• Published 13th Jan 2019
  • 1,229 Views, 102 Comments

The Super Duper Awesome Life of the Party Pony! - -Pinkamena_Pie-

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M e m o r i e s

Pinkie Pie pushed the rocks. That was all she did. Push rocks here, push rocks there...

W-Where am I? Why can I see myself? C-can anypony hear me?

It was quite boring, honestly, and she had nopony else to talk to. So, she focused on her work.

"What about me? You can talk to me! Please, Pinkie..." a voice said.

Abandoned Tossed aside...

I-I don't understand! This happened a long time ago!

The voice, as usual, was ignored. It had been ignored for the past three months.

Why can't I be happy I just want to be happy...

Her parents had begun to be seriously concerned with her health. They had stated that the voice was imaginary. She had always had a hyperactive imagination.

"Pinkie, please, I'm not imaginary! I swear!"

I didn't want to be sent to a hospital! That's all it was... That's all...

Anger Betrayed Heartbroken...

She didn't listen. She never did. The voice had tried this many, many times in the past, and each attempt was brushed aside like she didn't care anymore.

She used to care. Back when they were younger, they had always played together. The voice always showed itself as an identical twin to Pinkie, hair down and all.

The voice had always been there to help her. It had tried its' absolute best to comfort her.

And now, it was being brushed aside.

Hurt Broken Depression Grief...

I wish I was dead I wish I hadn't existed Why doesn't she care anymore Why why why...

The voice still loved her, though. The voice saw her as a sister.

Its' sister pushed a smaller rock into the pile she had created, stopping only a moment to rest. The voice tried to get its' sister to listen. It didn't work.

Why doesn't she love me I can't take this Want to let it all out Can't Want to die...

I was stupid back then! Please, just please forgive me! I'm sorry Mena... I'm sorry...

Suddenly, there in the sky, a strange rainbow formation was seen. It was beautiful, and Pinkie couldn't help but stare at it, joy rising in her heart.

The voice felt it. It felt the rush of happiness pour over Pinkie. And yet, though it should have been happy for its' sister, it wasn't. It was miserable.

Want to be happy Can't be happy Hurts too much Miserable Lonely...

It cursed that rainbow, the rainbow that it felt was responsible for its' newfound misery. It felt unwanted, unneeded. As if it was nothing to its' sister.

It hated that feeling. That feeling of happiness which had separated her from her sister even more.

I didn't know! I swear I didn't know!

Rage filled the voice, the voice known as Mena. Anger pulsed through it. It wanted to destroy that happiness.

I hate it I hate it I HATE IT

It just wanted its' sister. That's all it wanted. But if its' sister wouldn't listen to reason...

I hate you I want you to hurt I want to kill everypony you love I want you to suffer...

It would force her to.