• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 3,651 Views, 86 Comments

Keeper of the Forest - ShowShine

Legend has it that one day someone will protect the Everfree forest and every creature in it

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Figuring It Out

Spike sat in his library, holding his head in his hands. He sat at a table in his library with a book in front of him. He had heavy bags under his eyes and let out a yawn.

“I’ve been up all night looking for a spell and I can’t find anything.” Spike said, slowly turning to Buddy. Buddy looked up at him curiously, tilting his head. Spike rubbed his eyes and let out another yawn. He has been looking for a solution on how to get Falsetto out of the Stone of Amity but found nothing. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes.

“I wish I could ask my friends for help.” Spike muttered to himself. His eyes snapped open and he quickly hopped out of his chair.

“THEY’LL BE HOME IN TEN MINUTES!” Spike shouted. He had to get home before they did or they’d be suspicious on where he was. It was very early in the morning so he had no excuse for being out. He flew across the room and picked up his backpack. Buddy stood up and stretched his legs as he watched his owner freak out. Spike shoved various items into his bag and slung it over his shoulders.

“Bye Buddy, I’ll see you later today.” Spike said as he made his way out the door. Buddy’s ears flattened and he let out a whimper. He hated when Spike left.

”Spike seemed upset about his friends, I wonder how I can help? Maybe I can bring them here? That won’t work I’m too big and scary.” Buddy thought to himself. An idea popped into his head as he watched Spike flying away outside through a window. Buddy walked out of the room, making his way towards Spikes bedroom. He couldn’t follow Spike into town but he knew someone who could. He walked into Spikes room to see Snowy sleeping peacefully on a dresser. Buddy walked over to him and nudged him with his nose, making him stir awake.

“What?” Snowy muttered, sleepily rubbing his eye. Buddy let out a quiet bark, his tail wagging a bit. Snowy let out a groan.

“Why do I have to get his friends? Can’t you do it or something?” Snowy asked, laying back down to go to sleep. Buddy let out a soft growl before letting out a loud bark. Snowy quickly hopped up, now wide awake.

“Okay okay I’ll find one of his friends.” Snowy said before climbing off of the dresser. Buddy let smiled happily and walked over to his dog bed, curling up into it. Snowy let out a grumble, wishing he could be asleep. He got on all fours and skittered out of the room. He ran down the hallway, which was very long. The house was always surprisingly clean despite there being four animals and a god living there. Snowy approached the front door and stared at it, now realizing that the doorknob was too high for him to reach.

“Aw dang.” Snowy sighed out as he stared at the obstacle in front of him. He hopped up and gripped onto the edge of the mail slot. He squeezed his body through the slot and fell out of the other side. He stood up and looked around to see that everything was very dark. He squinted and looked around. It had to be five in the morning.

Snowy cautiously walked away from the house, sniffing the air to make sure there were no predators around. It didn’t really matter if there were predators around, no one would attack Snowy because he was a close friend to the Forest Keeper and the whole forest knew it. Snowy knew his way to the Spikes house because he had been there a few times.

“Why do I even need to look for his friends? This is dumb.” Snowy complained to himself. It would take him a few hours just to get into town because he was so small. He would have to climb over rocks and logs to get anywhere. To make it worse he could barely see anything in front of him so he had to rely on his hearing and smell. This was going to be a challenge.

Snowy crawled into town, sweating heavily. He panted and collapsed onto the ground. It was almost noon and he had finally made it into Ponyville. He had gotten attacked by an owl who thought he was a mouse. It had taken him twenty minutes to escape the owl, which made him get lost. Then he wandered around the forest for hours until he found out the right way to go.

“This better be worth it.” Snowy panted out as he struggled to stand up. He was too tired to move. He let out a loud angry shout, flailing his arms around before going limp. The sun beamed down on his tiny body.

“I guess this is it, the end of the line for little old me.” Snowy said dramatically, putting the back of his hand on his forehead. His ears perked up when he heard hoofsteps walking towards him.

“What are you doing here little squirrel?” A soft voice asked. Snowy opened his eyes to see a yellow pegasus with a long pink mane standing above him. He let out a small gasp, recognizing her. He had seen her in a picture that Spike left on his dresser.

“You look exhausted.” The pegasus said, picking Snowy up into her hooves. He felt safe and warm in her hooves, quickly closing his eyes. “I’ll take you to my cottage.” She said with a smile. The pegasus flew a few feet to get to her cottage and opened her door. If Snowy had kept walking for a few more minutes, he would’ve made it there herself. The pegasus placed him on her couch, on top of a pillow.

“My name is Fluttershy, what’s your name?” The pegasus asked. Snowy opened his mouth before closing it. Spike told him not to talk in front of ponies or they’d freak out. He let out a chitter and Fluttershy smiled.

“Snowy, that’s a nice name.” Fluttershy hummed our before flying out of the room. Snowy’s eyes widened.

“She can talk to animals?” Snowy asked himself. A smirk appeared on his face. This would make everything much easier. Fluttershy flew back into the room, holding a bowl of mixed nuts and a tiny cup of water.

“Here you go, this should bring your energy back up.” Fluttershy smiled, placing the bowl and cup in front of him. Snowy grabbed a handful of nuts and stuffed them in his mouth, chewing them carefully. He swallowed them and took a sip of the water through a straw. He let out a satisfied sigh and leaned into the couch.

“Where do you live?” Fluttershy asked. Snowy let out a squeak and Fluttershy gasped.

“The Everfree Forest?! That’s far too dangerous for a baby squirrel like you.” Fluttershy gasped in shock. An idea popped into Snowy’s head and he let out another chitter to Fluttershy.

“I would love to see your home, I need to know if it’s safe.” Fluttershy said. Snowy hopped into her mane and pointed towards the door. Fluttershy flew hopped off of the couch.

“Lead the way!” Fluttershy exclaimed, flying out the front door.

Fluttershy approached a rather large house in the middle of the forest and let out a soft gasp.

“You live here?” Fluttershy asked in disbelief. Snowy nodded his head and ran up to the door.

”It must be abandoned and his whole family lives here.” She thought to herself. She opened the door and marveled at what she saw. It didn’t look abandoned at all. Everything looked clean and neatly placed.

“Where’s your family?” Fluttershy asked. Snowy gestured for her to follow him and ran down the hallway. Fluttershy flew after him before entering a bedroom. She froze in place when she saw a timberwolf standing there. His ears flattened and he let out a growl, slowly approaching Fluttershy. Snowy ran in front of him, holding up a picture. He pointed to Fluttershy and let out a chatter. The timberwolf looked at her and sat down, now panting happily.

“Aw you’re so adorable!” Fluttershy exclaimed, petting Buddy on the head. His tail started to wag and his leg started to thump. Before anyone could say anything else, the front door opened.

“Buddy I’m back!” A familiar voice exclaimed. Fluttershy turned around as she heard footsteps making its way to the bedroom. Buddy’s tail started to wag faster as he heard his owner approaching the room. Spike walked into the room, only to freeze in surprise when he saw Fluttershy.

“Oh!” Spike exclaimed in surprise. Buddy ran over to him and bombarded his face with happy licks. “Okay okay I missed you too.” Spike said with a giggle, pushing Buddy away. Fluttershy gave him a look of confusion.

“Spike? What are you doing here?” Fluttershy asked. Spike let out a sigh, knowing there was no use of lying.

“I’ll start from the beginning.”

Spike and Fluttershy both sat on a couch and Debby sat on a chair not too far from them.

“So you’re the Forest Keeper?” Fluttershy asked, slowly understanding the story. Spike nodded his head and showed her the Stone Of Amity.

“I need help getting Falsetto out of here, she knows the previous Forest Keepers weaknesses.” Spike explained. Fluttershy looked at the Stone and an idea popped into her head.

“Zecora taught me a potion on how to turn things into and out of stones. She said she usually uses it against cockatrices and to feed fire lizards.” Fluttershy explained. Spike grinned happily and he hugged her. She hopped off of the couch.

“I’ll start making the potion.” Fluttershy said as she started to walk away. She turned around and winked.

“And your secret is safe with me.”