• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 3,652 Views, 86 Comments

Keeper of the Forest - ShowShine

Legend has it that one day someone will protect the Everfree forest and every creature in it

  • ...

Deep Breaths

Spike sat with Buddy’s saddle on his lap, sewing something into the sides.

“And done!” Spike exclaimed, holding up the saddle. Snowy gasped, sitting up on Debbie’s head.

“It’s so cool!” He exclaimed happily before tilting his head. “What is it?” He asked. Spike chuckled.

“I added potion holders so I can carry them around while I’m riding Buddy.” Spike said. Buddy stood up while wagging happily. He bounced over to Spike happily, standing up straight.

“Yo-you want me to but the saddle on now?” He asked. Buddy nodded his head happily. Spike chuckled. “You don’t need to wear it, we’re not going for a ride now.” He said. Buddy frowned and let out a loud wine. He got louder until he started howling loudly. Snowy covered his ears at the noise and Debbie let out a few distressed chirps.

“Buddy stop I’m not going to-!” Spike got cut off by Buddy howling louder than before. Spike covered his ears as he noise echoed around the room.

“ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I’LL PUT IT ON!” He exclaimed. Buddy stopped howling and starting wagging his tail again. Spike picked up the saddle and walked over to him. He placed the saddle onto his back and hooked on the harness. Buddy laid down happily, his tail still wagging.

“You’re such a brat.” Spike muttered to himself. Buddy lifted up his paw and hit him in the face softly. Spike put his hands on his humongous paw and moved it out the way.

“Hey!” He exclaimed. Buddy smiled at his annoyance and hit him in the face again.

“Buddy cut it ou-mpph!” Spike got cut off again when Buddy hit him on the mouth. Before he could speak again, Buddy continued to slap him in the face.

“STOP!” Spikes voice boomed angrily, his eyes flashing a light green for a split second. Lightning struck from outside, causing a bright light to outline Spikes face. His eyes had rage in them for a split second, and his sharp teeth were showing, almost in a hostile manner. Buddy cowered back in fear, letting out a soft whimper. Spike blinked in surprise. He had never gotten that angry before in his life, and definitely never scared anyone like that.

“Buddy...” Spike said, reaching his hand out. He looked at his hand for a moment before brushing his nose up against his hand, as if he was saying ‘I’m sorry.’ Spike rubbed his nose softly.

“Don’t apologize, I don’t know why I got so angry.” He reasurred. He pet Buddy on the head, causing him to relax slightly.

“What happened?” Snowy asked in confusion. Spike shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know, I usually never get that angry. I’ve dealt with a lot worse and never even got mad.” He explained. Snowy tilted his head.

“You’ve dealt with worse, like what?” He asked. Spike thought for a moment before a flood of memories washed over him.

“There was that time a dragon pretended to be my dad to get free food. My friends go out all the time and leave me home alone, I don’t go to school because I’m ‘just an assistant’, I don’t have any friends my age.” As he spoke, anger started to appear in his voice. “I get left out of family events, I barely have a time when I don’t do chores, the girl I have a crush on pretends I don’t exist when she doesn’t need me, I’m an orphan and stand out from the other dragons....” Spike trailed off and stared at the ground in silence for a few seconds. He didn’t realize how shitty his life was until that moment. A few seconds of silence turned into a few minutes. Snowy climbed onto his head and waved his hand in front of Spikes eyes.

“Are you okay?” Snowy asked. Spike let out a loud yell, causing everyone in the room to jump back in surprise. He took Snowy off of his head and placed him on the floor.

“I’m going for a walk.” Spike muttered. As he started to walked away, Buddy ran in front of him, blocking the door. He pointed his head towards the window to show that the storm was still continuing. Spike rolled his eyes and walked over to his cloak.

He slipped it onto his body, letting his arms slip through the sleeves. He put on the shoes, which fit perfectly. He had never tried them on before that moment. He buttoned the cloak, which fit quite snuggly. He put the gloves on, which felt fluffy like pajamas. The outside of the gloves had hard stone on the palms and finger tips, sorta looking like paws. He slipped the hood over his head. Spike looked at the mask that was laying next to Debbie. He didn’t want the rain to blind him, so he put it on. It almost felt like porcelainbut didn’t seem like it could break as easily.

“See, now I won’t get sick when I go out.” Spike said to Buddy. Buddy looked at him for a few moments before moving out of the way. Spike walked through the door, and Buddy started to follow him. He turned around and held his hand up to him.

“Stay here, I want to be alone.” Spike stated. Buddy whimpered slightly bit obeyed and laid on the floor. Spike walked down the hallway. All that could be heard was the sound of his hard shoes tapping the floor and the rain hitting the window. Spike caught his reflection in a mirror that was hanging on the wall. He barely recognized himself.

The cloak was covering his entire body, making it unable to identify and curves in his body. He spines didn’t even poke out. The hood concealed his scales. The mask covered his face completely, showing no skin at all. If anyone were to walk up to him, they wouldn’t have known it was him. He continued walking down the hallway, not stopping for a moment. He finally approached the two giant wooden doors that led outside. He pushed the doors open to see rain pouring down. The wind was blowing trees harshly, making them lean slightly.

Spike stepped outside, letting the rain hit him. The water rolled off of the cloak. It seemed to be waterproof. Spike closed his eyes and let in a deep breath, letting the cool air fill his lungs. He hadn’t had fresh air in three days. The mask seemed very breathable. He didn’t open his eyes and started to walk around the castle, letting his senses guide him. He let his mind go blank and did what every felt right. He stepped on something solid. Spike started to walk on it. As he continued, he realized that it seemed to be going upwards. He must have found another trap door.

He soon felt weightless with each step he took. It felt as if he were flying. Everything felt so peaceful. The rain stopped hitting his body and it felt a lot warmer, making him freeze in confusion. Spike opened his eyes and took the mask off to see that he was above the clouds. The sun beamed down on him. He looked down to see that he was standing on a vine covered in pink and red flowers. He had done this all by himself. He stared down at the vine and giggled slightly. His giggling soon turned into full blown laughter. This is the most relaxed he had been in years. It made him feel so happy.

Spike looked down at the edge of the vine to see the ground, which was at least fifty feet away. He slipped the mask back on and leaned forwards, falling off of the vine. The rain started to hit his body again, taking away the warmth. It felt as if he were floating down but in reality he was plummeting. His eyes stayed closed and a large grin remained on his face. He could feel the ground approaching rapidly. His hands glowed without thinking and a palm leaf snaked out of the ground. It had grown large enough to catch a full grown yak.

He landed on the leaf, bouncing slightly. He laid on the leaf, sprawled out and still giggling a little. He opened his eyes and stared at the falling rain.

This is what peace felt like.