• Published 23rd Oct 2018
  • 4,690 Views, 242 Comments

The Maretian: Equus Tales - Prismfire Productions

This is a sequel to Kris Overstreet's "The Maretian". Mark Watney, now free at last from Mars, is having to stay on Equus while he recovers from Martian gravity. What new adventures await until he can return home, and what new feelings will emerge.

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The medical wing of the Horseton Space Center was a relatively new facility. In the early days of the space race, any astronauts who were sick after reentry had only been sent home to decompress, rest, and recover their energy. However, a dangerous situation in which Rainbow Dash, who volunteered to be the first pony to spend more than a month in orbit, turned the whole practice on its head.

Shortly after splashdown, Rainbow grew ill enough that she had to be put on emergency quarantine. At the time, doctors couldn't figure out why she was so sick, considering all her in-flight vitals came back normal, did three daily EVAs for exercise, and had enough food for the trip. It was only after Twilight made Rainbow do some light benchmark exercises to compare with her preflight results that the key was found. All of her results were lower, like in the cognitive tests, with her reaction time a drastic 8.3% slower.

Using the new information, a routine exercise regimen was added to Rainbow's morning physical therapy as an experiment, and the results were astounding. Between the exercises and a blend of antibiotics normally reserved for a severe case of the feather flu, Rainbow was nearly back to full health within a fortnight. Gathering all the information into an organized folder, Twilight herself delivered the findings to Queen Chrysalis, who ordered a hive-wide production stoppage on the latest experimental liquid rocket engine in order to have the medical wing ready by the time the astronauts returned.

It was during this time that Chrysalis went up for a month as a bench test for how changelings would react to the month-long exposure. She truthfully didn't want to do it, but with both Dragonfly and Cherry Berry stuck on that lifeless red rock she had no choice. All her life she had instilled fear, and her first trip in the centrifuge had taught her what fear was, but the backlash her body gave her after returning put in perspective just how much of a miracle it was Dragonfly was still alive.

With the combined efforts of Cape Friendship, Zecora, Eye Wall, and the hive, the whole medical wing was built and fully operational in less than two months. Chrysalis, hoping to avoid having g the displeasure of christening it in, had waited until the last possible moment to return to the Concordia to help put it in standby for the dimension jump. Considering her short exposure, it ensured that the Phoenix astronauts were the first to use the medical facilities, and it was paying its cost back tenfold.

“I really hate being sick,” Mark said, blowing his nose into a tissue, the total number he had long lost count of. “Almost makes me wish that we were back in the Hab… almost.

“I know the feeling,” Dragonfly grumbled, two drones in full-body biohazard suits using chisels to chip away the dried slime that had cemented her face to her pillow, and her body to the bed. “Feels like my insides are being pureed with lava, my chitin being crushed by extreme gravity, and my head about to explode all at the same time.”

“Just give it a week Dragonfly,” Occupant said, giving each bedridden astronaut their covered tray of tomato soup and sourdough bread. “And I'm sorry if this doesn't fill you up, but this light diet is all I'm allowed to make until your stomachs settle.”

“After spending all last night feeling as if our organs were coming through our mouths, this is a welcome change.” Cherry said, groaning as she sat up and sipped her cherryade, only to spit it out with extreme disgust. “It tastes like bucking potatoes!!!”

“Cherry Berry, I think you are over-” Fireball’s comment was cut short, copying Cherry's reaction as he spat out his soup. “Guh! So does my soup!”

“Considering that and alfalfa is all you ate for so long, that's probably why your taste buds are reacting as such.” Twilight, in her own full body suit, said as she entered the room. “I was about to head for Mission Control to do a speech, but I decided to come check on you myself.”

Not wanting to suffer the same fate as their friends, Mark, Spitfire, Dragonfly, and Starlight each pushed their meals away.

“That’s nice of you Twilight, but as you can see we're all sick.” Starlight said, grimacing at the thought of tasting that accursed ball of starch again. “Anyway, what is your speech going to be about? Just us coming home and Mark being here for a short time? Also, can you please go see if we can have saline bags to replace the food? None of us want to taste that dreaded tasteless spud ever again.”

“That is going to be a part of it, yes,” Twilight said, looking around the room to each astronaut before setting her eyes on Dragonfly with an empathetic look. “But I have made a decision that will affect the entire space race as a whole, and before you ask, I'm not stopping any missions.”

“Empathy doesn't taste too well Twilight,” Dragonfly said, managing a weak chuckle. “Although, I do appreciate the concern. I beat the Pale Horse more than once on Mars, I'm not going to let this be the thing that lets him win. I will get better, I will be back to my old self, and I will be on missions again. I don't care what that doctor said, he doesn't know my body like I do and that's that.”

“I admire your charisma,” Twilight said, flashing a small smile. “It is the same drive that fills me with determination to not only serve and protect Equestria, but also for the best interests for the betterment of the space race. I just have one thing to ask of you, in your attempt to get back in shape, don't break yourself down.”

“I promise,” Dragonfly said, coughing up a bit of dried mucus as she spoke. “Although, I think that you should hold off on the speech, can you please wait until we all get better?”

“I suppose…” Twilight mused, tapping her chin with a hoof. “Besides, that would give me the chance to talk some things over with my friends, so I think I will take that suggestion to heart and wait until next week. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go see about those saline bags.”

True to her word, Twilight returned less than an hour with a group of medical drones, each carrying several saline bags before hooking each astronaut to an IV. Over the course of the following week, things settled into a sense of normalcy, with each astronaut showing improvement day by day. Five days after the initial visit, Twilight returned.

“How is everyone doing?” Twilight said, the doctor on duty giving her the all-clear not to wear a suit. “You all look way better.”

“Feel better too,” Mark said, draping his legs over the edge of the bed as he sat up. “Queen Chrysalis has been helping me re-learn how to walk, as much as I hate to admit that, and nothing tastes like potatoes anymore.”

“Umm, Mark,” Twilight said, scrunching up her nose. “When was the last time you changed clothes?”

“The shower on Concordia,” Mark said, sighing in defeat. “But before that was many sols ago on Mars. I honestly lost count of the last time before that, let alone a full clean wardrobe.”

“This will not do!” With an, in Mark's eyes, adorable stomp with a hoof, Twilight's horn came to life and had a scroll and quill appear. A furious bout of writing later, she sent the scroll away. “There we go, a friend of mine is a fashionista. I just sent her a letter saying there was a fashion emergency that needed to be addressed. Best bet? She will be here in less than ten minutes. In the meantime, can you tell me more about Earth?”

“Where to start?” Mark chuckled, seeing as how Twilight had summoned a full stack of parchment and a set of quills with an inkwell. “Don’t you remember the brief conversation you had with NASA way back on Sol 99? There are over 8 billion people on Earth, and if I had to guess it is roughly the same size as your planet based on how the gravity feels on my body.”

“Hang on,” Twilight said, raising a hoof like a filly to a teacher. “I will honestly admit that I forgot about that. What amazes me is that you have so many in what can be described as a small environment. The combined population of all species here on Equus, for comparison, is just over 3 million.”

“3 mil-” Mark paused, his brain trying to comprehend what he had just heard. “Twilight, I must remind you we have almost 200 countries on Earth, and China's population is over 1.4 billion. If you really want a comparison, New York City by itself has 3.4 million. Think about that, one city has more of a population than this whole planet. What you have here is paradise compared to the hellscape Earth has become. Cities are overcrowded, most town limits are starting to merge together like a roughly done patchwork quilt, and people have to wear masks due to low air quality.

That's not even including the environmental impact. With a population that outweighs the natural production, most meals are synthetically made with artificial flavorings. That fish I had on the Concordia? It was the most flavorful thing I’ve had in a very long time, and I’m including before I even entered NASA astronaut training. A century ago, there were vast forests on several continents, but those had to be cleared away for more development. Entire species were wiped out, since they couldn't reproduce in captivity. Coral reefs? Becoming thing of the distant past, each year dying quicker than it can reproduce due to bleaching. Natural products like coal, natural gas, and oil are well on their way to hitting critical levels and soon the market will collapse due to their scarcity. Gems and minerals have been nearly exhausted for use in machinery and jewelry, to the point a single ounce of gold is worth over $1500. On the flip side, inflation is also an issue, because it takes over a dollar just to get a loaf of bread whereas it as ten cent a few decades ago.”

Twilight's scroll hit the floor, ink spilling all over the polished tile at the new information. To her, it brought terrible memories to the surface of the barren landscape during one timeline during her fight with Starlight; Starlight herself silently felt the same way, giving her one-time nemesis a 1000 yard stare. To the others, it sounded like Daybreaker threw a frat party, destroyed everything while drunk, and was leaving the owners to clean up the mess.

“Why don't you stay here then Mark?” Dragonfly said, all eyes falling on her as she addressed one of the magic elephants wearing a tutu in the room. “Get away from that nightmarish place and live your life in peace.”

“I can't do that Dragonfly, you know that.” It tore a rift in his emotional spectrum that he had to go back. He knew the changeling could feel the conflict in him, a conflict that would never go away until he was certain NASA no longer needed him. “I haven't seen my friends and family in over two years, I need to be with them, I need to get the thing settled with NASA, and I need to play advocate on each of your behalfs. The air here is rich and pure, just like each of your goals, you don't need the greed goblin known as the human race to lock you all away. Where we have you beat in technology by at least eighty years, you have the magic advantage here to overcome the odds.”

“I think you all need to get in the hall, now.” Dragonfly's tone was dead and emotionless, her deep blue orbs drilling into Mark like Martian winds blasting the canvas skin of the Hab on Sol 6. A look of uncertainty spread around the astronauts, remaining until Twilight put each of them in wheelchairs and vacated the room, an opaque bubble of silence going up once the moment the door shut. “Are you trying to give me grief Mark? Earth sounds like a place where you would want to go dancing with the Pale Horse, and to think I was looking forward to visiting your homeworld…”

“What is this about Dragonfly?” Mark said, doing his best to avoid the look of pure hellfire in the drone's eyes. “You are acting like a wife trying to talk her husband from going to a war both know he wouldn't be coming back from.”

“How do I know you will be coming back Mark?” Dragonfly snarled, unleashing her concern in the form of rage. She felt that he was being foolish, and despite her wanting to put this conversation off as long as possible, she felt her hoof was forced. “I don't want you to go Mark! I want you to stay here, I want you to be with me, and I don't want to even think about you forgetting about me when you return home. I… I love you.”

“As a friend?” Mark asked, getting up and sitting on Dragonfly's cot. The moment he sat down Dragonfly wrapped her forehooves around him, and he felt her stiff chitin as she bit back at the storm within her. “Or as something more?”

“Uhh…” Dragonfly paused, trying to remember the analogy that she had picked up once before. “I love you the way Gollum loved the One Ring, and how Smaug loved the Arkenstone, you're My Precious. If I could go to Earth, and teleport everything that was close to you here just to make you stay, I would. I want you as my coltfriend…”

“As a-” Mark's eyes widened, Dragonfly getting hit with a wave of shock mixed with a touch of relief. Pulling the lovestruck drone into his lap, he began stroking the fin on her head. “You love me that much huh… Is that why you became so nervous around me? I might not have the level of emotional connection you do, but I still could tell you had something on your mind, I could see it in your eyes. Here's the thing, after being stuck for two years I am really homesick. I want to see my parents again, I want to go to a ballgame with my dad, and never go back into space.”

“But that would mean leaving me behind…” Dragonfly’s voice hitched, a tiny trickle of goo running down her cheek as she sniffled. “I would be nothing but a memory, and memories tend to fade and lost to time.”


“And hope for the day I say will you marry me?” Mark chuckled, only to freeze. Time seemed to stand still, all the years of him getting away with his humor in the universe crashing down like a ton of bricks. He felt the chitin against him tense, stiff as steel, before a very bug-like squeal started to build. “Now Dragonfly-”

“YESYESYESYESYES!!!” Dragonfly said, pinning Mark to the cot and giving as many adorable kisses as she could.

Well, adorable from a changeling point of view anyway.

“By Celestia's sweet flank, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” Twilight's examination shattered Dragonfly's mood, causing her to flail and Mark to sit up wide-eyed. Twilight, the other astronauts, Rarity, and Chrysalis were all standing in the doorway with a look of shock, Dragonfly's privacy bubble inadvertently dispelling in her moment of glee. “I would tell you two to get a room, but it seems Dragonfly took care of that herself.”

“It wasn't what it looked like,” Mark said, trying to ease the awkwardness. “We were just having a discussion about me going back to Earth, I said something sarcastically, and she jumped all over it like Spitfire beating everyone to the shower.”

“Considering the… ‘position’ you two were in,” Chrysalis said, her words deliberately slow to bite back her envy and embarrassment. “If what you said is what I think you said, then hival law says you two are consummate and officially married.“

What?!” Mark was mad, and even the ones in the room who weren't changelings could feel it. Dragonfly, scared stiff at the sudden emotion flip, lept off the bed and hid behind Chrysalis. “Ok, first off, it was a misunderstanding. Secondly, I know what that word means and we were doing nothing close to that. Third, Twilight is a princess, and since I don't agree to the terms since it is forced, I'm sure that she can say it is null and void.”

“Actually, you're wrong,” Now it was Twilight's turn to hide behind Chrysalis, thankful the changeling could block any projectile with her larger frame. “Seeing as it is not a war crime, nopony is getting hurt, doesn't violate the treaty enacted between Equestria and the changelings, and Equestria has a similar law on the books, the resolution stands.”

“You gotta be kidding me,” Mark, who was now slumped back flat against the cot, groaned as he facepalmed. “So I get onto an alien world, het sick, then when I start to get better I'm hornswoggled into a marriage I can't get out of. I swear, it feels like I am in someone's romance novel, with me taking the role of the knight in shining armor. Could be worse I suppose, could be stuck in one of Starlight’s fanfics about Dumbledore and-”

“Moving on!” Starlight said, cutting Mark’s sentence off as the human smirked at her blush. “I would suggest doing a private ceremony after you return. There is no need to rush things along considering you have another three to four weeks here. After the mini tour of Equus and things settle down for your conditioning, I suggest the two of you at least have a night to yourselves for a date to hammer out the finer details. We're going to be very busy the next few weeks.”

“Ticker tape parade in Manehattan, visit Canterlot, tour both space centers, sidestep in Ponyville, request by Spitfire to show you Cloudsdale, request by Fireball to take you to the Dragon Lands, and a special surprise I have in mind are on the itinerary.” Twilight said, rattling them off without pausing for a breath. “After that, you should have lots of time to spend with Dragonfly until you launch back to your universe. However, to put this behind us and carry on with our day, my friend Rarity here will be giving you a fresh outfit.”

“Yes, of course,” Rarity said, politely coughing to help dispel the awkward moment. “As Twilight said, my name is Rarity, and I will be taking your measurements today Mr. Watney.”

“You have no idea how much of a blessing it will be to have more than one clean outfit again,” Mark said, sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor. “Question is, how much do I owe you?”

“Nothing darling,” Rarity said, lifting up several tape measures and a notebook in her magic, being careful not to gaze into Dragonfly's eyes to avoid the silent ‘I'm watching you’ look. “The fact I am making clothes for someone from another universe is payment enough for me. Besides, I am going to need these measurements for your wedding tux, and i always look forward to a new fashion challenge. Any fashion tips from your world will also be much appreciated.”

“So let me get this straight,” Mark said, rubbing his temples. “In exchange for making my outfits, free of charge I might add, all you want in return is fashion lines from back on Earth?”

“That's all I ask of darling,” Rarity, who was being extra careful not to make Dragonfly angry, said as she took his inseam. “I am a fashionista to the core, and if it will spark the next wave of trends I eagerly search for it. My Element, when me and my friends wielded them in the past, was Generosity and it is something I believe in doing to this day. Do we have a deal?”

“Once I somehow manage to fix up the laptop, I would be glad to help.” Mark said, for the first time since arriving feeling relaxed as Rarity finished her work. “How long do you think it will take for you to make the set? I don't have much time here, and would hate to make you feel rushed.”

“Think nothing of it Mr. Watney,” Rarity said, smiling as she put her things away and started to head for the door. “If I rush back to Ponyville I can be finished by noon tomorrow. Considering the fact my assistants are running the Canterlot and Manehattan stores with proficiency, it takes the workload off of me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got work to do.”

“I suggest turning the tv on, for I am about to make my announcement.” Twilight said, Rarity already teleporting away to begin on her personal project. “Make sure it is set to channel three, I will be on in five minutes.”

Galloping out the door, the vibrations from Twilight's hooves could be felt even after sue had cleared the wing and made a beeline for Mission Control. Right as the clock hit five minutes after departure, a special message came across the turned on tv set that was in the middle of the room.

“Hello everypony,” Twilight said, her posture regal, but her tone as casual as if she was talking to a friend. “I am coming to you live from the Horseton Space Center Mission Control. I’m sure you each have many questions, but I am going to get straight to the point. As you know, the stranded crew of the Amicitas, along with NASA astronaut Mark Watney, touched down safely and have been spending time recovering and healing from their terrifying ordeal. Each suffered numerous issues that will plague them for a long time, but they will eventually recover fully.”

Hopefully, but Dragonfly's condition is the most worrisome...” Twilight's inner voice piped up, but her mouth kept it in.

“The day after tomorrow, there will be a ticker tape parade to be held in Manehattan, so if you want to give them a proper welcome home, or in Mark's case ‘Welcome to Equus’, come out and show your support. Over the next few weeks, Mark will be given a tour of various points around Equestria and a few surrounding areas, so those unable to make it to the parade will still have the chance to at least see him before he has to return home. That brings me to the point of this announcement. Hopefully in the next few years, Mark's people will be able to make a link here based on several things I will personally be sending with Mark back to Earth. I have seen their technology, and it is far superior to our own when it comes to in flight safety and construction. So, when the link is made, I will be offering a joint trade between the Equestrian Space Agency and NASA to help extend both universes’ reach to the stars and beyond. That is all for now, may you have a pleasant day, and may Harmony guide your way.”

“And may Harmony guide your way…” Four shocked pairs of eyes turned to face Dragonfly, the changeling in question having been the one to repeat the phrase every citizen of Equestria knew at heart. “Why are you all looking at me like that? I'm a married mare now, might as well start acting like it!”

Nobody, especially Mark, dared to correct her as he drifted off into a nap, unsure of what dreams awaited him.

Author's Note:

The ending was on purpose, for it will be the focal point if the next chapter.

If it feels like the love angle was a bit rushed with the "common law" marriage, in my opinion you are probably right. However, it will fade into the background during the next few chapters, because I have a rather... "Unfortunate" circumstance happening when he gets to Ponyville that will test Mark's resolve, and discover something about himself in return.

I should have said this in my opening author's note in the first chapter, but the major reason why I am throwing the love angle in is because of the timeline Kris himself set in The Maretian. Very little detail is given about what happened everyday Mark was on Equus (not including the points he sent back via Angel 18) and he would leave out his relationship for very obvious reasons.

Thanks goes to my Patreons (Azeazezar, Shooting Star, and gagiotte) for continuing to find my work, it helps.

Like what you see and want to join in the fun? Check out my Patreon here, for as little as $1/mo (NOT BY STORY) you can be a supporting member of my cast. Until next time, may Harmony guide your way.

~Willow the changeling