• Published 11th Feb 2019
  • 1,663 Views, 42 Comments

Sunset Shimmer and the philosopher's stone - Flamingsheild

Sunset Shimmer was just a regular kid, well as regular you can get in a wizarding family. She is starting her first year at Hogwarts. How will she cope with Malfroy, Dangerous class and worse Old Wartymort.

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A punch of magic

Author's Note:

I have finally managed to fix the cover art. Please let me know of you like the new one.

Sunset looked around Diagon Alley for the first time. Usually when her cousins and brother went to Diagon Alley she would stay behind with aunt Luna or aunt Celestia.

Now that she saw it for the first time it was well worth the wait. There were so many shops. There was cauldron, potions even a place to get a wizarding pet.

"Okay everyone remember the plan". Aunt Celestia asked. "Yes". Everyone but Sunset groaned. According to Sunburst aunt Celestia always had the same plan every year.

If there was a new person in the family going to Hogwarts they would go with aunt Celestia to Gringotts to know where it was. The others supervised by aunt Luna were to look around until aunt Celestia came back with the money.

"Okay well we'll see you later" Aunt Celestia said waving to the others. "Lets go Sunset".

Gringotts was amazing. Cadence and Sunburst were right there was goblins working at Gringotts. The goblin bowed and let them through the the doors only to reveal a large man with a even bigger beard and a small boy around her age with clothes that were to big for him.

They appeared to be reading something on the door. She heard the large man speak. "Like I said, yeh'd be mad ter try an' rob it". As they went into the building Sunset turned to read what was on the door.

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn,
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware,
Of finding more than treasure there.

Sunset shivered. She silently swore an oath never to steal again although she had a feeling that her oath will one day bite her in the butt.

She was in awe at the sight of Gringotts in the inside. Two goblins bowed at them as they entered a humongous white marbel hall that seemed to belong to a palace. Sunset guessed around one hundred goblins were calculating gold and writing reports on long wood tables. Sunset saw that there were so many doors that she didn't even try to count them.

"Hagrid"! Aunt Celestia ran up to the big hairy man. "Well if it ain't Celestia aren't yer a sight for sore eyes. Hagrid and aunt Celestia seemed to be in a very deep conversation so Sunset figured that she might as well talk to the boy.

"Hi I'm Sunset". She said holding her hand out for a handshake. The boy took her hand smiling and shook it. " I'm Harry".

"Well Sunset". Aunt Celestia began drawing Sunset's attention back to her. "Since Hagrid is a good friend of mine I think you can stay with him and your new friend to get your stuff if you want". Aunt Celestia said smiling.

"Thank you". Sunset said hugging Aunt Celestia.

"Well we better start getting yer stuff". Hagrid then started to walk over to a free goblin. "Morning, We've come to take some money outta Mr Harry Potter and Miss Sunset.....what's yer last name Sunset"? Hagrid asked turning to Sunset.

"My last name shimmer". Sunset said smiling as the goblin nodded. "Do you have the keys"? The goblin asked in a raspy voice.

"Here's Sunset's". Aunt Celestia said putting the key on the goblin's desk while Hagrid was trying to find something in his many, many coat pockets. He accidently dropped molded dog biscuits on the goblin's desk. Sunset whispered to Harry. "Those dog biscuits had to have been in there for a year at least". Harry's only response was a look of disgust and wonder as to how Hagrid had forgotten those dog biscuits for over a year and then decided that he didn't want to know.

Hagrid finally managed to find Harry's key and gave it to the goblin who was examining them very closely. "That seems to be in order". He said looking grumpy again. Sunset started to assume that was a goblin's normal expression.

"An' I've also got a letter from Professer Dumbledore". Hagrid said buffing out is chest which to Sunset's surprise actually made him seem bigger. "Its about the you-know-what in vault seven hundred and thirteen". Hagrid said still puffing out his chest. Sunset quietly thought to himself of how much Hagrid reminded her of a school boy trying to impress some girls.

"Very well". The goblin said in a bitter tone. "I will get someone to send you down to the vaults, Griphook".

Griphook was as Sunset suspected, another goblin came up to the group and started leading them towards a door. Sunset looked at Aunt Celestia who flashed a reassuring smile and said. "Don't worry I'll be right with your cousins once you finish".

"Why not with Sunburst"? Sunset asked.
"Because your aunt Luna is physically stronger than me and it takes someone really strong to get Sunburst away from spellbooks". Aunt Celestia and Sunset both laughed at the thought of Aunt Luna trying to pull Sunburst away from all those spell books.

"Come on Sunset, we're going". Harry said as he waved goodbye to Celestia. "Alright I'm coming". Sunset said as she ran towards her new friend.

As the trio started to walk over to the door Griphook was waiting by Harry was going to say something Sunset stopped him. "If your going to ask about what's in vault seven hundred and thirteen don't ask". Sunset said to Harry. He looked confused.

"Since Hagrid didn't specify what was in vault seven hundred and thirteen and he gave the goblin at letter, it makes sense that it's supposed to be kept a secret and not ignoring the fact that Dumbledore didn't collect it himself raises even more points that what ever is in that vault is staying a secret". Sunset said to Harry who was silently nodding in understanding.

Griphook opened the door ,Sunset and Harry who were expecting for more marble were greeted by stone and flaming torches. "Well this isnt depressing at all". Sunset said sarcastically to which Harry smothered a giggle.

Harry banged his footed on something which revealed to be little train tracks. Griphook whistled an a small cart came up. Griphook, Harry and Sunset got in easily but it took a few tries to get Hagrid in which made him look at bit embarrassed.

As Hagrid got in the cart suddenly started to move going slowly up a steep hill and then descending down really fast. Sunset watched Harry try and remember where they were going but they were going to fast. Harry suddenly looked surprised so Sunset followed his long of sight an noticed that Griphook wasn't steering.

Harry was trying to look down all of the tunnels but the cart was going to fast so you couldn't focus on the tunnels. The tunnel started to have massive stalagmite and stalacites forming on the floor.
Harry noticed them too. "What's the difference between a stalagmite and a stalagcite"?

"A stalagcite has something to do with water and try not to ask Hagrid questions I think he's going to be sick". Sunset looked at Hagrid with concern. Harry noticed that Hagrid looked a little green.

The cart stopped besides a small door that was supposedly Harry's. Sunset went over to the wall and tried to help Hagrid. Harry got a small pouch of gold and then they went to Sunset's vault. It was amazing. She had never knew she had a penny to her name and now she had a lot of money.

After gathering some into a small pouch like Harry and getting in the cart the group set out for vault seven hundred and thirteen.


Sunset couldn't believe her eyes. In the middle of the vault was a...grubby brown package. Harry was having a conversation about the magic door that kept this mysterious package safe. She started to strike up a conversation with Hagrid. "So Professer Dumbledore must really trust you to do this".

Hagrid nodded. "Yer ain't wrong there". He just picked up the package and placed it in one of his many coat pockets.

Sunset figured that while Hagrid was all serious about doing this special job he wasn't in the mood for conversation.

She walked over to Harry and Griphook and was able to hear the last part of the conversation. "So how often do you check the safes"?

"Every ten years". Griphook said with a wicked smile that Sunset couldn't only describe as merciless enjoyment.

"That goblin has some serious schadenfruede problems". Sunset said whispering to Harry as soon as Griphook's back was turned . He just looked at her like she had just sprouted a second head. Sunset just sighed and replied. " Look it up in a dictionary next time you get the chance". Sunset walked if into the cart leaving Harry even more confused.

The ride back to the first floor of Gringotts was like a roller coaster ride that changed every time that you went on it Sunset thought as she screamed in joy at the speed of the small cart.

She looked back at Hagrid who was turning different colours every time they went around a bend. Note to self never take Hagrid on a roller coaster ride. Sunset thought as he turned a brilliant shade of purple before they stopped.

Sunset and Harry were both getting measured at Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions while Hagrid was getting a "pick me up" at the Leaky Cauldron.

Madam Malkin was a short witch dressed in a brilliant shade of mauve which reminded Sunset of Hagrid in the Gringott's tunnels.

Another boy was getting his robes fitted at the end of the shop which coincidently was where the Madam Malkin was leading Sunset and Harry.

"Hullo, Hogwarts too"? Asked the boy in a posh sort of tone that made sunset very suspicious.

"Yes". Harry replied not noticing the boy's posh behavior. Sunset mentally facepalmed at Harry's ignorance.

"My father's next door buying my books and mother's up the streets looking at wands'. The boy went on with his i'm-better-than-you-because-im-rich voice." Then I'm going to drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don't see why first years years can't have their own. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow".

Harry thought this boy was a replica of Dudley while Sunset thought she was talking to a deformed clone of Blueblood.

"Have you got your own broom"? The boy asked implying that he did.

"No". Harry said confused as to why he would want a broom while Sunset tried not to facepalm.

"Have played Quidditch at all"? The boy asked sounding posh and snobbier by the minute.

"No". Harry replied and looked to Sunset who just mouthed ask Hagrid.

I do, father says it's a crime if I'm not chosen to compete in my house and I must say I agree. Know what house you'll be in yet"?

"No". Harry replied feeling stupider by the second while Sunset was thinking of a million responses Harry could say that weren't no.

"Well, nobody really knows until they get there do they but I know that I'll be in Slytherin, all our family have been. Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'll leave wouldn't you"?

"Mmm". Sunset was now thinking of a million responses Harry could say that weren't no and Mmm.

"I say look at that man"! That snobby boy gestured to Hagrid who was holding three ice creams and couldn't come in the shop.

"That's Hagrid, he works at Hogwarts". Harry said feeling slightly better knowing something that the rude boy didn't.

"Oh I've heard of him". Harry's confidence died. "He's a sort if servant isn't he"? Harry and Sunset made their minds up that they didn't like this snobbish rude boy.

"He's the gamekeeper". Harry said determined to stand up for Hagrid. "And one of the best that's ever been to Hogwarts". Sunset said looking at the boy with anger.

"Yes exactly, I heard that he's some sort of savage, lives in a hut, gets drunk, tries to do magic and end up setting his bed on fire". The snob said pointing his nose in the air.

"Says the boy who wet the bed every night". Sunset said raising a sardonic eyebrow. The boy became flustered. "How did you know that"? He only realised his mistake until both Harry and Sunset raised sardonic eyebrows.

"Well I think the school shouldn't get people like him even allowed on the school grounds and they already let people from". The boy shuddered. "Muggle families.

The witches finally finished Harry and Sunset's robes and they were all to happy to leave.

Sunset was enjoying her ice cream ( chocolate raspberry and chopped nuts). When Harry asked about Quidditch Sunset simply replied." Think basketball but with flying on broomsticks". Harry nodded in understanding. Harry then asked about the Hogwarts houses. Hagrid began explaining while she zoned out eating her ice cream. She came back to reality with Harry saying. "I bet I'm in Hufflepuff". "Same". Sunset said frowning.

"Better Hufflepuff and Slytherin, there wasn't a wizard there who didn't turn evil".

"Whats that shop Hagrid"? Sunset asked pointing to a shop where a man in a shabby cloak was at the register. "That be August fletchers shop, he's a nice man and dosent always do the right thing but everything he sells is one hundred percent genunine". Harry looked at Sunset who had stars in her eyes. "I'll be right back". 10 minutes later Sunset came out with a mp3 player and headphones. She explained that they work in Hogwarts.

Then Hagrid led the way to Flourish and Blotts where the shelves were stacked with books. While Hagrid was trying to find the books they needed Sunset had to literally pull Harry away from a book about curses. "I wanted to curse Dudley". Sunset merely countered with. "You do know that it's illegal to curse a muggle right"? Harry stopped trying to look at curses.

They brought some copper cauldrons and sets of scales and a bronze telescope for Harry while Sunset wanted a blue one. They went to the Apothecary and Sunset almost puked at the sight of some of the ingredients.

Once they were out Hagrid checked the list. " Okay all that's left is yer wands and I still haven't got you two a birthday present yet, sinceHarry's birthday was yesterday and Celestia said that Sunset's is today".

Twenty minutes later they left the owlemporium with a snowy white bird underneath Harry's arm and a blue cat underneath Sunset's arm. Sunset and Harry couldnt stop saying their thanks. Hagrid's only response was "Don't mention it".

As they were in Ollivander's Sunset looked around as Olivander talked to Hagrid and Harry and then turned to talk to Sunset.

"And you miss shimmer, your mother had a ten inch wand, sturdy but flexible, useful for Charms". Sunset wished that Olivander wasn't so creepy. It felt as of he was staring into her soul.

"Your father had a 9 inch wand, rigid but light, excellent for deuling". Sunset couldn't believe that Ollivander remembered every wand he ever sold and everyone he sold a wand to.

Ollivander gave Harry wand after wand until he found the perfect one that managed to burst out something that looked like a firework. He was apparently talking to Harry about something. "Right Miss Shimmer your turn".

Ollivander got Sunset to hold out her right hand and the magic tape measure started measuring Sunset. Ollivander got tons of different wands until. "An unusual combination. Sycamore, Unicorn hair and phoenix feather, 10 inches, sturdy. Try this one". Ollivander said giving Sunset a wand. This wand was different. It felt warm and alive in her hand. She waved it and a cloud of sparks in the shape of a fire came out of the tip of the wand.

Harry, Hagrid and Ollivander all clapped at Sunset's impressive magic.

Sunset and Harry payed and left Ollivander's. Honestly they were both kind of glad to leave.

Sunset and Harry had to sadly leave each other and couldn't see each other until Hogwarts. "I'll see you later Harry". Sunset said hugging Harry before running up to a young man who Sunset said was Blueblood said something to Sunset.

Harry and Hagrid winced at the punch Sunset gave Blueblood to the gut.