• Published 15th Jan 2019
  • 2,524 Views, 147 Comments

Dash’s Little Big Secret - pandaxxus

Rainbow has been acting weird lately...and now that Applejack thinks about it, so has her brother! What could possibly be going on??

  • ...

Break Up Blues

“That’s weird...Shy and Dashie should have been here by now.” Pinkie Pie scratched her head and leaned on the horse statue.

“I mean…I guess I can see Rainbow being late, but Fluttershy?” Sunset questioned.

Twilight smiled a bit.

“Well...technically she’s not late until after eight o'clock.” she said as she pushed her glasses up.

Applejack frowned as she waited for both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to arrive. It was the first time in a long time since Rainbow had been late to school. She wondered if it had anything to do with their argument they had the day before. After Rainbow stormed out of the barn, Applejack didn’t see her for the rest of that day. She wouldn’t answer her calls or texts. On top of that, she had barely seen her older brother since then as well. It seemed he was either avoiding her or the entire family. To be honest, even though she was angry, she was worried for the two of them.

Suddenly, Applejack saw both of her missing friends heading toward them. Rainbow was in the exact same hoodie she wore the day before, Her prismatic hair covered her face more than usual and she walked slowly; something she’d never think of doing. Fluttershy had her arm linked around Rainbow’s and tried to talk to her, but it didn’t look like Rainbow was answering much.

When the girls finally reached the others, Applejack could see Rainbow’s face better. Were her eyes red?

“Hey, sorry we’re late.” Fluttershy sighed and smiled slightly.

“It’s okay!” Pinkie half yelled, and grabbed her two friends and pulled them both into a tight hug, “Is everyone having a Good Morning?”

“May I ask why you two took longer than usual?” Rarity asked, pulling the attention away from Pinkie’s question.

“Yes! Class starts in ten whole minutes! You both should have been here ages ago. Now you don’t have time to get organized!” Twilight scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Fluttershy, you know Rainbow drags to school sometimes, you should have known better than to let her slow you down!”

“Twilight..” Fluttershy started.

“Seriously, what was Rainbow doing? Hitting the snooze button a thousand times? I’m worried about the amount of times she’s been tardy!”

Rainbow would have usually shot back at Twilight’s rant by now, but instead, she bit the bottom of her lip and placed her hand in her pocket. She stared blankly at the ground. This act did not go unnoticed, as Sunset soon spoke up.

“Um..Dash? Is everything alright?” Sunset asked, stepping closer towards her friend.

“Yep...everything’s cool.” Rainbow replied with little emotion.

Sunset frowned at her friend’s obvious lie, and gave a small smirk as she had got an idea.

“Don’t lie to me...you know what I could do.” she said, waving her hand in reference to her powers. Everyone was shocked at Rainbow’s reaction. She shot her head up immediately, and glared at Sunset.

“Don’t you dare.” she threatened. As everyone stared at her in shock, Rainbow’s angry glare disappeared and was replaced with one of frustration. The young athlete closed her eyes and groaned.

“Sorry.” she mumbled, before walking away into the school building.

The girls stood in silence in confusion as they wondered what had gotten into Rainbow.

“So...I guess she isn’t having a good morning.” Pinkie stated simply, to which every girl standing rolled their eyes.

It was hard for Applejack to concentrate on her English class. Even though Rainbow had arrived to school early, she was still late to first period. The rainbow haired girl walked in with a frown on her face and seemed to be taking her time. When she used to arrive late almost every morning, she had used to rush in with a large smirk on her face as Mr. Cranky scolded and lectured her about time management. Rainbow would roll her eyes and promise that she’d be on time the next class, which everyone knew that was one promise she’d never keep.

However, today, when Rainbow walked into class, she looked as if she had lost all of her energy. Her eyes were dull and a tired frown was etched across her face. Mr. Cranky looked excited to give her a lecture for the first time in a very long time. He opened his mouth immediately and gave a stern look at her. However, after one glance, his stern gaze softened and the words seemed to die in an instant.

“Sorry I’m late, won’t happen again.” Rainbow mumbled before silently sulking to her seat beside Applejack.

“Just try to be a little quicker next time.” Cranky said with low volume, before continuing what he was saying.

Applejack watched Rainbow as she took notes on the lesson. Their eyes met a few times before Rainbow quickly went back to looking down at her paper. Her head was propped up by the palm of her hand, and her hair hung loose over her eye. She looked bored, and as the class ended, she was one of the first ones to head out of the door. However, Mr. Cranky stopped her.

“Is everything alright, Rainbow Dash?” he asked.

Applejack watched as Rainbow put on one of the fakest smiles she’d ever seen.

“Yep! Everything’s cool, I just didn’t really sleep much last night.” the rainbow haired girl forced. As the teacher nodded, Rainbow hurried out of the classroom. Applejack followed her, in attempt to try to talk to her. However, she was stopped by a brown haired senior. As soon as she looked into his blue eyes, she knew exactly who she was stopped by. His name was Caramel, and he was a close friend of Big Mac’s.

“Hey, AJ. What’s up with your brother? He’s been quiet today.” he asked.

“Caramel, he’s always quiet and you know that.” Applejack deadpanned.

“No, Jack, he’s been quieter than usual. He’s not even saying his ‘Eeyup’s’ and ‘Eenope’s’!” Caramel mocked.

Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Look, maybe he’s just tired?” she suggested.

“Jack, the man goes to bed at eight o’clock and he’s eighteen. Has he ever been tired to you?”

“Okay, fine. He might just be in a bad mood. Ah kind of got into an argument with his girlfriend and she’s been a little off today too. Ah’m sure the both of em’ will be feelin’ better by the end of the day. Especially when they get to see each other.” Applejack explained.

“Wait, you and Rainbow had a fight?”

“Yes, Caramel.” Applejack sighed, getting annoyed.


“None of your business! Don’t ya have a class to get to?”

“Yeah, I do. Thanks AJ, I think I know what’s wrong now..” he said before rushing down the hall.

By lunch, Applejack would have thought that Rainbow would have perked up a bit. Everyone else gathered at the table did as well. Fluttershy sat next to Rainbow as she ate in silence. The girls all exchanged worried glances. Before, Applejack wasn’t really concerned, as she was still angry at her friend and thought that Rainbow was still angry as well. But now, as she watched Rainbow, she was too quiet. There didn’t seem to be any tension between the two, and she hadn’t glared or made any snarky comments towards Applejack either. Applejack figured out that Rainbow wasn’t angry, she was upset.

The entire table remained silent and didn’t say anything to Rainbow. However, the last straw was when Rainbow began to tear up as she looked at her food. Pinkie saw this and jumped up to rush over to her friend, but Rarity stopped her from going across the table. Pinkie glared at Rarity before sitting back down.

“What is your problem?!” Pinkie hissed quietly, so Rainbow couldn’t hear.

“If you go over there and comfort her too much, then she’d start crying more!” Rarity hissed back.

“Maybe that’s what she needs. Letting things out always makes me feel better. It’s not healthy to bottle everything in and she’s barely holding it together as is!” Twilight whispered, and joined the conversation.

“I understand, but let’s approach this slowly okay?” Rarity suggested, and the others nodded.

Rarity cleared her throat and looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow, dear. How has your day been?” she asked casually.

Rainbow lifted her head up to look at Rarity, and the tears in her eyes seemed to be gone.

“Um, okay I guess?” she answered, and looked back down at her lunch.

“Well...that’s good. Fluttershy, how about you?”

“Oh, um. Mine has been fine as well.” Fluttershy smiled.

Sunset began to grow impatient with Rarity’s strategy.

“Fluttershy, do you know anything about this?” she asked, looking at Rainbow.

“Oh..no.” she said out loud, before nodding her head yes in secret.

“Are you sure you can’t say anything?”

“No, I’m sorry.” she frowned.

Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash from across the table and took her hand.

“Rainbow, whatever is bothering you, you can tell us. We are your friends and we care for you. Holding all of this in is not okay. You can trust us.” Twilight gave a small smile, and the rest of her friends did as well.

Rainbow looked at her friend’s smiling faces, and her lip quivered a bit.

“Guys, I’m okay. You’re worrying over nothing.” she smiled. The girls all sat back in disappointment. Applejack began to get angry.

“RD, we are tryin’ to help ya. Jus’ tell us would ya?” she sneered, but was shocked as Fluttershy glared at her.

“Applejack, that’s enough.” she hissed.

“Fluttershy, ya don’t understand. You didn’t see her yesterday she was-”

“Actually, I did see her yesterday, Applejack. You really need to tone it down.”

“Fine, whatever. If she don’t want our help, it’s fine. She’ll have to deal with this on her own.” she crossed her arms, not realizing that her anger was getting the best of her once again.

Fluttershy watched as Rainbow began to tear up again.

“Applejack, what has gotten into you lately!?” Fluttershy scolded, “She doesn’t have to-”

“No, Shy, it’s fine,” Rainbow interrupted her through her tears, “If she wants to know so bad, I’ll tell her.” Rainbow looked Applejack straight in her eyes and put her fork down.

“Your dumb brother broke up with me because he didn’t want to come between us. He said that he knew how much our friendship meant to me, and didn’t want to hurt me.” she spilled, her tears streaming down her cheeks now. Rarity gasped in surprise while the others gaped.

Applejack stared at Rainbow, unable to say anything. That wasn’t what she wanted to happen.

“What’s wrong, AJ? I thought you’d be happy. You got what you wanted.” Rainbow sobbed once before leaving the table.

All of the girls at the table were silent.

“What just happened?” Pinkie said flatly.

“Oh, the poor dear.” Rarity held her heart.

“Fluttershy, what happened?” Sunset asked.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and sighed.

“She came to my house last night crying her eyes out. She could barely talk to me. It was the worst I’ve ever seen from her. After a while, she managed to get out that she and Mac broke up. She told me the entire thing in the morning though.” she said as she gave a stern look at Applejack.

“Not only did she tell me about what happened yesterday, but while she was crying she kept mumbling something about not being loyal to me, and that she was sorry.” Fluttershy glared at Applejack.

“What did you say to her?” she asked Applejack.

Applejack bit the bottom of her lip and held her head in shame. She knew she messed up.

“Well...lately, Rainbow and my brother have been hangin’ out a lil’ too much. My brother had been skippin’ out on his chores after school to hang out with her, and that left me to do his chores on top of mine. We all know that Rainbow’s been skipping out on Rainbooms practices too.” she explained.

“Well, I don’t know about Big Macintosh. And I’ll admit that Rainbow’s been skipping some practices to hang out with Mac, but most of the practice’s she had skipped was because her grandmother has been sick lately, and she had went to go and visit her.” Fluttershy stopped, making Applejack even more embarrassed. She had assumed that Rainbow was blowing her off for Mac, when in reality, she was tending to her family.

“I've noticed that Rainbow had been hanging out with Big Macintosh a lot as well, but I remember that he is her first love, and that she needs to learn how to manage time. I've been meaning to talk to her about that.” Rarity added.

“Well, anyway. Whenever she'd come hang out with me, she'd end up leavin’ me for my brother. He’d come over and then all of a sudden, the two can't leave each other alone. Ah guess yesterday was the last straw.” Applejack said.

“What did you do?” Twilight asked, curious.

“Ah started yellin’ at her about it all. And when she yelled back, Ah made her pick between her friends or Mac. Ah told her that she wasn’t bein’ loyal to us.” Applejack frowned, realizing how bad she must have sounded yesterday.

“Ah guess after she left, Mac broke up with her because he thought that if they stayed together, he’d put our friendship in danger.”

“I can see what he was doing, but I don't think that breaking up was the answer.” Sunset began.

“I agree, I think that they just need to learn how to manage their time together. Put priorities first and make some sort of a schedule.” Rarity agreed.

“I just want to figure out how to help Dashie! Dashie has never been this upset, and I don't like it!” Pinkie frowned.

Applejack felt guilty and looked in the direction Rainbow ran away in. Maybe if she’d try to talk things out with her, she’d understand why she had said what she said.

“Ah’ll go talk to her.” Applejack said as she stood up.

“No,” Fluttershy said quickly and stared at Applejack, “I mean, you really shouldn’t right now. I think you’ve said enough.” With that, Fluttershy stormed away, looking for Rainbow Dash.

Applejack sat back down, her face red with embarrassment. It was the first time she had seen Fluttershy angry at her, and she wasn’t fond of it. It was the first time she had seen Rainbow cry in years, and it was all because of her. Her brother wasn’t himself, because of what she had said. She didn’t understand why what she did was so bad. All she had said was that Rainbow needed to separate herself from Mac a little.

“Are y’all mad at me too?” she looked down.

The remaining girls at the table looked at Applejack.

“Well, based on what I’ve heard, you could have handled things differently.” Rarity started.

“I don’t blame you for being upset. I’d be mad too if I was left with extra work if my brother ran away for some girl too.” Sunset agreed.

“I agree with Sunset and Rarity. We all see why you were mad, and we agree with what you are saying, but making Rainbow question her loyalty? Rainbow may seem tough, but after observing her, she tends to hide her feelings. Under that tough shell is a vulnerable girl with a hard past. She’s still insecure about her abilities and doesn’t reveal that because she wants to be seen as someone that we could always go to. She deals with her struggles on her own, but there is only so much she can take before she cracks. Right now, she’s worried about you, Applejack, us girls, her failed relationship, and if she’s even worth her element. That’s why Fluttershy is so upset with you.” explained Twilight.

“What she said!” Pinkie smiled, “But I’m not mad at you Jackie, just a teensy weensy bit sad.”

“Thanks girls,” Applejack slightly smiled, “What should Ah do? Dash usually lets these type of things go by the end of the day.”

“Well, breakups are hard, Applejack. For a first relationship, it lasted pretty long, and I don’t think it would have ended anytime soon if this didn’t all happen. It’s obvious that neither of the two wanted it, so maybe you shouldn’t deal with this now. At least give Rainbow a few hours. It still stings and hurts very much.” Rarity suggested.

“I mean, of course she’s going to be upset. I know it seems like Rainbow is angry with you, but from the way she shouted a few minutes ago, it looked like she was just taking her frustrations out on you. I’m sure she is upset with you, but not as upset as she is about the whole break up. Like Rarity said, give her a few to cool down.” Sunset added.

“I think that the perfect time to talk with her is after soccer practice today. It’s something she enjoys and it should lift her spirits up while playing.” smiled Twilight.

“That would give you time to talk to your brother! Then you can go find Dashie!” Pinkie hopped.

All of the girls’ input really helped Applejack feel a lot better. Now, she had figured out a way to make things right. After school, she would head home and speak with Big Macintosh while they worked on their chores. By that time, Rainbow should be done with soccer practice, and Applejack could meet her before she left. It was perfect!

“Ah think Ah know what Ah’m gonna do. Thanks again, girls.” Applejack smiled as the bell rang.

Applejack stood in her barn waiting for her brother to arrive. She hadn’t seen any sign of Rainbow since lunch, but after speaking with her brother, Applejack was confident that she’d make things right again. She smiled as the door opened, revealing a familiar looking freckled face.

“Mac!” Applejack immediately called as her brother walked in.

“Eeyup?” Mac replied, quietly and coldly, causing Applejack to step back.

“Look,” she started, “Ah know Ah screwed up yesterday, and Ah heard about the break up.”

“And Ah wanted to talk about what Ah said.”

Big Macintosh looked into Applejack’s pleading green eyes. His mouth formed a flat line as he sat down on a bale of hay.

“Go on ahead.” he said.

“Ah shouldn’t have yelled at y’all. Ah just was tired of Apple Bloom and Ah havin’ to do your chores as you and Dash had fun. It’s alright for y’all to hang out sometimes, but ya did it for an entire week straight! And when ya came when Dash was over, she’d always start hangin’ with you instead of me.” Applejack started.

“Ah shouldn’t have yelled at Dash either. Tellin’ her to choose was so silly and stupid. Ah wasn’t myself yesterday. Ah was just...so angry.”

Applejack looked down in shame, waiting for her brother’s reply. She looked up, slightly angry, when she heard a small laugh.

“What is so funny?” She asked, irritated.

“Nothin’. You just reminded me of somethin’, that’s all.” Big Mac replied with a bitter smile.


“Remember that story that we heard, about Ma and Pa?”

“O’ course Ah do, Mac.”

“This whole thing sounds like the situation with Grand Pear..”

“What are ya talkin about, married? You two can’t be married!” A middle aged woman yelled at her red haired son.

An older male strode up to his daughter, who stood in front of the red haired man.

“Finally, something we can agree on.” he said, turning angrily at his daughter, “Pear Butter enough of this nonsense. We’re movin’ and you gotta stick with your family.” the man said, with a gray streak in his hair.

Pear Butter, a woman with curly orange hair, looked around at the situation she was in. She and her now husband, Bright Mac, had just gotten married in their secret place right in between of where their fields stood. The trees were decorated with lights, and banners of pears and apples hung from its branches. Bright Mac’s mother, Mrs. Smith, stood angrily in front of the wedding arc, next to the pink haired mayor, who stood in shock. Her best friend, a blue woman named Chiffon Swirl, stared at her, sad.

Pear Butter looked at her husband’s green eyes before turning to look back at her father.

“But,” she said with an accent, “The Apples are my family now too.”

Bright Mac tore from his mother’s grip to run to his wife and held her hand tight, smiling at her. Mrs. Smith looked at the couple in surprise, and watched as her enemy doubled over in shock.

“You can’t be serious,” he sneered, walking up to the couple with a frown, “Are you choosing to be an Apple over being a Pear?” he stomped, expecting for his young daughter to realize her mistake.

Pear Butter’s blue eyes immediately filled with tears as she looked at Bright Mac in distress. She looked at her father, hoping that he wasn’t being serious.

“Are ya makin’ me choose?” she whimpered, looking into her father’s disapproving brown eyes.

The man stood, shocked that his daughter didn’t answer the way he wanted. He then looked stern before speaking.

“Yes,” he said firmly, his voice deep and mean, “I am.”

Pear Butter’s tears began to flow down her cheeks, she sniffled as she looked at her father.

“Then yeah,” she said shakily, “Ah guess Ah am.” Her husband comforted her in a tight hug as she looked at her father.

The man was once again shocked at his daughter’s response. Upset that he didn’t get the answer he had wanted, he stomped again.

“Fine.” was all he shouted, before leaving his daughter behind. Never to be seen again.

Pear Butter began sobbing in her husband’s arms, upset at the fact that she might have just lost her father. Bright Mac held her, adjusting the brown hat on his head. He watched as his mother also came over, and comforted his crying wife.

Applejack stood with tears in her eyes as she remembered the story of her parents.

“Oh my gosh,” she said, “Ah sounded jus’ like Grand Pear didn’t Ah?”
Big Macintosh said nothing and kept his head down.

“Ah can’t believe Ah did that, Ah’m so sorry, Mac.” Applejack realized. Rainbow must have been feeling the same way her mother did years ago. Big Mac must have felt the same as her father, caught in the middle of it all. And herself? Her actions and words were almost the same as her grandfather.

“It’s alright. You made me realize that maybe Dash and Ah were gettin’ out of hand. Ah’m sorry too.” he said before hugging his sister.

Applejack felt relieved as she fixed one part of the problem, but her eyes widened as she realized something else.

“Why’d you break up with her?” she asked her brother, breaking the hug.

“Well, she was so afraid o’ losin’ you as a friend. Ah knew that if we stuck together, the two o’ ya would have stopped bein’ friends, and that would hurt her more than anythin’. Ah didn’t want that.” Mac explained, looking down.

“Well just like ya said, Mac. This whole thing does sound like our parents’ story. But after Grand Pear left Ma alone, did Pa leave her jus’ so she wouldn’t lose him?” she stared at her brother’s green eyes.

“No,” she answered for herself, “He stuck with her and helped her through it all. In the end, they were happy. They were happy until their very last breath together. Even though Ma just lost her father, Pa and Granny made her feel complete again. Unlike what you did. Rainbow was already hurtin’ from me yellin’ at her. When she needed you the most, you broke up with her!”

Big Macintosh’s eyes widened as he realized the mistake he made.

“What time is it?” he asked firmly.

“‘Bout five.”

Big Macintosh quickly put everything in his hands down and started heading for the door.

“Where in the apple pie do ya think you’re goin?” Applejack questioned.

“Ah’m goin’ to go and find her.” he replied with confidence.

Applejack smiled at her brother and followed him out of the door.

“Ah’m comin’ with ya. Ah need to speak with her as well.”

Big Macintosh and Applejack stepped out of the red pickup truck parked in front of Canterlot High. The two of them hurried to the soccer field, in search for their athletic friend.

“Where is she?” Applejack asked.

“Ah don’t know, she should be here. She’s always here.” Big Macintosh replied.

As the two searched, a purple skinned, blonde haired teen ran over to them, her purple eyes filled with worry.

“Applejack!” she shouted, wearing the Wondercolt’s team jersey.

“Cloud Kicker, glad you’re here. Do ya know where Ah can find Dash?” Applejack asked the worried soccer player.

Cloud Kicker bit her lip and her eyes widened.

“That’s what I was going to ask you! She didn’t come to practice today and we’re all worried! Rainbow Dash hasn’t skipped a practice since she broke her arm in Sophmore year!” she exclaimed.

“Wait, she didn’t come at all?” Big Macintosh asked, now becoming worried himself.

“No! Not at all..I kept trying to call her, but she just texted me to take over for today. Is she okay?”

“Mac and Ah are gonna go find out.” Applejack reassured her, “Let’s go and see if she’s home.”

The siblings got into the truck and drove to Rainbow Dash’s house. They slowly walked up the stairs and waited after Big Macintosh knocked.

The pair watched as the door opened, revealing a woman with short hair and freckles. Her pink eyes narrowed immediately at the sight of Big Macintosh.

“Mrs. Dash,” Big Macintosh started.

“I don’t know what you did to her, but I don’t think I should let you in right now.” Rainbow’s mother said angrily and began closing the door.

“Wait, ma’am!” Applejack stopped the door from closing with her arm, “This is all my fault. He just came here to make things right.”

The woman rolled her eyes but gave in, opening the door again.

“Fine,” she sighed, “But if I find out that you hurt her more, I do not want to see you back here again.” she said looking right into Big Macintosh’s eyes.

“O’ course, ma’am.” Big Macintosh gulped, and walked in.

Author's Note:

A new chapter! Yay! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts below. (We are getting close to the end :fluttercry: But that means that you all could leave me more suggestions about what kind of MacDash stories you want to see next. Or any type of stories!)

As always, thanks for reading. And if the next chapter takes a bit longer than usual, it’s because I am in the process of making another Dash story (SoarinDash shippers, prepare yourselves! :rainbowlaugh:)

Ok, so for my usual questions. What did you think of this chapter? Did Applejack do the right thing? What do you think of my Pear Butter comparison? (Obviously i dont own that scene, you can literally watch it in the Perfect Pear episode!! I DID NOT WRITE THAT WITH MY OWN BRAINNN)