• Published 23rd Oct 2018
  • 4,689 Views, 242 Comments

The Maretian: Equus Tales - Prismfire Productions

This is a sequel to Kris Overstreet's "The Maretian". Mark Watney, now free at last from Mars, is having to stay on Equus while he recovers from Martian gravity. What new adventures await until he can return home, and what new feelings will emerge.

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CanterTales: Part I

The colors of late day poured through the windows of the Friendship Express as it chugged along towards Canterlot, bathing all travelers in a warm, cozy glow and signaled the end of another day under Celestia's guidance. A long day full of parading and sightseeing had worn out the crew of the Phoenix, and being away from the bustling city was a welcome change of tone for each of them as they relaxed on their plush benches. Yet, despite the snuggly feeling the soft rays produced as they lured any wary travelers towards Luna's Land of Nod, one train car felt like the surface of the dark, heartless side of Pluto.

"You really were dead serious about us having a talk huh?" Mark said, sipping on some tea that Dragonfly had prepared, the honey brew soothing his throat as the hybrid-form drone sipped from her own teacup while leaning on his shoulder. Across from them, the former "Dread Queen of the Changelings" eyed them both with a neutral expression, a mask perfected by countless infiltrations and missions involving nobility. "Well, I got nowhere to run and nothing to hide, so what is it you wanted to talk about that would qualify as "corrupting your drone" ?''

"This for starters," Chrysalis said, making a general hoof motion at Dragonfly before lowering it. Even with Starlight Glimmer being in the adjoining train car, it was still in close enough proximity for the Babelfish Spell to be in place, something that had been checked before leaving Manehatten. "Under normal circumstances, drones would go out on love collection missions in disguise, usually as a love interest or family member to the target, to trick the dumb plot into giving them love then vanish afterwards once enough was taken. With that said, it is unprecedented that changelings would be the ones fall in love with their prey, let alone-"

"Don't you dare start that roadapples," Dragonfly hissed, wings flared and fangs bared as she narrowed her eyes at her queen. Chrysalis knew she was playing with fire from the look, but after having survived multiple rounds against Celestia, she felt immune to the heat and was determined not to let her heart's desires slip until the time she felt right. "That logic is from the Bad Old Days, and I thought it was unanimous that we were going to move on from those dire times. Mark is not my prey, he is my husband and even though you are my queen I still expect you to treat that with respect."

"You see? That is exactly what I was referring to about corruption!" Chrysalis said, leveling her hoof firmly at Dragonfly, being thankful the train car was soundproof to keep the others from barging in out of alarm. The last thing she wanted to do was face off against an angry Cherry Berry and Starlight Glimmer, those were nightmares that not even Luna wanted to step in on. "I am used to giving the orders and them being followed with no trouble, yet-"

"Yet, what?" Dragonfly's tone was cold as ice, her fists clenched like iron and steel, and the heat in her glare burned like a volcano. As bad as she wanted to land a punch, she knew striking her queen would lead to dire consequences, so she fought the urge back with steady breaths as Mark put a hand on her shoulder. "Last I checked, you were still the queen of the hive, but Occupant was the head of the space agency; therefore, you still rule over us to a certain degree, but nowhere near as much as in the past. All of us respect you, My Queen, but at the same time, being a part of pony life and in public has given each of us the opportunity to pursue interests that were previously forbidden."

"True," Chrysalis huffed, mildly annoyed that the venture into being a daily and intertwined part of pony society had come with that drawback. Even with the boosted morale, increased love flow, and lower hunger levels each drone reported since that decision that had been made, it still got under her chitin that they had become so independent. Even with her mental promise to try and do better for Celestia, she knew it was going to be an uphill battle. "Even I have to admit that seeing satisfied customers from the Pod&Spa business is starting to bring a smile to my face, and the bits they pay helps as well because that was the only thing keeping the hive from being under the same financial pressure as the space agency. That is, until Celestia had Sunshine give us those bits of course."

"Do you know what I find amusing, My Queen?" Dragonfly smirked, making a bead of sweat roll down the older changeling's forehead. "The fact that even after being in the public eye for so long, even after what me, Mark, and the others went through on Mars, you still think that things are the same as they were before Cherry stumbled upon our hive. They are not, mother, and neither are we. All of us have progressed and matured in some way, and it was needed so we could survive.

"That time on Mars changed a lot of my perspectives, and it made me realize I was an idiot for seeing each launch as a thrill-seeking adrenaline rush instead of taking it seriously. The only time that I was serious is while you were still encased in stone and I had to perform that triple rescue, and in hindsight I should have taken it to heart instead of basking in the praise and adoration of the masses. Mars, being the magicless wasteland it is, nearly killed me. It nearly killed my friends, it nearly killed my husband. It was actively out to get us, I could hear the voices and echoes in my head while there so I know that part is true. However, I can honestly say I had a dance with the Pale Horse and lived to tell the tale. Tell me, honestly, have you ever been on the brink of death?"

"Once," Chrysalis sighed, a frown forming knowing that it was better to be honest, especially since she had been the one to call Mark and Dragonfly into privacy to talk. The fact Dragonfly had the upper hoof at the moment bothered her, and for the countless time was thankful that the drone had not consumed any royal jelly. "I was young and reckless back then, and on one mission I was a bit too cocky and the end result was me being kept in a dungeon for months. I had no love flow besides commoners kissing in front of my cell to mock me. Celestia eventually pardoned me since the case presented had no real merit, nor had I broken any laws at the time, but that is really what cemented my hatred of ponykind. When you are as old as I am, grudges are easy to forge, but hard to break."

"Same concept with humanity really," Mark said, reminding the two lovebugs that he was still in their presence. "Humans tend to hold on to hatred, and are quick to anger, but so slow to forgive."

"Then you can relate to my pain," Chrysalis was not surprised that Mark solemnly nodded, considering his reaction to Dragonfly forcing him into a marriage, but she carried on despite the minor hiccup in the flow of the conversation. "I am trying to do better when it comes to matters that I previously would consider challenges to my rank and authority, but going so long while acting the same way made it my normal demeanor."

"Is it really the same, My Queen?" Dragonfly asked, her question causing Chrysalis' mask to slightly drop due to confusion. "For several years before our mission, you were tolorating ponies better, and it seems like that has been the case even since we returned. More than one member of the CSP crew spoke volumes about the cooperation you did with Moondancer and others trying to help campaign for our rescue when called upon on rare occasions. They said you did most of the work behind the scenes, but that is an improvement over what happened with the failed invasion."

"Of course I have improved in public," Chrysalis said, her expression returning to neutral as she took a long sip on her tea. The invasion being brought up made her mentally flinch, her second-biggest failure rearing its ugly head once more, but she was not going to go down that rabbit hole. "It was easier for me to get the help I needed when it came to the space agency that way, as well as avoiding pesky questions about distrust when doing public announcements and meetings. You see, it is like a lure Dragonfly, me showing a softer side means that ponies trust me more, which lures them into a false sense of security when in actuality they are like a fly in a spider web."

"Ok then," Dragonfly huffed, finishing her tea before shifting to her quadrupedal form and standing. "Getting back on topic, you say that Mark corrupted me, but have brought no evidence to support that claim. Me using Earth swears and phrasing? What do you expect, I had to watch human shows and deal with humans for how many Sols?!. I am not the same mare I was when we launched off on that fateful mission, in fact, I would swear that you said that to cover up the jealousy you put off every time you see me and Mark together."

"Me? Jealous?!" Chrysalis exclaimed, almost dropping her teacup out of shock Dragonfly had called her out on it. "What you do with this monkey is none of my personal business, unless he hurts you of course, then that is another bushel of apples entirely."

"Ah, the sweet taste of denial," Dragonfly giggled, not bothered at all by her queen glaring at her like a fool who had stolen from a dragon horde. "Face it, My Queen, you are jealous of the amount of love that Mark gives me, or is it the fact he finally accepted our relationship that has gotten under your shell?"

"That is enough!" Chrysalis's shout, much to her shock, didn't faze Dragonfly one bit, but only added to the drone's fury. Meanwhile, Mark knew better than to get between the squabbling queen and drone, and just silently watched as things went south. "I may be more tolerant with letting things slide, but you having the sheer gall to mock and challenge me is a step too far! Why, I ought to banish you for such an offense!"

"Go right on ahead," Dragonfly said, holding her ground as both Chrysalis and Mark stared at her in disbelief. "Go on, say the words, because we both know if you do there will be no going back from them. I still would be employed by Occupant for the CSP, or perhaps I would transfer to ESA under Moondancer? Might as well, would be a fresh start and all, so are you going to say it then?"

Chrysalis didn't say a word, she couldn't, as every possible rebuttal died in her throat.

"That's what I thought," Dragonfly smirked, placing her hoof on the door handle to the cart where the others were resting. "It's a shame, really, I thought that you were starting to soften up and change for the better; however, one's true self always shows in anger. You revealed to me and Mark that you haven't changed at all, and are only toying with everyone's mind to set out for your personal gain. The sad part? At the parade there were a few ponies that were actually interested in you, I'm sure you felt it, I know you did, but you don't deserve any of them. As if the mighty and high Queen Chrysalis would get with a pony, it is below your standards. So, you keep on being jealous of mine and Mark's love and relationship, in fact I encourage it, because it is something you will never have unless you commit to the facade you are putting on and genuinely open your heart to accepting ponies as your equal."

"I-” Chrysalis could only watch as Dragonfly turned up her snoot and walked into the adjoining train car, every word having hit her like a runaway masonry cart. In her mind, a vivid and violent flashback of her fight with Celestia hammered against her skull and distorted her sense of perception. Every critical detail seemed fresh, from the sights to the sounds and smells, but it was only when Mark shook her out the past did she allow herself a brief whimper. "Thank you, it seems that even for a monkey you are keen enough to tell when someone is having a rough mental relapse."

"I know people back home that suffer from PTSD, nothing pretty," Mark said looking the seated queen in the eyes as he stood in place. "I know what Dragonfly said was a bit heavy and harsh, but you had the look of someone who had seen the ghost of a regret that had come back to haunt them."

"Just thinking of an old flame from a time long ago," Chrysalis sighed, her wings limply hanging at her sides. Dragonfly's insult had pierced her mental armor and corroded her defenses like centuries worth of rust build up at once. Her queenly instincts screamed for her to shut up, that she was above the magicless ape, but she couldn't bring herself to listen to it or to go into detail for a third time. "We were in love, true love, until a fight destroyed it. So, Dragonfly’s insult really did cut deep because it reminded me of what I let slip away from me.”

“What happened in the past cannot be changed,” Mark said, being careful with his wording to avoid getting a free acupuncture from the four fangs that glistened in front of him like fileting knives. He could tell that Chrysalis was hurting, and wanted to try and help in any way that was within his abilities. “You recognize the mistake and want to avoid it in the future, that is a sign of maturity based on the stories I heard about you. That, to me, shows that you have a better chance of having a more sustainable relationship the next time you get in one. Pain is one thing everyone, even a powerful queen such as yourself, has to endure to try and make steady improvements on your own self to become a better individual. We had to deal with pain, in a different form, every Sol we were on Mars, Chrysalis. In the end, it made us stronger and closer, and if we could over come the pain we were feeling of being homesick in order to survive you can overcome the pain of the past to set a standard for yourself going forward.

"Do you want everyone to remember you as the evil and vile queen that I have heard about, or do you want your legacy to be of Chrysalis the Changeling Queen, who helped perform one of the greatest rescues past, present, and future? A mare whose name will be remembered generations from now as a great contributor to ponies, humans, and all species in both worlds. A mare who would-be rulers can look at and say: "if she could overcome her faults and past to learn cooperation and gain vast respect, then so can I! I want to be like her!" A mare who-"

"Ok, ok, that's enough Mark," Chrysalis said, a soft chuckle amusement escaping past her lips as her mood significantly improved at the psudo-praise. "You have known me for a short time, yet you somehow managed to learn how to fall into my favor with grand talks of praise. Surely, you must have some ulterior motive to go that particular route, what is it you wish to gain?"

"Your respect, in the long run," Mark's emotional output was confusing to Chrysalis' senses, she sensed no mischief or slyness, as if he was just casually talking with someone he had known all his life and they knew him as well as he knew them. "I may not have magic, wings, or a horn, but I do have a sound mind and I am good with plants due to me being a botanist. That may seem insignificant to someone like yourself, but I fought hard to get my degree, just as I fought hard to become an astronaut, and just as I will fight for my vow to Dragonfly. If you think less of me just because I am some "evolved ape", that is your business, but just as you wear a crown, my word carries the merit to follow through on my objective. Now, if there is no further business, I will leave you to think over my words."

"Wait a second, if you may," Chrysalis said, stopping Mark just before he reached the door. Rising from her seat, she made her way over to him, looking at him face to face. "Answer only yes or no to the following question: you said that you wanted to earn my respect, correct?"


"In a way, you have earned a token of it," Chrysalis' statement was met with silence, with a raised eyebrow and Mark having a pulse of confusion register to the queen being the only indications that he had heard her. "You did something that, prior to Cherry Berry, very few had the courage to do. You have stood up to me more than once already, and seemed to have settled into the rather… unique marriage that you are in. Not only that, you forgave Dragonfly for that desperation move on Mars when she sucked you dry like a raisin. This shows that, despite your snark, you do have a caring heart, and I can think of many that I know that probably would not have accomplished the feats you have done. Myself included."


"I'm not done," Chrysalis interrupted, and instead of an edged tone or threat, simply raised a hoof in a 'shhhh' manner before continuing. "I have many centuries in experience when it comes to leadership and being a ruler, most of which I was admittedly misguided, but all things considered even I would have met the Pale Horse due to the fact I used to like to call the shots and not listen to others opinions or advice. That flaw has gotten me in a lot of trouble in the past, but I am trying to overcome it. As far as how you can earn even more of my respect? I do have a bit of advice for you, and it is something that I want you to take to heart, for how you take it will determine how much more respect I give you."

"So it is like a trail then," Mark said, rubbing his chin in thought as he thought about his D&D missions with the others as the changeling queen before him nodded. He felt like he was player in a game with a DM that was known for surprises, something that tackled a small part of his kind and looked forward to the task at hand. "Go ahead, Your Majesty, grace me with the quest to which I must complete."

"Gah!" Chrysalis exclaimed, taking a step back, glowering, then giving Mark a boop on the nose. "I had to hear far more of that kind of phrasing than I ever wished to hear during an undercover mission that ended in great pain for me, so please refrain from ever doing that again. Now, the advice I have is really, really simple: do not downplay or discredit yourself if somepony is complimenting your feats. This does not mean to get a big head or ego about it either, quite the opposite in fact, I was to see how you manage actually having to speak in front of a crowd instead of just being there for show like the parade today. Ponies are going to put you on a pedestal, how you handle yourself is going to be the factor on if my advice took root or not."

"Sound advice and challenge," Mark said, thinking about how the parades and hoopla were only a miniature trial run of what he would encounter when he returned to Earth. "However, I believe that I can indeed win it because I was not the only one who contributed to our rescue now am I? I will be honest and blunt with my answers, even on Earth, because I know that all parties that played a part deserve to be on equal standing. If I am a hero, so is my crew mates of both the Phoenix and Ares, so is CSP, ESA, NASA, and all the other agencies on Earth who coordinated our rescue. I played just a part Chrysalis, and if I don't see that everyone is getting the applause they deserve, I shall not accept any in return until my point is made. Only thing I have left to ask is may I go to sleep now?"

"You may," Chrysalis said, stepping aside and allowing Mark to pass through the door. With just the moonlight outside and the clickity-clack of the wheels against the track being any form of connection to her surroundings, she allowed herself to take a trip down memory lane to happier times when she touched the sun. "Soon my dear, soon…"

Princess Celestia, the Day Bringer, the Keeper of the Sun, was in a good mood. After a wonderful rest that was helped by dreams involving her long-lost beloved mare, she stood out on the balcony as she awaited the arrival of her sister so she could bring forth another sunrise. Deep down, a feeling had settled in her gut that those moments would be the last peaceful ones for a few days, but seeing her lover again made her feel that the pompous festivities that were in order made them worth it as a strong wave of Harmony hit her.

"Fate has been cruel, and Order unkind…" Celestia said, the tune burned into her mind from countless sunrises and sunsets alone while looking at the Mare in the Moon; yet, there was a certain cheerfulness to her tone and melody as the morning robins ceased their conversation to let her have her moment. "I am no longer that way. I used to gaze, into stillness alone, as I carried on in my days… Yet in reflection, it was not as it seemed, for I was in the wrong. I didn't see it until it was far too late, and the one that loved was distant and gone…

"There once was a mare who stood by my side,
And carried my sorrow in kind…
But I took for granted the advice that she gave,
Which sent many to an untimely grave…

Good morning dear Chryssy, good morning lover mine,
May your dreams still shine…
For so long we had no choice but to live apart
But Harmony knows you're the key to my heart…"

"Repurposing our Lullaby, we see," Luna said, alerting her presence to Celestia and startling the older alicorn. "Relax Tia, we are not upset, for it is for a good cause."

"Been a while since I heard you use the Olde Tongue Lulu," Celestia sighed, her wings returning to a resting state as the Princess of the Night and Dreams approached. "However, back to the matter, you know how Harmony is when it comes to the matters of a heartsong, it is not to be ignored or refused under any circumstances. Yes, I was thinking of her, but Harmony guided me with that specific chord considering how much you and her mean to me."

"The hydrogen and helium that makes you burn," Luna said, giving Celestia a gentle nuzzle. "All three of us have a long time yet before we are beckoned to the Meadows Beyond, so worry not for the future, focus on today because it is going to be a long one for us both."

"You more so than me," Celestia's horn glowed as she channeled her magic to raise her sun, but kept enough concentration to continue the conversation. "Which is why I scheduled the ceremony at midday, so you can retire for some much-needed shuteye."

"Believe me when I say it is greatly appreciated," Luna said, lowering her moon beyond the horizon as her sister's sun brought a palette of color to the sky before brilliant blue asserted its dominance of the daytime regime. "Now, come, we have to meet the train at the station and we don't have a moment to lose, lest we risk the wrath of Twilight."

"Yeah, not a good idea…" Celestia mentally shuddered, knowing that the youngest princess would give her a week-long lecture for tardiness on such a special occasion. Teleporting to the station platform, she found that much to her dismay the train had arrived ahead of schedule and found the group surrounded by a gathering of Canterlotians. "Now everypony, you all know the ceremony is a few hours from now, please depart until then."

"Thanks for the save, Your Highness," Mark said, waiting for the crowd to leave before speaking and dipping into a bow with the others, Chrysalis included. "I was mentally prepared to be swarmed, but not as soon as I stepped onto the platform."

"You are from another universe, did you expect anything less?" The question made Mark flinch, and that made a slight frown appear on Chrysalis' muzzle. "My apologies it is still early, Anyway, I believe introductions are in order, I am Princess Celestia, the Ruler of the Day, and my younger sister here Luna is the one who watches the Night.”

“Still won’t let me properly introduce myself Tia? At what age am I allowed to do so?” For a moment, Mark was concerned that the two sisters were arguing, but those fears were washed away when he saw the younger mare playfully stick out her tongue before looking at Mark. “As my sister said, my name is Luna, and in addition to being the Princess of the Night, I also am the Keeper of the Dreamrealm and the Guardian against Nightmares.”

“Sounds like a tough-” Mark paused, staring in realization as Luna gave a mirthful smirk. “Wait, you mean to tell me that you are the one who fought that nightmare spirit in my dream while I was still in sickbay?”

“Always keen on details Mr. Watney,” Luna said, giving a bow as she chuckled. “I have been looking forward to finally being graced with your presence in the present instead of just our talks in your dreamworld. However, those are talks that can be held off until a later time, for a busy day is instore for everyone.”

Author's Note:

Only thing I can genuinely say: life (and COVID) happens...