• Published 13th Jan 2019
  • 1,232 Views, 102 Comments

The Super Duper Awesome Life of the Party Pony! - -Pinkamena_Pie-

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SCP Foundation: Day 6

I can't keep it together... I just can't...

They're jabbing needles into me, I don't know why! They shouldn't be jabbing needles into me! It makes me aggressive, and I'm trying... Trying not to kill any of them, even though they deserve it...

Pinkie has to come back, she has to! I can't keep control much longer... I can feel the power I keep hidden rising...

I talked to them. I asked, looking as innocent and adorable as possible that they let me go...

They didn't.

It's their own fault, really. They were jabbing needles into me. They were hurting me. I didn't like it. So, I killed them, I killed the white-suited ones.

An alarm went off. Some more tried to restrain me. But I wasn't going to let them hurt me more. So, I killed the blue-suited ones, too.

I didn't know humans liked to torture ponies. So, can you blame me for wanting all of you dead, too? You all deserve it for letting me get hurt.

And you just stood back and watched.

You think I like being a killer? No. Maybe you never truly forgave me for what I did to Pinkie. Maybe you all are just as sick as the rest of your kind. Whichever it is, I don't care.

All that matters is that you stood by and WATCHED.

I was crying out for help. You didn't listen. I was struggling. You didn't seem to care. You saw me crying, didn't you? You knew how much it would hurt.

And you, especially, Midnight Moon. You know all about this place. You knew for sure that I would be experimented on. But you didn't tell me, did you?

I should kill you all right now. I should rip out your guts and EAT them. Maybe make you taste yourself, hm? Wouldn't that be just FUN?

Oh, and did you think you'd be safe behind that screen of yours?