• Published 15th Jan 2019
  • 2,524 Views, 147 Comments

Dash’s Little Big Secret - pandaxxus

Rainbow has been acting weird lately...and now that Applejack thinks about it, so has her brother! What could possibly be going on??

  • ...

What's Wrong?

Dash stepped out of the locker rooms of Canterlot High with a smile on her face. With the weather improving, Rainbow was able to practice all of her sports much more than before. It was almost five o’clock, and Rainbow tightened her ponytail and grabbed her bright red backpack. She would normally head home after practicing on days such as this, but Dash had a particular person on her mind.

The young athlete was still concerned for her friend Fluttershy. Ever since Rainbow had revealed that she had been dating Big Macintosh, Fluttershy had been acting weirder than usual. The quiet teen was normally silent and stayed out of most conversations, but Rainbow kept her eye on Fluttershy’s pained expression whenever she turned around, thinking that Rainbow hadn't seen. Something or someone was bothering Fluttershy, and Rainbow was going to find out.

She pulled her phone out of her bookbag and began to text Sunset. She was the only one to walk home with Fluttershy most of the week.

Hey Shim, did you walk home with Fluttershy today??

Rainbow waited to see the small thought bubbles at the bottom of the screen to know that Sunset was beginning to reply.

Actually no...I started walking where we usually meet and I saw her speeding off across the street without me. I don't know if it was just me, but she seemed a little off today.

Rainbow read Sunset’s reply and frowned. She began typing while walking down the street.

Yeah, I saw that too. I'm about to go and head over to her house and find out what's wrong. Thanks.

She watched as Sunset began to type again.

Anytime, Dash. Let me know if anything's up okay??

Before placing her phone back into her backpack, Rainbow gave Sunset a quick thumbs up. Dash gripped tightly on her bag and began sprinting down the street, as quickly as she could, until she found herself staring at a familiar small house at the end of a quiet street. Rainbow strolled up to the red wooden door and knocked a few times and waited patiently.

After a few moments, Rainbow heard footsteps from behind the closed door and it soon opened to reveal a middle-aged woman with short dark velvet hair and light yellow skin. The woman smiled sweetly at Rainbow.

“Rainbow, honey! It’s been a while, how are you, sweetie?” the woman’s voice was soft and sweet as she hugged the rainbow haired teen.
“I’m doing great, Mrs. Shy.” Rainbow hugged back.

“Fluttershy didn’t tell me you were coming, I would have prepared dinner sooner!” Mrs. Shy suddenly became worried and frantically pointed towards the kitchen. Rainbow smirked as the action reminded her of her best friend.

“It’s okay, Mrs. Shy. Fluttershy didn’t know I was coming either. I don’t plan on staying long though.” she assured the older woman, who visibly relaxed.

“Oh well...Fluttershy went up in her room as soon as she came home from school. She said something about ‘extreme studying’, so I haven’t went to bother her. She hasn’t come out since...I’m afraid something might be wrong with the poor dear.” Mrs. Shy’s face grew somber, “But you’ve always been able to cheer her up. And something tells me that you sensed that something was wrong as well.” Her somber expression slowly turned into a bittersweet one.

“Yeah..it’s been on my mind all day. I hate it when she’s like this.” Rainbow admitted.

“Which is why I’m glad that you are her friend, Rainbow. You always look out for my Shy Shy. You do know that you are welcome here anytime you need us, right?” The woman asked, to which Rainbow smiled.

“Of course.”

“Well...you know where to find her. I hope she’s alright.” Mrs. Shy said before walking into the kitchen. Rainbow began to slowly head up the stairs.

She stopped in front of the door that lead to Fluttershy’s bedroom and placed her ear flat against it. From the door, Rainbow could hear soft sobs coming from no one other than Fluttershy. It took everything in Rainbow to not break into the room at that very moment and comfort her friend. She’d heard Fluttershy cry many times, but each time, Rainbow felt as if she were being torn into pieces.

Not wanting to hear anymore, Rainbow raised her hand and knocked softly on the door. She heard a small gasp and a few quiet sniffles.

“Mom?” came the muffled response.

Rainbow quickly corrected her.

“No, Shy. It’s Dash..”

Rainbow then heard a few more quick sniffles and things moving around within the room.

“Just a moment!” Fluttershy squeaked.

Finally, the door opened, revealing Fluttershy in a tank top and fuzzy pajama pants. She blushed with embarrassment and tucked some of her long pink hair behind her ear.

“Sorry...I didn’t know you were coming.” she said, avoiding Rainbow’s gaze.

Rainbow smiled slightly and slowly walked into the room, “It’s cool. We’ve had like hundreds of sleepovers before, this is nothing new.”

“So, what brings you here?” Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow, “Not that I don’t want you here of course...but it’s not like I wanted you here either. Wait no that’s not what I meant. It’s not like I was waiting for you to come...but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you here you know? I just-”


“Yes?” the timid girl looked up at Rainbow, and Dash could immediately tell that she had been crying a lot beforehand. While most of her make up was removed, Rainbow could make out the faintest streaks of mascara running down her cheeks. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy, and even her voice sounded strained. Seeing Fluttershy so upset made Rainbow angry, and she didn’t take time to acknowledge anything.

Rainbow walked around and took her shoes off before plopping down on Fluttershy’s bed as if it were her own.

“So are you going to tell me? Or are we going to play this pointless game where I pretend I don’t know that you’re upset?” she said, raising her eyebrow. Fluttershy looked confused.

“Dashie, I don’t know what you me-”

“Fluttershy, I can literally see your pillow right now,” Rainbow yelled, holding up a pink pillow that seemed to have a wet spot on it, “You’re gonna tell me that all of this is just drool or something?”

“Well...it could be..” Fluttershy looked down.

“Is it that bad? You don’t have to tell me everything, but just don’t lie to me and say that everything’s okay when it clearly isn’t. Did I do something? I’m worried about you Flutters..” Rainbow looked down. She was never this open about her feelings with anyone. This was a side that only Fluttershy was able to see.

The shy girl frowned and bit the bottom of her lip.

“You didn’t do anything, Dashie.” She sighed.

“Then what’s the matter? I want to help you…” Rainbow pleaded.

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s terrifying!”

“Fluttershy, you’re talking to me. Do you really think I’m going to get scared?”

“No, Rainbow Dash, it’s terrifying for me! Me telling you is something I’m afraid to do!” Fluttershy snapped.

Rainbow’s smug smile disappeared as the volume of Fluttershy’s voice increased. She sat back against the head of Fluttershy’s bed. Fluttershy recoiled for a moment and her stern expression turned into one of guilt. Tears immediately filled her eyes and she began sobbing again. Rainbow didn't hesitate to hurry over to Fluttershy and wrap her in the tightest hug she could give. It took a lot for Rainbow to keep her own tears from forming.

Rainbow comforted her friend silently for what seemed like an hour, until Fluttershy stopped crying.

“Shy..” Rainbow’s voice cracked, her heart hurt, “Am I the problem?”

“No.” Fluttershy said immediately but looked down, “But you are a part of it.”

“What did I do? I'm sorry, whatever I did I didn't realize that I hurt you-”

Fluttershy raised her hand in front of Rainbow’s face.

“No, you didn't do anything.” She said.

Rainbow suddenly began to put two and two together.

“Is this about me dating Mac?” the athlete almost whispered. Fluttershy shut her eyes tight and nodded.

“Fluttershy...I didn't know you liked him. You never talked to me about it. I wouldn't have done it to hurt you purposely..” Rainbow looked down and placed an arm around her friend.

“Dashie...I don't like Big Macintosh.” Fluttershy said through some returning tears. The timid girl bit back a sob.

Rainbow looked confused.

“Wait, then why else would you be so upset? If you don’t like Mac then- oh...my...holy crap…” Rainbow’s eyes widened, and she backed away from Fluttershy for a moment as she suddenly realized why Fluttershy was heartbroken. She heard Fluttershy begin to sob softly again.

“Hey hey, don't cry. It’s okay, Flutters.” Rainbow hugged her friend again before looking into her eyes.

“How long?” She asked simply.

Fluttershy took a deep breath in before speaking with closed eyes.

“Sixth grade…” she said, “It started out with me thinking how pretty and cute you were. Then I constantly wanted to be around you more. You're confident, you're outgoing, you're funny. You are one of the only people who has stuck by my side after all of these years. You stood up for me. When everyone around me made me feel worthless, I knew that I must have been worthy of someone because you were my friend. I knew that these weren't normal feelings to have about someone, and I realized and accepted that I liked you when I was in eighth grade."

Rainbow listened intently, but she couldn’t talk. Fluttershy took note of this and put her head down in shame.

“I understand if I creep you out now and if you don’t want to be my friend anymore. I wouldn’t hang around a freak like me either.” She said.

Rainbow’s shocked face quickly turned into one of anger. She grabbed Fluttershy by the shoulders and forced her to look into her magenta eyes.

“Fluttershy Marie don’t you ever call yourself a freak again. You don’t creep me out. None of this is your fault and it isn't a bad thing. You will always be my best friend. Do you get that?” Rainbow asserted, and her face softened.

“But seriously...I don’t mind that you feel that way about me. I can’t say anything else but the fact that I’m so sorry.” she hugged her friend again.

“Don’t apologize. There is no way that you could have known. Besides, I’m not upset at the fact that you’re taken, I’m upset with myself for not being brave enough to tell you sooner. I’m such a coward.” Fluttershy sniffled.

“Hey. Stop talking about yourself like that. And I don’t blame you for being afraid to tell me. I waited for seven months before I gathered up the courage to tell AJ that I was dating her brother. I was worried that she wouldn’t approve and get mad. I was scared that Mac and I would have to split. Most importantly, I was scared to lose her as a friend. I didn’t want to ruin anything. If I did...I didn’t know what I’d do.” Rainbow said with a sad grimace.

Fluttershy tentatively leaned her head against Dash’s shoulder. Rainbow smiled and laid her head against Fluttershy’s.

“You gonna be okay?” Rainbow asked after a few moments of silence.

“I think so..Thanks Dashie.” Fluttershy finally smiled.

“No problem.”

Author's Note:

Mini chapter! Yay! Another chapter should be out either tonight or somewhere this weekend! I’ also believe that I have a schedule now. There should be a new chapter every Saturday or Sunday! And maybe even a new story!