• Published 20th Jan 2019
  • 16,927 Views, 676 Comments

For I am of Pinkie's Mind - Neon Icy Wings

A human finds themselves as a voice within Pinkie's mind, only she's a young filly still on the rock farm. Aching for home, but worried what others might think, this new 'Mena' must maneuver life in Equestria. As much a life they can anyways.

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Chapter 11: For I Am Me-na

I walked on. For how long? I didn’t care. My only companion the low buzz of static in my ears. My only guide amid the void I walked endlessly into.

The ever consuming darkness that was my second reality, that I had almost forgotten amongst the comfort of the fake, mental Rock Farm, was all around me. All I could see. Despite my searing rage that remained burning in me, I tried my best to march a straight line. Needless to say, I didn’t think anything through. Another part of me would have retorted I had thought too much for too long anyway.

Eventually, my irritation at all that was began to include the static, include the nothingness. I felt my face twitch and contort, culminating in a horrendous shout to the vacant, void heavens, as I brought my hooves harshly upon the void floor. Were it not for the understanding of the void, I could have sworn I felt something crack underneath my fury.

My eyes were screwed tight, as my not lungs oh, so wanted to heave and breathe. The urge increasing as the damnable static refused to leave, refused to alter, continuing on in its ever same unchanging drone. I growled like Mufasa and wrenched my eyes open only to be shocked.

Ponyville stood before me. Of course it wasn’t actually Ponyville, even I, enraged and irritated as I was, knew that. The sky was still void, as was the floor. But, from the void grew sparse green clumps of grass, buildings and other village iconography, all awash in fog, a wrought iron fence encircled the falsity, a rickety, yet intimidating iron gate stood open, with a circled table with two chairs standing beside the gate. As if gate guards had forsaken their post.

In my wonder the static slowly inked back into my observations, repeating its ever same loop, and I violently shook my head to no sensation, beginning my march towards the falsity. As I started to wander, I noted that technically, I had no idea what Ponyville was really like, not upon the world of physical, of three dimensional, of tangible, of real. All the same, the approximate buildings, empty and gray spoke to me somewhat, even as the static drilled into my skull.

My wandering eventually became overwhelmed by the damnable static. I wanted new noise, I wanted something ELSE.

So, I began to sing.

“Crumbling down
into a frown I once held,
thought I wore a smile,
seems the smile has been expelled.”

I vented musically, the static my orchestra, as I gazed upon the various indistinct Ponyvillian buildings. Background buildings from vague memories twisted from years of decay. The passive things that always surrounded the characters I adored, as they strolled along their stories, but never really paid much mind to. Never put even a single thought into. Except for the wonders of the town. Like the one that came into view.

A de-saturated Sugar Cube Corner appeared before me, its gingerbread pastel colors washed out, fog washing out of the ajar front door. Not really condemned, or left to rot, more like it was a memory, half baked. I scowled, words I could never speak for myself tangling into song.

“It doesn’t really matter right now
and doesn’t really matter how
but I’m fed up and I will not bow
‘til you see I’m sick of how
this is how you treat me now!”

I spoke to a charge who wasn’t there, who couldn’t hear me, speaking words I had no spine to say to her face. Words a part of me doubted I fully believed. Words another part of me thought I didn’t believe enough. I tore my gaze from the phantom bakery and marched on, though what it stood for stuck in my mind, much like the ever same static.

“I think you’ll find,
I’m losing all of my patience.
Simply on a dime,
with these tedious relations.

I can’t be me,
I have to be you!
No time to prepare.
Forced to play the parts of two!”

Hardly giving the gray Boutique a single glance, I grouched to myself, it was just a fraud after all. I started to become consumed by my verbal thoughts as my scarce few memories played over my mind’s eye. Pretending during meals, pretending during play. Absorbed into the recent memories, I let the vague memories of a place I’d never been pass me by, faded and still.

My eyes flicked to a new staple. One that clenched at my heart for some reason, one that spoke to me, though I could not decipher its words. Golden Oaks Library. A fantastical sight. A false fantasy before a real falsity.

“What role do I play
inside this great big story?
Do I get a say?
Or is it all just written for me?

It’s taking its toll now,
more than I know how.
How can I go now
if I don’t get my role?”

I mean, really. I was shoved into a Saturday Morning Cartoon Show. An intrusion upon the very reality that was before me. I knew the broad strokes of the script, I knew the waves that would wash upon the whole. Was I accounted for? Could I be anything? Was I just ink on paper? Was I something less? Were I a greater fake compared to the now piles of atoms that were once nothing more than pixels and dreams? I turned away from the Library.

“What role am I to you?
A puppet master
or fellow dancer,
there up on the stage.

Of this life I could not gauge,
this life I could not choose.
The life that I have lost,
this life that I can lose.”

I grimaced and slouched on, briefly wondering what Pinkie really thought of me. If she saw me as a person. I could hardly get a read on her, or, well, anyone-pony. Turning my eyes skyward, only to see the sky void, I couldn’t help but feel bitter. Everything happened so fast, relatively speaking. My past life went right out the window without so much as a kazoo fanfare. With how fast time had been kicking me, any day now Pinkie and I would become vigilantes, kicking criminals out the same window my life did.

If I didn’t die, or make Pinkie die, or ruin her life, or ruin the future.

My grimace turned to a scowl, and I looked away from the void sky, only to instead see the void ground. Such difference.

“Victim, victor.
truther, trickster.
A friend or a fiend.

These feelings climbing,
feelings binding.
Will wills begin to bend?”

And that’s if I go back at all. It’s not like Pinkie really knows me. I couldn’t keep up a customer service facade for even a month and I expect to last all the way to the Summer Sun Celebration and beyond? My emotional faculties weren’t built for that, not with how things were going.

I glanced from my downward gaze as I sang and wandered. Oddity shops. Food locations among the fantasy fair tent things. That Sofas and Quills place. Plasticine fakes of what might be. Real people don’t shop there. Real people don’t live there. I don’t live there.

“From whence am I?
Oh Heaven high,
or even Hell below?

I don’t have wings
or other tellings.
Should I even know?”

Had I even been a good influence? Was I a net positive to Pinkie’s life? Would she have been better if I had just faded into the black of her mind? If I did?

For a brief moment, I wondered what it would have been like, if I had been born in this world normally. Would Pinkie even have wanted to be my friend? Are we just a product of proximity?

I was broken out of my melancholy ponderings by the sight of a fountain. Never had much interaction with fountains. Seen them, never enjoyed them. Never got the chance. Don’t think I ever saw one like this, fancy statue spilling out water into a basin. Granted I would never had the opportunity to see a fountain with water frozen in time, hovering undisturbed before. But I still had never seen a fancy fountain, sat by one, played with the water. Even standing there, I still hadn’t.

I stared up at the pony statue, such glee on its stone face, and felt my grimace harden even more.

I needed to be myself. Everything that happened, what brought me here was trying too hard to not be me!

“Please bring forth the truth!

I beg of you!
I beg of me!

Will I finally get it?
Finally see it?
Finally BE!
BE myself for I am Me! ...na?”

I felt my eyes twitch erratically, could almost feel my legs shake as if they were going to give out from under me as a horrifying question came to mind and refused to leave me alone in the silence.

“What’s… my name?” I barely whispered to the illusion that surrounded me.

My head dipped without my input, forcing me to stare into the fake face of ‘myself’. Pinkie’s future body, blue eyes, a pane of straight pink mane. The only real signs that I was in there was the face appeared more gaunt, lines under my eyes, and shaking.

I couldn’t think, so I sang.

“It’s all gone so fast,
how could this pass me by?

I thought such things would last.
Have parts of me begun... to die?

Am I anything more than a lie?”

It made no sense, I wasn’t in Equestria that long, I could replay the first two episodes in my mind with decent clarity, all beats accounted for, how could I have forgotten my own godsforsaken name?

Everything was jumbled, my head felt hot, what inane lyrical waffle I had spout out came naturally before, but after the strike to my very soul, I began to stumble.

I pushed away from the fountain on unsteady legs, lungs screaming to hyperventilate as I tried to take shaky steps around the fixture.

“Will I even know
who am I-
supposed to-?
expected to-?

Who am I?
I was-?
Who I’ll turn ‘to?”

I continued to stumble, even partially falling against the fountain to stay up, before I felt something snap, again. I slammed a hoof onto the rim of the fountain as I grit my teeth, straightening back up, taking back control.

“Mena, Mena,
swirls my brain,
what feels like eternity.

Pinka, Pinka,
such a strain,
obscuring my humanity

What once was my reality.”

I jumped onto the fountain’s rim, forcing myself to move gracefully upon the edge, trying to offload whatever I could from thinking to anything else. The effect, quite limited. It failed to drive off my swirling thoughts, my forming words.

Answers, hypotheses, theories, they all eluded me as I tried to think on it all. Tried to come up with some inkling of where my memories went, what it meant to have lost them and my overall standing with reality.

Even as I spun about the fountain’s edge, I couldn’t think of anything. Again.

“Was it taken
or just forsaken
to the frantic passage of time?

Am I starting to lose my mind?
Were it ever there?

I thought I knew who I was.
I thought I knew what was real.
But if I can’t recall,
does it matter at all?

Do I?”

My lyrical pondering only delved me deeper into knowing nothing, and amid another spin I slumped down, staring into the frozen water. Such selective memory loss was troubling. That I didn’t notice was worse.

I had, more or less, accepted that I would never see my world again, but losing my immediate self was… something. Even as I sang, my mind would flicker to other aspects of Earth. Iconography, Wonders, well known history were all still there.

It was almost like using an internet search. Plenty of what everyone else knew, but nothing on you.

Aimlessly, I flicked the fountain water, droplets flying slightly only to freeze in the air after a moment. A wonderful moment drowned among problems, and lost.

“Just bring forth the truth.

The role I lost.
The die that’s cast
deep into the sky.

Am I just a vision,
voice or fission,
here inside the mind?

So much I can be.
But can I choose me
when the time comes to fly?”

Was I even real? If the Rainboom hadn’t already happened, I would have feared the possibility that I could have delusion-ed up everything about what was in the future. I mean, how much of me is me if I couldn’t even remember anything personal?

Could so many stories, ideas of things that blatantly could not exist within the world of Equestria spontaneously form without cause like this? Though, I suppose anything would try to rationalize, cling to what is ‘reality’ even in the face of reality. Layers upon walls forming a maze of ‘what should be’ to keep out ‘what is’.

“Human, Mena
both who I are,
vibrant sepia.

Truth or fiction,
peace or friction,
piling up hysteria.

Am I has been?
All I’m askin’ is
are we all we are?

I am breaking?
All I’m getting is
I don’t know what must.”

Could I just be a fractured piece of Pinkie herself? I pondered, as I let my face fall completely upon the false stone of the fountain, squashing my fake cheek on it as I gazed at the time frozen waters and its reflections.

The obvious answer would be to justify it by looking at what Pinkie would be capable of in the future, even when that future had become well and truly suspect. An expert opinion might have been nice, were it not for me not trusting the coin flip of my supposed home’s health care, and knowing jack squat about Equestria’s system. Fiction or not, fake or not, I couldn’t jeopardize things like that.

No matter potential failings, no matter what I was, Pinkie had to come first in that area. Always.

“Is it us?
Is it we?
Is it you?
Is it me?

Am I wrong?
Are you alright?
Did I snap?
Will you fight?

How’ve I been brought to this?”

I tried to ground myself, running my hoof along the water’s surface, leaving grooves, as if it were sand. The various shapes and lines started to connect into various images, like connect the dots with anomalous factors. I felt like I should remember this, as if something like this should stick out in my mind. But there was nothing. Jamais Vu.

Thinking was becoming more difficult, the splintering between obvious fact and filtered should was beginning to hurt.

Why was I even here? I already knew the answer to that one.

“Bottle breaking
from whence it’s taking.
I think that it’s done.
Was it too weak to bear?

Did it even care?
Did I?
Do you?

These bonds I tried so hard to make,
did I begin to forsake?
Will it not be strong enough?

Will I?
Will you?

As my memories turn to dust,
lost time tinkling down my hour glass.

Anxieties rule, though we can’t see,
ne’er relenting, though they should be.”

Remarkably, my fake cheek started to sting against the mind fountain, so I pushed myself up and away from the fountain’s edge. I gazed down upon the half assed doodle that had formed amongst my hoof dragging, the time frozen water creating such texture and oddity in the shape of something I couldn’t bother to play Rorschach with.

Half assed like every I ever did. Running away from my problems. Being a bad friend. Reasons be damned with no good will leverage to my forgotten name. Acting as if my emotions mattered, as if I knew anything.

But… I supposed I’d better try anyhow.

“I’ll bring forth the truth.

Fix this mess we both have laid.
Turn things back before it gets too late.

I May have lost myself.
But I can play my part,
before we fall apart.

Because I haven’t lost you… yet?”

I saw my eyes widen in my mangled reflection, before I turned, looking down the way I came. I didn’t bother to ponder whether anything had changed, if the architecture placement was logical, all I processed was the extremely faint light of the faux Rockfarm I had left behind, shining ever so slightly through the iron gate.

Would Pinkie care? Want me back? Even notice I was gone? Had a single moment burnt my only reliable bridge into cinders and I was so stupid I didn’t even notice?

I felt something hot trail down my left cheek.

How much had I hurt my only friend?

“Will she want the truth?
A war inside the mind,
is one that will last for all time.

If it comes down to the last,
if there is no second chance…

I guess I’ll turn without a peer.
Succumb to my own deepest fear.
Without a choice,
I’d choose to disappear.”

Though my legs still felt like jelly, I stood, using the fountain’s edge as a crutch, never once taking my eyes off the small light of the far away Rockfarm.

Could I fix it? Logic says no, but I had to try, right? Would Pinkie even want me to try?

No, NO. None of that. Not yet. Not until judgment is properly laid down. I-I can handle this like an adult, maybe. I could head back, maybe fix some of it before things went too far. I-surely Pinkie would… If she accepts me back, why she’d want to do some kind of party, w-w-we could bake another cake, I could shittily sing another song!

But if she doesn’t… well. I did know the answer to that one.

“While you shoulder some blame,

I can’t afford to give to hate.”

My stance became firmer, the faintest taste of certainty, true certainty, no matter what or how small gave me resolve, finally, truly grounded me. I practically could feel my mane billowing, as my lungs filled to the brim, and dare I say, a small smile crossed my stupid, stupid face.

Possibility endless, some perhaps even not bleak stood before me, as I began to trot to the possibility, until my trot became a full on gallop, my hooves carrying me past the iron gate and towards the friend I hurt, the friend I wanted to help, truly help this time.

“I refuse to fall!
I guess, well, after all...
You’re the one who gave me my name.”

As she ran, crossing the fence line of the empty Ponyville, the time frozen droplets she had kicked up, ever so gently fell, until the face of the fountain’s water was flat and undisturbed once more, and silence loomed among the foggy streets of the newly abandoned town.

Author's Note:

So, yeah. Not the longest chapter wait, but my brain going, "Hey, Neon, let's write 700-800 words of original non-repeating lyrics." Delayed things a bit. And all of this began somewhere around 2019? I think? My computer's file dating isn't one hundred percent for the files I transferred from my laptop.

But, writing around lyrics, particularly because it was so many, made this chapter a little bit more daunting and difficult. And I didn't even USE all of the diddly dang lyrics in the end. Pacing, whether the lyrics were redundant, if they felt decent, all after three years of fiddling with the lyrics before actively beginning the chapter.

I really need to work on my writing pace, hah.

Anyways, thank ye kindly for reading my story so far! Thoughts, opinions, theories, critiques, error pointing, all are welcomed indeed. Especially some of the ponderings from last chapter's comments. But, thank ye again, hope you have a good day, while I get on with more writing and such. Considering things, I'll try to push the next chapter out faster without sacrificing quality. Hopefully. Darn brain.