• Published 23rd Oct 2018
  • 4,689 Views, 242 Comments

The Maretian: Equus Tales - Prismfire Productions

This is a sequel to Kris Overstreet's "The Maretian". Mark Watney, now free at last from Mars, is having to stay on Equus while he recovers from Martian gravity. What new adventures await until he can return home, and what new feelings will emerge.

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Mark couldn't believe it, for the first time in over a year and a half he saw a blue and green planet beneath him, a sight that at one point he thought he would never see again. He knew it was not his own world, but at this moment he didn't care, he wanted nothing more than to be able to run around and breath without a suit. As Fireball and the Griffin stabilized themselves to escort him to the Harmony, tears start to flow down his cheeks.

"You alright there Mark?" Starlight asked, her voice cutting over his soft sobs. "There's no reason to cry; we'll treat you well while you're with us."

"There's a lot to cry about Starlight," Mark said, his emotional sea slowly smoothing like after a Gale force low had cleared out. "We are alive, we beat Mars, and we survived. Now, you five are home safely, and I know in due time I will be back home as well."

“True, but first let's get you on board shall we?” Starlight smirked, Mark now joining them as he was held up by Fireball and Wossname. “We’ll talk more when we get on!”

40 meters.

”This is going to feel like an eternity,” Mark thought, the dragon and griffon clearly out of sync, as if fighting over who was going to eat his remains. Each jerk, each mid flight readjustment, sparked a tiny voice screaming that the suit was going to rip and space would finally tally a victory. Those fears were calmed, however, the moment his feet touch the floor of the airlock.

“Won't be long now Mark,” Fireball said, his voice barely audible over the repressurization after the outer doors closed. “How you holding up?”

“I think I'm gonna be sick,” Mark grumbled, forcing down what little he had on his stomach. “Sooner I get to the ground, the sooner I'll be ok. No offense to either of you, but that ride felt worse than riding a bull in a red crayon factory.”

“Out of sync,” Wossname, whose accent reminded Mark of heavily ingrained German, said as the inner doors opened. “At least we got it together the last few meters, more than I can say about past flight experiences. Now, welcome to Harmony, or in Equus terms, the Concordia.”

The inside of the ship was buzzing, literally, with life. Countless drones flew about, using what no doubt was a gravity generator built into the ship to be able to freely move about as if they were surface side. The the translation spell used in his comms system helped, for he was able to pick out individual conversations despite the hussle and bussle.

A group of what had to be at least thirty drones all were lined up at one end of the space, a bag in their magic while a rather smug looking drone was collecting them, making Mark assume he was collecting his bets. Others were keeping an eye on the controls, and despite not being able to read the writing, they appeared to be gauges for various functions on the ship. An overhead readout, thankfully numeric, indicated .42G on the flight deck, with a countdown to ticking to reentry settled beside it. As much as it was to take everything in, hearing Starlight swear 'Sugar Honey Iced Tea’ in English was enough to warrant his full attention.

“Chrysalis, you seriously expect me to have returned Dragonfly in top condition?!” Starlight was furious, the rage practically making her mane smoke as she continued the rant. “We all nearly died, so you should be thankful that she's in the condition she is in!”

“And that I am,” The one named Chrysalis said, staring down Starlight like a lion stalking an antelope as Mark made his way over. He took the time to look over her features, noting that surprisingly she was eyelevel with him, towering over the others like a giant. No holes anywhere, which was the opposite of the shaking Dragonfly that was standing beside Starlight, and a horn that could easily slice through his throat with the wrong word being said. “However, I was fully entrusting you to return her nice and healthy, now I'm going to be short a set of hooves while she recovers thanks to you.”

“My Queen,” Dragonfly whimpered, doing her best to look at her mother right in the eyes. “With all due respect, I think-”

“Think what Dragonfly…” Chrysalis's attention shifted in the blink of an eye, and due to the complicated situation Mark was left powerless as he pitifully looked on. “Do you think that Starlight performed her job to her standards?”

“Considering the circumstances-” Dragonfly started, but was silenced with a hoof.

“Ah yes, being stranded in another universe, with no magic, thanks to a device that she helped design.” Chrysalis doubled down on the glare she held, freezing the unicorn and drone in their place and not hiding her smirk at the fear Mark was giving off. “So, that being said, this little escapade could be firmly planted on her withers. Now, all of you are suffering, and we have a being that shouldn't even exist in our presence due to Starlight's failure.”

“Knock it off Chrysalis,” A new voice, which to Mark sounded like the one making the flustered horse noises from earlier, said from behind the group. Spinning in place, Mark saw a pony with a lavender coat, two tone mane and tail, and had both wings and a horn approach them. “Quit trying to act so big and bad in front of Mark, I'm not even a changeling and I can tell he is already terrified of you.”

“That's all well and good Twilight,” Chrysalis smirked, Mark paling at the sight of her fangs, and making her giggle. “There are many reasons to be afraid of me, the mighty Queen of the Changelings!”

“I said, knock. It. Off…” Twilight softly growled, giving Mark what could be interpreted as an apologetic look. “At least they are all back alive, that's what's important, now isn't it.”

“I-indeed Twilight,” Chrysalis said, her demeanor rapidly cooling and taking a softer stance. “We have yet to have a Bad Day, and I intend that record to be kept intact. I guess I got a bit worked up there, and you really can't blame me for going off the way I did since that was our first joint mission of the CSP and ESA and wanted it to be perfect.”

“In a way it was, but not in the way we wanted it,” Twilight's smile had a weird effect on Mark, that plus the shine in her eyes filling him with an unusual sense of accomplishment. “We discovered multiple universes, launched numerous space races, and proved humans are not just a thing of myth, and that my great grandmother actually went on adventures with them.”

“Then there is us,” Twilight paused, motioning around the station, everyling turning their ears to listen. “Ponies and changelings, once bitter enemies, working together for a common goal. We, along with Mark's people at NASA, ensured that our astronauts were brought home safely, and no lives were lost. We did it together as a team, we did it together as a crew, but most importantly we did it together as friends.”

“Nice speech,” Mark said, all eyes suddenly drilling into him like a maniac with a hacksaw until he pointed to the helmet he was still wearing while he looked between Chrysalis and Twilight. “Dragonfly has told me a lot about the two of you, and I'm glad that we were able to actually meet.”

“As am I,” Twilight extended a hoof, a gesture that Mark returned by cupping it in his hands and shaking it. “I look forward to learning more about your race and planet during your visit here, and will help further our knowledge should stable communications and travel be established.”

“Enough with the sappy talk,” In less than a second, Starlight had left from her spot beside Mark and had Twilight trapped in a bear hug, a few drones groaning as they summoned bits. “I missed you so much Twilight. When we first crashed on Mars, I thought I would never see you again.”

“As did I my prized pupil,” Twilight chuckled, returning the hug as Chrysalis facehoofed. “That was simply brilliant with the Mares Code, and if it wasn't for that all hope would have been lost.”

“I missed you as well My Queen!” Dragonfly chirped, her wings buzzing like an energetic swarm of bumblebees as she shapeshifted between several ponies Mark didn't know, a dragon form of herself, and even a copy of Chrysalis before turning back to normal. “Can I get dibs on the Fun Machine when we get back to Horseton?”

“Of course Dragonfly, you have more than deserved it,” Chrysalis said, smiling and scooping Dragonfly into her own hug. Spitfire's jaw went slack at the display, making a variety of horse noises that the comm crystal couldn't interpret. “Although, considering your states, I suggest that you all head to the medical bay to be examined while I have a private word with my pilot.”

“And I would like a private word with Mark,” Twilight said, a drone leading the others away while Chrysalis took Cherry Berry to the other side of the space, Starlight galloping to give her friend some back up. “I actually know a fair bit about humans Mark, including their biology, so the drone and unicorn in the medical bay will know exactly what to look for. However, it is one of Equestria's best kept secrets, but if you're here long enough I will show you how I know.”

“You have no idea how grateful I am to be off that Godforsaken planet, and also not floating to my death in vacant space,” In his mind, Mark was really tempted to have this face to face, but it was squashed due to not having an open translation crystal outside the helmet. “but with all due respect to yourself, I want to return home as fast as possible.”

“You will be returned in due time,” Twilight's tone took on an edge, showing no room for argument. “I've got plans for both you and Phoenix, and besides your body needs to recover just like the others do. Based on our limited communications with NASA via Dragonfly and Starlight, we have determined our atmosphere and gravity are nearly identical to Earth. That being said, until our examiners clear you for flight, you will be staying here so that we can show we're true to our word.”

“And ease the minds of the folks on Earth,” Mark smirked, thankful it was hidden behind his visor. “Clever move Twilight, and a smart tactic to play should our worlds be open to each other full time.”

“I'm not the Princess of Friendship for nothing,” Twilight ruffled her wings and put a bit of magic into her horn, briefly making her look bigger as Starlight made her way back over. “Now come, let's get you to be checked out so we can return surface side.”

“Lead the way,” Mark said, looking over at Starlight as Cherry Berry followed, a smug look on her face. “Starlight, is everything cool between Cherry and Chrysalis?”

“Indeed,” Starlight nodded, a bit of a skip in her step as she followed in Twilight's hoofsteps. “One liner challenge between the two of them trying to one-up each other, they declared a draw and hugged before we came back to you and Twilight.”

“I better get Cherryaide while being examined,” Cherry Berry muttered, earning a laugh between the others. “Or at least some cherry cobbler.”

“A full Cherry Special is on the menu for yourself,” Twilight said, motioning to a door. “Inside there is the examination room, now if there aren't any further questions, I have a few things to handle while you're being checked out and eat a good meal.”

“As long as it is not potatoes, hay, or alfalfa I'll eat anything,” Mark's statement was met with a rapid nod from Cherry, herself growing tired of the same meal Sol in and Sol out. “I do have one last question, how is it this ship has gravity if it is not spinning? Got some sort of gravity generator onboard?”

“In fact there is,” Twilight smiled, sitting by the door. “Designed by myself, and Princesses Luna and Celestia, who you'll meet when we get back down on to the planet. The generator itself was only made in the last few months, vigorously tested in the last few weeks, and after triple checking was installed right before making the rescue jump. It is adjustable, and can generate up to 1G if needed. Now, .39G is Mars level, that much we know from various communications, but it takes at least .4G to fully run the kitchen.”

“How is it even possible to be running a kitchen in space anyway?” Mark asked, pushing the door about halfway open. “Flames and smoke makes it extremely dangerous.”

“There is a universal constant here, one you will learn,” Twilight flapped her wings, peering right into Mark's visor. “Magic. Solves. Almost. Everything.”

“Almo-” Mark didn't get the chance to finish, being dragged inside the room by Dragonfly's magic. Cherry closed the door after she entered, and a quick glance around showed the room was nothing out the ordinary for a large hospital room, with labels on every cabinet.

The exams themselves were not fun, but the moment he opened his suit alarm bells went off. A full decontamination shower, with extra strength shampoo, later and a strong enough blast of cleaning spray to eliminate the smell and it was time for dinner.

“Here you are,” The drone pushing the food cart, who Mark found out was named Lucky Cricket, said as he entered and levitated each tray to their recipient. While Mark was in the shower, Starlight had surprised him by leaving the comm crystal from the thruster. It had been delivered by Twilight after Starlight requested Dr. Prance to have the princess retrieve it. “Princess Twilight had something special sent specifically for you Mark. It is freshly fried catfish with a crunch glaze and a side of peas and carrots. There would have been a side of chocolate cake, but well… it is very hard to keep chocolate around a changeling and it not be eaten.”

Mark's eyes widened at the dish, the smell of fish firing his taste buds on all cylinders and it took every effort to keep from drooling. “This smells delicious, but I don't get it, aren't ponies herbivores?”

“Most are,” Spitfire said, motioning with a wing to her own plate of fish, kale, and a grilled cheese sandwich on pumpernickel. “But pegasi like me need fish as part of our daily diet. Our bones are hollow, which helps keeps us airborne, and the Omega-3 helps prevent bone cracking from strenuous use.”

“They aren't the only ones,” Fireball's words were jumbled, mostly due to him scarfing down with bowl of rubies, gold, and sapphires. “Dragons eat meat when younglings to accelerate muscle growth. When we get older, and our teeth harder, we switch to eating gems.”

“Changelings are omnivores,” Dragonfly coughed, her exact condition being evident now that they were in a magic rich environment. Her holes were larger, her chitin duller and slightly chipped, and her voice raspier. An emergency IV love bag had been hooked up to her, but it was already almost empty. “We eat both meat and veggies, but our main source of nutrients is feeding off love.”

“And apparently magic itself,” Starlight added, causing Dragonfly to look at her plate of chocolate, almonds, chicken, and a strawberry smoothie in shame. “Look on the bright side, your body reacting as it did sheds new light on changeling biology, and will further the field should we wish to visit Earth.”

“Yeah, but look what it cost me Starlight,” Lifting a hoof, she pointed straight at Mark without breaking eye contact with the unicorn. “I had to resort to a method I promised myself to never use since the Bad Old Days were supposed to be behind us. I completely drained Mark's love to keep myself alive, and both of us suffered dearly as a result. You all had to coax him back to normal function, and even after I came out the cocoon I still was fighting a day to day battle with the Pale Horse.”

“Dragonfly, listen to me.” Setting his food aside, Mark got up and moved to Dragonfly's bed, cupping his hands around her extended hoof. “You can feel emotions, so tell me, after I finally calmed myself down did you detect any hatred from me?”

“No,” Dragonfly's answer was soft, finally looking at the human, her eyes shimmering with building tears. “Not once I did, but how come you didn't? You had every right to hate my guts.”

“You simply did what we all were doing,” Moving one of his hand to under Dragonfly's chin, he felt her breath hitched at the touch and swore he saw a small blush. “You did what steps were needed to keep you alive. Would I have liked a warning? Yes, I would, but if we had missed the launch or had arrived late I would have let you do it again if needed.”

Dragonfly had no response, her dam finally cracking as she pulled herself up to cry onto Mark's shoulder. Lucky Cricket could hear Mark humming a tune he didn't recognize, but he saw it was calming Dragonfly down. What had caught most of his attention was the love bag in the IV. The longer Mark comforted Dragonfly, the more the bag filled.

He is giving her love freely..” Lucky Cricket thought, simply stunned by the gesture and how rich the ambient love in the room felt as he backed out the doorway. ”I must tell my Queen about this development.”

“I'm telling you, they all should have been dead many moons ago!” Fiberus, the medical drone, said while slamming a stack of folders on the table of the onboard conference room. With the others in the medical bay enjoying a hearty meal, only himself, Twilight, and Chrysalis were in the room. “Their bloodwork shows signs of extreme dehydration and malnutrition, which has cut their lifespans by a still-undetermined amount. In addition, they are drastically underweight, and their white blood cell count is basically zero. I have no explanation, other than a minor miracle.”

“They are going to get very ill when we return to the ground,” Chrysalis deduced, earning a nod from the examiner. “I suggest immediate quarantine and put on the strongest antibiotics bits can buy. The only question is how well Mark's body will recognize the treatment, and if it will help him or get him sicker.”

“He was able to take our morphine with no issues during the Airlock One blowout.” Twilight said, the tension in the room easing. “Included in the books Sunset gave me from a Canterlot High library book sale was a medical guide for internal functions. That includes the immune system, so we can probably have some scientists recreate a form of human blood plasma to help his recovery effort along.”

“Didn't you say once that the people there are nothing more than bipedal and hairless versions of ourselves?” Fiberus questioned, a steeled gaze locked onto the princess. “We have no way of knowing if that world's blood type would fit him, but we have nothing else to lose. Out of the six, Dragonfly is going to need the most time to recover, and a lot of love to go along with it.”

“Mark has that covered,” All eyes turned to the door, where Lucky Cricket was standing. “The two of them were just having a very formal exchange, with Dragonfly feeling depressed, and he took over and by the end of the discussion her love reserves had doubled.”

That news caused the other three in the room to pause. While there was the fact they had been in close proximity to each other for eighteen months, deep relations between crewmates was a taboo, for the good of the mission if nothing else. There was a more concerning fact, they both were different species, and being from different universes meant different sets of rules. While the citizens of Equus would probably congratulate the two, with Pinkie throwing a party, the Filthy Fred incident that Starlight had secretly relayed to Horseton and Cape Friendship rang in their minds.

“I got a feeling this is going to end oh so well…” Chrysalis muttered, the sarcasm plain as day in her tone as the Concordia set course for home.

Author's Note:

This is A sequel, but will only become THE sequel with Kris Overstreet's blessing (obviously). This story will be split into two parts: Mark's stay, and after the link is established in the last chapter of The Maretian. Forgive me for any errors, my editors have been busy with their own lives so I ran this solo.

Dogman 15, thanks for the pointers.

I doubt that I will get the exposure or fanbase Kris got, but I will do my best to fill in the gaps despite being nowhere near his writing level. My Patreon is currently down, but I hope to have it back up shortly.

Until next time, carry on