• Published 11th Feb 2019
  • 1,662 Views, 42 Comments

Sunset Shimmer and the philosopher's stone - Flamingsheild

Sunset Shimmer was just a regular kid, well as regular you can get in a wizarding family. She is starting her first year at Hogwarts. How will she cope with Malfroy, Dangerous class and worse Old Wartymort.

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Acceptance of an early letter

"Sunset, Sunburst breakfast". Sunset groaned and started to roll out of bed. She hated the fact that her aunt Celestia always got up, made breakfast, woke everybody in the house up at ridiculous hours in the morning.

She walked to her closet still tired, and chose her outfit for the day. She wore a yellow and blue dress with navy jeans. She also wore black boots and a leather jacket with a sun symbol on the back. She always felt a little brighter and happier when she wore that symbol.

She walked into the hall outside her room and saw her aunt Luna start walking to the kitchen. She shuddered to think what aunt Luna will do once the coffee machine stopped working or they ran out of coffee.

Aunt Luna was always grumpy in the morning ever since she was promoted to head teacher at the local night school since the last one retired. Unfortunately this meant she had to be present at every school period. Sunset's other aunt Celestia was the head teacher at the local high school since she was the most promising pupil of the principal Starswirl.

She had met the old man before and honestly he had seemed a bit strange but as aunt Celestia had said what was all part of his quirky charm that allowed the students of his school to open up better and made him the school counselor.

As she started walking down the stairs she couldn't help but looking at the photos on the dresser next to the front door. There were a ton of photos but there was one she treasured more than anything.

It was a photo of two young people holding a baby sunset with her aunts, her older brother Starburst and her cousins Cadence and Blueblood.

Her parents were aurorers. That meant they hunted down dark wizards. According to her aunts they were some of the best aurorers to have been to this day.

She knew nearly nothing about them apart from what they looked like thanks to the photo and their profession. It was a sore topic around the adults in the family and none of her cousins could remember them. Even her brother could only tell them that they were nice.

She almost cried at the way they had died. They had been the top at their craft at the time and had naturally attracted Lord Voldemort or as Sunset mentally called him Old Wartymort. He had given them a choice to either join him or suffer the consequences. They chose consequences but not without taking down a few of Old Wartymort's supporters.

She grew up in a home where everyone but her was a wizard or witch. She was turning eleven tomorrow which was usually the time a young witch or wizard like her was accepted into a wizarding school but she still felt like the odd one out in her family.

She was also not very good at making friends so instead she put on a mask of meanness, comebacks and sarcasm. This lead to her getting mixed up in the wrong crowd. After a serious talk with her aunt Luna she broke of with the group she associated with and tried to make friends with others. It would have been great too since she made a few close friends but her old group didn't like it so they decided it was their job to make Sunset's life a living hell.

"Hey Sunny, do want breakfast"? Her older brother Sunburst called out from downstairs.

"What ever you say Stary Eyes". She said grinning at her older brother's nickname while he just rolled his eyes.

"Well hurry up, we're having fruit face pancakes again". That last part was directed at their aunt Celestia.

"Don't blame aunt Celestia ". Sunset said playfully punching her brother. "All she knows how to make is vegetable stew, cake and fruit face pancakes".

"Besides do you really want cake or vegetable stew everyday for breakfast". Sunset said raising an eyebrow at her brother.

"No I suppose not". Her brother replied grumbling and then said something under his breath that was so quiet that only dogs and dolphins could hear.

Cadence was setting the table, Aunt Celestia was flipping pancakes and aunt Luna was drinking a cup of coffee while making lesson plans. Strangely for a family who was taught how to use magic no one was using any. Sure her cousins were to young to use magic but her aunts were allowed.

Her aunts like the "muggle" lifestyle. They didn't use magic for cooking or anything to do with work. Sure they used it for chores or stuff around the house but anything they could do without magic they would do without.

Sunset looked up at the clock in the living room. It didn't have regular numbers on it but instead it had things like at work, coming home, away and the two she liked the least dead and mortal peril. Two hands always were pointed at dead. According to Aunt Celestia only three clocks of this kind were ever made and the over ones didn't have the death sign on it. The two hands at death could have been removed at any time but it was a almost unanimous decision to keep them their because if they didn't it would be like disowning them from the family.

Sunset looked around the room. "Blueblood still out"? Sunset asked Cadence who was looking worried.

Cadence simply nodded. Blueblood was not the best person to be around was the understatement of the year.

Blueblood was a stuck up, selfish, egotistical, high and mighty, blowhard brat but he was family and family should stick together right? Blueblood didn't think so.

He was always partying with some friends and he barely came home at all except to pick up some stuff. No one could be in the same room with him for an hour without going crazy.

"Look he'll come back". Sunset said frowning. "He always comes back".

Cadence simply nodded. If Blueblood was away for too long then Cadence would start to be sad all the time and worry. The only thing that really made her happy was when her boyfriend Shining Armour called or she played with Sunset like when they were kids.

Blueblood wasn't always like this. Once he was a nice kid but one year after coming back from a year at Hogwarts he was suddenly a bratty snob. Sunset always wondered what happened that year.

"Sunset could you please help me chop some fruit"? Aunt Celestia asked in her kind voice. Sunset went to help her immediately.

After a lot of fruit cutting Sunset was finally allowed to eat her pancakes. I love moments like these. Moments where my family is eating a nice meal.

"Luna could you please pass the milk"? Aunt Celestia said trying to get aunt Luna to cheer up. Aunt Luna just slid the milk across the table grabbed a banana, ate the peel and walked off. "Excuse me". She said gruffly before walking to her room with a cup of coffee.

"Luna". Aunt Celestia said looking mad. It looked like she wanted to have a meal when aunt Luna didn't run off.

"Oh fine". Aunt Luna grumbled mad and walked over to the coffee machine. "I'll make some more coffee".

"I'll go get the mail". Sunset said leaving the table and heading to the front door. In reality she only wanted to get away from a angry aunt Luna.

Sunset walked over to the mail box and grabbed the letters and started to see if anything was for her. Sunset looked through the letters and then saw a letter for her.

It read:Miss S. Shimmer, The first upstairs bedroom,121 bakerlane, London.

It had to be from a wizard. Sunset thought. It was way too specific. Sunset's first thought was to panic. Maybe this letter was from the ministry of Magic (She had only heard about them since her brother wanted to work there one day) saying that no magic school in the country was willing to accept her and that she had to go to the ministry to get her magic pulled out of her and her memories if magic erased.

Sunset shook her head. The possibility of that happening was very unlikely. But not impossible a little bit of her mind whispered causing a seed of doubt being planted.

She slowly opened the envelope and started reading.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss Shimmer
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Sunset couldn't believe it. Not only was she accepted into a wizarding school but the best school in the country if not the whole world. She had to tell her family.

She ran into the house dumping the bills on the table and running into the lounge room. She saw that everyone was there.

She couldn't contain her joy. She started jumping and squealing. Her aunts jumped of the chair looking worried as if something was wrong. Her brother just covered his ears and cringed from the noise. Blueblood looked at her in annoyance and disgust which was pretty normal. Cadence was on the phone. She couldn't have a proper conversation with her sister acting like that.

"Look I'm sorry I'm going to have to go, something's wrong with my sister, love you". She hang up and started to hold Sunset to stop her from breaking anything.

"What's wrong". Cadence asked concerned about her cousin. Sunburnt stopped covering his ears and looked at his sister. Blueblood just ignored her like nothing was happening.

"I've been accepted into Hogwarts". Sunset said almost screaming.

The reaction was mixed among the group. Aunt Celestia cried and hugged her while her aunt Luna went into the kitchen and brought back one of Aunt Celestia's homemade cakes. Cadence hugged her and congradulated her then went back to the telephone to tell her boyfriend. Sunburst came up to her and started explaining what was expected of Hogwarts students. Blueblood's reaction was hilarious. He stayed on the couch and just stared with his mouth wide open.

"We'll go to Diagon Alley first thing tomorrow on your birthday". Aunt Celestia said." But for now let's Celebrate".

Cadence made some rose tea, Aunt Luna and aunt Celestia brought a homemade cake and some of Sunset's favourite biscuits and Sunburst brought out some old Christmas bon-bons that never got to be used.

At night in her bedroom she couldn't sleep she noticed it was 10 seconds to the start of her birthday.


Little did she know that the day before that a boy across the country, who had stopped the very person that killed her parents, did the very same thing the night before.