• Published 20th Jan 2019
  • 16,928 Views, 676 Comments

For I am of Pinkie's Mind - Neon Icy Wings

A human finds themselves as a voice within Pinkie's mind, only she's a young filly still on the rock farm. Aching for home, but worried what others might think, this new 'Mena' must maneuver life in Equestria. As much a life they can anyways.

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Premier of the Party Pony

Pinkie really was enveloped by the rainbow the boom left behind, and I couldn't agree more. It was oddly beautiful, a bright blue sky, rainbow passing by, framing the rock farm in a wonderful moment that, sadly, passed all too soon. Almost as quick, but much, much more quiet than it began, the rainbow faded from sight.

"Ah!" Pinkie, truly Pinkie that time, exclaimed, "Limestone, Maud and Marble- everypony would have loved to see that!"

If they lived near Rockville then yeah, a little color would definitely spice things up. The sky was so blue it made me realize how droll the sky I thought as 'normal' really was. Aaaaand now I'm imagining a world where Pinkie was color blind. Why brain?

Ignoring such silly thoughts I turned my attention back to Pinkie, trying to ignore the distracting colors in my peripheral vision within the mindscape, "Well, maybe we should do something special for them? To try and share a speck of that with them somehow?" I didn't want to just spell it out for her, it was her cutie mark, it was her achievement, but I figured a few gentle nudges couldn't hurt.

And boy howdy did her brain running on skittles power run fast, because not even two seconds later she jumped into the air, with a smile clearly on her face, even from my point of view. "I got it!" She almost shouted, and made a beeline straight for the nearby silo. Not too sure why a rockfarm needs a silo. Knowing Equestria, the Pie's farm was once an actual farm that sucked so much they thought rocks were food.

She nearly crashed through the Silo door in her excitement, and I wasn't really sure what I was expecting. Granted I wasn't not surprised by a load of boxes and containers, the stove top oven was a little out of place though.

"Pinkie, why is there an oven inside of a silo?" I asked as I tried to ignore the ever growing color inside the mindscape.

"Uh, I don't know. I think Ma said she had a feeling we'd need it someday or something."

No idea who keeps an extra oven on hoof, foresight or no. Guess that explains how Pinkie could cook without alerting her family. Unless they sleep like rocks, which would be fitting.

"Alright, oven aside for now, what do ya have in mind to... do whatever it is you plan on doing?" I word very good yes, thank you.

"I'm looking for Granny Pie's boxes." Pinkie responded.

That gave me pause. I completely forgot about Granny Pie. Did she even appear in the show? My inner fan awoke for the first time since I landed in Equestria. Imma get some hidden Lore! Yey.

"What's in Granny Pie's boxes that would be so important?" I asked Pinkie who was busy nosing between different boxes. And let me just say, going through other ponies' belongings hurt my soul. Back home I would always double and triple check things out of fear of retaliation for failure, so Pinkie's cavalier attitude was playing havoc on me. The only reason I wasn't losing my shit was because I knew -or at least had a pretty good assumption- that everything would go fine.

She pushed a heavier box across the floor to get a look at a handful more, "Granny always knows how to make me and my sisters feel better. If anything could be a bit like those colors to share with my family, it would belong to Granny Pie!"

Pinkie's words just had me intrigued as to how Granny Pie fit into the family. Maybe a Pinkie Pie happens every other generation? It would have to, Equestria wouldn't survive two Pinkie Pies, if one wasn't crippled by age. Needless to say, I did not count. I hoped. Oh, the things I could do if the secrets of Pinkie Pie were unlocked to me...

Pinkie continued to push, nose and move boxes until she let out an announcement of discovery, "Aha!" And opened the box, both excitedly and with quite a bit of care. Inside the box was indeed a lot of color, what appeared to be streamers, and some kind of tarps resided within the box. But, what stood out the most in the box was a thin book, placed at the very top of the box's contents like a holy text on a pedestal.

Pinkie took the book out reverently, her smile seeming to permeate her entire body. It was, as everything was, written in the lucky charms language, but the cover more than told the story within its pages. "This is Granny Pie's cookbook!" I felt Pinkie's smile shift away, and guessed she adopted a small look of confusion considering her next words, "Why in the world would Ma and Pa keep this in a dusty old box?"


Pinkie laughed at that, mission complete. "Pfft! Nah. I'm sure they have a good reason. Like keeping it here for ME to find it."

Wa-was that a joke? Or was Pinkie becoming anomalous at an expedient pace? The question merely had me dread looking away from Pinkie's gaze to face whatever hellscape Pinkie's colorfully affected mind had become. "Crazier things have happened, I suppose. Like an explosion of color beyond the laws of science's comprehension."

Pinkie let out a giggle, which warmed my dead heart, "I guess that's true!" Her expression had to have changed again as she spoke once more, "But... how am I supposed to share the color with a cookbook? Just... cook things?"

Pinkie, please, don't give me the opportunity to ruin your Cutie Mark moment, because I somehow will find a way despite best efforts. "Well, maybe the cook book is only a piece of the puzzle? Liiiiike how a rainbow is made up of multiple colors you need multiple things to share its color with your family?"

"Huh, yeah! You're right Mena, I can't just do something simple, I have to do something, something super." Her voice became somewhat resolute as she moved the box to the side, searching for a different box. The next box she opened had what appeared to be bags of deflated balloons. Just deflated balloons. Like, more balloons than I had ever seen in my life, balloons.

Even Pinkie was amazed by the sheer number and color of them as well. "There's so many of 'em! What are they?"

Hah-bah-gah, how doth thou not knoweth the wonders of balloons? If the Rainboom hadn't come already I would say it hadn't come fast enough. "Those be balloons. You fill them with helium and they float, fill them with your own breath if you just want them inflated."

Pinkie hummed. "What are they for?"

I blinked, not quite used to explaining the function of balloons. "Well, they're just pretty, bouncy, lively. Good for parties."

Pinkie let out a light gasp at the knowledge. "I love these already."

Pinkie continued searching and just more and more party supplies came up, like bags of confetti, bags of flour and then the very weird. Eggs that were somehow fresh, somehow, it said so on the packaging, 'somehow fresh eggs' and a freaking can of helium. The flour and eggs were courtesy of Ma, can of helium courtesy of Granny Pie.

The more I heard of Granny Pie the more I was scared of her. And Ma come to think of it.

There was a lot inside that silo, and the more Pinkie dug into it the more I think she was getting the idea in her head to put it all to good use. Not all was party related, as there were wooden boards, some pick axes, and other such things. And after what must have been an hour of scrounging, occasional me informing Pinkie on the basics of party utensils and overall getting the lay of the land, Pinkie was ready. "Mena. I know exactly what I'm going to do."

"Take over the world?"

"I am going to throw a party!"

Hell, yeah, small pink horse. Hell, yeah.

Pinkie was quick to set to work, unimportant boxes were strategically placed, wooden boards laid atop them and colored tarps atop the boards as makeshift tables. Streamers placed nicely about to liven up the upper sight lines, while the balloons were set aside for the moment. I intervened, my paranoia would not allow me to allow Pinkie to fill up the balloons hours early and risk them being a pathetic sight. No. I would not.

Then came the biggest hurdle of the party setting upping night.

The silo had pretty much all the ingredients typically needed for party based confections, and Granny Pie's cookbook would be an invaluable boon, but Pinkie seemed to be dragging her hooves a bit.

"Pinks? What's the matter?"

She stopped her intermittent page flipping through Granny's cookbook and let out a mild whine. "I-I just don't know if I can do this right."

I briefly pondered why the sudden emotional downturn before remembering why she was out later than her family, why she saw the Rainboom in the first place. Though, that also had me asking 'why hadn't her family noticed her missing' but that was neither here nor there.

What was important in the moment was giving Pinkie the encouragement needed to prepare proper party pastries. Pinkie kept flipping pages as I wracked my brain. I once again lamented my lack of real social skills, as I doubted my half baked rambling would help in such a situation.

An idea came to my mind, a mixture of old world meme-ery brought forth from my rambling mind that was, funnily enough, kind of related to the situation at hand and or hoof.

I 'breathed' a sigh as it were, the idea bringing a tinge of embarrassment to me, but, it was for Pinkie...

"It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake..." I said, so reluctantly there's no way it would be described as singing.

Pinkie perked up, probably surprised by my words. "What?"

"If the way is hazy, ya gotta do the cooking by the book." At least I started to hold some sort of tune, even if it was pretty bare.

"Okay?" Pinkie was obviously still confused, but took my words in stride, flipping towards the cake section of the cook book.

"You know you can't be lazy. Never use a messy recipe,"


"The cake will end up crazy."


"If you do the cooking by the book, then you'll have a... cake." At least halfway through I was kinda getting into it, but sorta trailed off by the end. Give me a break, I was always self conscious of my singing, and having a different 'not' voice, and an audience, didn't help.

"Huh. I guess that makes sense." She said, seeming to settle for a simple, but tasty looking cake. "Nice singing Mena."

I was sure if I had a body my face would have heated up from such a simple compliment. I rubbed the back of my head, glancing back into the mindscape a bit, but didn't internalize it too much. It oddly faded into shadows a ways out which was interesting. "Oh, it was, uh, pretty bad."

"Nah." Nah? Well, I guess I couldn't argue with that.

Whether my inter dimensional song plagiarism gave her the encouragement she needed or merely distracted her from her worries, I did not know. What I did know was Pinkie and I were baking a cake and it was going much better than Pinkie was, probably, thinking. My guess was she just needed a push to get started. Huh, that reminded me of me. Didn't feel like doing something, ever, but once I actually started I could do it.

I must forge Pinkie into being not me.

What I didn't really realize, having squirmed so much while Pinkie did the real reading, I didn't realize just how complicated the cake we were baking was; a multilayered cake of epic proportions. Well, epic by my standards. Single pan brownies were my most advanced baking experience.

Somehow Pinkie managed to dash through the cake bake like a real pro. At least no ingredients were harmed for experimentation.

After the cake was finished, frosted and towering above us, the decorations were hung, the tables set, the cake baked, there was even some punch mix hidden in the silo, for some reason. That seemed to be a recurring theme with the Pie family, 'for some reason.' But, I wasn't going to question it. Sorry, future Twilight, I'm not saving you from your foolish actions, I'm not in your head, curb thy enthusiasm.

Things were going swimmingly, Pinkie and I tried out the helium for setting up the balloons and everything. But, Pinkie thought something was off with the atmosphere.

"It just feels like we're missing something." Pinkie said, almost sounding like a scientist trying to solve the secrets of the universe. And considering she's the Element of Laughter to be, I guess that isn't too far off point.

"What could we be missing? We have food, punch, decorations out the wazoo, and tables that weren't even tables when we got here. What on Earth could we be missing?" Seriously, considering Pinkie probably didn't come in here often, if ever, it was shocking the transformation it went through.

"I don't know. But, this just feels like a silo still. There can't be a party in just a silo." Kid, you hardly even knew what a party was... however long ago it was. You can't speak on proper party protocol.

"Alright, sure, it still feels like a silo, now what are we gonna do about it? Because barring painting this entire place or hiring a band on the shortest of notices, we ain't changing much here."

Pinkie seemed a bit dejected at that, which kinda made me feel like an ass. A sarcastic ass. I got so caught up in helping Pinkie's party I got distracted from helping Pinkie as Pinkie. Human or voice in a head, I still needed to learn to just shut up sometimes.

Well, that's how I felt until Pinkie perked up right quick with an exclamation. "That's it!" She shouted, before barreling towards the one corner we had yet to scavenge, bringing confusion to my mind.

"What's it? We got everything except for the impossible don't we?"

"Nope!" Pinkie joyfully exclaimed, "It's been so long I almost forgot Granny left it here."

"Just how much did Granny leave here? Does she come around so often it's just easier for her to have it all packed away?"

Pinkie groaned as she shifted another box away from whatever it was she was digging for. "She comes around a lot." She paused her box moving and gazed at nothing in particular, wistfully. "Granny Pie is great."

I hummed in response. "I hope I get to meet her someday."

"Oh, you'll love her! Granny Pie is the absolute best! And only the absolute best have this!" In an attempt at flair she kicked the final box, only for it to barely budge. "Uhm. One second." She struggled to push the final box, somehow ending up more suspenseful for the final reveal of... whatever it was. Pinkie groaned one last time as the box was safely moved out of the way, though she still glared angrily-ish at it. "What in Equestria is in this thing anyway?" She hopped up onto another box to get to the opening, and threw open the doorway to the box's glorious contents!

It was rocks. Bog standard rocks. You've been outside lately? Then you've seen those rocks. Why was the question of the day, and even Pinkie had enough shenanigans from the rock box, simply closing it up without acknowledging its silly insides. Instead she strategically made sure whatever it was was out of sight. I could practically feel her excitement, to the point I almost felt like shaking myself. "Wanna guess what it is, Mena?"

"Pinkie, I am terrible at guessing games. So I'm going to say Princess Celestia's long lost cousin Ted."

That sent Pinkie almost tumbling forward from attempting to contain her mirth. "No, silly!" She jumped and turned around to face the all important whatever it was. "That!"

I hummed in surprise. Mainly because I wasn't really surprised all things considered. "Well, I guess we have our band." By the way, who keeps a record player at the back of a silo?

Things only got harder after we found Granny's record player. Not because it was actually more difficult, things were pretty much entirely set up, sweets cooked, balloons floated about, streamers strewn, and Granny's record player played on a solemn dirge that did nothing for my nerves, though it was accurate to the mood. Waiting for Pinkie's family to wake up and find the party was quite the nerve wracking time.

Such anxiety lanced through our shared being I didn't know who it belonged to at that point.

"Pinkie?" She merely hummed in response, sitting, back to the wall, next to the silo door. "Can we change the music, please? This song, while very good, I do admit, it is really grating on my nerves."

"Oh, sorry Mena. I-I, was lost in thought." The filly said as she trotted over to the player and began swapping records.

"It's no problem. It's just with waiting for the others to come in, not knowing what their reaction will be... I'm just on edge."

Pinkie gave a comforting smile that was even evident on her mental scape twin. "Heh, I am too. It's just so... exciting. Putting the party together was a lot of fun. I just hope my family will like it as much as I do."

Crap. I injected my doubt into things. Course correction required. "Ey. Don't let those doubts get you doubtful. Just 'cause there's an edge doesn't mean ya have to jump, ya know?"

Pinkie quirked an eyebrow as she placed her new chosen record onto the player. "Uh, no. I don't."

"Well, that's probably for the best."

Pinkie set the needle down and the record player burst to life, throwing out a far more upbeat tune, more fitting to a party.

"This is better."

"Much better." The music really did do wonders, all things considered. It didn't really ease my worries, but it did help the atmosphere.

I just hated the anxiety that came with anticipation. Any sort of engagement that I needed to plan for always had me stressed. Even something like helping Pinkie Pie in a ninety nine percent guaranteed success of a party had me sweating bullets.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie, is that you?" Sounded dear Mother from outside.

I upgraded my sweating bullets into sweating a full on forty gun salute.

"Well... Remember the big rainbow explosion. Remember the Rainboom."

Somehow Pinkie managed to replace her anxiety -or was it my anxiety?- with intense joy at sharing that happy moment with her family. She ran to the silo door and threw it open. "Ma! I need you and dad and my sisters in here! Quick!" And she quickly shut the door as she positioned herself in front of the cake we had cooked by the book.

If I had a body to die in, the suspense would be killing me.

The family entered the silo soon after, everypony immensely shocked at the display before them. Even Maud had her eyes wider than usual.

"Surprise! Do ya like it? It's called a party!" Pinkie exclaimed. I could practically feel the anxiety seeping back in near the end.

God, carve my non-existent heart out with a spoon, their expressions were not comforting. Really, the main ones I focused on were Ma and Pa. I was unable to tell if their quivering lips were getting over the shock into happiness, or delirium felt at all the stuff Pinkie poured into the festivities.

Even Pinkie started to feel dejected by their reaction. "Oh... you don't like it..." And she turned away in sadness.

I will fucking cut-

Pinkie looked back just in time to see Ma and Pa's expressions fully embrace the joy of the scene, smiling widely. Pinkie's own smile returned with gusto as she rushed towards them. "You do like it! I'm so happy!"

While it really did nothing for me, I flopped onto the floor of our mindscape, completely exhausted by the stress the party's preparations threw onto me. I was greeted by a far more colorful approximation of the rock farm. Like I saw earlier, it ended some distance away, fading into the familiar darkness of the mind, an oddly mundane sight compared to what I was expecting. Granted, the mindscape would surely become more crazy as Pinkie attains her eldritch powers, but I'd take what I could get.

I glanced back to reality to see Pinkie and the family happily dancing. Dancingly if you will. Apparently dear Mother and Father chose to forego questioning Pinkie on the whys and hows. Honestly it was a little scary seeing Father not monotone in expression, and Mother was honestly cutting loose with her dance moves. Maybe life was just mundane and this burst of life restored them to energy years passed.

Really, I was just relieved that I didn't ruin things. My mere presence was fact enough things could change. Unless I was in the show itself and was just really good at staying hidden and didn't change anything. Not too sure what I'd change, as that all was years away, but still, deserved some thought I supposed.

I shrugged my mental form, distantly wishing I could feel the release of tension from my shoulders. A thing to wait for when Pinkie lets me have control again sometime, I supposed.

As I looked closer I noticed that Mother was a lot less reserved than Father was. I couldn't tell if that was because Mother enjoyed the party more, or if Maud took after Father more than anything. Limestone and Marble were enjoying the punch as well, bringing joy to me at least.

"Pinkie," Maud said, sounding actually intrigued, "You got your cutie mark."

"What?!" Pinkie practically gasped, and glanced to her flank in a way that most definitely had to look like she broke her neck. Even from the inside I could tell Pinkie's eyes glinted with such joy it made my heart swell. All because of a picture of three little balloons. "My cutie mark... YAY!" And she damn near jumped halfway to the ceiling before landing on the table behind us.

Dear Mother spoke next, looking overjoyed herself, "I think I know just the thing! Hold on everypony." She dashed over to one of the uncovered boxes and pulled at a freaking camera. How the hell did we miss that? Ma trotted over and set up the camera. "Get ready everypony!"

Everypony did indeed get ready, Limestone and Marble not wanting to be left out climbed onto the table behind us, Ma and Pa on either side, even Maud was smiling up, and because it was a timer we didn't have much time to pose, but honestly, I was too engulfed into the happy atmosphere to care about a getting a perfect picture.

I happily gazed through Pinkie's eyes from within our homier mindscape, and as the picture flash went off, I had to say, I would miss my home, but for a forced life to live, I could live with this.

The party raged on, maybe a little awkwardly, considering nopony in the silo probably ever even went to a party before, but the entire thing had heart. I just loved absorbing the atmosphere.

"Ah, Pinkie," Father said, bringing my attention back to Pinkie's immediate surroundings, "May I ask what possessed you to do this? As delightful as it is."

Pinkie only slightly got taken out of the party attitude, after all, feeling like the center of negativity is never nice. "Well... after I ruined everything by kicking the rock-"

Dear Father interrupted Pinkie's explanation. "Just so you know dear, you did not ruin anything."


He nodded at my statement and her question. "Yesterday was simply meant to be about easing you and your sisters into the harder and harsher aspects of rock farming, though I suppose I should have made that more clear."

"B-but, the rock went flying a-and the crashing sound!"

Dear Father simply nodded again. "I caught it."

'And I shall reiterate: What.' Pinkie simply appeared to stare in shock at Father, which, yeah. I, too, would share such a look if somepony told me 'oh yeah, flying rock at gajillion miles per hour? I just caught it.' Freakity, fucking what, Papa?

"It did take me by some surprise, but with a tickle at the back of my skull, I knew something was amiss, so I caught it. Did push me a bit hard into some of the sculptures, but I've had bigger and faster rocks roll my way. Even if I missed, the sculptures it would have crushed weren't the most important in the world. Hmm, I'll have to thank your mother on that front, said she had a feeling we should set aside a sculpting job for another time."

Eldritch vibes going off like crazy, I just wanted to change the subject, 'Soooooo... maybe tell him about the boom rainbow thingy?'

Pinkie jolted slightly, probably thrown off almost as much as me. "Ah. Right. B-but, that wasn't the only reason I threw this party!" Pinkie exclaimed as she started bouncing in place, "I saw the most-the most fantabulous thing yesterday, right after everypony went inside! It was a huge ex-PLOSION of color. Like a rainbow went and exploded! It was so pretty and cool and wondtabulous that I just had to do something to share at least a little bit of its color with all of you."

Pa blinked slowly at his daughter, I could only wonder what it was that flew threw his mind. "Well, I would say you were pulling my leg but... explains the sudden shift well enough I guess." I think I saw a twitch travel across his face for a moment, "Did you say yesterday?"

"Yup!" Said the happy Pinka.

The twitch redoubled and lasted an extra moment. "Pinkamena? In the future, please inform me or your mother of your whereabouts."

Pinkie blinked lightly but nodded. "Okie dokie."

Damn. No Lokie.

Pa nodded at Pinkie's nodding and began moving towards Ma at one of the other tables. "Good."

'All in all, I'd call the party a success.'

"Yup." The Pinka agreed, and happily helped herself to some of our by the book cooked cake.

"Hey! Pinkamena." Said Limestone, venturing toward us. God, I was so conditioned to Pinkie being Pinkie that hearing her called by her full name just kept throwing me off. Pinkie turned towards the cake blocking sister, and look Marble followed Limestone over, Limestone saying, "This-this is really cool Pinkamena." Marble nodded in agreement, a relatively large smile on face.

Pinkie's own smile grew at her sisters' enjoyment, nodding happily, slightly bouncing with her nods. She didn't really reply, more like, affirmative giggles.

Limestone took a happy look around. "This is just what I needed after yesterday." Marble followed Limestone's gaze, not adding anything to the conversation, but generally being happily adorable. I did not mind this. Limestone looked back to Pinkie, and I had to say, I just wasn't used to Limestone looking happy. "Thanks Pinkie."


With thanks said, both Limestone and Marble moving to a different table. "Wanna try the drink stuff?"

"I think it's called punch."

Filly's gonna learn one way or another the terminology of parties. I could only imagine the sheer amount that awaited in the future.

Pinkie gladly set to cutting out a piece of our glorious cake, and gazed upon it like it was the greatest treasure. But... before taking a bite, she paused, frowned lightly and whispered to me. "Hey, Mena?"

I quirked my non-physical form. "Yeah Pinkie?"

"You have the first bite." And then the world went tea kettle over pot, until I had to catch Pink-my head from falling into the slice of cake.

I shook my head, the sudden shift into control being disorienting to the max. Going from zero nerve endings to all the nerve endings is always a shock. I felt my eye twitch, after all, I didn't expect experiencing the party first hand. Didn't even know Pinkie could do that. Though, I looked down at the slice of cake and I could feel my expression soften. I quickly took a bite out of the slice and savored the flavour.

While I had never been a big cake fan, in that moment, it was fantastic. It had only been, what, three, four days? But it felt a lot longer than that. There was no way I was ever getting home, I just knew that would haunt me in various ways over time, I wouldn't really be able to have my own life, and in many ways I wouldn't have a moment to myself ever again. But right there, with that cake. I could take it a day at a time.

'How does it taste, Mena?' Pinkie mentally asked me.

'Fantastic...' I sent back only to be greeted by joyful, mental giggles.

I felt a small nudge on my shoulder and turned to see Maud. "Oh, hey Maud."

She had visibly returned to normal, what that meant on the inside I had no idea. "Hi Mena."

I did not question her abilities. I knew what the future held for me in Pinkie alone, so I wasn't chancing it. "So... how are you enjoying the party?" I 'heard' Pinkie approve of my line of questioning.

"It is good." Walked into that one I did. I tentatively took another bite of the delicious cake during the awkward silence that followed before she said anything else. "I noticed you didn't come in last night."

Another thing not to question, but it did give me something to question all the same. "Actually, why did nopony come looking for u- me? I was out here since you all went inside yesterday."

"I believe everypony thought you went to bed early. Probably not feeling hungry after yesterday."

I quirked my head slightly. "And why didn't you check on Pinkie if you knew?"

I saw Maud's lips twitch up slightly. "Because I knew you'd look out for her."

That really warmed my heart and made me smile as well. "Oh, uh, would you like some cake Maud?"

She looked to the towering cake and I could practically see the cogs in her head turning. "I... guess a small slice."

My smile widened and turned my focus inward. 'Hey, Pinkie, do YOU want some cake?'

'Do I?!'

The party continued, a happy experience, and Pinkie practically glowed throughout the whole thing. It was a real fun time. At least for a while.

Ma spoke up over the party. "Well, this was a real nice surprise Pinkie. But, I think it's about time we got back to work."

Pinkie, Limestone and Marble groaned in disappointment, and I think Maud agreed with them. As did I. At least until Pa hummed for a moment. "Hmm, actually, I believe the girls could do with a day off." Ma looked a little confused while the foals perked up at Pa's words. "Yes, that would be for the best. I could have handled yesterday better, and I can not bring myself to make Pinkie work after getting her cutie mark as such. So you girls go and play if you like. Celebrate a bit more beyond this party, I suppose."

Ma looked like she almost wanted to argue, if only a little bit, but shrugged with a small smile in the end. "Go and play dears. Your father and I will clean up the silo for you all."

Marble let out a sigh of relief, Limestone seemed to fist pump with a small 'yes', Marble nodded with intent, scaring me, and Pinkie whooped for joy. "Yay! Come on girls! Let's go enjoy our day off."

And so Pinkie happily bounced out of the silo, her sisters following her, maybe not as happy as Pinkie, but happy all the same, all of them looking forward to their free day. I could also count myself among them. Though I had to admit, I was a little anxious as to how the new, fully formed Pinkie Pie would act out in the wild. And I had to admit, I had a strange feeling something awaited me out there, playing outside the silo. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

For all my paranoia, I was paranoid I wouldn't be able to avoid it. That and I was paranoid I'd miss out on some of the fun if I worried too much.