• Published 17th Mar 2019
  • 3,404 Views, 461 Comments

Daring Do: the Legend of the Algae Photis (A Ranger side-story) - Wanderer D

To save Sunset Shimmer from herself, Twilight, her team, and Daring Do must find an ancient magical artifact. A Ranger sidestory.

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Chapter 18: Anticipation

Daring Do: the Legend of the Algae Photis

by Wanderer D

Chapter 18: Anticipation

Dear Princess Celestia,

Ever since I ended up on Earth, I wondered how a leader should react to unexpected things happening. I know the girls and I dealt with plenty of powerful enemies, but that's not what I mean. What I mean is, how did Commander Chrysalis feel when I suddenly appeared on Earth, with one of her team having to suddenly take care of me? How do you, or her, or Queen Novo prepare yourselves mentally for such unexpected events as suddenly having more lives under your care?

I'll be honest… since it's you and me only in this diary… I admire you so, so much. You know how I looked up to you all through my younger years, and all through most of my adult life so far. I owe you so much (I do) and I can't think of a better pony to still look up to. And yet I see flaws now that I never realized were there. Things that, in hindsight, I want to say you could have prevented… and things I know you could have. On Earth they say that hindsight is 20/20 (which is an expression humans use to define their visual acuity, so naturally the implication is that looking back on things, what was going on is not as hazy as being in the moment.)

Anyway I am upset—perhaps irrationally so—at you being less than perfect. It hurts, and I'm not going to lie, I think I have a lot more to find out that will upset me more.

Because you are my inspiration. Here and on Earth Chrysalis a little, for different reasons. At least for what a leader of a country or an organization like XCOM, I want to take the best examples from you both and… I'm so out of my depth, Princess. More and more I have people adding into my team.

I started with Alejandra, Galahad, Daring, Rainbow Dash, Tala, and Daring Do. Now we have an Abyssinian thief named Capper, and a whole crew of pirates under Captain Celaeno. Sure, she's the captain of the ship, but they are all working for me. They're my responsibility, and even more so as they grow from associates to friends.

Did you know my wings just… rustled when I wrote that? It makes my heart warmer to write that. Friends. And yet I left mine behind. It wasn't until Alejandra pointed out how I was "me again" for a short period of time during my dealings with Queen Novo that at that time I didn't think of what you or Chrysalis would do, but rather what Fluttershy would.

I left my friends behind, Princess. Even if I'm with other friends, the girls did bring out the best in me. I can't ask them to risk themselves over this… ironic, given how Applejack wanted me to be the one to stay behind when I came back to deal with the vines.

But I've seen too much… done too much to wish it upon them. I just wonder… in keeping a distance—even if it's for their sake—what am I doing to myself? As a leader I feel I still leave much to be desired, and as a friend I haven't been the best to the girls… justified in certain ways but understanding must come from both sides, correct?

I hope to hear from you soon, Princess.

~Princess Twilight Sparkle

Twilight had barely put down her quill and closed the diary when Rainbow Dash burst into their cabin, breathing heavily. "We have a problem."

"Hey, I think we can talk about this, right?" Silverstream asked as she was dragged out of the brig by her forelegs by two burly parrots and half-carried across the hall towards the stairs. "Um. Avast? Ahoy?"

She paused to note with interest the framing device for the staircase. The slope of the frame was almost seventy degrees, with a distance between steps of about twenty five centimeters at a glance. Give or take two it felt slightly less than that, but without her tools a guesstimate was the best she could do. 'Very interesting.'

After some thought, she decided that the spread and angle were designed like that out of necessity to conserve space in the ship rather than visual appeal. Not that it looked bad! It looked pretty sturdy, and obviously had served well for its purpose, the steps were also pretty thick, probably to support additional carrying weight from the decks below, but very few public places would benefit from such a narrow frame.

'I wonder if these kinds of steps would be useful i—' She was dragged again to reality when the cold wind ruffled her feathers and she realized she was now on the ship's deck. She attempted once more to appeal to their better natures. "We're all pirates here, what about some professional courtesy and—"

She didn't finish talking before she was in the air, having been tossed across the deck. She quickly spread her wings and glided into a slightly bumpy stop and roll that ended at somecreature's hooves.

Silverstream gulped and looked up at the unamused face of Princess Twilight Sparkle. 'Or should that be Pirate Princess Twilight Sparkle?' she wondered. She straightened up and smiled as pleasantly as she could. "Priiiincesss!"she squeaked out at a much higher pitch than she had anticipated. "How nice to see you! My, what a wonderful boat you have."

The parrot behind her, wearing the captain hat sputtered. "The Arpia is a ship! Not a boat!"

Unable to argue the point, Silverstream simply nodded. "Yarr."

"Do you think this is funny?" Twilight Sparkle asked without a hint of amusement in her voice. "We were just accused of foalnapping you when we arrived at Mount Aris, and now you decide to sneak into The Arpia without telling anyone that you're coming with us?"

"I-well, I wouldn't say I didn't tell anyone…" Silverstream responded quickly, quivering under the look the princess gave her. "I told Snuggles."


"M-my pet goldfish a—"

Twilight gave her a very unimpressed look. "You told your pet goldfish, Snuggles, that you were going to hide in a crate to be carried into a pirate ship that is on a deadly race with the Storm King's general and an international menace flying through and across one of the most dangerous areas of the whole world in order to beat them to a hidden temple that is likely to be protected by deadly spells and traps, potentially endangering everyone involved in a mission that affects the lives of billions because…?"

Silverstream gulped. "Um… I uh—" She cleared her throat. She was suddenly very aware that she was very literally, out of her depth. "I w-wanted to—"

"Be a pirate?" the parrot lady asked, crossing her arms. "What with the 'yarr' and 'avast'?"

Silverstream clamped her beak shut, taking a deep breath and looking down at the deck, feeling every judging eye on the ship focusing on her. "I… want to help my dad…"

"Your dad is alive and well back home," Twilight said. "Where you should be."

"But it's my fault that he lost his rank an—"

"It's not!" Twilight interrupted. "You were foalnapped, Silverstream. That was against your will. You had no choice. Your father had to make a choice and while I can't say he made the right one for your people, he made the right one for you and him." She sighed. "Unfortunately that had additional consequences."

"But he shouldn't be punished!" Silverstream argued, feeling her eyes watering up. She didn't want to cry, but… it was so unfair!

"That's Queen Novo's decision," Twilight pointed out. "We don't know if it's permanent. It might just last until the war is over, maybe less. Risking your life without thinking of the consequences is not going to help anyone, much less your father." She groaned and lifted a hoof to rub her temple. "We can't turn around. Who knows how many people will die if we leave this longer!"

Silverstream winced. Was this mission really that dangerous? Were that many creatures really at risk? She had never considered that this could be anything but an adventure and now...

The parrot lady, who Silverstream just now realized was wearing a captain's hat, spoke up. "Twilight, we can send a messenger once we get to Fleece, but we can't spare anyone right now."

"I know." Twilight sighed. "I know. I sincerely doubt that Snuggles told anyone in Mt. Aris that Silverstream had escaped. I hope they don't think we foalnapped her. This is just… ugh." She paced a few times in front of Silverstream, trying and failing not to glare at her. "Fine, I guess there's nothing we can do about it." She shook her head and glanced at the parrot lady. "Celaeno, what would be the best place to put her?"

The pirate captain studied Silverstream for a moment. "Well, since she stowed away in my ship, she'll need to earn her keep. Brutus!" She called over to the burly parrot that had dragged Silverstream up to the deck, "Have her work with Lix Spittle for now. Best case scenario we get something edible out of it. Worst case, she's out of harm's way. Mostly."

Silverstream didn't dare look up at Twilight or the Captain, so she followed sullenly after Brutus down into the ship again.

"Careful now," Daring Do said, beating her wings steadily as Princess Twilight, Alejandra, and Rainbow Dash flew to just a couple of meters away from the clouds.

The Arpia had stopped and hovered in the air, tiny in comparison to the almost literal wall of deep, dark clouds in front of it. Thin arcs of electricity crisscrossed it occasionally, and it seemed to move with deceptive gentleness, although any pegasus worth their salt would have known that—however gently it rotated—constant movement like that was not conductive to a long, healthy life, which is why Alejandra was being guarded by Daring herself, and Twilight by Rainbow Dash when it came to the cloud system itself. They weren't weak flyers anymore, but if they got caught on the storm, it would take a lot of experience to pull them out, if it was even possible.

After a few minutes, Twilight gave them the signal and they all flew back.

Daring had seen the Gate of Aioros (or as the Hippogriffs called it, Ay-Olus) several times, but it always left her feeling small and in awe. The magical cloud construct reached from barely an inch above the surface of the water below, to far, far, up in the air, to where even the strongest pegasus would be unable to survive for long, and then it curved in for miles and miles of treacherous winds and rain.

Without a trip that would cost them days if not weeks to go around, they'd have to navigate through the storm itself and risk life and limb to get through in one piece. But there was a way through. And it was tricky. And it happened once a day. And if you were not fast or skilled enough…

"...we'll die." Celaeno finished explaining to the whole crew, including their newest stowaway as they gathered around a table with a large map open on it. It was an incredible contrast. The blue skies, the calm breeze, the sun shining on them… and just a few meters ahead a storm that could break the ship apart if they were not careful.

Daring Do saw her chance to speak up, so she did. "As you can see, the Gate of Aiolos does work a bit like a lock. There is a moment during the day where a breach in the clouds appears. This is called, 'Aiolo's Arrow'. This breach breaks apart shortly after, collapsing fairly quickly as the wind that creates it makes its way through." She took a deep breath. "Provided we are able and fast enough to ride the Arrow of Aioria, we'll find ourselves in a calm area where a number of sky islands are available for us to make port and rest before the next Arrow comes through and we can ride it to the second calm area and finally ride it one last time to get through to Fleece. It's the safest and fastest way to do this, but it will still take us three days at least to do so."

"Would we be able to ride the current all the way to the second safe area at least?" Twilight asked.

Celaeno shook her head. "We won't even make it to the first area while riding The Arrow. It gives us an advantage, but nothing else. Once riding it, we'll probably make it half way there, or if we're lucky, three fourths of the way. The rest will be navigating through the full blast of the storm."

Twilight didn't look pleased, so Daring spoke up. "Captain Celaeno is right, Twilight. I've gone through a few times, but only with a capable captain at the helm. Every time the storm caught up. There's just no way to fly fast enough and compensate for the changing conditions to get there. Despite the name it's not just a straight flight through, the wind curves around, dips and climbs with the changing factors inside the storm. It's not just speed, but skill that is needed to read those patterns and make it through."

"Right," Celaeno said, "and we only have so much time before today's Arrow comes through." She glanced around. "I'm going to have to ask all of you except for my regular crew to stay inside. Do not open windows, and do not step out while we're going through the Gate. The only time you can step outside is when—and only when—I tell you it's safe."

"I'm staying here with you," Rainbow Dash said, surprising Daring Do. Sure, the mare had an obvious crush on the pirate captain but—

"Look," Rainbow Dash continued, "I know that it's dangerous, but I'm a weather mare back home, and I deal with stray weather from the Everfree all the time. I'm not going to try to fly in it, but I do have experience, and I want to learn."

Daring closed her mouth. 'Okay then, not just the crush. Actual professional interest.'

"And I—" Twilight began, but Rainbow interrupted her with her wing.

"Twilight… I know you know your way around combat and magic… but this is weather."

It was obvious the princess wanted to argue, but thankfully seemed to make up her mind fairly quickly and nodded. "Okay, but Captain, where would be the safest place to watch this through? I'd like to take notes for future reference."

'Hurray for common sense!' Daring thought. "I'd guess the Captain's quarters. The windows there have been enchanted and between that and any additional protection you could cast in an emergency, we should be safe and still have a great view."

When Celaeno nodded, the group started dispersing.

"How much time do we still have?" Daring asked Celaeno.

"Little less than an hour," Celaeno said. "Be ready. We'll be in the middle of it before you know it."

End Chapter 18

Comments ( 32 )

'Hurray for common sense!' Daring thought.

Cliche dodge, hopefully. Plus we just had Silverstream throwing herself into a situation with wild, thoughtless abandon. No need for someone who should know better to do it too.

In the first scene with Silverstream, she notices the 'parrot lady had a captain's hat' at least two times:

The parrot behind her, wearing the captain hat sputtered. " The Arpia is a ship! Not a boat!"

The parrot lady, who Silverstream just now realized was wearing a captain's hat, spoke up. "Twilight, we can send a messenger once we get to Fleece, but we can't spare anyone right now."

Dunno if this was on purpose or not - given, you know, Silverstream - but I figured I'd point it out anyway.

Missed this one, great to see it back. Actually felt kind of bad for Silverstream, getting lectured by this Twilight. I was kind of hoping Twilight would’ve had some kind of spell or applicable engineering knowledge from her time on Earth, but this is Equestrian weather with a magic flying wooden boat, so unless she could magic up a jet engine, it does make sense she can’t really contribute.

Old story awesome. This one and the other one need to continue. And of course the sweetie chronicles.

He’ll yeah great to see another chapter of this

I think the main issue is that she'd need time to make it, time which they don't really have.

Good to see this story updated, hope you to see Ranger getting an update to.

Interesting to see the extent of Silverstream's stairs obsession.

If the pirate gig doesn’t work out, she may have a promising future in architectural design.

At least Twilight recognizes the problems of distancing herself from her first friends, even if she can't reconcile the conflict between involving them and putting them at risk.

Neat to see Silverstream show some natural architectural talent beyond the gag.

And that is quite the storm system to navigate. Someone ought to put that in a bag, maybe hand it to some guy trying to get back to Ithaca.

With the ratio of homosexual relationships in your stories I’m starting to believe XCOM and ponies must have found a way reproduce asexually.

since advent forces are mostly clones and a lot of the original invaders were cloned too, not to mention an entire species of female snake people despite there being at most one male that was not around when they started popping up its quite possible that xcom could use such techniques to reproduce asexually, failing that genetic engineering would render artificial insemination ludicrously easy considering it could be done nowadays, and ponies have magic, nuff said, not to mention that most iterations of equestria seems to have a considerable gender disparity in terms of numbers, depending on the reason they may have thought of such things.

And now I'm caught up with both stories
I suppose I can continue my reread of TSC, just got to Mendacity. Anyways, add this to the 30 tans of stories I'm eagerly awaiting updates for. So, without further ado.

Of a the characters here... I find myself most emotionally invested in Alejandra. She's a very thought-provoking character, and I've loved how her and Twilight's relationship is constantly evolving. Twilight, I feel, is making the mistake of teaching/showing friendship to everyone but herself. She has to acknowledge herself that when you have a friend, it's okay to be vulnerable with them. She's already shown tbat she's willing to be there for her friends (Alejandra in this story particularly) when they're vulnerable, yet... she for some reason feel a like she can't be vulnerable with them herself. Like it's wrong for her to open up about her own internal hurt and insecurities. And this is where Alejandra makes a big impact on me. Her sad sigh when Twilight said she didn't want to talk about her friends shows that she KNOWS that Twilight needs to open up. Yet, she also knows that she can't force Twilight to open up. It's a decision that Twilight must succeed or fail to make, HERSELF. It's beautiful! And it really shows how much Alejandro cares about Twilight. Alejandra is just a fascinating character to observe, and I'm certainly looking forward to some more deep shower thought sessions involving her, or in this case 3 in the morning warm bed contemplations. Not dismissing any of the other characters, but Alejandra just... I guess resonates with me. Bravo author, bravo.
As I have said before,
Los, los los, onward and upwards.
Urgh... sleep now... don't need to be getting sick here...

Wanderer D

10190979 Thank you for the comments! And I'm glad you're enjoying it! Just, a tiny detail, it's Alejandra (sorry reading Alejandro is messing with me every time) :pinkiecrazy:

Right, of course. That'll teach me to stay up late...
Fixed up the error, and even caught some typos in the meantime

Wanderer D

Thanks! I'm actually pretty happy that you like Alejandra's role in this. And yeah, she's trying to be there for Twilight without pushing too much so that her friend rediscovers what made her so special.

Alejandra's a good friend. I'm just glad that Twilight has such a stalwart friend and bodyguard such as Alejandra to help her through the obvious mental baggage she's dealing with. The others help but.... well, honestly they haven't been through what these two have been through. No matter how much some (such as Dash) may understand it on an intuitive level. It's something that someone can't truly understand unless they've experienced similar trauma themselves, and even then it affects different people in different ways. I really like how you touched on this with Dash's first letter to Rarity.

Thanks for the stories! Great work so far, keep going
I should probably have read this on the weekend, I'm really tired
Oh well, I guess that's an excuse to re-read everything (Ranger included)

Sssoooopoo, WHEN will they finally help Sunset ( With whatever happening with her? ) already??!!

Rainbow x Celaeno... I dig it :pinkiecrazy:

They need the Algae Photis in order to heal sunset


Thanks for the tip. But, this will obviously takes time.

We going to get more soon?

O crap that was the last chapter for now... Hope this see it's continuation like the Ranger main story soon. After all, it is how X-Com get their chance to save Sunset Shimmer!

With 'X-Com Ranger' getting a update today i guess this story continues this year? :yay:

Wanderer D

11260539 Maybe. To be honest, I want to probably finish XCOM first and come back to this later. It will depend on my schedule, but I'm not putting too much on my plate again.

Looking forward to it any way :yay:
Goodnight :twilightsmile:

And we're back, myself having changed much, and this story still holding up. Reading back my comments... it's kinda surreal honestly... all of my points still apply, and I still love Alejandra's development, but I'm also really liking Rainbow Dash now. She always seemed to be under-utilized in the show, primarily shown to not be very smart as a comic relief bit... but there were a few flashes of intelligence... never more than just enough to catch my eye from time to time. It's nice seeing that explored and developed further here. I also haven't forgotten that throughout 'Ranger' she was really the only one who tried to understand Twilight and what she was going through, to the best of her ability. Really shows her loyalty.
Her starry-eyed perception of Caelano is also adorable, but at least she isn't completely infatuated with her to the point of endangering herself.
Alright, if I keep typing I'll end up making a chapter out of just a comment. Looking forward to when this updates after you finish up Ranger, or whenever. Your stories, your life. You don't owe anything to us.

Replaying all x-com games I own currently, always very entertaining:

I love this story, when will the next chapter come out or did it continue in XCOM Ranger?

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