• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
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An entity of what does the wordsgood with ponies. Buy me a coffee?


Princess Luna, growing evermore aware that Equestria has come under attack in recent days by a seemingly invisible foe, decides to petition Princess Twilight Sparkle to allow her to found an organisation in order to combat the threat.

And so begins the strange tale of the Nightmare Knights, Equestria's newest reformed team of villains, as they bring peace, justice, order and security to the world--one ghastly ghoul at a time.

You might be afraid of ghosts. But they ain't.


Additional tags: Anthology, Adventure, Mystery, Romance.


Cover image provided by the wonderfully talented DenDoctor.


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Chapters (21)
Comments ( 315 )

Who ya gonna call?

Interested where this is going.

"With respect, ma'am," she said calmly.

Missing comma.

:moustache: Have a 'stash fer spottin' that one <3




I mean pretty much guys :rainbowlaugh:

This is great. I mean, having a ghost hunting team composed of wild cards is pretty senseable. They all have different, specialized skills that form a great team. Plus, it forms a great friendship, making them less likely to be needed to put back in prison.

“If that sow tries to make small talk with me again, I’ll-”

Oh, poor Starlight :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

The filly looked up at Tempest and her lower lip trembled in awe. “W-wow,” she breathed. her wings fluttered weakly. “T-Tempest Shadow... You’re e-even cooler in p-person than th-they said...”

“Don’t ever fall in love with one of ‘em...”

So..... Tirek is Egon. Not sure about the others though.

Oh these guys are definitely inspired by our boys in grey (and Janine) :raritywink: but with their own personalities shining through

Poor Starlight Indeed :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: and dammit another nice spot :moustache:

Thanks man :twilightsmile: I'd like to think of them having more of a purpose than just gathering dust and bird droppings somewhere

They are best of friends. Or fiends.

"We are not friends," Chrysalis sneered. "We're co-workers." :rainbowlaugh:

Nice chapter.

Her eyes flickered with a hint of something Tempest couldn’t quite place. Glee, maybe? In any case, she was glad o know the queen had her back. “Good. Move out!”


No matter how many times I scour the page for a mistake there's always one :rainbowlaugh: cheers

I just wish I was good at picking error in my own texts :rainbowlaugh:

This is very nice. I wasn't expecting the thing with the Stallion, but that's pretty cool. I like very much.

In the words of R.L. Stine (Portrayed by Jack Black, so not really words by R.L. Stine).

“Every story ever told can be broken down into three parts. The beginning. The middle. And the twist.”

Great story. Added to my read list.

This bouta' be some Scooby Do crap, I'm calling it now.


Wait...if he died like nearly a century ago, why did he have a working TV? And why was his house still abandoned? It's Canterlot, I'd have figured they'd snatch it up and put it back on the market right away.

Would you be the one to go in and tell the ghosts they're getting evicted? Or the one who tries selling a 'haunted' house? :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Nice chapter. Looking forward for more :twilightsmile:

I have question if you don't mind. Was there any particular reason to choose Tempese as a field commander for Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek to keeping them in line? I can imagine that as a former soldier she is pony that trio could respect on some level. Or you just like the character?

Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying it :twilightsmile: it's a lot of fun to write something light hearted for a change. As for Tempest well it's a bit of both really.

At first I had the idea that Luna would lead them and keep them in line in the field, but then--if you've played Star Wars: The Old Republic this would be a bit clearer--giving her a more of a 'Keeper' role seemed to fit more. Plus, Tempest is cool as dicks and I figured it would be funnier if they (the Knights) were more afraid of this badass verymuchnotapony pony than say Luna or even Twilight. Also, you know... former villain and all keeps the theme going.

I had thought about putting Discord in that mix or even Sombra, but I have a plan for them both of them instead of making them simple Nightmare Knights :raritywink:


Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying it :twilightsmile: it's a lot of fun to write something light hearted for a change

Your are welcome. I enjoying there is a "adventuring" kind of story with trio where they are physically doing something and using their knowledge and assests for good, albeit on short leash (but there are bonus points for tension).

Also I like your writing style. (Like a using a lot body language etc.)

Poor Cozy, missing out on her pancakes

Oh I know right? It's almost like there's no rest for the wicked :raritywink:

The real wicked ones are the hypocritical bastards who screwed her over IMO. But that's not an argument I feel like having again right now, so I digress.

First. Also, I wonder, are we getting foreshadowing of Poner the Ponerian, the Trotter, the Destructor of Stables?

I enjoyed this chapter. Looking forward for more.

"However it is my understanding that the cold affects a changeling's powers does it not?"

Well, very low temparature would affects powers of a lot creatures, I think :rainbowlaugh:

"This is peer pressure, but fine," she begrudgingly muttered. "I'll do it."

Peer pressure is a bitch, isn't it? :rainbowlaugh:

but he's never sent a hit-creature out to get me before! What's up with that anyway?"

This made me laught. That was good.

and if not her, then whoever took her was possibly in even more danger

This is a pretty spot-on.

"Lighten up, Chryssy," Jack cried as she trotted passed with a box full of tinsel and fairy lights on her back.

She loo9ked down and removed her hoof gently, and with a quivering lip asked one simple question none of them had the answer to.

I had someone else in mind but Poner the Ponerian is pretty good, I might have to steal that :rainbowlaugh:

I like to think lovebugs even more so :derpytongue2:

No comment :raritywink:

"Hello 47. Your next target, the Krampus, is located in the North Pole living in a mountain. Eliminate the target by any means necessary, and save Christmas. The client is offering a bonus if the body is never found."

Yeah imagine kidnapping someone only to find out they're amongst the possibly scariest things in existence :rainbowlaugh:


Yeah imagine kidnapping someone only to find out they're amongst the possibly scariest things in existence :rainbowlaugh:

Nah, Chrysalis isn't scary. She is a pumpkin, she wouldn't hurt a fly :rainbowlaugh:

But, now serisouly, I really liked how Krampus realized that he is a waaaaay out of his league when comes to dealing with former Changeling Queen :rainbowlaugh:

“How dare you set hoof inside the lair of the Krampus ?!” he bellowed in her face, making some spittle fly from his wretched teeth and land on her cheeks. “The impudence!” He raised a hoof and pointed to the ceiling in an overdramatic fashion. “The audacity ! The un-mit-i-gat-ed gall!”

This brings a tear to my eye.

You're a mean one, the Krampus...

... Why am I certain that Chryssie is going to be extra NOT-careful when fighting in Starlight's room?

Well, that was a bittersweet ending.

10539795 Well, there are cases when buildings are abandoned at some point, even in very expensive areas. Last will or ownership disputes, lack of living relatives, etc. Or, if his descendants are very rich, they could simply not care enough to do anything with the house while they live in an even more opulent mansion.

'shimmered for a moment as she ave her body a shake' - gave

Snrk, that's what you get for teasing Chrysalis, Cozy.

Aah, a classic, that ought to be good.

... Why do I imagine Chryssie starting to try and secretly gorge herself on pancakes after this?

'When the Equestrian Civil War, had begun' - remove comma

'straight passed her' - past

'or if any thestral had had that idea, never voiced it' - idea, they never

'Just barely in to today’s episode' - into

Oh, Krampus, you done f*cked up now.

I imagine Chryssie's very presence sucks out Heart's Warming's joy out of her surroundings, like a tiny black hole.

I guess their powers, cough, shrink on the cold.

You should keep that sweater, Chryssie, it should fit perfectly wrapped around Thorax's head as you hang him under the ceiling like a piñata and beat him with a large stick.

I wonder what she got in return.

'flapped passed her' - past

'coked an ear out' - cocked

Like a tiny, adorable black hole we all love.

Jeez you been doin' the rounds haven't you? :twilightsmile: Thanks for all the spots--no matter how many times I check over them I always miss like a dozen apparently :twilightsheepish: Glad to see you're enjoying it so far too


Yeah, the cutest black hole.

Yeah, as it happens periodically, I'm craving new good fics involving Chrysalis (but not as the main villain who's destined to lose), and by sheer luck I stumbled upon this fic again by iteratively browsing the 'similar' tab, after having forgotten to track it back when it was first published. I'm happy to see it progressing nicely.

I used to work as a translator, so I know that spotting errors in your own work is always more difficult. Always happy to help.


I imagine Chryssie's very presence sucks out Heart's Warming's joy out of her surroundings, like a tiny black hole.

Well, Chryssie deserves every ounce of joy she can get :raritywink:

Another nice chapter. It is nice to see how the world is building up piece by piece :twilightsmile: I'm always craving for Chrysalis adventuring kind of fics so thanks for writing it.

You got this Necrominomicon idea from The Evil Dead or just general fanstasy thing?

The former queen dropped her ex-subjects in an instant, where they quickly grasped one another and huddled close, utterly petrified of the changeling queen's wrath.

Isn't Chrysalis going a little over line? I guess since it's on the mission Tempest give her some slack, but I expceted some scolding from captain in this point :rainbowlaugh:

"We now return to... Serpientes Largas: Bodas Y Traiciones."

he wore a finely pressed jacket owing to one of his station too.

Funnily enough this chapter started off as an Evil Dead parody. Originally there was going to be an Ash J. Williams type of character in possession of the Necronomicon, which the Knights would learn about, thanks to Cozy's channel surfing, because he was using it to commune with spirits on a talk show, and they'd have to go and retrieve it before something bad happened. But I just couldn't work it out, so I changed it to Cthulhu Mythos stuff instead--and even then it's changed so many names and locales that I don't remember my original notes :twilightsheepish: at one point it was even being set in Klugetown and had a whole certain Esoteric Order taking centre stage. :trollestia:

Having said that, the Evil Dead franchise is one of my favourites so I'm definitely going to sprinkle in some references here and there.

Considering they were up to some shady shenanigans, I like to think Tempest is willing to overlook how she treats them here. :rainbowlaugh: It wouldn't be that much different if they were ponies after all.

Well, even if it's not the Evil Dead, it should still be interesting.

Huh, I pegged Chryssie for a closet soap opera fan.

I think she's being much too nice to them, they're not even whimpering for their worthless lives like the traitorous vermin they are. :3

'were n the presence' - in

Alright, didn't see that coming :derpyderp2:

The changeling fixed the alicorn with a cold, murderous stare. forcing her to turn her ears back and apologise.

The alternate take was the Knights going into Ponyville to see if they can harvest love somehow from the inhabitants while Cozy stayed behind to look after her. It ended up being a carbon copy of the Red Starved episode of Adventure Time (which granted this was based off) though so I changed it, I hope this wasn't too out of leftfield :unsuresweetie:

Okay, yeah, that was heavy. But, still, squeeeeeeee~ I'm always up for some Chryslestia.

If her wings stay sparkling, I can just imagine Cozy heckling her every single moment.

Still, the little half-Windigo should watch her back, Chryssie doesn't forgive that easily.

'hungry wen you’re' - when

You see as a joke Luna and I had swapped the arrangements of the Elements of Harmony, placing Honesty where Loyalty should be and we even flushed Laughter down the toilet. The priests thought it was a bad omen and fasted for two months.” She giggled and chortled quietly and took another sip. “Our father was furious.”


:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: I mean I gotta it's one of my favourite movies.

Sparkly wings may cause a side effect of one's form being altered. Use with caution. :raritywink:

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