today, Nathan. You may go.”

I turned heel and got out of there before she changed her mind. I took a breath. Ophi was nowhere in sight, most likely on the train back to Ponyville at this point. I made my way to the Castle entrance, and went outside. Once I was in an open area, I limbered up a bit, and began to run. I hadn’t run at top speed in a long while, and it felt pretty good to push myself again. It was a shame that I didn’t have somebody to measure my speed for me, though. Within a few minutes, I slowed down once the train station was in sight. I took the rest of the trip to cool down as I walked down to the station.

A bit to my surprise, Ophi hadn’t left back to Ponyville just yet. Eric and Rena, however, were nowhere to be seen. I caught my breath, and spoke. “Send them off already, eh? I half-expected you to be back in Ponyville by now.”

Ophi shook her head. “I wouldn’t do that to you, Nate.” She jerked her head towards the train with a smile. “Come on. Let’s get going.”

I nodded, and the two of us got on after the conductor took our two tickets. We found ourselves a pair of seats, and sat as the train began to move. Once it was on its way, I spoke up. “Well, that went well. At least Celestia now knows we can’t really stay longer.”

Ophi had a puzzled expression. “Wait, that’s why she asked you to talk with her alone? Why did she want us to stay beyond the 24th of May?”

I sighed with a shake of my head. “To help them get better tech. I kindly explained that none of us were tech savvy. Well, among those that we’ve met, anyway.”

A pause prevailed for a while, before Ophi spoke up again. “Nate… do you think that we were sent here for a reason? I mean, both of us meeting one of our old friends within a short period of time… it can’t just be coincidence, right?”

I shrugged. “I don’t think that we’re here for any specific reason. This is just a hiccup before we get back home, nothing more. I don’t think that He had any hand in this.”

Another pause, and Ophi shook her head. “I can’t think like that anymore, Nate. It’s just too… organized. Much like our universe, this string of events is a very specific set of astronomical chances. It’s too unlikely that it happened on its own.”

I thought about that for a bit, then gave a sigh. “Perhaps you are right. But I don’t think we should count the score on it just yet. After all, there are two more locations that need checking.” I looked out the window. “I just hope that we get home before the 23rd of May. I’d rather not spend that day here.”

A tilt of the head came from Ophi. “Is there anything special about that day? Why would you prefer to be home by then?”

I turned to look at her with an incredulous look. But then, I realized something. I hadn’t explained what was so important about it to her before. I chuckled. “Well, for one… I won’t be 15 anymore.”

She gasped. “Your birthday’s on that day?” at my nod, the look on her face changed to sympathy. “Oh, wow. No wonder you want to get back by then. It just wouldn’t be the same for you to spend it here.”

I gave a glum nod. “Yeah. I might not have had the best ones in the past, but… I think my folks have worried enough. If they miss my birthday because I’m gone… it might just break them.”

The rest of the train ride was spent in silence, and before very long the conductor made the announcement. “Next stop, Ponyville Station. Please ensure that you have all your belongings with you before you exit the train. Travel safe during the night, folks.”

That last part was expected, as the sun was going down. The two of us gathered our stuff as the train stopped, and we exited it for the final time that day. We looked at each other, and I waved. “See you tomorrow, Ophi.”

She waved back. “See you.” We parted ways, going back to the places we had chosen to stay.

Ophelia walked to clear her head. Today had been so… odd. Her heart was beating faster than normal around Nate lately. Was she… starting to like him as more than a friend? She shook the thought away as she reached the Boutique. She could figure that out later. She went inside, and the door shut.

Author's Note:

Now things are starting to get interesting...