• Published 26th Jun 2019
  • 1,292 Views, 6 Comments

To Find Purpose - The REAL Mister Pkmn

Back in 2011, there was a young man who felt ostracized by the world. He felt that absolutely nobody cared, but he pushed on anyway. This is a tale of if he found his way to Equestria back then...

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XVIII- Dark Dealings

It didn’t take much time for us to get to the library and find our way inside. The sight that greeted us was no stranger than anything that we had seen since we had arrived, but it still was rather shocking nonetheless. Twilight was levitating some books around her in that same aura she used to pick up the apple earlier. I could make out at least one of the titles; that being Myths Of Antiquity. I was certain that she was doing some sort of research on humans based on that one alone. I cleared my throat to get her attention. She was slightly startled, but managed to not let go of the books in her surprise. She turned to us and smiled. “Nathan! Ophelia! Good that you could come. I’d like to discuss something with the both of you.”

Perplexity was clear upon our faces, but I decided to broker the question that was on our minds. “So how important is this actually? Spike made it sound urgent, but I’m not so sure about that.”

After setting the books down gently, Twilight gave a small sigh. “Trust me. This knowledge will change your tune.” I raised an eyebrow at that while turning to Ophi to see how she was taking this. It seemed that she was about as intrigued by this prospect as I was, so I turned back to see Twilight facing us. I motioned for her to continue, and she obliged. “You see, ever since you and the others found yourselves flung into this world, I’ve been monitoring the magic flow of our world. Normally, it flows through all life in our world just fine, balancing out naturally. But the magic doesn’t quite react the way you might expect with humans by what you asserted about not having any magic.
“You see, tests have been run on such a thing before. This happened when the royal scientist tried to synthesize a magic-less creature. It did work, much to their surprise. However, the magic flow of the world rushed in to equalize. There was no way of stopping it, so it soon became like all the other creatures in the wild.” She shook her head. “This isn’t what I’ve observed since you came, however.
“The magic of our world has recoiled away from your presence, almost like a magnet being repelled by the same charge. Anything you interact with only temporarily is void of magic, except for the items that you brought with you or any item that has had long-term exposure to your presence.”

Ophi gasped with shock. “Wait, so what you’re saying is that… we’re hurting your world’s natural balance? But how? If we really didn’t have any magic, that shouldn’t be happening, right?”

Twilight scratched her head for a bit before answering. “Well, there is a… theoretical explanation. Some unicorn scientists have postulated about a force equal and opposite of our own magic that could very well explain all of this. They called this hypothetical force The Null. It is thought that if our world came into contact with The Null for too long it could lose all of its magic. So if you really come from a place with no magic… it is possible that your world is fueled by this Null Force without you even realizing it.”

I shook my head. “While your theory makes some sense, there is an issue. Magic is a form of energy, right? If that is the case, then it can’t really be destroyed, only put somewhere else in some other form. The magic would have to… go somewhere. Oh no.”

Twilight looked at me in confusion. “What’s wrong, Nathan? What thought came to mind?”

Ophi saw the look and my eyes, and understood. “Our world. If the magic of your world is evicted, it could find its way to ours. You could be wrong about this force you talked about, and if you are… our world could be overrun by magic as a result. And humans, well… some of them have some really messed up ideas for what they would do with such power.”

I gave a nod. “Now it’s more imperative than ever that we find our way back home as soon as possible.” I turned to face Twilight, a strained sigh escaping. “Tell Celestia about this. After all, her sister has been trying to help me with some nightmares lately, and… well, I don’t know what adverse effects she might accumulate if she tries to continue.”

Twilight nodded, and went off to write a letter. Ophi though seemed a bit concerned. “Nightmares? What about, Nate? I haven’t heard you talk about them to me…”

I took a deep breath. It was probably best that I tell her, right? It wasn’t good to have her worried. I steeled myself as I led her to a secluded portion of the library. I was a bit beside myself, though. Recently things had been a bit… awkward between us. Could I really tell her about this? I hesitated only for a moment before pushing the uncertainty aside. If I was to get anywhere with her… I’d have to confront this problem sooner or later. I explained. “Ever since we arrived here, I’ve had the same dream. It replays many memories from my past, jumbled out of order. It almost always ends with me seeing Harold again before he disappears.
“But a few nights ago… you were added to the dream. It depicted you betraying me, like everyone else I know. This was when I started to have conversations with a dark shadow in my head. He looked like me, or whomever he deigned to be. He likes to throw into my face all of my failures and all the cynicism that kept me going before we became friends. It wasn’t until recently that I started to conquer it with the help of Princess Luna paying a visit to my dreams.” I shook my head. “But now, I don’t know how I’ll get through it, what with this new revelation…”

Ophi paused as she took it all in. It was a bit hard to read her reaction to what I had told her, which really set me on edge. I relaxed as I felt her right hand rest on my left shoulder. “Nate, I’m glad that you feel that you can be open with me about this. To be honest… It’s a relief that you’re as concerned about our friendship as I am. As for this nightmare of yours… Well, maybe our psychic connection could help you with that. I’m not sure how exactly, but we can figure this out! No matter what, we will remain friends. I promise.”

I let out a sigh. That again, huh? So she was trying to push aside what had happened. She didn’t want to meddle with a relationship with me beyond that, which I could understand. Maybe it was for the best that we stayed just friends after all. But… I just couldn’t give up on the idea. That isn’t the kind of person I am. But I knew that I had to be careful about it too. I couldn’t risk too much on it, after all. I gave a nod. “Right. No matter what happens. Thanks for offering to try and help me through this. It’s really sweet of you.”

I saw a small blush on her face as she looked away. “Really, it’s nothing. You’d do the same for me. It’s just what good friends would do.”

Part of me somehow felt that what she was saying was more trying to convince herself more than me. I inwardly smirked. Seems like somebody’s starting to come around. Just gotta play my cards right. I nodded, careful to not be too brash. “People can do many things for the people they care for. It all depends on how deep that care goes. Be it simple friendship, or perhaps something more… romantic.”

Her blush deepened slightly before she faced away. “W-well, sure. But that’s kinda obvious, right?” She cleared her throat, and suppressed her embarrassment. “I’ll see you around, Nate. I just need to… go and clear my head.”

She left, and I found myself scolding myself inwardly. Idiot! Can’t you just think a bit more before you speak? She probably thinks… I shook my head. No matter. Small setback, is all. Just need to smooth things over a bit. She’s not… ready for that, I suppose. Not used to the idea. Just need to be a bit more patient.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Twilight spoke up. “Nathan? Are you all right?”

I shook my thoughts away and gave a small nod. “Yeah. I’m fine. I was just thinking, is all.”

Twilight looked like she might object for a moment, but then seemed to think better of it. “I just wanted to let you know that I wrote Celestia about this problem. She should respond soon, hopefully…”

It wasn’t much longer until a belch was heard from the other room. Spike came into the room holding a scroll with what looked to be an official royal seal on it. “Twilight! She wrote back already!”

A smile was upon Twilight’s face, and I was about to leave as she took the scroll in her magic. She turned towards me with a confused look. “Where do you think you’re going?”

I jabbed a thumb at the door. “I just need to get going. I should be helping Applejack with the apple stand.”

Twilight shook her head. “This concerns you, I’m pretty certain. You should be here to hear it.” At those words, I could hardly argue. I relented with a sigh as she opened the scroll and began to read it aloud:

“Dear Twilight,

“This finding of yours does seem quite troubling, but there is little to be done. We are already working as fast as we can to understand the portals that brought the humans here. I’ll see if I can get Discord to help again, maybe with this new finding he might actually care to help us. Just keep an eye on the situation for me.”

“Your Mentor, Princess Celestia.”

“P.S.: Nathan, If you are listening to Twilight read this, I appreciate your concern for my sister. However, I don’t think your dreams are dangerous to her. While your presence might affect anyone else that might know how to get into your mind, Luna knows how to handle herself.”

I raised an eyebrow at that last part, but I felt Celestia was being a bit too dismissive of my concerns. I shook my head. “Well, if that’s everything, I best be off.”

Before I could leave though, Twilight asked me a question. “Nathan… What do you think might happen if our worlds were to say, merge?”

I paused for a moment. I turned back from the doorway and looked her in the eye. “It could be bad, that’s one option. If you are right about these forces… If they clashed on such a scale… they might destroy everything on both worlds. It would be best that we are sent home, and the connections between our worlds severed permanently. Just as I’ve advocated from the start.” I sighed as I returned to facing out the open door. “Some things are better left separate.”

Twilight called out to me before I left. “And yet you’re trying to evolve your relationship with Ophelia. Don’t you think that you’re being a bit hypocritical?”

I flinched at those words. She’d noticed. And if she had… who knows how many others had. My grip on the doorframe was tight, and I felt almost short of breath. How was I supposed to reply to that? After a bit of thought, I took a deep breath and relaxed my grip. “Maybe I am. But so what? I could be wrong about what might happen in the future. Maybe it’d be good for our worlds to coalesce.”

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location…

A figure looks on from a shadowed plane with a scowl. He couldn’t believe what the Crystal Ball was showing him. This was not right! He had not paid much mind to it so far, seeing as it was only some minor deviations. But this… He would not abide. He stood from his throne made of rusted steel and clenched a fist. He could not allow any more straying from what his plan had intended. He grasped a steel sword of elaborate make in his right hand, and felt the magic respond to him. It had taken practice, but he had control of his anti-magic so that it did not consume the magic around him. He looked once more through the Crystal Ball as Nathan left the Library. It was now or never. He had to stop Nathan from leaving at any cost.

He took a deep breath as he channelled the magic of the sword. He leveled it at a random cave wall and took a mighty swing. The blade cleaved the air and left a portal to the Everfree in its place. His attempts to convince Nathan via dreams had gone sour, so he had to take the direct approach. He leapt through the portal, his black armor clanking slightly. He sealed the portal with his sword, then turned towards the town of Ponyville. His scowl grew. It sickened him to be in this place, to see it as it was right now and not as it should be. He shook his head. The loop would be completed. No price was too high for his goal. He gave a nod and started to make his way towards the Whitetail Woods.

If he remembered right, somebody very important was about to enter those woods...

Edge of Ponyville, Near Whitetail Woods

Ophi stopped for a moment. A sudden chill ran down her spine as she was about to enter the woods. There was something or somebody there, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what, exactly. She looked around, and called out. “Hello? Is somebody there? This isn’t funny, you know…”

It was then that she heard an armored person approach. She turned to see, and she gasped. He was taller than anyone she had ever seen. His armor was steel painted black, and he had a steel sword strapped to his back. She could hardly make out anything of his face from behind the helmet, aside from some piercing blue-green eyes. Then he spoke in an impossible voice. “It’s me, Ophi.”

She froze as thoughts ran through her head. Didn’t she leave Nathan back at the library? How could he get her so fast? It didn’t… make sense. But for some reason… she started to feel calm. Like this was… normal.

The figure removed his helmet, revealing that it was Nathan… No matter how impossible that was, it somehow was made right in Ophi’s head. He smirked. “Good. Now. Follow me. I have a surprise for you…”

Ophi started to follow, but a weak part of her still fought to call out with her psychic link. Nathan… help… me...

I dropped the apple I was about to hand to a customer as I stood up from the stall. I tuned out the complaint as I yelled. “Sorry! I just really got to go!” I didn’t even hear Applejack yell as I ran off. I had to find her! This was the second time today! I couldn’t let this happen! I ran for a while into the direction I felt her calling from. It didn’t take long, although I did have to excuse myself through the crowds of ponies. I kept running until the trail ran cold at the edge of the Whitetail Woods. I looked around in panic, muttering “no” repeatedly to myself.

I didn’t snap out of it until I felt a pony’s magic catch me. I saw that it was Twilight’s before it fizzled out. I turned to see Twilight and her friends as well as the other humans, all with concern on their faces. Before they could ask, I collapsed in a heap, causing all of them to come rushing. I started muttering. “She’s gone. She’s gone. No, she can’t be gone…”

My tears fell freely as I felt them all try to comfort me with hugs. It was then that I heard an amused dark chuckle from somewhere. I wiped away my tears as I looked around. Pinkie snapped at the laughter. “Hey! It’s not nice to laugh at somebody’s tears! Show yourself, you meanie!”

Dark clouds rolled over from the Everfree, covering the sky. The laughter came back as a figure in black armor appeared floating transparent in the sky. He grinned from behind his helmet. “Hello Nathan. We finally meet.”

I gasped as I stood to see the figure. “You! You’re the one that’s been giving me those nightmares! Where have you taken Ophi? And just who are you!”

He chuckled, and took off his helmet. He sneered with his purple eyes. “I’m whoever I want to be!” His face shifted, and it looked like me. It shifted again, and he was Ferris. He could have shown off more if he wanted, but decided against it as his face shifted back. He gave a hearty guffaw. “As for where Ophelia is… That’s for me to know and for you to figure out!”

Rainbow tilted her head in confusion. “Wait, how are you using magic? Humans can’t use magic!”

He shook his head, and waggled his left index finger. “That may be true, but I’m not exactly… human any more. I figured many things out since being sent here. I can control my anti-magic and use it like spells. I can also reign it in to wield the artifacts of this world, such as this sword.” He unsheathed it so that we all could see it.

Twilight gasped. “That’s the Space Render! How’d you get your hands on such a sophisticated enchanted weapon? It’s been lost for centuries!”

He sheathed it again and grinned smugly. “I won’t tell you that.” He then shook his head. “Regardless, we’re getting off track here. I have a proposition for you, Nathan. If you want to see Ophelia again… you’ll listen to my deal.”

Irritated, I clenched my fist for a moment before releasing it. I didn’t like it, but… I had little choice in the matter. “What are your terms, cretin?”

He showed mock hurt for a moment. “Ooh! Such harsh words!” He rolled his eyes and dismissed it. “Though, I can understand. Pretty tough spot that I’ve put you in.” He chuckled lightly before getting back on topic. “My deal is rather simple, Nathan. If you want her back immediately, you have to agree to side with me-”

I interrupted him with a sharp huff. “You think that I would ever join you, after all those nightmares? There is no force that could make me do that.”

The armored figure blinked for a bit before giving a shrug. “Very well. The hard way it is, then.” He paused for a moment to clear his throat before continuing. “If you want her back, then a contest you must win. We’ll wait until Monday to begin. A series of challenges I will provide for you, and you’ll have to complete all of them. As for how many…” He made a point of taking a while to think it over before breaking out in a smile. “12 should be enough. One a day, skipping Sunday. So, Nathan. Will you agree?”

I thought for a moment. This was mostly just burning time. But what was the point? I just had to ask the most burning question on my mind, though. “Before I agree… What happens if I fail?”

A manic grin formed upon the man’s face as he spoke. “Oh, you won’t like it. You see… I intend to have you on my team one way or another. But… for the spell to change your alignment to work, well… A price must be paid, and a hefty one at that.”

My eyes widened as I caught on to what he was insinuating. This was a gamble, a shot in the dark. But what choice did I have? He likely would do something pretty bad to Ophi if I refused. I sighed before speaking up. “If that’s what you want… Very well. I don’t intend to lose, especially to somebody that hasn’t even given me their name.”

The figure paused a moment before letting out a chuckle. “You never change, do you? Fine. Since you're so insistent…” He made a mock bow before continuing. “I’m Cedric. I’ll be seeing you soon… Nathan.”

After the hologram disappeared, I stood up. Applejack was the first to speak up after the strange occurrence. “Nathan, are ya outta yer mind? There’s no tellin’ if he’ll keep his word! Ya should’ve tried for another option!”

I shook my head. “What other choice did I have? He’s holding all the cards. I couldn’t exactly refuse, you know.”

It was then that Ferris approached me and set a hand on my shoulder. “He doesn’t have all the cards. You’ve got us, Nathan. We’ll help you. I know that you might not like the idea, but… It’s the best shot that you have.”

I looked towards Ferris and Miara, mixed feelings swirling. Ferris had betrayed me before, and I didn’t really know Miara at all. But here they were, with Ferris saying that they’d help me. I had one question on my mind, and it erupted from my mouth without thinking. “Why, though? All I’ve ever done since we met again is push you away… So why?”

A smile lit upon Ferris’ face as he explained simply. “Because we were once friends, Nathan. I feel that I owe you this after all that’s happened.”

I was at a loss for words. I didn’t deserve this. It made no sense. Was this an extension of his apology? I looked at Miara, trying to figure out why she would help me. There had to be some angle, some ulterior motive. I asked her. “Why you, then? I don’t even know you, really.”

She made a simple statement. “Ophelia’s my friend too. I’ve enjoyed getting to know her since we met. So I’m helping you get her back because I’ll miss her too if she’s gone. It’s that simple.”

My mind was whirling fast trying to process it all. There was no nefarious purpose, they just wanted to help. This went against everything that I had seen from the world in how it treated me. I had been shown through actions by others that the world just didn’t care. But here in front of me, these two were challenging that notion. Emotions battled in my head, just as they did so long ago on that fateful day. I tried to sort out my confusion. I took a deep breath, trying to rationalize in my head.

I couldn’t be friends with them, that was out of the question. But maybe I could at least let them help. After all, I wasn’t detecting any insincerity. I sighed as I gave a small nod. “Alright. But just to be clear- this doesn’t make us friends. We’re just aligning for a common goal.”

They both gave me an affirmative, though I think they were just humoring me. I was doubting my own words, to be honest. Twilight spoke up. “If you need our help…”

I scoffed. “No chance. We’ll do this by ourselves. I don’t like how it will take so long, but if that’s what it takes… So be it.” After that, everyone went to their respective dwellings and I found myself skipping dinner. After changing into my pajamas I stared at the barn’s ceiling. I could feel Ophi’s mind, afraid and alone. I’d get her back, and nothing would stop me. With that thought, I let myself fall asleep.

Author's Note:

Finally, time for the conflict to evolve!