• Published 3rd Sep 2018
  • 2,124 Views, 14 Comments

Taken - BubblePuff

A crazed mare is turning ponies into foals!

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Twilight knocked on the front door of Foalsitter’s home, two royal guards standing by her side. Foalsitter answered with a cheerful smile. “Princess Twilight! How wonderful to see you again!”

Twilight levitated up a scroll with her magic. “Miss Foalsitter, I have here a search warrant for your home. These two guards will be assisting me in the search. Any interference during our search will land you in jail. Do I make myself clear?”

“Why of course you do! I am always willing to help out the princesses, especially with legal matters. Please, do come in!” Foalsitter stood aside and ushered Twilight and the guards into her home.

Twilight immediately led the guards upstairs. One way or another, she was going to get into that room. When she got upstairs however, Twilight was shocked to find that the door at the end of of the hall was gone. All there was instead was a plain wall.

“I...I don’t get it.” Twilight said. “There was a door right here, I swear there was. And I know that I heard foals on the other side.”

Foalsitter stared at Twilight with a confused look on her face. “Princess, I have no idea what you are talking about. There has never been a door or room in that spot since I moved in here.”

The two guards looked at Twilight, who blushed due to embarrassment. “ I am so sorry to have bothered you Foalsitter.”

Foalsitter simply smiled and waved her off. “Don’t you worry about it. I know that you’re just on the lookout for ponies who are up to no good, but I can assure you that I am not one of them.”

Twilight shook Foalsitter’s hoof. “Again, I am truly sorry for the interruption. Please have pleasant day.” Twilight then led the two guards back downstairs and they exited the house.

As soon as Twilight was gone, Foalsitter lit up her horn. The wall then transformed into a door. She opened it and stood before the six foals who were trapped in the magic playpen.

“Well, that was a close one.” Foalsitter said. “Now there shouldn’t be any more interference between Mama and her little foals!”

“U won’t get away with dis!” Applebloom shouted.

“Oh but I already have.” Foalsitter said as she booped Applebloom on the nose. “I now have six little foals to give my love to, and soon I’ll have even more.”

“U poopy head!” Shouted Scootaloo.

Foalsitter pinched her cheeks. “Temper, temper little one. Anymore outbursts and no pony gets any dinner. Do I make myself clear?”

Everypony was about to object, but the combined rumblings of their tummies quickly quieted them down.

Foalsitter smiled smugly. “I thought so. Now you all play nice while Mama gets your bottles ready. And after dinner, we can have story time! Now Doesn’t that sound fun!”

After Foalsitter had left the room, everypony began talking. “Wawity, what awe we going to do?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I don’t know Sweetie Bewwe.” Rarity replied. “Wainbow Dash, Big Mac, and I have twied evewything to escape.”

Applebloom kicked a toy block in frustration. She then noticed that it went through a gap in the playpen. Applebloom immediately had an idea.

“Evewyone, I’ve found a gap in da pwaypen! If we can keep Foalsitter distwacted long enough, I can cwawl through and get help!”

“Dat sounds gweat sis!” Said Big Mac. “Only one pwoblem. How are we going to distwact Foalsitter?”

Scootaloo smiled. “I know what to do!” Everypony then gathered around her to discuss the plan.

A few minutes later, Foalsitter came back into the room carrying bottles of formula in her magic. “Okay my little foals! Mama is here with num nums!”

Scootaloo raised her front hooves in the air and bounced up and down on her diaper. “Uppy, uppy, uppy!”

Foalsitter d’awwed at the sight. “Aww, do you want uppies from Mama?” Foalsitter set down the bottles and stepped through the magical barrier to pick up Scootaloo. As soon as she was in the playpen, the other foals all jumped on Foalsitter. They crawled all over her, tickling her and giggling.

“Ha ha! That tickles!” Foalsitter said. “You want to play with Mama? Then let’s play!”

While the others kept Foalsitter busy, Applebloom crawled over to the gap in the playpen. She squeezed through and popped out. Applebloom then quickly and quietly crawled out of the room, making sure that Foalsitter did not see her.

Applebloom then crawled down the hall and made her way to the stairs. She climbed down step by step, landing on her padded bottom each time. When she reached the bottom, Applebloom looked for a way out. She tried the front door, but soon realized that she was too small to reach the handle.

Applebloom looked around in a panic. She knew that the others couldn’t keep Foalsitter distracted forever, and that eventually she would notice her absence. Applebloom then saw the downstairs bathroom. She knew of only one way out of the house, and she didn’t like it. Applebloom crawled into the bathroom and made her way onto the toilet with a little hop.

Applebloom pushed down on the handle. She then took a deep breath and jumped into the swirling water. Applebloom spun around and around until she was sucked down the drain.

Foalsitter stopped playing with the foals as soon as she heard the downstairs toilet flush. “Wait a minute, somepony is missing!” Foalsitter ran out of the room and fled down the stairs towards the bathroom. When she reached the toilet it was too late.

“NO!!!” Foalsitter screamed.

Applebloom was swept through the water in the sewer and popped out of a drain pipe to the outside. It was dark out, but Applebloom knew that she had to keep moving. She was sure that Foalsitter was close on her tail. Applebloom crawled until she reached the center of Ponyville. Tired, cold, and filthy from her toilet escape Applebloom sat down and began to cry. She only stopped once she heard a familiar voice.

“Why, hello there little filly. What are you doing out here all by yourself?” It was Grandpa Pear. He picked up Applebloom and wiped away her tears. “Say, for a foal you look awfully familiar.”

“It’s me Gwandpa Peaw! Applebloom!” She said. “I need youw help!”

Grandpa Pear was in shock. “Applebloom?! What happened to you?”

“A mean mawe named Foawsittew foawnapped me, Sweetie Belle, Scootawoo, Big Mac, Wainbow Dash, and Wawity and turned us all into foaws. She keeps us wocked up in a woom and gives us spankies if we don’t behave.”

“Well then, it’s a good thing I found you. We need to get you to your sister and princess Twilight. But first let’s give you a bath because you reek.”

Applebloom blushed. “Yeah, I had to fwush mysewf down da potty to escape.”

Grandpa Pear placed Applebloom on his back as he made his to Sweet Apple Acres, holding his nose as he went.

Back at Foalsitter’s house, Foalsitter confronted the remaining five foals. “Mama is very upset with you all. You tricked Mama into playing with you, but it was all just a ruse so that one of you could escape!” Foalsitter then lifted all of the foals into the air with her magic.

“Remember, Mama only does this because Mama loves you. Mama takes no pleasure in doing this.” Foalsitter then lined up all the foals, grabbed a paddle and gave them each a harsh spanking. The house became filled with the sound of crying foals.