• Published 3rd Sep 2018
  • 2,123 Views, 14 Comments

Taken - BubblePuff

A crazed mare is turning ponies into foals!

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Have you seen my foal?

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo all waited in Twilight’s office as she contacted Rarity’s other two stores to see if Rarity was at either of them. After sending out magic messages and getting replies from Coco Pommel and Sassy Saddles, Twilight walked over and spoke to the trio.

“I’m sorry girls. I’ve contacted both Canterlot Boutique and Rarity for you, and neither Coco Pommel or Sassy Saddles has seen Rarity.”

Sweetie Belle slunk down and hung her head. “She has to be somewhere!” Sweetie said, trying to hold back her tears. Applebloom and Scootaloo stood by their friend.

“Don’t worry Sweetie Belle.” Applebloom said. “We’ll find your sister, no matter what. After all, we are the cutie mark crusaders!”

Twilight gently lifted Sweetie Belle’s chin. “Your friends are right. Just look at how much good you three have done already. I promise that we won’t rest until Rarity is found.”

Sweetie Belle looked up at Twilight. “Really?”

Twilight smiled and nodded her head. “Yes. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Scootaloo and Applebloom repeated the same gesture.

Sweetie Belle smiled as she wiped away a single tear from her face. “Thanks you guys.”

“I suggest we split up.” Scootaloo said. “We can cover more ground that way.”

Twilight agreed. “You three ask around town. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and I will ask around the other half of town. We’ll meet up at my castle afterwards.”

The cutie mark crusaders then headed out into Ponyville to find Rarity. Twilight went to gather her friends and search the other half of Ponyville.

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac was busy bucking apples along with his usual chores. This time however, he was approached by a mare with a worried look on her face. “Excuse me sir, but can you help me?” The mare asked.

“Eyup.” Big Mac replied.

“Oh good. Have you seen my foal? I’m afraid I’ve lost him.”

Big Mac thought for a second. “Nope.”

A creepy smile spread across the mare’s face. “That’s alright. I’ll just take you home instead.” Before Big Mac could react the mare blasted him with her magic, turning him into a month old foal. Big Mac landed on the ground with a slight bounce, then he broke out crying.

The mare picked him up and rubbed his back to calm him down. “Shh, it’s alright. Mama’s here to make things all better.”

Back over at Mama’s place, Rarity had managed to unlock the playpen gate. She then began stacking toys against the door, building a tower towards the door knob. Rarity climbed the tower and just barely reached the door knob by standing up on her hind hooves. Just as Rarity got her front hooves on the door knob, Mama returned home.

Mama opened the door, knocking over the tower of toys. Rarity clung to the door knob with all of her little might. Mama was shocked at first, then her face took on an angry look. She turned and stared at Rarity. Rarity made a nervous giggle.

Mama used her magic to pick up Rarity by the waistband of her diaper. After placing Big Mac in the playpen and re-locking it, she held Rarity with her hooves and sat down.

“Mama warned you not to try and leave. But did you listen? Now you must be punished!” Mama bent Rarity over on her lap and pulled down her diaper. Mama then repeatedly spanked Rarity’s bottom. Rarity cried louder and louder with each strike, but Mama kept going until Rarity’s bottom was bright red.

When the punishment was over, Mama returned Rarity to the playpen. “Have we learned our lesson about trying to escape?” Mama said in a sweet, loving voice. Rarity rubbed her sore bottom and nodded yes.

Mama patted her on the head. “Very good! Now you place nice with your new brother while I get supper ready, okay?” Mama then left the room, locking the playpen gate with a magic spell before she left.

Big Mac was shaking with fear. “Wats going on Wawity?”

Rarity rubbed her eyes and sniffled. “Dat *sob* big meanie tuwned us into foaws and foawnapped us!” Big Mac crawled over to Rarity and gave her a hug.

“Don’t wowwy, I’m suwe ouw fwiends awe out wooking fow us wight now!”

Rarity wiped away her tears and smiled. “I hope tey find us soon.”

As the day came to an end, the cutie mark crusaders headed over to Twilight’s castle. “I can’t believe it.” Sweetie Belle said. “We searched practically the whole town, and not one pony has seen Rarity!”

Scootaloo looked over at Sweetie Belle. “Don’t worry Sweetie. Twilight and her friends must have found out something.”

After arriving at Twilight’s castle, the three fillies went straight to the cutie map room. They were surprised however, to see Granny Smith consulting Applejack.

“Granny? What are you doing here?” Asked Applebloom.

Applejack ran up and hugged her little sister. “Oh Applebloom! I just got the news from Granny Smith. Big Mac is missing!”

“WHAT?!” All three fillies shouted in unison.

“He was supposed to help me clean the house after bucking apples this morning, but he never showed up.” Granny Smith explained. “I searched the entire farm, and there is no trace of him.”

“First Rarity and now Big Mac? This is getting serious.” Said Twilight.

“Do you think we should contact Celestia for help?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight shook her head. “No. The last thing I want to do is cause a panic in town by bringing in the royal guard.”

“We should at least inform Mayor Mare about the situation.” Applejack said.

“Agreed. Rainbow Dash, can you gather the wonderbolts to help search by air?” Twilight asked.

“Not a problem!” Rainbow Dash said with a salute.

While the other ponies were talking, Scootaloo spoke with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. “Girls, I think we may have a serial foalnapper on our hooves.”

“But what else can we do?” Said Sweetie Belle. “We’ve already checked all over town.”

Scootaloo then had an idea. “We can check the Everfree forest! I bet Zecora must have seen something.”

“But what about Applejack?” Applebloom asked. “You all know how overprotective she is. Now that Big Mac is missing, she’ll never let us out of her sight.”

“Then we’ll just have to sneak out and not tell any pony.” Said Sweetie Belle. “Rarity and Big Mac could be in great danger, and we’re probably the only ponies who can help them.”

“Then it’s settled.” Scootaloo said. “Tonight we’ll all sneak out of our homes and meet up at the edge of the Everfree to begin our search.”

Meanwhile, at Mama’s hideout Rarity and Big Mac both tried to play with the toys in the playpen. Big Mac pick up a ball and rolled it toward Rarity, but Rarity just let it bounce off of her.

“Don’t u wanna pway?” Big Mac asked.

Rarity stared at Big Mac with a grumpy look on her face. “How can I? An evil witch has tuwned me into a foaw and she’s howding me against my wiww! We need to find anothew way out.”

Big Mac suddenly became very scared. “Da wast time u twied to escape, u got da spankies! Who knows what else she wiww do!”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I thought u wewe Big Mac, not Wittwe Mac! Hewp may nevew come, so we need to pwan an escape!”

Mama then entered the room, carrying two bottles filled with foal formula. “Okay my sweeties! Time for num nums! And when you’re done, Mama will read you a bedtime story!” Big Mac took his bottle instantly. Rarity outright refused hers.

“Doesn’t my little filly want num nums?” Mama asked

Rarity smacked away the bottle. “No! U a meanie poo poo head!”

Mama took a deep breath, then spoke in a motherly tone. “How about I tell you both that bedtime story? Once upon a time, there was a mother bear who had two little cubs. One day the mother bear went to forage for berries. It took her all day, but she finally found enough berries for her two little cubs. When she returned to her cave the first cub was very grateful, and he ate all of his berries. The other cub however was not, and refused to eat the berries.”

Mama then picked up Rarity with her magic. She the walked with her out of the nursery and down the hall, still telling the story as she went. “So the mother bear decided to teach the cub a lesson in being grateful. She grabbed the cub and took her the bottomless whirlpool.” Mama then walked into a bathroom and held Rarity over a toilet. “The mother bear then cast the cub into the whirlpool. The cub was sucked down and never seen again.”

A very serious look came over Mama’s face. She flushed the toilet which made a loud fwoosh. “You don’t want to end up like that poor cub, do you?”

Rarity was shaking with fear. She shook her head no.

“Then how about you drink your num nums?” Rarity nodded her head yes.

“Very good!” Mama returned Rarity to the nursery. Rarity grabbed the bottle and gladly drank down the formula. Mama burped both Big Mac and Rarity afterwards. She then covered them with a blanket and kissed them goodnight. “Goodnight my sweeties!” Mama then turned out the light and left the nursery.

Both Rarity and Big Mac could not sleep. They were even too scared to cry.