• Published 7th Aug 2018
  • 11,430 Views, 340 Comments

To Calm a Tempest - Broman

A Human finds himself in the company of a hot Lieutenant. If only he didn't tell her that.

  • ...

The Making of a Knight

I felt more worn out than I thought I’d be.

Think of it like taking a nine to five shift at a fast food restaurant, but instead of taking modest breaks in between you’re working non-stop. Around the clock. And when you’re close to the end, more orders pile up on you at the last minute.

Well, compared to an average workday at a fast food restaurant…training under the coaching of Sombra and Luna was a lot more hardcore.

Almost immediately after they told me of their intentions, I had no choice but to follow their instructions to the letter.

The first thing they did was pound me with knowledge about knights. In this case, they were teaching me how a knight operates and acts. However, while they were teaching me all of this, they had me run with them. Run without stopping or questioning. We ran on a track that they created while I studied the acts of knighthood. Sombra and Luna even had me carry a shield, sword, and a full plate of armor in my hands and back while we moved. The armor was courtesy of Sombra, though he was rather displeased to be parting with it. Princess Luna was apprehensive of me doing something so strenuous, but time was not on their side. They wanted me to give me a crash course.

As I ran and kept straining my arms with the heavy gear, I learned a lot from what they told me. A knight had to do combat training and learn how to be truly chivalrous everyday. For instance, what I was doing now was carrying a knight’s armor and gear, which is what a squire would do. Sombra and Luna also explained that they are the caretakers of the armor and for helping dress the knight. They had to ensure their equipment was fully ready for battles or tournaments. They would also have to defend the knight and be by their side in case they’re injured. Not to mention that if a knight dies, a squire would seek a new master or become a knight himself.

I felt like I was living to be the next King Arthur. The only difference was that I live in a world where everything is magical and fantasy is the norm. And that it all wishes to kill me.

Despite my current predicament, I was trying my absolute best to maintain a positive outlook on the matter. I was training to be a knight by both a princess and a king. I was going to face off against villains, learn how to fight and be a noble figure. I may even possibly swoon a well-endowed maid off her feet. To top it off, I get to go off on a grand crusade to try and stop the ever-approaching doom of the Storm King, and having the possibility of dying thanks to the ever-encroaching demoness that was Misery. It’s going to be great!

I guess life couldn’t get any better.

“Focus, Boy!” Sombra shouted, making me break from my concentration and trip up.

I fell face-first into the dirt and the gear I carried clattered onto the ground. I groaned from the impact and heaved from the exertion. And of annoyance.

Sombra strode over to me and huffed.

“If you were training for a real battle, you wouldn’t last five minutes on the fields of war.”

“Five minutes? I’ll take what I can get.” I replied, through sheer will alone for being able to take in a simple breath.

Sombra gave that scrutinizing eye of his and snorted at me.

“I take it back, you won’t last a second after a rain of arrows comes raining down on you.” He said, albeit more vehemently, " And you don't consider the fact while having your lungs punctured and as you gasp for a living breath you wouldn’t realize the charge of lancers thrusting their weapons and impaling you from where you stand.” he said, showing more of his disapproval.

I was taken aback by him while Princess Luna strode over to me.

“Ignore him. His way of teaching is much more severe than mine.” Luna voiced, offering a hand to me.

I gratefully accepted her offer to help me. Although, she pulled me up rather forcibly and got me back on my feet. She then slapped my back and I heard a very loud pop, making me groan in discomfort. Princess Luna chuckled and picked up her feet once more, not once breaking a sweat from her run.

“But we can’t have you slacking off now. You have much work to do, and that means you must be on your toes,” she said, moving alongside me as we went.

The faint sound of magic came and my arms thrust outward to feel the heavy load of the armor on my limbs. I snorted in discomfort and pressed on.

It seemed we were playing good cop bad cop only with polar opposite individuals.

After getting back on my feet, I drudged on. Running for what felt like a single marathon, and without stopping for a break. Both Sombra and Luna didn’t seem fazed by this. I was in the dream world yet everything I was feeling now didn’t seem like it would affect me in the real world. While I pieced the thought together and slowed down my pace, both Luna and Sombra stopped and turned to me.

“Why do you stop?” Princess Luna asked with concern in her voice.

“Well…I’m wondering how this will affect me in the real world. Everything we’re doing right now is in the dream world, but once I wake up I don’t think all that I learned will be effective. We're in a dream, but how is training while I’m sleeping supposed to help me get stronger?” I explained, stopping because I became doubtful over the whole situation.

I imagine they’d chastise me over my notion.

What I didn’t expect was for Sombra to laugh so heartily.

“Are you that naive boy?” Sombra stated while striding over to me. “This training is much more than you think,” he said, a wolfish grin on his face.

I turned to Luna for answers but she too had a smile on her face. The kind that tells me that a child asked her a silly question, and like any doting mother they would play along. She noticed my confusion and patted my head, ruffling up my hair with the twirling of her fingers.

“They are putting a spell on you Spencer!” The cheery voice of Tantabus came.

I looked around and, lo and behold, I saw her sitting in the stands not far from us. She sat there waving a small flag that had my name written on it and appeared rather giddy at my exploits. Also, her normal attire had changed. She was wearing a modern shirt and pants, the kind that screams out baseball mom and being the center of attention compared to their kid.

“Spell? What are you talking about? I thought this was training?” I asked while I was being coaxed by Princess Luna to keep running.

I followed suit, but while we did, I noticed the stands that Tantabus had occupied were also moving as well. It reminded me of a sideways elevator for amusement parks.

“It’s true that while you are training here your mind is constantly active and getting stronger. However, there is a catch.” she said, her flag waving in the nonexistent wind while she fluffed up her hair, “Since a knight’s training is far more arduous than you may have imagined, it would indeed take many moons to be fully adaptive to the harsh conditions of knighthood. Many remain squires for much of their early youth and young adulthood before they would be granted the title. However, some can be granted that status if they accomplish a mighty deed or impress their lord. Mainly if they laid claim to defeating many foes. There is also a difference between the Equestrian knights and those of the Crystal Empire knights that deprived-”

“As much as we appreciate your knowledge on the matter, you might need to pick up the pace,” Sombra stated, pulling alongside and keeping pace with me.

While he went I found my pacing quickened to a steady incline. I looked ahead of me, seeing the track in the arena was going downhill and my feet were moving faster than expected. As I ran down, I noticed Tantabus and the stands were right alongside me.

“Straight to the point as ever I see…very well,” she cleared her throat before explaining, “They are putting a spell on you while you train in the dreamscape. Whilst you train and exert yourself here, the spell they are crafting on you will train your body outside of the dreamscape,”

My pace quickened and I was going faster down the track. The armor in my hands jangled while my feet carried me.

“So you're saying it’s like sleepwalking but with training instead?” I said, my breath becoming more labored and my body accelerating down the hill.

“More or less, little Spencer. You have a lot of time to catch up so we’re going to make the most of it.” she replied, the angle of the slope deepened and my body was going full sprint down the hill.

“Which means we have our work cut out for us.” Princess Luna explained, her body going through a full-on sprint, sweat forming on her brow.

“And no time to waste.” Sombra finished, striding alongside me with a sheer grin on his face while keeping pace.

Although, I felt he was taking a more twisted pleasure of what he was going to do with me. I looked forward in front of me and the long track kept going further and further along the slope. I couldn’t help but go for the ride.

“I didn’t sign up for this!” I shouted, running the whole of the track while continuing to protest to no avail.

Hours passed in the blink of an eye. My body was spent after all the running I did and I laid on the ground flat on my back. I heaved in gulps of air and my body shuddered from the exertion it had to take. I collapsed not too long ago, and right now I was grateful for that.

I wonder what other diabolical plans Luna and Sombra have that will strain my body to the breaking limits?

Carry fifty-pound packs on my shoulders and add a bag every thirty minutes? Have weights on my ankles that force me to take steps up a never ending stairway? Give Stella a piggyback ride while she berates and curses me out like a standard drill sergeant?

Overall, I was in no condition to take up any further task, not until I had a long break.

“Resting on the job?” Tantabus asked, hovering over me and giving me a curious look.

I gave her a deadpan look and shook my head.

“Nah. Resting is part of the training, and I’m doing an excellent job at the moment,” I spoke sarcastically, though I was in no mood to really be talking due to the constraints on my body and lungs.

“Well, that’s too bad. I thought an honest worker would always get the best prize while the lazy and unproductive workers get no benefit.” she replied, sitting down beside me.

“I’m content with staying right here, thank you very much.” I said, not wanting to move.

“Oh you are so spoiled,” she said with an eye-roll, before laying down right next to me, “But, I suppose if you want to just lay down, you can. Master Luna actually told me, to tell you, that you can take a break for a little while. She and Sombra are planning what your next regimens will be as we speak.”

I blinked in surprise when I heard this, “Really? That’s convenient.”

I lifted my head up to see where the two of them were. To my surprise, though, they were nowhere to be found. I looked back to Tantabus to see that she wasn’t concerned about that in the slightest.

“Where are they?” I asked Tantabus.

Tantabus giggled, “They left for Sombra’s dream room to converse on the matter. I volunteered to stay behind and keep you company, so…it’s just the two of us at the moment.”

I looked at her with a mischievous expression, “You sure they didn’t leave because they merely wanted to be alone for a bit?”

“Whatever do you mean?” She asked me with curiosity.

“Aw, come on. I’ve seen the way they’d interact many times recently. They act like an old married couple. They could’ve just left to do something…” I paused, waving my hand in the air to find the right word before saying, “...well, intimate.”

“I understand where you’re coming from. They do make a smashing pair,” she said, before sitting up with her knees bent, “But, I don’t think they’re quite there yet. Things between them are still tense enough as it is, and there are trust issues between them they need to work out despite Sombra’s assurance that he’s working for us and not against us.”

“So, they’re obviously just planning what I have to do next in my training then?” I asked, although I already knew the answer thanks to what Tantabus just told me.

“Exactly.” She replied with a nod.

I gulped in nervousness because of that. I already felt like I was hit by a bus enough as it was, and I can hardly imagine what they were planning for me next.

“But, enough chit chat.” Tantabus told me, before snapping her fingers.

All of a sudden, the armor was taken off of me in a flash and a cushioned exam table rose out of the ground right beneath me. I was laying right on top of it, surprised but not exactly shocked. And then, Tantabus rose up from the ground and stood from the right, wearing a pink dress that looked like the kind the spa ponies at Ponyville wore. She also had a matching headband on her head.

“Masseuse Tantabus. At your service.” She said with a salute.

I narrowed my eyes in uncertainty.

“Isn’t it beneath one of your standing to casually massage a commoner?” I asked, wondering what her response would be.

She smiled and brushed the top of my head with her fingernails, twirling any strands and curling them.

“Well, as a being of the shadows instead of a commoner or a noble of high birth, I don’t follow those conventional rules. The rules I follow are my own. My personal directive if you will. I prefer to see my human friend be pampered and cared for so that he may feel refreshed and well balanced.” she paused, then patted the side of my cheek before innocently tilting her head, “Besides, I find the way you are looking at me to be so cute.”

I closed my eyes and returned a half smile to her.

“Alright,” I said, not wanting to dwell on the matter any further.

I heard her move to the head area of the table. Once she was there, she placed her hands and fingers on my head.

Tantabus began to gently rub my head and temples with the edge of her fingers. I found the tiny ministrations relaxing, my mind focusing on the small ebbs and flows of her dancing nails as they went back and forth on my head. I sighed deeply, my mind focusing on the small touches and soothing movement that she was making. Her fingers were warm and the heat flowed as she rubbed the sides of my temples. On occasion, she allowed her hand to slip past my head and would grasp the nape of my neck. Her fingers would clasp my neck and firmly put pressure there before pulling the muscles. The tension would break away and I’d be lulled into a sense of relaxation as she pulled and soothed the muscles around the neck.

In all honesty, I needed this.

It wasn’t the first time she did this sort of thing with me either. Every now and then, I took breaks whenever Luna would say so, even despite Sombra’s insistence that I should not take a break at all. And while I did, I would spend time with Tantabus, who mainly helped me feel ready to begin training again and offer encouragement while doing so. We would often meditate before Luna and Sombra would have me come back, but it seemed that Tantabus wanted to give me a massage this time.

I wished that it would last as long as it could. Though, after the first few minutes, her rubbing slowed down.

“You seem troubled, Spencer. Are you alright?” Tantabus asked, her tiny fingers slowly ceasing as I remained on the table.

My eyes opened up to see her watching me with a curious stare, though she was not smiling and showed a neutral expression.

“I’m just exhausted right now, Tantabus. I’m-,” I trailed off, but she was not giving up that easily.

“It’s not that, Spencer. I sense a negative energy within you. It’s been eating away at you ever since we reunited. It has nothing to do with your meeting with Misery, that I am grateful for. Yet your mind is troubled on another matter.” she explained, her fingers tracing tiny circles on my head, likely searching for the smallest spot to find and prod into.

“Honestly, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Tantabus. I’m too tired at the moment to even have my own thoughts.” I said, my mind drifting back to the touch of her fingers.

But her fingers paused and soon after I felt my nose get booped by one of them.

“Now that is a blatant lie, Spencer. Much more than you possibly could, I see that you are troubled in real-life just as you are in the dream realm. You can’t hide what is plaguing you inside, for even I can tell that you are afflicted.” she explained with a disappointed look on her countenance. She leaned forward, her hair flowing like honey off her shoulder. “Does it have something to do with Tempest?”

I sighed, knowing that she was right.

It was a complete pain that I just didn’t want to deal with.

“It’s complicated, Tantabus. I don’t think you’d understand.” I said, avoiding her gaze.

Despite that effort, she placed her hand on my face and made me look at her.

“It shouldn’t be that complicated, Spencer,” she replied.

I brushed her hand away, a hint of annoyance rising in me. I knew what she wanted but I didn’t want to play ball with her. Or anyone for that matter.

“I can’t tell you. It’s not worth it,” I abruptly said, rolling my head to the side to try and ignore her.

“You can’t just ignore me,” Tantabus had her hand on my shoulder, “And you can’t push Tempest out of your mind either. It seems clear to me that she is more to you than you realize.”

I tried to ignore her, but what she said really struck something in me, “That’s not true. She’s not-”

“She is,” she interrupted, pressing on despite my attempts to disregard her words, “The very reason you're still alive in the first place is because she saved your life, and she is also in the same circumstances as you. In that both of you are in contact with Misery.”

I sat silently, closing my eyes and wishing for her to stop and just let it go.

“It may be something you don’t wish to speak of to me. But, perhaps the subject is something you’re more comfortable talking about to another, don’t you think?”

“No…she couldn't mean.” I thought to myself.

I opened my eyes in a flash and I looked at Tantabus, only to see the face of Princess Cadence. I genuinely freaked out when I saw her face.

“NO! NO! Get away from me!” I shouted, immediately getting up with a large leap off the table until I was just a few feet away and doing karate chops at her, “Go away! Go away! GO AWAY!”

The Face of Princess Cadence faded and Tantabus’s face returned.

“Why are you so hostile to Princess Cadence?” she asked, curious by how I reacted.

“I don’t want anything to do with her! She doesn’t know a thing about loss, betrayal, or what I went through in my homeworld! She doesn’t know anything about Ava…” I stopped when that name reached my lips.

I felt hurt and pain from speaking that name again, and now that Tantabus heard it...she’ll probably not want to stop pressing me on the matter.

“Who is this...Ava?” Tantabus asked with a tilt of her head.

I hated myself for uttering it and I wished it had died in my throat. I bit my lower lip and shut my eyes, turning away so that I wouldn’t have to look at her anymore.

“Spencer?” she asked, a motherly tone coming out of her.

I was embarrassed over my childish rant, but I guess that’s all she sees me as right now: A child. A child that didn’t need to be confronted, but one that needed comfort.

As I looked down to the ground, tears formed in my eyes not only because I knew Tantabus was right...but because I remembered how troubled I’ve secretly been. Tempest was a particular reason for why, and not just because she went from merely hating me to suddenly caring about me.

As my tears dripped off my face, I heard a twinkling sort of sound behind me. Footsteps followed, but they strangely gave off a clicking sound like high heeled shoes were on them.

“Spencer,” she said, her voice sounding much closer before a hand was placed on my shoulder, “Please. Turn around and look at me.”

Not wanting to fight with her on the matter, I turned to face her before anything else happened, her hand falling as I did so. When I looked at her, though…

I noticed that instead of the masseuse outfit she wore before, she was wearing a grape purple off shoulder ball gown. Her neck and the top of her shoulders were exposed, but the top of her breast and arms were covered by a large off shoulder top that was neatly straight. The skirt area was round like a circular teacup, ruffled in a pattern reminiscent of water ripples, and it ended at the bottom with a ruffled hem that made her feet invisible from view. She also wore an evening wrap of the same color, the ends being tied around her wrists and the rest of it laying against the back of her skirt area, and I found that out because she gave a slow twirl to show the rest of the wrap. And her hair...was in a large lace braided bun, with small lines of silver pearls decorating it.

I was absolutely awestruck by her appearance.

“Wow. Tantabus...you look...beautiful.” I told her, my breath hitching in my throat.

She offered a warm smile in response, “Thank you. I was originally going to wear this at the opera, but I changed my mind in the long run.”

As I stared at her with awe, she placed both of her hands on my shoulders.

“Besides. I think this occasion between us is honestly the far more fitting time for wearing it.” She told me.

Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around me and slowly pulled me closer to her until my body was against hers. The right side of my face laid against her chest, enabling me to hear her heartbeat with my ear. I felt her fur against my head and her dress with my cheek. With the rest of my body, I felt the fabric of her gown and the warmth she herself radiated, which was like a snuggly blanket. She then moved her right arm up before placing her hand against the back of my head, covering my mouth area with her arm and gently cupping my head with her hand as one would a glass cup. Her other arm was still wrapped around my back.

It was at that moment that I realized she was hugging me. Only not as tight as the last few times.

“There there, Spencer,” she said, her voice becoming soft and smooth as honey and her hug tightening up a bit. Not enough to suffocate me, though, “It’s okay. You’re alright.”

A strong scent wafted through my nostrils and lulled me into a sense of calm as I was in her grip, and I heard her humming as she held me. While my head sat there her right hand brushed the hair on the back of my head downwards, the right end of her evening wrap brushing against my cheek. The hairs would stand up from the sensation but I calmed when she repeated the process, starting from the top of my head and down the nape of my neck. Unable to help myself, I wrapped my arms around her and laid my hands on her back. I took in the feel of her dress and body as my hands were on her. She was snuggly like a giant teddy bear.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked as Tantabus continually stroked the back of my head.

“When a man is in distress or is overworked, it’s up to a woman to help calm and comfort him. I simply follow those same rules,” she explained, continuing with her tender ministrations.

“You don’t have to do this. Not many women would want to,” I said, slightly melting to the touch as I allowed myself to be held by her and continued hugging her back.

“Call me old fashioned then,” she said, lowering her head and gently settling her mandible on top of my own head, “I feel the old ways to be better anyway. Some traditions are practiced…” she slowly swayed me with her to the right like we were in a dance, “…others are discarded…” she slowly swayed me with her to the left, “…and some come to be treasured…” she swayed me with her until we were in a straight position, “…You never know how much a simple act like this can mean to another. Acts of kindness…” she swayed me with her to the right again, “…Love…” she swayed me with her to the left again, “…And so much more…” she swayed me with her into a straight position again, “Even if the giver is hundreds of years older than the subject.”

I chuckled in response, having felt lulled thanks to the hug-dancing.

“You're not that old, Tantabus,” I remarked, before moving my arms and hands up and down to feel the texture of her skin and gown.

She giggled, “At least I succeeded in one thing. Helping you recover your sense of humor.”

She then tightened her hug a little further, but again it wasn’t enough to crush me. Just enough for my right cheek to be squished against her chest and my left one to be squished against her arm, my lips pursing a bit. In response, I also tightened my hug on her. Something about being against her felt so lifegiving.

Her heart be thrummed softly in my ear.

“It also brings me such joy to find that you really do like being held and hugged by me. After all, you look like you’re enjoying this in contrast to the times when others are present.” She mischievously said, giggling at the last part before twiddling my hair a bit with the hand she was using to pet me.

I offered a smile in response. Whether it had only come from the two of us getting to know each other these past few days is something I don’t know, but it always warmed my heart to make Tantabus happy. Or laugh.

And she was right. When the rest of our friends were around, I was embarrassed because of them watching the whole thing. When it was just the two of us, though...her close contact with me was something I welcomed very much.

“I only wish I could do more than this.” She suddenly said in a softened tone, her strokes stopping and her arm lowering itself until it was on my back.

All of a sudden, her arms left my back and Tantabus’s body left mine. I looked up towards Tantabus to find that her expression was one of sadness. And like a large weight came on top of her, she closed her eyes, flattened her ears, and turned in the opposite direction. She didn’t walk away from me, though.

“I can’t help but feel terrible about not knowing what more to do for you. I really do want to help you with your problem, Spencer. But, I can’t do so if you won’t tell me what is secretly bothering you.” She told me, her head bending downwards, “Whenever someone I know and care for is burdened, I would feel saddened too. Even if I don’t know why they’re so melancholy. It only gets worse when my friends don’t tell me, because the more secretive they are…” She suddenly walked off, the clacking of high-heeled shoes accompanying her footsteps again, until we were five feet apart from each other, “...the more a rift would form. A similar situation happened with Master Luna between her and Celestia. The more she kept her problems secret from her sister, the more bitter she became until she embraced the darkness within her, even when Celestia voiced her concerns.”

“So I ask you, Spencer. Do you truly wish to put yourself in a similar situation as my master? To not confide to your friends about your burdens until you’re no longer yourself?”

I sighed to myself.

Once again, she was right. Unless I came clean with her, then my friendship with Tantabus would get strained. Keeping my problems to myself would also take a greater toll on me than the opposite, and so I realized that it was the only way I could get this heavy weight off my chest.

“Okay,” I said, her ears perking up and her head snapping upwards in response, “You’re right. There is something bothering me.”

She then turned around to face me so that I could see her eye-to-eye. Her interest was piqued all the more thanks to me admitting it, and I could tell that because of her curious expression.

“But. If I tell you this, you’re probably gonna want to sit down.” I warned her.

“Oh?” she said with confusion, before a warm smile came to her face, “Well, that can be arranged.”

With a wave of her arm, a blue couch suddenly materialized in front of us. A two-pieced couch to be exact, and the cushions looked to be as comfortable as can be. It didn’t take long for her to sit right on top of it, putting her hands on her lap after doing so before moving her left hand on the empty spot.

“Join me?” she asked.

I was surprised that she’d offer me a seat next to her, really.

Even after all that just transpired, she’s not just gonna walk away right after I tell her I’d comply? How can anyone have such infinite compassion?

I was reluctant to sit by her at first. But, with a deep breath, I walked right over to the couch. I stopped in front of it before easing myself down on the empty cushion, and as I did Tantabus moved her hand off of it. Once I sat on the couch, I adjusted myself to get more comfortable while looking down towards my lap, putting my arms and hands on my lap as I did so. After getting comfortable, I felt a warmth come inside of me thanks to being with Tantabus.

Tantabus is my friend. Why would I not trust her if all she’s done is offer me kindness and compassion?

“So,” Tantabus voiced, which caused me to look up at her. Her smile was as warm as ever, and her ears were as high-perked as they could get, “What seems to be the trouble?”

I looked down at the floor in response. The vivid memories that I kept trying to suppress were threatening to make me break down. Yet, with Tantabus next to me, I felt so much more at ease.

“Ava.” I muttered, the name still fresh on my mind and lips.

“Ava?” Tantabus asked, “What troubles you with this ‘Ava’?”

“She was…my girlfriend. In the world I came from.” I said, closing my eyes.

“Really?” Tantabus said, making me look back to her to find her head tilted sideways, “I didn’t know you had a love life.”

“I may not have been the most social guy, but that doesn’t mean I was a recluse or something.” I told her.

“I can see that. But, why? Why does she irk you so much?” Tantabus asked me, “Did the two of you have a rivalry of some sort?”

“I didn’t hate her, Tantabus. But the things she did. I just...I can never forget any of it.” I said.

As I sat there, I heard a twinkling sound generating in front of me. I looked up to find that there were small stars floating in the air until they all came to one particular spot. When they all put themselves together, they formed a swirling sphere that was pure white.

I looked at Tantabus with a questioning expression, “What is that?”

“A memory sphere,” Tantabus told me, before draping an arm over my shoulders and behind my neck until her hand laid itself on the left side of my lap, her evening wrap laying against my arm, “When one is sleeping while not involuntarily dreaming, their thoughts and memories can be presented to them. In this case, since you’ve been training, your involuntary dreams are being kept at bay and your mind is helping you present the memories.”

I blinked with shock at what she just told me.

I’m telling her about Ava and my memories will just present themselves? Like some sort of movie or TV show Tantabus and I are watching in front row seats?!

“That’s…actually kinda cool.” I nervously admitted, rubbing the back of my head, “I guess this pretty much makes up for me not being escorted solely by you at the opera. Or sitting next to you afterwards, right?”

“You could say that,” Tantabus said, before scooting close to me until our sides touched and moving her arm until it was across the front of my body, her hand planting itself on my right hip and her evening wrap laying on my lap and left hip, “But, I like to call this moment a greater solidification of our friendship.”

My heart warmed after hearing this and I offered a smile. With all that was happening, I never thought there would be an opportunity for our friendship to grow. It was at that moment that I decided to raise the arm that was between mine and Tantabus’s bodies away from my side, before putting it behind her back and laying the palm of my hand on her hip. I then scooted myself closer to her before laying my head on her side. With how close together we currently were, I figured it’d be only fair that I get situated until I was comfortable.

We were nestled together like a pair of turtle doves, and in every way…I felt so comforted to simply be next to her. Even like this, regardless of how tall Tantabus was compared to me.

Out of nowhere, the sound of classic music from the 80’s and 90’s generated. I looked towards the sphere to find that it had a moving picture with a disco ball. The music that came with the picture was riveting. Life was in the room, and the amount of laughter and loud chatting was a clear sign that everyone was having fun. Hundreds of students dancing and mingling in the center of the basketball turned ballroom.

At a punch table, I saw a guy that was standing in front of it. It didn’t take long for me to recognize that it was…well, me. Only a few years younger. I was wearing a pitch black tux, and my hair was in a fine cut. At the moment, it looked like I was drinking some punch.

“Is that you, Spencer?” Tantabus said, curiosity evident in her voice.

I looked back up to Tantabus with a smirk, “Who else could it be? A tuxedo salesman?”

“Of course not,” She responded with an eye roll, before smoothly rubbing my right side with the hand that was draped over me, “You look so adorable, Spencer. You clearly have the same looks today as you did back then.”

I blushed in response, feeling both flattered and bashful by that compliment, “Thanks.”

“Spencer!” a voice suddenly called out, which halted Tantabus’s rubbing and snapped both of our attentions back to the memory sphere.

We turned to find that past me was staring at something. Whatever it was, it caused him to be in complete astonishment, so much that it caused the arm holding his cup to hang loosely. The cup he had in his hand was facing straight forward, making whatever leftover punch was inside of it to spill.

The memory then switched itself to show what past me was staring at: Ava. A girl with auburn hair, green eyes, and the sweetest smile that was capable of melting any hardened man’s heart. She was wearing a pure white gown, nice and trimmed with the right side of the lower end cut just above her knee, revealing some of her skin.

What the sphere was also showing was how happy she appeared to be seeing Past Me, and she was waving rapidly with joy. The me in the sphere waved back to Ava in return, equally joyful upon seeing her. And then, all two of them left where they were standing and ran towards each other. Once they got close enough, they immediately hugged. They held onto each other like a part of their individual souls was put back together with the other.

After what seemed like an eternity, they finally parted to get a good look at each other.

“I’m so sorry if I made you wait too long. The traffic was crazy,” Ava explained, before looking past me down and up until she made eye contact again, “You look so handsome.”

“Thanks,” Past Me told her, before gently grasping one of her hands with his own, “And you look gorgeously stunning.”

It was then that Past Me kissed the back of her hand like a commoner would royalty. Once his lips parted, he looked back up to Ava to find that she was blushing.

She giggled after making eye contact with Past Me again, “You always did know how to charm me, Spencer. Thanks.”

“Hey, no problem,” Past Me said, before letting go of her hand and wiggling his eyebrows up and down, “It’s what I do.”

As I watched the display between the two of them, I felt so warmhearted. Seeing Past Me happy with Ava was wonderful, of course. But, it was the fact that Ava was so happy and peaceful in return that truly made my day. I almost wondered why I broke up with her in the first place.

Yet, that memory I repressed deeply.

Suddenly, slow-sounding music came and the lights in the memory sphere dimmed to that of a dark pink. A development that didn’t go unnoticed by Past Me and Ava.

“May I have this dance, M’lady?” Past Me asked Ava, bowing as he did so.

“I thought you’d never ask, Good Sir.” Ava replied, grasping his hand as he was still bowing

Once Past Me straightened himself up, he and Ava went straight to the dance floor. They walked amongst the crowd of dancing graduates until they finally found a spot. Once they arrived, two of them got close to each other and started dancing. Ava looked to be having all the fun in the world as Past Me led her in the dance, and in return…Past Me looked to be so happy being in her company.

Seeing this display…was too much for me to bear. With a bow of my head, the memory sphere immediately disappeared from view.

I stood up from my seat and faced away from Tantabus.

“What’s wrong?” Tantabus asked me, concern clear in her voice.

I took a deep breath in order to tell her, not wanting to keep my feelings a secret anymore. I turned back towards Tantabus to look at her as she was still sitting.

“I’m sorry, Tantabus,” I told her, earning a confused look on her face, “I didn’t want to remind myself of what happened past the dance.”

She then stood up from her seat, towering over me and clearly showing she wanted to know why I cut off the memory sphere.

“The memories of my time with Ava before the dance are ones I’ve always cherished. I loved her with all my heart. She was beautiful, funny, and was everything I dreamed of to the point of where I believed she was the one for me. But the memories of after the dance…” I looked down towards the ground before shedding tears, “…are ones that I’ve often wished I could forget.”

I then saw her place a hand under my chin, lifting my head so that I could look her in the eye. Even if my tears were soaking her hand.

“But, the two of you seemed happy together. A perfect match even, like one made in Heaven,” She said to me.

I responded by gently grasping her hand with all two of mine, “That’s what I thought too.”

“Then, why do you wish to forget about her?” She asked, her worry being like a mother for her child.

I lowered her hand down with my own but still held on to it, wanting to show that I wasn’t wanting to shut her out or make her leave.

“Because…things changed,” I told her, earning a confused look, “Something happened between us. Something that caused our relationship to be strained, and transformed Ava from the love of my life…to a nightmare.”

“What?” She asked with a raise of an eyebrow.

I sighed before letting go of her hand, “That’s the part I want to forget the most. I broke up with Ava because of it,” Instead of simply walking away like I was doing, though, she didn’t want me to leave.

I looked down to the ground again, feeling shameful beyond anything.

“I ran from her as fast as I could. I ran, and ran, and…”

But as I spoke, my throat felt like it was constricting into a knot. I choked so much as I tried to speak, and the tears I was shedding came down like waterfalls. I was so distressed that I felt as though I lost my voice.

All of a sudden, Tantabus’s hands grasped my cheeks before lifting my head to look at her again. As I looked into her eyes, I saw that she too was shedding tears. Although they weren’t as strong as mine, I could tell that she was crying because of me.

“I’m so sorry,” I said with a whimper, tightening my hug a little before rubbing my cheek against her chest.

Like a miracle suddenly came, Tantabus hugged me in return. She wrapped her arms around the upper area of my back and pulled me closer to her. Her strength felt like a combination of both gentle and strong, and she pulled me against her so much that I felt like I was sinking into her dress. She resumed petting the back of my head after pulling me into the limit of her embrace.

“There, there, Spencer,” She said to me comfortingly, “It’s alright. I’m here.”

As we were still hugging each other, I felt the two of us moving simultaneously. I opened my eyes to find that Tantabus was sitting down on the couch she generated, carrying me with her as I was against her chest. When she sat down on the center of the couch, she grabbed my legs with her arms and placed me onto her lap, my feet sitting on part of her skirt.

I ended my hug on her to get a better view of my current position. Tantabus ended her hug too, although she kept her left arm behind my back, obviously to keep me from falling off her lap. As I looked at how I was seated, I noted that I was sitting on Tantabus and that her skirt area apparently widened so that my feet wouldn’t be anywhere but on her dress. It was like she wanted to ensure no part of us was separated from each other.

“I’m really proud of you, Spencer.” Tantabus told me.

I looked up to Tantabus to find that she had a warm smile on her face, although I felt confused about why she said that she was ‘proud of me’ and why she appeared to be so serene.

“Why?” I said with a sigh, my shoulders sagging, “I cut off the memory sphere before it could show anything beyond the dance Ava and I shared. I didn’t tell you everything that happened when it was gone, and even when I tried to, all I did was choke.”

“All of that is very true, Spencer,” She agreed, before smoothly petting my cheek with her free hand, “But, you pushed yourself to the best of your ability to be honest with me. You were willing to keep our friendship from being endangered by not shutting yourself away from me anymore. And no matter how great your repressiveness apparently was, you were willing to take it on with courage and strength.”

She then stopped petting my cheek by simply laying her palm on it, “I know that you cut off the memory sphere and came to a stopping point before you could explain anything else, but I understand why that happened as well. Emotional turmoil is something that isn’t easily dispelled, and so conquering it takes time.”

I took a deep breath after hearing this and put my hands on the one that was against my cheek. Hearing her tell me that I managed to make some progress with my own inner turmoil was reassuring beyond anything, and it warmed my heart that me being open with Tantabus benefitted something that I didn’t know I cherished more than I thought: My friendship with her.

“I appreciate you telling me this, Tantabus,” I told her, before putting my hands down and looking at her with confusion, “There’s something I don’t understand, though. In the real world, I didn’t feel as overcome by my past burdens. But here, they came at me full force like a freight train. Why?”

“The dreamscape is a powerful world, Spencer,” Tantabus explained, before taking her hand away from my cheek and wrapping her free arm around me again, “In the waking world, it is very easy for someone to conceal their inner conflicts or past burdens if they wish to. In the dream world, though...no matter how much you try to hide it, even your most embarrassing secrets can come to light. And believe me, I know this because I have dreams as well.”

She then pulled me close to her until my upper body and the right side of my face was against her chest once more, my forehead being against her neckline.

“Dreams can reveal things that make us stay awake at night, often to tell us that we must face our fears. Other times, it is connected to things that we may not even comprehend,” She moved her arms and hands down and up my back like she was petting me while hugging, stopping once they were back in the middle, “For you, I dare say that it is telling you about what you faced, yet you refuse to confront it due to the pain of doing so. Frankly speaking, you're hurting your own soul for not seeing the things that were done and moving on from them.”

For some reason, her words hit true to me. I shuddered at the thought before giving a cheek-rub against her.

“I don’t want to be alone forever, Tantabus. But…I just wish I could forget the bad times I had for good.” I muttered before looking back up at Tantabus and tightening my grip on her a bit, a strange guilt building up inside of me.

I saw her slowly put one of her hands against my cheek, covering my mouth area once more but not in a way that would keep me from speaking.

“And where did that leave Princess Luna, after being cast away for a thousand years and left with her iniquity? Banished to her own devices after succumbing to her own guilt and making self inflicted wounds upon her own conscience? Or dare I say make her become less worthy of being a sister to Princess Celestia and a leader of her people?”

I slowly looked back up to Tantabus. “But…Luna would never-”

“She had always seen her sister as the one whom everypony in Equestria loved the most. She believed that the day was worshiped far longer than that of the night, and her life became harder when she realized too few ponies had loved the night, which was the time she deeply needed comfort. In her mind, and from what I have witnessed, she saw herself become a victim of favoritism. Instead of realizing this, she began to blame others for her misgivings, leading her to rebel against Princess Celestia. From there, Nightmare Moon came to be,” Tantabus said, her hand leaving my face until she placed it on my back again.

“So she blamed others for believing that she couldn’t progress past her own misgivings?” I asked, slightly interested over what Tantabus told me.

“Indeed. She also feared that if she didn’t let her voice be known, Celestia would either ignore her or not listen to her. This mindset of being a self-victim was poisonous and she couldn’t slip past it. Yet, Celestia was always there, providing guidance whenever she could and comforting Master Luna when possible. She would even go to her bedchamber whenever my master slept and tuck her in when her covers fell off of her, despite not knowing the true scope of her Sister’s plight until my master’s transformation.”

“So, that was why Princess Luna oppressed herself until she turned evil and got banished to the moon? Because she couldn’t see past the times that gave her pain?”

“Exactly. It was only after she had returned and Princess Twilight and her friends used the Elements of Harmony that she managed to overcome her faults and learn from this. Despite the harrowing journey she endured, she wanted to serve alongside her sister. She knew in her heart that she was in the wrong, and it was what helped her move past what she had gone through and learn to be better.”

“In fact, she recovered as a result. For the night was equally as important as the day. Both could not survive without the other. The strength of one's character and the value of their life are defined not by what problems they had, but instead by what they have done to turn those obstacles into opportunities. When she resolved to a victimhood mindset it had granted a momentary feeling of power and moral superiority. But, it did not improve any lives in the long run, nor help the citizens of Equestria. So for you, Spencer, I believe that if you can see past what you experienced before, you can heal from what they caused you.” She said, easing up on the hug afterwards.

I leaned away from her so that I could look her up in the eye and took my arms and hands away from her back, my position apparently being like a kid sitting on the lap of Santa Claus. My hands were placed on my own lap but Tantabus’s hands were still on my back.

“Do you feel that Ava betrayed you?” Tantabus asked.

I nodded my head.

“And that the only reason you cannot meet with Princess Cadence, or be in a closer relationship with a girl, is due to the events revolving around your time with Ava?”

“Yes,” I said, almost to a whisper despite feeling I wanted to shout it out, “But, it wasn’t just because of my time with Ava.”


I sighed in response. Even if I didn’t tell her everything that happened in my time with Ava, I felt that I could probably tell Tantabus of some other...experiences. So, I scooted myself off her lap and back on the couch, although I continued making eye contact with her and cuddled myself against her side to show that I trusted her.

“In the years after I broke up with Ava, I tried to date again here and there. I met many girls who, despite not being anything like Ava, were all ones that I found myself attracted to and were fun to hang out with. In total, I went on three dates,” I took a deep breath so that I wouldn’t feel like my throat was locking up, “However, each of my three other relationships eventually went from great to terrible.”

Tantabus gave another one of her cute head tilts in response, an expression that was both curious and concerned being on her face.

“My first relationship, which was with a girl named Brittany, ended after one year because I unwittingly discovered that she was addicted to drugs. My second relationship, which began a month later with a girl named Tessa, ended after 8 months because she left me for some other guy. And my third relationship, which started nearly a year later and was with a girl named Maggie, ended after 5 months.”

“What happened to Maggie?” Tantabus asked.

I took another deep breath to relax myself, “One rainy day, I was waiting for her at a cafe where we were having a lunch date. However, when I decided to watch the afternoon news on one of the restaurant’s TVs while waiting, I saw that…”

I paused for a moment because my throat suddenly felt like it was getting constricted. As if sensing my predicament, Tantabus smoothly rubbed my throat. I wasn’t sure how that would help, but...my throat suddenly didn’t feel as tight. She then laid the hand of the arm that was on my throat against my hip, her arm going across the front of my body.

“...I saw that she apparently got run over by a car,” I finally said. Her expression became one of inquisitiveness, which I had a feeling was because she never heard of a car before. But, I didn’t think now was the best time to explain, “She was killed in an accident while crossing the street. No one ever expected it, and the driver said he had no idea someone was crossing, but...she died.”

And with that, Tantabus’s expression changed from curious to shocked, “Oh. I-I’m sorry. That must’ve been terrible.”

“It was. And the most heartbreaking thing about losing Maggie was that she was the only one who didn’t have a shady secret or something like that. I thought I finally found the perfect girl, but fate just up and took her away,” I told her with sadness. I took another deep breath after saying this, “Ever since then, I gave up on dating. I decided that I wasn’t gonna go out with girls anymore and try to make a larger than life connection with them.”

“Well, what about the other ladies you’ve interacted with in Equestria? Such as Master Luna, Stella, and the Elements of Harmony?” Tantabus asked.

“They’re different,” I explained, “They’re my friends. Even though I gave up on dating, that didn’t stop me from making friends with girls. Heck, even though Cadence and Stella can get on my nerves at times, I like them because they proved to be great friends.”

“Well, what about me? Do you not consider our current time together as a date?” She asked me, curiosity written on her face.

I blinked in surprise upon hearing this.

“W-What?” I stuttered, shocked beyond anything, “I-I didn’t know you-”

She giggled upon seeing her how flustered I was.

“I’m joking, Spencer,” She assured me, before pulling me onto her until the side of my face was against her dress, “As I said before, this moment we’re currently sharing is to further solidify our friendship. If I was romantically interested in you, I would likely be much more shy about putting you in close proximity with me.”

“Good point.” I said with a nod, no longer feeling flustered, “But, anyway…outside of whenever I make friends with girls, it seems like every time I go out with someone or fall in love with a girl, bad luck follows me.”

“Bad luck?” She looked at me with a suspicious raise of an eyebrow, “Oh, come now, Spencer. There’s no such thing as bad luck.”

“Tell that to the last four dates I went on,” I said, a little disenchanted by Tantabus’s skepticism, “To make matters worse, I’ve been getting plagued by bad luck even when I’m not dating. No matter what I do, I always seem to cause an accident, make a mistake, or wind up in some terrible situation, and my time in Equestria is no exception to these cases.”

“So, you believe these bad experiences and outcomes in your romantic relationships enacted some sort of curse on you?”

“Exactly!” I exclaimed, although I made sure to keep from shouting, “Hell, this ‘curse’ I have was the very reason I got captured by the Storm King.”

Tantabus scratched her chin in thought, clearly fascinated by what I just said, “Spencer, I don’t believe in curses or in bad luck, but it does seem to explain a lot about you.”

“How?” I asked her, clearly wanting to know.

“Master Luna told me that you’re very accident prone and would unwittingly make mistakes. However, she also told me that you’re one of the smartest creatures she ever knew, and that’s something I know from personal experience too,” She told me, before giving me a nuzzle on my head, “Anyone can make an accident or mistake, Spencer. Or even find themselves in a dire situation. Some more so than others.”

“Yay. I’m aware of that,” I told her, “But, why me? Why have I been getting plagued by this…whatever you call that isn’t a curse or bad luck?”

“I don’t exactly know the answer myself,” Tantabus confessed, “It would be nice if I did, though, because then we’d probably figure out how to break you out of that funk of yours.”

“I agree,” I said with a nod, “In whatever case, I felt that it’d be best if I didn’t go on dates anymore or fall in love with someone again. I made a solemn vow to myself, and I pretty much stuck by it ever since.”

“Until you met Tempest, of course.” Tantabus pointed out.

I became wide eyed with shock upon hearing Tantabus say this.

“WHAT?!” I shouted, jumping out of Tantabus’s arm and onto the other side of the couch, “Oh no! No, no, no! Tempest doesn’t count in the slightest!”

“Really?” Tantabus said with a smirk.

“Yes, really!” I asserted.

But Tantabus only crossed her arms over her chest at this, “Then what would you call that time you hung out with Tempest in the dream concocted by Master Luna? Or that time you danced with her at the ballet?”

“How was I supposed to know she was going to be in Sombra’s dream?! I didn’t expect to see her there at all, and I didn’t want to see her there to begin with.”

“And yet a small part of you wished that she could save you from Misery before that, remember?”

“Only because I was desperate! I thought for sure Misery was going to get me, and I was starting to think no one would ever get me away from her.”

“That is a fair point,” Tantabus admitted, although her smirk still kept up and she turned her body in my direction, her legs and skirt area moving onto the cushions. Incredibly, the end of her skirt still covered her feet and practically drooped because of the way she was sitting, “However, that isn’t in the same subject as when you spent time with her in the party dream.”

“Well, that was different,” I coolly said, “Luna came up with that idea as a way for me to get close to Tempest so that I could get to know her more, and she wasn’t supposed to know that it was me.”

“Another fair point,” Tantabus conceded, but her smirk still kept up, “But, there is still one thing I’d like to ask regarding those events.”

“And that is?” I asked with a raise of an eyebrow.

She moved her hands up to her chin and rested it on her knuckles, the sides of her evening wrap loosely hanging in the air, “Did you have fun?”

But before I could respond with another word of denial…something in my head popped.

Did I have fun being with Tempest?

I bit my lower lip and looked away from Tantabus because the very question was one I got scared of actually answering. I didn’t want to admit it, but deep down…I really did have fun being with Tempest. I could never figure out why, though, because she and I have pretty much hated each other’s guts in the past.

“Spencer?” Tantabus said to me, her voice sounding closer than before.

I stopped biting my lower lip and looked back towards Tantabus. When I did, I found that she apparently scooted herself close to me. She was sitting on the couch with her feet on the cushions, her legs being completely out of viewpoint and her skirt area ruffling upwards. The way she was positioned reminded me of a flower on the verge of blooming.

Immediately, I positioned myself until my legs and feet were on top of the couch like she was doing, turning my body in her direction while doing so.

“You never did answer my question yet,” She reminded me, before putting her hands on my shoulders, “Did you have fun spending time with Tempest?”

“I…well…” I nervously said, my tongue feeling like it was in a knot before I took another deep breath, “Yes. I did.”

Tantabus responded by gently picking me up before putting me back on her lap. Then, she slowly wrapped her arms around me in another hug.

“You see? That wasn’t so hard.” Tantabus said.

“What? Embarrassing myself?” I quirkily responded.

But Tantabus only giggled in response, to which I felt the vibrations as I was against her body, “No, silly. Being honest with me. One thing I learned from Master Luna is that when you are truthful to your friends, you’re also being truthful to yourself. It helps to clear the burdens within you.”

“I can see that,” I responded, wrapping my arms around her back again and resting my head against her chest, “I don’t feel as heavy on the inside. But, why’d you want me to admit that I had fun with Tempest anyway?”

“It was partly out of curiosity, really,” Tantabus told me, “Other than that, I’ve been sensing how conflicted you are over her, which was another topic I was hoping we could discuss. From what I’m seeing, you’re not sure how you actually feel about her based on many of your past experiences with her.”

I sighed in response. She pretty much hit the nail on the head with that observation.

“I’m not sure how often you’re going to be the right one, but yeah. You’re right about that,” I admitted, before pulling away from her despite her arms still being around me, “Why wouldn’t I be? Ever since we first met, Tempest has done nothing but beat me up and put me down, and I still have the scars to prove that. I can’t help but hate her so much for all she did. But then, she switches from full-on hating me to suddenly caring about me and looking out for me. And now, I’m not sure what to feel anymore.”

She straightened her legs towards the arm of the couch, which caused me to sink downwards a little as I was wrapped in her arms, “I can see why you would feel this way. It does seem strange that someone who mistreats you suddenly takes a softer tone.”

“Tell me about it. To make matters worse, I have to face her right when I wake up.”

She gave me a quizzical look, “How come?”

"Tantabus...I hate to say it, but...I think she knows."

"Knows what?" Tantabus asked me, her arms easing off me and giving me the freedom to straighten myself.

"About what's been happening," I told her, "About me not being some figment of her imagination in her dreams. Or at least she suspects that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Before I met up with you, Luna, and Sombra again, she was asking me why she kept seeing me while she was asleep. I didn't answer before because I was too tired and scared to do so, but...after I wake up, I think there's going to be a very big talk between us."

"Do you have any idea as to what to do next?" Tantabus asked again.

"That's just it," I confessed to her, "I don't know what to do. I'm not even sure if it's okay to spill the beans to Tempest."

“Spill the beans?” Tantabus asked with a quizzical look, “Why would you want to spill beans on her? Wouldn’t that cause her to take a shower afterwards?”

Despite the fact that she clearly didn’t know what I meant by that, I couldn’t help but giggle. I guess Luna didn’t take the time to teach her about expressions.

“It’s a figure of speech. It means to confess and tell someone the truth.” I told her.

“Oh,” She said with a bashful giggle, “Forgive me, this ‘figure of speech’ thing is a concept that I’m still new towards.”

“Hey, it’s no problem,” I said with a shrug, “You learn something new everyday.”

“Quite right,” Tantabus agreed with a nod, “But, to your point…”

It was then that the couch we were sitting on gently turned itself to the right, although Tantabus’s body didn’t move with it. Instead, she was practically motionless, and when the couch stopped turning she draped her legs and skirt over the edge, her feet settling on the ground with a soft clack. As for me, I was still on her lap, although my feet and legs were back on the couch.

Her smile disappeared after everything got settled.

“Have you told Master Luna about this?” Tantabus asked me, an edge of seriousness in her voice.

“Not really,” I admitted, feeling ashamed for not doing so now that I told her, “Everything happened so fast after I met up with the three of you again. With how constant my training’s been, I didn’t think to actually talk to her or Sombra about the whole thing. As time went by, I also actually wanted to think Tempest was just being delirious from not having enough sleep, but now…”

“Because of your burdens making themselves known as you were with me, you’re worried again that your mission to secretly get Tempest to defect from the Storm King may have been compromised.” She finished for me.

“Well…” I nervously said, looking off to the side and rubbing my arm, “...yeah.”

Tantabus’s warm and loving smile returned, “I understand, Spencer.”

She pulled me closer to her until I was against her chest.

“It’s easy to lose concern over something the more time goes by, especially if you’re not exactly certain over the thing in question,” She commented, giving a pet on my back as her arms were wrapped around me, “Even if you neglected to reveal this information right away, though, I’m glad you voiced your concerns to me when you did.”

“So am I, actually,” I admitted, pulling away from her chest as her arms were still around me before directing my eyes up to look at her, “With all that’s happened so far, I feel like I can talk to you about anything. And trust you more than anything, for that matter.”

“I’m glad you feel that way.” She said, her fond gaze being strong enough to warm my heart.

“Tantabus…” I said, taking a deep breath so that I’d be more relaxed only for anxiety to build in me again, “What am I gonna do? I don’t want to compromise the mission, and I don’t even know if I’m supposed to. But if Tempest really is onto me, what can I do as she and I face each other in the real world? What if she-”

Right before I asked that last question, Tantabus put two of her fingers on my lips, silencing me from talking.

“Take it easy, Spencer,” Tantabus said, before she leaned her head closer to me as her fingers were still on my mouth, “I know how scary this must be, but you need to calm yourself. Anxiety and stress aren’t exactly emotions that help you think clearly, you know?”

I nodded with understanding despite her fingers still being on my lips. When she retracted her arm away from me, I took another deep breath to calm myself, but in the process…I suddenly felt incredibly depressed.

“Can you really blame me?” I asked her in a saddened tone.

I slid off her lap despite her arms still being around me, although instead of Tantabus using her strength to keep me in the same position, she let me scoot along by repositioning her arms. I slid until I was back on the cushion. Tantabus’s left arm was still around me but it was over my shoulders and behind my neck again. As for me, despite having moved off of her and keeping my eyes towards my lap, I kept the side of my body pressed against hers. In spite of how depressed and non-talkative I became, I wanted to show her that I was still willing to keep opening myself to her and didn’t want to leave her.

“Spencer,” Tantabus said. I looked back towards her to find that she had another warm smile on her face, “If it makes you feel any better, I believe that Tempest may very well be ready to hear you out.”

I looked at her with a quizzical expression, “What makes you so sure?”

She then wrapped the upper part of her left arm over my chest area, “As you were training, I was tasked by Master Luna to closely monitor her dreams using her dream bubble while staying in yours. To my surprise, I noticed that Misery hasn’t been haunting her dreams just like she hasn’t been haunting yours while you trained.”

“Really? But…why?”

“I don’t know,” A look of confusion and concern suddenly dawned on her face, “Although I will admit that it unsettles me since Misery must have an ulterior reason for going into hiatus all of a sudden,” Right when she finished saying that, another warm and relaxed smile formed on her face, “But, I also believe that it opens up an opportunity for you.”


“If Tempest really has begun to suspect you of actually being in the same dreams as her, perhaps her recently peaceful rest will help her let you talk without resorting to violence afterwards. A lot of times, a creature’s testiness and aggression towards others is often the result of a lack of sleep,” Tantabus said with a matter-of-fact sort of voice at that last part.

“On that I can relate with.”

She softly rubbed my arm after I made that comment, “Luna never took the time to tell me what would happen if Tempest found out, but both she and I didn’t rule that out as a possibility either. The only thing we’re really unsure of is whether she actually knows about Luna’s abilities in general.”

“What do you mean? Wouldn’t Tempest already know about Luna being able to raise the moon?”

“Possibly,” Tantabus answered, the rubbing on my arm stopping, “However, after you told Luna about Tempest, she and Celestia took the time to delve into the Equestrian Census Bureau in order to discover her origins. They couldn’t find Tempest’s name, but the Sisters did discover a report of a unicorn filly going missing over ten years before Luna’s return. The filly in question was never found, and it was like she disappeared into thin air.”

“So, you and the Sisters think Tempest could possibly be the missing filly, right?”

“Precisely,” Tantabus confirmed with a nod, “Before Master Luna returned, Equestria had no idea she existed for a thousand years. The only one who still knew was Celestia. With the exception of the Mare in the Moon legend, Celestia collected every piece of evidence of Master Luna’s existence so that the revelation would be kept a secret. She feared that, if anyone knew, a villainous cult or single felon would try to break Luna out of her imprisonment before the Elements of Harmony could be gifted to their new chosen bearers. All she had to go on in order to patiently wait was a secret prophecy she gathered by reading the stars.”

“And that prophecy was…?” I said, gently leading her on to continue.

“Oh, just that in a thousand years, the Elements would be bestowed to six individual ponies who would represent each of them. The ponies in question being Twilight Sparkle and her friends.” She commented with a mischievous smirk.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Of course I already knew that, but I wasn’t sure where Tantabus was going with it all yet. I suddenly felt Tantabus give me a gentle squeeze with her arm as it was over my body, which caused me to look directly back at her.

“In whatever case, the Sisters and I believe that Tempest hasn’t the slightest clue of Master Luna’s existence or abilities,” Tantabus told me, which helped me understand things more clearly, “With all that you’ve told me so far as to why you believe Tempest may have figured out you were actually with her in the dream realm, perhaps the time has come for her to learn the truth.”

She pulled me onto her side again and gave me another gentle squeeze, “When you meet up with Tempest for the upcoming interrogation, I advise you to take things slowly with her. Be open and honest to her about what’s been happening, but try not to overwhelm her with the information either. Her time away from Equestria and possible lack of knowledge towards the events during her absence may very well cause her to get more confused than understanding, which is a common reaction amongst those visiting Equestria for the first time.”

She then leaned herself onto me until her cheek rested on my head and moved it to look forwards, “I know you’re scared of her, and you have every reason to not trust her despite the recent developments between you two. But, I believe it’s high time you confront her no matter how afraid or hesitant you are to do so. Talk to her, and be truthful to her with every ounce of courage and honesty within you, just like a true knight would for their superiors. And just like how you’ve been with me.”

She rubbed her cheek on my head as it laid there, “The biggest goal Master Luna had in mind from the beginning was merely for you and Tempest to grow a positive bond, especially since she and I believe a potential connection must have grown between the two of you whether you believe it or not,” She stopped rubbing her cheek on my head, “Considering the fact that she’s lieutenant of the Storm King’s army, I have a feeling that you’ll probably have no choice but to ‘spill the beans’ to her, so to speak. Her position of authority is one in which she’ll try to get whoever she wants answers from to talk no matter how long they hold back or don’t wish to speak, and it would likely only get worse if you don’t tell her what she wants to know.”

She leaned her head away from the top of mine, to which I directed my head to look back at her and make eye contact. “The only question regarding the whole thing is this…” She put her other hand against my cheek, “Are you willing to do it, Spencer? To open yourself up to her, trust her, and allow her to officially become a larger part of your life? Especially since this very confrontation could perhaps mean it’s time to break the barriers the two of you put between yourselves?”

As I processed her advice and encouraging tone, I couldn’t help but tear up again. Only this time, it was with joy. Her love and care for me was something I found to be lifegiving beyond compare. To show how much I appreciated everything she’s done for me, I pressed myself further onto her side. I cuddled her with the side of my face, taking in the feel of her body and dress before placing the arm that was between us behind her back and my hand on her hip.

“I’m willing, Tantabus,” I told her, moving my head up some in order to straighten my neck and looking back up to her, “I’m willing.”

As Tantabus looked at me, she gained a look that was as warm as ever. She then leaned her head down before nuzzling me on my forehead. In turn, I moved my head around, which caused her nuzzling to cease, until my left cheek was against the right side of her jaw area and cheek rubbed her again. Tantabus responded in kind by nuzzling my cheek.

If this was the kind of love and interaction a momma bear and her cub often shared, I can see why they’d like doing this. It felt incredibly soul-giving.

Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat. Someone who sounded male. Tantabus obviously heard it too, because her ears were perked very high and were directed towards where the sound was coming from. We drew our heads away from each other and turned to find Sombra and Luna standing not too far from where we were sitting.

“As much as I despise this tender moment the two of you are having, the human needs to return,” Sombra stated, clearly bemused by all that he was seeing.

Luna, on the other hand, was looking on with a smirk that was amused and warm.

“Oh, come now, Sombra. I think this little moment between them is adorable,” Luna said, crossing her arms as her smirk became all-the-more amused, “Granted, I knew that Tantabus and Spencer grew a particular fascination and fondness for each other, but if I didn’t know any better…” She paused before chortling a bit, “I’d say that they were in love.”

Out of nervousness, I moved my body and arm off of Tantabus in order to compose myself some. I didn’t know if Tantabus would let go of me in return, but surprisingly…she too decided to separate herself from me. She took her arm off of me and her hand away from my cheek. I looked back towards her to find that she had an understanding smile as to why I decided to move away from her, and she added onto that with a wink.

I looked back towards Sombra and Luna, who still had the same expressions as before.

“Guys, this isn’t what it looks like. Tantabus and I are close, but…not that close.” I insisted.

“Oh, really?” Luna said, her smirk growing.

“Yes, really!”

“Then what would you call all the nuzzling and hugging you two were doing just now?”

Just as I was about to respond, though…

“I was merely helping Spencer to gain a soothed soul while you were away, Master Luna,” Tantabus spoke, to which I looked up towards her to find she had a fond smile on her face, “The poor dear seemed more weary and anxious from his training than usual, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to provide him with some motherly solace. Aside from that…” she then put her arm over my shoulders again, “I seem to recall you giving this kind of comfort to him as he endured the hardships of a prisoner. And what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t take the time to do the same?”

I gained a fond smile of my own upon hearing this.

“You make a very valid point, Tantabus,” Luna voiced, which made Tantabus and I look back towards Luna to find her expression now just being plain warm and her hands on her belly, “It’s nice to know that you’re learning so much from me on how to be a great friend to others, as well as what to do whenever someone you care for is under stress.”

“Thank you.” Tantabus said with a nod.

“If you two are done with your bantering,” Sombra voiced, causing all three of us to look towards him, “I don’t wish to sound repetitive, but there are more important things that need to be done.”

“You are correct on that, Sombra.” Luna agreed.

As if a verbal point wasn’t enough, Princess Luna disappeared in a flash before reappearing some distance away. When she reappeared, though, some sort of obstacle course also popped in front of her, where high walls and wooden beams jutted out of the ground. Along with what appeared to be a giant wooden ball with spikes all over it. I refocused my gaze on Sombra, and Sombra in turn kept his stern and cold look upon me.

Boy,” Sombra said, a deep growl coming from within.

Instinctively, I jumped off of the couch and out of Tantabus’s arm, before snapping to attention with a salute, despite it being silly to do so. Tantabus giggled at the display, even as she stood up from the couch.

“Marvelous reaction time, Spencer,” Tantabus commented, making the couch disappear before arriving behind me afterwards, “You managed to accomplish one of the most important aspects of being a knight. When your commanding officer calls for you, never hesitate to answer.”

“I learned that from him.” I quirkily responded, ending my salute while still standing at attention.

Despite wondering why Tantabus was standing behind me rather than beside me, I directed my head towards Luna as she was giving the obstacle course a test run. With the push of a button on a controller, she activated the gigantic hammer that was in the middle of the course. Instead of going at whatever speed it was intended for, though…


…it hammered so fast that I already envisioned myself getting turned into a pancake. Without even getting past it!

I wrapped my arms around Tantabus' waist in another hug and held her there, unintentionally bringing my head to brush against her stomach. Tantabus was surprised at first, although she couldn’t help but laugh at my predicament as I held on for dear life.

“Well Sombra,” Tantabus said, before moving her evening wrap from behind her back and wrapping it and her arms around me in another hug, “It seems that Spencer would rather be with me than let you tear us apart. Perhaps you should let him stay where he is.”

For this moment alone I would allow it to slide since I didn’t want to know what they had planned next.

“I don’t care how he feels or how much you wish to pamper him. He needs to train immensely if he is to combat Misery. We can’t let him dawdle.” I heard Sombra move closer, his heavy feet pressing ever forward.

“Don’t be so pejorative, Sombra. He is trying his best, and when in doubt, rest is best.” Tantabus said, bending down on her knees until my head was at her chest and pulling me closer against her.

She then lifted me up in the air until my feet were off the ground.

“Besides,” she giggled, before shimmying me side-to-side with her like we were in a hug dance, “I’m enjoying myself too much for this little moment to pass.”

As I was stuck to Tantabus, I looked down to see Sombra eyeing the whole thing with a peeved expression.

“I wouldn’t be so irked if it weren’t for the fact I have to deal with a hapless ape. I don’t care how slovenly I must be with him,” he said, grabbing me by my ankle and pulling me. I was pulled rather hard but Tantabus' grip never ceased. She pressed me tighter against her and Sombra pulled me much harder with his hands.

“Quit being childish and let him go,” Sombra stated.

“I don’t want to,” Tantabus replied, pulling me further until my mouth and nose areas were covered by her arms.

“Tantabus!” he shouted, more irritated as she held on.

“I’m not listening,” she said with a singsong voice, shimmying me with her again.

“You’re smothering the man,” Sombra deadpanned.

“Your point?” she asked.

He did have a point. I couldn’t breathe from how tight she was hugging me. With whatever strength I had I pressed my hands onto her sides and lifted myself away from her, allowing myself to gasp for much needed air. Seeing this, Tantabus gasped when she realized that I really was suffocating and unwrapped her arms off of me. I was able to have free wriggle room again and took a step back, although her evening wrap was still around my back and her hands were on my sides.

“I’m so sorry, Spencer. I couldn’t help myself.” she said, genuinely concerned for my well-being, “I thought I wouldn’t forget my own strength so much anymore, but I got so excited and-”

I put a finger to her lips.

“It’s okay, Tantabus,” I told her, taking my finger away afterwards, “I understand. Besides, it’s not the first time this happened and I’m still alive to tell the tale.”

Tantabus giggled at the last remark I made before ruffling my hair, “You do have a point.”

Despite being slightly free from her, there was still something I wanted to say to Tantabus before leaving. So, I looked back towards Sombra, whose expression was still as bemused as ever.

“Sombra. In all seriousness, can you give me a few more minutes with Tantabus?” I asked him, which earned a confused expression from him before I insisted, “I just want to tell her something before going with you. I’ll get right back to training afterwards, I promise.”

“Boy, I hardly think now is the time for you to make a final say to your giantess. We haven’t got-”

“It’s alright, Sombra!” Luna called out, which made me, Sombra, and Tantabus turn in her direction to find her just standing in front of the machine, “I need to make a couple more adjustments on this obstacle course anyway! Spencer still has a few more minutes of break time to go!”

I saw Sombra sigh with a disgruntled expression, “Very well, then. Your break time will be extended by mere minutes.”

“Yes, Sir.” I said with a salute.

“But…” He told me with a wave of a finger, a very serious expression dawning on his face, “If you do not report back to the course by then, even if your delay is only by a minute, I will use the magic of my horn to roast your hide.”

A horrified expression dawned on my face, and my arm suddenly trembled a bit as I kept it in salute position.

“Y-Yes, Sir.” I told him with a gulp.

Sombra then turned to leave and headed back to the course. As he walked away, I put my arm down and gained a more relaxed composure.

I looked back towards Tantabus with a smile on my face, all the while noting the softness of her evening wrap as it was around me. And as we stared at each other, I noted how curious and surprised she seemed, which was likely because she probably didn’t expect me to insist on staying with her a bit longer.

“I’m surprised you’d want to stay with me even after I got carried away with my hugging again, Spencer,” Tantabus told me, before giving a cute tilt of her head, “What is it?”

“Tantabus,” I started, before taking a deep breath and saying, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For being such a great friend to me,” I grasped her hands with my own as they held onto her wrap, “Even when I didn’t want to talk about my problems, you still made an effort to reach out to me. You never gave up on me. You encouraged me to be more open, honest, and trusting towards you despite how much I nearly pushed you away. And in all the times when I was depressed and stressed beyond anything, you provided me with comfort and guidance,” I opened her palms with mine, connecting our hands together despite the evening wrap being between them, “I’m truly grateful to have met you, and that you’re my friend. Thank you.”

And in that moment, Tantabus not only further grasped her hands on mine but began shedding tears. Tears that weren’t of sadness, but of joy.

“Oh, Spencer,” she said, her voice sounding emotional enough for an angel to weep, “You’re so sweet.”

In the blink of an eye, she closed the distance between us once more and gave me another hug. Unlike the last one, this hug was not as bone-crushing.

“You’re welcome.” She said to me, tightening her hold on me a bit.

I hugged her in return, firmly planting my hands against her back to show how much I loved her. I even added onto that with some slight shimmying, relishing the feel of her dress and body. I heard her giggling as I did this, and when I stopped…nothing but silence came. I couldn’t help but wonder if either my shimmying was tickling her or if she was just touched by my display of affection.

“Spencer,” she softly said to me. She took a deep breath, my body heaving with her chest as she inhaled and exhaled, “I want you to know that our time together today has meant more to me than you think. And I promise you this: As long as I am here with you, even when we’re alone together, you’re safe.”

She then petted my hair using the hand of the arm on my mouth area, “But if I’m not here, then beware. For Misery will surely be near. And not even Master Luna or King Sombra can deter her.”

She took her head away from the top of mine until she stared down at me, and I eased the strength of my arms off her and stared at her even though she literally towered over me. And as I stared at her, she was no longer smiling, even as I kept my hands on her skirt area and her hands and evening wrap were still on my back.

“Why do you say that?” I asked, feeling puzzled and concerned beyond anything before pointing out, “Luna was able to combat Misery by herself before you and I met, and Sombra did show that he had some tricks up his sleeves.”

“All of that is very true,” She gently moved one of her hands away from my back and gently cupped my cheek with it, “But, those times were different,” the small glow from her irises appeared again, “As she continues to live, she grows stronger and stronger. I still have the capability of combating her because I’m a being similar to her, and she can’t kill me because I was created out of the goodness of Master Luna’s heart. But, she’s growing to the point of where she could still best me in battle if I don’t keep my wits about me.”

“Can’t you kill her yourself, then?”

“Unfortunately, no. I was created by Luna to do many things, including to manipulate dreams, but killing another creature isn’t one of them. I can hurt and deter someone, but I can’t kill them. If I did try to kill someone, even by using a vat of hot lava, the victim would still manage to live through my attempts. Misery is no exception to this either, because Sombra created her to withstand any sort of Equestrian magical defense skill, even when used by an alicorn,” she paused before a smile came on her face, “In spite of this, I believe that’s why Sombra is training you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

The glow in her eyes disappeared, “I’m no mind reader, but I believe you could very well be the key to destroying Misery,” She gently stroked my cheek with her hand, “Even as I look at you, I also see that there is something inside of you that’s far greater than any of us could imagine. Sombra and Luna can see it too, which is another reason as to why they’re training you. And another reason for why I want to be your friend, if I may add,” Her stroking ceased, and she put her other hand on my other cheek, “You’re truly an amazing and very special individual, Spencer. Deep down, you’re greater than you yourself likely think, and I’m willing to help you see why to the best of my ability.”

She moved her hands away from my cheeks and put them on my shoulders.

“No matter what, I hope to always be your closest friend.” She told me, infinite sincerity in her voice.

When she told me this, I couldn’t help but tear up a bit.

I lunged back onto Tantabus and embraced her tighter than ever before, which caused her hands to leave my shoulders and be planted against my back again.

“Tantabus,” I said, before looking directly at her, “Instead of my closest friend, why not be…my best friend?”

And for the second time in my life, I saw her eyes water. Watering not because of sadness, but joy.

“I’d like that very much.” Tantabus told me, before leaning her head down and nuzzling the back of my head.

When she stopped her nuzzling, resting her head against mine, the two of us just stood there in stillness and closed our eyes. We hugged like our very lives depended on it, each of us taking in one another’s warmth. I felt like a bear cub against its mother, and ironically…I loved it.

After just a minute, which felt like an eternity to the two of us, we separated from our hug. I took my hands away from my back and she took hers away from mine. I backed away from her, but not to the point of where I’d stretch her evening wrap too much since it was still behind my back. And as I stood in front of her, I once again couldn’t help but note how beautiful she looked. The dress she wore was gorgeous, and she looked like royalty with the pearls holding her hair and lining it.

“By the way, Tantabus, you should totally consider wearing that dress more often,” I told her with a slight bow, “It suits you.”

Tantabus giggled and gave a curtsy, “Thank you,” She then took her evening wrap off my back before placing it behind her own, “And I’d love to consider that offer. Not only because of your feedback, mind you, but due to it undeniably being my favorite ensemble to wear.”

“I can see why,” I agreed with understanding, suddenly growing bashful and blushing, “It really is gorgeous. Just like you, whom I always found to be beautiful even from the time we first met.”

Tantabus giggled again, this time a blush coming on her cheeks.

“Oh, Spencer, stop it,” She bashfully said with a wave of her hand, “Thou art making my face fill up with heat.”

I couldn’t help but smirk, “Well, to be fair, you did often call me things like cute or handsome. Which often came with tight hugs where I’d find my face to be against your breast.”

“Touche,” Tantabus said with an eye roll, although her voice carried hints of mischievousness, “I suppose tying my evening wrap around you would be the next thing you’ll be adding onto the list of doting gestures from me to you.”

“Yep.” I quickly replied with a nod, “After all, you are my best friend, right?”


Just then, the two of us heard someone whistling in our direction. We turned to find that Luna and Sombra were looking at us again, Luna with a fond smirk and Sombra with a bemused expression. Judging by their faces, I theorized that I was either late to join them for training or was cutting it close.

I sighed as I turned my attention back to her and she to me.

“I better get going,” I told her.

“Quite right,” She agreed, before giving me a bow with her head, “Good luck out there.”


Despite feeling reluctant to leave her side, I turned tail and quickly ran towards Sombra and Luna. I kept myself from looking back as I did, mainly because I felt that doing so would only cause me to stop. It turned out to work quite well for me, because I soon managed to meet up with Sombra and Luna in what felt like no time at all.

“I’m so sorry, guys,” I told them with sincere contrite, “I didn’t keep you waiting too long, did I?”

“Oh, no. You actually made it by a few seconds,” Sombra replied, “In spite of my low expectations, and perhaps yours, you managed to beat the clock.”

I gave a sigh of relief upon hearing this. Knowing Sombra, he really would roast my hide if I was late, and I could already feel my butt being burned to a crisp just thinking about it.

“You weren’t serious about roasting his hide if he was late, were you, Sombra?” Luna asked with a questioning look.

“Of course I was,” he replied, an edge of seriousness in his voice, “The last thing we need is for this new recruit to slack off, and we are in enough of a tight schedule already.”

“I do agree that Spencer shouldn’t be shirking from his training too long, but threatening him isn’t the way to motivate him back into it,” Luna sternly commented, taking a deep breath afterwards, “But, as much as I’d like to argue about this any further, and ask Spencer what he and Tantabus have been up to today, I believe it’s best that we focus our attention back to training again.”

She disappeared from Sombra’s side with a flash, then reappeared a little ways off on a giant set of portable stairs. She waved at me as she was on the top, to which I waved back before looking back towards Sombra.

"I suppose that the boy needs some nourishment for his early morning routine, Luna?" he said mockingly, "would he require fresh eggs, a loaf of bread and a tall tankard of milk to fill his belly?" he paused and thrusted a thumb passed me, "I'm certain that Tantabus will happily provide with the latter."

"Now Sombra, must you be so blunt?" Princess Luna said back, though my ears were burning from ear to ear from hearing that.

"You want me to be honest, I'm giving it to you as bluntly as possible. Besides, with the way they have acted I'm certain she would oblige," he retorted while Princess Luna rolled her eyes in disgust.

“If I were to make an obvious guess, I take it that the obstacle course in front of us is the next thing in my training.” I commented and attempted to change the subject. Sombra turned to me and snorted out in agreement.

“Indeed,” he confirmed with a nod, “And the benefits of your break being extended by a few minutes is by the talented prodigy of the moon and I ensured everything was perfect and in tip-top shape.”

“I guess it beats running,” I said, still feeling the beat.

I said that, but I happened to notice a giant ball held by a metal chain was being lowered by Princess Luna and her magic a little ways ahead. She bore a smirk as she looked at her creation before her. With a twinkle of her nose and wave of her hands, several spikes the length of swords came out on all sides of the ball. The large spiked ball began swinging aimlessly in circles in the non-existent wind while Princess Luna went on ahead onto the next trap.

“Can I go back to running? I think I missed a lap.” I nervously said and took a step back.

I tried to turn around, but then…I saw Tantabus out on the wooden stands. She was still wearing her grape purple ensemble, but she was waving her flag and giving me a look of encouragement.

Sombra held me firm and shoved me forward towards the first set of obstacles of death laid before me.

"Take a leap of faith boy! Your life depends on it!"

It just so happened that as I was stumbling forward a large wooden beam was aiming down on my left and about to knock me off the platform.

This was going to hurt.

Tantabus watched as Spencer got pummeled by the wooden beam Luna created. She couldn’t help but cringe when that happened, although she was grateful that this wasn’t happening in the real world, because out there…it would take more than massages to get him back on his feet.

“Get back up and move it, Boy!” She heard Sombra say, his tone and shouting being one that could make the bark of a Canterlot Guard Captain seem pathetic.

Thankfully, Spencer was able to get off the ground and go right back into traversing through the training course. She saw him run through it with all the bravery and agility he had, which made her so giddy. It showed that he was getting better in his training everyday, and she had a feeling that their talk encouraged Spencer to improve over how he tackled his training before.

As Spencer kept going, Tantabus suddenly couldn’t help but look down at the ensemble she was currently wearing. Her gown truly was the comfiest she ever wore thanks to the fabric and design, and even despite not looking at herself in a mirror she believed that it was the most beautiful dress she ever created.

Deciding that she couldn’t wait to see how she looked, she stood up from her seat, caused the benches between her to stretch away to the side, and made a large rectangular mirror appear beside her. She turned to see that she looked more beautiful with it on than in all the dresses she wore before. She gave a twirl to find that her evening wrap truly complimented her gown immensely; she saw that her hem made her look like a walking grape-colored violet; and she closely looked at the pearls decorating her hair into a bun and found it to be gorgeous beyond anything. It reminded her so much of how Master Luna would occasionally dress for certain celebrations and occasions.

She then made her mirror disappear, caused the benches between her to come back towards her, and sat back down. She looked back towards the training course and hugged herself, as if just touching it would help her reminisce about the texture of Spencer’s body and the hugging she and Spencer frequently did today.

When she stopped hugging herself, she grabbed her evening wrap as it was behind her back and brought it to the front of her body. She looked at it as she held the center of the wrap, instantly growing fond of it as well. Especially because it reminded her of the moments she had it wrapped around Spencer.

“Spencer,” She said to herself, taking a deep breath and warmly smiling while looking at the evening wrap, “I have a feeling that today, our friendship has grown into something far more than any of us expected.”

She then hugged the center of the wrap against herself, like she was hugging Spencer again.

“I promise, I will never let Misery keep you as her captive again. And to show that I mean it, I will ask Master Luna if she can relieve me of being her guardian for a time…so that I may be your personal guardian,” She let go of the evening wrap, causing the center to drop until it was against her belly, “I only hope she could grant my request. After all, it may be the only way for you to continue your training without Misery constantly interfering. With you and Tempest’s minds having apparently been linked by her, we’ll need a new strategy as to how we can protect you both from her.”

Tantabus then grabbed the evening wrap before putting it behind her back again. And as she started watching Spencer go through the course again, she felt relaxed because of how well he was doing…and anxious due to not knowing what the future may hold.

Author's Note:

It has been far too long. More will come gradually.

Good to be back.