• Published 15th Jan 2019
  • 2,524 Views, 147 Comments

Dash’s Little Big Secret - pandaxxus

Rainbow has been acting weird lately...and now that Applejack thinks about it, so has her brother! What could possibly be going on??

  • ...

The Plan

Applejack smiled as the warm sun hit her face. The temperature was much warmer than it had been in the previous months, which was expected of the winter season. However, that day was probably the warmest it has been since spring had started.

She sat outside beside an apple tree, listening to the sound of birds chirping and her dog Winona barking at something farther away. For an early Sunday morning, it was actually very nice. She had planned to stick inside of her house for most of the day, but as she took these few moments to herself, she realized that she shouldn’t waste such a beautiful day inside.

Applejack closed her eyes and began to think about what she could do. Her mind traced back to her friend, Rainbow Dash. It had been a few months since the two had hung out together, just the two of them. Maybe she could invite her over. She suddenly remembered the conversation that she had with Rarity the day before. Rarity had told her that she knew what was up with Rainbow, and that she had even tried to trick Rainbow Dash into admitting her secret. Applejack had thought about it for a minute. Would that work? Rarity had tried before, and Rainbow didn’t seem to spill anything. However, Rarity and Applejack were completely different. Applejack knew some ways to talk to her friend and she might be able to have a bit of fun while doing it.

It was perfect! Applejack had wanted to spend time with Rainbow anyway, and while hanging out, she could try to get Rainbow to crack. But, what if she makes the same mistakes Rarity made while talking to her? What mistakes did Rarity even make?

Applejack stood up and dusted off her jeans. She pulled her phone from her pocket and began dialing a number. After a few rings, the person had answered.

“Hello?” the voice greeted.

“Hey Rare, I jus’ needed to ask a quick question.” Applejack smiled as she spoke.

“Go ahead, dear. But would you mind making it brief? I think Sweetie is in my room and who knows what she’s getting into.” Rarity stated worriedly.

“Yeah, o’ course. Remember when ya told me that ya tried to make Rainbow Dash admit she was ‘in love’?” Applejack asked, adding a bit of sarcasm in her tone.

“Yes, what about it?”

“Well...what did you say to her? Did ya get anywhere?”

“It’s Rainbow Dash, darling. Of course I didn’t get anywhere! About a week ago, I randomly brought up Valentine’s Day. I told her how mine went, and how it was terrible not having a Valentine.” Rarity began.

Applejack rolled her eyes at Rarity’s beginning. Rarity had already set herself up for failure with that topic.

“Go on,” Applejack pushed.

“I asked how her Valentine’s Day went, and she told me that she didn’t care about not having a Valentine. So, I asked her if she ever had her eyes on someone. She told me to stop talking about ‘sappy’ things and changed the subject.” Rarity finished bitterly.

Applejack’s eyebrow raised at that slight bit of information.

“Well...alright then. Do ya think if Ah try somethin’ like that today, it’ll work?”

“It depends on how you bring it up,” Rarity replied. Applejack then heard a large thud coming from the other line.

“Well, Applejack I hope that I helped, but I really must go! SWEETIE BELLE STOP IT THIS INSTANT! Goodbye!” Rarity quickly rushed and hung up the phone.

Applejack chuckled as she began dialing Rainbow’s number onto her phone next. She was going to invite her to the farm.

“Yello?” a high-pitched, bubbly voice rang on the underline.

Confused, Applejack checked to see if she had the right number. It was Rainbow Dash’s number.

“Pinkie Pie?”

“That’s me!” Pinkie giggled.

“Okay…” Applejack started, “Why exactly do ya have RD’s phone?”

“Oh! Rainbow was just at Sugarcube Corner with me.” Pinkie explained.

“Doesn’t Sugarcube Corner open at noon on Sundays?”

“We were finishing up a chemistry project together! It was a teensy weensy bit messy, but we cleaned it all up!” Pinkie nearly screamed into the phone, making Applejack wince.

“Alright, but that doesn’t explain why ya have Rainbow’s phone.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Rainbow just left!” Pinkie stated.

Applejack was getting angry going back and forth with her pink and energetic friend.

“Okay. But why do you have her phone?” Applejack asked for what she hoped would be the final time.

“Oh...she left it by accident.”

Applejack pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. All of that trouble for such a simple answer.

“Okay...do ya know where she went? Is she gonna come back to get it? Ah kinda need to talk to her.”

“Um...Dashie told me something about practicing soccer at the park. She probably won’t notice that it’s gone. I was actually about to go and call her to let her know that I have her phone!” Pinkie explained.

Applejack paused for a moment listening to Pinkie’s last sentence.


“Yes, Jackie?”

“How are you gonna call Dash?”

“Um...dialing her number and wait for her to answer...duh!” Pinkie began laughing, “You’re so silly, Jackie.”

“Okay but...nevermind.” Applejack sighed. Sometimes there was no point in trying to argue or explain things to Pinkie Pie.

On the other line, Applejack heard the bell on Sugarcube Corner’s door, signalling that someone had just walked in.

“Oh, hi Dashie!” Pinkie greeted after a few moments.

“Hey Pinks, I think I might’ve left my- why are you on my phone?” Applejack heard a familiar raspy voice near Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, just talking to Jackie!” Pinkie replied.

“Did you call her?” Rainbow asked.

“No..she called me!”

“You mean she called me.

“Oh, right!” Pinkie giggled again.

“Is she still on the phone?” Rainbow asked, her voice getting closer.

“Hold on, let me check!” Pinkie started before yelling, “Jackie, are you still there?!”

Applejack winced and moved the phone away from her ear.

“Yes, Pinkie Ah’m here.” Applejack frowned.

“Yep!” Pinkie confirmed to Rainbow.

Rainbow laughed slightly. Applejack could imagine the smirk on her face.

“Okay, Pinks. Thanks for holding onto my phone I guess. I’m gonna start heading out now.” Applejack heard Rainbow say.

Applejack let the girls say their goodbyes and Rainbow’s voice seemed to become much clearer than before. She heard the sound of the bell ring again before hearing Rainbow’s voice.

“Hey, AJ. Sorry about that.” she said sheepishly.

“Don’t ya worry none, I jus’ wanted to ask ya somethin” Applejack said. She was relieved to finally be able to talk to Rainbow after all of this time.

“Okay, shoot.” came the reply.

“Are ya busy today? Ah was wonderin’ if ya wanted to come over and hang out for a while.” Applejack asked.

“Is that a date, AJ?” Applejack could see Rainbow’s evil grin as she said that.

“No ya dummy!” Applejack yelled, flustered. After Rarity’s accusation yesterday, Applejack couldn’t take those kinds of jokes. She listened to Rainbow’s cackling for a moment.

After she seemed to calm down, Rainbow began talking again.

“Yeah, sure. What time should I be over?”

“Whenever ya want.”

“Alright, just give me maybe twenty minutes okay?” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, sure. See ya then.” Applejack said before hanging up.

She leaned against the bark of the apple tree once again, going back to what she was doing before she had contacted her friends. As she closed her eyes, she felt calm and at ease. Autumn was her favorite season, for many reasons, but spring would probably be a close second. The weather, the animals, the temperature. Everything seemed perfect. Applejack must have almost fallen asleep, because it wasn’t long before she heard something.

“This is nice isn’t it?” a voice cracked, causing Applejack to open her eyes and look beside her.

There, Rainbow was sitting in the same position she was in, against the tree. She didn’t look at Applejack as she spoke, and her magenta eyes seemed to be staring at the sky. She was dressed in some jeans and a striped t-shirt that would make Rarity screech in disgust, but it somehow managed to look just fine on her. Her prismatic hair laid flat below her shoulders as always. However, it was her sudden appearance that surprised Applejack.

She jumped and yelped as Rainbow looked at her friend. She expected to hear a laugh but the sound never came.

“Y’know ya could’ve told me you were here.” Applejack said as she calmed down.

“You looked calm.” was Rainbow’s only response.

Applejack looked at her friend. She seemed calm as well. Applejack knew that Rainbow liked to sit and have those moments like her, but it was rare to actually see her in a state like that. The young athlete sat down with one leg bent towards her, and her arm rested on her knee. She looked around the apple field with her mouth forming a flat line. Her magenta eyes looked into Applejack’s green ones and she gave a small smile. Her calm state reminded that of her brother. She had truly changed these past few months.

“So, is there anything you needed me for?” Rainbow asked cooly.

“Oh...uh. No, not really. Jus’ wanted to hang out with ya for a bit, we haven’t done this in a while.” Applejack told her.

Rainbow gave a slight smile back.

“Yeah I see what you mean,” Rainbow said standing up and stretching a little, “So what do you wanna do Freckles?”

“We can head to the barn an’ have some cider if ya want.” Applejack suggested.

“Sounds cool.” Rainbow agreed, a smile forming on her face. Applejack already knew what that smile meant.

“I’ll race you.” Rainbow said.

“Dash, really?”

“What? Are you scared I might beat you?”

“O’ course not!”

“Okay then, let’s go Apples.”

“You’re on, jus’ don’t get mad when ya lose.”

Rainbow let out a laugh, “In your dreams, cowgirl.”

The girls prepared themselves as Rainbow Dash counted down. Both girls sprinted into the barn so fast, neither of them could tell who was winning. They both seemed to enter the barn at the same time.

“See, what did I tell ya? I won!” Applejack said with a smug smile.

“Okay I totally came in here before you!” Rainbow argued.

“Ya don’t think it was another tie do ya?”

“It can’t be!” Rainbow groaned, “Honestly what is it going to take for me to prove that I’m the better athlete?”

Applejack rolled her eyes and smiled. She had managed to pick up a few bottles of cider and passed one to Rainbow Dash.

“Shut up and take your cider.” she said and Rainbow grinned and sat down on a bale of hay.

The pair chatted and laughed for a bit before Applejack decided that it was time to start her plan.

“So, Rainbow,” Applejack started. Rainbow looked and gave a hum in response.

“I’ve been thinkin’. We’re seventeen years old now. Fluttershy has tried it, Rarity has tried it, Sunset, Twi, heck even Pinkie has tried it!” Applejack explained.

“Tried what?” Rainbow questioned before taking a sip of her cider.

“We should try datin’ someone soon.” Applejack said while smiling.

She watched as Rainbow choked on her drink and began coughing and turning red.

“Say that again?” Rainbow’s voice cracked after she had her coughing fit.

“Ah’m jus’ sayin’. Neither of us had tried datin’ someone before.” Applejack started, “Do ya like anyone?”

“Well...romantically...no not really. You know I don’t care about that kind of stuff.” Rainbow brushed her off.

“What about that Soarin guy? You wouldn’t stop talkin’ about him back in seventh grade.” Applejack laughed.

“Hey! He doesn’t count. He is in the Wonderbolts...the most iconic soccer team of all time! He was personally trained by the Spitfire! He’s amazing in like- every way possible!” Rainbow explained.

“Yeah...but you don’t like anyone.” Applejack frowned a bit and her tone was flat.

“Nope! What about you Crapplejack? You like anyone?”

“Not at all..”

“Then why did you bring this up?!”

“Because, Rarity’s been buggin’ me about it lately. My brother doesn’t seem to complain about bein’ single.” Applejack slowly brought her brother into the conversation.

“That’s true. Speaking of your brother, how is the stud?” Rainbow’s eyes quickly filled with fear and Applejack’s eyes widened at the nickname. She watched Rainbow’s face turn red quickly.

“Stud?” Applejack raised an eyebrow and tried not to smile.

“I-I meant...um..” Rainbow struggled to create an excuse.

Applejack couldn’t hold it in any longer. She doubled over in laughter as Rainbow glared at her. She wiped away some tears as she looked at Rainbow.

“Y-You like my brother!” Applejack said before laughing again.

“No I don’t!” Rainbow stammered.

“Okay then where did stud come from?”

“It was an inside joke we had over the summer that’s it!” Rainbow lied.

“Ok..sure,” Applejack sat back again, “Maybe we could find my brother someone while we are lookin’.”

Rainbow instantly stiffened.

“Who said I was agreeing to us finding a date?”

“Okay...but now I’m thinkin’ about findin’ someone for Mac.” Applejack couldn’t wait for her reaction.

“Like who?” Rainbow seemed interested.

“Maybe Fluttershy? I’ve seen him starin’ at her in the halls a couple of times here and there.”

Rainbow gulped and her grip on the bottle she was holding became tight.

“He has?” she asked.

Not wanting to create a problem, Applejack looked down and talked more.

“Yeah, but I don’t think he likes her. Probably not a good idea to put two quiet people together anyway.”

“I see what you mean…” Rainbow looked down as well.

“He wouldn’t survive bein’ in a relationship with Pinkie. I don’t see him n’ Rarity lastin’ too long either.” Applejack went down the list of her friends.

“Twilight and Mac could be a good match!” Applejack pretended to act as if she had a good idea.

“Wait, why?” Rainbow sat up again.

“Well...Ah don’t see any problems that would happen to between the two.”

Rainbow looked as if she were about to object, but then closed her mouth.

“I don’t either.” Rainbow said as she sat back, frowning.

“If Mac ever got with ya, Ah’d think you’d drive him up the wall.” Applejack started.

“Really?” Rainbow questioned, her brows furrowed.

Applejack sat back down next to Rainbow.

“You’re always talkin’ about yourself, always darin’ people to do things, must Ah go on?” Applejack drawled. She knew she could be blunt with Rainbow.

“Well I don’t think I’d be annoying enough to not get a boyfriend.” Rainbow grumbled.

“Ah didn’t say that, Sugarcube. Ah just can’t imagine you and my brother together that’s all.” Applejack softened.

“Well maybe even the impossible can work out. But of course, you wouldn’t know anything.” Rainbow snapped, and immediately regretted it. Her hard gaze softened and her expression turned into one of guilt.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to get mad at you.” she said while looking away.

“It’s okay..” Applejack replied.

“Why’d you bring this up, anyway? Rarity just asked me the exact same thing not that long ago.” Rainbow started up again.

Applejack didn’t know what to say. She didn’t expect Rainbow to get suspicious! She looked as Rainbow stared at her. She moved her colorful bangs out of her face and waited for an answer.

“Well...Rare brought it up to me yesterday, and unlike you, it got me thinkin’ is all.” Applejack lied.

“Applejack,” Rainbow started. Applejack was already dreading what she’d say next as Rainbow used her full name. Rainbow was always calling her by her many nicknames, and only used her full one when she was serious.

“Applejack? Did you even hear what I said?” Rainbow snapped her fingers in Applejack’s face.

“Oh..no. Sorry.” Applejack said, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment.

“I told you that you were a bad liar, and that you can just tell me what’s up.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Applejack sighed.

“Okay fine. Ya know how we’ve all been noticin’ how you’ve been actin’ different this year?”

Rainbow groaned, “You’re still on this?”

“Wait! Listen. Ah’ve been thinkin’ lately that it’s possible you could be in love…”


Don’t you lie to me. You don’t have to tell me who it is, just tell me if Ah’m wrong or not.”

“Yes.” Rainbow stated, her eyes closed as she gave her answer as quick as possible.

Applejack groaned and sighed.

“Rainbow, Ah just told ya not to lie- wait did you say yes?”

“Yep..” Rainbow stood up and put her hands in her pocket.

“Wow. Okay then, like Ah told ya, ya don’t have to tell me who-”

“Your brother.” Rainbow winced.

“W-what?” Applejack was stunned. Did Rainbow just admit it?

“Yeah...I like your brother. Please don’t kill me.”

“Ah’m not gonna kill ya...but can ya tell me why?” Applejack was still shocked at how easy it was to get the answer she had been waiting for for months. Well, part of the answer. Applejack knew that the two were in a relationship, and Rainbow didn’t say anything close to that yet.

Rainbow Dash sat down again and started playing with her fingers. Her face became red once again.

“I mean...over the summer. I started seeing the real Big Mac, I guess. He’s funny, sweet, caring. He listens to me. It takes me a while to trust someone, and you of all people should know, but he...he just made me feel as if I could trust him with anything since day one. It started out with us joking around here and there, but when we started having actual real conversations and I found myself talking to him for like, thirty minutes straight.”

Rainbow smiled as she spoke, her eyes shimmering.

“Then, there was this one day I was just out of it. I ended up venting to him about everything. How crappy I felt, then I went on about my insecurities and all that mushy crap. And you know what he told me?”

Applejack stared at Rainbow, “What did he tell you?”

“He cut me off...and he told me that there was nothing wrong with me. That everyone had flaws and that it was natural. He is the first person I’ve been able to trust in years, AJ. Your brother makes me so happy. I know I sound sappy and weird, but it’s the truth.”

Rainbow finished and there were visible tears welling up in her eyes. She groaned and aggressively wiped at her eyes.

“Ah..sorry.” she hissed and cursed at herself.

“No...don’t be.” Applejack said, smiling a little. Rainbow was truly in love with her older brother, and there didn’t seem to be any problem with it.

“Well...why don’t ya go ask him out?” Applejack asked.

“You’re okay with it?”


Rainbow looked down in disappointment.

“It’d be weird, but Ah think I’d be okay with it. As long as ya don’t go breakin’ his heart or anythin’ like that. Ah can tell he likes ya too Dash. And as long as y’all are happy, Ah’m happy.” Applejack smiled at her.

“You know how long I’ve put off trying to tell you that?” Rainbow smirked.

“Yeah...Ah know. But if ya listened to be back in the beginning, Ah told ya that Ah’m not gonna get rid of ya that easy. Ah love ya, Dash. Ah can’t be mad at ya because ya found love. Ya don’t choose who ya fall in love with. Ah don’t care who the person is, as long as they aren’t bad o’ course. But Ah will never hate ya because you and my brother are an item...you got that?” Applejack placed her hand on Rainbow’s shoulder.

Rainbow’s bottom lip quivered a bit before she punched Applejack in the shoulder.

“Thanks, doofus.” she said, smiling, similar to what they had done months before.

Applejack pulled Rainbow in for a side hug and smiled back.

“Anytime, ya big dummy.”

Sure, Applejack still had to get Rainbow to admit that the two were dating, but she had gotten Rainbow to admit that there was something going on. She heard Rainbow sniff and was about to say something before the barn door creaked open. Big Macintosh walked in and saw the girls hugging. His eyes laid on Rainbow’s damp eyes and immediately became concerned, but tried to hide it.

“Everythin’ alright?” He asked casually, still keeping his eye on Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, everythin’ is fine, Mac.” Applejack answered.

“Are ya sure, Miss Dash?” Big Mac asked.

“Yeah, Mac.” Rainbow smiled at Big Macintosh, and received a smile in return.

“Okay then, jus’ checkin’ in.” Big Macintosh said before he left.

Author's Note:

Ok...I know this chapter had an aprupt end, but it’s only so I can pick up correctly in the next chapter!

This story is growing so fast! It’s the most well-recieved story that I have on this site so far, and I’m very happy. Thank you!!