• Published 20th Jan 2019
  • 16,883 Views, 676 Comments

For I am of Pinkie's Mind - Neon Icy Wings

A human finds themselves as a voice within Pinkie's mind, only she's a young filly still on the rock farm. Aching for home, but worried what others might think, this new 'Mena' must maneuver life in Equestria. As much a life they can anyways.

  • ...

Chapter 14: A Cavern Miscalculation

Maud and I carefully made our way down the impromptu hole Limestone had created, gently climbing down the large rocks that were our stairs, and into the cave. At least I think it's a cave.

Once I properly had all four hooves on the lowest point, I glanced around the rocky room we found ourselves in, the only light being that of the hole, shining down veritable god rays to illuminate the new area, "So, is this more of a cave or a cavern? I never knew the difference. Or thought about it before."

Limestone kept poking around, luckily she was taking her time, and didn't just charge ahead of us, and yelled back to me, "All caverns are caves, not all caves are caverns."

Tilting my head, I let out a, "Huh. Then what makes a cave a cavern?"

Maud moved ahead of me while looking about, seeming to not have too much distance between us and Lime, "Mineral deposits."

'Not that I begrudge you talking to Limestone more, Mena, but shouldn't we prioritize looking for the rockball?' Surprise asked, in a guiding tone.

Pinkie quickly chimed in before I could respond, 'Ah, come on Surprise, I'm sure the rockball won't be that hard to find, right?' I let out a sigh, mirrored by Surprise if what I mentally heard was any indicator.

Lime glanced back at me after my sigh, "You okay Mena?"

"Yeah, yeah, just Pinkie jinxed things. Said finding the rockball would be easy."

'Hey!' My mental charge said in offense.

Without looking back, Maud continued searching forward, towards the less lit section of the cave, "Superstitious thoughts are not really helpful for our search." She paused for a moment, "But tempting fate is probably ill advised."

Blowing out a mouthful of air, Limestone took charge, "Well, jinx or not, the rockball isn't anywhere nearby. It musta rolled further in."

Frowning, which was honestly the more worrying thing, Maud voiced her doubts, "Are we sure we shouldn't just grab father?

Rolling her eyes, Limestone began trotting towards the dark, "It couldn't have gone that far Maud. We'll go in, get the ball, the tell pa about all this. Ten minute adventure."

Surprise's dry words passed through my head in response, 'This will not take ten minutes.'

I stifled a laugh and addressed Limestone, "Surprise doesn't have faith in your ten minute adventure, Lime."

"Pfft, well we'll just have to prove your new roommate wrong." With a crack of her neck, Limestone pointed towards the darker deep of the cave, "Alright girls, we're gonna find us a rockball!" With a shrug, I trotted next to Limestone, with Maud just behind as we slowly moved away from the light.

As we walked, we managed to keep a decent amount of light, though I did begin to notice we were walking down a small decline. Incline? Either way, the formation of the tunnel slash cave floor must have allowed the rockball to roll further in. It was such thoughts that stamped down my paranoia, that slowly began to grow along with the shadows. "How extensive do you think this whole thing is? A few tunnels and quote unquote rooms? A whole bloody network?"

Shrugging, Limestone shook her head, "No idea. Pa could probably give an estimate, but I feel like we'd know if there was an extensive cave network under our farm."

Maud smoothly inserted herself into the conversation, "There are also countless undiscovered caves across the world, so it's not impossible for there to be a large cave network under our house."

Limestone grumbled slightly, but conceded, "Mmmm... Maybe." Though she quickly changed tones as she glanced to Maud, "Huh, whatcha got there?" We all stopped and Maud held out her hoof, revealing a rock. "That's a rock." Limestone provided.

Looking it over Maud simply shrugged, "I like it. It stood out among the rocks we've passed, and seems charming."

I knew it wasn't my place to judge, pet rocks at one point were all the rage for some reason, "Honestly surprised we don't have more pet rocks. We're on a rockfarm."

Giving me a side eye, Limestone scoffed, "Do you see every vegetable farmer with a pet carrot?"

'A pet carrot sounds kinda nice.' Pinkie thought.

Surprise however, disagreed, 'A vegetable would make a poor inanimate object pet. At least rocks don't decay.'

Chuckling, I addressed Limestone, "Surprise says vegetables are inferior pets to rocks."

Maud gave what I could only describe as a solemn nod, "Surprise is correct."

Rolling her eyes, Limestone turned to face elsewhere, "Whatever."

"Speaking of Surprise," Maud said, prompting me to turn to her, "Would she mind talking to me face to face?"

I furrowed my brow, not having thought about the possibility of Surprise taking control of the body, though such an idea was obvious in hindsight. Before I could respond, Surprise gave her answer to me, 'Give Maud my apologies, but I don't think having me trying to figure out how to pilot Pinkie's body while we're in uncharted underground is a good idea. I'll happily talk once we're out of these caves though.'

Thinking that reasonable, I spoke out loud, "Surprise doesn't think it's a good idea to take over the body for the first time while we're here. She's down to talk later though."

Maud nodded in understanding and placed the little rock on her withers, "That's fair. I look forward to the chat though."

The small distraction that was Maud's new rock over with, we continued on our wanderings. All in all, it felt kind of weird, "I'd figure undiscovered tunnels and caves to have more uneven floor, not that I'm complaining."

"The world ever is mysterious." Maud supplied.

"Almost as mysterious as that multicolored light up ahead." Limestone said with uncertainty and eagerness in equal measure.

My eyes narrowed, both to squint and out of a distrust of the odd light, "What the hell could that be? We're underground. Decently at that."

'It might be pretty!' Pinkie cheered.

My wariness seemed to take the wind out of Limestone's sails, if her slightly slumped shoulders were any indication, "Alright, fair. But it could also be something cool."

Shrugging, I tried to keep the guarded approach, but also tried to put a bit more cheery possibility back in, "I say we quietly see what it is and ascertain whatever this coolness is first. I'd rather not stumble upon, I don't know, a random cave of diamond dogs or something."

Maud then spoke from my other side, "Do you have something against diamond dogs, Mena?"

Ah shit, was that racist? Specist? All we ever saw of diamond dogs in the show were underground gem obsessed weirdos who were only deterred from slavery due to Saturday morning cartoon hijinks. At least I don't remember there being a diamond pup in the school of friendship.

I quickly tried to qualify my paranoia, "To be honest, I have many things against any creature we might find in the dark, alone, under our rock farm for some reason. Would just wanna avoid that interaction entirely. Kinda like running into a pegasus I don't know standing in our house in the middle of the night."

A sigh sounded within my head, 'Mena...' Surprise said, in an admonishing tone.

Actually yeah, scaring the foals down here was probably a bad idea. 'Sorry.'

While that seemed to deflect conversation from my specism, that did seem to freak out Limestone, "Y-yeah, I wouldn't wanna run into some weirdo at home in the middle of the night. Let's... just quietly see what this is. Maybe the light will help us find the rockball."

"Energetic little thing, huh?" I said for the sake of saying, as we crept along, almost silently.

As we moved, the little light, which we could then see to be a kind of red or orange,    was revealed to be shining from around a corner of sorts. We carefully snuck up to the corner, and after my less than comforting words, none of us were eager to take the dive.

After a moment of steeling herself, at least it looked like Limestone took a deep breath, she took the initiative and gently poked her head around the corner. Maud and I waited with baited breath, only for Limestone to relax and let out a breathy, "Wow...." Quickly followed by her rounding the corner entirely.

Well, it obviously wasn't a dragon on a sparkling hoard at least, so I quickly followed Limestone and mirrored her reaction, "W-wow." I was greeted by a beautiful sight. Being geologically challenged, I wasn't sure of the specific terms, but crystals, gems and other such shiny rocks and rock-like structures just dominated the wide open cave. Light must be shining into the cave from somewhere, blazing through one of the colorful gems to light up the room with such delightful flare.


'Geez..." Both Pinkie and Surprise added.

Maud reacted similarly, if downplayed, 'cause Maud, but she also admired the room in wonder. "These are the prettiest rocks I think I've ever seen."

I held up a light blue crystal in my hooves, looking it over with childlike glee, "This place is amazing!" A random thought lanced through my head, and I turned to Limestone, "Do you think Ma and Pa technically own all this since it's under the farm?"

"I would buck Celestia in the face if I heard otherwise." She said without an ounce of hesitation.

Almost dropping the crystal, I did my best to kill the laugh that threatened to rise out of my throat, it coming out as snort. Maud however, I was uncertain if she shared my amusement due to her words, "No regicide Limestone. Mena's orders."

Limestone scoffed lightly, "I don't like the idea of anypony wanting to take stuff so close from home. Even the Princess."

Her words brought thoughts to mind, ones I figured to share, "Hmm, if it was just any random pony, I'd agree. But if the Princess herself said she needed to take these caves from us, wouldn't she have a good reason for it?"

This was me hedging my bets more than anything. I'd much rather believe in a benevolent Celestia, one who cares deeply for 'her little ponies,' and really if this was a grimdark world with alterations and differences, with one of them being Evil Celestia, I doubt there'd be much I could do. Maybe she'll be a bit shrewd and cunning, a chessmaster who is determined to do good by the world, but either way, not much I could do as a full grown mare, let alone a foal's not so imaginary friend.

That's all future us' issues, anyway. Crystal Cave time is now.

Letting out a sigh, Limestone relented, "I guess. Still wouldn't have to like it though. Maybe Pa could carve a statue of the Princess that I could buck instead."

"That does seem a little healthier." Said Maud.

I returned my eyes to the blue crystal I picked up, intrigued by it more than I would have estimated. Really, the little special rock brought a small smile to my face.

'Hey, Mena?' Pinkie asked, to get my attention, 'Do you mind if I take over and have a look around for myself?'

'Nah, go right ahead Pinkie.' I replied as I placed my little crystal on our back, and allowed the smooth transition of control to Pinkie. As she took over the body, I shook my mental head, feeling as if it had been awhile since I was just a mental construct.

Pinkie happily started to trot around the crystals and gems, enjoying the fantastical sight, which also brought a smile to me.

I heard Surprise chuckle, 'This day going how you expected?'

Shrugging, I turned to the mental pegasus, 'Not really. It's not bad at least, really that's all that matters, I'd say. The cave was kinda iffy at first, but maybe the Pies could make use of this stuff.' Pausing for a moment, a thought prickled at the back of my mind, 'Hey, I don't mean to pry, but what was that whole Pinkie Promise thing from your side?'

Surprise nodded her head happily, 'Pinkie just confided in me that she wanted a way to better keep you in mind. Quite a unique ritual she came up with, huh?'

My smile broadened slightly, 'But it's perfectly Pinkie.'

She returned my smile with a glint in her eyes, 'That it is. Perfectly Pinkie.'

'But, how about you, Surprise? How are you taking the day?'

My alabaster pegasus comrade shrugged her shoulders in noncommitance, 'Feels like a day.'

I turned to face Pinkie's view, which was flitting all over the colorful decor, 'I just figured I'd ask, you didn't really get a period of anonymity like I did.'

'It doesn't bother me at all. I'm just happy things are going so well. I think it's good for Pinkie.'

'True that. So long as it's good for Pinkie, then I can't bring myself to complain.'

For the next while we just sat in relative silence, the only sound being that of the three Pie sisters being sisters, enjoying the spontaneous spelunking they've found themselves in.

During the peace, more than a few times I found myself glancing towards Surprise. Looking back on my initial worries, I felt silly. Granted Surprise inter brain sociopath was a possibility, I found myself enjoying our silence. I may not know her deal, if she even had one, but I hoped to get to know her more in the future. Celestia knows, we'll have the time.

I guess there are worse minds to be in and mindmates to have.

Our delightful silence eventually was interrupted eventually by Limestone, "Hey Pinkie, mind if I can chat with Mena for a bit?"

Pinkie hopped happily, nodding all the way, "Sure thing, just a sec!" As expected her thoughts rang within our void, 'You wanna take over and talk to Limestone, Mena?'

Stretching my mental muscles, I readied myself for the world of the flesh, 'Sure, I owe Limestone more one on one time. Talk more later, Surprise.' In but a moment the mindscape was replaced with nerve land, causing me to shake my head and center myself, "A'ight, hey Limestone, what's on your mind?"

It takes Limestone a second to respond, "I don't know why, but seeing you two swap like that is kinda freaky."

"To be fair, it is freaky. The first time we swapped it was in the morning, and I was the first one to wake up I guess, and I was left worrying I had somehow devoured her consciousness in the night." I don't think I started the chat off the best, if Limestone's expression is anything to go by, so I slapped on, "But how are you?"

Blinking a few times before shaking her head a little, Limestone responded, "I just wanted to talk to you in general. I feel kinda bad for not knowing about you, and want to get to know you more."

That took me by surprise a bit, "Really?" Ah, small talk, my worst foe, "What would you wanna talk about?"

"Anything really. How you like the farm, whatcha think about some ponies. Just anything to get to know you better."

Huh, not exactly the conversational topic I expected but whatever, "The farm's decent. Lots of open space, hard work. And everypony has been nice." I deigned to not try and parse my thoughts on mother and father, "Marble is nice, I think you're pretty good, Maud is kinda terrifying time to time."

Limestone snorted at my comment, "I guess she would come across that way to some ponies, but she means well."

"That's true. To be honest, I trust her the most to have Pinkie's back. Even if I did kinda have a panic attack when she caught me out." I admitted.

She quirked her brow in curiosity, "How did Maud discover you anyhow?"

I sighed and placed a hoof to my face, "I honestly have no idea. It was my first day in control of the body! And after chores she just goes, 'You're not Pinkamena,' sending me spiraling. Luckily Pinkie was able to stop her from, I don't know, annihilating me."

"Maud figured you out in under a day? Huh, I knew she'd look out for Pinkie, but less than a day? Makes me feel like I shoulda caught on quicker." She paused for a moment and winced, "But, then again, when I did catch on even a little..."

When did she catch on? What did she- Oh. Oh. Yeah. I practically felt Pinkie also wince and Surprise on the verge of throwing more pins around. Topic abort, topic abort. "To be fair, when you actively caught onto something, it came at a bad time, when Maud caught on the only really bad thing was Maud catching on."

Quickly trying to move past the awkwardness, Limestone forged on, "Bah, enough of that though. We'll just need to talk more, see the kind of stuff you like, stuff you dislike."

"Huh, yeah, that sounds kinda nice." And it definitely did. Limestone's words made me feel less like the parasite I was, and more like an individual pony. "Just so long as I don't steal too much time from Pinkie. I'd feel kinda guilty if I took up a lot of Pinkie's life."


Limestone tilted her head, "But you are a part of Pinkie's life."

Those eight words brought me some measure of pause. I mean, I suppose that's correct, me and Pinkie were literally inseparable, I just didn't know. It was meant to be Pinkie's life, not mine. Sure, I was a piece of her life, but it felt wrong for me to commandeer swaths of her life like it felt I was doing.

I felt the ears of Pinkie's body tilt back, "It's just a weird situation. I might be a part of Pinkie's life, but I want Pinkie to have a life apart from me. As much as possible anyway."

She simply let out a single hum before responding, "Well, either way, I'd just like to get to know you more sometime in the future. It might be a weird situation, but you're with us, and you matter, like anypony else in the family."

Not exactly knowing how to take that, I decided to not rock the boat as it were, "I appreciate that, Limestone. Thanks." While saying that, a small smile found its way to my face.

A moment of silence took over, until Maud broke it with a monotone raising of the voice, "I think I found the rockball." That definitely caught our attention, and we rushed to where Maud was. She stood, seemingly unbothered as always, looking towards a craggy rock wall. "It's there." She said, pointing at the bottom of the wall, where our rockball appeared to be wedged a bit into, with a few cracks snaking away from where it lay.

Limestone smirked and began walking up to the rockball, "Finally! Almost thought we'd never see the dang thing again."

As she approached it, I felt an odd kink in my neck and rubbed it, feeling a tad weirded out by its sudden onset, but eh, guess pony bodies leaned towards random self destruction as well. As I massaged the random pain, Limestone started to try and pry our rock from the wall, finding the act quite difficult.

Suddenly, Surprise spoke, her words laced with urgency, "Mena! Something bad is going to happen, stop Limestone!"

I hesitated for but a moment, mostly out of shock from the fear in Surprise's voice, and moved forward, to try and grab Limestone. Only in the split second I reached out to her, she gave a heave, and from her effort she and the rockball flew back into me, laying us out upon the ground.

Disoriented, I tried to right myself when, only for the sound of deep rumbling to be the first thing to permeate my consciousness. Quickly followed by the feeling of a specific, pony centric muscle I had up until then ignored viciously shake. My tail twitched.

Pinkie's tail twitched.


Adrenaline flooded my system as I understood exactly what happened, and leapt to my hooves, dragging Limestone with me, "We need to leave! Now!" I was probably preaching to the choir on that, but I needed to hammer in that we were in a bad situation.

Luckily, while Maud's eyes were wide and Limestone seemed shaken, my words weren't necessary. Without a moment wasted Limestone grabbed the rockball and the three of us ran towards the entrance we came through as the cave shook around us.

As we ran, Pinkie let out a yell, 'Mena!' Seeing something I hadn't, which was almost fatal.

I let out a scream, and dove under a crystal pillar that came within a hair of crushing me, and by association, Pinkie and Surprise. Not giving the world a second chance, I scrambled forward, the tunnel we took to get to the crystal cave practically within reach. Only for Limestone and I to be yanked back by Maud.

I almost snapped at Maud for what she did, were it not for the cavalcade of rocks that fell from the ceiling, blocking off the way we came.

Limestone yelled out a curse as a thankfully smaller rock glanced off my face, though I hardly noticed it. Our way out gone, Lime looked around frantically before pointing with breathless determination, "There! There!" Without even clearly looking at what she pointed at, I ran after her.

Luckily Limestone had a good head on her shoulders, and we headed towards a different, crystal lined opening. As my heart pounded, and lungs ached, we mercifully crossed the opening's threshold.

But the tail. Kept. Twitching.

I glanced back in terror, sighting a crack that snaked its way across the ceiling and towards us. And it was gaining. My sight returned to the way I was running. A tunnel that didn't seem to end.

This couldn't be it. I couldn't be the cause of Pinkie's death, this couldn't be where her story ended. But I didn't have an answer that didn't end by succumbing to falling rock.

And that was when Surprise yelled out to me, not in panic- well, okay there was still some panic- but mostly with impassioned guidance, 'Mena! There's a crystal right ahead, throw it at the ceiling!'

Mind awash in borderline despair, I couldn't question her if I wanted, I almost couldn't hear the mental pegasus over the crashing and rumbling. A few hoof beats later, I grabbed a wobbly, almost spherical about the size of my head, crystal threw it over my head, and bucked it up at the ceiling that led to a loud smash.

Due to my bucking I lost my footing, tumbling to the ground and causing Limestone to yell and reach out to me, only to be interrupted by Maud ramming into me, sending all three of us rolling together for a short distance until we came to a stop. As did the crashing that had dominated out ears.

Somehow we weren't crushed, which allowed us to groan and orient ourselves. Panting we looked up to see the tunnel that we ran away from to be completely totaled, a jagged pile of promised death, that was alight with hope, as the ceiling had given way to the world above.

My body was shaking, as did my voice as I spoke, "T-t-thank Celest-tia for S-Surprise."

The chaos had devolved into silence, only broken by our haphazard and frantic breathing. Even Pinkie and Surprise were silent, though maybe extra physical stress could distract from my mental companions? That thought barely lasted in my shuddering mind before I looked to my blue crystal that had fallen from my withers during that final tumble, but thankfully didn't appear worse for wear. What was a surprise was the spherical crystal that was near certainly the savior of the hour had rolled next to my tumbled crystal, though scuffed and chipped. Really the biggest surprise was that it didn't shatter into a million pieces.

Thank Celestia that Surprise saw such a sturdy munition.

I glanced towards the collapsed ceiling and wondered if Surprise knew that'd work. Geologically challenged I didn't know the first thing about cave ins and the functions of it. Fuck it, maybe it was a magic crystal or Celestia is literally watching over Pinkie like a super chess demon, ensuring those who could save her sister didn't die a premature death. I could excuse invasion of privacy from a benevolent Celestia dictator.

All the same, I made a mental note to not try my luck in the future. Miracle, machination, or whatever, until proven to actually be those, I chalked what happened up to being pure dumb luck.

And as a trickle of blood ran down my face, probably from that rock at the start, I figured I shouldn't use up all of Pinkie's luck before the actual world devouring evils came a knocking.

We didn't have much respite, as before we knew it, a high pitched voice screamed from above, "Pa! Pa! I found them, here!"

We all looked up to see the terrified, tear streaked face of Marble, panting heavily as she looked over the edge of our ceiling, only to shortly be joined by a very jostled Father.

He panted heavily as he took us and the collapsed tunnel in before letting out a strained and emotional, "Girls... what the fuck?"

I didn't have the wits about me to respond. Nor did anypony else, though, I suppose a near death experience was a good enough excuse as any other. I just wanted out of the hell tunnels.

Author's Note:

Well, aside from certain life events that battered me recently, or maybe because of, I think I managed to make this chapter in a timely ish manner.

On that front of certain life events, let's just say it's jarred something in me to act on certain things. For now it's just opening up a Patreon, but perhaps in the future I might take some one shot and story commissions, maybe even art commissions if I ever feel comfortable with my art on that front. But that's for the future once I feel more writing stable. And don't worry, I won't be throwing out my patreon link at the end of every chapter, well unless things get super dire, I suppose, but then I wouldn't be able to do much writing if things were dire so moot point I think. But for this once and only, if you enjoy my writing and wish to put a dollar or such into my tip jar, I wouldn't say no: https://www.patreon.com/NeonIcyWings

Either way, a thanks for reading, and if you have any thoughts, opinions or critiques of this here chapter, feel free to lay them out in the comments! I hope to get more content out to you dear readers sooner than later, but until then, it's back to writing and drawing for me. Tally Ho.

Comments ( 32 )

Update? Awesome :rainbowdetermined2:👍
Benevolent ruler over all over what Germany and America currently have to endure...

I'd love a little omake from Pa, Ma and Marble side during the whole thing

"These are the prettiest rocks I think I've ever seen.“(——

As did the crashing that had dominated our ears.

RIP room of big crystals

I guess I can adjust to this direction of the story.
But, if this cave encounter wouldn't matter later on in the story somehow - I'll be quite disappointed.

There bad been so many potential background lines set up, and so far, none of them have been seen again at all.

So it looks like Surprise os the mental embodiment of the Pinkie Sense, which gets introduced not long after Surprise shows up.

I've just thought, the knowledge of the meaning of the Twitchy Tail comes from a cartoon version of the world that Mena is in, so where did the information come from originally?

Aww not the fortune

Excellent work keep wait to see what happens next

I’m more wondering in the context of this story, is the show somehow based on the real story of Equestria, and if so, is it this specific one?

Or, does this Equestria exist because there was the show, in the idea of “all fiction exists in the multiverse as reality somewhere”?

If it becomes a loop of the show is based on the actual events which are based on the show, then do we have a Bootstrap Paradox?

This story is so unique. I can't get enough of it! This is one of the only stories I've read that had me waiting on the edge of my seat for a new chapter. I feel like I get generally intrigued by stories where the MC has a mental counterpart/companion. It's a dynamic I'd love to see more of!

To put it simply, I fucking love this story. Moar please :fluttershysad:

Pinki sense unlocked

He panted heavily as he took us and the collapsed tunnel in before letting out a strained and emotional, "Girls... what the fuck?"

Oh you know he's shaken if he's swearing.

I'm really interested to see what you do with grown up Pinky and Co. And the rest of the mane 6 (8?). Is there going to be a time skip at some point?

There will be a timeskip, and it should take place relatively soon in story time that will jump us closer to the start of the show, while still having time for a few smaller stories surrounding the town, and one very special arc.

Maud and I carefully made our way down the impromptu hole Limestone had created, gently climbing down the large rocks that were our stairs, and into the cave. At least I think it's a cave.

I do hope you explore more of Earth Pony magic author, seems unlikely Mena wouldn't want to study something as amazing as magic, and contrary to what G5 says Earth ponies are not in any way inferior to the other tribes, Maud herself proving that.

The girl isn't even a soldier, makes you think of how strong Earth pony warriors were pre-unification, With Equestria being peaceful and all they didn't need to train anymore and instead became farmers.

Thank goodness they survived. Honestly, I feel like they have to let Ma and Pa know about Mena and Surprise someday.

A few tunnels and quote unquote rooms?

Guys, this is just retarded! You quote things, say things, and then unquote them! "A few tunnels and, quote, 'rooms', unquote?"

Finished it. Is there any point in subscribing? Because I will, if there is :rainbowdetermined2:. We need resolution to this story :raritydespair:!

I almost can't wait. This is one of the most interesting and compelling fics I've read honestly. Hope you find the chance to continue it soon.

Well, that was way too close for comfort.
Thank Celestia for Pinkie`s eldritch, future-reading powers.

despite the situation... I can’t help but imagine a certain trio of fillies that could easily occupy their positions and have survived by sheer luck, minus the part of multiple personalities (although if one of them ends up being a robot/android, it is an enigma just as great as the ability to have multiple personalities and that one of them is a deplaced)

I've always felt that magic in the same vein as earth bending from avatar and druid spells from D&D or Pathfinder would be a good fit for Earth Ponies

Ah, yes, war at the most peaceful DEFCON.

I do hope this stories gonna continue

I hope this updates again, this is one of the stories that is the reason I still check this site every now and then.

Im a month late to it's 1 year anniversary of no updates shit

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