• Published 11th Feb 2019
  • 1,663 Views, 42 Comments

Sunset Shimmer and the philosopher's stone - Flamingsheild

Sunset Shimmer was just a regular kid, well as regular you can get in a wizarding family. She is starting her first year at Hogwarts. How will she cope with Malfroy, Dangerous class and worse Old Wartymort.

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An Eel and a Toad Part 1

Sunset looked around nervously at the sight of bags, people and steam from the trains. She mentally kicked herself for losing her family and the fact that she didn't know where platform nine and three quarters was.

She saw Harry going up to a passing guard.He isn't. Oh he is. Sunset ran up to Harry and grabbed his wrist before he could talk any more. "Sorry Sir". Sunset said fake smiling at Harry. "I just found my friend's train, sorry if he bothered you". Sunset started pulling Harry away with a iron grip

"What was that for"? Harry said looking cross. "If you had asked him about Hogwarts, a school that nobody that isn't going there or isn't a wizard knows about wouldn't that sound a bit suspicious". Sunset whispering to Harry as he sadly nodded.

"Cheer up". Sunset said play punching him which Harry thought was actually hard. "You're new to this magic stuff so just stick with me and I'll help you".

"Okay but how do we get to Hogwarts"? Harry asked looking at Sunset. "I've never actually been to platform nine and three quarters since my aunts always left me with one of their friends that was a wizard". Sunset answered honestly.

"So how do we get there"? Harry asked panicking.

"Just try to find another wizarding family and then we can ask them". Sunset said as she was glancing around trying not to draw more attention.

Harry was trying to not looking suspicious since the guard was already probably weirded out. He suddenly heard. "Packed full of muggles too".

He turned around to where he had heard the voices and saw a family of red heads lead by a plump woman who looked like she came straight out of a fairytale. They were all carrying trunks like Sunset and himself and they had an owl. He got Sunset's attention and pointed towards the family.

She nodded and started to follow them with Harry. They walked close enough to hear what the merry group was saying. "Now can anyone tell me what the platform number is"? The redhaired woman asked.

"Nine and three quarters". A redhaired little girl said smiling. "Can I go mum"? The little girl pleaded with puppy dog eyes how ever it seemed as if her mother was immune to this so her dreams were crushed. "No Ginny, you're too young, Percy you should go first".

Harry and Sunset looked with amazement as the boy walked through a crowd of people seemingly to go right through them and as the crowd cleared he was gone.

As they had been watching the boy called Percy, two boys that may have been twins were talking to their mother. As the boys disappeared Harry and Sunset went to go to talk to the woman because she knew how to get across and she seemed like a nice lady.

"Hello". Harry said nervously. Sunset figured that he didn't have a lot of social skills."Oh first year at Hogwarts, Ron is a first year too". The woman pointed to a redhaired boy at around Harry's age.

Sunset sighed and pushed Harry aside. "Hi, we need to get to the train going to Hogwarts but we don't know how to".

"Get to the platform"? The woman asked smiling. Sunset and Harry nodded." Don't worry all you have to do is go through the middle of nine and ten but for goodness sakes don't slow down or be scared otherwise you won't go through". Sunset watched as Harry ran through the invisible barrier. Okay Sunset if blueballs can get through this so can i Sunset thought as she started running shut her eyes and made it through the barrier and crashed into a boy.


"I am so sorry". Sunset said apologising. "Let me help". She started grabbing the books that fell out of the boys arms while he picked himself up." Thank you". The boy said shyly. He grabbed his books and accidently touched Sunset's hand. It felt warm to Sunset. She and the boy blushed and she suddenly let go of the books. "My name is Sunset". Sunset said holding out her hand faintly blushing. "My name is Thorax". Thorax replied shaking it. Now Thorax felt the warmth of Sunset's hand and heard a voice somewhere in front of him yell. "Thorax come on"! And heard a voice somewhere behind him say "Sunset"!

"Well see you later". Sunset said running off waving. "Bye". Thorax replied. As they walked their seperate ways they had to trains of thought but both going in the same direction.

That was the first nice thing a girl has ever done for me.
That boy was really shy but really nice at the same time.
I hope i see her again.
I hope i see him again.

Sunset said goodbye to her aunts while stepping on the train with Harry. She couldnt believe it. She was going to Hogwarts. She stepped into an empty compartment with harry and sat down and started to read a book she brought with her. It was an adventure story with evil dragons,corrupt kings,vengeful spirits and brave heros. The hero was racing throught the woods as smugglers from dark underground in the world of evil were racing when a bandit leaps foward and says... "Can i sit here, all the other compartments are full".

She hated that moment where your reading a good book when the real world wants you to stop. She looked up and saw the redhaired boy that the redhaired woman gestured to. "Sure". Harry said smiling and looking at Sunset expectantly. "What are you looking at me for, you just said he can sit here so let him sit". Ron sat next to Harry and were about to begin to have a conversation when Sunset said. "Oh and Harry". Harry looked at her puzzled. "Dont expect someone to make all of your choices". She smiled and went back to her book.

The brave and loyal knight steps in to stop his spy friend from being slaughted by the corrupted baroness and her mindcontrolled husband and son when he turns around and says..."Do you want a snack from my trolly dearies".

This is getting annoying.Sunset thought as she glanced up and saw the trolly lady came up to the compartment. Her stomach growled. Perhaps it was time for a snack she pondered. Another grumble from her stomach made her choice clear so she bookmarked her page and got some candy and chocolate from the nice trolly lady, sat with Harry and Ron.

"Hungry are you"? Ron asked miserably. "Starving". Harry said trying to choose what to eat first. Ron pulled out a brown paper bag and took out some corned beef sandwitches. Sunset internally gagged at the sight. "She always forgets i dont like corned beef". Ron said looking even more gloomier. "I dont even know what corned beef means". Sunset said shrugging her shoulders. "Nobody does, thats why adults love it". Harry said joking. The compartment laughed at that." But seriously i'll swap you a pastry for one". Harry said holding out a mini pumpkin pastry. "You dont want this its terrible, she dosent have alot of time for us i mean". Ron said the last sentance in a hurry.Smooth. Sunset thought as Harry insisted that Ron took one." Take a chocolate frog as well" Sunset said distracting Ron while kicking the forgotten sandwitches under a chair wishing that someone will get rid of that soon before it goes off. "What are these, they arent really frogs are they"? Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance and then said. "Most people here arent French Harry, even then they only eat the legs and their made of chocolate". Ron started to eat the pastry Harry gave him. "Check the card inside". Harry looked confused so Ron explained about the cards inside while Sunset started chewing on a pumpkin pastry. Harry then opened a frog and looked at the card inside. It said Albus Dumbledore. It also read Albus Dumbledore, currently Headmaster of Hogwarts. Considered the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbeldore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel. Professer Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling.

Harry gasped as he turned the card around and Dumbledore had disappeared. "He's gone". Harry said flipping the card to see if it was a trick. "Thank you for the report Captain Obvious". Sunset said with a mock salut. "Well you cant expect him to stay around all day". Ron said looking at a new card. "Rats i got Morgana again, i've got six of her, do either of you want it"? Harry took the card looking at it with interest. Ron's eye started looking at the fairly large sized pile of chocolate frogs begging of him to unwrap them. "Help yourself". Harry said looking at the Morgana card with interest." But you know in muggle photos the people don't move. Harry said puting the card down. "Really"? Ron asked with a look of surprise. "What they dont move at all". Harry and Sunset shook their heads. "Weird". Ron said shaking his head. "Its sometimes annoying". Sunset said chewing a chocolate frog while looking at the card of Morgana Harry got. "At my house we've got wizard and muggle pictures so its hard to tell if they're watching you or not". Sunset shivered remembering the time a wizard pictured played a prank on her.

Harry stared as Dumbledore went back into his picture and gave him a small wink while Morgana was trying to scare Sunset but all she got was Sunset sticking out her tongue. Ron was more interested in eating the frogs than looking at the cards. Harry got Dumbledore, Morgana, Hengist of Woodcraft, Alberic Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus and Merlin.

Sunset just gave the cards she got to Ron saying. "I'm only eating them for the chocolate". Harry finally stopped looking at Cliodna who was scratching her nose making Sunset cringe in disgust. Harry then opened up a bag of what was called "Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans".

"You want to be careful with those". Ron warned Harry while gesturing to the bag of magic jellybeans. "When they say every flavour they mean every flavour. You have the average ones like chocolate and peppermint then you taste ones like spinach and liver". Sunset nodded in agreement while shuddering. "My cousin once hid an eel flavour one in my dinner". Sunset said closing her eyes in disgust. "It took me two hours to stop vomiting since I'm extremely allergic to seafood". She dry heaved at the memory while Ron shuddered and Harry stared at her in horror.

Ron then stared at a green one before hesitantly putting it in his mouth. Two seconds passed as everyone stared at him waiting before he spit it out onto the floor. "Blegh"! Ron said wiping his mouth. "Sprouts".

Author's Note:

Sorry I was gone so long here is half a chapter because I figure I owe you this after not writing for so long.