• Published 13th Jan 2019
  • 1,232 Views, 102 Comments

The Super Duper Awesome Life of the Party Pony! - -Pinkamena_Pie-

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Weird Dream...

Oh, hiya! Hope you had fun at the party! So, are you here to find out how the dream went? Great! I just hope you know what it means...

I don't know how I actually dreamed the dream that I dreamed, but it was a weirrrrrd dream. It was even weirder than when Discord made chocolate rain! Not that I minded that. :pinkiesmile:

But anyway, it started off normal - or as normal as my dreams get - with me walking through a field made of licorice strips and trees made of cotton candy with cupcakes growing on them!

So I was just walking - and nibbling on the sweets, of course - when I felt a nasty itch on my right fetlock! I had to scratch it, but a weird thing happened to my pelt! It started peeling off, except it didn't hurt.

Soon there were gashes that revealed m-my bones and muscles and tendons and every icky and gross thing you shouldn't see in your pelt! It scared me, so I started crying.

The skin slowly began to peel off entirely, my hoof was becoming numb, I couldn't feel anything, and then POOF! I woke up.

I don't know what it means... Do you know? Please tell me...

And if you don't know, it's ok... I'll find out eventually!

So, I'll leave you alone for now, and we'll talk later! Byeeeeee!!!!