• Published 3rd Sep 2018
  • 2,123 Views, 14 Comments

Taken - BubblePuff

A crazed mare is turning ponies into foals!

  • ...

A new playmate

After Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom were all tucked in for the night, they got out of their beds and snuck out of their houses. The three of them then met up at the edge of the Everfree forest.

“Okay, does every pony have everything?” Applebloom asked.

“I’ve got the flashlight.” Sweetie Belle then lit up her horn to provide illumination.

“I brought a first aid kit, in case Big Mac and Rarity are hurt.” Said Scootaloo.

Applebloom took a rope out of her saddle bag. “And I brought this rope to tie up the culprit once we catch them.”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “A rope? How is that supposed to stop the foalnapper?”

“Hey, I’m getting really good at using this!” Applebloom replied. “Applejack has been teaching me how to lasso and tie critters up. You should see me wrangle up the pigs when they get rowdy.”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “Will you two come on! We have to save Rarity and Big Mac!” She then led the way into the Everfree forest, with Scootaloo and Applebloom following close behind.

After searching for what felt like hours, the three fillies stopped when they suddenly heard a noise. “I think we’re being followed.” Sweetie Belle whispered.

“Do you think it’s the foalnapper?” Scootaloo asked.

“There’s only one way to find out. I’ll blind him with my light, then you tie him up with your lasso Applebloom.”

“Got it.” Applebloom readied her lasso.

“Now!” Sweetie Belle turned around and blinded the pony with her light. Applebloom then tossed her lasso. It landed around the pony’s ankles. Applebloom pulled the lasso tight, tieing up and tripping the pony.

“We did it! We caught the foalnapper!” The three shouted in unison.

“Some pony get this rope off of me!” A very familiar voice shouted. Sweetie Belle focused her light to reveal a tied up Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash?!” Scootaloo ran over and very quickly untied her idol.

“Rainbow Dash, what are you doing out here?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I should be asking you the same thing.” Rainbow Dash stood up and dusted herself off. “I spotted Scootaloo leaving her house and then I followed you three into the Everfree forest. I lost track of you until you tied me up! Now tell me what you’re doing out here.”

“We’re out here trying to catch whomever took Rarity and Big Mac.” Sweetie Belle replied.

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. “Listen, I know that you’re worried about them but you are all still way too young to be out here by yourselves. Besides, did you even think about how worried your families must be?”

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo all frowned and lowered their heads. “We were just trying to help.” Scootaloo said.

Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “I know that you all want to help, but you have to remember that you’re all still just fillies. This is a dangerous situation that we’re in, and the others and I just don’t want to see you three get hurt. Do you understand?” All three nodded their heads.

“Good. Now let’s get you-” Before Rainbow Dash could finish, she was cut off by a blinding flash of magical light. The cutie mark crusaders were all shocked to see Rainbow Dash as nothing more than a month old foal.

Suddenly, two bright eyes and a wide creepy smile appeared from the darkness. “Oh look, Mama has found another foal to love! And what’s this? Three more that want to play!” Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom all ran away screaming.

Mama picked up Rainbow Dash. “Come now my little cutie. Let’s go home.”

The cmc ran out of the Everfree forest and straight towards Sweet Apple Acres. They burst through the front door of the house, only to find Applejack and Granny Smith waiting for them.

“Applebloom! Where in tarnation have you been?” Applejack asked with an angry voice. “I went upstairs not too long ago to check on you, only to find that you were gone! You’d better have a darn good explanation missy!”

“We went out to find Rarity and Big Mac in the Everfree forest. Then this strange mare came out of nowhere and turned Rainbow Dash into a foal!” Applebloom explained.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Beg pardon?”

“It’s true!” Scootaloo said. “She had crazed eyes, a creepy smile, and she foalnapped Rainbow Dash!”

Applejack took a moment to rub her temples. “Alright, I’m going to head over and inform Twilight. Applebloom, you are grounded! Sweetie Belle, I will take you home and tell your parents that you snuck out. The same thing goes for you too, Scootaloo.”

“But what about Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked.

“If what you’re saying is true, then I’ll have Twilight put together a search party to scour the Everfree forest. For now, you best get your behind up to room and stay there Applebloom. Understood?”

“Yes Applejack.” Applebloom said. She then headed upstairs to her room, looking back one more time at her friends.

Mama entered the nursery holding Rainbow Dash. “Hello Sweeties! Mama found you another playmate!” She said gleefully. Mama then strapped Rainbow Dash into a foal harness with a leash that was magically tied to a heavy bolt in the floor.

“We don’t want you flying away, now dow we?” Mama said with a smile. She then booped Rainbow Dash on the nose. “Mama has business to take care of. You three play nicely!” As soon as Mama left, Rainbow Dash tried to fly towards the door. The leash instantly tugged her back, causing Rainbow Dash to land right on her diapered rump.

“Wainbow Dash, u gots captuwed too?” Rarity asked.

“Wats going on? Who is dat poney?” Rainbow Dash said.

“She cwazy!” Said Big Mac. “She tuwned us into foals and keeps us wocked up in dis woom all day.”

“And you don’t wanna make hew angwy. She alweady gave me da spankies and thweatend to fwush me down da potty!” Rarity said.

“Dats howwibwe!” Rainbow Dash replied. “Have u twied to escape?”

Big Mac shook his head. “She keeps a magic speww on both da pway pen and da doow. Unwocking dem is impossible.”

“Wewe dewe any othew ponies with u?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, Scootawoo, Appwebwoom, and ur sistew Sweetie Bewwe! Dey wan off befowe dat mawe could captuwe dem too.”

Rarity’s face lit up. “Den thewe’s stiww hope! Dey wiww wawn da othews, and hewp wiww be hewe in no time.”

“I hope u wight.” Rainbow Dash said.