• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 3,652 Views, 86 Comments

Keeper of the Forest - ShowShine

Legend has it that one day someone will protect the Everfree forest and every creature in it

  • ...

New powers

Spike stood in a dark void, floating endlessly. He looked around. He couldn’t feel anything. It wasn’t too hot or cold, just numb. His eyes swiveled around, looking for anything. At the moment, he realized he could move his body.

“Twilight? Buddy?” Spike asked while looking around. He didn’t see anyone.

”Come here...” A small childlike voice whispered. Spike turned around to see a small glowing green orb, floating in the endless void, giving some light to the darkness. It felt oddly peaceful. Spike managed to balance himself and walked across the non existent floor. The orb continued to whisper. Spike approached the orb curiously.

”I can help you.” the voice whispered. Spike reached his hand out to touch the orb. As soon as he did it, an overwhelming sense of dread washed over him. Before he could pull his hand back, the light wrapped around his hand.

”YOU BELONG TO ME NOW! The orb screeched in a demonic voice. The light wrapped around his arm, slowly working it’s way up. He tried to move but his feet had been absorbed in the light. He let out a strained scream. It burned his body. The light entered his body and he closed his eyes tightly. He opened his eyes, and they glowed a light green. He felt powerful.

Spike jolted awake in fear, his eyes flashing green for a split second. He looked around in panic, wondering where he was. He remembered that he was trapped in the castle. It must have just been a fever dream. He was sweating heavily and his throat burned. His fever had gotten worse.

Something caught his attention from the side of his eye. A small bush grew out of the floor. It had five gooseberries on it. Next to it there was a smaller peppermint bush. Spikes eyes widened in surprise. Those were the exact ingredients that he was missing. What made it weirder was that they grew in the middle of the castle during a storm. Spike looked at Buddy and nudged him awake with his foot. Buddy woke up groggily with his tongue sticking out slightly. He licked his lips making an gross smacking noise.

“Can you go into the other room to go get some tree bark?” Spike asked in a hoarse voice. Buddy stood up and shook his body. He blinked a few times before walking out the room. Spike stood up, only to sway slightly. He clutched onto the table to stabilize himself. He let in a deep breath and shakily walked over to the bushes.

With the little strength he had, he walked across the room. He finally approached the bushes and pulled all of the gooseberries off. Next, he yanked the leaves off of the peppermint bush. He walked back over to the desk and sat on the soft chair. Spike reached next to the table and grabbed a small bowl, a muddler, and the red book. He flipped through the pages until he found the potion from before. He rereading the instructions.

”Five Gooseberries, and three mint leaves. Crush the berries until they are a liquid. Next, rip up the leaves and sprinkle them into the berries. Take pieces of tree bark and add them to the potion, measurments don’t matter. Use a full timberwolf eyebrow. Once all of the ingredients are added stir until it turns green.

Warning: Only drink in small doses.” Spike read out loud. He was baffled that the gooseberries that he grabbed was the exact amount that he needed. He picked up the berries and placed the into the bowl. He picked up the muddler and started to crush the berries. His hands were shaky and sweaty. Buddy walked back into the room with two pieces of bark in his mouth. He placed them on the table next to Spike.

“Thanks Buddy.” Spike said with a stuffed up nose. Buddy gave Spike as concerned whimper and nudged his side. He waved his hand away.

“I need to finish this and then I’ll take a break.” Spike stated while added the peppermint leaves in. He looked over to Debbie who laid one her stomach, breathing heavily. She looked pale. Spike took a small piece of tree bark and placed into the now bubbling potion. He picked up a pair of scissors and weakly flew over to Buddy.

“Sorry about this.” Spike said before cutting off his leafy eyebrow. The eyebrow immediately grew back with a tiny noise. He gave a look of surprise before getting back to the potion. He dropped the eyebrow into the potion and started to stir. The potions bubbles for a few moments before it turned a light green. Spike stared at it and sniffed it carefully.

“How do I know if it works?” Spike asked himself. There was only one way to find out. He brought the bowl up to his lips and took a small sip. He paused for a few seconds, waiting for any results. Like magic, he felt himself get better. His throat stopped stinging, his nose was no longer stuffed up, he wasn’t shaking, and he felt a lot warmer. The wounds on his hands had healed too. He broke out into a grin and walked over to Debbie. He opened her beak and poured a little bit of the potion in. After a few seconds, she said up and let out a happy chirp. Spike hugged Debbie tightly.

“You’re okay!” He exclaimed happily. Debbie nuzzled up against his neck. Spike pulled away from the hug and walked over to the potion. He grabbed a potion bottle and poured it in. After he finished he plugged a cork in it. Spike grabbed a marker and labeled it ‘Healing Potion.’ Debbies stomach growled, causing her to look at Spike.

“You haven’t eaten since yesterday morning.” Spike stated. His stomach growled and he patted his stomach.

“I haven’t eaten since yesterday either. I could go for some blueberries right now.” Spike said. His hands glowed a light green and a blueberry bush grew from the ground. Spike gave a look of surprise. He stared at the bush in shock.

What..... was that?” Spike asked in utter surprise. Debbie hopped over to the bush and started to eat up. He still stood there, still processing what happened.

“Did I do that?” Spike asked. Buddy sniffed his hands curiously.

“Maybe I can do that again.” Spike thought outloud. He closed his eyes and his hands started to glow. The floor cracked slightly and a vine snaked out. Spike peaked his eyes open to see a grape vine inches from his face. He reached his hand out and grabbed a grape. He popped it into his mouth. It tasted perfectly normal.

“This must be a dragon thing that Smolder and Ember forgot to tell me about. Buddy wagged his tail and jumped up and down.

“What is it?” Spike asked. Buddy spun his body around and took a book off of the floor. The flipped book opened to a picture that caught his eye.

“You want this?” Spike asked. Buddy hopped up and down in excitement, letting out loud barks. Spike looked at the picture again. This shouldn’t be too hard.

Debbie sat with her back pressed up against a wall, watching what was going on in front of her. Spike sat on Buddy’s back, who was standing on the ledge next to the stairs. Spike had removed the support beam so he could jump off. In front of them was a wooden plank that was slanted as if it were a ramp. Planks were grown out of the walls, covered in leaves and sticks. Planks were scattered at random spots. This was going to be there new training spot. Spike had grown it and less than an hour.

“Okay Buddy, just be slow.” Spike stated. Buddy ignored him and launched himself off of the ledge. He ran down the ramp at full speed, his tongue flowing in the wind. He jumped off of the edge of the ramp. They both went flying into the air before landing on a plank that was firmly against the wall. Spike held back a scream and held onto the saddle tightly. Buddy was having the time of his life, jumping ledge to ledge. They were approaching the edge of the course, which only led to a twenty foot drop.

“BUDDY STOP!” Spike exclaimed in pure terror. Buddy sped up and jumped off of the edge, causing Spike to let out a loud scream. Buddy barked, causing a beam of light to shoot out of his mouth. In front of them, a portal appeared. He went through the portal and a bright light abosorbed them. Buddy landed in the kitchen, his tail wagging wildly. Spike opened his eyes and looked around. He hopped off of the saddle. He looked around in confusion.

“Can all timberwolves do that?!” Spike exclaimed in shock. Buddy nodded his head happily. Spike stared in shock and confusion.

This new magic is going to take a while to get used to.