• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 801 Views, 8 Comments

Captain Goodking and the Nightmare Knights - Leondude

The newly reformed Storm King teams up with the Nightmare Knights to take down a foe from ancient Equestrian times.

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Chapter 18 - Epilogue

In a great big spaceship that has a resemblance to a great big pendulum clock was a donkey making his way to the control room of the ship. The corridors were all made of see-through plastic where you could see all sorts of gears and pistons and such. The hallways were also littered with ponies holding staffs with clocks attached to them. They looked like royal guards except they had clocks on their chest armour and hats. As the donkey entered the control room the doors opened automatically for him. And in the pilot's chair was a bulky unicorn with a black, slicked-back mane and a grey coat. The unicorn was busy petting the Seal of War while watching what appeared to be a sponge living in a pineapple under the sea on a television screen.

"Master!" The donkey said in a raspy yet nasally voice "Celestia and her forces have defeated the Sith Lord and ADVENT! What do we do?!"

"Hush, Cowardly Donkey!" the unicorn said in a slight British accent and a voice that is somewhat nasally "Hush. Let them enjoy their victory. After all, what good is hope if you can't turn it into despair later on?"

"Your wisdom is greater than I thought, Master."

"Well, when you lived as long as I have, you pick up on a few tidbits of wisdom. For example, how to manipulate a Sith Lord and The Angelis Ethereal into joining my cause. But of course, what good is unlimited power if you have to share it with people?"

"No good at all, master!"

"Besides, the invasion was nothing more than a diversion so I can get the rest of the seals. Speaking of which, has Mercenary delivered the former pupil of this Celestia to me? You know, the one that isn't an alicorn and has been laying low on the Earth with the humans?"

"Yo!" shouted an Earth pony clad in a red jumpsuit and a mask with two black dots around his eyes carrying an unconscious yellow human on his back. The human was wearing a leather jacket and had wavy hair that kinda looked like bacon.

"I have the girl you're looking for, Kronos! I would have used the magic mirror but because of some magical mumbo-jumbo, I had to borrow one of your extradimensional ships instead."

The unicorn turned around and smiled. His face had a goatee and a pair of yellow snake-like eyes. He then looked at the unconscious human lying down on the floor and then looked back up at the Earth pony.

"Excellent work, Mercenary. Since that there have been reports on their world that a seal was in contact with the unicorn pretending to be a human, I figured she'd have an idea of where the seals are. You and Cowardly Donkey may leave now."

"Sure, but when do I get paid?"

"Soon, oh and one more thing"

Kronos then blasted Cowardly Donkey and Mercenary on their back-sides with a blast of magic, startling them in the process.

"No dawdling. They do not call me a Time Turner because I waste time you know."

"No dawdling" Cowardly Donkey said "Right away, master!"

After Cowardly Donkey and Mercenary left, Kronos then levitated the unconscious human near him and smiled while caressing her face.

"If my tools have failed to find the seals, it appears I will have to do it myself."


Author's Note:

Ooh, looks like we're gonna have another ambitious crossover on our hands. You've heard him throughout the story and his name was spoiler-tagged in the description, but now you get to see him in person. Everyone, give it up for Kronos! And yes, I do imagine Kronos sounding something like this:

Also, we have a returning guest:

Guess who?

It's you.

It's me, (sings) Captain Deeaad Pooop! Nah, just Dead Poop. By the way, did you know the dead can poop?

How can I not? South Park made an episode about it.

Anyway, these guys and girls probably don't know who I am (not the Juggernaut, [REDACTED]) so allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dead Poop, a regenerating degenerate that debuted in a story that hasn't even reached the 100 views mark yet and is probably the worst prequel ever, even more so than The Phantom Menace.

Speaking of prequels, this is what I was listening to while writing this chapter:

Comments ( 4 )

So the Master, his companion, and Deadpool are going to zip across the cosmos in a clock looking for marine mammals? Truly, the plot thickens. :rainbowlaugh:

"If my tools have failed to find the seals, it appears I will have to do it myself."

Why do I get the feeling you're going to base your next story on Infinity War and Endgame just based off this line? :rainbowlaugh:


"No doddling. They do not call me a Time Turner because I waste time you know."


Well, that's one way of putting it, but replace "his companion" with "Bray". But yeah, the plot does thicken.

Interestingly, no. It's more of a Doctor Whooves story/crossover with Star Wars: The Old Republic and XCOM 2 (the former of which is more in focus because I have yet to play XCOM 2). In fact, I started writing the next story before I actually saw Infinity War. That said, I suppose I could add elements in there later on, depending on how the story goes.

Also, thanks for correcting me. Just got around to fixing that spelling error.

Okay, because Kronos deciding to get the Seals himself just really reminded me of Thanos' post-credits scene from Age Of Ultron.

Interestingly, that reference to Age of Ultron was intentional. And not only that, but the bit with Kronos turning his head towards Mercenary/Dead Poop and smiling at him was a reference to the post-credits scene in the first Avengers film where Thanos turns his head and smiles towards one of his servants when the servant in question says "to challenge them is to court death". Here's the scene for reference:

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