• Published 17th Mar 2019
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Daring Do: the Legend of the Algae Photis (A Ranger side-story) - Wanderer D

To save Sunset Shimmer from herself, Twilight, her team, and Daring Do must find an ancient magical artifact. A Ranger sidestory.

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Chapter 13: Truth

Daring Do: the Legend of the Algae Photis
by Wanderer D
Chapter 13: Truth

"I know Daring Do said this was my chance to connect to Queen Novo," Twilight whispered to Alejandra as the pair followed the guard. "But I'm not sure what to do here."

"Well, I'm just your bodyguard," Alejandra said, "but I suppose you should decide where to take this conversation with her. Are you going to demand information for our mission?" She glanced at her, wing-shrugging. "Or take advantage of the fact that this is the first real meeting between the leaders of two countries?"

Twilight frowned. "You think I should ask her—"

"Twilight," Alejandra interrupted, "I think, once you're sitting in there with the queen, you should do as your conscience dictates and take the conversation to where you feel it needs to go. Whatever you do, just remember who you are, and what you represent, not only to Equestria, but the hippogriffs too."

Twilight gave her a look. "What do you mean?"

There was no time for Alejandra to answer, as their guide stopped in front of a pair of large, decorated doors, announcing them before guiding them in.

"Ah, princess Twilight, thank you for joining me at such short notice," Queen Novo said from the end of the room, where she was standing next to a large window.

"Your Majesty," Twilight said, bowing down slightly.

"Please," Novo gestured with a claw at the nearby table. "Take a seat, I hope you like tea."

"I do, thank you," Twilight replied, warily walking down to the tea table and sitting down. Near the entrance to the room, far enough not to be intrusive, but close enough to act, Alejandra took her place next to the door, counterpart to the hippogriff guard that glared at her for a moment. "Thank you for indulging me on bringing Alejandra along, she's learning still, and I think it would do her good to observe other more experienced guards."

Novo's smile grew a little. "She is a very interesting griff, that is for sure." She sat across from Twilight and the pair waited patiently for the servant to serve the tea, then step away. "I must admit, I did not expect to entertain an alicorn any time soon."

Twilight grimaced. "It has been pointed out to me that Equestria didn't anticipate any formal ventures with your Queendom either. Something, I think, to the detriment of both."

Novo chuckled. "You really are a conundrum, you know?" At Twilight's raised eyebrow, she waved her claw. "I knew a little about you. Just enough, I thought, to predict the type of mare you'd be once in power. From hearing about you becoming Celestia's protege, to your alicornhood, my informants passed on positive observations about you and your friends. However, they never gave me any information that would have prepared me for meeting you. You are very different from what I heard… and that is unusual."

Twilight felt a tinge of self-consciousness. The reminders of how she wasn't who she used to be were never a welcome thing. "I've changed a lot… circumstances just forced my hoof."

"It would appear to be the case," Queen Novo said, nodding. "So I imagine Daring Do has updated you on our situation."

"As much as she was allowed to say, yes," Twilight said, then grimaced, leaning back and staring hard at the table. "I don't like it." She looked up, meeting Novo's eyes. "We aren't that different… our people, that is. We shouldn't be isolated from each other. Equestria should be here to support you… even if we take away the moral side of things, even if we want to look at it simply as politicians, if you were to fall… then Equestria would be next. The Storm King doesn't strike me as someone that would stop just because he defeated you. He would continue on, and in the off-chance that happens…" She frowned. "It would have been our own folly that let that happen. We shouldn't let our friends bear the full weight of this responsibility."

Twilight sighed. "There's a pony working for the Storm King. I don't know her… never seen her before, but she attacked us on the way here. What kind of pony betrays everyone—" She bit her lip. "Politically, how can I allow one of my own people to side with a tyrant and not support you in your defense?

"But even worse, we are failing at what we so casually flaunt!" Twilight said, hooves on the table as she leaned forward. "Equestria draws its strength from everyone—every pony, griffon, dragon or minotaur or diamond dog that is part of our community. We throw love and tolerance in people's faces; we have bonds of friendship that just don't break. It's what stopped Nightmare Moon, and changed Discord... and yet, here we are, when you need us, with our borders closed and ignoring anything happening south—why? Just because you said you didn't want us to get involved and Celestia accepted it without a fight."

Novo's eyes narrowed. "We chose to protec—"

"I know!" Twilight interrupted. Her eyes widened and she retreated into her seat. "I'm sorry. I'm… I've seen things. I understand you don't need us to save you. But you need friends. And we're not here when we should be."

Novo was quiet, studying Twilight with an inscrutable face. The hippogriff queen frowned and took a sip of her tea, remaining quiet while Twilight slowly regained her composure. "You are different, Twilight Sparkle," she finally said, her voice barely over a whisper. "You remind me less of the pleasant Princess Celestia I met at the border so many years ago, and more of my generals returning from the frontlines. There is anger within you, resentment and a need for action." She shook her head. "You understand that what you are suggesting goes against everything Celestia and I agreed upon."

"That was years ago," Twilight said. "Before I ascended—before I was born! I might be the new alicorn in the world, but just because I get to live forever, it doesn't mean the people around me have the luxury of that time. Celestia has changed since. If she heard back from you…"

Novo leaned back, her demeanor colder. "Asking for help?"

Twilight shook her head. "Accepting my offer. You didn't beg. You didn't ask. I barged in and told you my thoughts… and I appreciate the fact that you have enough faith in Daring Do to not throw us into a dungeon at this time, and that you made time to talk to me… but I am being honest. Divided we all fall. I'm offering to stand besides you because you have held the line so long."

She thought about XCOM, about Sunset and Chrysalis. How would they handle this? Oddly enough, the image that came to her wasn't her battle-sister, or the Commander. It was Fluttershy, smiling and nodding.

Slowly, tentatively, she stretched her hoof across the table, just until she was touching the Queen's claw. Immediately Novo's body tensed for a second, and her eyes searched Twilight's, confused.

"Let us help. Not because you need us to win this… but because we can help you do it. Let us be your friends."

Novo didn't pull back immediately, leaving her claw there just long enough for Twilight to feel reassured before she leaned back. "Thank you for the tea, Twilight. I need some time to think." She hesitated. "I look forward to seeing you soon at the dinner."

Twilight nodded, feeling strangely subdued. "Yes, of course. Thank you for your time, Queen Novo."

Alejandra waited next to the door until Twilight was out, then fell into step next to her, the pair following the guard escorting them back to their room.

"I'm proud of you," Alejandra said after a moment.

Twilight blinked, and looked curiously at her friend and bodyguard. "Why?"

Alejandra smiled. "Because you sounded like you at the end there."

Grubber threw some snacks into his mouth and chomped happily as he and a large monkey guard made their way down to the cage where Silverstream sat. "Hey, kid! Why the long face?"

The young hippogriff simply looked away and sniffled.

"Aww, come on! Don't be like that," he said. "Look! I brought you lunch and everything. I heard you crying and I said to myself, "myself, what would cheer you up if you were having a bad day?" and the answer was, and will always be, food!"

He presented a plate full with some sort of gurgling contents with chunks of unidentifiable brown things. Despite herself, Silverstream looked at it and grimaced. "W-what is it?"

Grubber's smile became slightly less big. "Uh. You know, I didn't ask. I'm told it has everything you can possibly need, though! Protein. Vitamins A through ∞. Calcium. Cardboard. Starch. Tree bark." He stuck a finger in the slop and then slurped the goop before nodding in delight. "Just think of it like somecreature threw a box of your favorite cereal into a blender along with the milk, orange juice, some onions, a good serving of coffee and fish. A whole daily meal! In one plate!" He looked at the mess in the plate with something akin to awe. "What will they think of next?"

Silverstream shook her head. "It sounds disgusting."

"It is! But it will help you grow tall and strong, like Sinew over here." He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb at the large guard, who took a pose, flexing his muscles. "Don't you want to be like him?"

"Not really, no."'

"Aww," Grubber patted Sinew in the arm as the guard deflated and muttered something. "Don't sweat it big guy, we all appreciate your bodybuilding dedication."

Sinew muttered something.

"Right, right, but she still might be of some use, right?" Grubber said, then turned to Siverstream. "Anyway, with the General gone, it falls to me to take care of you, and I think you're hungry."

He offered the plate to her, making her flinch. "I-thank you mister Grubber, but I don't think I'm that hungry." Just then her stomach grumbled.

"Huh." Grubber shrugged. "You sure about that?"

"Please let me go home?" Silverstream asked, kneeling down to get closer to the short hedgehog-like creature. "Please?"

"Sorry kiddo, you're our prisoner, and th' boss lady wouldn't be happy if you were gone when she came back."

"Or," said a new, raspy voice Silverstream had never heard before, "how about I take her with me, and you tell your "boss lady" where she can stick her hoof?"

Grubber blinked, tapping his chin. "And where would that be? There's a number of places…" he trailed off, blinking again, and slowly turned to face the chromatic-maned cyan pegasus standing on the stairs. "Wait. Who are you?"

"I'm Rainbow Dash, and I've come for the kid."

"I uh… don't think that's going to happen." Grubber's smile turned wicked as he displayed all of his fangs. "Sinew. Break her wings."

Sinew growled and took just a single step before his whole body convulsed. Silverstream could almost see electricity arcing around his body as he collapsed heavily on top of Grubber. Fluttering above him, Silverstream could barely see the tiniest pony-creature she had ever seen.

"Hehe, now that's how you use that thing," Rainbow Dash said putting up her hoof for the little creature to hoofbump. The pegasus then turned to face her and approached her cage. "Hey kiddo, there's a bunch of Hippogriffs worried about you. How about we take you home?"

Silverstream gulped. "I-I would like that."

"We have a problem," another unfamiliar voice said.

Silverstream watched an elder griffon step halfway into the motor room. He wore a dark leather armor, designed to allow him to move and fly freely. It didn't seem as sturdy as the one her dad used but… it seemed more dangerous. "Their general is gone. And so is Ahuitzotl."

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked. "But where could they be?"

Silverstream took a sharp breath. "Oh no…"

Sky Beak watched with trepidation as the last of the guards fell, unconscious, then slowly emerged from the shadows.

"This better not be a trick, Sky Beak," Tempest said, casually looking over her shoulder at the hippogriff.

"You give me your word?" he asked. "That this is the last thing you need? That I can take Silverstream home with me?"

Tempest sighed. She hated whimpering fools. "Yes,' she groaned. "Yes. I give you my word."

She watched as the fool nodded and stepped up to the stone doors. He reached out, touching the gates with his claw and whispered something.

The area around them trembled as the wall simply split open, revealing a gaping jaw into a spiraling cavern that sunk deeper and deeper into the mountain.

Tempest felt herself smile. "Excellent."

End Chapter 13