• Member Since 8th Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


My Name translates into Sapling River, so don't be surprise what my OC's name is ;) https://www.patreon.com/netapel/


It's simple really.

I get Isekai'd into the body of magical Genghis Khan moments before he begins his conquest for world domination.

Universe, Say hello to the new and improved STORM KING!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough cough* ow... my throat...

Warning: This story contains anthropomorphic animal people, an evil king building an evil empire, the power of friendship, not so evil plans for world domination, boring magic rainbow sunshine world politics, and a protagonist who really doesn't want to die.

Enjoy ;)

PS- This story is being cross-posted over from my Wattpad to here, so the editing might be crappy :/

First Feature: February 9th 2023

Chapters (27)
Comments ( 402 )

this is fucking beautiful.

oh, and can I have a link to your Wattpad?

Thank you, I started writing this as a joke and soon enough I was #4 on the conquest tag on Wattpad and I was too deep to stop writing

This is interesting. Also hope he understands that Cartoon logic can work in his favor to

So far I'm liking this guy far better than the actual Storm King.

I wonder if he'll try and strip equestria of magic and channel it into both his staff and distribute it throughout the land?

Thank you for the chapter!

I don't know if it was the charisma of the original being or it is natural, but I will follow it because the decisions I make are similar to what I would make in that situation.

at least it was a pretty good decision

Ngl, i'd follow this guy
He's very charismatic

a good way to justify doing something that could be percived as bad is making it good. For example if the storm king did something along the lines of draining equestria of its magic and then uses it more effectivly. Im thinking a few clock tower structures that take over the sun and moon in a network so taking one out doesnt end the world. magic gear given to all places within his empire that allows anyone to use magic of earthponys and unicorns and maby a weather pylon for each town that they can program when needed with orders for weather

something something evil
crowd cheers

This is hilarious. NST (New Storm King) is giving his all for world domination. Now he only need to look at the tropes and avoid dangerous ones.

ok, if you meet one speedy blue one. Don't mess with the lil fox kit and dont mess around with him. Cause he will be such a thorn.

It’s enjoyable, but good lord does this need an editor, if not several.

Thanks, I think?

I'm writing as a hobby for fun so I'm not actually looking for an Editor.
Sorry if the story looks like shit, English isn't my first language and Editing Paragraphs so the story would look better just isn't really something I enjoy doing with my free time.

If you could tell me what you think the story needs edited I would take that into account when writing future chapters or stories, but I'm not going to go back to already written chapters and spend hours editing them.

Again, This is a hobby of mine, And if it's not fun for me to do I just don't do it. Sure the chapters might look like crap as a result, but as long as I'm enjoying myself I don't really care.

Thank you for finding the story enjoyable so far :)

It’s a lot of small things.

A couple conflicting tenses
Several misspellings
Strange word choice
Rogue capitalization

In almost every chapter.

As I said, I still enjoy the story, it’s just that these little things jump out at me

A Quarry is an Open-pit mine utilized for the mining and excavation of Stone, Gravel, Sand and other similar building materials.

Take this little bit as an example. You don’t need to state that a “mine” is used for “mining.” And you capitalized every type of rock as well as “open” on “open-pit.” No spelling or conflicting tenses—which are rarer in this story—but you have an example for the other two types of issues.

As a tf2 player I get what he is saying, makes perfect sense

Very interesting, and fun to see him hamming up his badguy performance to ensure he fits into the rules of this world and isn't discarded as a weekend villain.

As for his grand ambition, maybe he could go with the unity approach? Much of the world and its species are all segregated and divided into little ethnic groups and tribes. He could even use Equestia as an example of success since they only became as powerful as they are after they unified the three pony races.

One nation, one people, all united under a single banner. He could even cheat with his own "I have a dream" speech to sell it. The ambition fits in with what he will be going for anyway, and its sufficiently grand enough that he'd be considered a "main cast" in the storybook setting. Enough even that he could win.

Key to being a successful villain, I think, is either be far into the extreme category of evil, or be grey enough in morals and inspirational enough in goals to question whether he should be the villain of the story at all.

Have you seen my knees?

To be fair, knees aren't that different, the only major difference is that the foot is extended and the part that would be our heel is kept completely off the ground (the part often confused for a backwards knee)

Obviously. How else does Gaben manage to have people across several games praising him like a god?

I feel the power of daek side with that picture....
The force tole me that somewhere, at this moment, someone is yipping with that picture.

Came there to kill him, and got so in the act of pretending to join his fleet, she actually did join his fleet. I wonder if the Storm King has an aura of some sort.

He has the special Aura/Super-Power of being the protagonist of a Comedy Story

"... Dammit ..." She whispered to herself before she picked up her mop and continued to clean the deck of the ship.

It's funny how she just accepts it and keeps cleaning.

I wonder what the first interaction with Tempest will be like

LulĂș is cute XD, too much into the role she went, now let's see if she goes higher to get closer to the storm king.

How dare you call her cute!?!
She's the Hyena, The Most Powerful and feared Bandit leader this side of the Afcari Continent!
So what if her entire gang was arrested and she's stuck cleaning floors!?
She's the meanest and strongest Aardwolf in the world!!!



This is what my literal reaction and what your Storm King will most likely respond to your Aardwolf;


:ajsmug: :trollestia:

Huh, if anyone knows X-com, strife kinda looks like a sectoid, right?
It's not just me right?


If possible, I'd use Grammarly. But since it's a web app, you'd have to be using an editor through Chrome (like this comment box). Google Docs should be able to access it too unless you use it in offline mode. But all that aside, I think he was picking up on the random capitalizations, of which there was quite a lot to be honest, and a rare "your/you're" swap that tends to stick out.

This is a very good story, the truth is, it simply has some minor defects, but it is only how he describes the events, but that can be resolved with a little more practice, it is a very good idea and execution.

So how does those turtles deal with the spinal stress of having a bone backpack.
Being bipeal isn't all fun and games.

They use the miracle healing powers of being a cartoon character

The best story's here are the ones that take all the mlp elements then mix it into something new that still has the same magical world feel. Also I love the guess I'm the big bad trope as well as kingdom building. I'll be sad waiting tho.

*children's cartoon

Tempest: ...wait, what?

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